Zuur's Garden
by Sean MeaneySo you dared to Dimension Door into a Rock on a Blood Moon
Zuur was a Magicuser in the Thonian Empire. He left behind a portal in the wilderness where any dimension door cast on a blood moon that would exit in stone, will redirect the traveller to the Pillars of Zuur now located in Desert (Originally the location was a Garden walled by great stone walls). Many have over thousands of years been redirected to Zuur's Garden. Unprepared for the harsh desert they often met their end in the wilderness. Its location is in Mystaran year 1000AC in the rocky desert of Davania's inland one thousand miles south of Ravenscarp. A search of the location will find Treasure type A scattered about between various remains. The pillars are about ten feet tall. There are ancient runes on them requiring a Read Magic:
Right: "Blood Moon overhead you have fallen."
Left: "now in Zuur's Garden you stand."
Wherever you are visibility is terribly reduced, the very air drenched in a red that limits sight to ten feet at most.