Known World BC 1000, 8mph
by John CalvinMaps
Map of Known World BC 1000, 8 miles per hex by John Calvin, January 2022 (Work In Progress)
Ok - this map is an absolute mess right now. I'm putting it out there as a straw-man and starting point to do some more development on. It's been a long while since I looked at these historical maps and I realize that my BC 1700 map probably needs some updating, and that I'll also have to do a couple of transition maps between BC 1700 and BC 1000. Not sure which time periods I want to try, but I think there are going to be at least 2 in between. That work (whenever it gets done) will probably necessitate some changes in this map (BC 1000).Sources:
Known World Area circa BC 1000Unofficial Maps:
Notes on XXX
- Nithia is at it's height on this map (just before it begins it's fall in BC 700). Nithia should include the Northern Reaches, Hutaaka & Traldar, Minrothad, and stretches along the Isle of Dawn, Davania, and the Savage Coast.
- There are several humanoid kingdoms including Oenkmar, the Kingdom of Wogar, and Realm of Othrong
- Rockhome exists along with territories for expansion that should stretch nearly to the southern coast of Brun. These territories will eventually become the Glittering Realm under the ruler ship of Loktal (but that kingdom will not be officially founded until BC 929.
- Malpheggi extends from the mainland and onto several of the Ierendi Islands (which they share with the Makai and Albarendi). By BC 500 all of the lizardfolk living here will be wiped out by the Nithian plague
- Albarendi are descendants from Taymora living on the Ierendi Island chains. See Hollow Moon for more information.
To Do List
- Continue to name all major geographical features.
- Seriously this map is a mess right now. I need to clean up non-relevant references from past ages, and start adding in current (as of BC 1000) civilization labels.
- Gaz Series (nearly all of them)
- There are a ton of other references. I'll add them as I update this map.
- Ancient Nithia 1500BC-8 mile hexes by Robin
- Mystaros’ Ancient Nithia, 24 miles per hex by James Mishler / Thorfinn Tait
- Broken Lands: https://mystara.thorfmaps.com/broken-lands-8/, https://mystara.thorfmaps.com/lower-broken-lands-8/
- History of Traladara series: 1000 BC: The Gnoll Invasion by Francesco Defferrari
- Geomorphological History of the Broken Lands by Robin
Thanks to: Thorfinn Tait, for providing some wonderful graphics to use in all of our mapping projects.