The Political Maps of Skothar
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 20Introduction
Following the previous timeline of Skothar, here is a brief description of the people and nations of the continent of Skothar. I have placed on the map all the available canon and fan information, even if, in some cases, I have arbitrarily decided the position and borders of nations of which no map ever existed. All the rest is my creation as specified in the text below. Obviously this is meant only as a possible inspiration for Dungeon Masters wishing to set a campaign on Skothar as not everyone may wish to use the cultures and the nations described. To outline the history of Skothar I have created political maps of the continent in four different times: 7,050 BC, at the time of Lhomarr, 4,000 BC at the rise of Blackmoor, 2,300 BC after the Great Rain of Fire and 1,000 AC, the present time for most original Mystara products.
Skothar in 7,050 BC
[Map of Skothar in 7,050 BC]
http://pandius.com/Skothar7050BC.pngAt this time Lhomarr dominates southeastern Davania, while the rival reptilian empire of Y’hog dominates the northwest of the continent1. Skothar is only marginally involved in this conflict as Lhomarrians, once almost completely expelled from the continent by ancient Jennites, Tanagoro, reptilians and rakasta attacks, have now created several colonies in the regions of modern Minaea and Esterhold. Y’hog has tried to harass these colonies by helping and funding local reptilian people (mostly lizardmen, gatormen and frogfolk), with only partial success.
What follows is a description of the labels in the map in alphabetical order. Names in red are human populations, while names in purple are non-human populations. If the nation was present in canon or fan material, the name of the author is indicated and more details can be found in the previous article, the Timeline of Skothar. If the nation is my original creation, it is indicated as (New). The same tag is also added to some fan nations of which I have expanded the original description here and in the Timeline. The names referenced in parenthesis are those of the authors whose articles have already been linked in the previous article about the Timeline of Skothar.
Afridhi: These people should just have formed from Vantalian Neathars which mixed with local Jennite Oltecs, see previous article (Canon, New).
Ailusti: A land inhabited by an unique race often confused with rakasta, possibly a hengeyokai breed, or related to the Mythu’nn folk of Brun. Inspired by the Ailuridae family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ailuridae (New).
Bayasta: A neologism coined by me for the Bay rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_cat (New).
Beastmen: In canon their origin is given at 5,000 BC, but I would consider them much more ancient creatures. In Blackmoor d20 they can resemble apes, badgers, bears, bisons, boars, bulls, dogs, goats, weasels, wolves, or wolverines, making them possibly related to canon neshezu, minotaurs, goatmen, lupins, or hengeyokai (see below). Otherwise, in this age they could also be substituted by cryions or rakasta. (Blackmoor 3th ed, New).
Caracasta: A canon breed of rakasta which in this age still lives in the plains of Skothar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caracal (Heard, Neri, New).
Chirost: Northern cold lands inhabited by bat-like creatures, inspired by the cryion race which appears in the AC9 and 1993 Creature Catalogues (New).
Deres: Nomadic humans descended from Jennites and Kho-Tanagoro. In this age they have probably not domesticated the horse yet (Biles).
Drivi: A nation of Tanagoro humans loosely inspired by ancient India or by Viridistan in the Wilderlands setting. Also inhabited by sherkasta, pachydermions and other rakasta breeds (New). Dunharian: Mystaran Celts, a branch of Neathars. Some of them will settle the Isle of Dawn and several regions of Brun, like Robrenn. Also inspired by the Ethnographic History of Mystara. The group living in Skothar at this time worship the local fairy folk.
Dwa: A branch of Tanagoro humans loosely inspired by Melanesian people which by this age have already settled the Sea Kingdoms (Threshold issue #9, New)
Dwarves: The first dwarves from Brun and Alphatia should have reached Skothar around this time, slowly moving toward the region of Blackmoor (Canon).
Elves: Mentioned in this time in Blackmoor setting sources. They could have recently arrived from Evergrun in Davania and also be present in other areas of the continent (Canon, Havard, Threshold issue #10).
Faenare: Canon creatures which in this age are common in all the eastern mountains of Skothar (Canon, New).
Fairy folk: In this age, the most ancient forests of the continent are still inhabited by fairy folk, wild and often feared by humans and rakasta. The region is also inhabited by hengeyokai (badgerfolk, cranefolk, foxfolk, harefolk, hedgehogfolk, monkeyfolk, ostrichfolk, pangolinfolk, ratfolk, sparrowfolk, spiderfolk), possibly breeds of aranea, gyerians, lupins and pooka, or unknown types of faeries (New).
Gatormen: These people inhabit many swamp regions of the Tangor Gulf in this age, often ruling over lizardmen, frogfolk and even rakasta. Y’hog agents are trying to influence them and push them to Outer Being worship (Canon, Gander, New).
Giant Kingdoms: competing giant jarls and kingdoms of cloud, storm, frost, mountain, hill and fire giants dominate many regions of northernmost Skothar in this age (New).
Giants: The mountains of Skothar in this age are inhabited by many giants, mainly mountain and cloud giants (New).
Golcasta: A neologism coined by me for the Golden rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta inhabiting eastern Skothar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_golden_cat (New).
Gyerians: A huge variety of gyerian breeds roam in this age the plains and forests of Skothar: from ostrich gyerians to crow gyerians, also known as kenku, thrushes, woodpeckers, hornbills, parrots, pelicans, storks, ibises, flamingos, pheasants and cranes, gyerians comes in all shapes, colours and sizes. And they are not the only intelligent bird like creatures around, as hsiao too are common in the woods, harpies in the hills and faenare in the mountains of Skothar (Canon, New).
Harim: A nation created by the Harimau-Belang sherkasta, i.e. the southern sherkasta breed. (Heard, Neri, New).
Herpesta: A neologism coined by me for a people inspired by the mongoose: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongoose which could be superficially similar to the Jorri of the Savage Coast (New).
Hivebrood: These canon insect-like creatures have been fought and almost exterminated both by humans and rakasta, but have not been completely eradicated (Canon, New).
Ibussa: A nation ruled by the Ibu Tanagoro created by JTR, also with a sizable rakasta and Mawa population (New).
Khar: A nation formed by humans descended of Jennites and Lhomarrians, could be inspired by Karak in the Wilderlands setting. Inhabited also by pardasta, other rakasta and hengeyokai (New).
Kna, Shark-kin, Kopru: Canon creatures which inhabit the underwater regions of the Sea Kingdoms in this age. Possibly a limited number of merrows and sea giants are also settling in the region by now (Canon, New).
Jen: The land of the Jennites, which in this age have not yet domesticated the horse and are just beginning to keep auroch cattle. Many of them still live in a forest environment (Canon, New).
Jen-Cirk: an offshoot of Jennites which travelled far north and mixed with local Neathar. Inspired by the real world Circassian people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassians) and by the nation of Cirkhosia, mentioned in the Blackmoor setting (Havard, New).
Jen-Kha: A branch of Jennites related to the kingdom of Khar, but not subject to it (New).[Image: Nomad people in the plains]
Caption: Nomad people in the plains
Jen-Yal: Jennite people which will become the ancestors of the Yalu people of Brun, the Huleans and other related populations, as mentioned in A Timeline of the Oltec Man (dos Santos, Agosta).
Jen-Wan: A branch of the Jennites who have settled on the rivers of eastern Skothar and will originate the nation of Wa, later to become Chung Eun Empire (MOrient, New).
Juncasta: A neologism coined by me for the Jungle rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta common in this age in the Tangor area https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungle_cat (New).
Lhomarrians: People of mixed Maharian and Oltec descent. Several independent Lhomarrian city states are here, occasionally harassed by lizardmen and gatormen. The region is also inhabited by gyerians and some sherkasta (Gander, New).
Lyncasta: A neologism coined by me to indicate the canon Lynxman rakasta. They are quite numerous in this age in the temperate northern area of Skothar, but divided in clans and small tribes (Heard, Neri, New).
Macaze: A neologism created by me for a race inspired by the Asian macaque: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaque which could be related to the canon Neshezu of the Savage Coast (Canon, Threshold issue #18, New).
Manusta: A neologism for the Manul rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallas%27s_cat) which in this age is common in central Skothar (New).
Marmocasta: A neologism coined by me for the Marbled rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta which lives all around the Tangor bay: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marbled_cat (New).
Mawa: A Oltec descended people created by me as partial ancestors of the Makai, Pearl Island natives and inhabitants of the Sea Kingdoms, inspired by Polynesian people (Threshold issue #5, #9, #11, New).
Musti: A neologism coined by me for a people inspired by Asian martens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marten which could be related to the Jorri of the Savage Coast (Threshold issue #18, New).
Neathar: In this age more Neathar people inhabit the region which will become modern Thonia. Lyncasta and fairy folk are also probably present in the area. These Neathar could be Dunharians or Vantalians or Maharian (Southern Neathar, from Ethnographic History of Mystara), or a bit of all, and also mixed with Valoin (Oltecs).
Nebasta: A neologism coined by me for the canon Cloud Pardasta which in this age should inhabit many mountains of southern and eastern Skothar: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neofelis_nebulosa (Heard, Neri).
Nor: A nation of Tanagoro humans with some Jennite blood, loosely inspired by ancient Nubia or Ghinor in the Wilderlands setting (New).
Orazu: A neologism coined by me for a race inspired by orangutans: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orangutan which could be related to the canon Neshezu of the Savage Coast (Canon, Threshold issue #18, New).
Ota-Wa: A neologism coined by me for a variant breed of the Omm-wa of the Savage Coast inspired by Eared seals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eared_seal (Threshold issue #18, New).
Pachydermion: Even if most of them have already emigrated to Patera, a sizable population of pachydermions still live in the region (Canon, Agosta, Neri).
Pardasta: A breed of rakasta which is common in Central Skothar (Heard, Neri).
Pardista: A neologism for the Leopard cat rakasta, a small breed of the Pardasta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_cat (New).
Peshwah: These people are described in canon Blackmoor material and should be related to the Jennite Oltecs. In this age they could be the first to domesticate the horse (Canon, New).
Pricasta: A neologism coined by me for the Fishing rakasta, Flat-headed rakasta and Rusty rakasta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prionailurus, small local varieties of the domestic rakasta (New).
Reptilians (north): In this age the region which will become Blackmoor is dominated by lizardmen, gatormen and frogfolk, as mentioned in Blackmoor d20 material (Canon).
Reptilians (Minaean coast): In this age this region is inhabited by lizardmen, gatormen, frogfolk and dragons, influenced by Y’hog against the Lhomarrians (Gander, New).
Sancasta: A neologism for the Sand rakasta, a small variety of the domestic rakasta: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_cat (New).
Sherkasta and Tagh: The Tagh Sherkasta have created their own nation in the mountains of north central Skothar. Not all the sherkasta have joined the nation, and some still live in independent families and clans (Heard, Neri, New).
Sicista: A neologism for the Skotharian mountain rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta common in northeastern Skothar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_mountain_cat (New).
Simbasta: The Skotharian breed of the Simbasta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiatic_lion (New).
Skandaharians: Antalian people mentioned in the Blackmoor setting, ancestors of the Antalians of northern Brun. In this age the Skandaharians have not built yet their longships and are divided into competing clans (Canon, various fan works).
Spardasta: A neologism I have created for the canon Snow Pardasta created by Bruce Heard in the article Rakasta of Mystara which appeared on Dragon Magazine #247 in May 1998. In this age they mostly inhabit the mountains of northern Skothar (Heard, Neri).
Ta-Ibu: a branch of the Tanagoro humans created by JTR, could be related to the Karimari which ended up in southern Brun (JTR, New).
Ta-Janbu: A Tanagoro population which will rise to prominence in the region after learning to produce metal tools and weapons (JTR).
Ta-Kho: Tanagoro humans of the northern plains, who have recently domesticated the auroch. Inspired by Khoisan people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khoisan (JTR, New).[Image: Ta-Kho people]
Caption: Ta-Kho people
Tangor: The area inhabited by the Tanagoro humans and a first nucleus of the nation of Tangor, later to become the first Tangor Empire (Canon, Mishler, New).
Ta-Sakus: Tanagoro humans which will later create the Kingdom of Saku, loosely inspired by ancient Kush: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Kush (JTR).
Tenat: A nation of Lhomarrians and Jennites, Lenap of the Wilderlands setting could be used as inspiration. Inhabited also by rakasta and gyerians (New).
Thonia: The nation of Thonia has just been formed, ruled by the High Thonians, an Antalian people, but mainly inhabited by Common Thonians, usually of Vantalian or Maharian Neathar descent. Fairy folk are also present in the nation (Canon).
Tin’a: A matriarchal nation of Lhomarrians and Jennites, Tarantis of the Wilderlands setting could be used as inspiration. Also inhabited by rakasta and gyerians (New).
Vani: A nation of Valoin humans (Mystaran Ugro-Finns) which have special relations with local fairies and some rakasta accepted in their communities, created by me but inspired by the Ethnographic History of Mystara (Caroletti, Gander, Agosta, New).
Vantalian: More Vantalian people inhabit the central forests, divided in tribes and clans (New).
Vivesta: A neologism coined by me for a race inspired by Asian civets and bearcats: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viverridae, a people often confused with a rakasta breed but not related to rakasta beyond a slightly similar appearance (New).
Wilcasta: A neologism for the Steppe rakasta, a variety of the domestic rakasta adapted to life in the steppes of central Skothar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asiatic_wildcat) (New).
Yevan: A Vantalian (Mystaran Slavs) people which will originate the Yevo people of Brun, ancestor of the Empire of Zuyevo created by Adrian Mattias (http://pandius.com/zuyemp.html) (Mattias, Threshold issue #9).
Zyxl: In this age the northeastern island is very big and inhabited mostly by gyerians, faenare, cloud pardasta and some hivebrood. The other eastern islands are also inhabited by other rakasta breeds and by some lizardmen, gatormen, chameleon men, tortles and crabmen.
Skothar in 4,000 BC[Map of Skothar in 4,000 BC]
http://pandius.com/Skothar4000BC.pngAt this time Blackmoor has gained independence from the Thonian Empire and will begin its rise to power, mostly thanks to the technomagic items developed after contact with the alien visitors of the F.S.S Beagle starship. Elves, gnomes, dwarves and hin have arrived in Skothar, but rakasta and other non-human populations are still quite numerous in the interior of the continent. In the following millenium up to the Great Rain of Fire of 3,000 BC Blackmoor will become more and more powerful and the Beastmen Crusades will often target not only the beastmen but also several other non-human races, shrinking their number and territories all over the continent.
As above, what follows is a description of the labels in the map in alphabetical order. Names in red are human populations, while names in purple are non-human populations. When borders are present, this means there is a structured nation (with a recognizable leader and a government), while if borders are omitted this means the population is divided in tribes or groups, competing or not.
Afridhi: The territory conquered by the growing Afridhi Empire, including the former Valelands, the Duchy of Ten and the Peshwah lands of western Hak (Canon).
Avalon: A realm of fairy folk, dragons, hengeyokai and rakasta, inspired by Arthurian myths. Valon from the Wilderlands setting could also be used for this region (New).
Beastmen: In this time, beastmen have spread in almost all the northern and central regions of Skothar, menacing both humans and other races (Canon).
Blackmoor: Blackmoor as described in the DA series and the namesake setting. The Kingdom of Blackmoor also includes sizable populations of dwarves, gnomes, elves and halflings and other creatures such as beastmen, ash goblins, lizardmen, gatormen and frogfolk (Canon).
Coot: Territory of the mysterious Egg of Coot, inhabited by his thralls of many races, from frogfolk and beastmen to many others (Canon).
Detran: A nation of Lhomarrians and Jennites which has a sizable population of tieflings. Inspired by the Demon Empires of the Wilderlands setting and by the fact that Blackmoor 4th ed setting had tieflings (New).
Drivi: This kingdom has grown, often competing with Harang and Nor (New).
Frisia and Rhun: Antalian inhabited nations, later to be conquered by Eastern Skandaharians (Havard, Canon).
Grakan: Dragons secretly rule here over lizardmen and gatormen subjects (New).
Harang: The realm of the Harimau-Belang sherkasta has become bigger too (New).
Hin: By this time halflings should have reached Skothar from Davania, settling in different regions around Thonia and Blackmoor (Canon, Dalmonte).
Ibussa: This nation has grown by this time and dominate eastern Tangor (New).
Jen-Zu and Jen-Ro: The northern, patriarchal Jennite population is now dominated by followers of Zugzul and in competition with the southern matriarchal Jennites, dominated by Ordana., Aa conflict begins to unfold that anticipates and mirrors the one between followers of Tarastia and Rathanos after the Great Rain of Fire (New).
Khar: This nation has grown extensively by now (New).
Lhoman: A nation of loosely allied cities, descended from Lhomarrians which however have almost forgotten their old empire (Gander, New).
Lhotec: In modern Esterhold, descendants of Lhomarrians have now mixed with Oltec people from the Alphatian sea (Canon, Dalmonte, New).
Lum: A powerful city state, descended from Lhomarrian people, who control trade in the region (JTR).
Lyncasta: The growth of human kingdoms and the Thonian Empire in particular has pushed the lynxmen rakasta to the north of the continent. (Heard, Neri).
Nor: This realm too has grown, competing with Tangor for control of the region (New).
Peaks: Duchy of the Peaks, inhabited by humans of Thonian origin but including slaves of all races, see the article dedicated to it in this same issue of Threshold (Canon).
Peshwah: Eastern Hak, inhabited by the Peshwah, now allied with Thonia against the Afridhi expansion (Canon).
Satum: A kingdom founded by Tanagoro people with some Oltec blood, who absorbed the older Saku kingdom, inspired by Aksum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Aksum (JTR).
Shefa: A powerful city state bordering the Empire of Thonia (JTR).
Skandaharia: Eastern Skandaharians are by now often united under a Jarl which leads them to destructive raids against Thonia, Blackmoor and other people (Canon).
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta nation has grown by this time, bordering Thonia (Neri, New). Tangor: The First Tangor Empire has grown in the southern central region. Its population includes also rakasta, aranea, lizardmen, reptilian and frogfolk, sometimes but not always accepted as proper subjects of the realm (Canon, New).
[Image: Tangor statues representing a Tangor man and a Blackmoorian]
Caption: Tangor statues representing a Tangor man and a Blackmoorian
Thonia: The Empire has reached a great expansion in eastern Skothar, including in its territory dwarves, gnomes, elves and halflings, fairy folk and possibly some rakasta (Canon, Havard).
Valley of the Ancients: South of Blackmoor, this land is inhabited by the Ungolwaith or sand folk and geonids, and nearby mountains also by dragonborn (Canon, Blackmoor 4th ed).
Vani: By this time this Valoin nation has united. In later Blackmoor times it will fall under the influence of Skandaharia, despite several rebellions against it (New).
Wan: A realm created by Jennite people, inspired by ancient China (MOrient, New).The expansion of Blackmoor and the persecution of “beastmen”
In the later Blackmoorian times, i.e. from 4,000 to 3,000 BC, the power of Blackmoor continues to grow in the continent. Ancient enemies are completely destroyed, such as Coot and the Afridhi, and two “Beastmen Crusades” target not only “proper” beastmen, but also gyerians, rakasta, giants and many others, including some group of elves. The crusades of 3,480 and 3,220 BC and the fight against the Serpentine Empire in Davania culminate in 3,200 BC with the attack on the Harimau-Belang sherkasta and the Pachydermion and their escape to Patera after the realm of Harang is destroyed. The kingdom of the Tagh sherkasta was destroyed much before, in 3,500 BC, forcing the survivors to hide in the most remote mountains. Reptilian creatures, considered agents of the Serpentines, have been persecuted so much they survive only deep underground or in the more remote swamps. The sand folk of the Valley of the Ancients, despite never being enemies of Blackmoor, are deported to the Adri Varma region in Brun to use them as soldiers against beastmen. Even the dragonborn, once allies of Blackmoor, are persecuted after 3,200 BC. The reptilian kingdom of Grakan and the tiefling kingdom of Detran are destroyed in 3,320 BC, and nearby rakasta people are persecuted as well. This racist attitude infects also other human realms, such as Skandaharia and Tangor, which often applies the same ethnic cleansing policies toward beastmen and rakasta. Still, rakasta and other non-human people manage to survive in the more remote regions of Skothar, and their number will grow again after the Great Rain of Fire. Between 3,150-3,135 BC the dragons of Skothar try in vain to destroy Blackmoor, but are defeated as well. Fairy folk by now have become completely hostile to the once friendly Blackmoor and Thonia, and have severed all the links between their hidden realms and Skothar.
[Image: Blackmoorian troops attacking a Tangor tribe]
Caption: Blackmoorian troops attacking a Tangor tribe
Late Blackmoor is not only racist, but also colonialist. In 3,285 BC the Edicts of Westport ends slavery in Blackmoor, but the trade continues outside the borders of Blackmoor proper, even in Thonia. The targets of slavery are almost always other humans, as beastmen and rakasta are not tolerated in Blackmoor territories, not even as servants. The consequence is that many human kingdoms, such as Drivi and Ibussa, are destroyed by direct Blackmoorian interventions or Proxy wars because they defied the will of the powerful empire and many people, as the Deres, are enslaved. Other kingdoms, such as Shefa, Khar, Lum and others, are reduced to be de-facto client states of Blackmoor.
When the Great Rain of Fire strikes in 3,000 BC, many people in Skothar have reason to feel that Blackmoor fully deserved the Wrath of the Immortals, but the cataclysm harms all the inhabitants of the continent, which will take centuries to recover.Skothar in 2,300 BC
[Map of Skothar in 2,300 BC]
http://pandius.com/Skothar2300BC.pngAt this time, chosen because it is the date of the post-cataclysmic Taymora setting developed by John Calvin2 for the Known World, Skothar is recovering from the cataclysm. The Jennites, dominated by the Church of Tarastia, have extensive power at the centre of the continent, and the humanoids have not returned yet to the continent. The hivebrood however have invaded several regions and are a terrible threat in all the continent. In late Blackmoorian times (3,500-3,000) beastmen were effectively exterminated in the continent and rakasta and other non-human people were often labelled as such and suffered the same fate, or were severely restricted in their territories. Now however they are spreading again all over Skothar.
As above, what follows is a description of the labels in the map from North to South (and from West to East when applicable). Names in red are human populations, while names in purple are non-human populations. When borders are present, this means there is a structured nation (with a recognizable leader and a government), while if borders are omitted this means the population is divided in tribes or competing groups.
In several cases I have indicated real, historical or modern nations as inspiration for the fantasy realms listed below. This is intended only as a guideline to provide suggestions and ideas that could be used to create a fantasy culture as happened in canon Mystaran products.
After an interesting discussion on The Piazza Thunder Rift forum with Gravesguardian3 I have decided Skothar is probably the perfect continent where to place the Rift. Its inhabitants should be refugees from Thonia and Blackmoor, even if they do not remember this anymore.Avalon: A mysterious and reclusive land inhabited by faeries, centaurs, sherkasta, lyncasta, gyerians, hengeyokai and possibly werecreatures (New).
Bek: A human Jennite culture which will later form the nation of Tasbek, loosely based on Uzbek people (New).
Bhadur: A nation of people descended from Jennites, Tanagoro and other humans, which will later split in Bhat and Dur, loosely based on ancient India and Pakistan (New).
Deathless: Thonian wizards which have survived the cataclysm by turning to the worship of Nyx (Burns, New)
Dragonborn: Resistant to the Wasting, dragonborn are rising in the mountains, now free from the Blackmoorian persecution (Blackmoor 4th ed, New).
Dwarves: Some dwarves which did not left for Brun settled in northern Teslan lands, renouncing Blackmoor technomagic (Calvin, Caroletti, New).
Circk: Descendants of the ancient Jen-Cirk live here, their land is also inhabited by several rakasta breeds. In later time they will be absorbed by the nation of Kisvan (New).
[Image: Jen-Circk attack on Vantalians]
Caption: Jen-Circk raiders attack Vantalians
Faenare: The eastern mountains are again the domain of faenare, pegataurs, sphinxes, rakasta, hengeyokai and ailusti (New).
Filmaelle: A flying elven city which crashed on Skothar (Peronnet).
Fris: These people are descended from displaced Antalians (Blackmoor, New).
Golden Khanate of Haca: A nation of Kha Jennite which is conquering a vast territory in the eastern Skotharian plain. The land is also inhabited by dragonchild and hengeyokai and rumors say the Khanate was created by fairies, and that the Khan really is a dragon (Canon, Burns, MOrient, Author, New).
Hivebrood: The Great Rain of Fire and the following centuries of cold and diseases greatly reduced the number of humans in the continent, and the hivebrood have profited of this new situation, spreading in all the continent and reaching Esterhold and Alphatia (Threshold issue #11, Burns). These creatures are powerful also in eastern and southern Skothar, where they have conquered extensive territories. More ancient than mammals, they consider all this just reclaiming what once belonged to them (Canon, Burns, Mattias, Caroletti New).
Humans: Displaced humans who will later find the Rift and inhabit it (Thunder Rift setting, New).
Ibu: The kingdom of these Tanagoro people was destroyed by Blackmoor. Now they are trying to rebuild it but are menaced by gatormen and hivebrood (JTR, New).
Jen-Ri: A branch of Jennites which do not follow Tarastia but mostly Djaea, their land is inhabited also by some rakasta and gyerians (Dalmonte, New).
Theocracy of Jen-Ta: The powerful and enlarging territory controlled by the Jennite clans which follow Tarastia. The land is also inhabited by some rakasta breeds, but also menaced by the spread of the hivebrood (Canon, New).
Kargash: The beholder city is powerful in this age and menaces nearby Tanagoro kingdoms (Robin).
Khatum: Giants have created a powerful kingdom in the mountains, loosely based on Nepal and also inhabited by snow pardasta and sherkasta (MOrient).
Kho: Land inhabited by the Kho Tanagoro (JTR, New).
Lyncasta and Giants: The north of the continent is dominated by lynxman rakasta and giants, which are taking back the territories Blackmoor took from them. Giants dominate in this cold age vast territories of the northern seas and in northern Brun.
Mawa: This branch of Jennites has settled this region of Skothar, many fleeing the hivebrood to the safety of the Sea Kingdoms (Threshold issue #9, New).
Nailan: A people formed by local Tanagoro people and enslaved Afridhi escaped from Thonia after the cataclysm (Caroletti).
Nasuuan: A people of Afridhi and Thonian descent which escaped the wastelands near Thonia and found a strangely warm land in the far north. Lyncasta, snow pardasta and sherkasta also live near them (Caroletti).
Nebasta: Cloud pardasta are rebuilding their numbers too, but like other people are menaced by the expansion of the hivebrood (Heard, Neri, New).
Orazu: These people are now free from Blackmoorian persecution but are menaced by the expanding hivebrood (New).
Paesh: These people descend from the Peshwah and were pushed southward by the terrible climate after the Rain of Fire. Now they are trying to rebuild their lives, but are menaced by the hivebrood expansion (Threshold issue #9, #11, New).
Phun: A culture of humans mostly of Jennite descent which will later form the Phu nation, loosely based on ancient Bhutan (MOrient).
Rakasta (eastern): The different rakasta breeds of eastern Skothar hardly had the time to rejoice for the demise of Blackmoorian, as all the chain is now being invaded by the hivebrood (New).
Rakasta hills: Almost exterminated during Blackmoorian times, many rakasta breeds and tribes have now reunited in this region of central Skothar, determined to resist the growing power of human empires (Heard, Neri, New).
Sakhal: A culture formed by a mix-up of Blackmoorian and Thonian refugees, descendants of slaves and dwarves (Biles).
Satum-Ka, Satum-Ib and Satum-Wa: The powerful kingdom has risen from the devastation of the Great Rain of Fire, but it is now divided between three rival dynasties and will slowly descent in utter chaos in the next centuries (JTR, New)
Sea Kingdoms: By now the Western Sea Kingdoms, south of Skothar, are inhabited by many sea creatures (kna, kopru, shark-kin, sea giants, merrows, narwhals, the ota-wa previously mentioned), by descendants of the Hatwa elves from Davania and by four human groups: the Dwa Tanagoro, the Mawa Jennites, the Lam and the Tanagoro. The Lam are descendants of Lhomarrians, Blackmoorians and Skandaharians colonist who have by now almost forgotten their different origins and joined as just one people. The Tanagoro arrived recently after the hivebrood invasion which destroyed the Second Tangor Empire (Canon, New).
[Image: Sea Kingdoms girl]
Caption: Sea Kingdomns girl
Sebgir: The “Daring Ones”, the Waros who have chosen to live near the mysterious fungus forest (Biles).
Shadelings: These wizards have recently submitted to the Church of Tarastia and are therefore tolerated in the expanding theocracy (Burns, New)
Sherkasta: Even if most of them fled to Patera in later Blackmoorian times, the Harimau-Belang sherkasta are now slowly rebuilding their numbers in southern Skothar (Heard, Neri).
Skain: Former Skandaharian colonists of eastern Skothar live here, trying to resist the hivebrood (Mishler, New).
Swanamutu: Southern and western Tangor coast, also inhabited by rakasta breeds, threatened by the hivebrood (Caroletti, New).
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta are expanding again in the mountains of Skothar. They may also consider concealing the existence of the Rift to the outside world a sacred task. The dwarven and gnomish refuge of Farseer should also be in the south of this region4 (Heard, Neri, Calvin, New). Tangor: The Third Tangor Empire has risen after the second was destroyed by hivebrood a couple of centuries ago, and is now trying to defend its territory from the insectoid creatures (New).
Tesla: Here is the center of the culture of sedentary Jennites, trying to preserve their independence from Jen-Ta and their homes from rising gatormen, lizardmen, frogfolk and hivebrood (dos Santos, Agosta, Caroletti).
Tocrch: After the cataclysm several populations of tortles, crabmen and chameleon men which lived on the islands near Zyxl have settled here (New).
New Thonia: A nation of Antalian and other humans, with minorities of dwarves, gnomes, elves, hin and rakasta. Loosely based on medieval Germany (Canon, Fan Almanacs).
Thorin: A land inhabited by dwarves since before the Great Rain of Fire (Canon, New).
Tisan: Ancestors of the people of Ti’sang, loosely based on ancient Tibet (MOrient, Arnden in this issue of Threshold).
TR: Thunder Rift, inhabited at this time only by dwarves and elves, refugees from Blackmoor and Thonia (Thunder Rift setting, New).
Ursi: The land still inhabited by Ursinians, a people of Afridhi and Tanagoro descent former slaves of Blackmoor. Most of them will settle in Nentsun in 710 BC to escape humanoid attacks (Caroletti).
Vabar: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans, loosely based on ancient Estonia (New)
Vaska: A nation of Vantalian humans, loosely based on ancient Poland (New).
Viat: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans, loosely based on ancient Latvia (New)
Wan: A branch of Jennites which will create a powerful kingdom, now however menaced by Haca and hivebrood (MOrient, New)
Waros: Descendants of the Deres nomads, which have changed their name to Waros, meaning “survivors” (Biles).
The Wasted Lands: The land formerly known as Blackmoor and Thonia, now a wasteland dotted with ruins and inhabited only by undead, degenerated creatures and mutants. Full of powerful technomagic items, but still contaminated with the Wasting disease, which affects anyone who stays for more than a week (Canon, New).
Yeong: A nation recently created by Wan Jennites, it is now threatened by the hivebrood (MOrient, New).
Zachen: The westerners, an informal group of displaced Antalian, Dunharian, Vantalian and Jennite people, loosely based on ancient Bohemia and Hungary, will be pushed eastward by the humanoid invasion of 1,700 BC (New).
Zyxl: Inhabited initially only by faenare, gyerians, macaze, ursi, musti, jorri and cloud pardasta, the island was devastated by the cataclysm, slowly joining the east of Skothar, and is now inhabited only by some corrupted crow gyerians, descendants of Skandaharian colonists affected by the wasting disease and newly arrived Tanagoro refugees (Canon, New).
Skothar in 1,000 AC[Map of Skothar in 1,000 BC]
http://pandius.com/Skothar1000AC.pngPresent time. Elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings exist in Skothar, but they are often isolated populations with aspect and customs quite different from their counterparts in Brun and humanoids have spread all over the continent after their initial invasion of 1,700 BC. Hivebrood, rakasta and other non-human races are well known in several regions of Skothar, and often human kingdoms include significant non-human populations.
As above, what follows is a description of the labels in the map from North to South (and from West to East when applicable). Names in red are human populations, while names in purple are non-human populations. Note that in this age the division is arbitrary, as many lands now have a mixed population of humans and non-humans. In general, the labels in red are those for the nations where the dominating population is human, even if it may not be the absolute majority. In this age, borders are almost always present as normally several structured nations (with a recognizable leader and a government) surround the territories which are still divided in tribes or groups. Some people live across state borders or in territories claimed by other nations, or share a territory without clear borders.
Adir: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro with some Jennite blood, also inhabited by tanagogre and macaze, loosely based on Somalia (New).
Akuba: A Tanagoro city state, also inhabited by some tanagogre and sherkasta (Caroletti).
Andhakarban: A savage territory dominated by sherkasta and inhabited also by pardasta, nebasta, juncasta and bayasta, with some Alphatian outposts and lizardmen. Loosely based on colonial India or Southeast Asia in colonial times (Agosta).
Ashgat: A nation of Yali Jennites, distantly related to the modern inhabitants of Hule, inhabited also by pardasta and humanoids, loosely based on Turkmenistan, supposedly dominated by the Deathless wizards (Burns, New).
Atum: A Tanagoro kingdom which claims to be the legitimate heir of Saku and Satum, menaced by the beholders of Kargash, loosely based on Eritrea, also inhabited by macaze and humanoids (JTR, New).
Avalon: A mysterious and reclusive land inhabited by faeries, centaurs, sherkasta, lyncasta, gyerians, hengeyokai and possibly werecreatures (New).
Biawak: A land of lizardmen, but also inhabited by some gatormen and juncasta, loosely based on ancient Borneo (Agosta).
Bhat: A nation of sedentary Jennite humans and Khoi Tanagoro, also inhabited by humanoids, gyerians, sherkasta and pachydermion, loosely based on some aspects of ancient India (New).
Byon: A nation of bayasta, pricasta, goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears with some tanagogre (New).
Old Blackmoor Cursed Lands: These lands are dotted with ruins but considered cursed by
most inhabitants of Skothar. See the articles on Returned Blackmoor and the Duchy of the Peaks in this same issue of Threshold (New).
Blande: A nation created by Nailan Tanagoro (Tanagoro humans with some Jennite blood) with relevant populations of cloud pardasta (Caroletti, New).
Calengaer: An unapproachable, strangely tall forest the Jennites consider taboo. Inhabited by elves (Peronnet).
Cymru: Once a Tanagoro nation, now inhabited by hivebrood (Caroletti)
Dagl: A realm of humanoids and Antalian humans, loosely based on ancient Denmark (New).
Desh: A nation dominated by ogres which for a time dominated a huge territory in the Tangor gulf and even the Tangi kingdom. Humans, sherkasta, vivesta and golcasta minorities also live in the region. Loosely inspired by Bangladesh (New).
Dyak: Or Land of the Headhunters, a territory inhabited by savage juncasta who kill any foreigner they meet. Loosely based on ancient Borneo (Agosta)
Empire of Dalung-Quo: An empire ruled by an ancient dragon, loosely inspired by imperial China during the Ming dynasty, which has conquered many territories. Followed directly the Chung Eun empire which existed from 1,200 BC to 850 AC with different dynasties (MOrient, New).[Image: Dalung-Quo army taking a city]
Caption: Dalung-Quo army taking a city
Drbor: Land of the dragonborn, also inhabited by snow pardasta and humanoids (Blackmoor 4th ed, New).
Dur: A nation of sedentary Jennites, with a long history of rivalry with Bhat, also inhabited by sherkasta and humanoids, loosely based on some aspects of Pakistan (New).
Durhan: A nation created by Nailan Tanagoro (Caroletti)
Emas: A nation ruled by Taranya Tanagoro humans but inhabited also by tanagogre, Paesh Jennites, pardasta, nebasta, sherkasta, juncasta, bayasta and marmocasta. Could be loosely based on ancient Timor (Agosta).
Alphatian Esterhold: The region of Skothar dominated by the Alphatian Empire, including the dominion, later to become independent kingdoms of Blackrock and Verdan.
Ezer: A kingdom formed by humans, hobgoblins and manusta, loosely based on Azerbaijan (New).
Fa’ear: A nation of faenare, Ee’aar winged elves and ailusti (New).
Frisa: A realm of humanoids, Antalian humans and lyncasta, loosely based on ancient Frisia (New).
Islands of the Giants: (Not shown on map ) The whole northern sea from the lands west of Nentsun to Frosthaven in Brun, and beyond, is a land inhabited by giants. The mountains closer to Nentsun are inhabited by fire giants. Cloud giants live in Inoq and other locations, but frost giants dominate most of the islands of the northern sea (LoZompatore, Canon, New).
Goblins of Tangor: Mountains of the dark goblins, divided in several clans (Caroletti).
Hacan: A nation of Jennite humans which once had a powerful empire that dominated the continent but is now in danger of being absorbed by Dalunq-Quo, loosely based on Kazakhstan (New).
Hasa: A nation of the same ethnic stock of Ti’sang, but formed by settled people, see also description by Arnden (MOrient, Arnden).
Hastwr: A kingdom of sedentary Jennites, could be loosely based on Azerbaijan (Caroletti, New).
Hinu: A nation of Hinu halfling, also inhabited by some tortles (New).
Hives: Many territories of the eastern Tangor chain are still inhabited by hivebrood, whose territory has waxed and waned over the centuries (Canon, New).[Image: Tangor Chain]
Caption: The Tangor Chain
Hobgothia: A land dominated by hobgoblins but inhabited also by goblins, bugbears, kobolds, snow pardasta and lyncasta, always a source of trouble for Thonia, loosely based on ancient Gothia (New).
Højgylden: An advanced nation inhabited by Antalian people, dwarves and gnomes (Sarikhan)
Hoyen: A nation of Mawa and Paesh Jennites, loosely based on Vietnam, also inhabited by pricasta and humanoids (New).
Irys: A nation of sedentary but fierce Jennites also inhabited by giants, humanoids, gyerians, sherkasta and manusta, loosely based on Ossetia (New).
Jen-Le: The Jennites of Esterhold, usually worshipping Utnapishtim and Rathanos. Battered by Alphatians and Kukarachans, are trying to unite with the local pardasta to defeat the invaders (Canon, Dalmonte).
Jen-Lo: The Northern Jennites, mostly followers of Djaea, Utnapishtim, Ixion, Ninsun. The region is also inhabited by rakasta, humanoids and gyerians. Could be loosely based on Tajikistan people (Dalmonte, New).
Jen-Ra: The main Jennite land, or Southern Jennites, mostly following Rathanos with some minorities still worshipping Tarastia. Also inhabited by cinasta, the cheetah rakasta, also called Fast Runners, which came from Minaea, and shadelings in the coastal cities, loosely based on ancient Scythia but probably local humans should look like inhabitants of current Kyrgyzstan. Also see description by Arnden in this same issue of Threshold (Canon, Dalmonte, Burns, Fan Almanacs, Arnden).[Image: Battle between Jennites and Minaeans]
Caption: Battle between Jennites and Minaeans
Kassites and Mizpeh: A nomadic tribe of mixed Kho Tanagoro and Jennite which has recently discovered a lost Nithian city, but has been repelled (Taylor).
Kerze: A divided land inhabited by humanoids, snow pardasta, lyncasta, hengeyokai and humans divided in many different clans and people. Loosely inspired by the Caucasus (New).
Kargash: territory controlled by the beholders of the namesake city, controlling also some humanoid tribes (Robin, in this issue of Threshold).
Keraja: complete name Kerajaan Berlian-Wajik, a realm inhabited by sherkasta, pardasta and juncasta, now under Alphatian influence, loosely inspired by Indonesia (Agosta)
Kham: A nation of goblins, tanagogre, golcasta, bayasta and Mawa humans, loosely based on Cambodia (New)
Khatmun: A kingdom created by giants, but inhabited also by minorities of Tagh sherkasta, snow pardasta, dwarves and humans. Loosely based on Nepal (MOrient, New).
Khogyn: A nation founded by Khoi Tanagoro and gyerians, which also include a sizable population of caracasta, sherkasta and pardista (New).
Kisvan: A nation inhabited mostly by Antalian, Vantalian and Jen-Circk humans and a relevant number of lyncasta. Loosely based on medieval Ukraine (New).
Krekh: A nation created by ogres with relevant minorities of other humanoids, giants and pardasta (New).
Kukarachans: A race of insect-like creatures which periodically threaten the interior lands of Esterhold (Daly, Gander).
Lamu: A nation created by female demonettes, tiefling like female only creatures which rule over the Tanagoro population (Caroletti)
Lleweryn: The greatest hivebrood nation of western Tangor (Caroletti).
Magy: A nation of Jennite humans, sherkasta, lyncasta and centaurs, loosely based on medieval Hungary (New).
Makari: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro and Mawa Jennites, loosely based on Madagascar, also inhabited by vivesta and macaze (New)
Mawan: A nation of Mawa Jennites, also inhabited by orazu, bayasta and herpesta, loosely based on ancient Taiwan (Threshold issue #9, New)
Melay: A nation of Mawa Jennites, also inhabited by herpesta, loosely based on ancient Malaysia (New).
Minaea: A confederation of cities settled by Milenians from Davania which mixed with a Tarystian population, descended from Jennites. Inhabited also by sherkasta, pardasta, nebasta, minotaurs, sphinxes, orcs, goblins, tanagogre and Tangor humans. Minaeans could be loosely based on Hellenistic greeks and Tarystians on Armenians (Caroletti).
Muang: A nation inhabited by Paesh Jennites, Tanagoro, tanagogre, sherkasta, juncasta, bayasta, golcasta, marmorasta and humanoids, loosely based on Thailand (MOrient, New).[Image: Sherkasta warrior]
Caption: Sherkasta warrior, original drawing by Justin Pfeil, aka warriorneedsfood on The Piazza, check his Keeps on the Borderland comic (http://thekeepontheborderlands.thecomicseries.com/)
Mung: A nation of musti, also inhabited by some hinu halfling and chameleon men (New).
Munsan: A nation of mamusta and pardasta, also inhabited by gyerians (New)
Nentsun: A federation of several allied nations which inhabit a strangely warm land, populated by humans, lyncasta, snow pardasta, elves and half orcs (Caroletti).
Oblan: A nation of tanagogre, the origin of the Gombar and Sumag colonists, mostly following Macroblan, Korotiku and Karaash (Canon, Dalmonte, New)
Okon: A nation of orazu, macaze and tanagogre (New)
Orcs of Nentsun: All around Nentsun the land is dominated by orc tribes, often at war with each others (Caroletti).
Orcs of Tangor: Forest of the green orcs, which are common all along the western Tangorian and eastern Minaean coast (Caroletti)
Pashda: A kingdom formed by descendants of the Peshwah, loosely inspired by Iran and Afghanistan. Includes sizable minorities of humanoids, caracasta, simbasta and gyerians (New).
Phion: A nation of Mawa Jennites also inhabited by some Ibu Tanagoro, pricasta and herpesta, loosely based on Philippines (MOrient, New).
Phu: A kingdom formed by displaced Jennite and Neathar humans, with sizable minorities of Tagh sherkasta, snow pardasta, hin and giants. Loosely based on Bhutan. Its northeastern region also contained the former beholder city of Zelphim, now inhabited by a single beholder hive (MOrient, New, Robin).
Prehen: A nation of pricasta and herpesta, also inhabited by some Mawa Jennites (New).
Preku: A nation of Pricasta, also inhabited by some tanagogre (New).
Raj: Complete name The Alphatian Raj, conquered by Alphatians but inhabited also by sherkasta, juncasta, bayasta, Paesh Jennites and Tanagoro. Loosely based on Brunei (Agosta).
Sakar: A nation of sedentary Jennite humans also inhabited by peaceful humanoids, sherkasta and pardasta. Loosely based on Georgia (New).
Sakhaba: A reborn kingdom which once conquered vast lands of northeastern Skothar, inhabited by humans and dwarves (Biles).
Sea Kingdoms: Inhabited since ancient times by ocean creatures, such as kna, kopru, shark kin, sea giants, snapper, omm-wa and narwhal, the islands were settled first by Dwa Tanagoro, who soon established alliances with underwater races, then by Lhomarrians, mermen and tritons, Mawa oltecs, Blackmoorians, Tanagoro, Elves, Kara Kara orcs, Paesh Jennites. Defended by a coral wall built by the Immortal Polonius to keep the Kara Kara orcs at bay, the Western Sea Kingdoms lay just south of Skothar and trade with many nations of the Tangor gulf and the Tangor chain (Canon, New).
Sian: Or the Land of a Thousand Pagodas, a nation of Paesh Jennites, with relevant minorities of sherkasta and juncasta. Loosely based on Myanmar (MOrient, Arnden in this same issue of Threshold).
Sicsak: A nation of sicista and sancasta, also inhabited by pardasta, some gyerians and humanoids (New).
Simbasta: A proud rakasta breed of central Skothar (Heard, Neri, New).
Skain: A nation inhabited by descendants of Skandaharian colonists, some Mawa Jennites and macaze (New).
Snars: A nation of snow pardasta also inhabited by giants, Tagh sherkasta and pardasta (New).
Tagh: The Tagh sherkasta have expanded greatly in the last centuries, ruling also over snow pardasta, lyncasta, humans and humanoids. The mythical city of Farseer, inhabited by gnomes and dwarves, would be in the south of this region (Neri, Calvin, New).
Tanat: A nation inhabited by Paesh humans, tanagogre, Ibu Tanagoro, marmocasta, golcasta, pachydermion, sherkasta and humanoids, loosely based on Indonesia (New).[Image: Pilgrims to the great temple of Tanat]
Caption: Pilgrims to the great temple of Tanat
Tangi Empire: A powerful nation inhabited by Wan, Mawan and Paesh Jennites and Ibu Tanagoro, includes also sizable golcasta, macaze and gyerian populations, loosely based on Southern China (New).
Tangor: Also known as the New Tangor empire or the Seventh Tangor Empire, inhabited by Tanagoro humans, with some minorities of tanagogre, sherkasta, juncasta, orcs, goblins and Paesh Jennites (Caroletti)
Tasbek: A nation of Kha Jennites, loosely based on Uzbekistan, also inhabited by humanoids, pardasta, sicista and sancasta (New)
Taylin: A nation of humans of Jennite origin, the Waros, which were conquered by a Tanagoro dynasty, now at odds with Sakhaba (Biles).
Old Thonia Wastes: These lands are inhabited by undead, corrupted giants, humanoids and ash goblins, which are apparently immune to the Wasting, have found many technomagic items and happily use them against intruders (Blackmoor 3ed, New)
Thonia: the heir of the former Empire, loosely based on Germany and inhabited by humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halfling, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls and pegataurs (Canon, Fan Almanacs, New).
Thunder Rift: The Rift is now inhabited by humans, dwarves, elves, humanoids, rakasta, frogfolk, centaurs and other races, but mostly isolated from the outside world (Canon, New).
Ti’sang: A nation of nomadic clans of Jennite origin, loosely based on Tibet, see also description by Arnden in this issue of Threshold (MOrient, Arnden).
Thoth-ath gnolls: Former Nithian slaves, these gnolls have defended their independence for centuries. Normally allied with Jen-Lo, maintain good relations with the dwarves of Thorin (Novack, New)
Thorin: A nation created by dwarves and gnomes, also inhabited by some pegataurs (Canon, New).
Tocrch: A nation inhabited by crabmen, tortles, chameleon men and some gyerians (New).
Uls Or: A land inhabited by orcs, goblins and hobgoblins with sizable minorities of Jennite humans, sancasta and sincista, loosely based on Mongolia. It was once much larger but is now on the verge of being absorbed by Dalung-Quo (New).
Vabari: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans, loosely based on medieval Estonia (New)
Valska: An elective kingdom created by Vantalian humans, loosely based on Poland. It swings between good and bad relations with Thonia (New).
Viatj: A nation of Valoin and Antalian humans, loosely based on medieval Latvia (New)
Vzech: A nation of Dunharian humans, faeries and lyncasta, loosely based on Bohemia (New).
Wagir: A nation formed by Waros and Sebgir people which united when the Taylin conquered Waros, now under the informal control of the Taylin (Biles).
Walad: A nation of Ibu Tanagoro with relevant numbers of tanagogre, pricasta and macaze. Loosely based on aboriginal populations of southeastern Asia (New).
Wanderers: An unique people formed by goblins and hobgoblins mixed with humans (MOrient, Burns).
Warang: Or Warangan, a land settled by Alphatians and dwarves from Alphatia, but originally inhabited by sherkasta and juncasta, loosely inspired by Singapore (Agosta)
Wuo-Quo: A nation formed by Jennite humans and humanoids, which has already lost to Dalung-Quo many western territories, loosely based on Manchuria (MOrient, New).
Wuxi: A nation of vivesta supposedly dominated by an ancient huge amber dragon (New, Threshold issue #9)
Xao: A nation of Mawa Jennites also inhabited by golcasta, vivesta and humanoids. Loosely based on Laos (MOrient, New).
Yara: A nation created by Nailan Tanagoro which trades with the hivebrood of Lleweryn (Caroletti)
Yeha: An ancient nation of Ibu Tanagoro with some Mawa Jennite blood which conquered the even more ancient kingdom of Satum, loosely based on Ethiopia, also inhabited by tanagogre, humanoids, golcasta, vivesta (MOrient, JTR).[Image: The Emperor of Yeha]
Caption: The Emperor of Yeha
Yeong: Nation created by Wan Jennites, inhabited also by pricasta, nebasta, musti, macaze, faenare, gyerians, loosely based on Korea (MOrient, New).
Yulan: A nation of humanoids and Vantalian humans, loosely based on Transylvania (New).
Zyxl: Inhabited after the cataclysm by crow gyerians and descendants of Skandaharian colonists, it was then settled by the Hinu halfling in 1,100 BC, then by some tanagogres and by Chung Jennites in 750 BC. Zyxl is now dominated by an Imperial matriarchy dominated by the humans descended from the Chung. Halfling and tanagogres have special roles in the society, the first as artisans and the latter as warriors and long distance sailors. The crow gyerians and the white men are instead considered monsters and enemies (Canon, MOrient, New).
[Map of Skothar in 7,050 BC]
Map done by author
[Image: Nomad people in the plains]
Nomads near Namtso, Tibet, via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Ta-Kho people]
1805 aquatint by Samuel Daniell. Original caption: "Bosjemans frying Locusts", reproduction from Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis in Beeld (1989) by Anthony Preston. Bion Books: Printed in South Africa.
[Map of Skothar in 4,000 BC]
Map done by author
[Image: Tangor statues representing a Tangor man and a Blackmoorian]
Eureopans in Africa; wood, paint; Yoruba people, West Nigeria; 1st half of 20th century. Tropenmuseum Amsterdam, Inv. Nr. 3441 (gift of Lens van Rijn-van Peski, 1964). Author User:FA2010
[Image: Blackmoorian troops attacking a Tangor tribe]
Charles Edwin Fripp (1854–1906), Battle of Isandhlwana (1879) Natal, South Africa Date 1885, National Army Museum (SA)
[Map of Skothar in 2,300 BC]
Map done by author
[Image: Jen-Circk attack on Vantalians]
Kozlov, Alexander Alekseevich (1818-1884), The bravery of private Arkhip Osipov of 77th Infantry Tenginsky Regiment on March 22nd 1840.
[Image: Sea Kingdoms girl]
Portrait of a Polynesian Girl, oil on canvas painting by Helen Thomas Dranga, c. 1910, Photographer Severson, Don R. Finding Paradise: Island Art in Private Collections, University of Hawaii Press, 2002
[Map of Skothar in 1,000 AC]
Map done by author
[Image: Dalung-Quo army taking a city]
A scene of the Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864. Date 1886 Author Wu Youru.
[Image: Tangor Chain]
Semien Mountains, Ethiopia. Date 19 September 2009. Author Hulivili.
[Image: Battle between Jennites and Minaeans]
Defeat of Radagaisus at Fiesole (23 August 406). Oil painting on wood. Radagaisus scythian king planned to sacrifice the Senators of the Christian Roman Empire to the gods, and to burn Rome. Date (1563 - 1565). Author Giorgio Vasari
[Image: Sherkasta warrior]
Caption: Sherkasta warrior, original drawing by Justin Pfeil, aka warriorneedsfood on The Piazza, check his Keeps on the Borderland comic (http://thekeepontheborderlands.thecomicseries.com/)
[Image: Pilgrims to the great temple of Tanat]
Tempera painting depicting the Borobudur as a pilgrimage site. Date before 1919. Collection Tropenmuseum (English: Museum of the Tropics), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Author G.B. Hooijer (Painter).
[Image: The Emperor of Yeha]
Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia photographed on the throne in coronation garb. Wikimedia commons.
1Lhomarr and Y’hog are creations of Geoff Gander, see articles in the Vaults http://pandius.com/lho_hist.html
2See Past Ages of the Known World in the Atlas section of the Vaults of Pandius http://pandius.com/kworld_h.html or in the dedicated sub-forum at The Piazza http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewforum.php?f=63
3See in particular this post http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=19548&p=213817#p213178 about the estimated dimensions of the Rift.
4See the Shimmering Lands Gazetteer by John Calvin http://pandius.com/shimland.html