Savage Tide Adaptation Part 2
by David Keyser from Threshold Magazine issue 19[Image: Title Image]
From 2006 to 2007, Paizo, the publishers of Dragon and Dungeon Magazine at the time, released the Savage Tide adventure path. This raised particular interest for Mystara fans, as the original adventure module X1 The Isle of Dread, had first introduced the lands of the D&D Known World beyond Karameikos, providing the basis for what would later be known as the Mystara setting.
The Savage Tide AP is contained in twelve adventures and two campaign background articles within issues #139-#150 of Dungeon Magazine, plus an article series called Savage Tidings which appeared in issues #348-#359 of Dragon Magazine, and a Savage Tide Player’s Guide to introduce players to their starting city as well as provide some customization options for starting PCs. A few additional articles related to the Savage Tide AP appeared in Dragon Magazine in addition to Savage Tidings.
This article is the second installment of an effort to supplement and improve the adventures in the Savage Tide campaign, with an eye toward incorporating Mystara developments as much as possible, both TSR as well as fan-based materials. The first article detailing this conversion work is found in Threshold Magazine #4, and covered the first eight adventures as well as the Isle of Dread adventure found in Dungeon Magazine #114. This article focuses on the last nine adventures particularly the adventures which occur on the Isle of Dread and the Outer Planes.
3.5 D&D statistics are provided to remain consistent with the adventures of the Savage Tide AP. As a bonus, with this issue being dedicated to the Immortals, an outline has been provided for the final adventure should you wish to try running the PCs in an encounter with Demogorgon using the original “Gold Box” Immortal rules with Demogorgon’s statistics found in those rules.
Dungeon Magazine #142:
Adventure #4: Here There Be Monsters
Cliffs of Dread
This new encounter can be placed anywhere in the Cliffs of Dread section. Haunt encounters were created by Paizo for the Pathfinder RPG and work easily with 3.5 D&D. The mechanics of haunts are found in Paizo’s SRD1.
Name: Oltec Village Despair CR 5
The PCs come upon another abandoned collection of Oltec huts with a few canoes nearby as night approaches. The trail leading up to the village is along a beach but at the village the beach ends and the trail ascends some sixty feet until it reaches another well-trod path overlooking the sea. Soon after dusk, the haunt activates, replaying the final fate of this Oltec settlement when the gargoyles of the aerie attacked.
[Image: Oltec Ruins]
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Area: 40-ft radius(focused on shrine 60 feet above the village)
Caster Level: 5th
Notice: Listen DC 20 (to hear a faint high-pitched keening)
hp: 10
Trigger: proximity
Reset: 1 dayEffect: The haunt begins with ghostly images of Oltecs retiring to their huts to sleep. Suddenly ghostly gargoyles swoop down upon the huts and break in, attacking and slaughtering the inhabitants. As the men attempt to fight off the gargoyles, a band of women and children flee up the rocky trail to a small open Oltec shrine situated against the mountainside sixty feet above the village. Gargoyles begin plucking stragglers from the trail, and only a few make it to the shrine where they desperately look for a place to hide. The gargoyles finish slaughtering the men and one by one the remaining Oltecs are plucked from the mountainside.
All but one, an elderly woman is either overlooked or perhaps the gargoyles have taken all they can carry. The ghostly woman creeps back to the shrine and watches as all of her kin are carried away by gargoyles who fade in the distance. She wails one long cry and then turns and looks down at the sea and rocks below. She suddenly jumps off the edge.
The haunt targets all PCs in its area of effect with a Suggestion spell (DC 14 Will Save to resist). All who fail to resist are compelled to jump off the cliff. Those who do so take 6d6 hp of damage when they hit the rocks in the water below. This haunt is not persistent.
Destruction: A DC 25 search check in the five foot deep water directly below the shrine will allow the PCs to find the bones of the elderly Oltec woman. Giving those bones a burial in the village will dismiss the haunt.
Table for Location 7, The Shrine of Duplicity
This encounter area in the Shrine to Demogorgon caused a problem for many groups, due to it combining a magical trap with a magical portal that you need to enter to continue with the rest of the shrine. The following table can be used by any PC who has both the Trapfinding class ability and the Spellcraft skill to learn more about how the magical trap interacts with the suspected magical portal in the chamber. First the PC must detect the trap normally. When they find the magical trap, they may make a Spellcraft check…
Spellcraft DC 15 - The trap and the portal are linked such that you must set off the trap to activate the portal.
Spellcraft DC 20 - Both mirrors must be activated to use the portal.
Spellcraft DC 25 - The trap itself is linked to a compulsion effect.
Spellcraft DC 30 - There is a secondary trap on the candles with an evocation effect.
Spellcraft DC 35 or 40 – The PC figures out the correct sequence to activate both trap and portal.Dungeon Magazine #143:
Adventure #5: Tides of Dread
Zotzilaha’s Wrath
In the Wings of Fire section, the village of Tanaroa is attacked by fire bats, which are a small elemental type creature from the Plane of Fire. This encounter is easy for most 9th level PC parties, so to beef it up, you can add a Mystara-themed monster to supplement the fire bats rather than make a complete substitution.
Use fire fundamentals, using their 3.5 D&D statistics2. When the fire bats appear spiraling into the air above the effigy, the smaller fire fundamentals begin streaming out of the flaming effigy as well. Whether Zotzilaha/Camazotz controls the fire fundamentals is unimportant. He may have summoned them alongside the fire bats, or fire fundamentals may simply have been in the vicinity and taken advantage of the portal leaving the Plane of Fire. The fire fundamentals stick close to the fire bats and attack firebat targets. Anywhere from 2-3 fire fundamentals per fire bat should be sufficient and makes an impressive swarm if you lay them all out on a combat grid. Up to four fire fundamentals can occupy a single five foot square.
For the Shrine of Zotzilaha section, most parties will appease Zotzilaha without combat. If you prefer to add a combat encounter, the PCs can be attacked by earth fundamentals3 somewhere around the halfway point along the three mile length winding tunnel inside the volcano. Like earth elementals, earth fundamentals can move through solid ground and stone as easily as air and take full advantage of this ability along with their Earthen Hammer ability to overrun opponents and avoid counter attacks as much as possible.
15-25 earth fundamentals attack the PCs, assume the tunnel is approximately ten feet in diameter.
When the PC are confronted by Zotzilaha/Camazotz in the volcanic shaft, you can optionally have more fire fundamentals flitting about along with the fire bats. He can either summon and control them along with the fire bats, or alternatively, he doesn't control them and the fire fundamentals are just drawn to this volcano4. Should Zotzilaha/Camazotz be appeased, he will banish the fire fundamentals back to the Plane of Fire if they begin attacking the PCs.
Temple of the Jaguar
In 3.5 D&D, couatls are native outsiders, meaning that they have mortal ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane. In short, they are native to the Material Plane. They need food and sleep and can be raised, reincarnated or resurrected.
On Mystara, couatls are known in the Hollow World as feathered serpents, and have a unique life cycle5. In their first stage of life, they start out with an animal level of intelligence, and are used by some people as shepherd dogs in the Azcan empire and elsewhere. When they are ready to breed, they head for a floating continent named Ashmorain. Once they mate and breed they undergo a metamorphosis and become much more intelligent, achieving full sapience. They have a civilization on Ashmorain and there is a hint that some feathered serpents become so powerful that they leave Ashmorain and the Hollow World for somewhere else.
Tonatiuh is one of these feathered serpents who has achieved this further stage and made his home on the Isle of Dread in the outer world of Mystara. Should friendly communication be established, Tonatiuh may mention that his homeland lies deep beneath the earth, and may make references to the land of the ever-shining red sun. This assumes that the Savage Tide campaign takes place sometime after 1010 AC, when the Known World becomes aware of the Hollow World. This news will have spread to the PC home city of Sasserine during the intervening years, albeit with great skepticism, at least at first.
Additional Crimson Fleet Pirate Captains
In the original article of Threshold Magazine #4, it was suggested that each pirate ship not already assigned a captain who is a major NPC (like Vanthus or the baldandar) could be assigned a pirate captain with the same statistics as a Scuttlecove Thug as detailed in Dungeon Magazine #146 (page 78). Those thugs are each a 4th level fighter/4th level rogue.
As a further suggestion, you can make the following adjustments to their statistics to make them more suited to be the captain of a ship. These skill numbers are built from the Crimson Fleet pirate’s base statistics6 before adding the additional class levels.
1) Intelligence score raised to 11.
2) Swap out the feat Stealthy for the feat Alertness.
3) Skill points completely reallocated and adjusted for feats and synergies as well as the armor check penalty for the masterwork chain shirt and buckler they wear.
Balance +11, Climb +11, Intimidate +9, Listen +5, Profession(sailor) +10, Spot +5, Swim +7, Tumble +11New optional NPC Pirate Captain
Captain Tenoch is the rarest of individuals, a native of the Atruaghin Clans and a child of the Tiger tribe, who became a citizen of Thyatis.
When Tenoch was ten years old, he was kidnapped by a chapter of the Iron Ring. This chapter set up operations in Darokin in order to launch raids into the lands of the Children of the Tiger, believing they would be easy targets. The chapter did not survive long, and the raid on Tenoch’s home was one of its few successes.
Tenoch was tall and strong for his age, but still young enough that his Thyatian master believed he could educate and raise him in the culture of the Empire. Tenoch was a fast learner, but in his heart he never stopped loving his homeland. He prayed to the patron of his tribe, Atzanteotl, observing the faith of his people in secret even as he learned Thyatian culture. His secret was discovered when he was sixteen, and he was sold once again to a local keeper of gladiators.
Here Tenoch was supposed to die quickly in the sands…but it never happened. The Children of the Tiger begin learning how to fight at a young age, and Tenoch blended the rudimentary lessons he received as a gladiator with the fighting style he had practiced since a small boy. He began to win. Soon, he became a crowd favorite…Thyatians loved him as an underdog and his natural showmanship helped promote him as a savage from a distant land. He continued to make a name for himself after he was brought to Thyatis City to fight for bigger stakes. He kept fighting, until he had received enough gifts to purchase his freedom with a substantial sum left over.
He did not depart Thyatis when that happened, instead he acquired citizenship and proceeded to enroll in a martial academy. There he learned fighting techniques and military tactics widely practiced in the Thyatian legions. He then joined a Thyatian mercenary company and fought with them for several years, achieving a command rank.
Once he was convinced he had learned all he could, he returned to his homeland. While he could never rejoin the Children of the Tiger, he was able to renew his worship of Atzanteotl and gain the Immortal’s blessing while presenting himself as a traveler from distant villages to the local priests. After a few more years, he left once again. Since then he has traveled wherever he can find conflict and war, selling his skills as a mercenary captain for whoever has the coin.
He has accepted this assignment from the Crimson Fleet in part due to curiosity about the Thanegioth Archipelago. He believes there are historical links between the natives of the Isle of Dread and his ancestors. For Tenoch, conquering the only foreign settlement amidst the seven tribes is a strategic challenge as well as a pleasurable indulgence. Tenoch captains the Sea Witch’s Curse caravel.
Tenoch wears the carapace armor made from a giant crab, with a fearsome helm fashioned as a death mask. Attached to the haft of his polearm is a cloth banner featuring a tiger against a crimson background.
[Image: Captain Tenoch]
Tenoch, Favored of Atzanteotl, and Crimson Fleet Pirate Captain CR 12
Male human fighter 10/dreadlord* 2
CE Medium humanoid
Init +4; Senses: Listen +3, Spot +3
Languages: Thyatian(Common), Atruaghin(Tiger and Turtle dialects)
AC 22 , touch 14, flat-footed 18; Dodge
hp 130 (12d10 +24) (12 HD);
Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +8,
Spd 20 ft
Melee: Here are three different styles for Tenoch fighting in melee, he prefers to use Combat Expertise, as this allows him to benefit from Riposte and counterattack when someone misses him in melee.
1)Using 2 points of power attack, no combat expertise
+3 voulge +20 (1d10+16/19-20x3) or
+3 voulge +20/+15/+10 (1d10+16/19-20x3)
2)Going full defensive, no power attack, using Combat Expertise to raise AC to 27, touch 19, flat-footed 23
+3 voulge +17 (1d10+12/19-20x3) or
+3 voulge +17/+12/+7 (1d10+12/19-20x3)
3) Mix style, 1 point of power attack, 3 points of Combat Expertise to raise AC to 25, touch 17, flat-footed 21
+3 voulge +18 (1d10+14/19-20x3) or
+3 voulge +18/+13/+8 (1d10+14/19-20x3)
BAB +12; Grp +17
Atk Options: Braced for Charge, Combat Expertise/Riposte, Great Cleave, Power Attack)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Feats: (14, including 8** fighter bonus feats)
Braced for Charge7, Combat Expertise, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus(voulge), Improved Critical, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Power Attack, Riposte8, Shorten Grip9, Weapon Focus(voulge), Weapon Specialization(voulge),Skills: Command10 +15, Intimidate +16, Knowledge(Religion) +5, Profession(Sailor) +7, Swim +10
Possessions: masterwork chitin armor11(ACP -2), masterwork voulge, oil of greater magic weapon +3(x2) (will use one before combat), potion of cure critical wounds(x2), potion of barkskin +4 (will use before combat), potion of invisibility, Jade Amulet worth 400 gp
*The dreadlord prestige class can be found in Fields of Blood : Book of War by Eden Odyssey. With two levels in dreadlord, Tenoch gains the Brutal Discipline ability and a fighter bonus feat.
Brutal Discipline: All allied units with line of sight to dreadlord add +2 to their Command checks. A unit the dreadlord leads adds +4 to their Command checks.
**As a favored disciple of Atzanteotl, Tenoch gains one additional fighter bonus feat he would not otherwise qualify for.
In the unlikely event the PCs win the Battle of Farshore and Tenoch survives and escapes, he will abandon the Crimson Fleet, stealing a canoe if necessary. He will begin exploring the Isle of Dread while fervently praying and making sacrifices to Atzanteotl. That Immortal will grant Tenoch a vision showing him how to sacrifice dinosaurs on the island so as to gain the Ka-tainted template12. Once Tenoch gains the template (likely from the sacrifice of a tyrannosaurus), he will seek out and stalk the PCs as they continue their missions on the Isle of Dread. This time Tenoch will fight to the death.
If Tenoch is somehow captured alive, he will eventually offer a trade. He will provide some information to the PCs on the Crimson Fleet in exchange for being transferred to Sasserine as a prisoner to fight in the Arena of that city. He will attempt to regain his freedom in the same way he regained it in Thyatis, attempting to become a popular gladiator in the city.
Regardless of exactly where or when Tenoch is slain in battle, Atzanteotl will not seek revenge on those who have slain his favored champion. For the Children of the Tiger, a glorious death in battle is a life that fulfilled its purpose, and Atzanteotl is satisfied with Tenoch’s service.
Collected Errata
page 52: First Skephilipika's dominate person ability requires a DC 18 Will save, not DC 16. This is due to his higher Charisma score. Second, the kopru druid is wearing an amulet of mighty fists +1, but that hasn't been factored into Skephilipika's claw and bite damage attacks, which should be 1d4+3 each, not 1d4+2.
page 134: Threshold Magazine #4 : The Heldannic Knight Scouts should have their main AC and touch AC reduced by 1 each to account for the limit their full plate armor places on their maximum Dexterity bonus (max Dex bonus for full plate is 1).
Dungeon Magazine #143:
Backdrop: Farshore
Mayor Election
The details for the election of Lord Mayor of Farshore is covered in the Farshore backdrop article in Dungeon Magazine #143. It starts off with 80 votes in favor of Manthalay Meravanchi, 80 votes in favor of Lavinia Vanderboren, and 80 votes undecided.
The text assumes that there will be enough campaigning going on between the PCs and Avner Meravanchi and enough successes and failures that one of the candidates will have 41 votes out of the undecided. There is a 25% chance, however, that Avner fails his first two rolls and gives up without winning anyone over to his uncle. The text assumes that Meravanchi wins if no one campaigns, but how does the undecided break down exactly? If you assume that Meravanchi has only a 51% majority of the undecided than Avner failing the first two rolls decides the election for Lavinia without the PCs doing anything.
To make sure the PCs efforts matter, try the following…
75%- d20% of the undecided who have not been swayed to either candidate will vote for Meravanchi in the election. Thus, before Avner and the PCs do anything, the undecided will go 60 to Meravanchi and 20 to Lavinia as an upper bound and 44 to Meravanchi and 36 to Lavinia as a lower bound. Any undecided voters swayed by Avner or the PCs are no longer factored into the final 75%-d20% split.
As an example, suppose between Avner's failures and your PCs successes there were 30 undecided voters swayed to Lavinia and 50 still undecided when the election takes place. Rolling the d20 produces a result of 15. Thus, 60% of the remaining 50 undecided voters vote for Manthalay and the final election results are Lavinia 130 votes and Manthalay 110 votes.
Dungeon Magazine #144
Adventure #6: The Lightless Depths
Negotiating with Monsters
The first part of the adventure includes a negotiation with Emraag the Glutton, the dragon turtle of Gallivant Cove. The adventure notes that Emraag can be summoned if the PCs use a musical instrument made by the local natives called a sea skirl. The pipes can be played underwater and if it is played well (Skill : Perform(wind instruments)), Emraag will be in a more agreeable mood.
Unless you happen to have a PC who picked up that skill, the players will either have to do without or recruit someone to fulfill the job. Here is a possible NPC that can be recruited for the job from the PCs home city of Sasserine
Justine Pike is a 5th level bard, skilled in playing the flute and other wind instruments. Combining her Charisma bonus and skill ranks, she has a total Perform(wind instruments) skill check of somewhere between +10 to +12. She is married to Horatio Pike, the second son of the Pike patriarch and ex-ruling family of the Champion District. The Pikes have fallen on hard times and were recently displaced by the Toregson family13.
Because of this, Justine is now supporting her husband playing in Sasserine taverns, while her husband hatches numerous schemes to earn a fortune that have yet to pan out. She is willing to travel to Farshore and play the sea skirl despite the inherent dangers involved, but her husband must accompany her and will set his sights on Farshore as the ideal location to regain his family's fortune. While she will practice the sea skirl on the Sea Wyvern's journey to the northern side of the isle, Horatio will pester the PCs with various ideas for money-making ventures once they return to the colony. Assuming the adventure is a success, the Pikes will return with the PCs to Farshore and attempt to invest their payment and open a new tavern in Farshore.
Isle of Dread Underdark Random Encounters
Here is a suggested modification to the random encounter table provided for the tunnels below the Isle of Dread. It swaps out cloakers and the gibbering mouther for dusanu and malfera respectively.
The table entries are
Average EL
Replace entry
1d6 cloakers
Monster Manual p36
1d8 dusanu
Dragon Magazine #339 p54-55
Replace entry
1 gibbering mouther
Monster Manual p126
1d2 malferas
6 or 8
Dragon Magazine #343 p51-52
The dusanu look like undead but each dusanu is actually a fungal colony that took over a human native corpse. Should you roll the dusanu as an encounter a second time, feel free to make it 2d8 small dusanu as specified in the Dragon Magazine entry. This group of small dusanu have taken over phanaton corpses on the surface before returning to the Underdark below the Isle of Dread. As the city of Golismorga holds many types of dangerous mold and fungi, dusanu can also make a suitable encounter there in the final part of the adventure. If you don't have Dragon #339, the 2E source for dusanu is found in the Mystara Monstrous Compendium Appendix.
The malfera, in this case, were summoned by the kopru to act as additional guardians who patrol the caverns above Golismorga. The malfera(s) will try to avoid a direct confrontation should they encounter the PCs. Instead they will shadow and stalk the PCs, attempting to use their nightmare ability to slowly weaken the party. The malfera(s) will only attack the party at an extreme moment of vulnerability or to come to the aid of any kopru who are under attack. This may mean the malfera(s) will follow the PCs into Golismorga. The malfera encounter will only happen once, and the kopru will not be able to replace any slain malfera over the course of the adventure. The malfera can also serve as an additional encounter in Golismorga. If you don't have Dragon #343, the 2E source for malfera is found in the Savage Coast Monstrous Compendium.Location A1) Putrid Pier
To correct for the complete absence of traps in this adventure, four trap encounters are described for use with this adventure. This trap is the first one the PCs encounter.
For the Putrid Pier, the troglodytes have rigged the central 10 by 20 foot section of their pier to collapse when the weight of more than one Medium size creature walks upon that section at a time. The pirates normally call out and attract the attention of the troglodyte emissaries who bring out some reinforcing boards and slide them into place to temporarily disarm the trap. If the trap does trigger, the entire section collapses except the for the solitary poles which hold the burning torches. Anyone who makes the reflex save can jump to one of the two stable sections of the pier at opposite ends, whichever end the character is closest to. Anyone falling into the water lands amidst a jellyfish swarm14 as the troglodytes have found a way to draw jellyfish to their pier as an additional defense.
Collapsing pier trap: CR6, mechanical, location trigger, no reset, DC 20 reflex save avoids, fall into the water and jellyfish swarms, multiple targets, Search DC 25, Disable Device DC 18.
Location I) Temple of the Ancient Ones
This next trap can be placed anywhere after the Temple of the Ancient Ones but before actually reaching Golismorga. One possibility is to place it one hundred yards beyond the temple exit. The kopru have inscribed a glyph of warding in a narrow section of tunnel that the PCs must enter which is about ten feet in diameter. The glyph can be either on the ceiling or on the floor obscured by some loose rubble. It activates as soon as a PC passes over it or underneath it.
Glyph of Warding(Blast): CR6, spell, spell trigger, no reset, spell effect (glyph of warding [blast], caster level 16, 8d8 sonic damage, DC 14 reflex save for half damage), multiple targets (all targets within 5 ft), Search DC 28, Disable Device DC 28.Kopru Scouts
This encounter, a small kopru scouting party accompanied by troglodyte palanquin bearers, is not much of a challenge for 11th level characters. In the sidebar Scaling the Adventure (page 66), it suggests for higher level parties to add a dark naga to the kopru scouting party. That would be one way to make this battle more challenging.
Another possibility is to give one or more of the kopru a potion of eagle’s splendor. Drinking the potion boosts the DC Will save against the kopru’s dominate person by +2. But don’t bother with this option if the party makes use of magic like protection from evil which blocks the kopru from controlling their victim for the duration of the spell.
Scholarly Devourer
It suggests that the devourer Rakis-Ka will attempt a peaceful interaction with the PCs but later returns to stalk and attack them. Should that scenario play out, you can increase the difficulty of the encounter by having the devourer use its lesser planar ally spell-like ability to collect some additional support before it attacks, which will increase the difficulty and EL of the encounter. Suitable creatures would be nightmares from the Monster Manual or canoloths from the Monster Manual III.
Shaboath Pools
It mentions in the Aboleth Master Glyphs sidebar (page 50) that the glyphs in Golismorga have long since been ruined. You could instead have the PCs come across one of the glyphs still working and active when they have an encounter, such as the battle against the Shaboath golems. One example would be the glyph of law which inflicts a minor penalty on all nonlawful creatures within thirty feet. As the golems in this encounter are of neutral alignment, the pools could be just outside the range of the glyph, but the golems may need to move into range during the battle at which point they are affected just like the PCs.
If you have the 3.5E hardcover Lords of Madness (or the 2E Night Below box set where they first appeared), you can get more information on the aboleth glyphs.
Scamille Encounter
A scamille encounter is described in the Savage Tide Adaptation article in Threshold Magazine #415. If you use it, keep in mind just how deadly the scamille can be if the PCs don't know its weakness to Light magic. While Knowledge (dungeoneering) is one way to know more information about the scamille, the aboleth N'glothnoru found in the Temple of the Ancient Ones is another source who can warn them of the danger of some of the buildings in Golismorga as well as their aversion to light. Of course, the aboleth is unlikely to talk about such knowledge unless the PCs can pierce its illusions and make N'glothnoru aware of the fact that they have discerned its true nature.
Tlaloc’s Crater
Tlaloc's Tear itself had some potent magical defenses inscribed upon it when it was used by the Olman/Oltec long ago to defeat the aboleth. Most of those atrophied over the centuries, but one magical trap remains, a freezing sphere spell that is triggered when someone damages Tlaloc's Tear. The first time anyone inflicts damage upon it, the freezing sphere spell is cast targeting the five foot square where the attack originated from. The spell has the range specified in the Players Handbook, which is 840 feet. If the target square is out of range it will target the spell as close as possible to the target at the limit of its range. There is a 30% chance the spell will scatter slightly and actually hit a random five foot square adjacent to the original target square.
Freezing Sphere Trap: CR 7; magic device; spell trigger; no reset; spell effect (freezing sphere, 11th-level wizard, 11d6 cold damage); Search DC 31; Disable Device DC 31.
Optionally, this spell and perhaps a few other spells tied to water and/or cold are inscribed over the surface of Tlaloc's Tear. Anyone who cares to make the minimal effort can preserve these inscriptions even as Tlaloc's Tear is destroyed. Preserving the stone fragments carrying these inscriptions in this manner allows a wizard to use them as standard scrolls to be copied into a spellbook or provide a one-shot spell casting.
The Heart of Madness
The kopru have carved out a small domain "along the eastern wall of Golismorga, centered on an ancient aboleth ziggurat". It is up to the DM how large an area and how many additional buildings the kopru occupy, but as described the kopru will have an established perimeter to the north, west and south.
[Image: Caverns of Golismorga]
Many of the buildings are very close together making it impossible for the kopru to establish clear lines of sight at a comfortable distance for their sentries. This will allow the PCs to get close to observe the ziggurat and kopru settlement by squeezing between buildings in what are effectively narrow alleyways. The kopru have established traps, however, to guard against such approaches. They have surgically grafted sea urchin spines tipped with a potent poison into the living flesh of the buildings. The PCs must contend with at least one of these traps to reach an observation point where they can safely observe the kopru.
The kopru check these traps once per day, which they can safely do through their mental powers while in proximity of the trap. Should they find one of the traps has been triggered they will reset it but not raise any alarm. Should a second trap be triggered by the PCs later on, the kopru will be wary and patrols will increase around the ziggurat. That won't matter, of course, should the PCs flood Golismorga.
Fusillade of Deep Sea Urchin Spines(Darts): CR 10; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Atk +18 ranged (1d4+1 plus poison, urchin spine darts); poison (unique deep sea urchin cultivated by the kopru, DC 15 Fortitude save resists, 1d4 Con/ 1d6 Con); multiple targets (1d8 quill darts per target in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. area); Search DC 32; Disable Device DC 29
If you wish to modify this trap, here is how to build it. It uses the CR7 Fusillade of Greenblood Oil Dart trap16 as a baseline. The Search DC is increased from 25 to 32 which is +1 CR. The poison is upgraded in comparison to greenblood oil and black adder venom which are both +1 CR, this poison cultivated by the kopru is approximately two points higher so +3 CR.
The kopru in Golismorga prefer to use their natural weapons but if you opt to give some of them melee weapons, you could have these kopru apply this poison to those weapons.
Ziggurat Shrine
The original article made the following suggestion for modifying one of the internal rooms of the ziggurat17. “In the chamber where the PCs face off against Ulioth, the kopru leader, they will note that strange maps appear to have been more recently etched on the sections of partial stonework on the floor. A DC 35 Knowledge (geography) check is enough for the PC to recognize these as maps of the Twealar underwater empire and regions of the Sunlit Sea. There are six black circles marked around what would correspond to underwater city locations. The kopru have smuggled shadow pearls into those cities”
[Image: Map of Twealar]
This shrine is location Q3 (incorrectly labeled Z3 in the magazine) in the adventure. If your PCs are having an easy time of things and you suspect Ulioth needs the help, you can opt to have these maps on the stonework floor be found in location Q2 The Room That Watches. As there is no apparent danger in that room, the PCs might spend some time puzzling out the meaning of the maps or sketching them on paper to review later. This potentially gives Ulioth more time to prepare for the fight, as he is warned of the presence of the PCs as soon as they enter location Q2. The PCs may make a Listen check to hear Ulioth or a Spot check to notice the rise of water coming from the chute in the floor after Ulioth casts control water.
Collected Errata
Page 33: If you happen to use the plesiosaur in an encounter during the initial sea voyage to Gallivant Cove, be sure to review the errata page18 for its monster manual entry in Stormwrack, which is found on pages 146-147 of that book.
Page 53: The CR for the blackfang rhagodessa is incorrect. The blackfang rhagodessa is an advanced rhagodessa, which was updated to 3.5 rules in Dungeon Magazine #139. In that issue, the rhagodessa is a CR2 4HD vermin of Medium size. The blackfang rhagodessa is advanced to the maximum of 12 HD and this also makes them Large size. The error in the stat block is the blackfang rhagodessa is listed as CR9. As per 3.5 D&D rules, the CR is adjusted as follows…
+1 CR for every 4HD advancement of a vermin type (+2 total)
+1 CR for increasing to Large sizeSo they should be CR5. You can argue for CR6 based on their higher than average hit points and because they picked up a +5 bonus to Constitution instead of the usual +4, which in their case lets them pick up an extra 36hp instead of 24hp.
Page 55: The rule reference provided for the Sloughed Skin encounter is incomplete. “...triggering an avalanche of decaying flesh-like resin. The resulting slide is 80 feet wide with a 40 foot bury zone in the center and a 20 foot slide zone on either side. Treat this as a normal avalanche, as detailed on page 90 of the Dungeon Master's Guide...”
The rules for the avalanche are on page 90, but what is additionally needed are clear rules on how PCs who are buried can get free by themselves or with help.
First, consult the Cave-ins and Collapses section found on page 66 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. That covers how a PC can free themselves or how another can free them. It states that for a cave-in the PC will be buried under about 2000 pounds of rock in their 5x5 foot square. The 3.5 D&D Frostburn book covered this rule again when it came to snow. There it suggests 500 pounds of snow that the buried PC must escape. Combine these rules and assume that the resin weighs as much as snow, or perhaps a bit more.
Pages 56-57: The neh-thalggu (aka brain collector) scion described on these pages should have an initiative bonus of +5, not +1. This is accounted for by its Improved Initiative feat.
Pages 61-62: First Ulioth's dominate person ability requires a DC 18 Will save, not DC 16. This is due to his higher Charisma score.
Second, Ulioth has the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class which is found in the D&D 3.0 hardcover Book of Vile Darkness. However, a few months after Dungeon Magazine #144 was released, a 3.5 update to the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class was published in Dragon Magazine #357. If you wish to use this 3.5 update for Ulioth, everything is the same except that the 3.5 version of the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class uses a good Will save progression rather than the original poor Will save progression. Thus, Ulioth's new Will save is +22, improved from the original +19.
Dungeon Magazine #145
Adventure #7: City of Broken Idols
The Central Plateau
In this adventure, the central plateau on the Isle of Dread has no large extinct caldera that dominates the very center of the plateau in a five to seven mile radius. The terrain is largely flat grasslands and forests. The original X1 The Isle of Dread (along with the version released for the 5E playtest) has the central lake and village of Mantru within the extinct volcano itself, requiring PCs to climb or fly to cold, snowy peaks before descending and finding the village of Mantru.
As detailed on page 23 of X1, “The cliffs surrounding the central volcanic lake form a high, imposing wall of upthrust rock. Often shrouded in low clouds, the tops appear jagged and in some places snow-covered.”19 X1 suggests it takes 12 hours of climbing to reach the top of the cliffs.
If you decide to add this geological feature back to the central plateau, you can leave an open pathway via narrow valley on the northern side of the caldera. This narrow valley formed long ago when an earthquake widened a crack in the extinct volcano, and was used by both animal herds and villagers from Mantru to venture from the central volcanic lake to the rest of the plateau and back again until recent times. Now this narrow valley is watched and guarded by skinwalkers, who use a trail that leads through the valley to the northern edge of the central plateau where they have a hidden path leading down to the rest of the Isle of Dread.
The hidden camp of the lizardmen awaiting Noltus’ return lies just beyond the cliffs near the southeast curve of the caldera, and Noltus and his band climbed the cliff walls to descend into the valley before he was captured.
Should the PCs ascend the caldera, you may roll for random encounter using the Cliffs entry on the encounter table found on page 59. If the PCs enter the caldera through the narrow north valley, the skinwalkers will spot them. There are 2d6 skinwalkers watching this approach and at least one will go back to alert the complex while the rest stalk the PCs, attacking at an opportune moment if they have at least parity in numbers with the PC party. If not, they wait until the PCs encounter more skinwalkers before they attack.
Deinosuchus Titanic-template Crocodile
[Image: Deinosuchus]
This sixty-foot long prehistoric crocodile was built using the Titanic template found in the Monster Manual II. That template has no provision for giving a creature the swallow whole ability. This creates the oddity of this enormous beast being unable to swallow characters, as the standard crocodile normally uses its improved grab ability to pin an opponent underwater to drown them. Rather than have it use that tactic, add the following abilities to the deinosuchus stat block:
Improved Grab (Ex): Replace the last sentence of the Monster Manual Crocodile’s Improved Grab ability with the following sentence…”If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.”
Swallow Whole (Ex): The deinosuchus can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Large size or smaller by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent immediately begins taking 2d6 + 14 points of bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 + 4 points of acid damage from the deinosuchus’ stomach each round. A swallowed creature can cut its way out using a light slashing or piercing weapon or claws. Dealing at least 45 points of damage to the deinosuchus’ stomach (AC 18) in this way creates an opening large enough to permit escape. Once a single swallowed creature exits in this way, muscular action closes the hole. The deinosuchus’ stomach can hold up to 2 Large, 8 Medium, 32 Small or 128 Tiny-sized or smaller opponents.
Taboo Temple Elevation Levels
Within the temple, the adventure has some confusion over elevation levels between different areas of each dungeon level, and elevation levels between different dungeon levels. Location 8 on dungeon Level 1 is declared to be twenty feet above location 33 on dungeon Level 2. At the same time, location 10 on dungeon Level 1 is also declared to be twenty feet above location 31 on dungeon Level 2. The problem is that locations 31 and 33 are at the same elevation on dungeon Level 2, but locations 8 and 10 are not! There is a staircase between areas 8 and 10 leading down, which means area 10 is on a lower elevation.
The problem originated with X1 The Isle of Dread, which didn’t specify the elevation levels between dungeon levels except to state that the drop from location 8 to location 33 in the Savage Tide Taboo Temple (corresponding to locations 34 and 40 in X1) was 1d6hp of falling damage, thus implying a ten foot drop. But X1 had the same error with respect to the aforementioned staircase on dungeon Level 1 being present, while the two locations on dungeon Level 2 are at the same elevation. In fact, the error is even worse in X1, as the staircase itself would be enough to go from dungeon Level 1 to dungeon Level 2 if there is only a ten foot elevation difference between those two levels.
So to fix all of this, here are a set of recommended elevation levels for each location of the first two levels of the dungeon, where a 0 foot elevation level corresponds to the water level of the surrounding lake:
65 foot elevation level: Locations 4-7, as well as the hiding place in the wall behind the carved face above the eastern passage at location 3. These are the highest elevation points for Dungeon Level 1.
50 foot elevation level: Locations 3 and 8, as well as the highest shelf on the eastern edge of location 2. This means the drop from location 8 to location 33 is 46 feet.
30 foot elevation level: Locations 9 through 24. This means the drop from location 10 to location 31 is about 34 feet.
10 foot elevation level: Locations 26 and 27 and the raised platform in the passage of Location 34. These are the highest elevation points for Dungeon Level 2.
4 foot elevation level: Locations 33 and 37 as well as the passage north of location 33 which gradually slopes down to a level of -2 foot elevation at the north end by the door. This slight elevation is why the rat holes in the passage don’t flood these areas.
-2 foot elevation level: Locations 28 and 34.
-4 foot elevation level: Location 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39 and the passage section south of the platform near Location 34.
-8 foot elevation level: Location 30.
[Image: Elevations Illustration]
The well on Dungeon Level 2 at location 36 drops 65 feet to a pool of boiling water, which connects to Dungeon Level 3 by a fifteen foot long U shape tunnel that extends down, across and up. This pool on Level 3 is on a terrace, and we can assume that terrace is roughly five feet high. Thus, the base elevation for the lowest level of stable ground in location 40 of Dungeon Level 3 would be about -69 feet or approximately 70 feet below the lake level.
So why isn’t all of Dungeon Level 3 flooded? It should be, since there is a route from the lake to Locations 28 and 29 on Dungeon Level 2 which then connects to Location 43 on Dungeon Level 3. To prevent flooding, the kopru have their own organic material airlocks to prevent Dungeon Level 3 from being completely flooded. This is explained in the next section.
What about the original X1 adventure?
You can use the numbers above as a guideline for establishing elevation levels for the original X1 The Isle of Dread, keeping in mind the following-
1) The X1 dungeon is smaller as the Savage Tide AP greatly expanded the areas that are closed off by collapsed tunnels in X1.
a. Which means the 34 foot drop in Savage Tide can be as little as a 10 foot drop in X1(falling from location 36 to location 38).
b. And also means the 46 foot drop in Savage Tide can be as little as a 20-30 foot drop in X1(falling from location 34 to location 40).2) Dungeon Level 2 in X1 is flooded to a different depth level (5 feet instead of 4 feet), which is fine as lake elevation levels fluctuate.
3) Location 40 in X1, corresponding to Location 33 in Savage Tide, should be at a slightly lower elevation as there is a secret door connecting it to the flooded passage south of it and water pours into the room if the secret door is opened. The rat holes in X1 can simply be higher up along the walls.
4) Location 39 in X1, corresponding to Location 30 in Savage Tide, has an elevation fifteen feet below most of dungeon Level 2 in X1, rather than an elevation four feet below most of dungeon Level 2 as it is in Savage Tide.
Kopru Airlock Technology
PCs who take the underwater route from Location 29 to Location 43 find the equivalent of an airlock halfway down the tunnel. In keeping with hints elsewhere that the kopru make use of bio-organic technology, the PCs find the stone tunnel narrows a bit before reaching an obstruction that completely blocks the tunnel. The obstruction is a thick wall of living pale muscle tissue that is surrounded around the edges by a hard shell-like material which merges into the tunnel rock. While the kopru use their mental domination to control the opening, a rogue PC can make a DC 25 Search check to find the muscle’s key pressure points and then a DC 25 Open Locks check to trigger the muscle tissue to retract and open. Alternatively, the bio-organic door has a Strength score of 22 and a creature that succeeds on an opposed Strength check against the door can force it open as a full-round action. Beyond the opening is a small chamber filled with water and a second bio-organic door identical to the first. From the inside of the room, merely touching the second door causes the first door to close and seal. Once the first door is sealed, the second door automatically opens revealing the flooded passage continuing downward. Should the PCs continue and then return later, the second bio-organic door will have closed and need to be reopened once again with either skill or Strength checks. Only from inside the small chamber can a door be automatically opened with a touch.
Should the PCs explore Location 44’s passageway leading to other kopru fortresses deep below the island, they find another such bio-organic airlock. While the PCs could try to flood dungeon Level 3 by wedging open the muscle tissue, this is only a minor inconvenience for Khala and the kopru.
Skinwalker Witchdoctor
In the original X1 adventure, the hostile tribe occupying the first level of Taboo Temple has a witchdoctor as one of its leaders. While the skinwalker tribe in the Savage Tide AP have acolytes of the skin which lead the tribe in worshipping Demogorgon, they use a sorcerer class as their base build. The following optional NPC is a classic witchdoctor using the cleric class along with one level of the Thrall of Demogorgon prestige class to model the priest who conducts the ritual mentioned in the adventure that creates a skinwalker. You may substitute this witchdoctor for one of the two skinwalker acolytes of the skin encountered in the main battle at Location 3, or make him an additional combatant.
The witchdoctor will be with the chieftain and will cast shield of faith and freedom of movement on the chieftain and protection from good on himself as soon as they are mentally aware of attackers. The witchdoctor will cast divine favor on himself if possible just before emerging onto the balcony, and will cast sticks to snakes once he moves on to the balcony. This spell will animate two spears on the ground floor, transforming them into Large viper snakes for 8 rounds. Optionally, these snakes have a ranged spitting attack with thirty foot range increments that can cause blindness if the target is hit and fails a saving throw. Use the normal poison DC for the save.
Skinwalker Witchdoctor of Demogorgon CR 10
Male skinwalker cleric 7/thrall of Demogorgon 1
CE Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, scent, Listen +17, Spot +17
Languages: Abyssal, Oltec
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 15
hp 155 (16d8 + 80); DR 10/magic
Immune fear, poison
SR 15
Fort +18, Ref +11, Will + 17
BAB +14; Grp +17
Spd 40 ft
Atk options: pounce, rebuke undead (+2 bonus)
Melee: mwk macuahuitl +18/+13/+8 (1d8+3/17-20 plus poison) and
2 claws +16 (1d6+2 plus poison) and bite +16 (1d8+2 plus poison)
Wis 18
Spells Known (CL 8th)
4th (7/day) – freedom of movement, morality undoned20(DC 18), poison(DC 18), spell immunity
3rd (5/day) – contagiond (DC 17), dispel magic(x2), inflict serious wounds, sticks to snakes21
2nd (5/day) – blindnessd(DC 16), death knell, hold person(DC 16), inflict moderate wounds, silence(DC 16)
1st (6/day) – bane(DC 15), bless, divine favor, doomd(DC 15), protection from good, shield of faith
0 (6/day) – guidance, inflict minor wounds(x3), resistance, virtue
d = domain spell; Domains: Corruption, DemonicAbilities: Str 17, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 15
SQ telepathic link, spontaneous casting(inflict wounds)
Feats: Alertness, Improved Critical (macuahuitl), Multiattack, Thrall to Demon Demogorgon(+1 luck bonus to any roll once per day), Track, Willing Deformity(+2 profane bonus for Intimidate checks)
Updated Skills: Concentration +18, Craft (poisonmaking) +11, Intimidate +8, Jump +26, Hide +22, Knowledge(arcana) +2, Knowledge(religion) +6, Knowledge(the planes) +4, Listen +17, Move Silently +22, Spot +17, Survival +15
Corruption Domain – Ignore harness attacking an object once per day
Demonic Domain - +1 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls for unarmed strikes and natural weapons
Hypnosis (Su): Once per day, may make a gaze attack with an effect of the hypnotism spell, range 30 ft. (DC 13)Notes: The scaly flesh natural armor bonus, the Willing Deformity and Improved Critical bonuses, and the Demonic Domain bonus are already factored into the statistics above. For the Willing Deformity feat, the witchdoctor has bisected some part of his body in honor of Demogorgon, as a default it can be his face leaving a horrible scar down the center and a bisected nose.
Animal Companion White Ape Eztli
The chief of the skinwalkers has the abilities of a 9th level ranger in addition to the standard skinwalker abilities. This includes having an animal companion, a standard Monster Manual ape with the name Eztli. For Mystara, Eztli is a white ape, a classic monster from Moldvay/Mentzer D&D. Although they didn’t appear in the original X1, BECMI D&D did associate white apes as pets for Neanderthals22.
From the Rules Cyclopedia – “White apes are a species of ape that lost their color due to many years of living in caves. While not truly intelligent they know the tactic of throwing stones at enemies and normally keep some handy throwing stones in their lairs.”
White apes normally live among the Neanderthals who inhabit caves southeast of the central plateau on the Isle of Dread. Chief Achcauhtli stole Eztli shortly after the white ape was weaned. Use the standard Ape statistics for Eztli, and add the following ranged attack for the ape with a range increment of 30 feet.
[Image: Eztli]
Melee: ranged thrown stone attack +5 (1d6+5)
The full stat block below is included as a more powerful advanced white ape version for Eztli. To make this version, you can advance Chief Achcauhtli one more level in ranger, making him a 10th level ranger with 18 HD. In addition to this extra level adding one to the chief’s BAB, Fort save, Ref save and wild empathy check, as well as giving him six additional skill points, the chief gains two selections of favored enemy bonus, a 2nd level ranger spell, and an additional feat.
For the favored enemy bonus, increase the bonus against humans to +6, as well as adding humanoid(reptilian) +2, to reflect the arrival of hated Ixion-worshiping lizardmen that journeyed to the central plateau along with Noltus Innersol. For the new spell, either bear’s endurance or cat’s grace would be sufficient and will also benefit Eztli. For the feat, Chief Achcauhtli take the Natural Bond23 feat. This makes his effective druid level 8 instead of 5, allowing Eztli to advance as an animal companion, gaining the benefit of +2 bonus HD and natural armor, as well as a +1 bonus to Strength and Dexterity along with the Evasion ability and another feat. The following stat block for Etzli reflects these changes.
White Ape Animal Companion
Large animal
Hit Dice 6d8+15 (44 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft, climb 30 ft
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14)
BAB +4, Grp +14
At: Claws +9 melee (1d8+6)
Full attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d8+6) and bite +4 melee (1d6+3)
or 1 ranged thrown stone +7 (1d6+6)
Space/Reach 10 ft, 10 ft
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +3
Str 22, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Climb +16, Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Improved Natural Attack
Special Abilities: Evasion, Link, Share spellsLocation 8, Priest’s Chamber
This is where one of the skinwalker acolytes observes the main chamber on the narrow platform and can cast spells through the eyeholes. This area is Location 34 in the original X1 adventure but the original hazard/trap found here in X1 is missing. Quoting p25 of X1 The Isle of Dread
“Anyone standing on the platform may view the main chamber by looking through the two small eye holes. Between the two eye holes is a large wooden piston and handle. If anyone gives it a strong hard pull, this piston sprays a 20-foot diameter cloud of inflammable dust through the nose of the face and into the main chamber. The dust cloud causes any open flames in the main chamber to explode, causing 4d6 points of damage to any character in the area. A successful saving throw versus dragon’s breath reduces damage by half. There is a 50% chance that any explosion in the main chamber causes a similar explosion on the platform where the piston is, resulting in 2d6 points of damage to anyone there.”
This alchemical weapon is still accessible and known to the skinwalker acolytes. The acolyte stationed here prefers to use his spells in targeting opponents in the main chamber, as his fellow skinwalkers are not resistant to fire. However, in certain circumstances the acolyte may deliberately trigger the spray with a move equivalent action. As long as flame is still burning in the central fire pit in location 3, this will cause an explosion inflicting 4d6 hp of damage to everyone in location 3, including the upper balconies. A DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage. If the explosion extends through the eye holes (50% chance), anyone standing on the platform takes 2d6 hp of damage with a DC 20 Reflex save for half. Note the skinwalker acolyte himself is resistant to fire and is unlikely to be harmed.
Should this weapon/trap remain un-triggered when the PCs explore location 8, the following statistics are provided for the purposes of a rogue (or anyone else with the Trapfinding ability) determining what the piston does (Search DC) and figuring out how to disable/disarm it.
Piston – Flammable Dust: CR 0; mechanical; manual trigger; no reset; Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Location 13, Vault of the Sun and Moon
Bas-reliefs on the walls depict a native hero of the Thanaclan empire fighting wingless dragons. These are linnorms, which appear later in the adventure path when the PCs visit the outer planes. Since linnorms are not part of Mystara lore, you can change the images to winged dragons easily enough. If you do want to foreshadow the linnorms, then you can keep the description as is, and linnorms briefly invaded the Isle of Dread in the distant past.
Whatever you do, don't show the players the illustration/image representing the room found on page 72 of the magazine. That image shows the solution for the puzzle/combination lock the PCs must solve to recover the artifact. It is helpful for the DM to visualize the room, but terrible to print out and hand to the players.
Location 24, Prison Camp
The tiefling rogue Throgiff can be converted to a diabolus rogue while leaving his statistics mostly the same. Just remove the darkness spell-like ability, apply the appropriate racial bonuses, and add the natural tail attack to his melee attacks24.
Affiliation Awards
If the Zelkarune’s Horns affiliation requests that a PC member bring back a live unique beast or one of the Infamous Seven25, and the PC brings back the deinosuchus, then the affiliation award to the PC should be +2 to bring it into line with the standard awards for that affiliation26.
Collected Errata
Page 64: “Onailati teleports back to Taboo Island to report his failure to Khala if both the julajimus and the acolyte are slain, or if he's reduced to less than 30 hit points.”
As a maurezhi demon, Onailati has no spell-like ability or magic to teleport. If he cannot escape on foot, a skinwalker might escape to warn the temple of the PCs approach. You could give Onailati a one-use item to teleport or simply allow the PCs to make an initial surprise attack on the temple should they prevent any of the ambushers from escaping.
Page 68: “The two secret doors on the balconies are of stone”
Based on the elevation levels outlined above, this is incorrect. The secret door leading to Location 6 is, indeed, up at the balcony level. However, the secret door leading to Location 8 is not at the balcony level but is, instead, at base ground level with respect to Location 3. It is in the wall underneath the balcony.
Page 68: Chief Achcauhtli’s bashing light wooden shield has a base damage of d6, not d8. Thus, he does 1d6+3 hp of damage when striking with the shield. Also, with his multiattack feat his natural weapons (two claws and a bite) are hitting at a -2 penalty. They are unaffected by his two-weapon fighting style since these natural attacks are the lion/rakasta skin part of the chieftain skinwalker rather than the human part of him. Thus, with a BAB of +17 and a Strength bonus of +5, his attacks with natural weapons should be 17+5-2 = +20, not the +19 which is listed.
Page 69: “Once four skinwalkers are slain, the survivors howl in rage - this din is enough to call the Chieftain, his ape animal companion and the second acolyte into the battle.”
Skinwalkers share an empathic communal consciousness while they are within sixty feet of each other as a supernatural ability (see page 84). Therefore, making any noise at all is unnecessary. From the very first round of combat, the chieftain and acolyte can begin prepping for the battle just in case by casting spells, and know exactly how many of their fellows have fallen as the battle progresses
Page 77: The fiendish template applied to a kopru behemoth increases the creature’s CR by +2, not +1. So, the taboo temple kopru are CR12.
Dungeon Magazine #146
Adventure #8: Serpents of Scuttlecove
Exalted Fiends
The previous article includes some suggestions on incorporating fiends from the Outer Planes into Mystara and Immortal cosmology27. Up until this adventure, all the demons and other fiends that the PCs encounter are of lesser status. For conceptual purposes and in case anyone wishes to convert the Savage Tide AP to BECMI D&D, we can classify any fiends with a CR of 18 or higher as having Exalted status28.
Using this somewhat arbitrary standard, the advanced yagnoloth residing in the Crimson Fleet treasury chamber is an Exalted-class fiend.
Affiliation Awards
There was no affiliation awards sidebar provided for this adventure, it was likely cut for space reasons. If your PCs belong to any of the affiliations detailed for the Savage Tide AP, goals exist in this adventure that can increase their affiliation score. Each of the following criterions grants an affiliation score modifier of +1.
Church of the Whirling Fury, The Dawn Council, Emerald Crest, The Heldannic Knights/Scarlet Brotherhood: Destroy the Crimson Fleet pirate base and terminate Cold Captain Wyther.
Emerald Crest: Rescue the pirate captain Harliss Javell and recruit her into the Emerald Crest.
The Seekers: Recover the Athrinoord Stone found in location H4 and donate it to a Seeker Chapterhouse.
Witchwardens: Recover a serpent symbol29 and donate it to the Witchwardens in Sasserine for study.
Zelkarune’s Horns: Capture the fiendish eye of the deep and return it to Sasserine alive for the arena, or slay the yuan-ti anathema and bring its corpse back to Sasserine as a trophy. Accomplishing both tasks nets PCs a +2 to their score.
Collected Errata
Page 65: The fiendish eye of the deep has an Initiative of +4, not +5.
Dungeon Magazine #147
Adventure #9: Into the Maw
Planar Merchants
Instead of the PCs encountering the mercane wizards protected by tiefling mercenaries, the PCs are approached by planar spiders30. Like the mercanes, these planar spiders are 13th level wizards. The planar spiders don’t use naval vessels, preferring to plane shift directly on to the Sea Wyvern. One planar spider first appears atop the main mast to make peaceful overtures and offer to trade, using a tongues spell if necessary. Assuming the PCs agree, the planar spider departs and soon returns with more companions and magical wares to sell.
[Image: Planar Spiders]
As an alternative, if you intend to try and run the encounter with Demogorgon as a High Eternal from the Immortals box set later in this article, you can have the planar spiders approach the PCs in one of their merchant flying saucer ships31. The PCs first spot the flying saucer approaching at impossibly high speed hovering less than twenty feet above the water. When it gets close it comes to a stop, a hatch opens and a planar spider emerges to open negotiations. While the flying saucer itself is not for sale, the planar spiders can reveal that similar vehicles roam the Ethereal Plane…for a small fee.
Demons Known on Mystara
For the purposes of supplementing a side-quest for the Zelkarune’s Horns in this adventure (see the Dragon Magazine #356 entry), this section singles out two of the fiends encountered in the prison of Divided Ire and expands their backgrounds to tie them to Mystara. Both fiends have visited Mystara in the past, putting their imprint on its recent history.
[Image: S’Sharra]
S’Sharra has a feared and sinister reputation in the Principalities of Glantri. S’Sharra is the “creature from the Abyss” who first scarred the Lady Rowena Krollnar32 in the late 9th century AC. The kelvezu blackguard later returned to Glantri to finish the job, murdering the Viscountess of Bergen33 in the early 10th century AC. Should the PCs visit Glantri and turn over S’Sharra’s head to the authorities in Glantri City, they can collect a bounty of 500 platinum crowns (25,000 gp value). Identifying S’Sharra as the assassin of Lady Rowena requires a DC 35 bardic knowledge check or a DC 40 Knowledge(history) check.
Belshamoth, along with some filth demons, was responsible for the pestilent wind that scourged the village of Cournglain generations ago during the life of Ascalon34. The shator demodand and his companions were slain on the Material Plane but this did not destroy their existence in the Outer Planes. Since there were no eyewitnesses to the battle, the Sphere of Entropy was free to substitute a different fiend when Ascalon’s identity was used later35. Should the PCs visit the Republic of Darokin, and present Belshamoth’s head to the Church of Darokin either in Darokin City or Corunglain, the church hierarchy will use divination magic to confirm the authenticity of the head and its link to Ascalon’s history. A shrine will eventually be established in the city sparking a revival in pilgrimages in Ascalon’s name. In gratitude, a wealthy Darokin merchant sends a gift of 10,000 gp to the PCs. Identifying Belshamoth as the scourge of Corunglain requires a DC 35 bardic knowledge check or a DC 40 Knowledge(history) or Knowledge(religion) check.
For both S’Sharra and Belshamoth, a PC who is a native of the continent of Brun gets a +5 circumstance bonus to their check.
Dungeon Magazine #148
Adventure #10: Wells of Darkness
Additional Encounter
Adventures #9 and #11 of the Savage Tide campaign feature villains owing fealty to Demogorgon who are assigned the responsibility of seeking out the PCs to assassinate them. This adventure, in contrast, has no such agents, despite Demogorgon being aware that the PCs have raided his own prison on his home plane in the previous adventure. While this adventure includes opponents assigned by Demogorgon to guard against interlopers, these are all reactive assignments rather than a proactive pursuit of the PCs as seen in the prior and subsequent adventure.
This encounter has been added to correct this oversight, as well as tie the adventure back to Mystara by featuring some Mystara NPCs from a country where Demogorgon holds sway…the kingdom of Ator. These NPCs are also suitable for high-level adventures and campaigns set on the Savage Coast. The initial attack can happen at any time during the adventure but before the PCs reach Part Four: Prison Break. The assassin team will attempt to retreat and regroup if the battle turns against them, returning to launch another attack after they have recovered.
The 3.5 D&D statistics for the gurrash use the work of Jamie Baty36 as the basis for building the stat blocks. In addition, the 3.5 D&D Savage Coast/Red Steel campaign rules found on pages 68-73 of Dragon Magazine #315 were applied, and some of the supernatural and spell-like abilities of these gurrash can be found in those pages as Legacies. Four of the five gurrash have resistance to electricity due to the red steel armor37 that they wear. They are the greatest champions of their generation which the kingdom of Ator has produced.
Jaga Gena could never be accused of being fanatical. In fact, her near lifetime of service to her patron Demogorgon has always been one of caution and guarded belief. While she accepted the truth that Demogorgon was responsible for the creation of her species and her personal power, she always reminded herself that the Herathian wizards were just as responsible for the gurrash, and her people owed the Herathians nothing. If Demogorgon wanted her devotion, he had to do something for her, and any gift from a demon lord was one that required careful scrutiny. For this reason, she never once entertained the notion of becoming a Thrall of Demogorgon, she would never relinquish control even for an instant.
As niece of the Queen of Ator, Jaga has never lacked for opportunity, and her considerable gifts combined with shrewd alliances with several other gifted gurrash have helped her own ascent to power and become a recognized champion of Ator. Having considerable experience commanding unruly and headstrong gurrash warriors, she currently commands an elite adventuring party composed of those peers who look to her as their leader. All the gurrash in her party have earned a fearsome reputation along the Savage Coast and the Orc’s Head Peninsula, both as individuals, and as a united team.
Jaga Gena has been determined to stretch her lifespan beyond that of the average gurrash, leading her to petition her patron for the secret to Immortality. At the same time, being ever practical, she has studied the possibility of becoming a lich. If Demogorgon would not help, she would find another way.
To her surprise, Demogorgon appeared to her recently in a dream, promising to reveal to her the secret and sponsor her on the path to Immortality. The price was expected, if hard to calculate precisely. She had to eliminate another band of mortals from her own world, ones who had apparently managed to raid Demogorgon’s own prison and slay some of his minions. She has an extensive knowledge of her prey including their tactics, the result of interrogating some of the survivors who witnessed their raid on Divided Ire. Assembling her team, she has pursued her prey into the Lower Planes to the Wells of Darkness.
She will have her team attack the PCs when it is most advantageous. While she is alive, she will continue to reassemble her team and pursue the death of the PCs. Only if the PCs could somehow offer her another path to Immortality and communicate this idea would she consider breaking off an attack and negotiating. If Jaga Gena is slain, the gurrash adventuring party as a team are no longer a threat, most of the survivors will return to Ator. The only exception to this is her brother Makuu.
Jaga Gena is a gurrash of average size, but still imposing to most humans and demi-humans. Her snout and teeth leave her with a twisted perpetual smile. Her scales have a red tint from living in the lands of the Red Curse.
Jaga will cast the following spells before combat on herself: demon flesh, entropic shield, shield of faith, owl’s wisdom, demon wings, magic vestment, freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, as well as greater spell immunity if she knows of a high-level spell the PCs prefer to use. She will also drink her potion of haste. These spells and the potion are already reflected in her statistics below. She will also cast bull’s strength on her companions Big Red, Blackhide, and Makuu; eagle’s splendor on Blackhide; shield of faith on Big Red and Makuu; and lastly, unholy aura on her entire team. In the first round of combat, she prefers to cast a quickened prayer as a swift action followed up by an offensive spell in the same round.
Jaga Gena38, Priestess and Leader of Gatormen Assassin Squad CR 20
Female Gurrash(Gatorman) cleric of Demogorgon 18
CE Medium humanoid(reptilian)
Init -1; Senses: Listen +9, Spot +9
Languages: Shazak, Ator, Common, Abyssal
AC 39 , touch 17, flat-footed 37; (using 2 points of combat expertise)
hp 172 (21d8+42) (21 HD)
SR 25 vs good spells and spells cast by good creatures
Resist electricity 5
Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +20
Spd 55 ft (25 ft when not hasted), Fly 25ft
Melee: Using 2 points of combat expertise
+4 mwk large red steel heavy mace +21/+21(haste)/+16/+11 (2d6+7/20x2) and tail slap +13 (1d8+4) or
+4 mwk large red steel heavy mace +21(2d6+7)/20x2)
BAB +15; Grp +22
Atk Options: Turn Fire Creatures(+2 bonus), Rebuke Water Creatures(+2 bonus)
Spells Known (CL 18th)
9th (3/day) – energy drain(DC 27), gated, implosion(DC 26)
8th (4/day) – antimagic field, greater spell immunity, horrid wiltingd (DC 26), unholy aura
7th (4/day) – acid fogd(DC 23), blasphemy(DC 24), destruction(DC 25), inflict mass serious wounds(DC 24)
6th (5/day) – blade barrier(DC 23), cone of coldd(DC 23), find the path, greater dispel magic, harm(DC 24)
5th (5/day) – flame strike(DC 22), ice stormd(DC 22), slay living(DC 23), spell resistance(x2)
4th (7/day) – dimensional anchord, dismissal(DC 20), freedom of movement, greater magic weapon, poison(DC 22), restoration, spell immunity
3rd (7/day) – demon wingsd39, dispel magic, invisibility purge, magic vestment, prayer, protection from energy, sticks to snakes
2nd (7/day) – bull’s strength(x3), demoncalld40, eagle’s splendor, owl’s wisdom, silence(DC 16)
1st (7/day) – bane, bless, demonfleshd41, entropic shield, shield of faith(x3)
0 (6/day) – detect magic, guidance, resistance(x4)
d = domain spell; Domains: Demonic, WaterSpell-Like Abilities (CL 18th)
1/day - vitality of the Great One(fast healing 1 for 23 rounds)Abilities: Str 16, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 22(18 without owl’s wisdom), Cha 14
Feats: Combat Expertise, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus(necromancy), Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Riposte42, Spell Focus(evocation), Spell Focus(necromancy)
Skills: Balance +2, Concentration +23, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +13, Knowledge(history) +7, Knowledge(planes) +5, Knowledge(religion) +10, Listen +9, Spellcraft +5, Spot +9, Survival +11(+13 other planes), Swim +8 (does not factor in Armor Check Penalty of -7)
Possessions: masterwork red steel half-plate, heavy red steel shield +2, masterwork large red steel heavy mace, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of hasteEnrage (Ex): Gurrash are prone to fits of violence when frustrated or wounded.
Outside of combat, a gurrash must make a Wisdom check vs DC 16 when in frustrating or unfamiliar circumstances. If failed, the gurrash flies into a rage, breaking things, threatening all around it, and possibly attacking the provoker. After 2 rounds, a second Wisdom check is made- if successful, the gurrash rants for another 3 rounds before calming down; if failed, the gurrash attacks the object of its frustration.
Jaga Gena may also become enraged by taking more than 40 points of damage in a single attack. She must make a Wisdom check vs DC18 or become enraged. If enraged while in combat (whether by damage or from frustration), she rages like a 3rd level barbarian.
In a combat rage, a gurrash temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution increases its hit points by 2 points per HD, but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his Constitution score drops back to normal. (These extra hit points are not lost first the way temporary hit points are.) While raging, a gurrash cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that require patience or concentration, nor can she cast spells or activate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger (such as a wand), or spell completion (such as a scroll) to function. He or she can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item creation feats, and metamagic feats. A fit of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the gurrash's (newly improved) Constitution modifier. A gurrash cannot prematurely end his or her rage- only the death of its target or the normal ending can end it. At the end of the rage, the gurrash loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can't charge or run) for the duration of the current encounter.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a gurrash hits with both of its claws, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required. Unless otherwise noted, improved grab works only against opponents at least Medium size or smaller than the gurrash.
Tail Slap (Ex): A gurrash may make a tail attack against any creature behind it as a secondary attack. If not using facing, the gurrash may make a tail attack against any flanking opponent it does not attack with its other weapons. The tail slap inflicts 1d8 damage.
Powerful Build (Ex): A gurrash is treated as one-size larger with regards to Bull Rush, Trip, Grapple, etc., and may use weapons designed for creatures on size larger.
Blackhide has always been a loner among his people, even going back to being the only survivor of his nest. There were rumors that the other eggs of his nest were offered as a sacrifice to a demonic entity, but his egg was returned or rejected as tribute. Somehow Blackhide learned at an early age the secret to pact magic and binding, and he soon left the realm of Ator, the lands of the Savage Coast and even the world of Mystara to wander the planes beyond. He became Blackhide the planewalker, and found the secrets to binding himself to demonic vestiges. He is always filled with a sense of detachment and an aching feeling of loss and abandonment, something he must overcome to act.
Having long purged himself of the Red Curse by living outside its reach, Blackhide only returns to Ator for short periods of time. Jaga Gena has been a longtime ally who relied on him for his knowledge of the planes and his reach to places where even she has no presence. The Wells of Darkness is a layer of the Abyss with which Blackhide is intimately familiar and one where he has walked for years meeting and binding the vestiges which can be found there. It is almost a second home to him. Jaga relies on him to guide her in opening the magical gates she uses to travel the planes.
Blackhide will envelop himself in deeper darkness and use his supernatural abilities at range for as long as possible. He cannot ever act first in combat, if he wins initiative he must hold his action until someone else acts.
Blackhide’s crocodile hide appears blackened and scorched and he constantly has the stench of brimstone emanating from him. A cloudy film covers his eyes and he stands always in shadow, which never extends more than a few feet from his body no matter what the angle light falls upon him.
Blackhide, Demonic Binder and Planewalker CR 20
Male Gurrash(Gatorman) binder 18
NE Medium humanoid(reptilian)
Init +2; Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages: Ator, Abyssal, Infernal
AC 30, touch 18, flat-footed 28; Dodge(not yet factored into AC)
hp 193 (21d8+63) (21 HD); DR 1/-
Immune energy drain, fear, fire, negative levels
Resist electricity 5, Resist 5 of one choice(acid, cold, fire, sonic)
Fort +21, Ref +15, Will +17
Spd 30 ft
Melee: +4 mwk large red steel heavy mace +27/+27(haste)/+22/+17 (2d6+13/19-20x2) plus touch of the void 4d8 cold damage(once/4 rounds) and tail slap +17 (1d8+6) or
+4 mwk large red steel heavy mace +27(2d6+13)/19-20x2)
BAB +15; Grp +23
Atk Options: Dodge, Rebuke Undead(once/5 rounds), touch of the void(for all melee attacks, once/4 rounds)
Special Actions(Su): deeper darkness(at will), blasphemy(3/day, DC 25), Blackflame fireball(3/day, half vile damage, DC 25), flicker(3/day), divination (1/day)
Vestiges Typically Bound: Ansitif, Astaroth, Tenebrous43
Abilities: Str 22(18 without bull’s strength), Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20(16 without eagle’s splendor)
SQ: Attacks count as silver for DR purposes, flicker, pact augmentation(+1 insight bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on saves, DR/1-, energy resistance(DM choice)), rebuke undead as 19th level cleric(once 4/rounds), see in darkness(including deeper darkness), serpentine tongue(+18 bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks), soul binding(3 vestiges), soul guardian, suppress sign, touch of the void(once/4 rounds);
Feats: Dodge, Elusive Target44, Empower Supernatural Ability(1/day usually Blackflame fireball), Favored Vestige(Tenebrous, +1 binder level), Improved Critical(large heavy mace), Improved Toughness(+1hp/HD), Mobility, Rapid Recovery(Tenebrous), Sudden Ability Focus(+2 DC 1/day, usually Blackflame fireball), Widen Supernatural Ability(1/day usually fireball, area of effect increases 100%), Thrall to Demon(+1 luck bonus to any roll), Weapon Focus(large heavy mace)Skills: Bluff +24(+28 against evil outsiders), Concentration +23, Disguise +24(+28 against evil outsiders), Hide +6, Intimidate +11, Knowledge(planes) +10, Knowledge(religion) +2, Move Silently +6, Survival +4 (other planes +6), Swim +12
Possessions: red steel chain shirt +4, large red steel heavy mace +3, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of haste, soul lens45(+1 save DC of all supernatural abilities bestowed by vestiges)
Deeper Darkness (Su): Blackhide can cast deeper darkness (CL 19th) with the exception that the effect centers on himself, has an unlimited duration, and the range of the darkness can be shifted up or down (still within normal range) up or down 10 feet as a move action. Suppressing the darkness is a standard action.
Enrage (Ex): Blackhide loses this ability as long as he has bound Tenebrous.
Flicker (Su): Blackhide may, as an immediate action, transfer himself up to 45 feet away in a similar manner to dimension door. If this action is taken in response to an attack, the attack has a 50% miss chance.
Improved Grab (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Powerful Build (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Tail Slap (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Touch of the Void (Su): As a swift action, Blackhide may charge his melee weapon to deal 4d8 cold damage for the duration of the round. This can only be done once every four combat rounds.
Red Lightning is Jaga Gena’s right hand assistant and one of her former mates. It is he who often acquires obscure items and rare materials she needs, whether it is making shady contacts in foreign cities or exploring remote ruins. Traveling across the Savage Baronies, he managed to acquire a wheellock pistol and become proficient in it, favoring that weapon above all others. He recently completed a quest in pursuit of the Howling Dragon, a legendary pistol dating back to the invention of firearms on the Savage Coast. The weapon has proven to be far more than he bargained, threatening to take control of his will. So far Jaga’s assistance has prevented that from happening, and he eagerly follows her into battle.
Red Lightning will use his wands to grant fly and freedom of movement to himself and every other member of the team except for Jaga who uses her own magic. He will take advantage of his sneak attack abilities at maximum range as often as possible, engaging with his pistol and utilizing his cone of fire or wand of lightning when he can line up multiple opponents. If Big Red loses his enlarge person spell, Red Lightning will cast it from his scroll to renew it. Should a force effect trap someone on the team, Red Lightning will use disintegrate. He may also use his wands to recast a spell on a teammate if they lose a spell effect and need it renewed.
Red Lightning is “small” for a gurrash, being “only” six and a half feet tall. But his preternatural speed has more than allowed him to compensate for his stature. Red Lightning is a moniker but the only name he is known by outside the kingdom of Ator. Like Jaga Gena, his crocodile skin has a red tint from living in the lands of the Red Curse.
Red Lightning, Gatorman Pistoleer CR 20
Male Gurrash(Gatorman) rogue 18
CE Medium humanoid(reptilian)
Init +10; Senses: Listen -1, Spot -1
AC 32, touch 21, flat-footed 32; Dodge(not yet factored in AC), Mobility, improved uncanny dodge
hp 156 (3d8 + 18d6 + 42) (21 HD)
Fort +15, Ref +23, Will +10, evasion
Spd 30 ft
Melee: +3 howling dragon46 wheellock pistol club +22(and+22 when hasted)/+16/+11 (1d6+6/20x2) and tail slap +14 (1d8+3) or
+3 howling dragon wheellock pistol club +22 (1d6+6/20x2)
Ranged: (if within 30 ft of target, add 1 to hit and damage rolls) +3 howling dragon wheellock pistol +26(1d10+6/19-20x2)
BAB +15; Grp +22
Atk Options: sneak attack +9d6
Special Actions: Cone of fire
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th)
3/day - wind of the Great One(casts expeditious retreat)Abilities: Str 16, Dex 22(18 without cat’s grace), Con 15, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
SQ: evasion, slippery mind, trapfinding, trap sense +6
Feats: Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(firearms), Improved Critical (wheellock pistol), Improved Initiative, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload (wheellock pistol), Weapon Focus(wheellock pistol), Wheellock SniperSkills: Appraise +5(+7 for alchemy and weapons), Balance +8, Decipher Script +10, Craft(alchemy) +10, Craft(weaponsmithing) +10, Disable Device +15, Escape Artist +27, Hide +12, Intimidate +6, Jump +10, Move Silently +12, Open Lock +21, Search +11, Survival +4 (+6 tracking), Swim +7, Tumble +29, Use Magic Device +23(+25 for scrolls), Use Rope (bindings only) +8
Possessions: Howling Dragon wheellock pistol, leather armor +5, Masterwork wheellock pistol, potion of cat’s grace, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of haste, wand of fly (12 charges), wand of freedom of movement (6 charges), wand of lightning bolts (9 charges), Scroll of enlarge person, disintegrate(x2)
Cone of Fire (Sp): The Howling Dragon wheellock pistol may blast a cone of fire as a standard action 3/day. The cone is 30 feet long and five feet wide at the far end. Anyone caught within the cone takes 6d12+3 hp of damage, a DC 20 Reflex save may be made for half damage.
Enrage (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Improved Grab (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Tail Slap (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Powerful Build (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Wheellock Sniper (Ex): This feat is the equivalent of Crossbow Sniper47. Red Lightning increases sneak attack range from 30 feet to 60 feet, and gains a bonus on damage rolls with the wheellock pistol equal to half his dexterity bonus.
Makuu Gena is the brother of Jaga, born of the same nest to the same mother. Like her, he was ambitious, but as she pursued divine power he became a more conventional warrior. When the Red Curse swept over the Kingdom of Ator in 1009 AC, he became fascinated with both the curse and its Legacies. He pursued answers across the Savage Coast, eventually becoming an Inheritor and joining the Order of the Flame. He has become one of the most powerful members of their order and the highest ranking gurrash among any of the Inheritor societies. He has won a number of duels against other Inheritors and served as a bounty hunter for the Order of the Flame rounding up or putting down renegades.
When his sister approached him to do this latest job, he agreed, as they have always worked well together. Unlike the other gurrash on the team, who will drop the matter if Jaga is killed, Makuu will not. He will retreat to help any other gurrash reach safety if they are defeated, but after that, Makuu will take a vow to slay every last killer of his sister. This means he will return in the last adventure when the PCs invade Gaping Maw. He will reach the plane as well, tracking the PCs as best he can and striking with surprise. By this time he will have likely acquired another Savage Coast legacy.
In combat, Makuu will move to block any opponents trying to reach his sister or Red Lightning. He always uses Combat Expertise to take advantage of his Riposte ability. He will try to engage more than one opponent in order to make use of Deceptive Dodge and Elusive Target, even letting opponents flank him.
Unlike all of the other gurrash on the team, Makuu’s scales are a deep crimson, as are his eye pupils. This is due to his being an Inheritor.
Makuu Gena, Flame Inheritor CR 20
Male Gurrash(Gatorman) fighter 18
NE Medium humanoid(reptilian)
Init +2; Senses: Listen +3, Spot +4
AC 46, touch 20, flat-footed 41; Dodge(not yet factored into AC), Mobility, (using 3 points of Combat Expertise)
hp 190 (3d8 + 18d10 + 42) (21 HD)
Resist electricity 5
Fort +24, Ref +18, Will +16
Spd 25 ft
Melee: (Using 3 points of Combat Expertise and 2 points of Power Attack) +3 large red steel bastard sword +29(and+29 when hasted)/+24/+19 (2d8+12/17-20x2) and tail slap +24 (1d8+8) or +3 large red steel bastard sword +29 (2d8+12/17-20x2)
BAB +20; Grp +30
Atk Options: Deceptive Dodge, Elusive Target, Melee Evasion, Power Attack, Riposte
Special Actions: Cinnabryl skin(1/day), Power Storing(1/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th)
2/day – tortle shell(casts barkskin)
1/day – heroism48, vitality of the Great One(fast healing 1 for 23 rounds)Abilities: Str 22(18 without bull’s strength), Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Feats: Combat Expertise, Deceptive Dodge49, Dodge, Elusive Target50, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (large bastard sword), Greater Weapon Focus (large bastard sword), Greater Weapon Specialization (large bastard sword), Improved Critical(large bastard sword), Inheritor Feat51(x4), Melee Evasion52, Mobility, Power Attack, Riposte53, Weapon Focus(large bastard sword), Weapon Specialization(large bastard sword)Skills: Appraise(alchemy) +3, Balance +10, Craft(alchemy) +22, Intimidate +11, Jump +18, Listen +3, Spot +4, Survival +6, Swim +13, Tumble +12
Possessions: red steel full plate +4, red steel heavy shield +3, large red steel bastard sword +3, potion of cure serious wounds, potion of haste, vial of crimson essence
Cinnabryl Skin (Su): Fighter gains DR 2/red steel for a duration of 18 minutes (1 min/level).
Enrage (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry. But for Makuu it takes 50hp of damage in a single strike to trigger the need to make a DC 18 Wisdom check.
Improved Grab (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Tail Slap (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Powerful Build (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Power Storing (Su): If Makuu is targeted by a damaging spell, he may, as an immediate action, instantly absorb the magical energy up to a certain limit (1 HD/level) and take no damage from absorbed HD. Makuu may then release the absorbed magical energy when striking with a red steel weapon. The energy remains stored for up to one hour, at which point the energy dissipates if not released. For Makuu, up to 18HD of magical damage may be absorbed. When releasing the energy with a red steel weapon, Makuu gains a damage bonus of +1hp per HD of damage absorbed. The type of damage is the same as the energy type of the spell, if any. Power Storing is a Savage Coast legacy54 which drains Charisma.
Big Red is the nickname for Jaga Gena’s other mate. A massive barbarian nearly eight feet tall, he wields in both hands an executioner’s mace55, a combination axe and mace fitted with a long spike, allowing him to do bludgeoning and either piercing or slashing damage with each blow. Big Red has always been Jaga Gena’s unquestioning muscle, and he is completely loyal to her. He enjoys intimidating opponents and showing off his phenomenal strength. He won’t admit to anyone, however, that Blackhide has always scared the hell out of him.
Just before the fight begins, Big Red will invoke his aid ability to increase his hit points and then cast enlarge person from his ring. This increases his size to Large thereby increasing his Space and Reach to 10 feet each. It also increases his Strength by 2 and decreases his Dexterity and AC by 2 each. He enters combat and rages on the next round. Should he come out of his rage while the combat is still going on, he will spend the next round invoking his second use of aid. He will then resume combat. Big Red prefers to close with arcane or divine spellcasters to take advantage of his reach and Mage Slayer feat.
His skin coloration is consistent with Red Lightning and Jaga Gena.
Big Red, CR 20
Male Gurrash(Gatorman) barbarian 18
NE Medium humanoid(reptilian)
Init +7; Senses: Listen +6, Spot +2
AC 30, touch 17, flat-footed 30; (rage factored into AC, an additional -2 AC while Large size)
hp 208 (3d8 + 18d12 + 42) (21 HD); DR 4/-; when raging add 63hp, aid adds d8+10hp
Resist electricity 5
Fort +24, Ref +15, Will +16 (+17 vs fear effects, +20 vs enchantment spells)
Spd 40 ft
Melee: Using 4 points of power attack
+2 large red steel executioner’s mace +30(and +30 when hasted)/+25/+20 (3d6+23/19-20x3) and tail slap +22 (1d8+13)
(while Large size) +2 large red steel executioner’s mace +30(and +30 when hasted)/+25/+20 (4d6+25/19-20x3) and tail slap +22 (1d8+14)
BAB +20; Grp +33 (+38 while Large size)
Atk Options: Combat Brute, Improved Sunder
Special Actions(Su): Rage (5/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14th)
2/day - aid56Abilities: Str 28(18 without bull’s strength, rage), Dex 16, Con 21(15 without rage), Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12
SQ: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Tireless Rage
Feats: Combat Brute57, Combat Reflexes, Improved Critical (large executioner’s mace), Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Mage Slayer58, Power Attack, Weapon Focus(large executioner’s mace)Skills: Balance +5, Intimidate +25, Jump +30, Listen +6, Spellcraft +2, Spot +2, Survival +7, Swim +15
Possessions: red steel breastplate +4, large red steel executioner’s mace+2, potion of haste, ring of minor spell storing (enlarge person)
Enrage (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry, but this ability is not applicable while Big Red is in a barbarian rage. Should the encounter continue even after Big Red’s barbarian rage expires, he will automatically fail any Enrage Wisdom check, but he needs to take 50hp of damage in a single blow to be subject to the check. Keep in mind this rage is not as powerful as his barbarian Greater Rage.
Improved Grab (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Tail Slap (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Powerful Build (Ex): See Jaga Gena entry.
Concluding the Adventure
The PCs are able to converse with Shami-Amourae at the end of the adventure if they have been successful. In addition to everything she relates in the adventure text, the demon is able to tell the PCs one of Demogorgon’s four truenames59. Shami-Amourae tricked Demogorgon into sharing this truename with her, which is why he banished her to the Wells of Darkness when he realized she betrayed him. This is also why Demogorgon was willing to use the River Styx and risk Charon’s wrath as a final precaution to erase her memories should she escape.
With only one of Demogorgon’s four truenames, the PCs can’t control or destroy Demogorgon. But using it in the final adventure will give them the power to harm Demogorgon on his home plane, something mortals normally cannot do60.
Dungeon Magazine #149
Adventure #11: Enemies of my Enemy
The Witch Queen
As the infamous Iggwilv the Witch Queen plays a prominent role in the final two adventures, and since she is also tied to the demon lord Graz’zt who plays a small but significant role in the final adventure, this conversion provides two suggestions for giving Iggwilv a background suited for a Mystara campaign. Either of these backgrounds could be combined with her history in Greyhawk lore using creative license if you were so inclined.
Both of these two backgrounds depend heavily on the Immortal you choose to replace Graz’zt in the final adventure. The Immortal you choose dictates which background Iggwilv gets, since she is tied to that Immortal through marriage while that Immortal was living a mortal life before achieving Immortality.
[Image: Iggwilv as Nithian]
The first option to replace Graz’zt is to select Masauwu61. In this case, Iggwilv was a Nithian wizard who lived during the sixth century BC. Her magic and divination skills were great enough that she was able discern his Immortal candidacy while he was under the sponsorship of Hel. She sought him out and the charismatic ruthless con-man found his equal, though he did not discover her ulterior motive until after he achieved Immortality. Her observations of the path of the Deceiver increased her understanding of immortality, entropy and the workings of the planes. She made several magical breakthroughs, including a spell which could be used to grant her indefinite life, but without the power or obligations of an Immortal. The spell needed a magic source to periodically renew its power, and that was provided the day the Immortals erased Nithia from the outer world.
Tipped off in advance by her husband, Iggwilv was the only Nithian to escape the effects of the Spell of Oblivion through mortal magic. Retreating to another world and establishing a safe outpost there, she cast her own immortality spell…for as long as Nithia remains forgotten, Iggwilv will continue to draw breath.
Iggwilv now spends much of her time on the Outer Planes, studying the Lower Planes and Entropy in general, and more specifically the Abyss and its demon inhabitants. Her relationship with Masauwu continues, though it has seen better days since she used her knowledge of his mortal life to impressively, if only briefly, dominate and control him despite his Immortal power.
The second option to replace Graz’zt is to select Alphaks62. In this case, Iggwilv was Alphaks’ wife during his mortal life while he was Emperor of Old Alphatia. She supported his decision to declare his own side the victor in the philosophical debate between Followers of Fire and Air, even though she had no personal stake with either side.
[Image: Iggwilv as Alphatian]
Iggwilv survived as her husband did, but each blamed the other for what happened, and trust between them eroded. When Alphaks fell under the sway of Thanatos and was transformed into a demon, Iggwilv became intrigued and began studying Entropy, the Abyss, and that plane’s demon inhabitants. How she has managed to maintain her longevity is not clear... perhaps she possesses singular magical knowledge thought lost with the destruction of Old Alphatia, or perhaps she herself is on the path to Immortality for the Entropic sphere which is the reflective inverse of the path of the Dynast using time travel. If the latter proves to be the case, then no doubt the destruction of Old Alphatia was part of the path, and her presence in the timeline of the Savage Tide AP means that Demogorgon and the PCs are another key interval in her quest to join the ranks of the Immortals. As for Alphaks, he and Iggwilv have a classic love-hate relationship.
The Witch Queen’s Words
If you have made any of the following substitutions, you can go ahead and use these quotes instead of Iggwilv’s quotes in the text of the adventure when she discusses the major players from which the PCs may draw aid.
Replacing Graz’zt with Alphaks: “Ahhh, dear old Alphaks. My Dark Prince. Only one in the Abyss detests Demogorgon as much as he, but unfortunately, you can’t trust him. As much as he likes his petty interferences into Demogorgon’s plots, he won’t work with mortals from your world, he hates them and only trusts those who have sworn themselves to his service. He would probably just take you prisoner and torture you or turn you over to Demogorgon.”
Replacing Graz’zt with Masauwu: “Ahhh, dear old Masauwu. My Dark Prince. He would prove useful in this endeavor, for unknown to everyone but myself, he was working to sway the allegiance of the demonic tribes away from Demogorgon to his own sphere of influence within Entropy. But he would not be able to set aside his paranoia and ego long enough to join in any alliance he hasn’t spearheaded. I’m afraid you’ll find no aid here.”
Replacing Gwynharwyf with Calitha Starbrow: “This one you’ll have no problem gaining aid from, but you might find it difficult to reach her. Her hatred for Demogorgon goes back to what we will just call an incident several centuries ago. And the demon lord’s choice of pearls to unleash destruction is a deliberate mockery of her own relic pearls of power63 that she gifts to her people to protect their cities. Do a few favors for her and she’ll be all yours.”
In addition to the other denizens found on the home plane of Orcus, devilswine are well represented among his soldiers and minions. This reflects his mortal life on Mystara as a devilswine64.
Court of Stars
If replacing Gwynharwyf with Calitha Starbrow, there are some optional changes you can make when the PCs visit her Outer Plane. When they first visit, they find themselves on a tiny atoll with nothing but water on the horizon in every direction. Dolphins rather than moon dogs soon approach the PCs and Sir Andros Fearnaught is riding a legendary seahorse.
Eladrin should be regarded as another group of exalted beings found on the Outer Planes.
Assuming the PCs are granted an audience with the Immortal Starbrow, Celeste transports them there in a fast-moving skiff. Calitha Starbrow’s crystal palace is perched upon a massive pillar of rock which thrusts high above the ocean waters. Calitha Starbrow assumes the role of both Queen Morwel and Gwynharwyf while interacting with the PCs both in this adventure and the next.
If using Calitha Starbrow, a simple substitution is to use Gwynharwyf’s standard statistics except that Calitha does not have the mighty rage or alternate form abilities (unless you prefer her to keep the whirlwind ability). She can use the spell-like abilities dimension door, fly, and teleport at will and she wields only one weapon, a trident of defending +3, +5 vs aquatic creatures65 in both hands. Her adjusted melee attack while fighting Demogorgon (who is aquatic) would be:
Melee: +5 trident of defending +43/+38/+33/+28 (1d8+23/20x2) or (while using defending ability to gain a +5AC bonus): +5 trident of defending +38/+33/+28/+23 (1d8+18/20x2)
Among the World Roots
Redfang, Gnawer in Darkness, is also known as Gnaw-Fang66.
If converting this adventure to BECMI, the Queen of Succubi, Malcanthet, should be considered a full Immortal of Entropy, a Whispering Demon67 of exceptional power.
Dungeon Magazine #150
Adventure #12: Prince of Demons
Gathering the Forces
There is one additional location where the PCs can hold their council of war with their allies in a Mystara campaign. That would be in the city of Pandius itself. While the city is completely hidden from Mystara, a few mortal individuals have been allowed to visit under Immortal supervision while asleep and in a dreaming state. This is an ongoing experiment to manage the Vaults of Pandius68.
It is a DC 45 Knowledge(planes) check for the PCs to come up with the idea of suggesting this location. This represents the PC having heard rumors of a “great repository” of knowledge that is frequented by “beings of great power”. Suggesting this site to any of the three Immortals (Malcanthet, Orcus, Gwnharwyf/Calitha) is enough for them to recognize the PCs are asking about Pandius. It requires a DC 55 Diplomacy check, made once for each of the three Immortals, to convince them to agree to this location. They are reluctant as normally only favored mortals69, completely loyal to an Immortal patron, are allowed in Pandius. There is also the threat of a spy or informant tipping off Demogorgon about such a meeting. If the PCs can convince the three Immortals, however, then Charon and Iggwilv agree. Charon will send the proxy as specified in the adventure. The PCs have a couple of days to visit and explore the city of Pandius in order to secure a suitable location.
[Image: Vaults of Pandius]
Additional Encounters in the Screaming Jungle
In addition to the encounters described in the adventure, you can utilize Demogorgon’s summoning tables70 in the Immortal gold box set to come up with other common beasts to be found in the Screaming Jungle. Most of the normal creatures in those entries are not even speed bumps for 20th level PCs, but a gargantuan sized monster might serve as a quick distraction or novelty. All of the gargantuan versions of normal monsters that can be found in the Screaming Jungle have 3.5 D&D stat blocks on the Vaults of Pandius71.
The Skull King and general of Orcus’ XIII Decapitus legion is an NPC with a history detailed in other D&D products, specifically the 2E AD&D Planescape Dead Gods adventure, the 3E D&D Book of Vile Darkness and the 3.5 D&D Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss.
Fighting Demogorgon as a High Eternal
This section offers an outline and assistance for DMs who wish to try including a battle with Demogorgon using the stat blocks and rules provided in the Gold Box Immortals set. This isn’t a conversion of Demogorgon as a High Eternal into 3.5 D&D statistics, which can already be found on Pandius72.
To use this section, you will need a copy of the Immortals gold box set, which contains the rules for running the encounter in addition to the statistics for Demogorgon and Orcus, as well as IM1 The Immortal Storm, which contains the statistics for the flying saucers used by both planar spiders and meks.
Either the PCs come up with this idea on their own, or the DM can use Iggwilv to suggest that flying saucers used by planar spiders can be effective weapons even against an Immortal. It is a DC 40 Knowledge(planes) check to know of a mysterious war fleet of flying saucers which randomly patrol the Ethereal Plane73, destroying any sign of life they encounter. It is a DC 50 Knowledge(planes) check to know that these war ships are piloted by meks. Standard Knowledge(arcana) checks, with a +5 DC increase in difficulty, provide information about these constructs.
Iggwilv will agree to use an epic spell to transport (either through teleport or gate) PCs aboard one or more of the flying war ships to capture them. How many times this can be done is up to you as a DM. A war fleet operates as a collection of twelve ships and once the meks realize their ships are being boarded they will reinforce some defensive mechanism to prevent Iggwilv from breaching their interior with magic. The PCs will need to capture at least one ship and at most capture as many ships as there are PCs. Each ship they capture will increase their odds against Demogorgon, but as they will not be fighting Demogorgon alone you will need to adjust the encounter based on who the PCs fight with and how many ships they have at their disposal.
Each war ship is occupied by two meks, who will fight to the end to prevent PCs from capturing their ship.
[Image: Flying Saucer - DM’s View]
[Image: Flying Saucer - PC’s View]
The two meks will act in concert to defend the bridge once intruders are detected within the ship. One mek will release its paralyzing gas attempting to catch as many targets as possible, while the second mek will wait for an opportune moment to release its gas while avoiding overlap with the first cloud. A mek which manages to hit with both slam attacks will not use its improved grab ability unless the target avoids succumbing to its heavy blows ability. If it does grapple a target, it prefers to use its body slam ability on the next round unless no other opponents are still fighting. Meks do not normally use Power Attack to lessen their chances to hit, though they do sometimes take advantage of Awesome Blow.
Four repair modules on the ship are installed in four different five foot square locations on the bridge where the PCs confront the meks. These repair modules grant the meks regeneration, and once per day a repair module can bestow the equivalent of a heat metal spell as if a 7th level caster as an extraordinary ability. A repair module will use this effect after a mek has been slowed for one round. Each repair module can also, once per day, unleash the equivalent of a disintegrate spell as if an 11th level caster as an extraordinary ability. A repair module will use this effect if a mek is trapped by a force effect to free it, or to attack anyone attacking the repair module directly once the repair module is reduced below 50% of its starting hitpoints. The repair modules themselves have no other special defenses and are immobile. They have AC 3, hardness 15 and 120 hp, with a Break DC of 40.
Mek74 CR 18
N Huge construct
Init +1; Senses: motion detection
Languages: not applicable
AC 35, touch 9, flat-footed 34;
hp 205 (16d10 + 60) (16 HD); DR 10/adamantine; regeneration(see below)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +6,
Spd 30 ft (cannot run)
Space/Reach 15 ft, 10 ft (25 ft tall)
Melee: 2 slams +24 (6d10+14/19-20x2)
BAB +12; Grp +34
Atk options: Awesome blow
Special Actions: Body slam, breath weapon, heavy blows, improved grab
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 12, Con -, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 1
SQ: Construct traits, immunity to magic, motion detection
Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical(slam), Power AttackMeks have no skills or possessions.
Body Slam (Ex): A mek may pick up and throw any medium or smaller sized creature it grapples. The mek may throw the creature up to 1d6 x10 ft, causing 1d6 per 10ft thrown +15 hp in damage.
Breath Weapon (Su): A mek may release a 10ft radius cloud of paralyzing gas once every 10 minutes, as a free action. Any victim within the cloud must make a Fortitude save vs DC 15 (Con based) or be paralyzed for 10-30 minutes. The victim must save each round they remain within the cloud. The gas dissipates in 2d4 rounds in still air, half that if conditions are windy.
Durable (Ex): A mek is extremely durable, and has a hit point bonus equivalent to a construct one size larger than the size of the mek. Thus a mek of huge size gains a hit point bonus equivalent to a gargantuan size construct, which would be 60hp.
Heavy Blows (Ex): If a creature smaller than the mek is struck by both slam attacks in the same round it must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4-1 rounds and fall prone in its space. Even with a successful save, the victim must succeed on a DC 29 Balance check or fall prone in its space. The save and check DCs are Strength-based.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a mek must hit with both of its slam attacks. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If the grapple is successful, the mek maintains a hold on the creature and can inflict slam damage automatically each round. The mek may Body Slam a held medium-size or smaller victim to the ground (see above).
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A mek is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.
A magical attack that deals cold damage slows a mek (as the slow spell) for 2d4 rounds, with no saving throw.
A magical attack that deals fire damage ends any slow effect on the mek.
A disintegrate spell or magical attack that duplicates a disintegrate spell affects a mek normally, although a mek gains a +5 circumstance bonus to its Fortitude save.
A mek is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell.Motion Detection (Ex): Meks can only sense motion and do not see or hear like living creatures. They can sense the presence of any moving creature within 120 feet of them. To avoid detection by a mek, characters may attempt to remain motionless. If a Balance skill check vs DC 20 succeeds, then the character has managed to remain motionless enough to avoid detection by the mek's sensors. The characters must continue to remain motionless while the mek is in range to avoid detection. After the first motionless round, each additional motionless round requires a DC10 Balance check.
Regeneration (Ex): The meks do not have regeneration as an inherent ability. Instead, repair modules repeatedly fire magnetized kits at the damaged meks, which immediately attach and repair the mek forms. These effects are visible to the PCs. Any repair module can repair any mek once each round, but at most two repair modules can repair a mek on any given round. As long as two repair modules are available to a mek, the mek has regeneration 10. If only one repair module is available to a mek, that mek has regeneration 5. A mek cannot regenerate if it it is reduced to 0hp by disintegrate or a similar magical effect.
Once the PCs have the war ships captured, they can split up command of the ships based on how many ships they have. It takes a minimum crew of eight to control each ship, the PCs may crew their ships with either eladrins from Gwynharwyf/Calitha or undead and demons from Orcus’ legions.
To keep things simple, while the PCs are commanding their war ships, you are using Immortal Gold box rules. Once the PCs leave their ship, whether voluntarily or because it gets wrecked, you are back to using 3.5 D&D rules. All that is left is for you and the PCs to decide is when to deploy their ships in an attack on Demogorgon.
Keep in mind that even with the maximum number of warships the PCs can command, they won’t last long against Demogorgon by themselves. While the ships themselves are immune to Demogorgon’s Power attacks and the PCs cannot be affected by Demogorgon’s Aura since they are viewing the outside world through camera images, Demogorgon can easily destroy a single flying saucer in two or three combat rounds with melee attacks. The PCs can attempt to stay at maximum range and snipe at Demogorgon but the demon lord can teleport at will. If Demogorgon just needs to battle the PCs alone, the demon lord will weather the attacks, healing damage as necessary, and win the attrition battle.
Which is why the PCs must attack Demogorgon while the High Eternal is occupied with a far greater threat, that being either Orcus or Gwynharwyf/Calitha. In such a case, Demogorgon will direct most attacks at the Immortal, only lashing out at a flying saucer when PC tactics are particularly effective or Demogorgon gets within easy striking distance of one of the PC war ships.
The first choice would be when Demogorgon is battling Orcus. The two Entropic Immortals battle for hours, giving the PCs enough time to complete the early sections of the adventure. The best time for them to bring the flying saucer warships through the Shore Portal would be shortly after they destroy the totem of negation. The PCs take command of their respective warships and proceed to the towers of Abysm. When the PCs arrive, you can assume that both Orcus and Demogorgon have 90% of their hit points, but Orcus has 7500 PP remaining while Demogorgon has 4500 PP for each head. You can fix the number of other demons each Immortal can summon based on how big a battle you are comfortable running. You can assume that neither adversary summons too many reinforcements because their lieutenants, generals and other allies are all committed elsewhere in the Battle of Gaping Maw. Note that if the PCs are in command of a ship with a majority of the crew loyal to Orcus, the NPC crew will automatically disobey orders and sacrifice the ship to buy Orcus a reprieve if it looks like Demogorgon will defeat their patron.
<Note to Editor: This may be too ambitious but if anyone wants to make a map similar to the maps found in IM3 The Best of Intentions, a three dimensional map featuring a flying battle between Demogorgon, Orcus and PC flying saucers amidst a number of demonic towers would be amazing.>
[Image: Battle with Demogorgon]
The second choice would be when Demogorgon is battling Calitha Starbrow or Gwynharwyf within the city of Lemoriax. Whether it is Calitha or Gwynharwyf, assign them the statistics and rank of a High Celestial75. The PCs can bring the flying saucer warships through the Shore Portal at the time the adventure expects them to approach and enter Wat Dagon. The PCs take command of their respective warships and proceed to Lemoriax. When the PCs arrive, you can assume that both Gwynharwyf/Calitha and Demogorgon have 90% of their hit points, but Gwynharwyf/Calitha has 2200 PP remaining while Demogorgon has 1800 PP still available per head. With the battle taking place in the city there will be hordes of demons, undead and eladrins battling, so once again pick a number of additional combatants you will be comfortable running and allow reinforcements as needed. If the PCs are in command of a ship with a majority of the crew loyal to Gwynharwyf/Calitha, the NPC crew will automatically disobey orders and sacrifice the ship to buy their Immortal leader a reprieve if it looks like Demogorgon will defeat their patron.
Whenever a flying saucer is reduced to 0 hit points, it crashes and breaks apart. Any PCs inside the warship when this happens takes 10-100 hit points of damage, with a DC 20 Reflex save for half. Demogorgon will ignore any mortals while still engaging another Immortal in battle, so PCs should easily be able to escape.
Note that these Power Point totals are an approximation which haven’t undergone playtesting. You can scale the battle difficulty by increasing or decreasing Demogorgon’s PP total. Even if the PCs fail to destroy Demogorgon with their flying ships, they should be able to regroup and proceed into Wat Dagon to finish the adventure.
Using the Immortals rules, Demogorgon cannot be killed unless his/her PP total is reduced to zero in Gaping Maw or Wat Dagon76. Demogorgon could abandon his/her standard form and escape incorporeally if hard pressed, retreating to a spare, weaker form hidden elsewhere on Gaping Maw. This form could then confront the PCs one more time in Wat Dagon and the encounter play out as described in the climax of the adventure.
If Iggwilv uses Tuerny’s Iron Flask at the end of the climactic battle in Wat Dagon, you may rule that she has captured Demogorgon within the artifact rather than the Immortal being slain outright when the PCs destroyed his standard form. There is precedent for an Immortal being imprisoned within an artifact77.
Goal of the Savage Tide
In addition to the objectives already described in this adventure, Hethradiah also hopes that merging with Aameul will allow Demogorgon to transcend Immortality and become an Old One. Whether this is actually possible remains to be seen, and can only be tested if Demogorgon successfully unleashes the Savage Tide.
Raising the Stakes
One way to raise the stakes in this final adventure is for Demogorgon to use a wish spell for each PC making it impossible for any raise dead or resurrection type spell to work on them while within Demogorgon’s home plane. The PCs can be informed of this by one of their allies before the invasion of the Gaping Maw begins.
Continuing the Campaign
Here is one additional adventure seed to add to the list in this section. When the PCs return to Farshore, they are soon contacted by Thyatian nobility including Vivianna Romanones78. The Emperor of Thyatis has learned of what the PCs have accomplished through divination magic and the interrogation of Demogorgon’s agents captured by Thyatian forces seeking to recover savage pearls hidden within his empire79.
Despite the Emperor’s gratitude, he is also wary. Such powerful individuals are a potential threat, and Farshore is an independent fiefdom that lies within the boundaries of the Thyatian Empire.
The Thyatian emissaries are prepared to make the PCs a very generous offer. A substantial reward of riches and magic, a favorable trade deal for Farshore, a military alliance, full title to the Isle of Dread, and a rank of nobility, possibly even up to the title of King or Queen, are all concessions the emissaries are authorized to grant to Lavinia Vanderboren and the PCs. Of course, not all these enticements are offered up front, and there is one concession the Emperor requires of the PCs…they must swear fealty to the Thyatian Empire. If you also have Iggwilv establish a base on the Isle of Dread as suggested as a future adventure seed, the Emperor of Thyatis will offer an alliance with the PCs and military forces to help displace her, but once again an oath of fealty to the Emperor is his price.
[Image: Thyatian Reward]
The PCs can use Diplomacy checks to maximize their benefits for agreeing to these terms and the Emperor will honor any agreement his emissaries and the PCs sign. However, if the PCs decide that they value their independence more than all the riches and titles the Emperor is willing to bestow on them, then the emissaries will regretfully withdraw.
At which point, not long after, a Thyatian naval fleet, backed up by high level members of the Retebius Air Fleet riding dragons, establish a base on an island near the Isle of Dread. This time the Emperor’s terms will be considerably less generous, and if the PCs still refuse, he will reluctantly wage war. The PCs will have to mobilize their own forces and resources to convince the Emperor that they should be left alone.
If the PCs do ultimately agree to swear fealty to the Thyatian Empire, you can use the following table as a guideline for the best terms the PCs can achieve. The PCs should roll Diplomacy checks separately for each category, with bonuses based on their roleplaying the negotiations.
[Table 1: Negotiating with the Empire of Thyatis]
Dragon Magazine #354
Ecology of the Kopru
This article contains further insight into the nature of Khala80, which was also discussed in the first article81 on converting the Savage Tide AP to Mystara.
Dragon Magazine #355
Savage Tidings : The Market is Bad
Based on this article and the backdrop article in Dungeon Magazine #146, Scuttlecove has the following trade statistics82. Of course, no merchant visits Scuttlecove without a large marine contingent aboard the ship to deter the press gangs, murderers, and thieves in the city.
Port Class: E
Modifiers to Percentile Roll for Supply and Demand: Illicit Drugs -3, Monsters -1, Poisons -4, Slaves -2, Common metals +2, Common wood +3, Grain/Vegetables +3, Meat +2
Dragon Magazine #356
Savage Tidings : Into the Abyss
Affiliation Updates
This article continues the assumption that the Scarlet Brotherhood has been replaced with the Heldannic Knights83. Instead of an SB masked father, an officer of the Heldannic Knights, accompanied by a small band of soldiers disguised as any other group of Scuttlecove thugs, approaches a PC member of this affiliation to assign them the task of reporting on the prison of Gaping Maw. The Heldannic Knights have a small outpost hidden in Scuttlecove to spy on the town’s defenses and monitor the Crimson Fleet. Once the PCs have defeated the Crimson Fleet, the officer reveals his presence in the town and makes his request, presumably for reasons of personal advancement as well as a specific interest the Heldannic Knights have in that prison found on Demogorgon’s home plane. Perhaps a Heldannic Knight or a Vanya artifact can be found somewhere within Divided Ire. Under no circumstances will the Heldannic Knights reveal their presence within Scuttlecove until the PCs have deposed the Crimson Fleet.
[Image: Heldannic Shield]
With respect to the Witchwardens, instead of a high priest of Wee Jas from the city of Cauldron, any Witchwarden PC will be contacted by Lux Seoni, the mistress of Witchwarden Tower and leader of the Witchwardens in Sasserine. The reason she has an interest in celestial activity within the Gaping Maw could be due to some past interaction or debt the Witchwardens have with a celestial now rumored to be imprisoned somewhere on Gaping Maw.
Zelkarune’s Horns gives any member PC who returns from the Abyss with the head of a creature from that outer plane whom they slew in single combat a bonus to their affiliation score. This bonus increases if “the creature is a well-known unique individual.”
This is presumably a reference to the seven main adversaries the PCs must either negotiate with or defeat in this adventure. Two of these adversaries, S’Sharra and Belshamoth, have reputations on Mystara that PCs can discover as explained previously. Vanthus Vanderboren’s reputation is already ignominious in Sasserine and returning his head as a trophy to the Zelkarune’s Horns automatically qualifies as fulfilling the requirement. For the remaining four individuals, a PC will first need to make a DC 35 Knowledge(planes) check to know the reputation of the individual involved followed by a DC 30 Diplomacy check or DC 26 Perform(oratory) check to communicate this information to win over the leaders of the Zelkarune’s Horns and get credit for fulfilling the requirement of having slain a well-known unique individual.
Dragon Magazine #357
Demonomicon of Iggwilv : Demogorgon
This article includes a full monster manual entry for a dinosaur-like demonic creature, a verakia, that is native to the jungles found on Demogorgon’s home plane. If you are inclined to add such a creature to the Savage Tide AP, the most suitable adventures would be the final adventure on the Isle of Dread, City of Broken Idols, or the final adventure of the Savage Tide campaign, Prince of Demons.
In the first case, one verakia could be encountered as the PCs make their way to the Taboo Temple. In the second case, a pack of verakia attack the PCs when they are traveling between missions in or near the jungles of Gaping Maw.
Savage Tidings : Gazing Into the Abyss
Pact Magic
This article introduces three new vestiges to be used with the binder class. To tie this into the Savage Tide AP, two of these vestiges were selected for pacts with the gurrash binder Blackhide introduced earlier in this article. One of those two vestiges, Astaroth, has some history which can be tied into Mystara.
This article reports that Astaroth is also known as Diabolus, a nickname he earned by infiltrating the legions of Baator and rising to the rank of Treasurer of Hell. Assuming that devils are the equivalent fiends to demons which come from the Nightmare Dimension84, this means that Astaroth managed to not only make his way into the Nightmare Dimension, but somehow managed to be mistaken for a native of that dimension while infiltrating the devil hierarchy. It could be that he passed himself off as a Nightmare Dimension native diabolus, a race diametrically opposite of devils which devils seek to torment and corrupt. Astaroth may have pretended to “fall” in some way, perhaps signing over his non-existent diabolus soul in a contract that the devils only later found out they could never hope to collect.
The Blackflame ability granted by Astaroth is the very same Blackflame utilized by the halflings of the Five Shires85 and the dark glaurants86. Astaroth’s mastery and corruption of Blackflame is a direct result of his time spent in the Nightmare Dimension87 and he can gift this mastery to those who call upon him.
Demonic Harlots
If the NPC gurrash party needs any additional combatants to challenge your PCs, or if you just want to swap out one of the gatormen for something very different, then either Arach-tinor or Keldara’Mor, both briefly described in this section, could be summoned by the gurrash cleric and bargained with in order to assist with the assassination of the PCs.
Dragon Magazine #358
Savage Tidings : The River Styx
Assuming you use the River Styx in your Mystara campaign, its waters may provide a way to navigate into the Nightmare Dimension as well as various Lower Planes such as the Abyss and Pyts88.
Dragon Magazine #359
Savage Tidings : Demon Days
Allies in the Abyss
Of the NPC allies briefly sketched out in this section, only one hails from the Material Plane and calls Mystara home. Six-Fingered Legu is a Minrothad water elf, not a half-elf. Assuming you are using Calitha Starbrow in the campaign, Legu has stepped in to volunteer his services as a way of serving his patron Immortal. He also seeks the path of Immortality, and risking his life to help Calitha Starbrow achieve victory over Demogorgon is his best chance of learning the secrets of the quests and gaining her sponsorship. As a water elf, he likely has access to some spells known only to his people and the merchant-princes of Minrothad89.
Appendix : Artifacts in the Savage Tide campaign
Conversion of artifacts into WotI rules
The table below contains a list of most the artifacts detailed in the Savage Tide campaign, with a partial conversion showing how these artifacts can be converted into the rules used in the Wrath of the Immortals box set. This list does not include Demogorgon’s master pearl which the PCs must destroy to succeed and stop the Savage Tide. It also does not include the tooth of Ahazu. While Dungeon Magazine #143 identifies the tooth as an artifact, the teeth of Dahlver-Nar are identified elsewhere in 3.5 D&D as only a unique magic item without artifact status90.
[Table 2: Savage Tide Artifacts]
Note that this table changes the magnitude of some of the artifacts based on an estimation of the artifacts powers using WotI rules. As an example, while the Nimbus Bow is identified as a Minor artifact in 3.5 D&D, building it using WotI rules requires a PP cost of approximately 162 PP, requiring it to be of Lesser magnitude. The math is as follows: 15 PP for warp wood, 30PP for control winds, 40PP for create normal animals, 7 PP for a missile weapon that does d8 damage, 20 PP for a +2 bonus, 20 PP for an extra +2 bonus to two restricted groups, 10 PP for extra d6 damage to the restricted groups, 20 PP for shocking burst. The remaining conversion work would be to assign handicaps and penalties based on the magnitude of the artifact using WotI rules. For the Nimbus Bow, this would be two handicaps and three penalties. As an example, you could make one handicap be its PP recharging for usings the spell abilities to happen on a per day basis, which is consistent with the Nimbus Bow’s 3.5 rules. Two example penalties would be a spell memorization penalty cost, and the wielder of the Nimbus Bow cannot willingly retreat from a dragon in combat, though a fighting withdrawal would be permitted. Note that according to the WotI rules, a Lesser Artifact should have a maximum of two transformation powers, so the Nimbus Bow breaks this rule by having three.
As a second example, the Bearded Anvil remains a minor artifact which grants a +4 divine bonus to Craft or Profession checks involving metal work, grants the keen magical property to any slashing weapon for a 24 hour period and gives the weapon a +1 magical enhancement bonus for the same duration as well if it was not already magical. In WotI terms, the bonus to the skill check would cost 10 PP, which is the minimum for any power. The +1 enhancement bonus would cost 10 PP. Lastly, using the artifact to work on a greatsword for a Colossal sized giant would grant the keen ability to a weapon that does 8d6 damage, meaning the weapon can now do double damage over a greater range of high attack rolls, which is approximated at a cost of 24 PP for the potential to do up to an extra 48hp of damage on a single attack roll and another cost of 10 PP for factoring in the giant’s approximate maximum strength bonus as another +20 damage to the roll. The actual amount of PP used when working on any particular weapon would depend on the actual weapon and the wielder of that weapon, and to work on a second weapon would require waiting for the Bearded Anvil to adequately recharge. As a minor artifact, the Anvil would have one handicap and one penalty.
In WotI rules, artifacts must be created by a being with Power Points like an Immortal. For the three artifacts created by Iggwilv, depending on the background you choose for her, she likely had assistance from Immortals who provided their own power for her use in crafting these items. For the Midgard dwarves, you can substitute either the Modrigswerg dwarves91 or the Immortal Kagyar.
Appendix: Tables
[Table 1: Negotiating with the Empire of Thyatis]
Table 1: Negotiating with the Empire of Thyatis
Diplomacy check
DC 30
DC 40
DC 50
DC 60
Cash award
Professional Manpower92
50 laborers or professionals for 6 months
100 laborers or professionals for 9 months
150 laborers or professionals for 1 year
200 laborers or professionals for 18 months
Military Support93
2 Cohorts from Reserve Div Imperial Legion94
3rd Air Group from Aerial Elite Division
4th Air Group from Aerial Elite Division
Dragon Flight from Aerial Elite Division
Trade deal95
+10% additional profits for 5 years
+15% additional profits for 7 years
+20% additional profits for 10 years
+25% additional profits for 15 years
Nobility Title
[Table 2: Savage Tide Artifacts]
Table 2: Savage Tide Artifacts
Approx PP cost
Nimbus Bow
Dungeon #145, p74
Ka, Ixion, Odin96
Bracers of Red Rapture
Dungeon #146, p83
Demonomicon of Iggwilv
Dungeon #148, p80
Cloak of the Witch Queen
Dungeon #149, p51
Robe of the Abyss
Dungeon #149, p51
Bearded Anvil
Dungeon #149, p65
Midgard dwarves
Tuerny’s Iron Flask
Dungeon #149, p74
Tuerny the Merciless
Demogorgon’s Bilious Sphere
Dungeon #150, p97
Skull of Kallum
Dungeon #150, p97
To be used by Layout
[Image: Title Image]
[Modified from:] Jungle Island (https://pxhere.com/en/photo/912019) 3/1/2017 [CC0 Public Domain] via pxhere.
[Image: Oltec Ruins]
Tulum's Templo del Dios Viento by Popo le Chien [Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported] via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Captain Tenoch]
Aztec Warrior by Ray S, 2009 [Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)] via flickr
[Image: Caverns of Golismorga]
Saalfeld Cave Feengrotten Mine [CC0 Public Domain] via Max Pixel
[Image: Map of Twealar]
Map on Stone Floor by John Calvin, 2018 [used by permission of the artist]
[Image: Deinosuchus]
Leistenkrokodil by J. Patrick Fischer, 2002 [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Elevations Illustration]
Map Elevations by John Calvin, 2018 [used by permission of the artist]
[Image: Eztli]
Snowflake - Barcelona Zoo White Gorilla by Ettore Balocchi, 2006 [Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic] via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Planar Spiders]
Spider in bathtub by Martin Cooper, 2015 [Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)] via flickr
[Image: S’Sharra]
surreal-horror-weird-creepy by Phoarto, 2017 [CC0 Creative Commons] via pixabay
[Image: Iggwilv as Nithian]
Egypt Woman by Angela30, 2017 [CC0 Creative Commons] via pixabay
[Image: Iggwilv as Alphatian]
dark-queen-vampire-female-magic by spencerpierson, 2017 [CC0 Creative Commons] via pixabay
[Image: Vaults of Pandius]
Night sky from Pandius
Original art from anysnapshopt.com, with modifications by
Thorf - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (source = http://anysnapshot.com/ancient-city-under-full-moon-free-vector/ )
[Image: Flying Saucer - DM’s View]
Bridge of the Flying Saucer (DM’s View) by John Calvin, 2018 [used by permission of the artist]
[Image: Flying Saucer - PC’s View]
Bridge of the Flying Saucer (PC’s View) by John Calvin, 2018 [used by permission of the artist]
[Image: Battle with Demogorgon]
Battle over Abysm by John Calvin [used by permission of the artist]
[Image: Thyatian Reward]
Coronation of Emperor Napoleon I and Coronation of the Empress Josephine in the Notre-Dame de Paris, December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David and Marie-Georges-Louis Rouget [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Heldannic Shield]
La famille de Mornay by Chris CS, 2012 [Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported] via Wikimedia Commons
1See http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/haunts
2See http://pandius.com/fire_fun.html
3See http://pandius.com/ear_fun.html
4See X8 Drums on Fire Mountain, p21
5See HWA2 Nightrage, p10
6See Dungeon Magazine #143, p53
7See Dragon Compendium, Volume 1, p93
8Ibid, p105
9Ibid, p108
10This skill is described in Fields of Blood : Book of War, and can be used if the Battle of Farshore is resolved using mass combat rules.
11See Stormwrack, p106
12See Dragon Magazine #315, p22-26
13See Dungeon Magazine #139, p52
14See Stormwrack, p161-162
16see http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#cr7FusilladeofGreenbloodOilDarts
17See Threshold Magazine #4, p145
18See https://sites.google.com/site/timserrataarchive/home/d-d-errata/stormwrack
19For a visual, you can review Jason B Thompson’s artwork at http://wizards.com/dnd/images/map_isledread.jpg
20See Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, p95
21See Dragon Magazine #317, p71
22See Dragon Magazine #118, p62
23See Complete Adventurer, p111
24See Dragon Magazine #327, p65
25See Dragon Magazine #352, p77
26See Dragon Magazine #348, p73
27See Threshold Magazine #4, p128-129
28See Wrath of the Immortals, Book One: Codex of the Immortals, p105, 108-109
29See Dungeon Magazine #146, p73-74
30Credit to C Richard Davies for first suggesting to replace the mercane with planar spiders.
31See IM1 The Immortal Storm, p38-39
32See GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri, p26
33See Glantri, Kingdom of Magic: The Grimoire, p35
34See IM2 The Wrath of Olympus, p35-36
35Ibid, p44
36See http://pandius.com/gatorman.html
37See Savage Coast Campaign Book: Characters of the Savage Coast, p125
38Jaga Gena is a tribute to Jaga Jaga, a gatorman character created by Privateer Press, and Gena the Crocodile, a character created by Roman Kachanov.
39See Fiendish Codex I : Hordes of the Abyss, p92
42See Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p105
43Tenebrous was chosen because of the vestige’s link to Orcus, see Tome of Magic(3.5 edition), p48
44See Complete Warrior, p110
45See Tome of Magic(3.5 edition), p76-77
46See http://pandius.com/sc_magic.html
47See Players Handbook II, p77
48As with all of Makuu’s spell-like abilities, this is a Savage Coast legacy, see Dragon Magazine #172, p45
49See Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p95
50See Complete Warrior, p110
51See Dragon Magazine #315, p71
52See Players Handbook II, p81
53See Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p105
54See Dragon Magazine #172, p46
55See Dungeon Magazine #135, p61
56This spell-like ability is a Savage Coast legacy, see Savage Coast Campaign Book : Characters of the Savage Coast, p73
57See Complete Warrior, p110
58See Complete Arcane, p81
59See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: Player’s Guide to Immortals, p3
60See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: Players’ Guide to Immortals, p23
61See http://pandius.com/masauwu.html
62See http://pandius.com/alphaks2.html
63See GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds, Dungeon Master’s Booklet, p42
64See Wrath of the Immortals, Book One: Codex of the Immortals, p31
65See Wrath of the Immortals, Book One: Codex of the Immortals, p17-18
66See GAZ7 The Northern Reaches, Dungeon Master’s Booklet, p63
67See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: DM’s Guide to Immortals, p33
68See Threshold Magazine #2, p32-35
69See Wrath of the Immortals, Book One: Codex of the Immortals, p126
70See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: DM’s Guide to Immortals, p35-36
71See http://pandius.com/gargntua.html
72See http://pandius.com/avt_dgrg.html
73See IM1 The Immortal Storm, p39
74This mek build is based on the efforts of Jamie Baty whose work can be found at the Vaults of Pandius, as well as contributors Mortis and Shade on ENWorld(www.enworld.org).
75 See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: Player’s Guide to Immortals, p29
76See gold box Set 5: Immortals Rules: DM’s Guide to Immortals, p14
77See GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds, Dungeon Master’s Booklet, p44
78See Threshold Magazine #4, p155
79See Threshold Magazine #4, p151
80See Dragon Magazine #354, p62
81See Threshold Magazine #4, p148-149
82See GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds, Dungeon Master’s Booklet p29-34
83See Threshold Magazine #4, p153
84See Threshold Magazine #6, p84
85See GAZ8 The Five Shires, p16-18
86See Threshold Magazine #8, p188
87See Andrew Theisen’s theory on Blackflame’s origin from the Nightmare Dimension, http://pandius.com/blkflame.html
88See Wrath of the Immortals, Book One: Codex of the Immortals, p124
89See GAZ9 The Minrothad Guilds, Dungeon Master’s Booklet, p17-22
90See Tome of Magic(3.5 edition), p77-78
91See GAZ7 The Northern Reaches, p24-28
92This represents Thyatian professional expertise and laborers brought in to help expand the colony of Farshore, wages paid for by the Emperor for the specified duration.
93If you intend to continue your campaign with Iggwilv establishing a base on the central plateau of the Isle of Dread, this entry represents the forces the Emperor will bequeath to the PCs to command until Iggwilv is banished or slain and her base destroyed. Forces for each DC entry are cumulative with earlier entries.
94See http://pandius.com/thaf1018.html for details of Thyatian military forces..
95These percentages apply to all businesses and independent sellers based in the colony of Farshore, representing favorable trade terms in Thyatian markets backed by Emperor edict.
96See Threshold Magazine #4, p146