The "Elders," as they have jokingly come to call themselves, are the main organizers behind the Almanac. They consist mostly of those who started the entire Mystaran Almanac Project, but others have been initiated into their ranks as more people become necessary to keep such a large project running smoothly (well, as smoothly as it gets, anyway).
As such, "Elder" simply means that they are in charge of a given area of Mystara. They are
presented in the order which they joined the ranks of the Elders.
Born: 26 February, 1973.
Place of Domicile: Paris, France.
Years of Role-Playing: About 15 years.
Role in the Almanac Team: When Michael first posted his AC 1014 draft, Hervé was the first to give many comments and point out numerous flaws. This made him the second member to join the Mystaran Almanac Team.
Hervé is the Elder in charge of the Alphatian Sea area, making sure no one working in that region overlaps the plots of another writer. Hervé is also in charge of correcting typing errors, and fulfills the long process of proof-reading the entire almanacs several times. He has also succeeded Michael in being in charge of the whole almanac (the "boss").
Favorite Mystaran Areas: Hervé enjoys working with the Alphatians, whether they're the nations of the NACE or the Alphatians in the Hollow World doesn't matter to him. He also dabbles in many areas of Mystara, and is renowned among the elders for his twisted plots.
E-Mail Address:
Web Page:
Born: ??
Place of Domicile: ??
Years of Role-Playing: ??
Role in the Almanac Team: When Michael first posted his AC 1014 draft, Brizio gave comments concerning the Elves of Alfheim and the shadow elves. To his surprise, many of his comments wound up in the Mystaran Almanac AC 1014. From that point on, Brizio has continued to work for the Mystaran Almanac Team.
Fabrizio is the Elder in charge of the Shadow Elves and the Alfheim Elves.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: Brizio enjoys anything elven, and has a particular interest in the fate of the shadow elves, the race of elves unique to Mystara. Most events involving elves are the careful work of Brizio.
E-Mail Address:
ANDREW "Cthulhudrew, The Great Old One" THEISEN
Born: December 11, 1973.
Place of Domicile: Long Beach, California.
Years of Role-Playing: Around 20.
Role in the Almanac Team: Another person who commented on Michael's draft, Andrew's main concern was the lack of any detail concerning the goblinoids of Mystara in that timeline. Andrew therefore took it upon himself to write a series of events for the goblinoids for AC 1014, which was added to the final Mystaran Almanac AC 1014.
Now, Andrew is the Elder who watches over events in the Sea of Dawn and the Old World areas.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: If it's goblinoid, Andrew is probably behind it. Andrew also enjoys the more "primitive" peoples of Mystara, such as the Atruaghins or the Ethengarians.
E-Mail Address:
Born: January 8, 1975.
Place of Domicile: Barbiano (Ravenna), Italy.
Years of Role-Playing: Since 1990.
Role in the Almanac Team: Marco joined the Mystaran Almanac Team for the AC 1015 Almanac. That's when he brought to us his idea for an elven crusade which would help better define the areas of Wendar and Denagoth.
Since then, Marco has become the Northern Elder, in charge of the region of Norwold and has begun the lengthy process of fully defining the scattered dominions of this realm.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: Wendar and anything north of it. He's enjoying his stay in Norwold.
Other Interests: D&D (Mystara), Ravenloft, Spelljammer, Call of Cthulhu, Horror Literature, Anime, Sci-fi, Occult, Writing & Reading, Seeing the world, Improving my websites.
"I'm currently working for the Net Almanac detailing Wendar, Denagoth, Norwold and something in Davania. I'm interested in a Mystara-Spelljammer-Ravenloft crossover and I'm working in the Mystaraspace project (to go where none has gone before..). I also like to convert novels and movies into D&D adventures."
Marital Status: Single (ready and waiting).
Profession: Student of Communication.
E-Mail Addresses: and
Web Pages: and
Born: September 15, 1974.
Place of Domicile: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Years of Role-Playing: 14
Role in the Almanac Team: Geoff first came to the attention of the Mystaran Almanac Team with his suggestions for Kastellios and Davania. Seeing how that particular area was not being developed to its full potential, Geoff was quickly initiated and named Elder of Davania (formerly the Jungle Coast). He's been participating on the Almanac Team since the AC 1015 Almanac.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: If he could, Geoff would probably join the ranks of the Heldannic Knights. He also enjoys the unexplored regions of Davania.
E-Mail Address:
Born: September 16, 1974.
Place of Domicile: Canberra, Australia.
Years of Role-Playing: 15
Role in the Almanac Team: Shawn was the last of the "Elders" to join the group. He has quietly introduced to us the nations of the Arm of the Immortals in AC 1015.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: The Arm of the Immortal.
E-Mail Address:
Although not "Elders," the following people do all the hard work. They come up with plots, stories, monsters, and places to invade. They also do the background research into the world's history and make sure that certain events aren't contradicting previously published events. They tell us when our ideas don't make any sense and make sure we get rid of them. If it weren't for the following people, we Elders might actually have to work to get our Almanacs done.
These guys are presented in Alphabetical order, as each are equally important to us.
Born: ?
Place of Domicile: ?
Years of Role-Playing: ?
Favorite Mystaran Areas: Aleksei is one of those guys who just has to go everywhere. He gives his comments on just about every event. Good thing to, cause he usually knows what he's talking about and it pays to listen to him.
E-Mail Address:
Web Page:
Born: 1983
Place of Domicile: Mobile, AL, USA.
Years of Role-Playing: Since 1992.
Favorite Mystaran Areas: Aaron is one of the brave fellows who keeps Hervé in line in the NACE area. If it weren't for him, all of Mystara would be part of the NACE. His favorite areas are the underwater realms of Undersea and the new nation of Underocean.
E-Mail Address:
To the rest of you, don't worry, your names are coming... just give me a bit more time...
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Last Updated 12 November 2006.