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Atlas of the Alphatian Sea

Introduction to the Alphatian Sea

The once mighty Alphatian Empire has sunk beneath the ocean, and in its place now sits the Alphatian Sea. Dotted with several hundred isles representing the peaks of drowned mountains, the Alphatian Sea is rich with pirates and island fortresses.

The Alphatian Sea is also the place to be to search for magical treasures. The ocean floor is littered with thousands upon thousands of magical items from the former empire, and many adventurers are doing their best to try and acquire them. Several hundred have been found already, and most now reside in the hands of the pirates who then plundered the treasure-seekers. Those who manage to acquire an Alphatian Artifact always find fame and glory with it.

The people of the Alphatian Sea are mostly free subjects, most belonging to the New Alphatian Confederate Empire (annoyingly called Nayce by most of the commoners [the Mystaran Almanac now makes use of the spelling popularised by Minrothaddan merchants. Ed.]). They are well educated, mainly literate, and boast a larger percent of mages than most of the world. Some are also slaves, which is still legal and acceptable in most kingdoms. Slaves are only very rarely able to read or write.

Only a few nations of the area do not belong to Nayce, although ships from around the world sail here. Nayce would prefer to keep the area clear from foreign treasure seekers, but they have far too few ships and skyships to patrol everywhere, hence pirates are able to roam freely and do almost anything they please.

Adventurers come to seek fame for defeating some of the most notorious pirates of the world, while others come in search of sunken treasure. Reputation and glory is more important than anything else, and insults rarely go unchallenged. All in all, it is a swashbuckling place with endless adventures on the high seas. On the Alphatian Sea, fame and glory mean everything!

The Alphatian Sea has one minor continent known as Bellissaria on its southeastern margin. This is where most of Naycese forces are concentrated, and one of the few places where the law is effectively maintained. To the west, Norwold and the Isle of Dawn mark the end of the Alphatian Sea, while the continent of Skothar indicates its eastern limits. The north is bordered only by the glaciers marking the north pole and the entrance to the Hollow World. The southern waters eventually turn into the Sea of Dawn and the Bellissarian Sea.

Correspondents for the Alphatian Sea

Here is our list of correspondents that give us detailed information on the nations, places, and events of the Alphatian Sea.

Featured Correspondents


For those not privy to the man that is Allstrick, he is a half-breed. Born to a Shiye mother and Alphatian father, Allstrick has lived a long life as an adventurer both inside and outside of the Alphatian Empire. He outlived the dangers and retired from the profession, ironically enough taking up residence in Glantri. During the war, Allstrick sent his son back to mainland Alphatia where he hoped he would be safe. He himself moved the rest of his household to a residence in Mirros to wait out the war.

With Alphatia's sinking Allstrick naturally assumed his son had perished. With the divulgence of Alphatia's survival in Hollow World, he began planning a venture to visit the Naycese lands. Rumours persist that he wishes to reassert his prestige upon his countrymen to gain access to the Hollow World. We took advantage of this trip and approached Allstrick on reporting what he saw during his travels; he readily agreed and we look forward to his reports.

Geoff Gander

"Geoff Gander" is the pseudonym of Gottfried Gentjer, a rather unassuming man, we are told, whose interests range from cartography, to art, to ancient history. A fairly friendly fellow, "Geoff" will talk for hours about his purported exploits, including the mapping of the entire continent of Davania (he claims to be the first Mystaran to do so, far more thoroughly, he claims, than "that Azlum Swith fellow"). For all that, "Geoff" was unwilling to tell us much about his past, except that he came from "someplace you've probably never heard of," and he refuses to answer to his real name (preferring to use the vaguely Fenswickian "Geoff Gander" instead), which he let slip in a moment's indiscretion. Despite some peculiarities in his behaviour, his work certainly speaks for itself!

Regular Correspondents





Graltarnim, Captain of the Wave Turtle


Thalia "Red Sheaf" Torres di Lopez



AQUAS (Kingdom of)
ARKAN (Kingdom of, a.k.a. Ar)
DAWNRIM (Kingdom of)
GREY ISLANDS (Dominion of the)
HORKEN (Kingdom of)
IONACE (a.k.a. the Isle of Nayce)
LAGRIUS (Kingdom of)
MERIANDER (Kingdom of)
NOTRION (Kingdom of)
QEODHAR (Kingdom of)
SURSHIELD (Kingdom of)
TURMOIL (Territory of)
VEROTH (Kingdom of)