Belcadiz Spells
by Jennifer GuerraMake Lace | Swift Charge | Detail | Cellar | Resist Domination | Fiesta | Duel Doubles | Wrest to Rest
Make Lace
Level: 2
School: Alteration
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 yard x 5 yards per level of the caster
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to magically create a particular volume of sheer lace in the Belcadiz style. The caster may specify the amount of lace desired (up to the maximum according to level of the caster) as well as the colour. The produced lace is especially attuned to accept enchantment (such as protective spells); clothing made from the lace receives a 5% bonus to their success check when enchanted. Note that this spell creates only the raw lace, not finished articles of clothing or trims, although some elven mages have expanded the spell to this use. Make Lace is a favourite of Princess Carnelia, who uses it to produce fine pink, red, or black lace for her famous enchanted gowns.
Material components are a scrap of handmade Belcadiz lace and a golden needle.
Swift Charge
Level: 4
School: Enchantment
Range: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: None
This is a private spell of Princes Carnelia, used on those occasions when she must lead her elven troops into battle. Swift Charge enables a cavalry charge to proceed at 1.5 times normal speed without incurring encumbrance or charging penalties. The resulting charge is fast as a lightning strike and loud as thunder. Thus, the spell automatically lowers the morale of the opposing force by 1d4 points per banner (1d2 points if sufficiently countered by a charismatic leader or morale spells), while it gives an additional +1 to attack and +2 penalty to the enemies' AC when cast upon a force of charging cavalry.
The spell is privately held by Princes Carnelia, and is used only upon her all-elven cavalry. It affects her entire mounted force (as many as are fielded) in one large wave, regardless of position on the field of battle. The Princess must be present during the charge, though she does not need to personally participate.
The material component for this spell is one Horseshoe of Speed.
Level: 5
School: Alteration, Enchantment
Range: Caster, or by touch
Duration: 12 hours +1 hour/level of the caster
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
The spell Detail allows the caster to add fine detail to metalwork and jewellery made from precious metals. The caster or target must have the Artistic Ability and Metalwork proficiencies.
A single metal item is selected during casting; it may be of any size, from a large bronze statue to a tiny silver ring, so long as it is made of metal. After the spell is cast, the metalworker visualises what embellishments he or she wishes to make upon the item, and lightly touches the area with a finger. The changes take effect instantly.
Changes to the metalwork may be made or erased any number of times within the duration of the spell. Only the one, specified item may be worked upon per casting of the spell, regardless of "leftover" duration. It should be noted that Detail will decorate or "carve" metals to the height of the wielder's artistic ability, but no more (ie, it does not increase the metalworker's talent). Additionally, the metal object selected can only be detailed, not turned into something else, cut into components, made into a weapon, or any other function the DM rules inappropriate.
This spell is becoming more popular among Belcadiz metalworkers for its ease and swiftness in detailing the region's famous sword hilts and jewellery. But older, more conservative artists scoff at this "modern" convenience, saying it corrupts their long-refined craft.
The material components of this spell are a set of metalworker's tools (which are not consumed during casting) and a pinch of fine diamond dust.
Level: 6
School: Alteration, Conjuration
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
This spell instantly prepares a large room (up to 100 square feet) to hold that liquid which the Belcadiz prize most. . .fine wine.
Cellar completely creates a ready-to-stock wine cellar, including racks and/or barrels, temperature, humidity, and light level, and will adjust the size of the cellar to fit the space available (up to the spell's limits). The effect lasts until dispelled, maintaining the space indefinitely (though it must be re-cast following the Day of Dread). Note that Cellar will create only a wine cellar, not the wine; the room but be stocked according to other methods, magical or mundane.
The material components of this spell are a glass of fine Belcadiz wine and a pinch of soil from a vineyard, both of which are poured onto the floor of the room which is to be transformed.
Resist Domination
Level: 6
School: Abjuration
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
This powerful and little-known spell allows the subject to attempt to resist the fifth circle Wokani ability, Mortal Dominion. If cast upon the subject before he or she is possessed by the High Mistress, it gives a +3 to their saving throw against the ability.
Should the spell be cast upon a creature already possessed (including one whose above +3 save still failed) by the Wokani, they receive an additional saving throw each day, up to three days. The first day is at +3, the second at +2, the third at +1. If the subject saves successfully, they have psychically wrenched themselves from the Wokani's grasp. The victim's enraged spirit then wages spiritual warfare upon the Wokani: the High Mistress must save versus spell at a -4 as she is thrust from her victim's body. A successful save indicates that she has safely returned to her own body (unless it was destroyed previously). A failure to save, or if her body was already destroyed, indicates that the Wokani's spirit wanders aware yet non-corporeal, with all the dangers (vulnerability to control or attack, insanity) of that state.
Material components of this spell are a lock of the possession victim's hair, a clear crystal weighing no less than 1 lb., and either a vial of blessed water or a holy article from the victim's faith.
Level: 7
School: Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning
Range: Special
Duration: 6 hours + 1 hour/level of the caster
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
This spell is used by high-level Belcadiz wizards to create the "perfect" party. The material components, four precious gems of no less than 1,000 gp value each, are placed by the caster at the four corners of the location of the Fiesta (ie, the four corners of the property of the estate where the party will take place, regardless of its size). The caster must stand within this perimeter when casting the spell.
Fiesta creates every trapping of a high-class Belcadiz social event: food and wine (completely real, and of the caster's choosing); "live" music, also of the caster's choosing (from flamenco to a three-piece chamber orchestra); decor appropriate to the event; security; and a servant horde-like staff capable of attending to the guests' every whim. When the spell is finished (it may be renewed) or dispelled, all leftover food and wine vanishes, along with all the other trappings (and servants). The area of effect returns to exactly the way it was prior to the spell being cast, with the exception of any damage incurred to the property or any lingering guests.
Duel Doubles
Level: 8
School: Illusion/Phantasm, Enchantment
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Creates 2 duel doubles
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Saving Throw: None
This spell is commonly used by young nobleman to settle points of honour over which they feel compelled to duel, but for which they do not relish the idea of losing their lives. The duellists agree before the casting of the spell to the terms of the duel (an apology, decision of a wager, etc.), and agree to abide by the outcome of the proxy fight. The duellists must be present during both the casting and the subsequent duel.
Upon the caster's touch of both opponents, Duel Doubles creates precise illusionary replicas of the duellists, down to their clothing, facial expressions, and weapons. The illusions do not speak, however, can are functional only for the duration of the spell.
The illusionary doubles function as proxies of the duellists, with their fighting (though not spell-casting) abilities, skills, and "hit points." The doubles duel to the death (until one is reduced to 0hp); the loser then vanishes. The winning double stands, salutes his duellist with his weapon, and vanishes as well.
This spell is a favourite of Don Diego de Belcadiz, used to settle fine points of honour in his (or his sister's) favour without the shedding of blood.
Material components of this spell are a scrap of clothing and a flake of skin from the participating duellists.
Wrest to Rest
Level: 8
School: Enchantment/Charm, Abjuration
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1 undead creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Negates
Wrest to Rest is a powerful and secret spell known only to a few elite Brothers of La Centinela. The spell effectively severs the Negative Energy bond which animates an undead creature, allowing the creature's tormented body to be laid to rest.
This spell is effective only upon undead who inhabit corrupted versions of their own bodies (for example, zombies or ghouls), but not undead spirits (ghosts) or highly powerful, sentient undead (liches, vampires). The undead creature is allowed a save versus death magic at -3. If the save is successful, nothing happens, and the caster may in fact suffer an attack of opportunity. Should the creature's saving throw fail, its tie to the Negative Energy Plane is wrested from it in a howl of agony; the body falls lifeless to the ground. It may never again be animated, either as an undead creature, or in resurrection.
Members of La Centinela with access to this spell have vowed to always give its victims a proper burial following the casting.
Material components of this spell are a clump of graveyard dirt and a vial of holy water.