Magic of Shamans and Wiccas
by RobinExpanded spell table for both shamans and wiccas.
Chance of success
Changes of Learning existence of a spell are the % chance to find.
Chances of learning spells are per following formulas; (use IN for Wicca and WI for shaman)
Common spell; ((IN/WI + Lvl) x 2) - (3 per spell level) % chance to learn spell.
Uncommon spell; 40% chance to find; ((IN/WI + Lvl) x 2) - (4 per spell level) % chance to learn spell.
Rare spell; 20% chance to find; ((IN/WI + Lvl) x 2) - (5 per spell level) % chance to learn spell.
Very Rare or New Spell; 10% chance to find; ((IN/WI + Lvl) x 2) - (6 per spell level) % chance to learn spell.
As DM, feel free to give bonuses to the chance of success if the caster sacrificed extremely valuable treasure or magic items. No matter what the result, the treasure is destroyed and the Spellcaster may suffer the effects of the Ritual of Passage it thus made.
There are spells granted by Immortals to their followers which are Uncommon to them, and Rare to Very rare to others, example; all Liquid spells of Jammudaru.
A few spells from Dragon Magazine I have listed here, but most can be found in the Rules Encyclopedia, AD&D2 Priest or wizard spell Compendiums.Popular spells for humanoids usually locate or summon food, but all tribal shamans reserve a spectacular effect called Waving Lights (equal to 2nd level for dispelling purposes) just for ceremonies, not available to other casters. These moving lights are bright shifting bands of red, yellow, green, blue, violet, and orange in varying intensity and shade (similar to Aurora Borealis-Northern Lights). Each solstice these glowing ribbons illuminate the goblins’ frenzied all-night dances up to 300 yard away from the caster. Further the effect sheds light as a light spell, but last as long as the caster desires or until the first sunrays dispel it. It does not require memorization or even uses a spell slot. A Shaman can create as many different bands of 1d4’ wide and his HD in yards length as his Shaman level. Often all Shamans contribute to this effect, making it a massive dance of lighted bands. No concentration is required, the effect can’t be disturbed and other spells can be cast and other actions can be done as normal.