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I love reverse-engineering a world using principles gleaned from a close reading of sparse material.

Just a head's up: there are PDFs available of this online for those who search; here is the official PDF and product write-up

Here's my info-gathering and sussing out of principles:

The World of Dragon's Den

by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

(In at least two places in the books, there's no definite article, just "Dragon's Den".)

The Independent Nation and Kingdom of Greetland:

The Border Province of (the) West March ("the border province ruled by Draven"):

The Independent Nation of Waylay

Off the edge of the map:

New race(?):

Pre-Gen PC names (the iconic heroes of the World of DRAGON'S DEN):
#1. Grochek Hammerfist, Dwarf. The name "Grochek" sounds Slavic. Hammerfist is probably inspired by the LotR warrior of Rohan: Helm Hammerhand.
#2. Jared O'loria, Fighter. Jared is a Biblical Hebrew name. The prefix O' is Irish of course. Though the "'loria" part appears to be quasi-Latinate / Italianate. (e.g. gloria) Jared's face is obscured by the sketchy style of the illustration.
#3. Reverend Elin, Cleric. "Elin" is similar to Ellen. Her tabard features a five-pointed crown within a thirteen-pointed star. (If I counted right!) Elin appears to have a "Caucasian" cosmetic phenotype, with long, straight, light-colored hair.
#4. Ren Wardo, Magic-User. Ren appears to have a Black/African cosmetic phenotype. I couldn't find a definitive source of the names. Any ideas?
#5. Talina, Thief. She appears to have a Latina or Middle-Eastern cosmetic phenotype. The name is similar to Talia, a name of Aramaic origin. The suffix "-ina" is common in Italian, Latin, and Spanish
#6. Cara Windwright, Elf. The name "Cara" is Irish for friend, but there are also "Cara/Kara" names in many other languages. But the "Celtic" association of fantasy and elves, makes the Irish interpretation likely. Her surname means "wind-crafter."
#7. Sam Barleyman, Halfling. Of course named after Samwise Gamgee + Barliman Butterbur (the non-hobbit innkeeper of the Prancing Pony).

(Interesting terminological note: the Pre-Gens for the DRAGON'S DEN boardgame have a "Health Score" instead of hit points!)

I didn't have time to comb through the adventure texts. There are lots of other names (of monsters, pre-gens, etc), which could provide clues to the onomastic cultures of the World of the DRAGON'S DEN.

Here's a cut-and-paste from Vaults of Pandius:
Sharel the Elf-child: 10 year old Elf-child & prisoner to lizard men
Speckled-White-Chin: Otterkin 1 HD & prisoner to lizard men
Short-Whiskers: Otterkin 1 HD & prisoner to lizard men
Hakra: Black Dragon 5 HD
Hatchlings: 2 Black Dragon 1HD ea. no names
Boslo: Halfling 1st level, trader
Nefastus: Green Dragon 6 HD
Gorol/Dregdak: Thief 4th level/polymorphed into a bugbear
Baglips: 4 HD Orc
Gutrug: 4 HD Orc Cheiftan
Blain: Dwarf 1st level
Nithi: Dwarf 1st level
Vilbert: Magic-User 1st level
Mort: Hill Giant 6 HD
Haurarra: Harpy 3 HD
Luzgar: Orc Lord 5 HD
Anandak: Red Dragon 8 HD

There are Real World etymologies for some of these names, which could help fill out the cultures of the World of DRAGON'S DEN. A few quick notes:

Chronology / Timeline / Calendar Era of the WORLD OF DRAGON'S DEN:
Though we may know almost nothing about the timeline of the WORLD OF DRAGON'S DEN, the depicted events would line up with the Mystaran timeline in RW 1992, which was the year AC1010 in Poor Wizards Almanac I.

Immortals of the WORLD OF DRAGON'S DEN:

Cosmology of the WORLD OF DRAGON'S DEN:

Other features?

How about the next map in Dr. Scotese's Time-Life paleo map series? Clearly, the worlds are similar, but even looking at the coast of Greetland / West March / Waylay, the coastline has morphed somewhat compared to Karameikos (Late Jurassic map). Which meshes with the next map in the series

...and I just discovered something "big" in regard to the iconic pre-gens, which I'll post in a separate post!!!