Unsterbliche Gesellschaft
by AozUndying Society of Fumetsu
Early life
The glantrian wizard Antoine Gagneux's early life is shrouded in mystery. According to some accounts, he grew up in a farm in the glantrian countryside and left his simple life behind when he discovered a secret library of Rad; another story claims that he was once a penniless boy, begging for food and sleeping in the streets of Glantri City. Despite their differences, all of these tales agree that wizard came from simple beginnings.Ryuu Mahou is Antoine Gagneux and plans to build a strong following on Mystara, while continuing to prepare for his final steps on his path along Dragon ascension. He secretly plans on being a Maverick Dragon with all his followers.
Antoine Gagneux
The amazing Antoine Gagneux reappeared in Erewan , claiming he found a path everlasing life. With his incredible arcane power and possible a mass charm spell, was more than enough proof for most peasants. He declared himself to the people as Fumetsu (undying) Antoine Gagneux , a local magistrate had him detained. He offered the magistrate a place in his clergy, when the magistrate used Legend Lore on the Bone Altar, he elderly wizard agreed, and the magistrate dismissed any charges as a misunderstanding.Expanding
As his cult is slowly spreads with his "Unsterbliche Gesellschaft "; important note, the relic he found in the mountains can grant spells to his followers.So, with the Bone Altar and the relic he is expanding his influence around the world, even beyond. The Society does gather tithes (5%), preaches living forever, survival and growth; however, mentions the Necromancer of the Dark Feylands.
The Plan
In 1019 Ac, begins the wheels turning, Antoine sent a number of adventurers with his Bone Altars all around the world at great expense to Ryuu Mahou.Relationships
Most Immortal regard Fumetsu Antoine Gagneux with contempt or disdain. A few would like where he got this magic and how magics work. If the Great One finds out Ryuu Mahou is Fumetsu Antoine Gagneux then Ryuu will be imminent danger.Domain
His priests are able to exhibit the powers of a divine domain as though they were servants of a real Immortal with access to the spells.He will have a strong hold in Glantri if not stopped; He will focus getting Noble children into the society and making at least one into a "Cleric of Fumetsu". In the past few weeks, he has grown worried and mad, as his highest-level clergymen have been assassinated
Fumetsu Bone Statue
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Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Sacrifices
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Neutral Evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 120 (40)
Hit Dice: 14
Hit Points: 70
THAC0: 7
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 1d10
Special Attacks: None
Special Defenses: See Below
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (10-12’ tall)
Morale: Fearless
Fumetsu's Bone Statues are moving bone statues, looks like a bone golem, but most will just sit and wait for its next sacrifice. These remnants of forbidden, forgotten and unholy wizardry have inspired a strange cult which is opposed to the normal laws of nature.Fumetsu's Bone Statues appears to be a Bone Statue or Bone Golem. They can have many different shapes, with different monster, animal, human, or demihuman bones and skulls. One feature common to all statues is multiple skulls and infused with Ryuu Mahou dragon blood.
After building the Bone Statue over 3 months, spend about 100,000 gold pieces and the final spells with fresh huge dragon's blood, the willing Huge Dragon loses 8 points of Constitution. The Dragon must rest for one hour to recover each point of Constitution. If the 8-point loss drops the dragon below a constitution of 1, he falls unconscious. Consciousness is not regained until full Constitution is restored, which takes 24 hours (one point per three hours for an unconscious character). Along with all this, the Huge Dragon must permanently sacrifice 1 hit point to complete the Fumetsu's Bone Statue.
The strange magic of these statues is so strong that it is not dispelled until the entire statue is reduced to small fragments (zero hit points). Until that time, the largest surviving chunk of bone retains the enchantment.
Fumetsu's Bone Statues exist for one purpose to collect worshippers for Ryuu Mahou and their creator. Aozy Markov, the actual creator, has special powers over his creations. The Bone Statue grants agelessness from the sacrifice made in the honor of Fumetsu and possible power to the "leader" if enough lifeforce is given.
All Fumetsu's Bone Statues can communicate using telepathy. They make it immediately clear to the worshippers whether or not they find a particular sacrifice pleasing and appropriate Depending on the size of the Unsterbliche Gesellschaft or Fumetsu's Cult will determine needed sacrifice. All Fuemtsu's Bone Statue will love a Aranea, Carnifex, Shadow Elf, Dwarf, or even Tortle for sacrifice(s).
Fumetsu's Bone Statues are immune to normal weapons. An attack with such a weapon merely bounces off its body with no effect. Silver weapons cause only half normal damage. Magical weapons inflict their full damage. Fumetsu's Bone Statues slowly regains its full hit points, recovering one point every eight hours, if satisfied (normal weekly sacrifices) no sacrifice no recovery. Bone Statues are immune to sleep, charm, hold, death and cold-based spells. They are immune to poison and paralyzation. A vial of holy water causes 2-8 points of damage (as acid) upon striking the Bone Statues. Cannot be Turned.
All Fumetsu's Bone Statues must consume at least one sacrifice a week in order to be satisfied. So long as the weekly sacrifice is maintained, the powerful magic of these enchanted statue continues to function. In addition to the weekly sacrifice, another is required in order for the Bone Statues to perform its major power (either resurrection, or regeneration, or restoration).
Finally, if physically threatened, Bone Statue can physically attack. They can deliver two attacks each round with their bony fist or claw or bite, inflicting 1d10 points of damage.
The alignment of these Statues is neutral evil.
The side effect for the followers in the Unsterbliche Gesellschaft is that all members cease aging* for as long as the Bone Statue is satisfied!!! The major power of these Bone Statues is endowed to the cult or that society's “Verkünden [herald]” with the ability to cast a powerful necromantic spell once per week (either resurrection, or regeneration, or restoration). Typically, a Unsterbliche Gesellschaft ’s “Verkünden ” will be the highest-ranking cult member and is not necessarily a cleric.
*Only mature members of the cult stop aging. Children age normally until mature or those in the womb will still age but not the mother if she is a member of Unsterbliche Gesellschaft.
Only adults can become members. To become a member of the Unsterbliche Gesellschaft the future member must willing give a little of their own blood to the Bone Statue (actually will permanently lose - 1 con). However, sacrifices can be of any age.
To calculate the needed weekly sacrifice: total number of members let's say 157.The lifeforce needed is twice as much. Using the example of 157 members x 2 = 314 weeks needed at least. A sacrifice with at least 6.03 years remaining on their lifespan is needed to satisfy the Statue. To satisfy the Statue and unlock it's Verkünden weekly power then 60.3 years or ten times the amount of lifeforce is needed.
A large Unsterbliche Gesellschaft of 560 members would need a sacrifice of at least 21.54 years. To satisfy the Statue and unlock it's Verkünden weekly power would need a sacrifice of at least 215.4 years. The Bone Statue can accept multiple sacrifices, but all must be killed within the same turn.
The Unsterbliche Gesellschaft and Fumetsu's Bone Statues is an unknown factor in Glantri. Many wizards will love the idea of being ageless; however, many will loathe sacrifices but if the sacrifices if a Aranea, Carnifex, Shadow Elf, Dwarf, or even Tortle (many will look past these flaws). However, as the Unsterbliche Gesellschaft spreads and continues to grow, the local Nobles and Princes may seek to stamp them out whenever they surface, or a few may join as members. As a result, these "Unsterbliche Gesellschaft " will mostly be to the wilderness, where the "society" can operate with impunity or as a secret society behind closed doors. Large, established Unsterbliche Gesellschaft (Undying Society) of (200-500 + members) will most likely attract sentient undead, like vampires. These quickly rise to the “Verkünden ” position within the cult and use cult members to feed their own, and the Statue’s, needs.
Destruction of a Fumetsu Bone Statue will cause all members to make Save verse Death Magic. Failure means permanent death and a save transforms the member into a Fumetsu Vampire. See Fumetsu Vampire