While not carefully reconciled with other fanon timelines, here is the one I use. It dates back to the 1980's as handwritten notes that has evolved over time. It shares more in common with the Karameikos prior to the Gazetteer series than than the more settled vision of Karameikos thereafter.
Chronology of Luln & Western Karameikos
by religon3250 BC: Azcan Culture flourishes along the Achelos River. Koskatepetl, an ancient city in the Kosti Kopec hills, is built in this period around a stepped pyramid. Priesthood of Ixion flourishes.
3000 BC: Great Rain of Fire when a Blackmoorian device exploded and shifted the axis of the Known World.
3000 - 2500 BC; Ice age. Ka and other immortals saving cultures to the Hollow World. Both the Oltec and Azcan Civilizations in decline.
2500 - 1720 BC: Taymoran Civilization Flourishes. Opposition of the immortals Nyx and Thanatos was an important conflict in this period.
2379 BC: The Queen of Grondheim, a giant polity, conquers Koskatepetl and renames it Krystallac.
c. 2350 BC: The Great Stone bridge is placed to span the Gustos River just north of the confluence with the Achelos River. It is simply a massive, flat stone slightly cocked at an angle across the river.
2282 - 2089 BC: The War of the Empires (The War of Southern Grondheim). The Taymoran and Grondheim empires fight a seemingly endless war. The Second Mogreth Empire (post-GRoF; fl. 2900 to 2000 BC), Empire of the Lizard Kings centered in modern Ylaruam seeks to exploit the conflict and enters the war.
2200 BC: Taymoran civilization, with the aide of giant slaves, build the massive megalithic city of Magos. They also rebuild the Azcan city of Koskatepetl naming it Kosmoteiros. (The Magos ruins today are found about 24 miles up Magos R. from Riverfork Keep. The ruins of Koskatepetl are found int he Kosti Kopec hills north of the ruins of Achelos.)
2080-1976 BC: The River Kingdom (The Lands of Mokrath) flourishes, displacing the Taymorans along the Achelos River. The kingdom, acting as a semi-autonomous colony of the greater Mogreth Empire, is dominated by lizardmen and troglodytes of power and wisdom. Slavery is quite prevalent as it would remain in western Karameikos into more modern times. The reptiloids rule from Krystallac. They rename the city Mokrath. This ancient city was built by Azcan culture and then adapted by giantkind. It was further altered to meet the needs of the lizardmen of the River Kingdom. The city of Mokrath widely practiced mummification, sacrifice and necromancy. Mythology of this archaic city figures prominently in the mythology of modern lizardmen of the Blight Swamp who occasion to trade this far inland. Iconography of the Leering God manifest.
2000 - 1500 BC: Nithian Iron Age along the Nithian River.
1500 - 500 BC: The Nithian Empire flourishes and expands. The Comet's Edge, a magical bardiche, is crafted in this period. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card The Comet's Edge)
1410 BC: Hutaakan first encounter the Traldar.
1390-1004 BC: The Traldar Golden Age
1380 BC: Hutaakans found city of Achelos and rebuild city of Magos.
1345 - 1000 BC: The Achelos Protectorate brings the Traldar Golden Age to the Cruth Lowlands. The priesthood spreads advances in medicine and agriculture.
1333 - 1297 BC: Reign of King Tahrek the Bright in Central Traladara. He used his magical artifact, The Diadem of the Sun, to slay those that would challenge his reign. The Tragedy of Dymrak is a ballad that accounts for Tahrek's annihilation of beast-man foes. The beast-men were likely Hutaakans. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Diadem of the Sun")
1004 BC: The vestiges of Hutaakan civilization flee with some Traldar people to the Lost Valley when they realize they cannot resist the impending Beastman Conquest (gnolls).
1003 BC: The Great Invasion (gnolls): Achelos destroyed by gnolls.
1002 BC: The Great Invasion (gnolls): Oyllenos destroyed by gnolls.
1001 BC: King Halav Halarov and Queen Petra Torenscu lead the war against the gnolls.
967 BC: The wizard Oirtulev, an advisor to King Halav, disappears in an apparent dimensional travel accident. Rumors that he survives as a loch in the Altan Tepe Mountains and that he haunts the dreams of wizards even today persist. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Oirtulev's Eye")
964 - 938 BC: Kingdom of Hindon flourishes for a brief time to the west of Traladara.
954 - 912 BC: The Dire Kingdom. Dwarves seize Koskatep in 954 BC from an orcish host. The small and short-lived kingdom they found is overrun by gnolls in 912 BC.
933 BC: Vandar barbarians invade from the east, Hindon. They begin to intermarry with the local Traldar populace. The influence was strongest in western Traladara. (Threshold Magazine #1, p. 50)
912 - 603 BC: The Howling Lands. The gnolls rule a prosperous kingdom from Koskatep before ogres and their allied human Priests of Nyx destroy their civilization.
c. 900 BC: Vandar conquerors rebuild on the ruins of Achelos city. (Renaming it Rusgord... river town.) Pronounced Vandar influence in the early city. (Threshold Magazine #1, p. 50)
871 - 647 BC: The Wars of the Axe and the Fang. The various Vandar lords of Achelos and the Three Silent Kings strive to destroy the Howling Lands. It is only after the ogres, warring against all sides, also make war on the gnolls beginning in 841 that the tide turns and the gnolls are driven into decline.
circa 875 BC to 50 AC: The Three Silent Kingdoms flourish in the Black Peaks. These people are thought to be refugees from the Dire Kingdom. While never numerous, the dwarves of these kingdoms industriously built extensive halls and thoroughfares through the mountains. Via dwarven merchants, the Traladaran of the Kingdom of the Stars were able to trade with those of the Streel River valley. They never were able to subdue the ravaging goblinoid cultures that thrived in the Black Peaks… especially the Upland Orcs, but were able to maintain periods of peace. In the 4th century BC, they even dabbled in trade with some goblinoids. The progressive experiment was abandoned within a few generations after atrocities continued on both sides. (R. Ligon)
c. 800 BC: f. Halag. (Threshold Magazine #1, p. 50)
c. 825 BC: Some orcish tribes in the Cruth Uplands (centered on the drainage of the Magos River and the upper Cruth River begin to adopt elements of Vandar culture… especially their husbandry skills, adoption of surface villages and modes of warfare. Today, these tribes are known as the Upland Orcs… the Jagged Claw, Blackstone and the Rotting Snakes. Their language is a blend or archaic Vandar and orcish. Traladaran or orchish speakers can sometimes get the gist of an idea with great difficulty in trade negotiations or calm, slow explanations. Those that speak Traladaran and orcish can understand much of what is expressed in calm situations and pick out key words in hurried or angry exchanges.
746 BC: The Hin discover the Blackflame during the Orcstrife. (R. Ligon Five Shires map relocates almost everything from the Gazetteer map.)
c 700 BC: The lands of Traladara continue to be ruled in the west and central portions by the Vandar-dominated cultures and on the southern coasts and the lower river valley of the Highreach River by traditional Traldar cultures. The tragic Vandar warrior Rytham claims the magical axe Ixion's Wrath. As recounted in the Tale of Rytham, his hubris and rage leads to his demise. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Ixion's Wrath")
c. 650 to 600 BC: Hin push orcs into the Cruth Lowlands... the Blackstone and Jagged Claw tribes are most notable from this era.
630 - 280 BC: The Night Kingdom flourishes. The ogre king Kulfan conquers Koskatep (603 BC) in the name of Nyx and ogres rule over the area for centuries. Human priests of the Lady of the Night live in the city along with them. It is from this period that the Eclipse Ring (Cynos's Shadowalk Ring) is forged, a magical ring dedicated to the goddess Nyx. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card Cynos's Shadowalk Ring; I change to time period of the ring's creation from 200 years ago to even longer.)
c. 500 BC all traces of distinctive Vandar and Traldar cultures are gone. The language this culture, the Traladarans, adopt is an amalgam of the Traldar and Vandar tongues. Slavic analogies to the real world now become more pronounced. Goblinoids, Gnolls and Orcs continue to ravage the Black Peaks north of the lowlands. The Three Silent Kingdoms continue to modestly prosper despite the surface world and the incessant wars with goblinoids.
523 BC: Achelos, an heir to the Halarov name, escapes the Gulf Coast after a dynastic civil war ending his families' reign of greater Traladara for 5 centuries. (Minor change from fanon as I have Luln not yet established.)
circa 518 BC: founding of the Kingdom of the Stars (later known as the Duchy of Achelos) in the newly-rebuilt city of Achelos. (The city rests on the ashes of Rusgord.) A charismatic Traladaran warlord, Olaf Veikstonn, assumes the name King Achelos I and claims all lands from the Black Peaks to the shores of the Gulf of Halag to the south. While the nobility of the gulf coast routinely paid small amounts of tribune to the various Star Kings, they remained quite autonomous for most of the period. (R. Ligon)
508 BC: Achelos' two eldest sons are lost in the mountains. The king grieves and searches in vain for news of their fate. Nothing is ever discovered despite the services of powerful Nithian mentalists.
500 BC: Fall of the Nithian Empire. The Immortals intervene in the affairs of the world through the Spell of Oblivion. They divert the River Nithia, destroy the people and destroy all colonies save Thothia. Alphatia and Thyatis have their first colonial disputes.
498 BC: King Achelos I abdicates the throne in favor of his daughter, Miruna. Miruna had married a learned commoner long before her brothers' deaths and assumed his clan name of Markovitch as a romantic gesture. Achelos disappears. The Good Queen Miruna is remembered in folk songs even today. The reign of Queen Miruna was marred by constant warfare.
492 BC: Dwarvish victory in the Battle of Sardal Pass triggers the Great Traladaran Goblin War (Leptar's War).
491 BC: Desperate bands of humanoids, chiefly ogres and Greyslayer orcs, arrive in the Cruth Lowlands.
490 BC: Conquests of Leptar the Merciless (hobgoblin warlord). Destroys cities of Krakatos & Lavv.
488 BC: Defeat of Leptar the Merciless' horde. Splinter hordes continue to wreak havoc.
480 BC: Last goblins hordes retreat into the mountains, the Radlebb Woods and the depths of the Dymrak Forest ending the Great Goblin War. The Callarii elves are displaced into the eastern Radlebb and western Dymrak.
circa 400 BC: The Achelos legend is fully formed. Traditional locals of the Cruth Lowlands believe Achelos will return and save them from their misfortunes. (After the Thyatian Invasion, it became a crime to refer to geographical locations or persons by the name Achelos. His name galvanized anti-Thyatian sentiment. For centuries, Mt. Medved... also known as Mt. Tybor or Mt. Achelos... has been rumored to possess caverns underneath that serve as a base for Achelos Reborn. Mt. Medvev is about 24 miles upstream on the Achelos River from where it joins the Gustos River. The ruins of Achelos are a further 6 miles upstream. In 1000 AC the area is controlled by the Cruth Ogres.)
405 BC: First written account of the 'Song of Halav' written by a Thyaitin cleric.
391 BC: Church of Traladara founded.
380 BC to 171 BC: Dark Age of the Banates. Central authority had largely disappeared across Traladara. Local towns were governed as banates... a form of city-state. A nobleman with the title "Ban" ruled a banate.
171 BC: The Glorious Kingdom of Traldara is unified under Ban Ithron Zlatarev. Central and Southern Traladara was unified. The Cruth Lowlands and the Gulf Coast continued to be ruled by the Markovith Dynasty seated in Achelos. While the Glorious Kingdom would survive until 88 AC, it fell into decline when Ithron died in 147 BC and was little more than a rump state thereafter with the throne located in Marilenev (Specularum).
c. 100 BC: The Kingdom of Highforge is established.
c. 25 BC to 5 AC: The Depredations of Truskel the Mad. The Glorious Kingdom is faced with a powerful and relentless foe, a powerful dark wizard possessing a staff of the magi. The wizard was able to enspell and enslave men and open gates to the lower planes at will. Songs of this time are very dark and strange. They tell of journeys into the Nightmare Dimension and wars against the forces of Hell. (Extrapolated from Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Edition magical item Staff of the Infernal Arcana.)
12 AC: The formation of the Duchy of Machetos. The ducal estate was located on a large manor southwest of the Dymrak Forest and north of the modern Eastron Road. This duchy would revive the dream of a unified Traladara similar to that attempted by King Ithron Zlatarev from his seat in Volaga a couple of centuries prior. The duchy would flourish until the gnoll invasion circa 317 AC. (Extrapolated from Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Edition mention of this duchy under the magical item Great Blade of Ghyrkhos. It needs to have survived and proposered enough that the name is rekindled later.)
circa 50 AC: The Three Silent Kingdoms fall to goblins and their allies. These events of the Underdark are unrelated to the surface troubles. Only a very small number of dwarves escape. They vanish from history. The silent halls have been overrun for nearly a millennia by goblinoids. While rumors persist of lost, unguarded treasures, little has been recovered without slaying great hordes of goblins in the process. (R. Ligon)
circa 60 AC: Strife and turmoil engulf the rump state of the Kingdom of Stars (the Duchy of Achelos). The fall of the dwarvish kingdoms have devastated the economy of the city of Achelos. The few remaining peoples live within the massive, empty stone halls of forgotten days.
88 AC: The powerless last king of The Glorious Kingdom of Traldara dies without issue. The treasury was rumored to have been sacked by the Knights of Halav. The government dissolves.
101 - 126 AC: The Razing of the West. A large tribe of goblins, the Horrific Spawn, challenges the might of the Upland Orcs. Ogres and Hill giants ally with the goblins in the name of their dark goddess Grendel. The power of the Horrific Spawn is broken, but they are not exterminated. They flee south. Humans stay out of this war. (R. Ligon)
circa 150 AC: While a few thousand people still inhabit the Kingdom of the Stars (Duchy of Achelos) it is largely forgotten by the rest of Traladara and presumed to have fallen into humanoid control like much of the west.
circa 200 AC: founding of the small hamlet of Lenov, on the site of present-day Luln. (R. Ligon)
circa 225 AC: The village of Vidlice is established on the Cruth River near the site of present day Riverfork Village. It is notable for semi-tolerance for orcs. While not citizens, orcs are able to live and work among the humans. Half-orcs can even have standing in local governance. However, racial intolerance and even murderous violence was the norm. (R. Ligon)
281 - 289 AC: The Six Fell Lords War: a war in and around the Dymrak Forest. Notable in that goblin minions served closely under their undead lords. The Callarii elves and the Duchy of Machetos allied to meet this threat. The great hero Ghyrkhos 'perished' during the conflict. He fell to vampirism and was bound into a tomb hidden in the Dymrak Forest with his powerful magical sword. (Extrapolated from Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Edition magical item Great Blade of Ghyrkhos.)
circa 300 AC: Kingdom of Highforge begins to allow dwarves to settle within their realm.
301 AC: Ban Bogan Ivanovich of Marilenev begins a reunification campaign. He is interrupted with gnoll invasions, but ultimately completes his quest after much of the west is destroyed by the humanoids.
312 AC: Gnolls raze Achelos. The city is abandoned for nearly a generation.
313 AC: Lenov destroyed by gnoll invaders during as a Traladaran civil war intertwines with goblinoid incursions and wars.
317 AC: Gnolls raze the ducal estates of the Duchy of Machetos, ending a period of growth and prosperity.
324 AC: Beginning of the reign of King Bogdan Ivanovich. The short-lived Ivanovich Kingdom ruled central, coastal, gulf coastal and western Traladara.
327 AC: Prince Anton Ivanovich rebuilds Achelos.
Prominent families: Korizegy, Dimitrevich, Halarov & Markovitch.
circa 350 AC: Lenov is rebuilt... shortly before the Ivanovich Kingdom fails.
356 AC: The Ivanovitch Kingdom collapses after the death of King Bogan. After the kingdom collapses, the banates of Achelos and Halag unite to form the Hojah-Ivanovitch Hegemony. It proves a stable alliance until the duplicitous wars of the ambitious Halarov family and their foreign backers destroy the Hegemony and break the royal branch of the Ivanovitch clan in the Cruth Lowlands.
410 AC: Virulent Plague of Vampirism & Lycanthropy. This would flare up for nearly a century. The Knights of Halav claim credit for the end of this dark period of Traladaran history. (The timeline presented for the introduction of lycantropy is taken from Threshold #1 rather than Night Howlers supplement.)
412-493 AC: The Four Wars (The War of Northern Aggression). Darokin provocateurs exploit the fractured Traladaran society, rampant lycanthropy and vampirism plagues and... with local conspirators... began a series of wars that last for generations. The second war (444-448 AC) destroys the Hegemony and establishes the Halarov Kingdom reigning from Achelos... or Darokin City perhaps.
444 AC: Sir Gilfroy Demitrevitch secretly allies himself with Darokin nobility during the second of the Four Wars. Gilfroy was not above using goblinoid mercenaries whose atrocities are still spoken of in hushed tones. With his allies, he is able to conquer the Cruth Lowlands and the Gulf Coast where is is established as a puppet overlord for his northern masters. The Hegemony falls. (R. Ligon)
445 AC: The Halarov Kingdom is founded... ruling from the rebuilt city of Achelos. The ruling clan of the Halarov Kingdom would be the Demitrevitch clan. The westernmost town of Vidlice (just north of present Riverfork) proves quite rebellious. (R. Ligon)
450 AC: Near the end of the Second of the Four Wars, Darokin agents aide in the founding of the First Kingdom of Vaion, a puppet state of Darokin.
452 AC: The Demitrevitch family rules Achelos, Halag and Lenov (Luln) as the Halarov Kingdom. Chardastes Demitrevitch rules with the title "King" over western Traladara.
464 AC: The Knights of Halav, officially the Military Order of Halav of the Golden Sword, begin building a refuge, a Great Hall on Abbey Island to oppose extreme danger from chaotic non-human forces and to resist Darokin meddling.
477 AC: Great Hall of the Knights of Halav completed. A grand celebration is held with magical fireworks and regal delegations from faraway lands and strange peoples.
493 AC: The Traladaran League is founded as the Darokin presence was ultimately ousted. Initially the Halarov Kingdom... Demitrevitch, Ivanovitch, Petran, Koriszegy and Vargos clans... would remain separate.
502 AC: The Brethren of the Woods. Traders from Minrothad settle on the Gulf Coast of Traladara. They bring a new epidemic of lycantropy with them… werewolves, werebears and wereboars. (PC4: Night Howlers DM Guides, p. 5) The wereboars establish themselves in the southern forests of western Traladara. The were bears migrate northward into the Black Peak Mountains. The werewolves find a refuge in the Achelos Woods north of the Blight Swamp. They refer to themselves as the Brethren of the Woods. They are hunted by the Knights of Halav and others.
511-514 AC: The Three Years War: The now burgeoning town of Vidlice forms an alliance with less chaotic orcish tribes to found the Kingdom of the Waters along the Magos and Cruth Rivers. The Halarov Kingdom mobilizes for war to stop this insurrection. In a bloody and costly war on both sides, the town is razed and the populace enslaved or slain. The Halarov Kingdom dissolves after bitter, defeated orcish chiefs assassinate all know survivors of the Demitrevitch royal lineage... including the regent and the 11 year old king himself. (R. Ligon)
524 AC: Duke Petre Petran claims ungoverned lands around Achelos. Really only the lands between the Achelos and Magos rivers are controlled. Fealty is sworn to the First Speaker of the Diet of Marilenev, ruling body of the Traladaran League. (R. Ligon)
532 AC: establishment of the County of Koriszegy. The ruler assumes the title of "Lord." The Koriszegy clan rules in the county but are also active in the affairs of the Barony of Halag for centuries. (R. Ligon)
530-570 AC: The Good Years. A period of peace and prosperity in the town of Lenov (Luln). It reaches it's largest population… nearly 15,000 people. The sewer project is completed. While most of the wooden buildings would not stand, for a brief time the city was a jewel of the Known World.
600 AC: f. Kingdom of Vaion in the east. The Traladaran League is in decline, but maintains claims to their historical holdings.
609-612 BC: The Goose War: The waning fortunes of the Petran family forced them to engage in mercantile activities. Lord Shura Petran, a distant nephew of Duke Kuzma Petran, is shocked when a goose bursts into a warehouse while he is conducting business with the savvy Zhupa (Baron) Maksim Ivanovitch. Arrogantly, Shura asks Maksim to remove the obnoxious goose. Maksim, also frightened of the goose, refuses and questions Shura's manhood. An enraged Shura is chased from the warehouse. Angry words are exchanged, contracts are broken and the two clan stumble into a war. The Ivanovitch clan emerges victorious but with no love of the King in Marilenev, decide on a bold course of rebellion. Lenov's (Luln) population has declined to less than 3,000 after the depredations of the war. It would continue to decline in centuries to come. (R. Ligon)
612 AC: The Traladaran League is dissolves. A bloody coup in Marilenev city leads to the city's independence from the aristocracy.
612 AC: f. The Grand Kingdom of Achelos under the sway of the Ivanovitch clan is founded under the rule of King Vasil Ivanovitch, the cunning uncle of Maksim. The elevated Duke Ulstagh Vargos of Halag allies himself with Duke Marilenev. Duke Marilenev only controls the countryside and Castle Marilenev. Marilenev city is now autonomous.
613-615 AC: The Merchants War: The change of Halag into the Marilenev sphere of influence and the proclamation of the Grand Kingdom of Achelos leads to a war of blunders. The Two Dukes (Vargos of Halag and Marilenev) send out poorly trained armies to vie for control of the Gulf Coast. The Grand King Ivanovitch of Achelos sends out equally woeful forces. The war proved inconclusive and the Duchy of Halag remained a client realm of the King of Marilenev. (R. Ligon)
653 AC: Renewed fighting bewtween the Duchies of Halag and Marilenev and the Grand Kingdom as vampirism and lycantropy wrack Traladara. Dark cults serving the Old Ones hold sway in much of the countryside. The early decades of the Holy Wars will become know as the War of 100 Towers referring to the extensive building initiatives of these Dark Cults. These sandstone towers are but reddish hillocks today, but the dungeons underneath are often still inhabited with foul creatures the slink out at night. The wise avoid such old towers. (R. Ligon)
656-668 AC: The Great Holy War: A truce in the fighting between the Grand Kingdom and the Two Dukes allows for some of the dark forces to be beaten back. Some of the most epic Traladaran stories and poems were written in this period.
657-720 AC: The Kingdom of Gygar seated at Mistamere Castle. This kingdom was one of the few safe areas of Traladara in this era, under the watchful eye of the Wizard-Lord Gygar.
666 - 690 AC: The Wolf Troubles. This period, starting with a vicious attack in the outskirts of Port Gorod, sees a surge in lycantropic activity along the Gulf Coast and the Cruth Lowlands. The Knights of Halav operate from their island refuge and from a citadel within Achelos. A great setback is discovered in 674 when one of the grandmasters is discovered to have infect an entire cadre of knights and established a cell of the Brethren within the Order. The Lindenhelm elves suffered horrific loses in this period. Even after three centuries, their numbers have never recovered. They still suffer occasional depredations from the Brethren. (R. Ligon)
685 - 712 AC: The Enduring Hordes. The orcs of the Uplands ally with the goblins of the Riverlands to make war on both the Shires and the Cruth Lowlands of Traladara. Spider-mounted goblins marauding from camps within the Deepmoss Woods was characteristic of the western front. Orcish mixed-arms of horse cavalry and axe-wielding huscarles characterized the eastern front. Not to be confused, the White Hand rises in Vidlice in this same period but are not allied with the Enduring Horde. During the asention of the White Hand, the town of Vidlice is rebuilt into a grand gothic impossibility. It is known in a dark tongue as Ph'Ftaghu (pronounced Ffffff-tog-hue). (R. Ligon based on GAZ8 Timeline)
703 AC: a fresh wave of evil humanoids swarm into the Cruth Lowlands, refugees from the Battle of the Blackflame (700 AC) in the Hin-land. The Grand Kingdom suffers loss after loss in the War of Nine Winters, but manages to hold Achelos despite the destruction of most small hamlets.
704 AC: A Vampire of great power, The White Hand, establishes a kingdom from within the ruins of Vidlice. He manages to enslave great hordes of goblinoids from the Banate of the Wolf and humans as he builds great gothic fortifications. He also allies with the Brethren of the Wood and the ogres. The destruction of his stronghold will become a principal objective during the Vampire War.
708 AC: Lenov (Luln) is nearly destroyed by a sudden raid from a large ogre force in the thrall of Brethren of the Wood. Over half of the town's population was enslaved and driven to Vidlice to assist in the extensive building projects. (R. Ligon)
711 - 713 AC: The Gargoyle Bridge is built by minions of the White Hand to cross the Achelos River. It crosses the Achelos just south of where is merges with the Gustos R. Although unnerving, it remains wide and strong to this day. (R. Ligon)
712 AC: A hollow victory ending the War of Nine Winters as the Knights of Halav assist forces of The Grand Kingdom in a assault on a wooden fortress… housing a goblinoid army... along the northern Gustos River known as The Ice Fortress. (R. Ligon)
720-728 AC: The Vampire War: The main nemesis in central Traladara during the Vampire War was the Black Count of the Moor (The Nosferatu Necromancer-King Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany, Count of Gorenov). He controlled the towns of Gorenov and Lumm… destroyed in the war. The Count, allies, clansmen and thrall are forced into exile in the Highlands (Glantri).
722-762 AC: The White Hand War. The Knights of Halav conduct a war of knightly raids, quests and strikes against the vampiric forces of the lowlands… notably the stronghold of Vidlice… from their refuge in the Gulf of Halag, Abbey Isle.
762 AC: The Battle of the Tempest. An epic final assault on Vidlice is made in the middle of a horrific thunderstorm by the Knights of Halav aided by levies from Lenov (Luln), the Gold Dragon Azemur, Sind archer mercenaries and mercenary lizard men. While the power of the fell fortress was clearly broken, stories vary as to the ultimate fate of the great vampire himself. (R. Ligon; Azemur is from B. Heard's Who's Who Among Dragons) The Knights were led by the great paladin Duke Uidar the Swift. Legend tells that he wielded the actual magical artifact, the Sword of Halav. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Sword of Halav")
729-800 AC: The Great Hunger: Plagues and famine wrack Traladara as pockets of vampiric and lycantropic creatures are hunted and slain. The following towns are abandoned or razed: Vaion, Halavos, Volaga, Zadreth and Lugsid.
763 AC: f. town of Arkanites. Many freed slaves escaping the horrors of the Vidlice Enslavement, founded an unusual town in this year. The architecture is radically different as it is based on designs learned in captivity... ornate Gothic with statuary adorning most surfaces. The people are superstitious... even by Traladaran standards. Paranoia and madness are commonplace in this corner of Karameikos. Local law is established to combat lycantropy and vampirism outbreaks. Angry mobs have murdered many an innocent in this town. Outsiders are largely unwelcome. (R. Ligon) [Play notes: Use the Village of Barovia map from Ravenloft for this town. It was once offered as a free online download and is still accessible on some map archival sites. There is also a nominally priced enhanced village map from mikeschley.zenfolio.com.]
776-781 AC: The Blessed Purge: Monastic orders see a swelling of the ranks and engage in numerous purges as they combat vampirism and lycanthopy. Many innocents are also slain. The Monastery on the Hill falls under the sway of the Old Ones.
798 AC: f. modern village of Riverfork just five miles south of the haunted gothic ruins of Vidlice. The populace was forced to pay heavy tribune to Upland Orc warlords and ogre chieftains until 973 AC.
9th century: The Grand Kingdom is in decline. The Cruth Lowlands never regained the prosperity they enjoyed when the Three Silent Kingdoms were flourishing. (R. Ligon)
828 AC: The Year of Infamy. Dwarves from the Highland region (Glantri) resettle in Traladara. Highforge and Marilenev suffer the greatest influx of dwarves.
829 AC: Ilya Radu, King of Traladara, seeks to consolidate regal power at the expense of the Traladaran noble families. A purge and civil warfare results.
831 AC: Day of the Dragon. A great blue dragon rampages in the city of Marilenev (Specularum). The motives for the powerful dragon Marudi's attack from his lair in the deserts of Ylaruam remains unknown. It certainly is a setback for King Radu's regal forces in the ongoing civil war. (R. Ligon; B. Heard treats this dragon in his article The Dragons of Mystara.)
834 AC: Pavel Klimek, a likable young scribe and scholar, is inflicted with vampirism while attending to his lord in Dmitrov. The years go by with Pavel torn with his thirst and his guilt in opposition. He roams the lands of Traladara. He fathers a human daughter in 910 AC by the name of Moria, who becomes the devoted cleric Moria the Pure. Moria learns of her fathers curse and uses her magical amulet for protection. It is unclear what Pavel's fate becomes. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Amulet of Moria the Pure")
850 AC: King Ilya Radu's royal forces attack what remains of the Grand Kingdom. Lenov (Luln) and Halag are sacked, but in the end the royal troops cannot control the west in face of guerrilla tactics aided by Upland Orc mercenaries.
872 AC: The peerage for the Duke of Marnilenev ends when the last duke, Radu, dies without issue. Castle Marilenev was inherited by the cadet branch of the family. The city also formally became an oligarchic republic.
900 AC: The Thyatian Invasion. In the fall of 900 AC, Lenov (Luln), Sulescu and Halag surrender without a fight. The rump state of the Grand Kingdom continues to resist from Achelos. Only the Cruth Lowlands, ruled by Achelos Vargos II, mounts an effective resistance. Some Traladaran mercenaries fight with the Thyatians and after the war receive lands in the west near Riverfork Village.
900-903 AC: The Harrowing of the West: King Achelos Vargos II surrenders to the victorious Legate Alharbuis after a bitter war in western Traladara. His noble family is scattered and forced into exile. King Vargos is beheaded. Achelos is razed in 901 AC. A small number of Achelos survivors scatter under the threat of goblinoid attacks. A few old timers are still knocking about Lenov (Luln), Arkanites and Riverfork Village. The great town is abandoned.
903-904 AC: The Dymrak Operation: A series of battles by the Thyatian army ultimately ending the defeat of the Nightfollower Alliance of the Dymrak Forest. (R. Ligon)
907 - 912 AC: Building of the Lowland Bastion on the Gustos River. This ambitious project, now know as the Abandoned Thyatian Fort, was intended to secure the Cruth Lowlands in the face of monstrous foes. In the spring of 912 AC, it was found with the entire garrison slain and the walls leveled by great beasts. The debate among wizards and seers about the identity of the foes will start heated debates even today… dragons, Upland Orcs, Cruth Ogres, vampires, bandits and fairy armies are all blamed. (R. Ligon)
910 AC: The Tribune's Arch is erected on a lonely hilltop in the Cruth Lowlands to commemorate the successful conquest of the lowlands on the site of a relatively insignificant victory. The arch was built over an ancient giantkind burial mound. Today this site is referred to as the Barrow of the Thyatian Tribune.
911 - 914 AC: The Blood River War. The veterans of the Harrowing found a small town with a palisade on a strategic overlook of the Achelos River… near the Gargoyle Bridge. The lizard men of the Blight Swamp take exception to this as they have long used the Achelos as a trade thoroughfare with the Cruth Ogres and other groups upriver… and possibly with inhabitants of Kosti Kopec (Bone Hills). The new town, Gorica, is burned to the ground and the populace slaughtered. After a frustrating war fighting an unseen enemy, the Thyatian Tribune Marcus Polika brokered a cease-fire with a promise for humans to never again build on the river. While never intending to uphold the bargain, the river today remains clear of human settlements save a few trapper cabins… mostly abandoned, looted and burned. Travelers hurry across the Gargoyle Bridge near the ruins of Gorica for fear of lizardman attack. (R. Ligon)
914 AC: f. Eltan's Spring. A tiny hamlet in central Karameikos. (K: KoA Adventurer Book, p. 19)
920 AC: Onyx Ironhand, now the master smith of Highforge, forges Bedlam’s Hammer from the remains of an earth elemental, using the hide of Acramar to give grip on the mithril haft. The hammer was gifted to his father Cronak who wielded it for 20 years. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Bedlam's Hammer")
921 AC: A shift in Thyatian Colonial policy. Control of the human populace is largely abandoned short of the port of Mirros. Increasingly, local Traladaran nobility resume daily control. A few building initiatives in the Cruth Lowlands would attempt to expand Thyatian influence into non-human controlled lands, but little wealth was realized from the Magos Mines or the area controlled by Riverfork Keep
925-935 AC: The Snasati Boks Craze. Famed tackle-boxing champion Stanimir Zlatkov of Port Gorod moves to Lenov (Luln) after claiming the national title. He remains undefeated for nearly a decade as the sport is popular all over Traladara, the cities of Athenos, Hattia and Irendii. He retires after a freak blindness in one eye from falling off a horse. The sport continues to be popular in the lowlands and Gulf Coast with three of his sons being strong contenders between 950 and 980 AC. (R. Ligon)
927 - 938 AC: The southern coastline of the Gulf Coast is engulfed in a series of massacres and missing persons. It is discovered that a family of wereboars have established a large lair in the ruins of the ancient city of Strolos. After a number of unsuccessful forays to destroy the lair, eventually an adventuring band from the Kingdom of Ierendi manage the task. A great marble statue is erected in Sulescu Village for the deed. (R. Ligon)
929 AC: Founding of the dwarvish hamlet Three Axes Ford in the Black Peak Mountains. The ill-fated hamlet would fall to nearby giants in 940 AC. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Amulet of Moria the Pure")
933 AC: The Seven Swordsmen. A band of Hin swordsmen are seen in Riverfork Village. They were intent on treasures rumored to be located in the Black Peak Mts. They have not been seen since. (R. Ligon)
940 AC: Cronak Ironhand (dwarf) is slain at Three Axes Ford in the Black Peak Mountains. His son Onyx is able to recover his magical item Bedlam's Hammer. The human cleric… and famed vampire hunter… Moria the Pure also falls in the battle. Refugees relocate north of Luln to prospect for ore. In 964 AC they are rewarding with a rich copper strike. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Bedlam's Hammer")
944 - 951 AC: The Keep at Riverfork are built just south of the ruins of Vidlice. (slight change in the location by R. Ligon)
944 AC: The Yellow Skull Massacre. The building party for Riverfork Keep are slain and the village attacked. While the town survived, nearly 100 workmen are killed. The goblinoids leave painted yellow skulls on posts to mark their savagery. It is believed that many of the orcs were from tribes north of Wereskalot that were defeated by the Hin at the Battle of Fire Rock. A large detachment of troops becomes necessary to complete the fortress.
944-967 AC: The Yellow Skull Wars. This series of low-level conflicts were savage but both sides proved cautious in dealing with their enemies. A number of goblin-towns were besieged and abandoned, but losses were relatively light on both sides. The Cruth Lowlands did not share the prosperity enjoyed by the rest of the province. (R. Ligon)
956-959 AC: The Prison of the Magos Mines is built to deal with the large number of captured goblinoids in the west. (R. Ligon)
964 AC: A major new vein is discovered in the nearly exhausted copper mine near Lenov (Luln). Within a decade, this boom town is flooded with refugees and carpet baggers. (R. Ligon)
965 AC: Thyatian rule almost disappeared, the governor seating in Mirros is a puppet of Traladaran noble families, especially Torenescu and Marilenev.
970 AC: Duke Stephan Karameikos' Expedition into Traladara. Baron Von Hendriks assumes control of Halag after a fierce struggle. Many flee the Barony. A small insurgent cabal know as the White Peregrines emerges. A small Battle of Lungrad, an agricultural town on the Gulf Coast, occurred in 970 AC. (R. Ligon)
971 AC: Many refugees from the Gulf Coast flee to the booming hamlet of Lenov. The town is renamed Luln much to the dismay of long-time residents. The Duke stops the plans of Baron Von Hendriks to conquer Luln. A council of "Town Masters" control municipal affairs. The Masters are dominated by displaced nobility from the Gulf Coast. This creates strife with the original citizens... loggers, copper miners, farmers and trappers... who had growth accustomed to self-governance. Monied Thyatian opportunists also flocked to the area speculating on mineral wealth.
973 - 977 AC: The Lowland Troubles. A war against the powerful goblinoid tribes of the Western Cruth Lowlands ensues. It is a vicious affair marked with inhuman atrocities on both sides. Rumors were common at the time about dispossessed descendants of the Vargos clan of fallen Achelos in collusion with the humanoid warlords. It was never proven, but may have been true. After nearly 5 years of warfare, the Thyaitan Ducal Army manages to control only a small 18 mile stretch of the eastern bank of the Magos River from the mines to the village of Riverfork. The central ruins of Vidlice are avoided, but must be passed near to move between the mines and and the Keep and village to the south. Today, this is the only semi-secure area north of the River Shrill ford. The Hattian war hero and commander of Riverfork Keep, Lotharius Haakenberg becomes a popular figure in the lowlands for his bold atrocities committed during this conflict. (R. Ligon)
972 AC: Lotharius Haakenberg retires to Arkanites where he continues to line his pockets through graft. (Minor changes by R. Ligon)
974 AC: The Luln Uprising. A disgruntled rebellion against the new Duke ignites in Luln. A sharp battle east of the town quells the rebellion as the disorganized trappers, loggers and farmers flee. (R. Ligon)
978 AC: Bloody Tserdain: Many nobles of the Halaveff and Dimitrevich clans are publicly beheaded in Halag after their conspiracies against the Baron and the Duke was revealed. (As a sign of defiance in the years since, animal blood is secretly splattered in the public spaces across the Barony on the anniversary.)
980 AC: The newly married Duchess Olivia begins to assemble a secret police force behind her husband's back. She fears the local Traladarans and considers her husband to be naive to not do likewise. (R. Ligon… established the date)
981 AC: The Alignment of the Three Queens. A major celestial alignment and solar eclipse frightens traditional Traladaran peoples. For a few years, stories of strange magic, the walking dead, fairy pranks and lycantropy are prevalent. The peasantry regularly buried their modest valuables in secret locations to keep them from the hands of the fairies. Some such treasures were lost.
982 AC: A great white wolf approaches the gates of Luln asking… in Traladaran… to speak with the king. The Head Townmaster bravely meets the wolf and is quickly eaten. The rest of the year is plagued with marauding wolves and wargs terrorizing travelers and the countryside. It is proven that the wolves were in league with human bandits and perhaps other outlaws and possibly goblins. Children still fear the white wolf as so many actually saw the Townmaster get eaten.
982 - 985 AC: Castellan Keep is built. (MGAZ1, p. 6)
986 AC: The Great Census of Karameikos.
986 AC: A scandal in Luln was revealed that the majority of the Town Masters and the aging Lotharius Haakenberg were on the payroll of a Darokin merchant smuggling arms and slaves through Luln destined to Halag. Rioting and lynching of many of the Town Masters began one hot summer night and one-third of the town was burned in the coming days. Haakenberg is found in Arkanites hanging in a barn near his home. (Two confirmed Hattian Storm Soldiers are discovered beheaded and stuffed in grain bins.) A young noble warrior of mixed Thyatian and Traladaran ancestry came to power after she and her idle cohorts suppress a riot and stop a lynching of a beloved, but corrupt, elderly Town Master. It was unclear if Lady Sascia had ambitions or was working with Haakenberg. By popular acclaim, and massive electoral fraud conducted by her father from Trov, she is elected to a new form of government… as a singular Townmistress… a Protectorate of sorts. Many of her young noble cronies find lucrative positions in the town's public affairs. If her past is suspect, there is much consensus that she has a gift for governance. (R. Ligon)
987 AC: Militia Service Act of Kelvin. Thyatian citizens are issued a sword and training in combat. It is outlawed for Traladarans to train in combat. Relations sour across the Duchy as this becomes a topic of conversation.
987 AC: The Fields of Rye. (Located on the map in the South-Western Radlebb Woods.) A battle of the Ducal forces with Callarii elvish allies against a bold army raised by the Bloodbears (Hobgoblins & Bugbears) allied with belligerent Firemane centaurs… and even a contingent of lesser undead supplied by the Haunted Keep's master. The humans and elves won in a very savage and closely contested battle. Tactically, the day was saved with a brutal charge from Knights of the Three Suns and a foray by an elvish host wearing Boots of the Five Winds (4 hr. air walk spell from Dung. Master Survival Kit). The evil alliance was crushed and devolved into a squabble over blame for the defeat. (R. Ligon)
988 AC: The Great Arrest of Luln. Officials of the Black Eagle Barony invite Traladaran magnates living in Luln to a local ball and meeting to discuss economic opportunities. While many chose not to attend, those that did were arrested as traitors and escaped serfs. A riot ensued with murders, fleeing Traldarans and a hasty escape from the agents with many noble prisoners. The fate of those captured has never been adequately addressed.
988 AC: Luln is raided by humanoids. Northlyn and the northern wall of the town are burned. Many flee to Radlebb keep. For about a month, the town is in the hands of goblinoids. They flee when Townmistress Sascia and her allies return with Ducal forces.
989 AC: The Duchess' Letter. Orders issued from Specularum by Duchess Olivia instructing the provincial administrators to oust all Traladaran functionaries in the service of the Karameikan government in an attempt to thwart an anticipated revolt. Bitter, ousted Traladaran officials are sacked across the Duchy.
989-992 AC: The Black Fleet War. After yet another exodus of refugees, this time to the Five Shires, the Black Eagle raises his naval forces to invade. After a third failed invasion, the Duke intervenes and forces a peace accord. The Hin widely accuse the Black Eagle of not only assassination, but also spreading disease within the Hin people. The Court Wizard Bargle is briefly imprisoned by the Hin, but is rescued by a bold band of adventurous mercenaries.
990 AC: The Burning of Krakatos. Ethnic strife leads to murders and vile acts as Thyatians destroy the town. The mob is never punished and the locals abandon the charred, fortified village
990 AC: The Disarming. On Vatermont 19th, a new policy of disaming Traladarans is instituted across Karameikos. Enforcement is quite spotty, but the law remains on the books.
991 AC: The Radlebb Massacres. Thyatian soldiers in Radlebb village and the Gulf Coast strike at Traladaran villages and people. Thousands are killed and villages are burned. (Unknown to most is the Duchess Olivia and Baron von Hendriks conspired with Captain Gregori "The Grim" of the "Hell's Jailers" of Radlebb Keep to commit these atrocities.) Court wizard Krollan found strangled missing his magical hood. (Dungeon Master Survival Kit, 2nd Ed., magical item card "Krollan's Hood")
992 AC: The Year of the Goat. Throughout the year, persons around the village of Riverfork are discovered transformed into goats. It is discovered to be the work of a small warlock circle… the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker.
996 AC: The Fairy Wedding, a traveling musical play from Glantri, is performed in Halag and Specularum. The nobility and well-to-do that saw the show continue to talk of it as one of the greatest nights of their lives.
999 AC: Crop Failure. Drought conditions destroyed about 20% of the crops. Over 400 people left the town of Luln over the winter as hunger set in. As the majority were Thyatian, some Traladaran nationalist claim with a dark humor that another 4 years of drought are all that is needed to cure the woes of the town.