1 mile hex map of the Great Canolbarth (including environment)
by RobinHere is the map in halves if you have trouble downloading the overall map: West, East.
Here more information of the map and what I did;….
Some flaws might still exist (although I checked thrice).
One issue of flaws may be the connection between the hexes, which were “born” due handwork (cutting&casting in Windows paint) and pixel sized shifts. (I don’t have a good hex program like Thorf has ..pity)
Another problem was the placement of altitudes; try imagining an area the size of France in 3D in your head, trying to determine how high everything has to be but not changing rivers or creeks. (this did cost me a full week…;S) so here some flaws may exist too.Other problems arose with combining canon maps together. This is how I did tackle this immense problem;
Emerlas; i tried to place the Emerlas map in the most western region, without altering scale, but the black lake is in the way, and... according to earlier 8 mile hex maps (Thorfinn, Canon and/or Fanon) the Emerlas is mostly placed between the Western and Eastern Dwarfgate. I thus placed the Emerlas over the Magic point Misthaven area. Why? Because not only did this overlap at best (the eastern Alfheim holds a large lake) so I only needed to adjust the rivers slightly. Also because the Middle area of the borderlands is called the Emerlas on all the available maps, and these maps of the Canolbarth hold a large forested hills area north of Alfheim. At the same time I saw it as logical (as possible in a magical universe) that the Henge (to the Floating Faedorne Islands) from the Emerlas adventure would have a powerful reason AND source to exist on that location; the best solution was the proximity of the Misthaven magical point. Together it was the best solution.
I retrospect to the original map, I twisted the Island clockwise, bended the Lower part of that map clockwise to the South and attached the Canon Rivers.
As thus I had to shift the borders of the Northern Dominions a bit. One map of Darokin spoke of Western and Eastern Dwarfgate, with Emerlas in between. The border of Emerlas was shifted west as the border of East Dwarfgate.
And actually…a question remained. As the Altan Tepes border the Dwarfgate Mountains, where does the one end and the other begin. I chose the official border on the canon maps as the differentiation between the two, but then…. the Eastern Dwarfgate hills are more connected to the Altan Tepes mountains than to the Dwarfgate Mountains…so another name would be more logical. On the variant canon, thorfinn, and fanon maps I saw Emerlas, Eastern and Western Dwarfgate, Lesser and Greater Dwarfgate used each with different borders. According to the Darokin Gazetteer, this regions is not set actually, so I chose to rename this eastern region into the Altan Tepes Lowlands, instead a Dwarfgate variant. In elvish this would become Oron-en-Altan Tepes.
The Solution for the differences of naming of the major Emerlas river (Greenflow from the Emerlas map and River of Monsters from the canon maps) I solved by letting the Greenflow be an old Emerlas name.Alfheim city and environs; Then I had to transform the grey map of Alheim city From Gaz 5 into a 1 mile hex style. This was easier than expected. The addition of the smaller hamlets owned by a variety of races, became the perfect fill.
The Sumpf/Weir; The next issue was the grey map of the Sumpf/weir from Gaz 5. When I placed it on the map with the give scale from gaz 5, it literally disappeared into a grey blot. Pondering and examining the canon maps, I saw that the Sumpf was always given canonically as an 8 mile hex area, with a whirling symbol. Looking at the picture of the area in Gaz 5, and the vessels floating by in the river, the towers, and such…I assumed thus that the scale of grey map was flawed…not 1 mile, but 8 mile instead. This not only made the feature visible, usable and interesting, but also more logical…as seen to the gazillion cubic feet of water (and erosion) pass through the area. To keep the feel of the area I also decided to keep it in grey tone, with only the water and borders in color.
Tree of Life; I placed the “Tree of Life adventure” maps of the East Alfheim area in the Region, together with increased altitude lines of these hills The few feet altitude difference over several miles, as according the adventure module, did NOT sound like hills to me that would affect the region. I did not use these lines elsewhere as they would make the overall map more confusing…see therefore the altitude notations in the area. The hills elsewhere are less prominent…to say so. And it makes the flow of the rivers possible. The small part between Lin Selinari Harad en Lin Selinari Amrûn is NOT a river, this is a deep crevice between the hills that is filled with water by the nearby rivers, brooks and creeks. The water is warm and pleasant, and abundant with life. The sides however are steep and here and there rocky. It is called Rant Uilin Selinari (Channel Swallows Selinar) due to the abundance of Swallows nesting on the steep rocks. The eggs are sometimes eaten, the dung is harvested from the waterside to fertilize the fields and Trees of Life.
Dreamland; The Next was the map of Dreamland From the PC Tall tales of the weefolk. This was easy at first, but all the hexes had to match, so I had to redraw all, also to make everything fit in appearance AND size.
Wrath of the Immortals; Then I fitted the Cairn/aka Temple of Balthac from WotI. In a small valley near a cave in the western part of the Dwarfgate mountains were Calor must have had its lair and found its death. The only thing on the area remaining is the name of this mountain part; Calor’s Spur
Stalkbrow; The Stalkbrow map I made earlier. I had to redraw this too for the same reason and to fit the hexes with the rest. Several more details were added too.
I did NOT use the awesome maps of DesertNomad in Threshold 10, for I tried to follow Canon as best as possible, and Mystery of the Snowpearls is cannonnically located elsewhere. Although i have deep respect for his work.Dwargate; The map I made of the Dwarven pass perfectly fits in the NE corner of the map. Not much was needed here to alter. A hex here and there for overlapping issues only, and I had to change some hexes (forested hill into pine forest hills, and some other minor changes. Further I had to adjust some altitudes, which were too low as seen to the flow of water in the Alfheim region.
The cursed province of Avonleigh; With the use of my own map derived from the AD&D Ravenloft adventure “Light in the Belfry” I also inserted this province of Avonleigh were a mage Morgoroth (Descendant or Name degeneration of Moorkroft of the “Tree of Life” adventure). I had to redraw the whole map as to match the same hex icons and the different magnetic north.
I enclosed the area not like Ravenloft in another reality, but in a high thick fogbank, with no way of exit due magical influences. When Morgoroth is finally dealt with the fog bank will remain in existence as long as the magic points are active. But can be entered and left by Living (not dead they remain imprisoned) creatures. As thus a whole forgotten dominion will appear when the Shadow Elves destroy the Canolbarth. If the fogwall will reappear when the forest is reignited later is a choice for the individual DM. The fog has greatly damaged the area there, and caused several Elven villages to become abandoned.
I assume that this Doulakki dominion (most logically) was created roughly 1875 years ago, several decades after the Elves arrived 800 BC. As Morgoroth, son of /Moorkroft started his evil business, the Elves took charge and unleashed a powerful charge of magic from the forest upon the region (maybe even with Immortal help), and placed the fogbank (easily done in a weather-pattern altered region). Several Elven friendly immortals later sealed the deal by a one way forcefield. As thus the whole region is forgotten and abandoned, with a good dose of fear and sanity. When the wall falls, the few descendants of the Doulakki survivors will find that their world, they were blocked away from, has become way different than their ancestors learned them through generations. About 450 Doulakki survived within this province. The will most logically prefer to remain in the region, but a boost to their culture (or what remained after centuries of oppression, fog, undead, and doom.) will be given by trading with nearby Selenica (Salonikos in their teachings of history).
The monolith seen on the map (Avonleigh) is an older Nithian remnant of 1500 BC, and may hold its own secrets. Most people believe it to be proof that the Doulakki were more technologically evolved than current Darokin believe them to be. Sages however, know it is way older, and from a culture completely obscured.Darokin; The next step was the multitude of farms mentioned in Darokin, and the existence of more Elven villages in Alfheim according to the corresponding gazetteers. For the bordering regions (Darokin borderland) I used Mike Phillips excellent 2.66 mile hex maps together with the 8 mile canon maps. They were a great base to work upon. Most of the locations I drew upon the historic canon and fanon of the region (Inlashar, Callair, Doulakki, Ereada, etc.).
Water; All the water works, increased plant life, were added to these. One major question was to why a road, river, brooks or creeks follows a specific tract, why on some locations there is no population and on others there is. What does the population do to affect the area settled in, What does nature do on itself, what “natural” magical effects would exist and why there. All these and other points of interest flowed through my mind.
As the area is literally quenched with altered weather-patterns with lots and lots of precipitation, the amount of rivers, creeks, and brooks must be greater. At the same time, the temperature is higher and there is less wind (as to the original area). This would also increase the amount of plant growth, and move the bush and tree limits up. (the same is seen in enclosed valleys on RL Earth).
I placed cliffs with nesting Sites for Swallows, Muddy rivers colored by trees and plant life (Blackwater river and -lake-Pines from the Black Hills made the water dark, and near depleted of oxygen (which become replenished in the Black lake due to the plant and animal life, making the black lake more brown then becoming clearer the farther South), Elfwine river-swamp vegetation on its banks makes it wine colored—hence their names.), hundreds of brooks and creeks can be found all over the area.
One large moor (Lá Ara-Luksor or The High Moors) was created by me to resemble the moisture of the Elves causing other natural effects.I-Ram-Orod aka; The Wall, In the NE of the hills, is a mountain chain stretching several miles, where the angle of the mountain is between 90 and 75 degrees, thus unscalable without special tools. This mountain range well earned this name, for even from a great distance this wall can be viewed with ease. The three waterfalls; Lanthir Neled Nîth (N to S; Hador, Úloth, Lithuiben) or Three Sisters Falls (N to S;Thrower of Spears, Flower Scent, Dusty) are clouding the area in a spray of icy cold scented water. The most Northern fall is the highest, and the icy cold water damages like spears on skin on impact. The Middle fall is the strangest, as minerals from the mountains give the water vapour a clear fragrance, like perfume. This water is sold as a component to magical scents, balms, ointments or potions, but has no magical abilities on itself. It is just perfect as a base for scented magics. The Most southern fall, sprays out far from the rocks, spraying out like a continuous spray, which the local wind currents spread over the region, up to several miles afar. Vision here is even at good weather less than 500 feet for shapes, 150 feet for creature shapes, and 50’ for identification by shape if such would be possible, and 15’ for facial recognition. A treat of the region, the local bugbears use often to attack those harvesting water. The area has a continuous scent, fog like spray and the sound of the waterfalls is audible at 8 miles, disturbing at 4 (no communication possible, Move Silent +100%) and deafening at 2 mile (Move Silent to all at 100%, , but resulting in a continuous piep within the ear 2 days afterwards, and a true deafness if a saving throw vs Deathray that must be checked each day after the 2nd, fails.
Other features; Towers and small villages, farms and trails, but the greatest problem I had to tackle was keeping all the altitudes correct with natural waterflows.
Then I had to create logical, and ecological details, (like the tarpits near Inlashar), clifss and erosion (like Lake Kameroen or the channel between the Selinar lakes.)Edhellen; And finally I used the Elven language(from Tolkien) to name all the elven areas (even outside their kingdom as they must have visited there and were the first to name it). Together this gives this elven map a very Elven feel. Elven (Edhellen) to Thyatian (English) Translations are listed left. Sources right
Shrines; Many Shrines are dotted all over the area, most I’ve obtained from fan information, some from canon sources. Many immortals are honoured under the Elves; as of which Mealiden, Ilsundal are the most important. The special structures are the most tranquil locations in the region, nature in abundance, pleasant smells and wildlife, but may have various architectural designs. Mostly the grey to pinkish white stone of the Crutch hills, or the darker stone from the Dwarfgate mountains are used.
Statues; These giant structures (50 to 150 feet tall) are made from giant hand-carved marble blocks, with elfish detail work, connected within by wooden beams and perfect fit relief. None of these are mobile, but several are magical. The magic is a sort of continuous crystal ball effect linked with special oval mirrors within the chambers of the Alfheim palace. Special trained elves view these images, and this is one of the reasons the elves know who comes and with what. All these statues resemble important personae in Elven history, be it kings, heroes or Immortals. These are the only Elven structures the dwarves have respect for, they truly admire the detail, yet at the same time mutter inside their breath; “No wonder for one who lives 6 times as long as a dwarf, if a dwarf would live that long, he could be better”.
Ruins; Many ruins are extra identified by a colored dot. This reveals the original owner/builder of the structure(s) as per Legend. There may be other inhabitants though. Completely black ruins are of variable origin as determined by the DM, and are much more recent (last centuries or more towards today).
About Inlashar; The region is dotted with village and Town ruins from the era were the Inlashar ruled (780 BC-702 AC). The other ruins were fortresses, hence the name Inlashar; This is Ethengarian for Land of Fortresses. The legendary road of Urudtai (543-550 BC) is eroded away mostly but where parts are still existing it has become part of today trails (Corunglain-Fort Nell and the main Road Corunglain-Darokin are being the best known). Several today structures are either still used Inlashar structures, or build upon them. It is not uncommon for today villages to have an ancient Inlashar tower, or other remnant (mostly fortification) within its limits. All formerly Inlashar Locations are marked with a Yellow dot, even when it is today of different use (fort Nell itself being the most known). The City ruins of Tolann last to fall in 702 AC are rumoured to harbour disgruntled noncorporeal undead, making the whole hills area very unwelcome.
About the Doulakki; This culture thrived in the region prior to the Elves arrival.
Not only are still many ruins found all over the region, many of their burial sites are still used by the elves in the same fashion (Sarch nûrnen if used by the Elves, else Feleg Sarch Doulakki). Many are marked by the elves with a set of Dolmen on top of these mostly artificial hills with a top stone to envision a doorway….aka a doorway to Limbo/the afterlife. This is pure ritualistic and NOT a true doorway. The areas however are consecrated grounds up to a mile distance affecting the area and undead will NOT awaken when buried here, and they will become blighted with a double effect as the spell in this area. Turn Undead and other Undead affecting effects will have a 25% greater chance AND effect too. This is the reason the Elves decided to use these tombs. Underground these tombs harbor several chambers, mostly open, but the chambers where ancient Doulakki were placed are barred by large wooden plates (mimicking a doorway—so roaming spirits could enter and leave easily). Mostly a single larger room is used to embalm, place bodies in chests or otherwise prepare the dead. Important dead are placed in stone coffins/sarcophagi but they do NOT take more space…an old Elven saying; Ne-guru il eanávë felegra in Death all are being equal).
The Ruins in Dolak (SE) are all Doulakki ruins, from the lost culture. Dolos has within its borders only a few miles south of current Dolos, the Ruins of an ancient Doulakki city name Doulas. There seems to be some mixed heritage between these two. Some minor ruins of Doulakki are found here too, but they can be individually found all over the Canolbarth and beyond. Mostly these ruins are nothing more than foundations, and sometimes some underground/buried chambers, rarely anything of interest or value remains, as centuries of plunder cleared most of them. A lot of time and multitude of races has passed to erode this history away. Their former use often completely lost. The most typical ruins can be found on the Cliff in Dulak, or along the former lake of Kameroen in Dolos.
But interesting ones are also found within the Canolbarth itself, fully overgrown and forgotten mostly, but still… The Doulakki city of Kanosis is just recently discovered on the Emyn Uial, and at this moment it is not even known that the few ruins they’ve found are actually the remnants of a whole city.
About the Fenfolk; The Old towers (former guard towers) and other ruins near Fenhold are from the old culture of which the Fenfolk stem. Whatever their origin, they had a single city and further isolated hamlets within a circle of guarding towers. Dovestonetower however was not a guard tower but had other uses. As it is somewhat apart from the guard towers, something dangerous or even dark may be expected. As the tower has no entry, not even by flight, it is known only by the Doves that live on the multitude of waterspouts, gargoyles and niches in the 120’ tall 65’ wide tower.
About the Eraeda. Not much remains of this culture. Mostly everything is reused, or gone. The few ruins that do exist are Ergythia’s Old Temple (near Alfheim), and the Old Tower at Gobbleton’s Creek (near the Road to Alfheim). The most well known are the ruins south of Grundale in Ilnevar; Elnevar (a mutual Elven human village), Combastion ( a small village regularly burned and rebuild, nobody nowadays dares to erect a structure, for it will fall to flames, source unknown…(there is however a small cave nearby that is always hot, and sounds of living entities can be heard, marked as Monster Lair on the Map.), The Old Mage Tower and the Town of Pinebrook. The only untouched from that old era is a temple nearby from 150 BC.
About the Dwarves; The Ruins near the NE mountains are mostly Dwarven Ruins from the late Dourakki era. Called Hrokagar", meaning 'treacherous home'. The latest Dwarven ruin existing and still used recently is Granitgape in the Emerlas, which was abandoned after many Dragon and humanoid attacks in the region.
Most Ruins in the Dwarfgate Hills and mountains are no longer useful, except when named. The humanoids destroyed most of these Towns, villages and other fortifications and razed them to the ground in the last centuries, Mostly only foundations remain. Only a few still hold structures that have at least some use, but even these are rarely used by the Troll or Orcs in the region due to the Dwarven traps, constricting structure and even Dwarven Ghosts and other menaces that reside within.
About the Giants; In the mountains are castle ruins from the era that the giants ruled this land (just after the receding of the polar ice). Some are still used by both cloud or mountain giants. Some stone giant ruins do exist to in the NE.
About the Elven Ruins; Elven ruins are mostly abandoned villages near the domain of Avonleigh (SE) caused by the eerie effects from the eternal wall of fog (and the sounds emanating from within, and lost travellers.). Other ruins are mostly more recent and often of human origin (Darokin).
Aatalantëa annon illodious is the ruins of the towerlike structure that once held the gate through which the wizard illodious tried to conquer the elves. The devastated structure is a landmark of memory. And many stones nearby are dedicated to the fallen elves. The traces of the battlefields are however fully removed, and turned to farmland.
About the Cairn and Temple of Balthac; Placed Canonically in a valley of mountains Northwest of Alfheim. The WotI map depicted its general location, logic determined the nearby mountain spur, I named it Calor’s Spur as a memory of a dark past. The only other thing linked with this era are the three large Elven statues of three fallen Elven heroes in this epic battle. They now stand guard (sort of) to demoralize the Humanoids of the Broken Lands or the Black Hills. These heroes were Maedar, Rodwen and Elthenar.
Other cultures; The Gordo di Tarask, is the valley north, held by the Orcs. They gave the valley this name; which means; “Gorge of the Tarask”. As DMs and Gamers we know what the Orcs probably speak about, and with some PC investigation through a multitude of history books some clues might be gained. But if this valley is a Game incentive, or only a scar from what once happened very long ago (estimate; 3000 BC), that is left to the DM.
About the Shadowelves; Yes, even these had some interesting effects upon the Canolbarth. As soon as these elves arrived from the underworld, they affected the region in a way they never expected. In their world nature is dominated by a huge variety of fungi, small and large of size. The spores of these fungi clinging to their feet and clothing only to disperse itself later (by brushing of on wet leaves in the Canolbarth for example). Within the dark forest, that’s wet due moisture or rain they found a basis to rapidly takeover the region. As thus these funghi (of which some are tens of feet tall) can be found in any region where Shadowelves enter the Canolbarth. This link between the fungi and the Shadowelves is only discovered by the Legendary hero Engledoc. More about him in Threshold Alfheim.Magic
Crystals; There is crystal growth here and there with minor effects only. (mostly luminescence, attraction of minor creatures, or plant life, or the rejection of similar creatures. They can be used in the fabrication of various potions, elixirs, wands, staves or similar magical items, but other than being a conduit to enable the storage of magic, these crystals rarely something else.
The toxic crystals in the South of Crutch are however another matter. This 1 mile area contains several batches of 6’long spindles poisoned several miles of area and made two villages to be abandoned. The area is now forbidden to enter by Crutch and Darokinian law. These crystal give of a toxic fume that paralyzed the muscles, even heart and lungs, thus causing a painless, but unavoidable death (unless one does not breath). The region is easily recognizable as all plant life perished too, their foliage turned to a slimy sticky substance. Only insects, arachnids and other lowlife can be found here, but even they do not thrive.
Wells; Other magical (semi) magical locations are Wells, (Celos) which use and effects are described on the map.
Henges; these do not affect magic directly but affect memorization, meditation and study of magic, the nature, seasons, weather, or such. The Henges, dolmens found in the area were used rapidly by the elves to burry their dead (or burry their burned remains in urns), other seem to have magical effects, like some of the ancient caves in the region.
Other; About the other Magic locations in the area (marked by a star hex); these may be lairs of flitterlings, a magical plant, magical ore, or a magic (or even anti magic field of a few hundred feet diameter maximum). All these areas are limited in power and size, but if extremely rare and special circumstances are met, one of them may be affected by local magic used and become a new Major magic point, (like the Ironwood and Algorn’s last stand Magic points). These points are always under the control of the DM, players are never ever aware if and what effects magic may do. This is a once in a lifetime event, of great importance to the Elves. If these points ever close (as with Wrath of the Immortals) it will be harder to reopen these newer points as they might fully collapse, becoming non-magical, or return to its former self/function.Dragons
Many dragons reside near Dragon tree, and all of these are relatively young. Even the lairs and occupation regularly change, so no names are given…only the color of the dragon mostly using that location.
The Dragon residing at the Tears of a Dragon Creek is very old, but he lived originally in the Dragon Plane. The Portal of the Dragon tree enabled him to come here. He did so due to a broken love decades ago and still is extremely sad and depressed. His human shape is often found in the inns of the nearby villages, where he is known as Bozo the Drunk. He is often intoxicated, but rarely truly drunk (dragons can handle way more alcohol). He is not violent, and even not interested in his draconic cycle, and treasure (he has half normal of a dragon of his age and size). But the two paintings (Elven maiden, Dragon in the woods), and a copperplated iron statuette of a rising dragon he cherishes beyond anything else.(they represent his former love, and have less monetary value than 200 gp together. Where she is, depends on the DM, and might lead to a truly draconic love story/adventure without too much bloodshed.). If these 3 items are stolen, Bozo teleports them back with a special spell, and relocates. He prefers to die without a fight if otherwise kept from them. His hoard has no interest to him.
Raspaert is a 75 year old friendly Female Small Gold Dragon who lives as an Elf in the Woods. She is well known, and more than she actually desired many elves know here true gullible self. Her lair is hidden however, and warded with many magical traps.
I hope you all enjoy this. And honor(enjoy) my “sacrifice” …
I have honoured the following personal friends, by naming brooks, Creeks, or even villages in their honor; first-and-for-all Monika my BFF, Albert & Thierry my gamers, then, Margaretha, Leysan, Mozarth, Armanda, Esmerelda, Linette, Savannah, Sheri, Luisa, Sharon, Mischa, Carly.
And the Following D&D heroes, as without their help, this map wasn’t so detailed; Bruce Heard, Aaron Aalston, Larry Elmore, Gary Gygax. Clyde Caldwell, Bambra, Thorfinn Tait, Havard, Argentmantle, Stanles, Hugin, Sturm, Geoff Gander, Agathokles, LoZompatore, Carilion, Julius Cleaver, Gecko, Maddog, Micky, Mike Phillips, Gawain, Oswald, Lyle, Glenn, Luciano, Russels, Kilr Kowalski
I made some jokes here and there; Yanotlost tavern (You are not lost),the village Tutjedale (from a dutch word “Tuttebel” for a girl that appearance matters most), Kollumercreek (derived from a piece of Kollumer cheese that I just ate), the village Oehwah (I jawned at that moment), The Village Eskutchamen (from a House music song I listened to), The village Sufferick ( a dutch word for dumbass), the hamlet Komkommer (dutch for cucumber) and The Village Homebrew (I drank homebrewn strawberry juice).Coocoo…and actually a bit proud.
I’ve been threading this map thus far that I can see it in my mind, in 3D fulcolor, scent and sound supplied as if real… Some places are excellent, others I’d prefer to stay away from.
That’s at least how I would think of the whole region…Glad that the Elves allowed me in..;)(Beleg)Canolbartheryn (Great) Canolbarth Forest
Edhellen (Elvish) Thyatian(Human)Celon (Eneth) River (Name)
Celon uin Enyaliën River of Memories
Celon uin Olóreal River of Dreams
Celon uin Ulunn River of Monsters
(Emerlas Old name; Celon Doriathrin Calen Greenflow River)
Celon Rasphain HighPeak River
Celon Doriathrin-beleg Greatflow River
Celon Daercírbann Rockhaven River
Celon Haradhlô River Southflood
Celon Elfwine River Alfwine
Celon Pîngwîn River Little Wine
Celon Cûddar Foestop River
Celon Morgulduin Blackwater River
Celon Lenca Slow river
Celon Lagor Fast River
Celon Selinari Selinar RiverWente (Eneth) (Name) Brook
Wentalinn Brook of Lakes
Wentalómëa Shadowbrook
Wente Morgelduin Blackwaterbrook
Wente Meril Rosebrook
Wente Nardi Fairy Flower Brook
Wente Amlug Dragon Brook
Wente Hsiaou Hsiaou Brook
Wente Taen (Amrûn / Dûn) Long thing brook (East / West)
Wentemar Marbrook
Wente Calph Watervessel brook
Wente Lhingril Spiderbrook
Wente Dath-în-Ram Hole in the Wall Brook
Wente Os-Ram Around the Wall BrookNen(Eneth) (Name) Creek
Nen Morgelduin Blackwatercreek
Nen Dae Shadowcreek
Nen Hithren Grey Creek
Nen Eirien Daisy Creek
Nenpië Berrycreek
Nen Glad Woodcreek
Nen Fion HawkcreekLin (Eneth) (Name)Lake
Lin Selinari Lakes of Selinar
Linaewen Lake of Birds
Lin Narag-zâram Blacklake
Linlannë Lake of Cloth/Loch Eidach
Lin Cectelë Lake of the Fountain
Nenuial Lake Evendim
Lin Ara-a lún Lake High and deep
Lin Mîdh-Limig Lake Dewdrop
Aelin-uial Lake Twilight
Ech-Lin Spearlake
Lin-Orod Mountain Lake
Ailinen Woman of the Lake
Nîn-in-Eilph Water of Swans
Nenyl Lalaith Water of Laughter
Nenyl Echui Water of Awakening
Ailinon Lake of Waterlilies
Nîn-in-Eilph Waterlands of the Swans
Lin Nenninggroth Clay (waterearth) Lakes
Lin Ostalanteä Lake Ruined Village(Eneth) Lanthir Waterfall (Name)
Lanthir Lamath Waterfall of Echoing Voices
Lanthir Eiliant Waterfall of Rainbows
Lanthirafunda Thundering waterfall
Lanthir Neled Nîth (N to S; Hador, Úloth, Lithuiben)
Three Sisters Falls (N to S;Thrower of Spears, Flower Scent, Dusty)
Caran Morgulduin Blackwater DamCelos (Eneth) Well (Name)
Celos Latha Pure Well (untouched) if touched will spoil for 3 full moons. 1 qrt of Water can be taken from the well with a pure wooden spoon (1oz content) and used as a pure component is spells using water adding 50% to randomly; the range, or duration, or effect, of the spell using the component. The water functions as Holy water on Undead and demons, but loses this ability in 6d6 hours after taken from the pool.
Celos Liqistea Transparent Well (very clear and deep). At 100 to 500’ depth crystal balls grow naturally. These can be used as normal crystal balls after a basic spell (enchant an Item). The duration and clarity of these Crystal balls increases by age and size; 0-59% nothing found, 60-85%, 1-5inch,10-20 years, normal values and use, 86-95% 6-10 inch, 30-50 years, Double values and clearer vision(more detail), 95-99% 11-20 inch, 60-100 years, quadruple value, clear view as younger version, but duration of use is doubled, or…no concentration is needed after focussing target for normal duration. (reroll if found one of these huge balls within the last 5 years) 100% 21inch or larger, 25 years per inch extra, doubling value per 3 inches calculated from normal crystal ball (reroll if found one of these huge balls within the last 20 year) As the lake drains magic the only chances are natural waterbreathing and not magical. Or the use of a diving bell and diving from deep down in the very cold dark, but clear water. There is no natural life in the well. The water functions as Holy water on Undead and demons, but loses this ability in 6d6 hours after taken from the pool.
Celos Cuil Well of Life (can restore as Cure-all if bathing within the pool until cured and imbibing 1d4 qrt each hour (roll separately for each hour) for 4 hours). The water functions as Holy water on Undead and demons, but loses this ability in 6d6 hours after taken from the pool.Emynn (Eneth) (Name) Hills;
Emynn Kotsivoite Nutbearing hills
Emynn Endë Central Hills
Hithui Emyn Misty Hills
Emyn Uial Hills of the Evening
Taur-en-Faroth Hills of the Hunter
Emynn Hookham Hookham hills
Emyn Beraid Hills of the Tower
Emyn Eglain Hills of the Forsaken
Amon Dîn Silent Hill
Emyn Taurcened Hills of Forest Sight
Emyn Aldamir-silef Hills of the Crystal Trees
Amon Sûl Weathered top
Oron-en-Altan Tepes Mountain hills of the Altan Tepes
Parth-Taur-?n Field-Woods cliff
Daercírbann-?n Rockhaven cliffs
Or-i-lhingril-silef-?n Over the Spider trees cliff
Emyn Morn Black HillsMaenas Structures
Rinduin Ondole (Ethuil, Laer, Iavas, Rhîv) Henge (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)
Rinduin Olóreal Cirle of Dreams
Rinduin Anann Circle of Time
Gontha Rúcina Shattered Pillars
Caranlan Salabiir Redleaf Herbalist
Cundona Annon Guardians at the Gate
Sarndona minti (Name) Statue(stone guardian of memory) (Name)
Sarndona minti Elchenar, Rodwen,Maedor) Statue 3 heroes (Treu brother, Noble Virgin Maiden, Seagullbrother) . These helped to resist the Onslaught of Calor the Dragon long ago.
Sarndona minti Doriath Statue of Doriath 4th King of Alfheim
Sarndona minti Celedryl Statue of Celedryl of Erendyl 3rd King of Alfheim
Sarndona minti Alevar Statue of Alevar of Grunalf 2nd King of Alfheim
Sarndona minti Mealiden Caran-Lhinn Statue Mealiden Red Arrow 1st King of Alfheim
Sarndona minti Feredir Statue of a Hunter
Sarndona minti Gollor Statue of a Magician
Sarndona minti Maethor Statue of the Warrior
Sarndona minti Glenna Statue of the Traveller
Sarndona minti Tirith Statue of the Guard
Sarndona minti Yyllethyn Statue of the Elven HorseAlkar(in) Shrine
Minti Mellon Monument(memory) of Friendship
Sarch Fillindyl Feadiel Grave Fillindyl Fealiel
Sarch-Nûrnen Burial Site
Alkarin Dimvornoss Shrine to past (forgotten) clans
Alkarin Ilsundal Shrine to Ilsundal
Alkarin Oloron Shrine to Oloron
Alkarin Mealiden Shrine to Mealiden
Alkarin Daermin Shrine to the Great One
Alkarin Djaea Shrine to Djaea Mothere Nature
Alkarin Calithia Estrirnë Shrine to Calithia starbrow
Alkarinsand Lornasen Shrineguarden to Lornasen
Rinduil Iduanor Ancient Hengeshrine to Idu/Ixion/The sun
Alkarin Melikonfente Shrine to Amber Serpent (Ka), clay works
Thimpa Pengolodh Amphitheater for Faunus (Play & Mmusic) and Chiron (Teaching)Ost Town
Elfbardh-Ost Alfheim TownElvennoss Elven Clans Home Town Main Interest
Nornorodîr Long Runner Pinitel Magic
Caran-Lhinn Red Arrow Sandastagaladh (aka Shieldtree) War & Combat
Feadoryll Feadiel Faedor Trees (of Life)
Maelidyll Maeliden Maelidor Cultural
Chossum Chossum Desnae Merchants
Grunalf Grunalf Ainsun Forestry & Woodlore
Erendyll Erendyll Elleromyr Crafts
Gobel Village
Gobel Ramhethu Village of the Fogwall
Gobel Astateiar Brickbaker village
Tindobel Starlit village
Opelë Walled village
Hírilorn Tree of the Lady
Alqualondë Swan-Haven (harbor of Swanships)
Alfobas Swan-harbourage
Harobenyll Wound Closure Family
Dorneryl Oak Daughter family
Bregobenyll Violent Family
Aililonyll Holy Lake Family
Ismbenyll Knowledgeable Family
Acharnyll Avenging Female Family
Oleryd Dream of Mountains
Rospenyll Red-Haired Family
Isphenyll Family of Love
Cadworphenyll Shapely Family
Gobel Gortheb Horrible Village
Gobel Guru Dead Village
Briggobel Village of Fear
Dúlindyll Nightingale Family
Medlinyll Bear Family
Parphenyll Book Family
Duirrobenyll Riverbank Family
Rokokw?nyll Horsemen Family
Tinnubenyll Twilight Family
Penlinelbenyll Fading Star Family
Gwathphenyll Family of Shadows
Larphenyll Ancient Family
Fuithlug-tûryll Dragon Victory Family
Ladrengyll Valley of Stars Family
Amdiryll Hope based on Reason Family
Gobel Edlem Exiled
Pelilasyll Fading Leaf Family
Tharbadyll Family Crossroad
Arod Doron Elendaen Tall Oak of Elendaen
Gobel-ang Elendaen Steel Village of Elendaen
Gwath-galadh Stronghold Shadowtree
Celebhîth Silvermist
Gobel Luthang di nassë Village in Balance with nature
Some Villages bear the name of a single person (like Ilvandir or Bremmer)
Garth Bridolfath Fortress changing owners (Darokin/Gnoll)…instable ownershipElen daen= star corpse
Fû aearon= path of Ocean
Luthang di nassë= in Balance with natureBaros Hamlet
Tamin Druinder Druinder's Forge
Baros Curunír Wizard’s Hamlet
Baros Druadan Druid’s HamletGûl Sad[/color] Magic Place Appearance Effect on;[/b]
Kalimbardi Goblinpark As Normal Teleportation & creation magic
Telch-Estirnë Stalkbrow two hills Thoughts & Magic casting
Algorn Medui-Termar Algorn's Last Stand Small valley between high hills Tree of Life Contact Outer Plane & Divination Magic
Aldalómë Lúsina Glowtree Glowing Trees Light and Curative magic
Nanquer-Gamp Turnclaw As normal Conjuring, Control, Summoning Magic or Polymorph
Olórea-Dorven Dreamland As normal Mind & Psychic Magic
Mîdh-Limig Dew Drop Clear air Detection & Divination magic
Ang-Rîf Ironbark As Normal Reversing Hostile Magic
Hithlain-Lonnath Misthaven Permanent Silvery Mist Transportation & concealment Magic
Lug-Galadh Dragontree Thinly Forested hills Dragon & Phantom Summoning
Aithos Thornbush Tangled mass plants Monster Summoning
Dae-Atalantë Shadowdown Darker Shadows Darkness magic, potion & poison manufactureParth Fields
Parth Pendë Elven fields
Istari Imlad Wizard’s Glen (scar of the magics of Illodious, Now Elven Fields)
Parth Yyllethyn Elven Horse Fields
Parth Teu’kelytka Moonhorse fields
Parth Roch Fields of swift horsesRîdh Acres(farmland)
Rîdh Caran Red Acres (farmland) (Fruits)
Rîdh Culuina Orange Acres (farmland) (Vegetables)
Rîdh Malen Yellow Acres (farmland) (Grains)
Rîdh Calen Green Acres (farmland) (Vegetables)
Rîdh Luin Blue Acres (farmland) (Rare Fruits)
Rîdh Helin Violet Acres (farmland) (Vegetables)
Rîdh Fain White Acres (farmland) (Grains)
Rîdh Mor Black Acres (farmland) (Roots)
Rîdh Hithren Grey Acres (farmland) (Herbs)
Rîdh Rhosg Brown Acres (farmland) (Seeds)
Rîdh Glaur Golden Acres (farmland) (Variable)
Rîdh Zigil Silver Acres (farmland) (Variable Vegetables)Lô Fenland
Lô Telch-Estirnë Stalkbrow fenland
Lô Telumbe Fungal Fens
Lá Ara-Luksor The High MoorsFeleg Cave
Feleg Eressëam Hermit's Cave
Feleg uin Los Cave of Visions
Feleg uin Enyaliën Cave of Memories
Feleg uin Olóreal Cave of Dreams
Feleg Pendë-Dae Cave of the Shadow Elves (Unknown to the Alfheim Elves)
Feleg Starch Doulakki Ancient Burial cave of the extinct Doulakki human culture
Lócëgonn Wyvernrock
Aida uin Ethir Nest of Spies
Feleg Hashaburminal Cave of the Lich HashaburminalExa sad Other Locations
Dathrand The Sumpf/Weir (Water Hole channel)
Barad Elentir Stargazer Tower
Minas Gûl Tower of Knowledge
Minashebyn Cosm Tower-keep of Quarrels (Guard Tower)
Dor uin Dannengimli Land of the Fallen Star
Taur Ungwë Webbed Woods
Eryn Telumbe Fungal Forest
Fairië Wilwarinda Flitterlings
Nanthaun-ye Silef Valley of Pine and Crystal
Ara-Laur uin Eryn Old King of the Woods
Dûr-tirn The Dark Watcher
Men(eneth) Road to (name)
Batân or Anda (eneth)Trail (name)
I-Ram Orod Wall Mountain
Naugannon-Orod Dwarfgate Mountains (Stunted People’s gate Mountain)
Orod Altan Tepes Altan Tepes Mountains
Branda Traldara Traldar Borderlands
Gonnas (Quilë) Dragonlair (Color) see acres/farmland.
Estolad (Thlim) Encampment (Race)
Nan-qelme Groth Ruined tunnel valley ( a brook dug through the soft part of the Emyn Gonas as a tunnel which later collapsed due erosion. This emptied the Lake of Kameroen in 972 AC).
Parth an Serraine Rimpa-róta Field for Flying Tubes (landing Place for Serraine Cloud Clippers)
Atalantëa annon illodious Ruined gate of Illodious
Minashebyn cosm Tower of Quarrels (Guard tower)Thlim/Ûn Race/Creatures
Torog Troll
Oroch Orc
Hongwir Ogre
Sankossi Goblin
Píbrôg Bugbear
Belegkossi Hobgoblin
Hûwaith Gnoll
Cidinn hû-adan Kobold
Fuithlug Nesting Dragon
Amlug Free Dragon
Spider Lhingril
Adanrohir Centaur
(Naug), Hadhod (Insult; Stunted People), Dwarf
Perian Halfling
Noroth (Emyn, Orod, Fain) Giant (Hills, Mountain, Cloud)
Dûr-tirn BeholderExaqueta Other words
Forod North
Harad South
Amrûn East
Dûn West1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Min, Tad, Neled, Canad, Leben, Eneg, Odo, Tolodh, Neder, Cae
11 to 19 Mimp, Imp, Nelequë, Canaquë, Lebenquë, Enenquë, Otoquë, Nahta, Neterquë
20, 30, etc Caetad, Caeneled, Caecanad, Caeleben, Caeneg, Caeodo, Caetolodh, Caeneder,
100, 200, etc Host, Tadhost, Neledhost, etc.
1000 Meneg,
½, 1/3, ¼ Per, Nail, Tharantîn
Eneth= namei have named some parts of the map in some of your honor, out of pure respect,
here a incomplete list;
Thorfinn Tait; Thorfinn Brook & Tait Creek
Geof Gander; Ganderbrook& Geoffcreek
Mike Philips; Philipscreek
Justinov; Justinovbrook
Agathokles; Agathoklescreek
Lyle; Lylebrook
Havard; Havardbrook
Bruce heard; Brucebrook & Village Heardia (several sages live here )
Gawain; Gawainbrook
Hugin; Huginbrook
Larry Elmore; Elmorebrook (very colorful region)
Lo Zomparore; Zompatorebrook
Terry Dykstra; Dijkstrabrook
Aaron Aalston; Aalstonbrook
Jeff Easley; Easley creek
Bambra; Banbrabrook
Clyde Caldwell; Caldwellbrook(name) Brook and (name)creek can also be; Wente (name)
succes in finding them and others