Intua 2300 BC, 8 miles per hex
by John CalvinMaps
Map of Intua, 8 miles per hex by John Calvin, March 2009 (Work In Progress)
This map of Intua in 2300 BC covers portions of current day (1000 AC) Atruaghin, Darokin, possibly portions of The Five Shires, as well as lands that sunk beneath the sea in 1700 BC.
The main change is the Great Plateau - which is much smaller than the modern day Atruaghin Plateau.Sources:
Unofficial Maps: Physical Map of Southeastern Brun (c. BC 2000) (2002) by Geoff Gander, Map of Southeastern Brun: 2500 BC (2003) by James Mishler, Taymora BC 2300 with cities by John Calvin.
Notes on XXX
To Do List
- Continue to name all major geographical features.
- [Mystara 2300 BC] Intua - Kingdom of the Sun
- Outer World: Taymora 2300 BC, 24 miles per hex
- Historical Mapping in the KW and Sea of Dread
- Real World Inca Language
- Quechua - wikipedia
- Inca Names
Thanks to: Thorfinn Tait, for providing some wonderful graphics to use in all of our mapping projects.