Taymora 2300 BC, 24 miles per hex
by Thorfinn TaitMaps
None as of yet. (But see Unofficial Sources below.)
This thread is for development of a chronological map of Taymora in 2300 BC. It was started at John Calvin/Chimpman's request. I will update this post with information periodically as the project progresses, and eventually the maps will be presented here.Sources: GAZ4 The Kingdom of Ierendi (1987), GAZ12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar (1989), PC3 The Sea People (1990).
Unofficial Maps: Taymor, Physical Map of Southeastern Brun (c. BC 2000) (2002) by Geoff Gander, Map of Taymora (2003) by James Mishler, Map of Southeastern Brun: 2500 BC (2003) by James Mishler, Geopolitical map of Taymora (2004) by Giampaolo Agosta, Taymora BC 2300 by John Calvin, Taymora BC 2300 with cities by John Calvin.
Chronological Notes on GAZ12
- 3000 BC - "The Great Rain of Fire obliterates Blackmoor; the planet shifts and the ice caps recede from the steppes." (GAZ12 DM's Guide page 5b) "After the ice caps shifted following the Great Rain of Fire, the steppes were a fertile plain". (GAZ12 DM's Guide page 6a)
- 2000 BC - "a sheltered land where the grass grew tall and all manner of animals roamed." (GAZ12 DM's Guide page 3b)
- 1700 BC - "Elves in Glantri trigger a cataclysm that has a profound affect [sic] on the lands of the steppes. The Land of Black Sand is formed." (GAZ12 DM's Guide page 5b) The Land of Black Sand is not yet present in 2300 BC. The World Mountain may be present, but as a normal mountain.
Notes on PC3
- Colhador - "To the south of Utter Island, for example, is Colhador. Once upon a time this was an island, inhabited by elves as I'm told, but it sunk untold centuries ago, and now the whole place is filled with muck and monsters." (PC3 page 50) However, the map depicts Colhador as sitting on the edge of a depression. On the other hand, the depression has a line indicating that it's a plateau, so the map seems confused on this issue.
Notes on Physical Map of Southeastern Brun (c. BC 2000) by Geoff Gander
Quotations are notes by the cartographer.
- Asanda River Delta - "I ... extrapolated a huge delta at the mouth of the Asanda River..."
- Blight Swamp - "I also enlarged the Blight Swamp and turned it into a shallow lake fringed by cliffs on its southern shore (like a basin). When the tremor hit, the cliff-face collapsed, draining the lake and creating the swamp we know today. This, of course, didn't please the critters who lived in the lake, some of whom remain to this day..."
- Coastlines - "I followed the continental shelf..."
- Colhador - "I also dropped in a small, lush island off the southern coast (you can see it on the map) where Colhador would have been. This is in accordance with the timeline I put together on the sunken city, which tried to weave together the conflicting official accounts of its history."
- Malpheggi Swamp - "I ... turned most of the Malpheggi Swamp into a lake (just to make it interesting)."
Notes on Taymora BC 2300 by John Calvin
Quotations are notes by the cartographer.
- "Rivers and other water features are still not filled in, nor is most of the terrain in Taymoran territory. I'm also playing around with different mountain configurations - that's just one of them. When you take a look focus on the southern coastline. I tried to use the contours given in the PC3 map along with most of the sunken ruins to determine a good shoreline. I still need to go back and position ruins further inland to try and derive river configurations (which may change my mountain layout)."
Notes on Taymora BC 2300 with cities by John Calvin
Quotations are notes by the cartographer.
- "I missed quite a few underwater ruins while I was devising my shoreline. I've revised it in this map, and included the ruins (now shown as cities in black)."
To Do List
- Update sources list to include all products with references to Taymora.
- Research official sources for details of Taymora and write notes for creating a map.
- Develop historical map as far as possible based on official sources.
- Complete development using fan sources and personal judgement.
- Sea of Dread ancient cultures - LoZompatore's map.
- Timeline of the Taymoran Age.
- Taymora Timeline.
- Cultural articles Taymora, Land of the Dead and Lukka, the Beast-men.
Thanks to: Jim Calvin (Chimpman) for developing this map. Also: Michele C. (LoZompatore), Håvard, Geoff Gander (Seer of Yhog), Roger Girtman (Gawain_VIII), Sheldon Morris (Hugin), Hervé Musseau (Andaire), Shawn Stanley (stanles).