Necromantic Spells
by Cab DavidsonFirst Level Spells
Second Level Spells
Third Level Spells
Fourth Level Spells
Fifth Level Spells
Sixth Level Spells
Seventh Level Spells
Eighth Level Spells
Ninth Level SpellsAnimate Pet
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Raises one small animal from the deadThis frankly disturbing spell animates one small animal that is dead. Any normal animal up to the size of a large dog can be raised, and all are treated as 1HD creatures, and all have a movement rate of 90 (30), whether walking as a dog or cat, flying as a parrot, swimming as a fish, etc. They will obey the caster to the best of their (limited) abilities but having no greater intelligence than other zombies there are few tasks they are capable of. They can fight (inflicting half of the damage they could have in life), fetch, carry, etc. Any caster may have up to 3 dead pets controlled thus. Animated pets are turned by clerics as skeletons.
Dead Man Walking
Range: 20
Duration: 9 turns
Effect: Animates one corpse with limited abilitiesA useful spell that animates a single dead body, anything up to the size of a normal humanoid, giving it a single hit point and a limited capacity to perform tasks. It can carry up to 4000cn in weight (if given appropriate bags or backpacks) at a rate of up to 60(20), and walk up to 90 from the caster as directed, pick up and put objects down, etc. It is to all intents and purposes a mindless, dead automaton. It cannot fight or make any attacks, and is turned as a skeleton. A dead man walking does not count towards the total number of hit dice of undead controlled by the caster, but for the purpose of the permanence spell counts as if a spell cast on the caster, rather than the corpse itself.
Detect Undead
Range: 10 per level of the caster
Duration: 3 turns
Effect: Detects all undead creaturesDuring the duration of this spell the caster is aware of the presence of any undead creatures within range. The number and locations of such creatures becomes known to the caster, but not their type, power level or intent. Only undead on the same plane as the caster can be detected, and while the location of invisible undead creatures is revealed to the caster while concentrating they are not seen as such.
Dominate Least Undead
Range: 30'
Duration: Special
Effect: Controls skeletons and zombiesThis spell allows the caster to attempt to control skeletons or zombies. The attempt to do so is as per the Undead Liege and Pawn rules in the Rules Cyclopedia, with the caster being treated as a liege of their own level in hit dice. All normal rules for controlling undead (maximum permitted HD of individual subject being half the level of the caster, total permitted HD being twice the level of the caster, undead are freed at the next full moon, turning releases the undead) are applied to dominated undead. Note that while this is a first level spell, said restrictions mean a first level caster cannot control a skeleton (that undead having 1HD) until they are second level, and cannot control a zombie until 4th level.
Invisibility to Undead
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Effect: Makes the recipient invisible to undead creaturesThis spell is identical to the second level spell invisibility but only makes the subject invisible to undead creatures. No other creatures are affected.
Pallor Mortis
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Makes a zombie glowAny zombie touched by the caster upon completion of this spell takes on a bright, blueish glow, with the same range and effects as a continual light spell. The zombie continues to glow until killed, or the spell is dispelled, and the light moves with the zombie. This spell cannot be used to blind a foe, but a controlled zombie can be used as a handy, transportable light source.
As per the other thread, I'll aim to have a couple of these active at a time while I get my ducks in order as to where I'm going with this. Some will already be from my campaign, and I'm adding more.
Skull Soliloquy
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Effect: One messageThis characteristically macabre necromantic spell enchants a single human, demi-human or humanoid skull with a single purpose, that of recording and repeating a message. The message can be up to 30 words long, and is recorded in the casters voice. When a stated event (a creature passing within 10, a specified door opening, etc.) occurs the message is repeated by the skull, once and once only. Specific named creatures cannot be specified, but living or undead descriptors are possible. The spell lasts until the message is discharged, or the next new moon. If moved before the message is relayed, the spell ends with no further effect.
Dead Bolt
Range: 10
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Sacrifices undead to lock a doorThis spell sacrifices one undead entity controlled by the caster. One door (or window, chest, etc.) is locked upon casting, as per a wizard lock spell. The caster may choose to open the door at any time, but others are unable to do so. While the door can be opened by a knock spell, the essence of the undead entity locking the door prevents another magic using character or creature merely opening the door. A cleric may attempt to turn the door, with normal chances of success vs. the undead entity sacrificed. The character may choose to dismiss the spell (thus killing the undead) or relinquish control of the undead holding the door shut (thus no longer counting towards the total HD they control but becoming unable to open the door) at any time.
Dead Ringers
Range: 10
Duration: 4 turns
Effect: Makes undead appear and act like the casterWhen this spell is cast, up to 4 corporeal undead controlled by the caster take on the casters illusionary visage. They appear to act the same way as the caster, motioning to cast spells, moving with the caster, for the whole duration. They are not made faster by this spell, the caster must move at the speed of a zombie or skeleton to keep up the ruse, and if the undead move more than 10 from the caster they return to their original appearance and stop mimicking the caster. If turned, the controlled return to normal and flee.
Ghoulish Touch
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 rounds (and 2d4 turns)
Effect: The caster can paralyse as a ghoulUpon completing this spell, the casters hands momentarily glow a sickly green colour before returning to normal appearance. Thereafter, if the caster touches another creature within the next 10 rounds that creature must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be held, as if struck by a ghoul, for two turns. Both the left and right hands of the caster are thus affected, and each can only affect one target (although if the target makes their saving throw the spell is not discharged). A normal hit roll is needed for the attack. Undead creatures, constructs, incorporeal creatures and elves are immune to the spell, and creatures that can only be hit by silver or magical weapons cannot be affected (the spell is magical but the casters hands are not).
Range:10 per level of the caster
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
Effect: 1 creature per level of the casterThis spell creates the image of an hourglass, containing blood rather than sand, to appear hovering next to the selected creatures. This image gives a measure of the surviving life force (hit points) of the creature. If it is wounded, blood drains from the top chamber to the bottom. The hourglasses are visible to all, but cannot be touched or damaged.
Range: 5 per level of the caster
Duration: Instant
Effect: 1 bolt of shadowy forceA single bolt of dark, shadowy force flies instantly to any one target within range. The victim must make a saving through vs. spells or take 1d6 damage plus 1 for every level of experience of the caster, and suffer a -1 penalty to hit, damage and saving throws for the next 1d6 rounds. If the victim makes a successful save, they take only 1 point of damage and resist all other ill effects.
Zombie Valet
Range: 30
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Imbues a zombie with intelligenceThis handy spell turns a controlled or dominated zombie into a rather more useful servant. It loses its ability to fight, but it remains a zombie and can be turned as such, but it gains a menial level of intelligence and wisdom (a score of 5 in each) and the capacity to follow rather more complex verbal instructions than other zombies they can fetch and carry, clean, tidy, and even cook (but not taste, so they rarely excel in tis field). They can speak, to a degree, but in a rasping, stuttering sort of way. Unlike most other undead, they are not released of their bond at the next full moon, and they do not count towards the total number of HD that can be controlled. The caster may, at any one time, have up to 1 zombie valet per 5 levels of experience.
Animate Dead Mounts
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster
Effect: Up to four zombie animalsAfter casting this spell a caster can touch up to 4 dead mount or pack animals, and they will be animated as if zombies. While they cannot fight, they also dont require food or water to sustain them. They move at half the speed they did when alive, but can pull or carry the same loads. Each raised creature has 2 HD, and can be turned by a cleric as a zombie. While such raised animals have little practical worth, they can be the difference between a caravan making it to destination or being lost.
Cardiac Arrest
Range: 120'
Duration: Instant
Effect: 1 CreatureThe unfortunate recipient of this spell must make a saving throw versus spells or immediately have their heart stop. Death will occur in 2d4 rounds, unless healing is applied (dispel magic, cure serious wounds or more potent healing magic will save the victim; cure light wounds will not be effective). A successful saving throw versus spells will allow the victim to escape with a little light heartburn; for each HD or level of the victim above 1 a +1 bonus to the saving throw applies. No victim of above 6HD can be affected, nor can any creature lacking a functioning heart.
Dominate Lesser Undead
Range: 60'
Duration: Special
Effect: Controls skeletons, zombies, ghouls and wightsThis spell allows the caster to attempt to control skeletons, zombies, ghouls or wights (or creatures turned at that level). The attempt to do so is as per the Undead Liege and Pawn rules in the Rules Cyclopedia, with the caster being treated as a liege of their own level in hit dice. All normal rules for controlling undead (maximum permitted HD of individual subject being half the level of the caster, total permitted HD being twice the level of the caster, undead are freed at the next full moon, turning releases the undead) are applied to dominated undead.
The Ferrymans Coin
Range: 60
Duration: 3 turns
Effect: Sacrifice zombies and skeletons for a purposeThis spell utilises zombies and skeletons controlled or dominated by the caster as a power reserve. Up to 1HD of such creatures per two levels of experience of the caster can be sacrificed during the duration of the spell, the sacrifice being permanent and the undead creatures being entirely obliterated in the process. All undead to be sacrificed must be within 60 of the caster. Such sacrifice and doing so can have any of the following effects.
Undead Reaction Bonus: Bonus to the standard reaction roll made when encountering any undead creatures. This will not make an already hostile undead entity friendly, but all normal reaction rolls with undead creatures are affected for the duration of the spell.
Saving Throw Bonus: When the caster is required to make any saving throw, they may sacrifice the specified number of HD of zombies or skeletons for the desired effect.
Damage Bonus: The damage inflicted by a single spell can be increased by the sacrifice, by the stated number, per dice of damage. For example, a fireball inflicting 10d6 damage would inflict 10d6 + 10 (before saving throws are made) if 6HD of zombies or skeletons are sacrificed.
HD Sacrificed Undead Reaction Bonus Saving Throw Bonus Damage Bonus 3-5 +1 +1 +½ 6-8 +2 +2 +1 9-14 +3 +3 +1½ 15-18 +4 +4 +2 Putrefaction
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Effect: 1 comestibleUpon casting this spell and touching any consumable item (a foodstuff, a potion, a drink) or container holding it, the caster causes that to instantly rot to a sickening and inedible state. A potion is destroyed, a meal ruined, a drink tainted beyond use. Up to 1lb of food or 1 pint of liquid is thus destroyed per level of the caster. A magical food or drink (such as a potion) held by another creature can be saved if that creature makes a saving throw vs. spells. If used to attack a living creature, 1d6 damage per level of the caster is inflicted, although the caster must usually succeed in a hit roll to do so. Constructs are completely immune, as are moulds and fungi (such as yellow mould and myconids) and myxomycetes (such as green slime). Corporeal undead subject to this spell become infused with entropic energy and gain a +2 to hit and damage with all attacks for 1 turn per level of the spell caster (and this spell can be subject to permanence).
Rigor Mortis
Range: 60
Duration: Until the next new full moon
Effect: Makes a corporeal undead more robustTypically used on an undead entity controlled by the caster this spell is effective on any corporeal undead, effectively making their bodies stiffer and harder to damage. The effect is that the recipient gains a -3 bonus to their unmodified armour class for the duration of the spell. The effect lasts until the next full moon, or until dispelled.
Range: 240
Duration: Instant
Effect: Animates a single skeleton (or tries to)If cast a single human, demi-human or humanoid skeleton within range, this spell animates the skeleton and places it under control of the caster. If cast at a corpse of any of those categories of creature the skeleton will, over the course of 3 rounds, tear itself out from its fleshy prison and, likewise, become a skeleton under the control of the caster.
If cast at any living human, demi-human or non-giant humanoid creature (that has an internal skeleton) within range, that creature takes 1d6 damage per level of the caster, saving vs. spells for half damage. If the victim is killed by this then their skeleton will, within 3 rounds, tear its way out as an animated skeleton under the control of the caster.
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
Range: 30'
Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster
Effect: 10' square per level of the casterThis spell creates an area of pure, sheer, dark, depressing, diabolical evil. All attempts to detect evil (by spell effect or a paladin concentrating) will automatically fail to detect any one source of evil in the area, as the entire zone radiates an intense evil. Lawful or good characters will feel unwelcome in the area. This spell can be permanenced, allowing the discerning dark wizard to make a real metaphysical architectural statement.
Dead Arm
Range: Caster Only
Duration: Permanent until dispelled, destroyed or turned
Effect: Attaches a dead arm to the casterThis spell animates a severed arm from any creature roughly the size of the caster, attached to the body thereof. Only one dead arm can be attached at any one time, but this does not prevent the attaching other body parts. Most often the attached limb is on the casters side, although occasionally it may be attached to the back or chest of the caster. The arm is functional, and can be used for carrying an item, wielding a weapon, etc. While the arm doesnt confer another attack, it may allow a caster to wield a two-handed weapon such as a staff while also holding something else. If the arm ends in a hand, it also allows the caster to wear a third magical ring.
The arm is impossible to hide it is quite clear to anyone who sees the caster that the arm is there and that it is from a dead creature. Ordinary clothing cannot be worn (and must therefore be replaced with something tailor made), and there may be other unintended consequences (horses may be spooked by the presence of undead, for example). The arm can be turned as if a wraith, and if turned it becomes limp and immediately falls off. The same arm cannot be reattached, and another must be found if a replacement is sought.
Feign Death
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour per level of experience
Effect: Apparent deathA spell used for infiltration or hiding, this spell only works on a willing recipient. Said recipient appears dead for the duration of the spell, for as long as they stay still. The recipient can choose to spring back to life at any time, but until then, or until the duration of the spell ends, the recipient will appear to all onlookers to be dead.
Mist of the Leech
Range: Special
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
Effect: 6' diameter cloudThis spell creates a 6' diameter black cloud, which can be moved by concentration at walking speed. It will, unless the caster concentrates, envelop the nearest living organism that has blood and start bleeding it, inflicting 1d6hp per round; the victim must also save vs. paralysis or be made unconscious by the spell. The cloud turns progressively redder rather than black the more blood it drains. After inflicting 40 points of damage, the cloud is sated, and will dissipate.
Wall of Ectoplasm
Range: 120
Duration: 3 turns
Effect: Up to 1200 cubic feet of ectoplasmThis spell creates a thin wall of sticky, slimy ectoplasm of any dimension and shape, determined by the spellcaster, totalling 1,200 cubic feet. The
wall is greyish brown, opaque, and will block sight. The wall cannot be cast is a space occupied by another object. Creatures of less than 4 Hit Dice cannot break through the wall. Creatures of 4 HD or more can break through, but the process is both unnerving and unpleasant. To break through the barrier a creature must roll under their wisdom score on 1d20 and save vs. spells or be slowed for 2d4 rounds. Undead creatures can freely pass through the wall.Black Inferno
Range: 240
Duration: Instant
Effect: 1 ball of draining blacknessThis spell sends a bead of black force to a target, which explodes into a 20 radius inky black sphere. All creatures in this area take 1d6 damage per caster level, saving for half. Any creature killed by this temporarily adds 1hp to the caster per HD or level they possessed, this process being visible as crackling threads of purple lightning returning from the deceased to the caster. The caster loses these HP at one per two rounds, although any wounds suffered are lost from this pool first.
Range: 240
Duration: Instant
Effect: 1 targetThis spell creates a black bolt of lightning that is directable to a single target within range. The damage inflicted is 1d6 per level of the caster, with the target saving for half damage. Purple lightning reverberates back from the target to the caster, and the caster temporarily gains half of the hit point damage inflicted, losing them at the rate of 1 every 2 rounds. Any damage taken is taken from this gained vitality first.
Dead Leg
Range: Caster Only
Duration: Permanent until dispelled, destroyed or turned
Effect: Attaches a dead leg to the casterThis spell animates a severed leg from any creature roughly the size of the caster, attached to the body thereof. Only one extra leg may be attached at at any time, but other dead body parts can be added. Most often the attached leg is around the casters lower half, although occasionally it may be attached literally anywhere should the caster decide to do so. The leg is functional, and provides an extra 15 (5) movement for the caster. While the leg doesnt confer another attack, it confers a -4 penalty to attempts to trip the caster, and at any time the caster must make a saving throw vs. being toppled over or falling in any way they may do so with a +4 bonus. The caster may also wear a third magical shoe.
The leg is impossible to hide it is quite clear to anyone who sees the caster that the leg is there and that it is from a dead creature. While ordinary robes may be worn, undergarments, trousers etc. must be made to fit. The leg can be turned as if a mummy, and if turned it becomes limp and immediately falls off. The same leg cannot be reattached, and another must be found if a replacement is sought.
Dominate Greater Undead
Range: 60'
Duration: Special
Effect: Controls skeletons, zombies, ghouls and wights, wraiths and mummiesThis spell allows the caster to attempt to control skeletons, zombies, ghouls, wights, wraiths or mummies (or creatures turned at that level). The attempt to do so is as per the Undead Liege and Pawn rules in the Rules Cyclopedia, with the caster being treated as a liege of their own level in hit dice. All normal rules for controlling undead (maximum permitted HD of individual subject being half the level of the caster, total permitted HD being twice the level of the caster, undead are freed at the next full moon, turning releases the undead) are applied to dominated undead.
Unholy Crusader
Range: Caster Only
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
Effect: Caster is more effective in combatThe undead recipient of this spell temporarily gains an extra 6d6hp, and gains a +2 to all hit and damage rolls and a +1 bonus on all saving throws for the spells duration. Any wounds taken come from the extra hit point pool first. If the undead is fighting a cleric or paladin then the bonus to hit and damage is increased to +4. The undead creature glows a lurid red while this spell is in effect.
Wall of the Dead
Range: 60
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: Creates a barrier of skeletons and zombiesThe caster of this spell may direct any skeletons and zombies controlled to merge into a single physical barrier. Ectoplasm exudes from each of them, fusing to form a sticky barrier with limbs and heads reaching out from it. The barrier is 1 thick and 5x5 per skeleton or zombie used, may be up to 20 high, and in almost any form as long as the total area falls within the range of the spell. The wall is not static, and it can use its protruding limbs to attack, with each 5 section being able to attack any creature adjacent to it with a single claw per round (attacking as a monster of HD equivalent to half the casters level) for 1d6 damage. Alternatively, the wall can be instructed to wrestle a foe, making wrestling checks with a wrestling rating of 13. While it cannot itself be pinned, if it succeeds in pinning an opponent that foe is dragged into the ectoplasm where it suffers 1d3 hp damage per round until released or killed.
Any creatures within 5 of the wall when created may make a saving throw vs. paralysis to back out of range before the wall can attack.
The wall can be turned as if is a haunt, with a T or D result causing the wall to disassemble to its component undead parts (and still under the control of the caster). It may also simply be killed, having an armour class of 5 and a hit-point total equivalent to all of its constituent undead, saving as if a fighter of half of its total hit dice.Create Lesser Undead
Range: 60
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates lesser undeadThis spell requires the caster to conduct a necromantic personal sacrifice, rolling once on that table. The ritual produces ghouls or wights, according to the casters choice, or other creatures turned at the same levels. Only a single type of undead can be created in a single ritual. To create a ghoul or equivalent requires 1000gp worth of materials, and to create a wight requires 3000gp, and for each undead created an appropriate (typically human or demi-human) body is required. Up to the casters level in HD are created, and undead created thus are under the control of the caster until the next full moon, at which point the normal undead liege and pawn rules and limitations apply.
Dead Appendage
Range: Caster Only
Duration: Permanent until dispelled, destroyed or turned
Effect: Attaches a appendage to the casterThis spell animates a severed appendage from any creature roughly the size of the caster, attached to the body thereof. This means any external appendage can be attached, whether a tentacle, wing, fin, flipper tail or trunk. The appendage is functional, with an immense range of functions being possible. The spiked tail of a small armoured dinosaur can be used as a weapon, whereas a dolphins tail may provide a rapid swimming speed. The exact effects are up to the DM, but players should be encouraged to be creative in their choice.
The appendage is obvious to all who see it, and that it is dead will become clear to those who spend time observing. Ordinary clothing may or may not be impossible. The appendage can be turned as if a spectre, and if turned it becomes limp and immediately falls off. The same appendage cannot be reattached, and another must be found if a replacement is sought. Only a single appendage can be added by use of this spell.
Mort Rouge
Range: touch
Duration: Special
Effect: SpecialThe victim of this spell must make a save versus spells or start bleeding, slowly, through minor cuts and pores in the skin. 1d4hp are lost per day, until a cure disease, cureall or heal spell is cast. No healing due to rest can be gained while suffering from the disease. Anyone touching the victim must in turn make a save versus spells or start suffering a similar effect. This spell can thus be used to wipe out entire villages. Unsurprisingly, casting this spell is considered an evil act.
Resist Turning
Range: 10'
Duration: 1 day/level of caster
Effect: 1 undeadAny undead upon whom this spell is cast will receive a saving throw (death ray) versus any attempt by a cleric to turn or destroy them. Additionally, attempts to turn an undead creature under the protection of this spell is turned on the next column (e.g. a skeleton is turned as a zombie, a wraith as a mummy, etc.)
Create Greater Undead
Range: 60
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates major undead
This spell requires the caster to conduct a necromantic personal sacrifice, rolling twice on that table. The ritual produces wraiths or mummies, according to the casters choice, or other creatures turned at the same levels. Only a single type of undead can be created in a single ritual. To create a wraith or equivalent requires 10000gp worth of materials, and to create a mummy or equivalent requires 15000gp, and for each undead created an appropriate (typically human or demi-human) body is required. Up to the casters level in HD are created undead created thus are under the control of the caster until the next full moon, at which point the normal undead liege and pawn rules and limitations apply.Dead Heart
Range: Caster Only
Duration: Permanent until dispelled or turned
Effect: Installs the heart of a dead creature in the caster
This spell requires a caster obtains the heart of a dead creature that was roughly their own size, and a single roll on the necromantic sacrifice table. At the end of the ritual of sacrifice, the dead heart sinks (painfully) into the casters chest and resides alongside their own heart. At any point, should the caster be reduced to 0 hp and they would die, they may make a saving throw vs. death ray to remain conscious and, after a fashion, alive, as their dead heart begins to beat. The caster essentially becomes undead, with the same capacity to move, talk, and even fight. They cannot cast spells or use class related magical weapons, but they can pick up and use any weapon using their own class and weapon mastery based ability.
As an undead creature the caster gains 1d6hp per level of experience up to level 9, +2hp per level thereafter (no constitution bonus applies to the dead). They cannot advance in experience, but by becoming undead they may be able to escape a dangerous situation. They may be raised as normal, at which point the dead heart becomes inactive and dissolves.
While undead the caster can be turned as a vampire, with normal chances of success. If destroyed by the turn, the caster will die.Dead Spell
Range: 10
Duration: Special
Effect: Imbues an undead creature with a single spellThis spell may be cast upon any undead creature within 10 that the spellcaster controls. Alongside it, a second memorised spell of 3rd level or less is also expended. The undead creature gains the capacity to cast that second spell, once, as if they are the caster, before the following dawn.
For example, a 20th level caster in control of a wight may choose to imbue that creature with the ability to cast continual darkness. The wight can do so once, and if another character tries to dispel the continual darkness they must succeed in an attempt to dispel magic cast by a 20th level caster.
Note that while this has potential to imbue a creature with a potentially quite potent spell, it does not imbue that creature with any degree of tactical intelligence. An skeleton with merely basal level intellect may end up fireballing itself and its colleagues in melee, for example.
Dominate Greatest Undead
Range: 60'
Duration: Special
Effect: Controls skeletons, zombies, ghouls and wights, wraiths, mummies, spectres or vampiresThis spell allows the caster to attempt to control skeletons, zombies, ghouls, wights, wraiths, mummies, spectres or vampires (or creatures turned at those levels). The attempt to do so is as per the Undead Liege and Pawn rules in the Rules Cyclopedia, with the caster being treated as a liege of their own level in hit dice. All normal rules for controlling undead (maximum permitted HD of individual subject being half the level of the caster, total permitted HD being twice the level of the caster, undead are freed at the next full moon, turning releases the undead) are applied to dominated undead.
As per the other posts, a work in progress and taken in part from whats already in my campaign and new ideas.
Gestalt Domination
Range: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: Rearranges and reorders undead pawnsControlled undead who themselves can control others as part of a pawn command structure can be instantly rearranged into ranks a skeleton controlled by the caster may be handed into control of a wraith, a zombie to a spectre, etc. All undead that are directly or indirectly controlled by the caster, no matter their location or range therefrom, may be thus rearranged when the spell is cast, potentially streamlining control and maximising the number of hit-dice of undead that can be controlled in the chain of command.
Create Spectres
Range: 60
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates Spectres or equivalentThis spell requires the caster to conduct a necromantic personal sacrifice, rolling three times on that table. The ritual produces spectres or other creatures turned as if spectres, according to the casters choice. Only a single type of undead can be created in a single ritual. To create a spectre or equivalent requires materials costing 20,000gp, and for each undead created an appropriate (typically human or demi-human) body is required. Up to the casters level in HD are created Undead creatures created thus are under the control of the caster until the next full moon, at which point the normal undead liege and pawn rules and limitations apply.
Dead Head
Range: Caster only
Duration: Permanent until dispelled or turned
Effect: Attaches a second, dead head to the casterThis frankly disturbing incantation requires the caster roll once on the necromantic sacrifice table, and needs the caster to have the detached head of a creature no larger than can be supported upon one of the shoulders of the caster. Upon completion of the ritual, the head becomes attached to the caster and essentially second recipient of the intellect and consciousness of the caster.
The head has many uses. Firstly, the caster may use it to concentrate with while casting another spell with their own. So, for example, a caster may conjure an elemental and control it by concentrating with the dead head while casting other spells with their own. Secondly, the to render the caster unconscious both heads must be affected. If, for example, an attacker knocks one head out with a blackjack, the other must also be rendered unconscious to disable the caster. Having an undead head also confers certain other advantages, the caster is immune to all sleep effects, and has a +4 bonus to slaving throw vs. charm and paralysis. Having four eyes and four ears reduces the chance of being surprised to 1 on 1d6, and the caster may wear two magical hats or other pieces of headgear. If the head had a bite attack, the caster can also attack using a bite.
The head can be turned as if a phantom, and if turned it quickly withers and falls off. The caster must, if another head is desired, find another and conduct another ritual.
Death Sentence
Range: 120
Duration: Special
Effect: Kills up to the casters level in HD or levelsThe caster learns a specific phrase or sentence that is empowered with this spell. The words are those of entropy and must be spoken slowly. The sentence has 1 word per level of the caster, 5 may be recited per round, the spell continuing until all words are recited or the spell is interrupted. The lowest level or HD creature within range of the spell (which affects only the living undead and constructs are immune) is affected first, and when as many words as that creature has levels or hit dice have been recited, that creature dies (no saving throw). It may therefore take several rounds to kill a higher level or hit dice foe, and if during that time the spellcasters concentration is disturbed (by taking any damage) or that creature moves out of range of the spell, they suffer no ill effects. All victims must be able to hear and see the caster for this spell to take effect. Once a victim is killed, the next lowerst level or hit dice victim is targeted, until all creatures within range are killed or the sentence is finished. All human, humanoid and demi-human creatures killed by this spell rise as zombies under control of the caster 1d4 rounds later.
Note that this spell ignores foes of Ό HD or lower, but it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Where there are multiple creatures of identical hit dice or levels that may be affected, the closest becomes the next victim of the spell. Note that in the case of lower level victims multiple may be killed within a round.
As per the other threads, some of this came from discussions here, some is new, some is old. I've an idea where this is all going, its not yet fully formed though.
Death Trap
Range: 120
Duration: Permanent until triggered or dispelled
Effect: Creates 1 trapBy sacrificing controlled undead, the caster creates a magical trap that kills creatures within 10 when it is triggered. The trap is triggered when an event stated at the time of casting occurs within 5 of the trap location (a sentient creature passes by, the door is opened, etc.), and affects as many victims as undead are sacrificed, with each potential victim being effectively targeted by each undead creature sacrificed. Undead sacrificed thus no longer count towards the total number of HD the caster controls.
Targets within 10 of the trap are assigned to sacrificed undead randomly, and the effects of the trap are calculated from the most powerful undead to the least. Each victim must make a save vs. death ray or die, modified by -1 if they have fewer levels or HD than the sacrificed undead, or +1 if they are of a higher level or number of HD. Each victim must only make one save vs. death ray, and any excess undead from the trap are lost.
A caster may only have one active death trap on a single plane of existence at a time, and retains a psychic link to the trap while on the same plane of existence, being instantly aware if the trap is triggered. If on another plane of existence the spellcaster is not aware of the trap being triggered, but the link to the trap is re-established when they return to the same plane.
Army of the Dead
Range: 1 mile
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates an army of skeletons and zombiesThis spell requires a single roll on the Necromancy Personal Sacrifice Table. Upon completion of the sacrifice, bodies and skeletons of humans and humanoids within a 1 mile radius of the caster start rising from their graves, beginning with those closest, until 10x the casters level in hit dice have risen. Skeletons thus created are all 1HD, and zombies 2HD. All of the undead thus created are under control of the caster, and will at a single thought assemble into an army centred thereupon. Bodies buried upon hallowed ground may resist (if the patriarch or matriarch responsible for or having consecrated that ground is of a higher level than the caster), but all skeletons and zombies already within this area may be enlisted in this force (if they are presently uncontrolled this is automatic, if not their current controller must make a saving throw vs. spells to retain their services).
These undead are turned as if normal skeletons and zombies, rather than according to the rules for undead pawns, and do not count towards the total number of hit dice of undead that can be controlled. They remain in service of the caster until killed, destroyed, dismissed or for one full moon.
Black Heart
Range: 120
Duration: Instant
Effect: Kills one or more creaturesThis potent spell allows the caster to sacrifice controlled undead within range to kill foes. One or more foes can be affected, and any number of undead may be sacrificed. The total number of HP of undead is calculated, and if a targeted enemy has fewer HP than that they are instantly slain with no saving throw. If the total number of HP of the undead sacrificed is lower than the number of HP of the victim, then that victim takes that number of HP damage. If extra sacrificed undead HP are left over then the caster may target a second foe, moving on to a third, fourth, etc. if each enemy is killed.
Victims able to cast magic user spells may make a saving throw vs. spells with a -4 penalty to avoid the effect of this spell, and those able to turn undead may make a turn attempt vs. the most powerful creature sacrificed to avoid the impact of the spell.
Create Vampires
Range: 60
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates Vampires or equivalentThis spell requires the caster to conduct a necromantic personal sacrifice, rolling four times on that table. The ritual produces vampires or other creatures turned as if vampires, according to the casters choice. Only a single type of undead can be created in a single ritual. To create a spectre or equivalent requires materials costing 50,000gp, and for each undead created an appropriate (typically human or demi-human) body is required. Up to the casters level in HD are created Undead creatures created thus are under the control of the caster until the next full moon, at which point the normal undead liege and pawn rules and limitations apply.
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Effect: 1 creatureThis spell allows the caster to restore lost limbs or organs to any damaged undead, although not instantly. If the severed limb (or eye, organ, etc.) is present and held in place, then the spell works in a single round. If the severed material is not present, they will regrow within 2d4 turns. This spell will work on any corporeal undead creatures.
If cast on a living (rather than undead creature) this spell is referred to as Wither and causes the touched body part to wither and become useless. The body part must be touched, and the target can save vs. spells to avoid the effect.
When used on a willing undead target it can achieve more than the restoration of lost parts, and if the correct materials are used (costing 5,000gp per HD + 5,000gp per asterisk of the undead creature) can be used to graft extra parts to physical undead creatures. For example a 9HD** vampire could have wings removed from a red dragon grafted on, the materials necessary costing 55,000gp per wing. The wings would subsequently be functional and useable. Likewise a skeleton (1HD) could have an extra arm attached for 5000gp.
Modifying undead creatures in such a way is considered an evil, entropic act. It is not impossible that when cast in reverse fleshcraft may work to modify living creatures in the same as the spell does with undead, but there are no records of this having been tried.
First draft of this, its kind of definitive to what I'm working on, and I may yet change it quite a lot. Thoughts on this appreciated.
Fortress of the Dead
Range: 60
Duration: Permanent
Effect: Creates permanent structuresEach casting of this spell requires a single roll on the Personal Sacrifice table.
This spell converts 13 undead creatures controlled by the caster into components of a structure of the casters desire. The structure is permanent, and cannot be turned. Essentially the structure becomes a single, animated, unliving creation of nightmarish undeath. Once merged into this structure the sacrificed undead no longer count towards the total number that the caster can control. Each casting of the spell may be used to begin a new structure, or may be instead be used to add to an existing one, but no caster may control more than one fortress of the dead (although in principle that fortress may comprise a keep, walls, touwers, etc.). Only a single caster may add to a structure no fortress of undeath may have two masters. One undead creature produces 5x5 of interior or exterior wall, , door, staircase, floor or ceiling, and exotic unctures costing 1,000gp per HD of the creature sacrificed are consumed. Structures can be no more than twice as high as they are wide in their shortest horizontal measurement, and they can be no taller than 100.
The building itself appears shimmering and black, un-natural, and permanently gives off an air of evil. It has a rudimentary intelligence of its own, and will obey the caster to the best of its ability. Windows of the dead are clear, but looking through them always gives a view of the world at night. At the casters instruction all doors and windows may be locked as if by a wizard lock spell of the casters level.
The energies of the undead are merged to create the structure, dispersing hit points into the whole. The building otherwise has the armour class and structural properties of a stone structure. Any undead controlled by the caster regain a saving throw against death ray vs. T or D turn results (or a bonus of +4 to that save if they would already receive a saving throw). Attempts to detect evil are impossible within the fortress, the fortress itself exuding such an aura.
While the structure only has fairly rudimentary intelligence, its dispersed mind gives it great power. It psychically attack one creature within its bounds per round if so instructed by the caster, and to defend against such attacks a creature must make a successful wisdom check on 1d20. If they fail, they lose 1 point of wisdom until they spend a full night outside of the castle. If a victim is reduced to 0 wisdom, they die, becoming a wight under the control of the caster.