[HWR2] Nithian Magic User Class Variants
by Håvard
As mentioned in this thread, the HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia sourcebook has some great ideas, but the execution of many of its rules could probably have been handled better.
I am starting a new thread specifically for the Magic User Class Variants from the book which are:
The Mage-Scribe (by the book version)
As Magic User, except:
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- Must have an INT score of 13 or higher.
- May not use Full Armor*. May use bracelet partial armor*
- Weapons limited to: Dagger, Throwing Dagger*, Short Sword, Staff, Throwing Stick*
- Gains mastery of one new Glyph per level.
- May identify a Glyph by rolling lower than the character's level on 1d20. Identifying one's own Glyphs is automatic.
- May cancel the effects of an identified Glyph with a successful Int Check.
*=See HWR2
Note: Like all HW characters, this class is limited by the spells available in the Hollow World.
Now, this one is obviously overpowered as it gains a bunch of new abilities and almost no downsides. I haven't quite figured out how powerful Glyph magic is yet, so I am not sure how much this class should be restricted? Could this Class variant be compared to the Gaz3 Secret Circles rather than as a class variant?
As Magic User, except:
*=See HWR2
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- May not use Full Armor*. May use bracelet partial armor*
- Weapons limited to: Dagger, Throwing Dagger*, Short Sword, Staff, Throwing Stick*
- May identify the effects of a Monolith before they affect him and his companions by rolling below his level on 1d20. On a 1, the PC will learn some special secret about the Monolith as determined by the DM.
- May cancel the effects of a Monolith by making a Saving Throw vs Spells. This effect lasts for 1 hour per level. Available at 5th level.
- May absorb the effects of a Monolith by making a Saving Throw vs. Spells.This effect lasts for 1 hour per level. Available at 10th level.
- May learn all Earth-based spells as if they were one level lower.
- Belongs to a secret society which may aid the character, but will punish him if he ever tries to leave them
- Gains the enmity of all aerial beings who will attack him on sight.
Note: Like all HW characters, this class is limited by the spells available in the Hollow World.
Again, I will have to try to understand the Monolith Magic before making a full evaluation about this class. Initially, it seems less powerful than the Mage-Scribe detailed above.As Magic User, except:
- Illiteracy: Nithian characters must spend a skill slot in order to learn how to read and write. (This is a modification of the rule in the HW boxed set)
- Must have INT of 16 or higher
- May not use Full Armor*. May use bracelet partial armor*
- Weapons limited to: Dagger, Throwing Dagger*, Short Sword, Staff, Throwing Stick*
- May identify any type of rock, by making an INT check (available at 1st. level)
- May discover secret doors by making an INT check (available at 5th level)
- Can understand how a Pyramid is constructed and understand whether a structure can hold Pyramid Magic on a successful INT check. (10th level)
- Can identify stone traps by making an INT Check (10th level)
- Can disarm stone traps by making an INT Check (15th level)
*=See HWR2
Note: Like all HW characters, this class is limited by the spells available in the Hollow World.
Initial thoughts is to give the trap like abilities at 1st level.