A Timeline of the Oltec Man
by Átila Pires dos Santos and Giampaolo AgostaContents
- Introduction
- The First Stone Age
- The Era of Lhomarr
- The Second Stone Age
- The Second Bronze Age
- The Era of Blackmoor
- The Third Stone Age
- The Bronze Age
- The Iron Age
- The Modern Age
- Appendix: Non-Human Civilisations
The Oltec Man is one of the three main human groups that have given birth to most native human civilisations in Mystara - the Neathar and Tangor Men being the other two.This document details the evolution of the Oltec-descendent ethnic groups from the origins of humanity on Mystara to the modern age. Before going on to the timeline itself, let us introduce the ethnic groups involved, by means of the Real World correspondences listed in Tables 1 and 2 - but keep in mind that correspondences are often difficult to establish, or give illogical results, such as M-Scythians being non-M-Indoeuropean.
Table 1: Correspondences of Oltec Men descendants to Real World cultures (A-L) Atruaghin - Bear Clan Anasazi/Zuni/Hopi (pueblo cultures, probably their language is the nearest to the original Azcan language, i.e. Hopi) Atruaghin - Elk Clan Algonquin and Iroquois (eastern woodlands cultures, likely Algonquian language) Atruaghin - Horse Clan Cheyenne/Comanche (great plains cultures, luckily no spoken language) Atruaghin - Turtle Clan Nootka/Chinook (Pacific Northwestern cultures, probably speak a Wakashan language) Atruaghin - Viper/Tiger Clan see Azcans (post-classic variant) Atukaino Arawak/Taino Azar Azeri Azcan Aztec Chimuari Chimu/Huari Chochomec Chichimec (Protecs absorbed by the Azcan Empire) Churans Assyrians Dars Persians (only marginally influenced by the Oltecs) Douzbaki Uzbeks Dravi Iranian group Dremens Yemenites Ethengarans Mongolians Hattans Hurrites (possibly some Hittite influence as well) Huleans Turks Intizco Inca (Cuzco) Jennites Scythians/Sarmatians (these are not Asians in the RW, but are similar in some ways to the peoples of the Ural-Altaic group) Katapec Toltec (post-classic, did not really exist in RW) Kazmen Kazakhs Littonians Lettonians Lotomec Teotihuacan
Table 2: Correspondences of Oltec Men descendants to Real World cultures (M-Z) Mebirs Babylonians Mictec Mixtec Midannites Medians (but likely also Mitanni to some extent) Monzagians Hungarians Oceanians/Cestians Madagascar Oltecindians Amerindians Oltec Man Asians (supergroup of Sino-Tibetan, Ural-Altaic and Amerindian ethnic groups) Oltec Toltec Orimul Olmec Otzil Maya Pitchans Oltec Men, culturally influenced post-GRoF by the Enduks; the original culture is entirely lost, but should have been similar to the Otzil Protec Zapotec Saamari Finns Sendarians Uralic Siberians Suesca Chibcha/Muisca Taipikala Aymara/Tiahuanaco Tarystians Sarmatians (though sedentary), see also Jennites Tauhaca Inca (Empire) Tenac Tenec/Huastec Teslans Sarmatians/Spartans, see also Jennites Tunguski Altaic Siberians Vaarana Lapps Valoin Uralic group Yali Uralo-Altaic Yivj Phoenicians Zumache Zuni/Apache mix (but their language should probably be an ancestor of Elk clan language)
Figure 1 shows the genealogy of the ethnic groups descended from the Oltec Man.
The First Stone Age
- 50000 BC
- - The Oltec Man and the Neathar Man split.
- 45000 BC
- - The Oltec Men settle in central Skothar (now the Steppes of Jen).
- 35000 BC
- - The Oltec Men split in two groups. One group, the Oltecindians, reaches the Brunian shores of the Sea of Dread through Alphatia. It will be joined by other two migrations during the next 20'000 years.
- 20000 BC
- - The Oltec Men of Skothar evolve into two recognisable main groups: the northern Yali and the southern Jennites.
The Era of Lhomarr
- 10000 BC - 9000 BC
- - The Oltecindian people starts growing and divides itself in numerous tribes. Competition for resources and lands forces some Oltecindian tribes to migrate from their original lands (Atruaghin region), reaching the jungles of the Midlands (where now lies the Great Waste) and those of Northern Davania (Forest of Ka).
- 9000 BC - 8000 BC
- - Rise of the Oltecindian civilisation of Orimul in Northern Davania (Forest of Ka).
- 9000 BC - 6000 BC
- - The Valoin, a northern Yali group from Skothar, leave west for Brun. They settle around the Frosthaven Sea and develop the somatic traits of blonde hair and blue eyes. They are soon conquered and assimilated by the Aharian tribes of northern Brun, giving origin to the Skandaharians.
- 8000 BC - 7000 BC
- - Orimul lands are continuously attacked by other local nations (including the Carnifex of Y'hog).
- 7000 BC - 6000 BC
- - Orimul civilisation almost collapses; some of the Orimul migrate back to Brun and are absorbed into the local Oltecindian cultures; the original Orimul culture becomes the basis of new Oltecindian civilisations.
The Second Stone Age
- 6000 BC - 5000 BC
- - The westernmost Oltecindian group, the Proto-Pitchans, move north-west in search of new lands. During one millennium, they slowly cross the Yazak Steppes as they are pushed northward by the demographic pressure of more advanced south-eastern civilisations.
- 6000 BC - 4000 BC
- - The last Valoin group of southern Skothar is forced north by the Tanagoro. Part of them become the Valemen, while others become the High Thonians. The remaining Yali will cross to Brun during the rise of Blackmoor, becoming the Proto-Huleans. Meanwhile, they absorb part of the Peshwah and Afridhi culture.
- 6000 BC - 4000 BC
- - Rise of the classic Oltecindian civilisations of Brun, divided in two main groups: the Jungle Dwellers (Great Waste) and the Mountain Dwellers (Black Mountains). The Jungle Dwellers civilisations, Lotomec, Proto-Mictec and Tenac-Otzil, are the direct descendants of the Orimul culture.
The Second Bronze Age
- 5500 BC - 5000 BC
- - The city-state of Lotom becomes the centre of the Oltecindian culture. Protec and Mictec groups split and start waging war on each other. The Mountain Dwellers Proto-Intizco, Proto-Chimuari and Proto-Taipikala civilisations appears.
- 5000 BC - 4500 BC
- - The Tenac and Otzil groups split as the Otzil migrate to the Gulf of Hule region. The Suesca civilisation appears, close to the new Otzil territories.
- 5000 BC - 3000 BC
- - The Proto-Pitchans are progressively pushed out of the Yazak Steppes and into the Arm of the Immortal (crossing the sea south of the arctic circle).
The Era of Blackmoor
- 4500 BC - 4000 BC
- - The Oltec civilisation (a.k.a the Imperial Oltecs) appears. Oltecs allied with rebellious groups of Lotom conquer the city, burning part of it. The Lotomec civilisation is destroyed, but it greatly influences the Oltec culture. Rise of the Intizco, Chimuari and Taipikala cultures.
- 4000 BC - 3750 BC
- - The Oltec civilisation begins to expand its territories, forcing some semi-nomadic groups (Atukaino and others) to migrate into the Savage Coast (including the Orc's Head Peninsula, the Bayou and the Yazak Steppes). Tortles are culturally absorbed by the Oltecindian groups; Phanatons become pets. Other Oltecindian groups are absorbed as mercenaries, including the Proto-Azcans.
The Suesca lands are conquered by the Oltecs and the Suesca migrate to the Black Mountains region, merging with the Intizco, Chimuari and Taipikala peoples to form the Tahuaca culture. The Intizco unify the Four Peoples. Rise of the first Inti (Emperor), a.k.a. the Sapa Inti (Supreme Emperor).
- 3750 BC - 3500 BC
- - Protecs, Mictecs and Tenacs are conquered by the Oltec Empire. Azcan soldiers are considered to be the best soldiers the Oltec empire has, and the elite troops of the Oltec empire are formed by Azcans. One Azcan is the new Tlacatecatl (supreme general). He tries to replace the current Oltec emperor, but fails. Half of the empire (Atruaghin and Sind regions) is under the rule of the first Azcan Tlatoani (Emperor) and the new Azcan Empire.
- 3500 BC - 3250 BC
- - The Inti of Tahuaca dies, living no heirs. The too rigid Tahuacan empire fragments quickly and is absorbed easily by the Oltec empire. The emperor of the Oltec civilisation is now called The Oltec, among other titles. Oltec and Azcan empires are at war.
Meanwhile, the Otzil start the colonisation of the other side of the Gulf of Hule (Savage Baronies region).
- 3500 BC - 3000 BC
- - The Proto-Huleans settle down in Ethengar and in the Midlands, giving origin to the Ethengarans, Huleans, Kazmen, Azar, Douzbaki, and Tunguski nations. Some Proto-Huleans are absorbed by Maharian nomads, and form the Dravi civilisation in the northern reaches of the Yazak steppes.
- 3250 BC - 3000 BC
- - Constant wars between the Oltec and Azcan empires happen during this period. The ongoing Azcan-Oltec war forces many tribes to migrate (some of them reaching Davania). Most of the Otzil people migrates to the western coast of the Gulf of Hule, forming independent city-states there.
The Third Stone Age
- 3000 BC
- - The Great Rain of Fire. Blackmoor obliterates itself. Change of the terrestrial rotational axis.
- 3000 BC
- - The Great Rain of Fire threatens the existence of the Oltecindian empires, since the great jungle of the Midlands quickly becomes the Great Waste; the Immortals bring the remaining parts of the Oltec (including Tahuaca) and the Azcan empires into the Hollow World, while the post-classic Otzil culture survives in the Outer World. This new Otzil civilisation flourishes there, since the weather Savage Coast begins to warm (and rather slowly, avoiding drastic changes in the environment).
A small number of Oltec survivors migrate to the Arypt region, forming the Katapec civilisation, other continue their migration to Oceania.
The remains of Azca and the primitive Zumache Oltecindians of Atruaghin region starts to intermingle; one day they will become the Atruaghin Clans.
Elsewhere, the subarctic lands of the Pitchans experience a major shift in latitude, bringing them closer to the equator. Many Pitchans move to the lands newly freed from the ice. The Dremens split off the main Pitchan groups.
- 3000 BC - 2500 BC
- - The Otzil become a prosperous Oltecindian civilisation of city-states, at the region of the Savage Baronies and Tortle Country. Very few Otzil outposts are built along the rest of the coast.
- 2800 BC
- - By this time, the Valoin of Brun have split into several groups, including, from west to east, the Sendarians, the Saamari, and the Littonians.
- 2800-2000 BC
- - The only remaining Skotharian Oltec group, the Jennites spreads in the regions of Minaea, Esterhold and Jen. With the passing of time and the change of climate and other conditions, two different groups form: the nomadic Jennites and the farming Teslans.
The Bronze Age
- 2500 BC - 2000 BC
- - Some Otzil city-states emerge from the outposts in the region of the modern Tortle Tribelands and the lands that now are under the Helmet Bay. One of these cities is the one whose ruins are now known as the ``Monoliths of Zul''.
Elves appear in the region as a consequence of Ilsundal's migration and settle the forests of the modern Bellayne, Eusdria, Robrenn and Torreón. Elven and Otzil civilisations do not intermingle. The Aranea wizards of Herath start paying attention to these human and elven city-states.
- 2100 BC - 1700 BC
- - The Churan culture flourishes in the Zebris Valley, north of the Arm of the Immortal.
- 2000 BC - 1500 BC
- - Some ``Elvenesque'' and ``Oltecesque'' city-states appear in the eastern regions of Herath. Goblinoid tribes arrive in the Yazak Steppes.
- 2000 BC - 1800 BC
- - Some Oltecs fleeing from their destroyed empire are assimilated by a Neathar culture in the basin of the Ust-Urt region, becoming the early Nithians.
The Iron Age
- 1700 BC
- - The Ethengarians are conquered by the humanoids of Akkila Khan and assimilate part of their culture.
Elsewhere, a Tanagoro expedition across the western ocean lands in the Churan territory. The Tanagoro merge with the Churans, giving origin to the Yivj and Mebirs.
- 1600 BC
- - Jennite tribes start settling down among the Teslans, forming the Tarystian culture.
- 1500 BC - 1000 BC
- - Otzil and Elven civilisations are badly damaged by the attacks of the Goblinoids of the Yazak Steppes. Rakasta and Lupin tribes migrate closer to the coast.
The Goblinoid invasion shatters the ancient Dravi civilisation as well. The survivors become the Dars and the Midannites, and migrate west towards the ocean.
Meanwhile, in eastern Brun, the Nithian civilisation climbs to greatness.
- 1000 BC
- - In the Zebris Valley, the arrival of the Dars and Midannite nomads from the fallen Dravi culture prompts changes in the Pitchan culture. The Hattan civilisation is born.
- 1000 BC - 500 BC
- - Nithian colonies absorbs the previous Oltecindians city-states of the region of the Tortle Tribelands-Protectorado da Presa-Helmet Bay region. Tortles are used as slaves and brought from other regions of the coast (especially the Tortle Country) to their colonies. One major Nithian outpost was built close to Terra Vermelha region (a.k.a. Antro do Dragão).
A ``Nithianesque'' civilisation appears in Herath, replacing the ``Oltecesque'' one.
- 500 BC
- - Nithia disappears and all of its traces are erased by the Immortals. ``Nithianesque'' civilisation in Herath reverts to a ``Nimmuresque'' one, since the Araneas and Manscorpions get along reasonably well. The land where the Nithian main colonies were sinks, forming the Twin Islands and the Tiger Island.
- 100 BC
- - Milenians fleeing from the ruins of their Davanian Empire reach the southwestern coast of Skothar. They conquer several Tarystian city-states: it is the birth of the Minaean civilisation.
The Modern Age
- 1 AC
- - Tortle descendants of the slaves of Nithian colonies forms the Tortlec civilisation of Zul.
Elsewhere, the Saamari civil war has ended, and the non-entropic worshippers migrate to Norwold, dividing into a sedentary and a nomadic culture (Kaarjalans and Vaarana).
- 100 AC
- - Another group of goblinoids (Yazakans) arrives at the Yazak Steppes, replacing the Yazi and forcing them and the Rakasta and Lupin tribes to settle along the coast. Herathians create the Gurrash, dumping them into the Bayou; the last remaining of Oltecindians in the Bayou are wiped out, and the Shazaks are displaced. The remaining Oltecindians at the Orc's Head Peninsula (Jibarù and Dark Jungle) are wiped out by the Yazug orcs and their newcomer cousins (the Yazi orcs).
The Tortlec civilisation is destroyed by the arrival of Yazi goblinoids.
- 150 AC
- - Oceanians in Cestia merge with the local population, becoming the Cestians.
- 576 AC
- - Southern Sendarian tribes found the kingdom of Monzag.
- 900 AC - 1000 AC
- - Very little of the Otzil former glorious civilisation still exists; The Otzil people lives in the jungle that surrounds the ruins of their cities, except for the Oltecindians of the city of Tehil (Ciudad Tejillas) and their Coyotl Warriors (Yazi Gnolls).
The last remains of the Otzil and the other Oltecindians (like the Atukaino) are absorbed by the Ispans immigrants; the ruins of the Otzil cities are sacked by the Ispans conquistadores.
Table 3: Non-human cultures influenced by the Oltec Man Rakasta Ocelotl Otzil Rakasta Jakar Otzil Rakasta Jakarundi Otzil Lupin Xoloitzcuintli Azcan Lupin Carrasquito Otzil (not in modern times) Lupin Ispan Pistolero Otzil (not in modern times) Lupin Coyotl Chochomec (Hollow World, early Lupins) Elf Shattenalfen Azcan Lizardkin Cay Otzil Goblinoid Red Orcs Atruaghin Goblinoid Yellow Orcs Ethengaran (mix of M-Altaic and Goblinoid culture) Goblinoid Hobgobland Ethengaran (mix of M-Altaic and Goblinoid culture) Goblinoid Ogremoor Sindhi Goblinoid Yazi Otzil (limited influence) Phanaton Jibarù Extinct M-Tupi culture (perhaps Atuakaino?) Tortle Tortlec Otzil
Appendix: Non-Human Civilisations
Table 3 lists the non-human civilisations that were strongly influenced by the Oltec Men and their descendants.