Immortal Actions on the Prime Plane
by RobinImmortals acting Directly on Mystara, and breaking this rule; The overriding goal of all Immortals is the preservation of the Prime Material Plane, a tenet that is not subject to interpretation or negotiation(IM2), and therefor no Direct action against Mortals is allowed(WotI Rulebook)
and are eventually caught;
Canon WotI; Atzanteotl (Entropy, High).. (under the Guise of Loki(Entropy, Medium))..apparently NOT punished for unknown reasons, assumed that the Major Stroke was punishment enough.
Canon WotI; Rad (Energy, High)..by use of the Radiance and the Doomsday weapon, By imprisoning PC's in a forcefield,(witnessed by Ixion (Hierarch energy), Old One..Not punished as he dissapeared at the end of the conflict..Assumed to have been reassuming his Mortal Identity (and maybe Immortal power) depending on Canon Mark of Amber Outcome (can cannonically vary)
Canon WotI; Rheddrian(Benekander(Energy-New)..Unnoticed at first. apparently NOT punished for being unaware of the rule of No Direct action against Mortals.
Canon WotI-PWA1,2, 3; Several Immortals by recreating/moving Alphatia, raising many lost. No punishment as the group of immortals is of multiple spheres(except Entropy)
Canon HWbox, HW Milenia, HW Nithia, HW Azca; Several Immortals by moving/recreating beloved cultures on brink of extinction/major change, raising many lost. No punishment as the group of immortals is of multiple spheres(except Entropy) and culture remains now under influence of Spell of Preservation
Canon HW Boxed Set; Thanatos(Hierarch Entropy) with Creation of Burrowers to spouil the Megalith, and HW and possible OW cultures and creatures.
Canon Nightwail Trilogy; Asterius (medium Thought) by infusing Mortals with his immortal power to pass along the Enerald River.. Not punished for this breaking of the rule was needed for the Immortals to return
Canon (Nightwail Trilogy); Thanatos (Entropy Hierach), entrapping Immortals, and working on extinguishing sun. Apparently not punished as Major Stroke, recreating a new body, was enough
Canon M1, M2; Alphaks (Entropy High). He tried to follow the rule at best (see M2 page2), yet Alphaks has made it at once easy and difficult to stop the machines from making earthquake beetles. Both are direct interference
Canon M1, PWA, WotI; Vanya (Time Medium) She works on the fringes of what is allowed, and often just steps over the line (Assumed to be punished regularly for these actions)
Canon M5; Night Spider (Entropy , Low). several times the rule is broken in this adventure. Assumed to be demoted afterwards as punishment...and by losing religious followers
Canon IM2; Olympian Immortals;Zeus(time medium), Hera(energy mdium), Apollo (Thought medium), Aphrodite(energy Low), Ares(energy Low), Athena(Matter Medium), Hermes(Thought low), Brissard (Entropy Low), Night/Nyx (entropy Hierarch) It is now apparent that Night is intent on eliminating the Olympians directly on the Prime.(page2), Talitha (entropy medium)minor infringement of the rule. All are punished accordingly, except Nyx/Night (unknown why)
Canon WotI, IM1-3, M1-5, Various Demons(as these are Entropic Immortals Too) also break the rule often, and assumed are punished accordingly
Cnon IM2; PC Immortals; Paarkum(Matter Low), Lornasen(Energy Low), Iliric(Energy low),Arnelee (Thought Low), Tourlain (Thought low), Finidel (Time Low) may or may have not broken the rule with or without consequences (unknown)
Canon M2 Minotaur:Unidentified Immortal destroying bthe Cathos/Vacros region and creating an adjusted magical maze dungeon to hide this.
Canon Lathan's Gold; Several location seem to have directly suffered from unknown Immortal actions)
Canon; Nithia; the destruction and obliteration of Nithia up to today; Several Immortals readjusting memories, destroying/hiding temples/scriptures/. No punishment as the group of immortals is of multiple spheres(except Entropy) although dissentiment grows
Canon Morgroth/Carnivex; Lizardmen Empire the destruction and obliteration of these cultures; Several Immortals readjusting memories, destroying/hiding temples/scriptures/. No punishment as the group of immortals is of multiple spheres(except Entropy) although dissentiment and fear grows(especially after M5 adventure).Thus far the Mystara Canon;
Other Canon fitting to be on Mystara with slight adjustments are the following sources;
AD&D1 adventure N4-Treasure-Hunt; Petra (Thought Medium). wiping the island clean, with tornadostorm, punishment is assumedSeveral of the Mystara compatible adventures of the N, U, C, G, D,L, UK, I, EX, WG, and T AD&D1 adventureseries have several Immortal acting directly now or in the past according the texts within.
Thus far my search on this matter.