Recover a Doll [Mini-Story adventure]
by AozIn Erewan on the edge of Eruanna after 1016 AC. Adventurers find a sad young female elf eating candy and slowly making a cloak outside her tree home. She sees the adventurers and her eyes get big. She comes down out of the tree and asks...
See Erewan By Robin
"My name is Kera Patuya. Would you be adventurers by chance?? A goblin took my doll and I need to get it back. My aunt gave me the doll and will be visiting in seven days. Please, wait one minute..."
Kera climbs back up and goes inside the tree. An older Elf comes out and waves at the group. Kera comes back down and hands over two potions.
"I can give you a down payment of 2 healing potions and I can make each one of you an elven cloak. "
She pauses and looks at her pouch.
"...I guess if you need it. I can offer you each 1 piece of candy but no more than one each. Do we have a deal??"
She also hands over a roughly drawn map of where to go and one piece of honey candy.
She whispers, "I would go but my sister won't let me." She looks up and waves at the older elf.
The older elf smiles and says, "Lunch will be ready soon."Kera nods and looks back at the adventurers, "Please, get my Doll back for me!!" Then she goes back up the tree.
If you adventurers chose not to get the doll back, then select another module at this time.
The maps leads to the edge of the broken lands. The group will find the cave with similar markings as the map.
A big warning sign is posted Enter at You Own Risk.
It is a Maze-like tunnel.
1st encounter: 1 goblin (poison: weakness) per 3 adventurers
2nd: encounter: Roleplaying "Fake Ghost"(illusion) or Trap (partial paralyze)
3rd: encounter: 1 goblin per 2 adventurers or Trap (curse) or Puzzle
4th: encounter: 1 red cap goblin or Trap (blindness) or Roleplaying (merchant) [A few items for x10 price] & dead goblin
5th: encounter: Ogre with 1 worg (disease) per 3 adventurers
Each phase will add conditions to the adventurers that will need cured.
Door opens to
______________________________________________________________Nurrakkus Town
A Little Broken Lands Shakedown BeginsA Kobold barks, " I'm Ogg, Welcomes to Nurrakkus. You have passed the trials to get here..."
If the adventurers step forward, make a hostile act or even go to ask a question..
Three hooded humanoids step forward with wands and one says, "Please stay calm and no sudden movements. This town is part of New Kolland and as so is protected by Glantri law."
If the adventurers explain their story.
Ogg say, "Oh if it is a Doll, it will be the Goblin's Pawn shop and points over there." The three figures go to follow but Ogg shoos them away. "You did your jobs so leave this Heros alone. They get it if they do bad stuff they will get in trouble. I would be more worried about Wuuque then the Glantri laws."
Ogg leads the adventurers to the Pawn shop. "Heroes this is Gryh. The heroes have come for the doll."
Gryh says, "The doll is 100 gold pieces." If accused of theft. He laughs and pulls out a pouch of candy, " I traded her the honey candy for the Doll...if you want it will cost 100 gp... After all this is the best elven candy. "
As this sinks in. A large Orc comes up to Gryh and snorts, "Any problems, Gryh?"
Gryh smiles and says, " No problems here, Wuuque. Just trying to haggle a little over a Doll. Here is your package."
Gryh hands him a package and he will nod at the adventurers. The adventurers can haggle with the goblin down to 60 gold pieces.
After the adventurers are done with the Goblin, Ogg will guide them around town. There will be a few rumbles. Ogg says, "Nothing to be worried about. The maze that lead you here changes once in a while. Before you ask, no you cannot go back the way you come. There is a tunnel to the surface but only appears every 3 days...you have to wait two more day."
Ogg will show the heroes the mud baths, hot sulfur water springs, Kraken Inn (100 gold pieces per person*), Food/Drink prices (10 GP for terrible to 40 GP for good), Last Stop (general store most prices x4 normal; 33% to have an item in stock), Arena, Dragon Horde Casino, Bones Galore (custom made weapons from the bones of your enemies**), the Cauldron (shaman and more spells here***) and then Ogg stops. He says, " And finally over there is the entertainment...", Ogg winks at the heroes, "...we have some of the prettiest kobolds in all the Broken Lands!!"
*Private room with an owlbear rug, some minor amenities, and a covered chamber pot in the corner.
**Bone Galore can make masterwork weapons. Wielding it provides a +1 enhancement bonus on damage. Each custom weapon takes 10 days to make.
The masterwork quality adds 600 gp to the cost of a normal weapon (or 12 gp to the cost of a single unit of ammunition, such as an arrow).
For 6000 gold pieces the shaman can make create a +1 weapon (with an extra +1 to damage) but takes over a month to make.
***Spells offered (Shaman and Magic-user):
1st: 50 gold pieces
2nd: 100 gold pieces
3rd: 150 gold pieces
4th: 200 gold pieces
5th: 250 gold pieces
All conditions can be cured here!!
The adventurers can spend their time however they want. In while waiting they will see the goblins and the Ogre, they killed walking around like nothing happened. The Ogre will even tell the adventurer that killed him, that was a nice hit and wander off to the Inn. In two days just like Ogg said, a tunnel opens up and they get to the surface.
The adventurers make their way back to Kera Patuya home with the doll. In their minds, the heroes hear a snort then Wuuque voice: "Be warned her-oes you accepted the adventure without in-vest-gating that was your fault. If you do any-thing against the young one...your team will be sued in court. Did you even have a Glantrian Adventuring Permit?? Return the doll, accept the reward, and consider this a lea-rning experience.(snort)"
Kera Patuya sees the adventurers and rushes over. She ask quietly, "Did you get my doll?"
The adventurers grumble and return the doll. She runs over and gets one elven cloak per adventurer. The adventurers shake their heads and take the cloaks and leave. Later on, in Glantri the group gets the cloaks appraised...all tests appear to be cloaks of elven kind even a detect as magic. Actually, Magic Aura (with 24 days left on duration) is on the cloak. It is just a normal elven cloak and offers no other benefits.
A little story-adventure to make the Adventurers think twice.
Things are always more then they seem: Normally Elves of Erewan and the humanoids of the Broken Lands don't get along. However, Wuuque lead a pair of Elves around the Broken Lands after 1014 AC. The sister and brother said they were map makers, but Wuuque thought they were scouts for the Princess of Erewan. He didn't care either way, his group lead them around for over a year and was promised 2 crowns are day (about 410 days - 820 crowns = 41,000 gold pieces) they disappeared in the night. He found them in less than two day and gave them the bill in front of Princess Carlotina Erewan. The pair told Carlotina that they would handle it. A deal was hashed out, that select wealthy adventurers would be sent to Wuuque's town he was building. In return, he would be their pipeline of information to the Broken Land and aid the Elves of Erewan when necessary. The information he sends is 6-8 weeks old, but he has come through with aid multiple times.