The Tanagoro Plains
by Håvard
The fan written HWR Sourcebook for the Tanagoro is great, but I would love to see more attention to this region. I think he Tanagoro Plains has a lot of potential for many kinds of adventures occupying a fairly sizeable part of southern Iciria with a wide range of geographical features. HW boxed set and PWA1 are the official sources I have found that cover it. We also talked a bit about various PC options for these lands here.
A few interesting facts:
- approx. people live in the Tanagoro plains scattered among thousands of farming villages
- The Tanagoro have earned the respect of the Nithians and Jennites through battle. They have also fought the Milenians. Tanagoro warriors sometimes venture into Brute Man territories, perhaps in order to prove themselves as warriors?
- The Morahuto Tribe is the most important tribe
- King Doraka Togoro rules most of the Tanagoro in AC1000. After WotI, his son Korolo Togoro took over as ruler.
- Flora and fauna include Aurochs, Rock Baboons, Giant Beetles, Boars, Bugbears, Manscorpions, Sphinxes, lions, cyclopses, sabre tooth tigres, grab grass, griffon, Giant lizard, manticore, mummy, medusa, minotaur, pterosaur, snake, giant spider, troll. Many herbivore Dinosaurs roam the grasslands. Carnivorous Dinosaurs are also common and the king once helped take down a T-Rex. Wheat is often farmed and can be used to produce alcoholic beverages.
- The Hidden Kingdom is a land in the jungles that noone knows anything about except that it also is made up of Tanagoro.
- Patterns of Wheat, Spiders and Auroch horns are popular in clothing.
- Korotiku and Ka are among the most popular Immortals.
- Volcanic eruptions following the great rain of fire threatened their OW civilization. Could this have brought a respect of fire and volcanoes into their current HW culture?
- Some Tanagoro use Riding Lizards according to HWR2.
Interesting locations from the map:
- Kalabu Hills
- Sabata Hills
- Hwedo Highlands
- Dark Jungles
- Bwiti Uplands
- Dju Dju Hills
- Lago Dogo & Dogo River
- Bakoto Swamps
- Toboru River
- Lake Lakati
- Forest of Lakogo
- Yshanta River
- Thanou Bay
- Dagol River
- Mt. Domogo
- Twa Mountains
- Sea of Yr
I could see different cultures living in all of these different regions with their own unique identities.