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Tome of Mystara Poll #5

Editor's Note: Every issue, we'll think of a fun poll question for all you Mystara-philes out there. Results will be published in the next issue of the Tome of Mystara. So enjoy!

In surfing people's gaming websites, it seems that often the best part of their page is their campaign notes. Memorable, amazing, often ironic or just downright funny things happen in the course of a typical roleplaying session. Hey, it's fun - why else would we be there? :)

And so, for this Anniversary issue's poll, we thought it would be fun to turn the podium over to you:

What is the most memorable (in-game, in-character; no "dice stories"!) moment you've had in a Mystaran campaign session?

Please keep your answer concise; no more than 200-250 words. We'll publish the best replies in our next issue!

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