Vélstjóri Priest
by AozSpecialist Priest of Huul'daac
See Huul'daac Tarthuul and Huuldacc Priest
Symbol: Golden Skull
Alignment: Lawful
Domain: Vélstjóri (Unique Domain)
Favored Weapon: Hammer (clerics can also use slings, mace, shovel, daggers, and pick)Skills and Powers:
Permanent Infravision, at nighttime.
Proficiency in Engineering, Mining, and Trap Making.
Domain Spells
Vélstjóri Domain Spells:Create Trap (1st-level)
Animate Rope (2nd-level)
Tiny Servant (3rd-level)
Fabricate (4th-level)
Animate Objects (5th-level)
Create Machine (6th-level)
Make Real (7th-level)
True Creation (8th-level)
True Polymorph (9th-level)Domain Features:
Eschew Materials: You can cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component.
Channel Divinity:
Command or Rebuke Constructs: Channel the power of Huuldaac to command or rebuke constructs.
Unique Spells for the Vélstjóri
Create Machine
AD&D 2e Priest's Spell Compendium Vol 1 updated to 5e
(6th-Level Spell)
School: Conjuration/Summoning
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 20 yards
Components: V, S, M (various machine parts worth 1,000-4,000 gp per hit point)
Duration: Permanent
Description: This spell is used to finish the process of fabricating magical machines and constructs, such as magical automatons. These machines are typically controlled by manual controls rather than by verbal commands.Machine Details:
Functions without fail or error for centuries, requiring only common-sense maintenance unless severely damaged.
Armor Class: 13-19 (depending on materials and construction).
Hit Points: 30-50 (depending on complexity).
Cost: 1,000 to 4,000 gp per hit point.
Restrictions: Machines that create monsters are permissible, provided the monsters are confined to the dungeon, temple, or the Holy Mecha city of Huuldaac and not used for military purposes outside these areas.
Make Real
AD&D 2e Priest's Spell Compendium Vol 2 updated to 5e
(7th-Level Spell)
School: Alteration
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (holy symbol)
Duration: PermanentDescription: This powerful spell can only be used against nonliving materials or plants (not undead) currently under the effects of other magic (for instance, a stone glowing because a faerie fire spell has been cast upon it). Make Real alters the nature of the recipient to make a magical effect a permanent part of the object or plant. For example, a glowing stone would shine forever and dispel magic would only temporarily negate its radiance. This spell cannot be cast on intelligent or "monster" plants.
If multiple forms of magic are affecting an item, Make Real makes all of them permanent, so this spell can create simple magical items—or rather, items that can pass on contact-related magical effects. This spell is intended for use in creating temple items with useful minor magic, such as a baton that speaks a magic mouth warning when passed by someone bearing magical items who is not wearing a holy symbol of Huul'daac. But in Vélstjóri Priest's hands can make tiny servants permanent and even create magic items that only function in certain dungeons and temples. It can also be used to alter property as a form of "Huuldaac's Justice."
Additional Piety
Must donate 50% of their spells to the poor or use their downtime to create traps, unique monsters, new spells, puzzles, or dungeon designs.Plane Shift or Dungeon Shift (5th-Level Spell)
Allows transportation to other planes or specific dungeons in Huul'daac's Realm.