Wyrwarf Geomancers
by RobinIn my campaigns I allow the Wyrwarf Dwarven Tribe to become Geomancers.
As being mostly surface dwellers, they have had more contact with the Nithians prior to their removal from Outer World Mystara. here they learned to understand Druidic and Earth related magic. They stored these (without reference to the Nithians) in their wall scriptures of their tombs. Thus far they liked the and understood the principles of the magic, yet were unable to use it.
With the coming of the Flaemish refuges from the Alphatian dimension, came also some very rare Terrari, Necro, and Tempus refugees in an even lower number than the Flaems. They were literally on the Brink of extermination. After their ordeal on Alphatia and the Crystal world of the Dragon King.(see Dragon Lord Trilogy)
It were not the Flaems who later discovered the Radiance it were the Rhabdomancers of the Terrari, hiding as if they were Flaems. THe Flaems learned to access the Radiance directly, while thev Terrari accessed its effects upon the world. The Rhabdomancy slowly spread and merged with the very primitive Rhabdomancy already existing on Mystara. The Terrari discovered there is much more magic within this new world and beside becoming Earth Elementalists they progressed a bit further by accessing the Planet's own magic and the Mystaran Geomancer was born. They use spells from Dragon Magazine 250 pages 92-94 (Entombment(6), Cone of Earth(5), Dusting the Rock(3), Transmute Mud to Rock, Sandcone, earthenair, Fist of Stone, Stone Tell, Earthenport, Summon (not Conjure) Earth Elemental, Stoneskin(D&D adaptation), Stoneshape, Sandsword, Stone to Flessh and reversed, Earthquake, Unleash Monolith, as well as the spells described in Dragon Magazine 265 pages 35-41. I also transformed these spells to Mystara versions see GSM PDF. The Geomancers (human or dwarf) try to aid the Living Planet and safe live living on it. They will become more prominent after 1752AC when the radiance explode, and as Druids protect and use nature they will do to the world itself. Druids and geomancers often work together, as well as Rhabdomancers (see more in the GSM PDF) In effect Geomancers will be equal to Earth elementalist yet concentrate their attention more to and from the Planet instead from the Planes
The Wyrwarf reread their Nithian textual descriptions (which survived due not being Nithian) and resembled these with the Terari mages in Glantri before these seemed to fade away incognito and even traded with these friendly and social mages. The first Wyrwarf Geomancers did appear, yet with their contact with the Terari, as well with the Dwarven expulsion from Glantri, theyagreed to keep their abilities as hidden as possible.They can not wear armor or shield or use refined metals. Any weapon thus is made from unrifined reshaped metal, crystal or stone. Because of their connection to Urt/Mystara, Geomancers are highly resistant to magic from the Earth element and they can command or turn creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Earth. This included creatures more powerful than the typical earth elemental like dao and monoliths. This is similar to Clerical Turning yet based on HD instead Type(beginning by 2HD gaining 1.5HD per level round down) . Geomancers can summon earth elementals to do their bidding(this is different from Conjuring (see; Elemental summoning-related spells).
The most known Geomancer, almost heralded by the dwarves is Professor van der Klil
Geomancer dwarves like all dwarves still are discontent with the arrogance and haught behavior of elves and most mages
Oh yeah. You probably note that the original Earth Elelemantalist name of the Alphatian Dimension is Terari, and this is similar to Master terrari who popped up his nose in Karameikos after Teldon dissapeared in a clockwork-Beholder battle. This also means that this is no voincidence, Master Terrari (and thus actually his daughter Princess eriadna as well) are Terari Alphatians (Eriadna still is unaware of this)