Pages from Aoz's Spellbook
by AozAoz's Dangerous Mechanical Medic
Aoz's Emergency Healing
Water Boarding
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M (the board)
Range: Touch
AoE: one board
Save: None
Casting Time : 1 turn
Duration: 1 hrs. + 30 minutes./levelBy means of this spell, the caster infuses Power in the board to glide on water. The magical propelled board is controlled by caster or until dispelled. Movement is 5 yards per level per round. Example 5th level MU could move up to 25 yards in a round for a duration of 3.5 hours.
Glantri Water Elementalists can cast the spell at twice the duration and twice movement if they use up a 1st level circle power (automatic successful with this spell). Example 5th level MU Glantri Water Elementalists(1st circle) could move up to 50 yards in a round for a duration of 7 hours.
Big Magic Missile
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M (Lifespan)
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level
AoE: 1 targets
Save: None
Casting Time : 1
Duration: InstantaneousThis spell creates one big missile. Starts at 2d4+2 points of damage. For every two extra levels of experience, the wizard gains + 1d4+1 damage--he has 3d4+3 at 3rd level, 4d4+4 at 5th level, 5d4+5 at 7th level, and 6d4+6 at 9th level (Max Damage). This spell bypasses a normal shield spell but not Aoz's Big Shield . Lifespan reduced 1 day per casting.
Big Shield
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M ( Lifespan)
Range: Touch
AoE: 1 creature
Save: None
Casting Time : 1 rd.
Duration: SpecialShield absorbs physical attacks only. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until the shield sustains cumulative damage totaling greater than 4 points + 1 per level of the caster and prevents Big Magic Missile (nullify damage from Big Magic Missile ). Lifespan reduced 1 day per casting.
Summon Vending Machine
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M ( Lifespan and crowns)
Range: Anywhere in Glantri or the Feywoods
AoE: Next to caster
Save: None
Casting Time : 3
Duration: 2 rds. + 1 rd./levelSummons a vending machine from Aoz's workshop that requires Lifespan. Lifespan reduced 3 days per casting. A scroll of this spell can be bought at Emporium de la Mort or the Erewan Dark Woods.
Image from redd.it
All Potion are made with Bug Juice Alchemy by Aoz. I will expand the list with Bug Juice Alchemy 2.0 coming in the future.
Bug Juice Healing Potion:
Save vs Poison [Pass-Drink/Fail-Puke (Nausea* for 1 turn)]
Instantly heals drinker 2d8 [Bug and plants races: Healing and Resistance to Side effects: Roll twice** select best]
Save vs Spell [Pass: "Nausea*" equal reverse of bless (A.K.A curse) for 1 turn per hp healed/Failed: Paralyzed or stun for 1 turn per hp healed]
**Healing, Save for Poison and Save for Spell (roll each twice and select best) for Bug and Plants Races.
Sells for............... 2 crowns
neutralize poison.. 4 crowns with side effects
remove curse....... 8 crowns with side effects
Raise dead elixir... 10 crowns (Save vs Spell: Fail -animate dead instead/ Save Raise Dead: -1 con up to 5 days dead. Some may experience nightmares about bugs for 2-5 days after being raised.)[/size]To compare Bug Juice Alchemy to normal Alchemy
Re: another decade... another Glantrian project hahaha by micky
Alchemist Janos Kerpos
Potion Invisibility 3 doses (90%) 3000dc or 1000 per doseor
Take a chance and Buy a Bug Juice Invisibility for 4 crowns
Bug Juice Invisibility Potion:Save vs Poison [Pass-Drink continue on to spell save/Fail-Puke (Nausea* for 1 turn)] "Nausea*" equal reverse of bless (A.K.A curse). If drinker pukes, the power of the potion is lost and no other effect other then Nausea.
Save vs Spell [Pass: The drinker becomes Invisible for up to 6 turns as spell; however, if failed every living being and creature becomes invisible to the drinker for 1 hour!!!]
Save for Poison and Save for Spell (roll each twice and select best) for Bug and Plants Races.