Everything in Blue text is extra DM information, everything Black is Flavour text of which italic is spoken, Text in Red is informative while Brown is a Spell description.
Map of Glantri City, 30 feet per hex
by RobinAfter following the directions given you walk over the wide road to the north, until there is a water area left amongst some fruit trees. As told you have to find an alley behind this well. That's not that difficult, and indeed you all walk over the gravel road right of the lake and find a small alley tucked between the wooden buildings. You see a large wooden tower totally overgrown with some kind of plant.
There is a small Plaque on the wall left; Greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox) is a native woody vine or shrub. It is a member of the Smilacaceae, formerly Liliaceae, family which includes approximately 12 to 15 species in the Smilax genus. A very prickly woody vine of the Known World growing in tangled masses having tough round stems with shiny leathery leaves and small greenish flowers followed by clusters of inedible shiny black berries.
Characteristics: Common Greenbrier is a woody vine that climbs other plants using green tendrils growing out of its petioles. The leaves are glossy green, alternate, and circular to heart-shaped. They are generally 5-13 centimeters long. The round stems have sharp prickles growing on them. The flowers are greenish, and the fruit are bluish black berries. Common greenbrier produces fruit every year. Seeds are dispersed by animals and water. The flowers are seen from Flaurmont to Fyrmont, and the fruit becomes ripe in Ambyrmont
Habitat: Common greenbrier grows in roadsides, landscapes, clearings and woods. When it is growing around a clearing, it often forms dense and impassable thickets. This plant is capable to turn whole buildings into a structure overgrown with leaves.
Range: It grows throughout the Hills of Ethengar, Rockhome, Heldann, and all over Glantri. It is found in lower amounts and growth capacity in Darokin and some regions of the Broken Lands and Wendar.
DM info
And Greenbrier is the owner of this mage tower."Hello there, new students of the Great School of Magic--and friends. Welcome in Glantri City.
My name is Greenbrier. That is a self-chosen name. I have been appointed to be your guide for today, one of the various tasks you as a student may have to do regularly to easy your teachers or pay as a punishment for breaking one(or more) of the many regulations we have here.
The plant you see, named Greenbrier is used to treat local pains, rheumatism, and burns and boils. In addition it is used to treat gastrointestinal ailments as well as an orthopedic aid. The roots and young shoots of greenbrier are also used as food" ...wile picking a leaf nibbling it down.
"The young leaves and tendrils were prepared like spinach or added directly to salads. The roots contain a natural gelling agent that was extracted and used as a thickening agent. The Atruaghin and Ethengar are among those primitive tribes that utilize this plant.
They grow around my home town Baijiatan in abundance, until the Ethengarians made me an orphan in one of their brutal strikes. The town was severely damaged, and my residence was destroyed. It was also my reason to mentally abandon my family roots and become the Greenbrier growing from it, hence where my name originates and why.
I arrived here in Glantri city due my inheritage, which enabled me to take a student course in our Great School of Magic. Here I was at home several years. My curiosity and this plant-like stubbornness brought me all over Glantri, and I met various great wonders and wonderful people our proud nation has. Yet like the Greenbrier, my fruits of labor helped me in various adventures. Over the years I not only accumulated a reasonable amount of treasures, and great pool of knowledge, it also enabled me to obtain the necessary licenses for not only my adventuring, my studies and well-abled spellcasting (especially Divination) but also to erect my own tower in Glantri City.
Ok, as you see, I am not as fortunate as our Princes, and royalties, and I do not live in Central Glantri City, but here in the suburbs, and my tower is not of magical or normal stone...it is made of wood, entwined with the Greenbrier and Dogrose giving my beloved tasteful fruit.
I am but a student, and students often get tasks to do, and that is the reason I tell am going to inform you visitors of Glantri of Glantri Suburbia. So please enter my tower's hall, and I explain you more of the city than the limited Thyatian Explorer's manual describes (DM; Gaz3/GKoM), while we view the wonder of the city."
Greenbrier opened the door to the tower, almost hidden completely behind a curtain of Blossoming Dogroses and red fruits. Within he turns right to a grand (40' diameter) hexagonal chamber.
With the wave of his hands the light was activated and a large illusion became visible on the floor. An illusion of the city.
DM; this spell is the most promising spell/magical creation Greenbrier did create and is detailed at the end of this story)"First of all ...Glantri City is much, much larger than that mere watery city region you have been taught.
That section, how important and beautiful it might be, is only a small part of our wonderful city.
Most of the city as you see is actually around that wet area clenched between the merging of the Vesubian and Isoile Rivers, making a large swampy region of a few miles in size, and build on the higher areas along these rivers and the hills and ancient ruins north of it. Yes the Hills north of the Central city have been proven to be ancient ruins, suspected of Elven design, due the massive wooden foundations remaining. On these the northern suburbs are erected. To the west and east these hills slope down to the river and have their own interesting locations.
The city suburban has three major roads leading to the central city. These roads are made of stone blocks, gravel and a black tar which hardened mixed together. The debris of ages stuck within makes the road no longer flammable, and only somewhat sticky in the hot summer days, of during a fire. These are the roads mostly used by merchants and visitors to the city and wares are roughly 25% more expensive in the shops located here (as these people must pay more on licenses to live/sell there).![]()
These 45' to over 60' wide roads enter the city through the two-port gates where licenses are checked for all coming in (and sometimes even goes out). The Rad's Road from the north splits east and west towards the Vesubian and Isoile Roads respectively, and these roads are actually the most beautiful due the trees, wells, fountains and multiple floor buildings two to three feet overhanging the road with each floor. These roads are also lit at night by globes of continual light at night every 120 feet (4 hexes) and at important locations.
The Vesubian Road's Splits up into another road to the Vesubian harbor which is simple named Harbor road, while itself continuing through the city west to the Isoile harbor. Thus the wares coming in and out of the city; the Vesubian Havre in the east, and the Isoile Havre in the west, also reached by these roads.
Then there are the two roads coming from the Vesubian and Isoile road splitting of north to join Rad's Road. These are the Isoile Mile and the Vesubian Mile respectively, as the distance they cover is more or less a mile.
The last road is the Princes Road going from the Vesubian Havre to the cross of the Vesubian and Rad roads, making it a 5-jointed crossing. This crossing also became the Great Market. Here most normal stuff can be bought, for mediocre quality and low prices, but still. The better wares are found in the many shops the city suburbs has. And the variety is just too large to determine. I live for several years, almost a decade now, and still I find new shops never discovered".
DM note; City distribution see below"The suburbs are mostly two tiered wooden and half-timbered houses, although along the main roads three and even four story tall buildings are found in abundance. The ground floor is often a shop, while storage and living are placed higher. Most structures have a roughly 30' to 45' diameter surface"
DM note; for convenience, each structure can be determined roughly by each hex. (Even while the real structure has rarely a hex-shaped floor plan. This however does enable the DM to easily mark a number to determine the current occupants.![]()
"You see also several well kept and decorated stone buildings owned by the more wealthy occupants. Many of these along the roads are well-known shops, however in the east viewing the Vesubian are more owned as family or private housing and here you will find more structures separate from the others, while in the remaining suburbs, most are attached to each other. Amongst these are some grandiose villas and mansions of stone, sometimes even with large gardens. Almost anywhere behind the buildings in the city are inner gardens where the population often grows minor amounts of vegetables. And for those who do not have such leisure, there is a communal garden in the west.""Between the wide main roads many smaller gravel roads have formed while the suburbs arose (15-25'). These gravel roads were made of the by-products of the many stone buildings and other creations in the restoration years after the city Braejr became Glantri City. You might know the city Braejr was severely damaged in the Dragon Wars and internal strife in the whole which eventually shaped the Principalities of Glantri. These gravel roads were originally very bothersome, due the noise they created while traversing, yet over time mud clung all together, often bricks were added and they are now silent and very functional."
Gravel roads may be lit at night, by oil lanterns on poles or a continual Light spell, but this is never more than 1 light source per stretch of road no matter the length or curves.""Similar in size are the mud streets. These are actually gulley beds formed by water rising from the several wells of the city, and used to flush away debris of unspeakable origin. Water mixed with other fluids and waste flows here taking its course over this muddy bed. Some follow the main roads, yet others are found away from these. These are the pourer sections of the city, and the chance at being hit by a flush of waste from above, or to tumble & fall is very high here. There is a saying when one gets clean and dry through the suburbs of Glantri one is either a great mage or very lucky. These streets are mostly used by the local populace, and have a wide array of small shops all over them. I said all of the Gulleys are from wells; this is in fact not the truth. Molfoid's Pond is a controlled Water Elemental Gate, created purposely by the mage of the tower nearby. Stodos well is also an elemental gate, yet of much older origin and created as the first memory of the Stodos Grand Massacre of 445AC, for why the Stodos monument is created in 945AC, exactly 500 years later. The Pool of Absence is also assumed to be an elemental water gate due its clarity and faint salicity, and that the origin is the adjacent tower. The tower is however closed by unknown wards and the responsible mage is lost, maybe in the Plane of Water. The last peculiar source of water that is not a well, it the Leaking Tap. In Glantri City we have an excellent fire-extingishing brigade. They work with a city spread system of small dimensional doors, of which one is attached to a nearby source of water (nearly always the river), and the other end to a tap able to split this end to become attached to Fire-flushing rods of the Drippin' Noses(Flying Glantrian Firefighting Company). However, this particular tap has been exposed to a Beholder Antimagic ray, and before the monstrosity could be defeated, rust had set in, and since them river water pours out gently and runs back to the river."
(DM; see more on this system in the GSM page188 -2Grd25 , underground cisterns attached to the river give access to a 20 headed nozzle, can be found at several towers, military and private, and even several gravel road splits. The nozzle is mostly locked to prevent tampering).![]()
"You will find many Dimensional doorways over the city, yet unlike those in the great School of Magic they are similar to the normal Dimension door spell, being permanent with an extended range and only one entry and one exit."
(Here from the park to the entry hall of some Inn)
"These are after the Day of Dread all recast by the students of the GSM when able to cast the spell. Keep in mind, exiting on a convenient location is not guaranteed, and one can end is a so-called "joke" ending location. Most of these locations however are seriously convenient, and when known cheaper and safer than a Teleport spell".
(DM; range of these Dimensional Doorways is similar to the Dimension Door spell, permanent however and limited to within the city, and are between two locations between 30 and 360 feet away from each other (1 to 12 hexes on this map). These cannot end in solid matter (underwater is possible, and water will not leak through even if used), nor higher or lower than 15' above or below the ground level. If a Dimensional Doorway is blocked, it can be sensed at the entry end. These doorways are permanent until dispelled (always at days of Dread similar to continual light spells. Government Offices, Silver and higher Taverns & Inns, Gambling Houses have these Dimensional Doors leading elsewhere in the city. Contra dictionary to most common thoughts, mage towers do not have such doors, yet they may exist close by. Keep in mind that these doors will resemble a common door instead a magical air opening. However Joke endings do end in an air opening and close directly after passing.).Between the gravel roads and gulley (mud) streets you have the many alleyways.
These 2' to 6' wide passages between the buildings and often underneath their first floors are where the locals find shortcuts to get from A to B, or get out of the way of the constabulary when doing crime. These areas are often used by the Thieves and Beggars guild, and there eyes are everywhere. As these alleyways bend and twist and connect to all other streets, where more alleyways are found, one can understand their use by many. Keep in mind however, they are often obstructed with a tenant adjoining these transporting stuff or animals through these cramped, and dark alleyways. Alleyways are unlit, although some light from houses and shops attached can shed ample light over a small area if no curtains or window blinds are used, then it will reveal a shady light at best at 5' range. Even at daylight these alleys are shady and seem to loom over you. Light sources have to be carried. Keep in mind torches are forbidden in the city due fire hazard and there is magical fire detection active, especially after the fire at the area around a Temple of Rad in the east in 998AC"![]()
"I spoke of the wells. Here most people get the water they require to drink or use. "
Here the SW end of the Verstaeyen Well.
"Even though some are the result of Elemental magic, most of these are geological occurrences where water is pushed up from the ground by various means according to my Professor vander Klil, master in geology and geomancy. The water at these exit locations is always clear and fresh, and free for all to use---as long you carry your own bucket or waterskin(s). The waters arising from Percolating Park are of a strange yet tasteful bubbly quality, and in fact very healthy, although some dislike these for their metallic contents (the most southern well has a high silver content, which makes lycanthrope imbibers nauseous). The bubbly quality of these waters is gone when flowing into the mud streets. Along these wells trees and bushes flourish making the city more friendly and livable. These parks are mostly sought out by potential lovers, and used often as a secretive meeting ground. Beware however, in the darker areas ladies and men are available for money and these often have the weirdest venereal diseases. Names as Tuna, The Itch, and Acidic Secretion speak to mind. So be safe. Glantri had no clerics until the Alphatian war in 1010AC, and even still many afflictions cannot be cured by the poor and unlucky."
DM note; these diseases and other can be found on page 12 of diseases and healing"We have two graveyards in the city. The ancient one in the east in the midst of some rocks, and the Ruins south is dating from before the Plague years and is crammed with graves in every nook and cranny. There is a Black pudding pit for those not being able to pay a grave, yet even this gave no solace to the ongoing accumulating deaths over the years. It is funny to go there as the Ghoul grave keeper is actually a clumsy yet friendly fellow (due the belt of alignment change and copious amounts of corpses available), do not forget to give him his had back as you shake hands the first time. The bleak area in the west behind the 10 feet stone wall is the Grand Cemitiere...aka the Great Graveyard. More than 2000 individual graves are here, and over 80 minor tombs or urn tombs. Both the buried by fire and by earth are interred here, although most Flaems prefer internment in urns at home (or strewn on their family grounds). By fire is done mostly by the Flaems and prevents most undead forms to arise (except incorporeal), the buried however can (and will) be animated by the Necromancers of the city or used as a source for components. The wall is the sole means to prevent the semi-sentient Ghouls, Ghasts, and Wights, to leave the area and feast on the population. Zombies and skeletons however are always animated and are mostly commanded to do menial tasks. So even if rare, it is possible to encounter these on the streets. Don't be afraid, unless attacked, the Glantrian Bureaucracy prevents a lethal programming without reason. Ghouls, Ghasts, Wights and Spectres are a reproductive undead, and hence the graveyard is closed during dark hours (including dark clouded skies). Spectres, Ghosts are able to circumvent the wall yet rarely do. Daylight (even if clouded) prevents them to go out of their tombs and they are sentient enough to know they need to be back before this happens, so they rarely roam far. With the recent licensing of a limited amount of clerics free-roaming dangerous Undead are no longer a danger but a nuisance...that, beside healing is the rare good things clerics are able to do."
"The Graveyard has a bell that rings 13 times until the gates close. If still inside you will be on your own. And it is not only the Undead which endanger the area, Grave Robbers and Necromancers do not like competition, or possible betrayers of their acts. Within are a Crematorium and Disectionium releasing the pressure of space, as urns and pat require less, and it enables necromancers to get components."
DM; Wandering Monsters 5% chance per hour in the Ancient Graveyard and 13% in the Grand Graveyard (This doubles when the city is covered in the Shell of Darkness); 01-40 Ghoul, 41-50 Ghast, 51-65 Wight, 66-70 Spectre, 71-77 Ghost(any), 78-85 Haunt(any), 86-90 Grave robbers, 91-94 Necromancer, 95-99 Vampire/Nosferatu 00 Other(only that night)"Spread out over the city you will find many towers, mostly owned by experienced students of lower than upper class students, like me".
"Keep in mind that disturbing a mage in experiments is a crime when it results in major mishap. Best is to leave a note with a set date, where to find you, and why you need the mage. Most mages will check their mailboxes on convenient times.
The Ruins in the east are said to be from a castle owned by the legendary Thelvyn Foxeyes from the Dragon Wars. Yet no proof of this is ever given. As the ruins are searched through many times by many, every secret has been recovered both physical and those not, and actually nothing proves the statement. That said it is nice to hold this memory. It is now a training area for students with spell training as dictated by the teacher. Opponents and barriers must be defeated to succeed in the given task. I have been there twice, and the most intricate part is the revolving dungeon floors and the Tessarect below. Tessarect? Yes don't bother; it will take you a few years of study before you have to do that test..." Greenbrier grins"For entertaining we also have a the Stadio Communale ballgames or my beloved Boulder Rugby Arena and except in winter regular games of boulder rugby or boulder target are played. My Favorite team is the Glantrian Anklebreakers in bright red and pink striped garb, often gaming against the other local Team Karel Hardfoot dressed in yellow and blue. Of course all the major Glantrian cities have a team, and even some minor settlements have one. During the finals before winter fans are really excited. Onlookers from the encircling hills look down in the artificial petrified hill depression for a minor fee of 2sp. However late viewers often seep in illegally, and nearby houses often have an open unrestricted view. That said you can always look the game using the common Crystal Balls.
DM; Boulder Rugby is a brutal game of wits and strength played in arenas all over Glantri and best detailed in the Push spell on page 420 of the GSM in Detail book.
"Boulder Rugby or Boulder Target players are not required to have any licenses for the spell used, or undertaking the game. The income they generate however by onlookers, and selling beverages goes 25% to the city cashiers due taxation rules. Any accidents must be treated on own accord. Gamers can often make a nice living on their share of the income generated, and many locals advance in the poll to obtain a license to sell their wares during the games. Scarves in the color scheme of your team are most sold (and easily made by sheep wool). Some other fan wares are woodcut replicas of gamers, food and drinks.
When no games are played many duels (licensed) by other means than magic are fought here; ranging from boxing, wresting, swordslinging, and even marksmanship. These however are all illegal without a license, and even the viewing of these requires a license, so when guards appear (or afraid off), people walk around without looking at it.""Then nearby is the City Park, originally named Rad's Garden created in 973AC, yet people became irritated of yet another location bearing his name, as if he owned everything. To suppress negativity the name was changed in 988AC to City Park. It is a light forest hill with some fake ruins and flower gardens along the pathways. Many lovers find each other here".
The Faux Folie (mock) castle in the Park
"The paths through the park are also the borders between the various regions in the Park.
The Rosary is truly awesome and many rare rose species can be found here, including the dangerous Vampire rose which often catches a pour unknown victim(mostly animal, rarely human) the Faux ruins within are overgrown with the many roses and the combination of stone and plants is really wonder some to behold.
Faux Castle is a miniaturized castle for the kids to play. There is even a faux Dragon that can puff balls of smoke and gives of an eerie glowing light in eyes and mouth at night.
Temple of Ridicule is actually the only actual ruin that was created prior to the Flaems coming to Glantri, and was used by the Thyatians. Some say it was a temple to a Patron of Love, others to Motherhood, while the destroyed statuette clearly reveals the lies even such a statue holds...it bears a weapon...ever seen a mother patron of love bearing a weapon...I did not, so ...get rid of it. Long desecrated by the Glantrian Raids over time, it has now become a place of Laughter and Theatre, were Clericism is mocked and ridiculed. Some truly wondrous actors performed here and made many people laugh do strong they wept tears.
The Dead Treant is also real, yet a bit sad too. This Treant was captured in 981AC and forced to tend the park. We still do not understand why the Treant became slow and apparently sad, and not even why it perished in 995AC. Its dead husk is now used to pin notes for others to find, often of an indecent nature regarding the act of love....yet rarely identifiable.
The field of lights is awesome to behold at night when the artificial flowers radiate a changing and interactive pattern of lights of variant colors. The Lake within is still named after Rad, and also sheds a pleasant pale moonlight-ish color.
The Flower Field is yet another region where every spring thousands of seeds from all over the Principalities are sown to give a plethephora of colors and scents. In autumn the field is mowed, to prevent it turning brown. There is a Faux Tower north of these fields, yet this is merely a miniaturized tower. Some say however that this tower (15' high) and roughly at 20% of a similar tower of real size is a miniaturized real mage tower, placed here by its offenders. Of course this is all but a fable...or is it?
Park Lake is an area where magic is applied to make a soft pleasant music. The music is changed each month and has a cycle between 4 and 8 hours. Many musicians compete to get their music recorded and played out by the crystals around the lake
The Park Stream encircles the highest location and on itself is a very romantic created location where birds and plants give a pleasant nature like environment. The birds are in aviaries and enclosed during night hours, yet even then many still sing.
Highpoint Tower is a Faux Tower Ruin and functions as a lookout of 40 feet above the trees over most of the park. During Boulder Rugby however the Tower is closed, as many tried to view the game here and some team contesters battled their own fights, damaged the top of the tower, or painted team tags here. Be aware, making a tag here is fined by 5 days of forced park labor.
The last section is the Faux Fungus Forest and is created after tales of adventurers digging deep into the earth. Stone and wooden giant mushrooms mimic their tales, and some humans dressed as humanoids are hired to scare those passing by. When the person recognizes the type of humanoid he or she is treated by a coupon of 25% cheaper foods at the food stands in the park (black Rectangles on map) which are open 50% of the time and different for each stand. One also never knows who has obtained a license and what food is sold. So even that is a nice surprise.
The Park is a pleasant area to reduce stress"."In the northeast is the Poor quarter and this part of the city is mostly only to be reached by the alleyways. It is almost a maze, and as upcoming students you will most probably have your first home here (unless you are wealthy of course). Be certain, you will get lost here often. Many buildings are in a decrepit state, the alleys are dirty, muddy and the stench is breathtaking. There are almost no stone houses, most are wood, straw/clay covered or half-timbered houses at best, and often build over one another and the alleyways."
Greenbrier slowly gestures the group out of the illusionary chamber towards the entry.
"So I hope I was a good guide for you all. I see several new students to our Great school of Magic. If you enter the Rooster Dormitory, then we will meet more often than you probably expected. For all others be welcome in Glantri City, and take head keep all necessary licenses on your body at all times...getting them stolen is a misdemeanor to you. See'yall...Bye bye."
Greenbrier gently pushes you out of his hallway, out of the tower.
The wooden door closes and you hear steps going up and those capable of hearing above average even hear the last words;
“and now lets see what my divining probed from these..."This map is made using the same scale as canon, yet referring to hex scale. This resulted in the usage of 30 feet hexes (aka 10 yard or 9.14 meter hexes). This is important to know, especially in reference of walking distances/time, maximum location distances by Dimensional Doors (360feet) and ranges of missiles/spells used.
If you reflect this scale to the roads and alleys you will find alleys which are very narrow between 2 and 6 feet. That is correct, and no flaw.
This map is an expansion of the canon Glantri City map as revealed in Gazetteer 3 Principalities of Glantri, and the AD&D2 Box Glantri Kingdom of Magic. It also includes the expansion create by Micky, and all canon references Micky and I found. The rest is my creation, oaf which sources can be found in the Great School of Magic PDF.
I created this map with the extensive help and input of our Micky and some others.Micky seems suddenly be absent or Real Life very busy since 5th January, while I awaited his continued help/input. I truly hope he is safe and healthy. Becoming more and more restless while waiting I decided to continue, and impose any possible reactions later.
That may mean that the map will be updated when he returns, and delivers input requiring changes.In the meanwhile enjoy our collaboration thusfar.
The Flavor text above is created by me.Btw; Micky has been very busy detailing military and other interesting information on the city, which I hope he will release soon.
The Mage Greenbrier of the town of Baijiatan of the Province of Bramyra, is currently (1010AC) a higher 37 year old student of the GSM, lost both parents in a conflict with Ethengarians at the relative young age of 16, thus fortuned by both a large inheritance and some Dungeoneering, has established a tower in the Suburbs of Glantri City. Due these riches and native origin this student could enlist the School of Magic at the age of 17 (only 3 months after the bad period, and find a temporary home in the Great School of Magic in the Rooster Dormitory, due the interest in Divination and Exploration. The abovementioned spell now displays whole of the city of Glantri, yet before this is decreased by 10% for each year as it took him this long to collect Crystal Ball shards, and expand the illusion. And yes he has a license to do so, and actually is regularly visited by officials for a significant fee to use the illusion. These however are unaware of the Clairaudience/Dreamspeech/ESP additional effects, which is kept secret to them by Greenbrier. He has taught this spell only to a few relatives and friends, and even they are unaware of this secondary effect.
A curious "cat" so to say. After seven years of study the character (now about 25) had sufficient funds (and licenses--herein lies the time and catch) to erect a high wooden tower in the Northern Suburbs of Northern Glantri City 998AC.Greenbrier is based on the person with this alias here on Piazza. and first came to notice here; He agreed to my creation of this character as such.
Greenbrier's permanent Illusionary cartography
Created 999AC by Greenbrier
3rd Level Mage spell(after Radiance destruction 4th)
Range; 10 yard(30 feet)
Duration; Permanent until subjected to strong winds or Dispel magic
Effect; 1 foot illusion per 30 feet of original area or less per successful intelligence check point.
Components; Verbal & Somatic and Mental components, +5cn of Broken Crystal Ball shards or 10cn of any other crystal shards per casting of the spell
Casting Time; 1 Turn
Legally sold at the Arcanium for 6000Gp or per highest Bid on actions of the Arcanium.(it is one of the legalized profits of the mage Greenbrier)
Description; This spell uses the natural magic emanating from crystals, combined with the magic inferred onto them if using broken crystal ball shards. (keep in mind a crystal bal, explodes in a 10' radius for 1d8 damage per inch over 3 inch diameter if destroyed by any means). The Shrapnel has to be collected and provides as much cn of shards as the crystal ball weighed originally (mostly 10, but can be more; see Celos Liqistea).
The caster uses any crystal ball or other viewing device while beginning to cast the spell to view an area. By concentration he/she zooms out to encompass an as large as possible area he/she can mentally catch. The caster must roll a successful intelligence check and the amount of success decides how large the area to be realized becomes, which is a foot illusion per 30 feet of original area or less per successful intelligence check point.
The shrapnel further grained in a obsidian vise to become a fine dust before casting this spell, is blown over the area to be affected. While the dust slowly settles the final phase of the spell is cast. All the area the caster successfully memorized is created as a miniaturized illusionary version. The illusion is permanent until exposed to strong winds (or well used brooms or similar) blowing away the crystalline dust settled on the area, or a Dispel magic or Antimagical effect. Remember a dispel magic dispels only 10 cubic feet and not the whole illusion. Any full coverage will only suppress the magic, except mud, and sand which when removed will also remove the crystal dust.
Later castings of this spell can be cast to increase the yield of the map.
Carefully walking through the map is possible without disrupting the magic.
The illusion can be suppressed and reactivated at will by a simple vocal and somatic component or recasting the spell once for the whole illusion. When suppressed it can't be dispelled by any means, even wind. As long as at least 1 casting amount of dust can be used or added all the dust will physically recombine anew in the affected area. The area the illusion is created must be part of the map and is mostly used as the centre.
When activated, the caster only can view the area as in Real Time due personal mental illusions added, however, darkness and coverage like roofs can't be viewed through and natural vision ranges apply. so if there is fog with a 25' visibility, the caster can't see more than a 25' radius area while scanning the illusion (which is in this case less than a single hex).
This spell is mostly used by wizards to view their surroundings and/or view agents doing their given task, and nearby others can view this real time movement of the illusion if activated.
Secondary effect; When the caster is using a Clairaudience or Dreamspeech, or ESP spell or effect(only one of these can be used at the same time) in combination with casting this spell the viewed area can even be listened upon for the duration of the Clairaudience effect. This will not be able by any other than the original caster. No spells can be cast through the illusion to affect the real area/person. However a protection from scrying effect removes the person from the illusion as if he/she is not there. The illusion is visually so detailed that Teleportation or scrying with another device or spell is possible without any chance of error as long as studied for at least 30-intelligence of the user in rounds.1; all structures under construction are bare ground, grass or unused.
This map is placed in 1010AC, and there are Major Differences between 1000AC and 1010AC, listed here
2; The Firefighter company has no access to Fireflushing rods, fly spells and only several wagons with large barrels of water with a manual pump system.
3; Only the finished stone buildings (except those on the Promenade) do exist and only a few of the wooden buildings.
4; The Crystal Growth outside the city does not exist as of yet.
5; Greenbrier(now 27) has just last year discovered his awesome spell yet as of yet has only managed to build a few buildings (His favorite Pub, The Dimensional Doorways he preferred, the house of the Girl he fancies, his favorite merchant, etc). He is still a lower level student with only some adventuring experience beside studying. This will increase in the following years
6; the Burned temple is still intact.
7 The mud river from the Leaking Tap, is a gravel road without water, the same applies for the Molfoid's Pond and Pool of Absence. in order of activation 1010AC, 1002AC, 1007AC.
8; 50% of all dimensional doorways lead to different (unknown) locations (mostly because other students created them)
9;20% chance a house will have another owner/user in 1000AC then 1010AC due the war of 1004-1009AC.The next table is for the DM to number hexes and easily place decided locations on the map.
This can be done in a printed version or in Paint. Keep in mind that this is a personal choice, and I did not incorporate these leaving this for you to do.
Keep limiting factors given here in check when using your ideas
City Distribution table
11-20;Commoner's Home (works elsewhere)
21-30;Rent Home (GSM student, Foreigner, visitor) rent between for a chamber, and for a full house
33;Embalmer (close to any graveyard)
36;Furrier(Close to any graveyard)
37;Gambling House, also Brothel
39;Government Office
40;Jeweler (stone building only)
45;Incense vendor
46;Oil vendor
47;Wagonmaker (close to main road)
48;Fruit/vegetable vendor
49;Meat Vendor (fresh and salted or dried)
51;Candy/Sweets vendor
52;Toy vendor
53;Livestock vendor
54;Novelties vendor
55;Fish vendor
58;Slaves (has prison basement)
60;Monster Handler (has prison basement)
61;Moneylender (stone building only)
62;Netmaker (close to the river)
63;Offficial's Home
65;Ropemaker (always a slim but long building)
67;Sailmaker (close to the river)
68;General skill school for youngsters (adults must find a craftsmen willing and able)
70;BlackSmith (Always A Stone chimney)
71;Stable (close to main road)
72;Soapmaker(close to graveyard)
75;Tavern Copper
76;Tavern Silver
77;Inn Copper
78;Inn Silver
79;Butcher (only kills and dismembers the animals and sells these to meat vendors)
80;Horse (mounts) trader
81;Wharehouse (leather/Cloth)
83;warehouse (river vessel supplies)
84;warehouse(common goods)
85;Warehouse (weapons & Armor)
86;Warehouse (wine& Beer)
87;Warehouse (Spices)
88;Warehouse (trade goods)
89;warehouse (Deserted)
90;warehouse (spell components)
91;Warehouse (false front secret society, smugglers, beggars guild, thieves guild, gambling hall)
94;Wheelwright (only close to road)
97;Components vendor
98;Magical potions vendor
99;Magical scrolls vendor
100;Magical items(mostly rods, staves, wands) vendorGlantri City has a B rating for trade, -4 on Monsters, -6 on Pottery, +3 on Glassware, -1 on Books, -3 on Rare books, +1 on Zzonga, +4 on Tobacco according canon (visible in excel table here For general prices and haggling use these modifiers as described on page 8, and use haggling and bargaining as on page 9 and 10 and adjust standard prices as what can be bought gives by these ratings.
For city encounters of which (depending on the capabilities of the DM of course) can lead to many small adventures, in-betweens or even parts/starts of a campaign are found in this FREE download on DrivethruRPG
Many of these are easily placed in Glantri city and its suburbs without too much hassle.BECMI D&D Gazetteer 3 Principalities of Glantri can be bought here if you do not have it.
AD&D2 Glantri Kingdom of Magic can be bought here if you do not have it.Great School of Magic is my own compilation creation regarding the GSM in central city of which many aspects are used also in creating this map and is found FREE here
I added labbels, including the Tower of Micky the Mage.
I have added one defensive attribute. in the North; the one-way wall. This magical defense is actually a sort of Shiled/Protection ffrom Normal missiles forcefield which can be activated in the Northern Keep. When bowmen are behind this (extensively costly Item) they can see and shoot missiles through the wall toweards their targets, yet they themselves can't be targeted by non magical missiles.
The wall is the redbrown line Left of the keep and road, and if down is only 3 feet high and non magical, and can be passed both ways. If up (and this costs a total of 24 spell levels from any spell infused in the central activator in the Keep--similar like the flying apparatus of Serraine)it remains up for 24 hours and can only be seen through from east to west and any missiles as if the wallwas not there. While opponents can only return fire using magical missiles at a -6 to hit (target can't be seen or heard) or through the few passages of 2' wide. the wall is 15' high and curves 15% degrees backwards, also protecting the soldiers behind from missiles targeted over the wall.I have placed the Granaries; Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oat, and even some with Gries, and Rice. These are stocked through the wider opening and locals buy a sack (10LBS for 5sp, or 50LBS for 22Sp) at the smaller door on the otherside.
And when decided to be finished I will redraw all the creeks due the dispicable color fading what Paint does in huge maps like these, and each save worsens this. So I adjust that with the last changes and save.
The defensive Pools on the north are great, yet did not as of yet conform with the flow and relief patterns of the citysuburbs . So I have to readjust that section a bit. Now the road there has steep sides going into the lakes.
And a last point, I am pondering on adding the drippin' noses nozzles spread over the cities, as well as the well known permanent Dimensional doors (ok semi-permanent as they have to be recast as the many Continual Light spells, Dimension Doors, and even Floating Disc spells used in the city)
I got a question on the standing and falling pillars of which one is visible on a towerof the inner city walls north, and the rest elsewhere.
Both are remnants of the Radiance Line as suggested by Sturm of the 3050 BC Blackmoor Colony. The one mentioned on the tower is actually within--the ttower is build around it. Theone on the market is a remnant of just 40' tall. the rest is probably used elsewhere or sank over millenia into the ground. Others are fully fallen and are only large stone remnants with no significance to the population other than they are very old. More on the Randiance Line can be found in my GSM PDF.I want to thank Micky for his cooperation, creation and guidance, Greenbrier for his nice and freaky inspirations he triggered in me and all the other fans over the years which I compiled ideas from.
Make Mystara alive.
Live life, love and have fun.