Basics of the Radiance
by WingofCoot from Threshold Magazine issue 35Converting the Radiance of Gazetteer 3 The Principalities of Glantri for D&D 5E1
Access to the Radiance: To access the Radiance, a character must be an arcane spellcaster (bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard); must be a noble of Glantri; must have discovered the existence of the Radiance; and must construct a Radiance Focus.
Image: Wizards and Radiance
https://pandius.com/WizardsandRadiance.jpgThe Order of Radiance: The secret influence of the Immortal Rad and the Brotherhood of the Radiance has shaped the Glantrian nobility system. Glantrian nobles’ dominion locations are assigned according to “the Order of Radiance,” with the highest-ranked nobles nearest to the capital (and source of the Radiance). This is because the nearer a Radiance Focus is placed to the capital, the more Radiance power it can draw. Except for the Princes of Glantri, a member of the Brotherhood can only place their Focus within their own dominion.
The minimum distances from Glantri City are:
Baron – 180 miles
Viscount – 120 miles
Count – 80 miles
Marquis – 50 miles
Duke – 40 miles
Archduke – 30 miles
Radiance Bonus: Some Radiance spells use a Radiance Bonus. This is determined according to the Order of Radiance, based on the nearness of the Brother’s Radiance Focus to the source: +1 for Baron or Viscount, +2 for Count or Marquis, +3 for Duke or Archduke, +4 for Prince.
Radiance Corruption: There are three forms of harm from exposure to the Radiance: radiant damage, temporary Radiance Sickness, and permanent Radiance Withering. All can result in the transformation of a person into a horrible undead-like, yet not truly undead, monstrosity.
Some Radiance effects cause radiant damage; any humanoid killed by radiant damage from a Radiance-associated source rises as a lightning zombie.
Radiance Sickness can be caused by exposure to external Radiance energy, such as that found around certain ancient artifacts or evoked by the wasting cloud or discharge spells. Radiance Sickness simply inflicts the poisoned condition, but any humanoid that dies while poisoned from this source rises as a lightning zombie.
Radiance Withering can only be caused by personal overuse of the most powerful Radiance magic. It is permanent and cannot be healed by any magic less than Immortal-level. Whenever a Radiance spell of 8th or 9th level is cast, roll a d20: on a 1, one point of Radiance Withering is received. (Overuse of the retain power spell can also cause Radiance Withering: see the spell entry below.) A character suffering from at least one point of Radiance Withering has disadvantage on any ability check or saving throw that uses Strength or Dexterity.
Like failed death saves, track the number of Radiance Withering results: at 6 points of Radiance Withering, a character becomes a twisted, undead-like creature. If the character is able to cast 9th-level arcane spells, this is a Radiance lich; otherwise it is a lightning zombie.
Image: Lightning Zombie
https://pandius.com/LightningZombie2.jpgRadiance Monstrosities: A lightning zombie is identical to a standard zombie except that its type is monstrosity, not undead. A Radiance lich is identical to a standard lich except that its type is monstrosity, not undead, and it has no phylactery.
Standard Spells Granted by the Radiance: In addition to the Radiance-only spells, a Brother of the Radiance also adds the sunbeam, sunburst, and sickening radiance (from Xanathar’s Guide) spells to their class’s spell list, if they are not already on it.
Shamans of Rafiel access the Radiance in a more limited, but safer, way. They may be either clerics of Rafiel or arcane spellcasters (bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard), and must learn the Way of Rafiel (presumably from the existing Shamans). They must possess a Soul Crystal (see the New Magic Items section) to use the Radiance.
They add the sunbeam, sunburst, sickening radiance, call upon Radiance, and retain power spells to their spell list.
Changes After the Wrath of the Immortals: Since the Brotherhood is no longer aided by the Immortal Rad, it is now possible for non-nobles, or foreign agents in Glantri, to use the Radiance if they meet the other criteria (arcane spellcaster capable of 5th-level spells, discover its existence, build a Radiance Focus). The Radiance Bonus received by such “rogue” Radiance users will be based only on the location of their Radiance Focus, not their (non-existent) nobility rank, as follows:
+1 bonus: More than 120 miles
+2 bonus: 50 to 120 miles
+3 bonus: 30 to 50 miles
+4 bonus: Less than 30 miles
The Nucleus of the Spheres now draws from Entropy, not Energy. Therefore, Radiance liches and lightning zombies created after this time are true undead creatures (those which already exist do not change to undead). Undead Radiance liches still have no phylactery.New Spells
Spells marked with RF under Components require the use of a Radiance Focus (see the New Magic Items section). This is similar to a material component or arcane focus, except that (as the Radiance Focus is too large to be held like a normal focus) the Radiance Focus must merely be within 30 feet of the caster for the spell to be cast. These spells can only be used within 500 miles of Glantri City.
Spells marked with R under Components require the caster to be attuned to a Radiance Focus, but the Focus need not be nearby.
Call Upon Radiance5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, RF
Duration: 1 round/level
This spell imbues you with a brief, temporary burst of Radiance energy. While this spell is in effect, you add your Radiance Bonus to spell attack rolls and your spell save DCs. If you cast a spell that deals dice of damage, you can re-roll a number of dice equal to your Radiance Bonus, but you must take the re-rolls even if they are lower.
At Higher Levels: If a 6th- or higher-level spell slot is used, this spell may be cast at any distance from the Radiance Focus; its Components entry becomes “V, S, R.”
Conversion Note: Since the only difference between Summon Radiance and Call Upon Radiance is the need to be close to the receptacle, the 5E upcasting mechanic allows combining them into one spell.Wasting Cloud
5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 200 ft.
Area of Effect: 20-ft.-radius sphere
Components: V, S, R
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of Radiance-infused smoke centered on a point you choose within range. The smoke spreads around corners. It lasts for the duration; wind cannot disperse this smoke. Its area is heavily obscured.When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature which fails this save gains the poisoned condition (Radiance Sickness). Any humanoid that dies while poisoned in this way rises as a lightning zombie, which is not under your control. The smoke moves 10 feet away from you at the start of each of your turns, rolling along the surface of the ground. Being heavier than air, the smoke sinks to the lowest level of the land, even pouring down openings.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the radius of the fog increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 5th.
Negate Magic
5th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 240 ft.
Components: V, S, R
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell acts like dispel magic cast with a 5th-level spell slot, except that you have advantage on the check to dispel spells of 6th level or higher, and it can dispel certain Radiance-based spells such as retain power.
At Higher Levels. As with dispel magic, when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.Image: Radiance weapon
Imbue Radiance Weapon6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, R
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
A nonmagical weapon you touch becomes a magic weapon. For the duration, the weapon has a +2 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage when it hits. This spell cannot be dispelled except by negate magic.Retain Power
7th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, RF
Duration: Until used
This spell imbues you with a lasting charge of Radiance energy. You begin to shine with blue light, casting bright light in a 30-ft. radius and dim light in a further 30-ft. radius beyond that. You also gain your Radiance Bonus on saving throws you make against spells (including spells cast from magic items, such as a fireball from a wand of fireballs).
The real use of this stored power, however, is to bend fate in your favor. When you make an attack roll, saving throw, or ability/skill check, you can choose to gain advantage on that roll. This ends the spell. This spell cannot be dispelled except by negate magic.
You may have multiple retain power spells active. Two or three may be combined safely, but if more than three spells are active at once, you must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + number of spells active) or suffer Radiance Withering.
Conversion Note: This spell has been, essentially, combined with the control destiny spell, since the original retain power spell doesn’t really do anything except make you glow except in combination with control destiny or discharge, which doesn’t really fit how 5E spells work.Discharge
8th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 500 ft.
Components: V, S, R
Duration: Instantaneous
You choose a target within range: a creature or an object. This spell automatically destroys a Large or smaller non magical object, blasting it to tiny shards. A creation of magical force (such as a wall of force or forcecage) is automatically destroyed by this spell also. If the target is a Huge or larger object, such as a castle wall, the spell blasts a 20-foot-cube breach (hole) into it. A magic item is unaffected by this spell.If the target is a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 12d6 radiant damage and suffers Radiance Sickness on a failed save, or takes half as much damage (and doesn’t suffer Radiance Sickness) on a successful one. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving throw.
Conversion Note: This spell is a lot less like fireball than it used to be. I leaned into the “siege” aspects of the spell—it can be cast against creatures (following 5E precedent with things like shatter and the horn of blasting), but it’s not best used that way. This is really for blowing breaches into castle walls, sinking ships, etc.; for that purpose, its range being vastly better than disintegrate and the larger breach more than justifies its 8th level.
Ray of Radiance Absorption
9th-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 ft.
Components: V, S, R
Duration: 24 hours
You target one creature within range. Any spell on that creature ends as if dispelled by dispel magic, and the creature must make a Charisma saving throw. If the save fails, the creature can’t cast spells or activate magic items, and any magical items held or worn by that creature have their properties and powers suppressed (for example, a longsword +1 functions as a nonmagical longsword for the duration). If the creature was summoned or created by magic, it temporarily winks out of existence, then instantly reappears once the spell ends.
This spell cannot be dispelled by dispel magic, though negate magic (or a wish) can end the effect.
New Magic Items
The Nucleus of the SpheresArtifact
This artifact has no random powers or random side effects. Its only power is serving as the source of the Radiance; its side effects are a deadly field of Radiance energy and (before the events of Wrath of the Immortals) a slow drain of magic from the world of Mystara.
Source of Radiance. Radiance Foci, and spells with RF components, can only be used within 500 miles of the Nucleus of the Spheres. The power weakens with distance; the maximum possible Radiance Bonus that can be applied to Radiance spells is +4 within 30 miles of the Nucleus, +3 from 30 to 50 miles’ distance, +2 from 50 to 120 miles’ distance, and +1 beyond 120 miles’ distance. This artifact is far too large to move, the size of a large building, and is permanently located in a cavern (with no existing entrance) 10,000 feet under Glantri City.
Deadly Field. Any creature in the cavern of the Nucleus of the Spheres must make a DC 15 Constitution save each round or suffer 12d10 radiant damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage becomes a lightning zombie.
In addition, a creature which fails any of these saves suffers an extreme form of Radiance Sickness. While affected, the creature is poisoned, and this poisoned condition cannot be removed by normal means such as Lay on Hands, lesser restoration, or protection from poison. Only a heroes’ feast, wish, or other spell of 6th level or higher which removes the poisoned condition will work.Radiance Focus
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by its maker)
This large crystal is set into a complex apparatus of precious and other metals. The entire apparatus is the size of a small table and weighs 400 lb.
A Radiance Focus is used to communicate with other Brothers of the Radiance, similarly to a sending stone except that each Focus is linked to all other existing Radiance Foci, rather than just one other. This ability works only if within 500 miles of Glantri City.
In addition, a Focus is needed to use spells with R or RF components.Each Focus must be constructed by the prospective Brother of the Radiance personally, as only its maker can attune to a Focus. Creating a Focus can only be done by an arcane spellcaster (bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard); requires a large, fine crystal; costs 10,000 gp (for the crystal and other supplies); and requires 3 months of work.
Image: Soul Crystal
https://pandius.com/SoulCrystal1.jpgSoul Crystal
Wondrous item, uncommon, rare, or very rare
A soul crystal is a mysterious crystal found deep beneath the surface in the Shadow Elves’ Territories, which contains a measure of Radiance energy. A soul crystal can be used in place of a Radiance Focus to cast a spell with an “RF” component (though not spells with “R” component). Spells cast this way have a Radiance Bonus of +1 for an uncommon crystal, +2 for a rare crystal, or +3 for a very rare crystal; Glantrian nobility rank is irrelevant. This cannot be combined with the Radiance Bonus based on nobility rank/Radiance Focus location; a Radiance spell must be cast using either a soul crystal or a Radiance Focus, never both.
The Brotherhood of the Radiance (and even the Immortal Rad, at least as of AC 1000) is unaware of soul crystals.Sidebar: Where is Transcend Life Force?
I feel like the original transcend life force spell isn’t really best handled in 5E as a simple spell. It’s more a series of quests, given all the steps required to get to that point. GAZ3 says that “a PC will never discover this spell if an Immortal of the Sphere of Energy does not wish so. If an Immortal is favorable to a PC, he may send him dreams about the spell and what it does. Only at this time can a PC start researching this spell. The caster must be obedient to the philosophy of energy”—so it’s basically an alternate form of questing for Immortality, and likely should use those mechanics (deserving a separate article).
The 500-mile range to use Radiance spells comes from Robin’s work here: http://pandius.com/radusage.html
The imbue radiance weapon and negate magic spells derive from Rodger Burns’s 3.5e conversion here: http://pandius.com/35radmag.html
The ray of radiance absorption spell is found on the Vaults of Pandius both here by Michael Berry http://pandius.com/radabs.html and here by Rob http://pandius.com/radspell.html—not sure who the original inventor was.
Other inspiration came from John Calvin’s 3.5e conversion here: http://pandius.com/radnce.html
1GAZ3 The Principalities of Glantri is available here in pdf on DriveThrurpg: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/16975/gaz3-the-principalities-of-glantri-basic D&D Five Edition available in print https://dnd.wizards.com/