Since there seems to be no official ruling on granted spells and powers for priests of Mystaras immortals, I have started pondering and would like to propose the following compilation for discussion:
Spheres for Speciality Priests
by Knud GentzUsed material:
(1) Wrath of the immortals boxed set book one: code of the immortals, Immortals of the known world section. (The immortals described herein are those I have included here)
(2) Players Options: spells and magic: chapter 2( priests), especially the customised player characters section, for an idea on how to assess the special powers.
(3) Forgotten Realms Adventures HC: Gods and their specialty priests section in conjunction with dei_imm.html
(4) Tome of Magic: time spells (see Khoronus). I did not include spells from other tome spheres since they seem to be quite experimental and at least partly covered by some Mystaran specialties (eg travellers sphere vs Mystaran merchant spells).
(5) AD&D 2nd ed Players Handbook (of course)
(6) immortal.html with specpre.html and specpre2.html (which stops after Pearl regrettably and is IMHO not very balanced)
(7) some other minor material found on the web.I mixed all of the above with special attention on the descriptions of the immortals from (1), adjusted a little for status (i.e initiate...hierarch), multiplied by thumb and came up with the following:
The notation is Name Major minor spheres special abilities granted
al-Kalim: All animal charm Combat Creation elemental guardian Healing plant protection sun Weather
Alphaks: All Charm Combat divination elemental Healing (rev only) Necromantic plant (rev) Weather backstab as thief, control undead +2 (to die roll), detect good at will, curse 1/d
Alphatia All animal Charm Creation divination Guardian Healing Necromantic plant Protection sun save +2 vs spells and rod/staff/wand, cast 1 school of wizard spells as if they were clerical spells, no armour, no turning
Asterius All animal Charm Combat creation Divination guardian healing plant protection weather may use thieves weapons, move silently as thief, hide in shadows as thief, cast merchant spells as if they were clerical spells
Atruaghin All Animal Combat Creation divination Elemental (Earth) Guardian Healing necromantic Plant Protection Weather only use Indian weapons, always detect lies
Atzanteotl All Astral Charm Combat Elemental (Earth) Healing Necromantic immune to alignment detection, only use piercing or Inca weapons, command undead, cause light wounds 3/d, detect good at will, cast enchantment/charm spells as if they were cleric spells
Benekander All Astral combat Creation guardian Healing Protection summoning infravision as elves
Calitha All Animal creation Elemental (Water) Guardian Healing necromantic Plant protection water breathing 1/d
Diamond All animal Charm Combat Divination Healing necromantic Protection turn undead at +2
Diulanna All animal Charm Combat Guardian Healing Protection Sun weather only tribal weapons, +1 on personal initiative, endurance bonus proficiency
Djaea All Animal Creation Divination Elemental (Earth air fire water) guardian Healing Necromantic Plant Protection sun weather
Eiryndul All Animal creation Divination Elemental (Earth) healing Plant Sun may use longbow and longsword, learn forest creature languages, detect secret doors as elf
Faunus All Animal Charm Creation Elemental (Earth air fire water) healing Plant Protection sun Weather use only druidical weapons, speak with animal at will, no turning
Frey/Freyja All charm Combat Divination Healing Protection Sun may use swords and daggers, may specialise as fighter
The Great One All Animal Astral Combat Divination Elemental Healing Protection fly 1/d, learn dragon languages, change to half-dragon form 1/d
Halav All charm Combat Guardian Healing Necromantic Protection +2 to hit humanoids, may use swords
Hel All Astral Combat creation divination Elemental Healing (rev) Necromantic Summoning control undead as 3 lvl higher, save at +1 vs death magic
Ilsundal All Animal Creation Divination Guardian Healing Necromantic Plant Protection Sun never surprised
Ixion All animal Creation Divination Elemental (Fire) Healing necromantic Plant Protection Sun cast wizard elemental fire spells as if they were cleric spells, produce flame 2/d, turn undead at +1
Ka All Animal Combat Creation Divination Elemental (Earth) Guardian Healing necromantic Plant protection sun weather infravision
Kagyar All Charm Creation divination Elemental Guardian Healing Protection save at +1 vs spells and rod/staff/wand, may use axes and crossbows, artist bonus proficiency, +1 constitution
Karaash All Combat divination Healing Necromantic protection may use crossbows, str and con bonus as fighter, d10 hit points per level
Khoronus All Astral Creation Divination Guardian Healing Protection Summoning Time (!) +2 on personal initiative, cast spells from sphere of time, casting times reduced by 1, may cast extension1-3, foresight, haste, Mordenkainen's lucubration, permanency, Timestop as priest spells (foresight, permanency and Timestop count as 7th level priest spells)
Korotiku All Charm Combat Creation Divination healing summoning weather hide in shadows as thief, cast illusion spells as if they were priest spells.
Koryis All Charm Divination Guardian Healing Necromantic protection weather protection from evil 1/d, friends 1/d
Loki All Charm combat Creation Divination Elemental (Fire) Summoning find/remove traps as thief, cast illusion spells as if they were priest spells
Masauwu All Charm Creation Divination Healing Necromantic summoning persuasion bonus proficiency, cast enchantment/charm spells as if they were priest spells, undetectable alignment, fast talk bonus proficiency
Mealiden All Animal Astral Combat Creation Guardian Healing Necromantic Plant protection may use bows, blind shooting bonus proficiency
Noumena All Astral combat Divination Elemental healing Sun detect hidden doors as elf, permanent true seeing, cast wizard divination spells as if they were priest spells
Nyx All Combat Creation elemental (rev) Healing (rev) Necromantic (rev) Protection Sun (rev) darkness 1(d*lvl) (max 3), +1 to hit and damage in darkness, cont. darkness 1/d, command undead as 3 lvl higher
Odin All animal Astral Charm Combat Divination Elemental (Air Earth) Guardian Healing protection summoning Weather may use spears, javelins, pikes, may cast find familiar (raven)
Opal All Animal Combat Divination Elemental (Earth Fire) Guardian Healing Necromantic cont. light 1/d, no humans priests, cast polymorph self as if it were a priest spell
Orcus All Combat Elemental Healing (rev) Necromantic (rev) -2 to armour class vs demi-humans, cast invocation spells as if they were priest spells, control undead, str bonus as fighters
Ordana Ordana's Clerics are Druids as describes in the PHB
Pearl All Astral Combat Creation Elemental (Fire earth) Healing necromantic Protection infravision, learn dragon languages
Petra All charm Combat Divination Guardian Healing Necromantic Protection sun +1 strength, leadership bonus proficiency
Pflarr All Combat Creation Divination elemental Guardian Healing Necromantic Protection hear noise as thief
Protius All Animal combat Creation Elemental (Water earth) Healing Necromantic Plant Protection Weather may use trident, swimming movement as land based, cannot drown
Rad All Astral combat Creation Divination Elemental guardian healing necromantic +1 intelligence, +1 wisdom
Rafiel All Astral Charm Creation Divination elemental guardian Healing Necromantic Protection save at +1 vs spells and rod/staff/wand, engineering bonus proficiency
Rathanos All Astral Combat Creation Divination Elemental Guardian Healing Necromantic Sun resist fire 1/d, produce fire 1/d, use wizardly magic items
Razud All Charm combat Creation Divination Guardian Healing Plant Protection summoning Sun Weather +1 wisdom, +1 to personal initiative
Talitha All Charm combat Creation Divination elemental Healing Protection summoning Sun (rev) weather pick pockets as thief, backstab as thief, may use thieves weapons
Tarastia All charm Combat Divination elemental Guardian Healing Necromantic protection summoning may use axes, detect lie at will, detect evil 2/d, d10 hit points per level
Terra All Animal combat Creation Elemental guardian Healing Necromantic Plant Protection sun Weather speak with animals at will, no turning
Thanatos All Astral Charm Combat creation divination Elemental guardian Healing Necromantic Summoning must use scythe as weapon, command undead as 1 lvl higher
Thor All animal Combat Elemental (Water Air fire earth) Guardian Healing necromantic Protection summoning weather may use axes, d10 hit points per level, +1 strength
Valerias All Astral Charm combat Creation Divination elemental Guardian Healing Necromantic Protection Sun locate 1/d, remove fear 1/d, ventriloquism 1/d
Vanya All Combat divination Guardian Healing Necromantic Protection summoning Sun may use swords, daggers, lances, blind fighting bonus proficiency, may specialise as fighters
Zirchev All Animal combat divination Elemental (Earth) guardian Healing Plant protection Sun Weather tracking bonus proficiency, alertness bonus proficiency, may use bows
Note: spells from wizard schools can be cast only up to 7th level, except where noted otherwise. attribute pluses raise an attribute to a max of 18 thief abilities are as per DMG: table 19, thief average ability table, modified for dex, race and armour