Temple of Death
by Travis Laney
d20(tm) System Conversion of:
Module X-5: "Temple of Death"
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To use this document, you will need a copy of the original book (Module X-5: "Temple of Death," by David Cook, (c) 1983 by Random House Inc., ISBN 978-0394531663). If you do not own a hardcopy of this out-of-print book, an ESD of this document can be found at:
Read the original adventure module completely before playing. As you run the module for your gaming group, use all of the descriptions, text, stats, and rules in the original document except as noted below.
Abbreviations Used in this conversion:
PHB: Player's Handbook (Core Rulebook 1)
DMG: Dungeon Master's Guidebook (Core Rulebook 2)
MM: Monster Manual (Core Rulebook 3)
MM2: Monster Manual II
This is a total conversion document. Whenever possible, published and official monsters, traps, spells, and magic items in the D20 System were used to emulate those described in the original module. When a suitable substitution could not be found, elements were created from scratch and placed in the Appendix at the end of the conversion document.
Part 2: The Great Pass
Random Encounters in the Great Pass (pg. 4)
For the bats, use the stats on pg. 268 of the MM.For the black pudding, use the stats on pg. 201 of the MM.
The caecilia is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for complete stats.
For the carrion crawler, use the stats on pg. 30 of the MM.
For the doppelganger, use the stats on pg. 67 of the MM.
The geonids are new monsters; refer to the Appendix for complete stats.
For the stone giant, use the stats on pg. 124 of the MM.
Green slime is described in detail on pg. 76 of the DMG.
For the minotaur, use the stats on pg. 188 of the MM.
For the ochre jelly, use the stats on pg. 202 of the MM.
For the purple worm, use the stats on pg. 211 of the MM.
For the shadow, use the stats on pg. 221 of the MM.
For the shrieker, use the stats on pg. 112 of the MM.
For the troll, use the stats on pg. 247 of the MM.
For the giant weasel, use the stats on pg. 65 of the MM.
Special Tunnel Encounters
Tunnel Encounter A: The Children of the Caves (pg. 5)
For the cave dwellers, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters. These humans are blind, but have the Blindsense special quality (see pg. 291 of the DMG.)The mujina is a new monster; its stats can be found in the Appendix.
The bullroarer knife and chakram are new items; see the Appendix for stats and details.
General Description (pg. 5)
The fungus growing along the sides of the tunnel are all varieties of poisonous striped toadstools (ingested, Fort DC 11, Initial damage: 1 Wisdom; Secondary damage: 2d6 Wisdom + 1d4 Intelligence).The Glowing Passage (pg. 5)
Once the Living Light is removed from a character, lost Strength and Intelligence return at the rate of 1 point per hour. The Living Light is a positive energy effect.Placed Encounters in the Great Pass
Area 1: The Dragon of Woe (pg. 6)
For the fighters, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 2nd level human fighters.For the magic-user, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a 7th level wizard.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ventriloquism" spell is ghost sound. See pg. 235 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "phantasmal force" spell is major image. See pg. 252 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "protection/normal missiles" spell is protection from arrows. See pg. 266 of the PHB.
The wand of fear has 1-50 charges, and a caster level of 7. See pg. 229 of the PHB for the fear spell description.
The Spot DC to notice the dragon as a fake is 15.
Area 2: The Valley of the Roc (pg. 6)
For the gnomes, use the stats on pg. 131 of the MM.The Reflex save DC to avoid being hit by the falling mammoth is 15. The body of the mammoth deals 5d10 points of damage to anyone unlucky enough to be hit by it.
For the roc, use the stats on pg. 215 of the MM.
The Climb DC to scale the cliffs to the roc nest is 15, and one climb check is required for every 10 feet of cliff.
Area 3: The People of the Rocks (pg. 7)
The geonid is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for complete stats.For Focquet, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for an 8th level human fighter.
Area 4: The Palace of Fungi (pg. 7)
The Fortitude save DC to resist the hallucinogenic spores is 14.For the zombies, use the stats on pg. 266 of the MM for human commoner zombies.
For the basilisks, use the stats on pg. 23 of the MM.
The Reflex save DC to leap out of the way of the collapsing floor is 12.
Yellow mold is described in detail on pg. 76 of the DMG.
The dusanu is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for a complete description.
Treat the "potions of healing" as potions of cure moderate wounds, caster level 3.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "medallion of ESP" is a medallion of thoughts, described in detail on pg. 262 of the DMG.
Area 5: The Plain of Horses (pg. 8)
For the centaurs, use the stats on pg. 32 of the MM.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "potion of speed" is a potion of haste, caster level 5.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "infravision" spell is darkvision. See pg. 216 of the PHB.
Area 6: The Valley of the Cyclops (pg. 8)
The cyclopes are new monsters; refer to the Appendix for complete stats.Area 7: The Well of the Moon (pg. 8)
For the red dragon, use the stats on pgs. 75-77 of the MM for a Young Red Dragon (13 HD).The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ESP" spell is detect thoughts. See pg. 220 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "detect invisible" spell is see invisibility. See pg. 275 of the PHB.
Area 8: The Choice (pg. 9)
For the medusas, use the stats on pg. 180 of the MM.The 3.5 Edition of a "wand of trap finding" is a wand of find traps, caster level 3, 1-50 charges.
Area 9: The Great Exit (pg. 9)
The Strength DC to lift the bar is 30.For the cloud giant, use the stats on pg. 120 of the MM.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of an "amulet vs. crystal ball and ESP" is the amulet of proof against detection and location,' described in detail on pg. 247 of the DMG.
For Focquet, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for an 8th level human fighter.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "potion of diminution" is a potion of reduce person, caster level 1.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "scroll of protection from undead" is a scroll of halt undead, caster level 5. See pg. 238 of the PHB for the spell description.
Part 3: Hule
General Description (pg. 10)
The "chaotic gods" that the clerics of the region serve may refer to any Lawful Evil-aligned deity in your pantheon. Alternately, you could use this generic "god" for all of the clerics in the region.Paazu (Greater Deity): Known as the "the Law" and "Bringer of Night," Paazu is the chief deity worshipped by the evil denizens of Hule. He is lawful evil in alignment, and his domains are Darkness, Evil, Law, and Trickery. His favoured weapon is the heavy mace, and his symbol is a silver skull.
Random Encounters in the Great Pass (pg. 4)
For the clerics, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for 2nd - 8th level human clerics.For the commoners, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.
The devil swine is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for complete stats.
For the diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.
For the kobolds, use the stats on pg. 161 of the MM.
For the wererats, use the stats on pgs. 171-173 of the MM.
The mujina is a new monster; see the Appendix for stats and description.
For the prophets, use the stats on pg. 115 of the MM for a 1st level human cleric.
For the soldiers, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human warriors.
For the merchants, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human experts.
For the black bears, use the stats on pg. 269 of the MM.
For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
For the gnolls, use the stats on pg. 130 of the MM.
For the hermits, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.
For the wereboars, use the stats on pgs. 171-172 of the MM.
For the ogres, use the stats on pg. 198 of the MM.
For the orcs, use the stats on pg. 203 of the MM.
For the outlaws, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human fighters.
For the pixies, use the stats on pg. 236 of the MM.
For the trolls, use the stats on pg. 247 of the MM.
Encounters in Magden (pg. 12)
For the guardsmen, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human warriors.Area 1: The Diviners' Court (pg. 12)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st - 4th level human fighters.Area 2: The Temple (pg. 12)
For the clerics, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for 1st-10th level human clerics.Area 3: The Shrine of Hosadus (pg. 12)
No conversion necessary; read the descriptions as given.Area 4: The Hideout (pg. 12)
For Canopa the Boatman, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for a 10th level human rogue. His magical, intelligent sword has the following stats:Base Item: longsword +2; Alignment: Chaotic neutral; Ability Scores: Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 10; Ego: 6; Communication: Empathy; Capabilities: find traps 3/day; detect secret doors 3/day; Senses: 60' vision and hearing; Item Cost: 13,910 gp.
For the thieves, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for 3rd level human rogues.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "scroll of ESP" spell is a scroll of detect thoughts (caster level 3). See pg. 220 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "potion of speed" is a potion of haste (caster level 5.) See pg. 239 of the PHB for the spell description.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "infravision" spell is darkvision (caster level 3.) See pg. 216 of the PHB.
Area 5: Marketplace (pg. 13)
For Matera, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for a 6th level human rogue.For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.
Special Encounters for the Town of Magden
Area A. A Night in Town (pg. 14)
For the tavern keeper, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for a 1st level human commoner.For the gnolls, use the stats on pg. 130 of the MM.
Area 2. Suspicious Diviners (pg. 14)
For the Diviner, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 7th level human cleric. Select his spells randomly, making sure to include the spells listed here.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "curse" spell is bestow curse, see pg. 203 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "sticks to snakes" spell is a summon monster III spell used to summon 1d4+1 fiendish vipers. See pg. 286 of the PHB.
"Know alignment" is a new spell; refer to the Appendix for more information.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent for the "medallion of ESP" is the medallion of thoughts, described on pg. 262 of the DMG.
For the eight other Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human fighters.
For the 10 guards, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human warriors.
Part 4: The Dark Wood
General Description
The Will save DC to resist being transformed into a boar or deer is 17. Characters who fail four save throws are transformed as per the baleful polymorph spell (caster level 9), except that it can only be undone by a remove curse spell. See pg. 270 of the PHB.Special Encounters for the Dark Wood
Area 1: The Golden Cenotaph (pg. 15)
The Decipher Script DC to translate the magical lettering is 25.Area 2: The Black Altar (pg. 15)
For Gallus the magic-user, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a 10th level wizard. Select his spells as desired, but make certain to include the spells listed here.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "polymorph self" spell is the polymorph. See pg. 263 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "polymorph others" spell is baleful polymorph spells. See pg. 202 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "conjure elemental" spell is the summon monster V spell, used to summon any Medium-sized elemental. See pg. 286 of the PHB.
The magic jar spell functions in the manner described on pg. 250 of the PHB.
Area 3: The Hounds (pg. 16)
The spectral hounds are new monsters; see the Appendix for stats and description.Area 4: The Ship (pg. 16)
For the skeletons, use the stats on pg. 226 of the MM for human warrior skeletons.Part 5: The Temple of Death
General Description (pg. 17)
For the initiates and masters, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for human commoners.A. The First Section: The Court of the Initiates
Area A1: Temple Entrance (pg. 19)
No conversion necessary.Area A2: Guard Posts (pg. 19)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.Area A3: Masters' Quarters (pg. 19)
The Search DC to find any of the items in the room is 15.Area A4: The Public Kitchen (pg. 19)
For the initiates, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.For the stirges, use the stats on pg. 236 of the MM.
Area A5: Initiates' Chambers (pg. 19)
For the initiates, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.Area A6: Moat (pg. 19)
The giant piranhas are new monsters; see the Appendix for more information.Area A7: Covered Promenade (pg. 19)
For the initiates and masters, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.For the holy man, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a 6th level wizard.
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human fighters.
Area A8: Storage Chamber (pg. 19)
The robes and sandals constitute "cleric's vestments," as described on pg. 131 of the PHB.Area A9: Meditation Closet (pg. 20)
The Open Locks DC for the door is 25.For Airas the initiate, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for a 4th level human rogue.
Area A10: Meditation Closet (pg. 20)
For the Master of Scribes, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 2nd level human fighter.For the initiates, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.
The ring of spell storing contains charm person, detect thoughts, and hold person, all at caster level 3.
Area A11 & A12: Clerks' Offices (pg. 20)
For the initiates, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.Area A13: Library (pg. 20)
No conversion necessary.Area A14: The Chancellor's Chamber (pg. 20)
In place of the "continual light" spell, place several everburning torches throughout the room.For the Chancellor of the Initiates, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for an 8th level human cleric. Select his spells as you wish, making sure to include these listed here.
"Know Alignment" is a new spell; refer to the Appendix for its complete description.
"Striking" is a new spell; refer to the Appendix for its complete description.
Area A15: Instructional Chamber (pg. 20)
For the initiates and masters, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.Area A16: Instructional Chamber (pg. 21)
The Spot DC to recognize the one-way, self-locking door is 20.The door is 2" thick and classified as a "strong wooden" door. It has a hardness of 5, 20 hit points, and a Break DC of 25.
The Will save DC to use the scrying device is 17.
For the shadows, use the stats on pg. 221 of the MM.
The Will save DC to enter the mist is 17.
Area A17: Guard Towers (pg. 21)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 2nd level human fighters.For the goblins, use the stats on pg. 133 of the MM.
B. The Second Section: The Courts of the Holy Men
Area B1: Gateway (pg. 21)
For the hill giant, use the stats on pg. 123 of the MM.Area B2: Guardhouses (pg. 21)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.Area B3: The Hall of Laws (pg. 21)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 6th level human fighters.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ESP" spell is detect thoughts. See pg. 220 of the PHB.
For Hosadus, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 14th level human cleric.
Area B4: The Court of Greater Judgment (pg. 21)
For the normal men, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.For the cleric, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 6th level human cleric. Determine his spells and domains randomly, taking care to include the spells given here.
For the magic-user, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for an 8th level human wizard. Determine his spells randomly, taking care to include the ones shown here.
"Know Alignment" is a new spell; see the Appendix for details.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ESP" spell is detect thoughts; see pg. 220 of the PHB.
For the Diviner guards, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human guards.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "potion of diminution" is a potion of reduce person, caster level 3. See pg. 269 of the PHB.
Assume that the "potion of healing" is a potion of cure moderate wounds, caster level 3. See pg. 216 of the PHB.
Area B5: Judges' Chambers (pg. 22)
For the panther, use the stats on pg. 274 of the MM for a leopard.The amulet of finding allows the Master to see through the eyes of any creature wearing it, as per the clairvoyance spell (PHB, pg. 209.) The amulet detects of moderate Divination magic.
Area B6: Lawyers' Chambers (pg. 22)
Each cell is lit by an everburning torch, instead of a "continual light" spell.Area B7: Scribes' Chambers (pg. 22)
For the initiates, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for a 1st level human commoner.Area B8: The Lesser Courts (pg. 22)
For the holy man, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 7th level human fighter.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "potion of invulnerability" is a potion of heroism, caster level 3.
Area B9: Boat Landing (pg. 22)
For the canoes, use the stats for rowboats found on pg. 132 of the PHB.Area B10: Balcony (pg. 22)
For the Diviner, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 5th level human fighter.Area B11: Quarters of the Holy Men (pg. 22)
For the magic-users, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for 6th or 8th level human wizards.For the clerics, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for 6th, 8th, or 10th level human clerics.
For all "normal humans," use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.
For the fighters, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 7th, 9th, or 10th level human fighters.
The Search DC to find items in the rooms is 15.
Poisoned Needle Trap: CR 4; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; Attack +15 ranged (1+poison, needle); multiple targets (1 dart per target in a 10-ft.-by-10-ft. area); poison (Small monstrous centipede poison, DC 10 Fortitude save resists, 1d2 Dex/1d2 Dex); Search DC 21; Disable Device DC 22. Market Price: 12,090 gp.
The "helm of alignment changing" is a cursed helm of telepathy. The wearer of the helmet believes that it functions normally, but it does not function at all...instead, the wearer's alignment changes to Lawful Evil. For the purpose of the remove curse spell, the helmet is assumed to have a caster level of 5.
Area B12: Balcony (pg. 22)
See pgs. 126-131 of the PHB for stats on these mundane items. The "extra robes" are cleric's vestments.Area B13: Guard Station (pg. 22)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "potion of giant strength" is the potion of bull's strength, caster level 3. See pg. 207 of the PHB.
C. The Third Section: The Court of the Master
Area C1: The Waterfall (pg. 23)
For the crocodiles, use the stats on pg. 271 of the MM.Area C2: The Waterfall (pg. 23)
For the ogres, use the stats on pgs. 198-199 of the MM.For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 5th level human fighters.
Area C3: Gatehouse Second Floor (pg. 23)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 2nd level human fighters.Oil burns for 2 rounds, and deals 1d3 points of damage per round. For more information, refer to pg. 127 of the PHB.
For the storm giant, use the stats on pg. 125 of the MM. He is acting under the influence of a powerful, unknown binding spell cast by the Master (caster level 14).
Area C4: The Gardens (pg. 23)
For the owlbears, use the stats on pg. 206 of the MM.Area C5: Entrance Hall (pg. 23)
The malferas are new monsters; see the Appendix for their stats and descriptions.The secret passages may be found with a Search check (DC 20).
For the orcs, use the stats on pg. 203 of the MM. These orcs enjoy excellent cover from the arrow slits, gaining a +4 bonus to AC and Reflex saves, and a +5 bonus to their Hide checks.
Area C6: The Master of Protocol's Chambers (pg. 24)
Both rooms are lit by everburning torches, instead of a "continual light" spell.The Search DC to find the map of the tower section is 12.
The Search DC to find the secret door is 20, and the Search DC to find the sliding baseboard that opens it is 25.
Area C7: The Public Shrine (pg. 24)
For the displacer beasts, use the stats on pg. 66 of the MM.The items on the table are enchanted with a magic aura spell, to make them appear magical (caster level 1).
Baleful Polymorph Trap: CR 8; magic device; touch trigger (spell); automatic reset; spell effect (baleful polymorph, 10th-level wizard, DC 17 Fortitude save negates; DC 17 Will save partial; see spell description on pg. 202 of the PHB); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28. Cost: 25,000 gp, 2,000 XP.
The Search DC to find the secret door is 20.
Area C8: The Diviner's Barracks (pg. 24)
For the Diviners, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human fighters.The Search DC for ransacking the chests is 12.
Area C9: Kitchens (pg. 24)
For the goblins, use the stats on pg. 133 of the MM.For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
Area C10: Preparation Cells (pg. 24)
For Narellus, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 7th level human fighter.Area C11: Alrethus's Chamber (pg. 24)
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "wizard lock" spell is arcane lock. See pg. 200 of the PHB.For Alrethus, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for an 11th level human wizard. For the youth's body that Alrethus is possessing, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 5th level human fighter. (See the magic jar spell description on pg. 250 of the PHB for more information.)
Prepare Alrethus's spells as you wish, taking care to include the spells described here.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ESP" spell is detect thoughts. See pg. 220 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "polymorph others" spell is baleful polymorph. See pg. 202 of the PHB for more information.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "conjure elemental" spell is the summon monster V spell, used to summon any Medium-sized elemental. See pg. 286 of the PHB for more information.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "dagger +2, +3 vs. elves, dwarves, and halflings" is either a dwarf bane dagger +2, an elf bane dagger +2, or a halfling bane dagger +2. Choose one of these daggers based on the composition of the adventuring party.
The "potion of fire resistance" is a potion of resist energy (fire), caster level 3. See pg. 272 of the PHB.
The polymorph spell is too high of a level to be brewed into a potion. Thus, for the "potion of polymorph self," use a potion of alter self (see pg. 197 of the PHB.) To allow Alrethus to fight in the manner described in this entry, add polymorph to his list of prepared spells. See pg. 263 of the PHB.
Since cone of cold is too high of a level spell to be crafted into a wand, the "wand of cold" is a wand of sleet storm, caster level 5, 1-50 charges. See pg. 280 of the PHB.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "infravision" spell is darkvision, caster level 3. See pg. 216 of the PHB.
Area C12: Alrethus's Workroom (pg. 24)
For the giant weasel, use the stats for a dire weasel, found on pg. 65 of the MM.Area C13: Spy Chamber (pg. 25)
No conversion is required.Area C14: Reception Hall (pg. 25)
For the holy man, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 9th level human fighter.The mirrors function in the manner described.
Area C15: Storage Chamber (pg. 25)
To randomly determine mundane items, use the tables on pg. 56 of the DMG.Area C16: Major Domo's Chamber (pg. 25)
For the holy man, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 6th level human cleric.The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "growth of animals" spell is animal growth, described on pg. 198 of the PHB. However, in the 3.5 Edition rules system, this is not a cleric spell. Thus, we must assume that this cleric has learned the spell through independent research (see pg. 198 of the DMG).
For the hawk, use the stats on pg. 273 of the MM.
Area C17: The Master's Chamber (pg. 25)
For the tigers, use the stats on pgs. 281-282 of the MM.For the Master, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 14th level human cleric, or an NPC of your own creation. Select his spells and domains however you wish, taking care to include the spells described in this section.
"Striking" is a new spell; see the Appendix for a complete description.
The amulet of finding allows the Master to see through the eyes of any creature wearing it, as per the clairvoyance spell. The amulet detects of moderate Divination magic.
The Amulet of Finding is a new magic item; see the Appendix for more information.
The Collars of Animal Control are new magic items; see the Appendix for more information.
The House of Zebulon is a new magic item; see the Appendix for a complete description.
The Spot DC to notice the trapdoor is 30.
Poison Needle Trap: CR 2; mechanical; touch trigger; repair reset; lock bypass (Open Locks DC 30); Attack +17 melee (1 plus poison, needle); poison (blue whinnis, DC 14 Fortitude save resists (poison only), 1 Con/unconsciousness); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 17. Market Price: 4,720 gp.
Bestow Curse Trap: CR 6; magic device; touch trigger (spell); automatic reset; spell effect (bestow curse, 5th-level wizard, DC 14 Fortitude save negates; see spell description on pg. 203 of the PHB); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28. Cost: 7,500 gp, 600 XP. Afflicted characters are unable to lie, as if affected by a permanent zone of truth. See pg. 303 of the PHB for more information.
The Search DC to find the secret compartment in the side of the chest is 25.
Area C18: The Silent Chamber (pg. 26)
After 3 rounds of concentration, characters in the room may hear anywhere inside the temple grounds as per the clairaudience spell. See pg. 209 of the PHB.Area C19: The Roof Walk (pg. 26)
No conversion necessary.D. The Fourth Section: The Underground Passages
Area D1: Prison Block (pg. 26)
For the Diviner, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 4th level human fighter.For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "ring of infravision" is the ring of darkvision, a new magic item. See the Appendix for details.
For Ranas and Philomen, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for 6th level human rogues.
For Marialena, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a 5th level elf wizard.
Area D2: Interrogation Chamber (pg. 26)
For the Inquisitor, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 10th level human fighter.For the initiate, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for a 1st level human commoner.
Area D3: Non-Human Den (pg. 26)
For the goblins, use the stats on pg. 133 of the MM.For the orcs, use the stats on pg. 203 of the MM.
For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
For the hill giant, use the stats on pg. 123 of the MM.
Area D4: The Secret Exit (pg. 26)
For the vampire, use the stats for the sample vampire found on pg. 250 of the MM.Baleful Polymorph Trap: CR 8; magic device; touch trigger (spell); automatic reset; spell effect (baleful polymorph, 10th-level wizard, DC 17 Fortitude save negates; DC 17 Will save partial; see spell description on pg. 202 of the PHB); Search DC 28; Disable Device DC 28. Cost: 25,000 gp, 2,000 XP.
New Spells
Know Alignment
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: F/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: personal
Target: one creature or object within 10 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: NoThe caster of this spell may discover the alignment of any one creature within 10 feet. The spell may also be used to find the alignment of an enchanted item or area (if any). The target creature is allowed a Will save; if successful the spell fails without revealing any result.
Divine Focus: a holy (or unholy) symbol.
Arcane Focus: a pinch of tea leaves
Level: Clr 3
Components: V, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: personal
Target: caster only
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: NoneThis spell infuses the cleric's melee weapon with divine energy, causing it to deal more damage. For the duration of the spell, the imbued weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, and deals an extra 1d6 points of damage.
Divine Focus: the favoured weapon of the cleric's deity.
New Items
Amulet of Finding: This appears to be a well-made, silver amulet in the shape of a silver skill. When the proper command word is spoken, this amulet allows its wearer to see through the eyes of other amulets of its kind by concentrating, as if through the clairvoyance spell.
The Master has one of these items, and keeps his amulet in a cloth bag around his neck. Thus, he is able to see through the eyes of other amulets of finding, but other amulet-wearers will only see blackness at the other end.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, clairvoyance/clairaudience; Price: 60,000 gp.
Bullroarer knife (Large exotic weapon, two-handed): Cost: 20gp, Dmg (S): 1d4, Dmg (M): 1d6, Crit: x2, Range increment: --, Weight: 6 lbs., Type: slashing
The bullroarer knife is a specially-shaped dagger on a long, thin chain. When it is swung overhead, the blade spins and tumbles through the air, creating a roaring noise. A bullroarer knife grants you a +2 competence bonus to Intimidate checks made to demoralize an opponent.
A bullroarer knife has reach, so you can strike opponents 10 feet away with it. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, it can be used against an adjacent foe.
You can make trip attacks with the bullroarer knife. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the bullroarer knife to avoid being tripped.
When using a bullroarer knife, you gain a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls made with a bullroarer knife sized for you, even though it is not a light weapon.
Chakram (Light exotic weapon, one-handed): Cost: 8 gp, Dmg (S): 1d4, Dmg (M): 1d6, Crit: x2, Range increment: 15 ft., Weight: 1 lb., Type: slashing
The chakram is a thin ring of steel, 6 inches in diameter, the outer edge of which is very sharp. A chakram may be wielded as a light slashing weapon in melee combat, or it may be thrown.
A chakram's small size and ornamental appearance grants you a +2 competence bonus to you Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a chakram on your body.
Collar of Animal Control: this magical device appears to be a well-made leather training collar. Its size automatically adjusts to fit the neck of any animal it is placed around. An animal (only) wearing a collar of animal control obeys the silent mental commands of the creature that placed the collar around its neck, as if under the effect of a permanent dominate animal spell. See pg. 224 of the PHB.
Faint Enchantment; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, dominate animal, permanence; Price: 120,000 gp.
House of Zebulon: this powerful magic item resembles a miniature cube-shaped house, about two inches square, and carved out of white marble. If the proper command word is spoken, a doorway will appear adjacent to the holder of the cube. This doorway is the portal to an extradimensional space inside the cube, and it remains open until a separate command word is spoken to close it.
The interior of the cube is a well-furnished and comfortable house with six rooms. While the supply of air in the cube is infinite, creatures staying in the cube must carry their own food and water inside. Otherwise, creatures can live comfortably in the cube for any length of time.
Creatures can exit the cube at any time, simply by walking out the door. Once per week, an occupant of the cube can project the doorway of the cube to any location known, allowing the occupant to travel back and forth across great distances.
Strong conjuration; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion, greater teleport; Price: 163,000 gp.
Ring of Darkvision: This simple, featureless ring is forged from cold iron. It grants darkvision to its wearer, out to a distance of 60 feet. If the wearer of the ring already has darkvision, the range of the creature's darkvision increases by 60 feet.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd, Forge Ring, darkvision; Price: 12,000 gp.
New Monsters
Fish, Giant Piranha
Spectral Hound
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
"Master of the Desert Nomads," (c) 1983 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20(tm) System Conversion "Master of the Desert Nomads," (c)2007 Travis Laney