Michel Druschel
by Greg WeatherupI never really understood the Chaos Monk.
Is there supposed to be an actual monastery or order of these folks?
Would it be possible to reskin it as a fey/faerie-linked class and philosophy that someone could develop either without a mentor (or have the mentor be a fey/faerie)? If so, I’m hoping that might then be usable within the Mystaran concept of the fey/faerie.
A long while back I set myself a challenge to randomly select some multiclass characters weighted towards those classes and races not normally used in Mystara, then see if I could mystaranize a rational character concept out of the resulting mash-up. The only one I was never able to finish was the Chaos Monk part of the Shifter Sidhe Scholar Druid/Chaos Monk, largely because as I mentioned I don’t “get” the Chaos monk concept.
Here's what I've got so far:
Michel Druschel ECL 2
Male Shifter Chaos Monk-1/Sidhe Scholar Druid-1
CN Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Init: +1; Senses: Listen+6, Spot+6; Low-Light Vision
Aura: Chaotic (Faint)
Languages: Fluent in Sylaire; Conversational in Thyatian (Glantrian dialect) & Druidic [note: I may yet shift some skill point's to take Sylvan or similar languages - though I wonder if the Sidhe Scholar Druid should even get Druidic?]
AC: 13 Touch 13 Flat-footed 12; +2 Natural Armor while shifting
Hp: 15 (2d8+1 HD)
Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +6
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Mwk Staff +1 melee (1d6); Unarmed Strike +0 melee (1d6)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +1 ranged (1d8)
Base Atk: +0; Grp: +0
Atk Options: Flailing Strikes, Spells (3/2)
Spells Typically Endowed: (CL 1st, Ranged Touch Attack +1)
1st level: Aspect of the Wolf, Shillelagh, Summon Nature’s Ally I*
Orisons: Cure Minor Wounds, Flare, Resistance
*= Spontaneous substitution
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 9, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8
SQ: Shifting (Beasthide)
Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Improved Unarmed Strike, Monastic Training (Druid), Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus (Knowledge-Nature), Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons plus Handaxe, Nunchaki, Sai, Shuriken, & Siangham)
Skills: Balance+3, Climb+6, Diplomacy-2, Handle Animal+5, Knowledge (Nature)+5, Knowledge (Religion)+3, Jump+2, Listen+6, Spot+6, Survival+4Possessions: 345sp equivalent in coinage, Masterwork Quarterstaff, Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, Spell Component Pouch, Backpack, Belt Pouch, 2 Sunrods, Waterskin, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Monk’s Outfit
Antalian Cob Horse, Normal. Gear/Carrying: Bit and Bridle, 10 Days Feed, Riding saddle, Saddlebags, bedroll, 10 days Trail Rations, Flint & Steel, 50’ hempen Rope. Light Load (50’) if not ridden, Heavy Load (35’, -1 AC, -6 to Balance & Climb) if ridden
Attendants of the Fey (Druidic Order) (Ex): -1 Diplomacy with non-Fey (already included above) but +2 Circumstance bonus on Knowledge (Nature) checks regarding Fey (see Dragon #337)
Beast Spirit (Su): As part of the racial substitution level (see Races of Eberron pgs 126-8) in lieu of Animal Companion or Wild One, gain Alertness as a bonus feat & Extend Shifting & Feral Empathy
Divine Spellcasting (Sp): Prepared druidic spellcasting w/Spontaneous Substitution for Summon Nature’s Ally
Extend Shifting (Su): Beast Spirit adds 2 rounds to shifting duration
Feral Empathy (Su): Beast Spirit grants an instinctive +4 bonus onwild empathy checks& Handle Animal checks
Flailing Strike (Ex): As part of a full round action with unarmed strike or kata weapons Michel makes 1d4-1 additional attacks but all attacks are at -2
Intelligentsia (Ex): Michel gained Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]) as a bonus feat
Monk Abilities (Ex): Unarmed Strike, Flailing Strike, Bonus Feat (Monastic Training), Wisdom bonus to AC when unarmored & unencumbered
Nature Sense (Ex): +2 bonus to Knowledge (Nature) & Survival checks
Shifting (Beasthide) (Su): As a free action gain +2 Con, & +2 natural Armor for 5 rounds
Unarmed Strike (Ex): 1d6 damage, gains the Improved Unarmed Strike Feat as a Bonus feat. Never any off-hand penalty for Unarmed Strikes which are counted as both a Natural Attack and a manufactured weapon
Wild Empathy (Ex): @ +4 with Animals, +0 with Magical Beasts [correction: Sidhe Scholar Druids don't get Wild Empathy]Description: 6’5”, 234lbs. The Druschel family has lived in the Vallee des Loups for generations and Michel has some lycanthropic ancestry. Though not a lycanthrope himself, he can tap into parts of his ancestry and he could always feel the call of the wild (in D&D terms he is a Shifter). Growing up he was taught to forsake that part of himself in order to fit in to the “civilized” village, but the call was too great and he gradually found himself spending more and more time travelling the surrounding woods and hills until by his late teens he knew just about every single tree in the nearby copse. In those wilds he had a transformative encounter with the Fey of the vallee. SECTION TO BE WRITTEN. One day he had an encounter with a Lupin, a unheard of sight in the Vallee – Prakash or “Pop” insists he’s on a mission to Lhamsa, but he has stayed with Michel for months now, sticking to him like a, well, like a puppy insisting he’s somehow duty-bound to “serve” monks. He had heard “bogy-man” stories about Lupin’s from a great aunt – stories presumably passed down through the generations. Michel always knew those stories were likely just that – exaggerated stories across the ages to frighten children, but yet there’s times when Michel catches Pop staring almost menacingly at him. Did those scary stories influence him more than he though and he’s simply imagining it? Or does Pop somehow detest this ‘servitude’ which Michel never asked for and keeps trying to “release” Pop from? Michel had agreed to help Pop get to Lhamsa by putting him in contact with Peter Loofbourow, a guide and fellow outdoors enthusiast friend of Michel’s but Pop never seems to be in a hurry and has always had Michel hold-off on contacting Peter. In truth that was fine with Michel as connecting back up with Peter would mean going to that abomination – “the city”, but it’s been 5 months now and Pop finally agreed it was time so the pair are now on their way to Glantri City to their arranged meeting with Peter.
Note: Other party members are (or are going to be):
Michel Druschel, Shifter Fey-disciple (see above)
Peter Loofbourow, Draconic Human Guide
Prakash, aka "Pop", Lupin Mystic & ascetic
Wannlun, Gnome of mysterious background
Ionafán Zaborsky, Human student of necromancy
I don't have much experience with high level 3rd edition play but I wanted to try a possible 20th level progression for Michel, let me know what you think:
Note that the following is without any level appropriate equipment nor magic items
Michel Druschel ECL 20
Male Shifter Chaos Monk-6/Sidhe Scholar Druid-5/Weretouched Master-2/Primeval-6
CN Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)
Init: +4; Senses: Listen+6, Spot+8; Low-Light Vision (x4 range), Scent
Aura: Chaotic (Moderate)
Languages: Fluent in Sylaire; Conversational in Thyatian (Glantrian dialect) & Druidic
AC: 18 Touch 18 Flat-Footed 16; +1 Dex & +2 Natural Armor while shifting
Hp: 127 (6d10+10d8+3d6+3 HD); +20 when shifting
Resist: +2 vs Enchantment
Immunities: While shifting immune to nonleathal damage and Fatigue/Exhaustion effects are suppressed
Fort: +17*, Ref: +12*, Will: +18; *=+1 when shifting
Speed: 50 ft
Melee: Unarmed Strike +17 melee (1d8+2)
Ranged: +17 ranged; +1 to attack when shifting
Base Atk: +15; Grp: +17
Atk Options: Beast Strike (while shifting unarmed strike also deals claw damage: 1d8+1d6+6), Bite (while shifting) (1d6+6), 2 Claws (while shifting) (1d6+6), Flailing Strikes (1d4+1 attacks @ -1), Improved Trip, Spells (5/5/4/2)
Spellcasting: (CL 5th, Ranged Touch Attack +16/+17 when shifting), Spontaneous substitution of Summon Nature's Ally
Abilities: Str 14!, Dex 15*!, Con 11*!, Int 6, Wis 20, Cha 6; *=+2 when shifting, !=+2 to one of them per Beast Spirit (not included)
SQ: Shifting (Beasthide, Razorclaw)
Feats: Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Beast Strike, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Extra Shifter Trait (Razorclaw), Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monastic Training (Druid), Self-Sufficient, Shield Proficiency, Shifter Instincts, Shifter Stamina, Skill Focus (Knowledge-Nature), Toughness, Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons plus Handaxe, Nunchaki, Sai, Shuriken, & Siangham)
Skills: Balance+4*, Climb+8, Concentration+6*, Diplomacy-3, Handle Animal+7, Heal+7, Intimidate+5, Knowledge (Arcana)+5, Knowledge (Nature)+10, Knowledge (Religion)+2, Jump+3, Listen+6, Ride+4*, Spellcraft+1, Spot+7, Survival+19 (+2 when above ground); *=+1 when shifting
Animal Empathy with Wolves (Ex): The primeval can communicate with wolves, in any form, gaining a +4 bonus on Charisma-based checks.
Attendants of the Fey (Druidic Order) (Ex): -1 Diplomacy with non-Fey (already included above) but +2 Circumstance bonus on Knowledge (Nature) checks regarding Fey (see Dragon #337)
Beast Spirit (Su): As part of the racial substitution level (see Races of Eberron pgs 126-8) in lieu of Animal Companion or Wild One, gain Alertness as a bonus feat & Extend Shifting & Feral Empathy. Gains a +2 to Str, Dex, or Con chosen while preparing spells, choice can be changed at any time with a minutes uninterrupted meditation.
Beast Strike (Ex): Can combine the Razorclaws with an unarmed attack
Blessing of the Fey (Su): +2 on Knowledge: Arcana & Survival checks
Combat Reflexes (Ex): 2 extra Attack of Oportunity per round; one additional while shifting
Divine Spellcasting (Sp): Prepared druidic spellcasting w/Spontaneous Substitution for Summon Nature’s Ally
Endurance (Ex): Gains +4 to: Swim checks to resist nonlethal damage, Con checks made to continue running, Con checks made to avoid nonleathal damage from a forced march, Con checks to hold his breath, Con checks to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fort saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, Fort saves made to resist suffocation damage, and may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Erratic Advance 3/day (Ex): A Chaos monk can attempt to daze an opponent with a wild and erratic rush. As part of a charge the opponent must make a Will save (DC 16) or be dazed for 1 round.
Evasion (Ex): If a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the monk instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor and is not helpless.
Extend Shifting (Su): Beast Spirit adds 2 rounds to shifting duration
Fast Movement (Ex): +20' enhancement bonus to speed when unarmored and not carrying a medium nor heavy load.
Feral Empathy (Su): Beast Spirit grants an instinctive +4 bonus on wild empathy checks & Handle Animal checks
Feral Power 2 (Ex): The Primeval's Primal Form grows stronger and toughter.
Flailing Strike (Ex): As part of a full round action with unarmed strike or kata weapons Michel makes 1d4 additional attacks but all attacks are at -1
Intelligentsia (Ex): Michel gained Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature]) as a bonus feat
Ki Strike (Su): A Monk's unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction.
Monk Abilities (Ex): Unarmed Strike, Flailing Strike, Bonus Feats (Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip. Monastic Training), Wisdom bonus +1 to AC when unarmored & unencumbered
Nature Sense (Ex): +2 bonus to Knowledge (Nature) & Survival checks
Primal Form 3/day (Su): Change into a Dire Wolf for 7 minute's
Dire Wolf: +11 hp, AC 21 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +7 natural) touch 13, flat-footed 16, BAB+9, Grp+23, Bite+26 melee (1d8+14), Space 10ft, Trip attack (If hits with the bite, can attempt to trip that opponent, with a +15 check modifier, as a free action without making atouch attack nor provoking an attack of opportunity, if it fails the opponent cannot react to trip him), Fort+22, Ref+15, Will+18, Str 32, Dex 21, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 20, Cha 6
Regression 2 (Su): -2 Int & Cha; +2 Str/Dex/Con/Wis
Shifting (Beasthide, Razorclaw) 4/day (Su): As a free action gain +2 Con, +2 Dex, & +2 natural Armor, 2 claw attacks 1d6+5, 1 Bite attack 1d6+5, immunity to non-leathal damage and any fatigue or exhaustion effects are suppressed until shifting ends, for 12 rounds
Slow Fall (Ex): A monk within arm's reach of a wall can use it slow a descent, treating any fall as if it was 20 feet shorter than it actually is.
Still Mind (Ex): A monk gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of Enchantment.
Sylvan Gifts (Su): The Sidhe Scholar gains bonus spells as his Wisdom score was 2 higher than it really is. This does not affect the DCs of the spells.
Unarmed Strike (Ex): 1d8 damage, gains the Improved Unarmed Strike Feat as a Bonus feat. Never any off-hand penalty for Unarmed Strikes which are counted as both a Natural Attack and a manufactured weapon
Weretouched I (Su): while shifting the Weretouched Master gains +2 to Dex and manifests fangs (included in Shifting above)
Wild Shifting (Ex): A shifter druid can use Wisdom instead of Constitution to determine the duration of Shifting and gains one additional daily usage of shifting (both already included above)
Will of the Spirit (Su): Upon a failed saving throw against an enchantment spell or effect, the shifter druid can attempt an additional save 1 round later at the same DCCombat Notes: Typical full attack while the Beast Spirit ability bonus is applied to Str is to shift and utilize flailing strike, improved trip, and beast strike all in combination giving 1d4+1 attacks @ +17, 1 attack @ +12, 1 attack @ +7, 1 attack @ +2, Trip check at +22, each successful attack dealing 1d8+1d6+7 damage. He knocks them to the ground then savages them.
Or for combat he can turn into a Dire Wolf (stats with the Beast Spirit ability bonus applied to Str are as follows):
Dire Wolf +11 hp, AC 21 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +7 natural) Bite+28 melee (1d8+15), Trip attack (If hits with the bite, can attempt to trip that opponent, with a +17 check modifier, as a free action without needing to make a touch attack nor provoking an attack of opportunity, if it fails the opponent cannot react to trip him), Fort+22, Ref+15, Will+18, Str 34, Dex 21, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 20, Cha 6Again, I don't have any experience with really high level 3rd edition so I hope I got the above calculations right.