by Greg WeatherupA long while back I had set myself a challenge to randomly select some multiclass characters weighted towards those classes and races not normally used in Mystara, then see if I could mystaranize a rational character concept out of the resulting mash-up. I've now come back to finalizing some of them.
For this one I had rolled an Elan Shugenja/Revelator, Revelator being the refluffed version of a Psion which I use. I came up with this whole story about Elans being converted at Lhamsa, Glantri, but as I went about stating the character I realised that the Elan's Charisma penalty was just too great for the class combination so I rolled again and got a Lupin. Lupin's aren't rare in Mystara, but Shugenja's & Revelator's (Psion's) definately are not mystaran normal so I figured good enough - beside's, despite Lupin's being Mystaran you really don't see too many Lupin characters anyhow, and this would give me the oportunity to show some of my 3e Lupin rules, which I have only posted fragments of so far, ie see here. In the end I really came to like this character concept. As for future Prestige Class opitons, there's nearly too many suitable possibilities to list (I think I'll save that for a future post). I've ruled that his syncretic Water focused religion is basically the Shugenja Order of the Gentle Rain, membership: 1 - just himself.
Prakash, aka "Pop" ECL-2
Male Lupin Shugenja-1/Revelator Avatar-1
CN Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic)
Init: +1; Senses: Listen+6, Spot+6; Low-Light Vision, Scent (150% range), +1 to detecting lycanthropes & shapeshifters
Aura: Chaotic (Faint)
Languages: Fluent in Sindhi; Casual in Thyatian (Glantrian dialect)
AC: 11 Touch:11 Flat-footed: 10
Hp: 9 (1d6+1d4+2 HD)
Vulnerabilities: Repelled by Wolfsbane, -4 to sonic or odor attack & applicable saving throws
Fort: +1, Ref: +1, Will: +4
Speed: 20' (He's carrying a Medium-load)
Melee: Mwk Quarterstaff -2 melee (1d6-3); Bite -3 melee (1d4-3); Silvered Dagger -3 melee (1d4-4)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +1 ranged (1d8)
Base Atk: +0; Grapple: -3
Attack Options: Spells (5/4), Truths
Spells Known: (Caster Level 1st, Ranged Touch Attack +1)
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds*, Endure Elements@, Sleep
Orisons:: Cure Minor Wounds*, Flare, Light, Purify Food and Drink@, Read Magic@
*= Order Spells; @=Element (Water) Spells
Truths Known: 1st Level: Float, Sephiroth Ray, Slow Breathing
Clarity Points/day: 2
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 15
SQ: Divine Spellcasting, High Lupin Senses, Pariah Lupin Traits
Feats: Alertness, Magical Aptitude, Psicrystal Affinity, Spell Focus (Water), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills: Balance-1, Climb-6, Concentration+3, Heal+3, Hide-2, Jump-6, Knowledge (Arcana)+7, Knowledge (The Planes)+4, Knowledge (Psionics)+4, Knowledge (Religion)+4, Listen+6, Move Silently-2, Profession (Laborer)+1, Psicraft+3, Search+5, Sense Motive-2, Spellcraft+5, Spot+6, Survival+4, Swim-9Possessions: 371sp equivalent in coinage, Masterwork Quarterstaff with 1 silvered End, Silvered Dagger, Light Crossbow, 10 Bolts, 2 Silvered Bolts, Spell component pouch, Psicrystal, Obfudas, 1 Sunrod, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, 5 Days Trail Rations, Waterskin, Peasant's Outfit
Psicrystal (see below)
Discipline (Ex): Apotheistic Truths
Divine Spellcasting (Sp): Prakash has an elemental based spontaneous divine spellcasting
Elemental Focus (Ex): Water, opposed to Earth
High Lupin Senses (Ex): +4 bonus to Listen, Search, Spot, & Survival; -4 to sonic & odor attacks and applicable saving throws; 150% of normal scent range
Pariah Lupin Traits (Ex): Low-Light Vision, Natural attack: 1 Bite (1d4/x2), Scent, -2 Penalty to Sense Motive; +1 to detecting Lycanthropes and Shapeshifters; Repelled by Wolfsbane
Revelator Bonus Feats: Psicrystal Affinity
Sense Elements (Sp): 3/day as a full-round action Peter can become aware of all sources of one chosen element (air, earth, fire, or water) within 10', learning it's size but not precise location nor actual nature. By concentrating longer on each subsequent round Peter can either extend his magical senses out to 15' or gather more information about one source via a Spellcraft check. On subsequent rounds he can retry his Spellcraft check on the same item, or shift his attention to a different item, or extend the range of his senses as above. This divination is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.-----------
Description: 23 years old, though some white whiskers around his face make him look older to a human's eye. 4’8”, 74 lbs. A Nantyaj caste Pariah Lupin (Canis sapiens canus Hunter) he was brought up in the traditional pariah lupin faith of Vrilatha (the Sindhi name of Pflarr) glorifying learning & study, and the cultural hatred of the mythical lycanthropes. Traditionally only 2 occupations are open to the nanyaj pariah’s: manual laborer or shapeshifter hunters. Due to his low strength (5), he was not well suited to a life of a labourer, but in modern times there is no call for full-time shapeshifter hunters, thus Pop was resigned to a miserable existence, until he learned about Lal of Sundara (See the Sixth and Eleventh Aspects), a nantyaj caste lycanthrope-hunting human who had fled into the Nemkin Ylaka and devoted his life to helping Monks. Pop set out to emulate this lupin-like (in his view) human and searched for a monk order to serve. He bounced from Monastery to Monastery, picking up bits and pieces of various philosophies, and eventually syncretised his own informal philosophy, focused on serving Monks in return for their mentorship as a gateway to learning and understanding the world to learn the truths hidden behind everyday reality, and like Lal in the swamp, studying the elemental powers and how the elements both effect and are effected by this reality and the true reality (A syncretism of Vrilatha, Gnostics, and Sundara). He is particularily fascinated by trying to understand magic. It seems to use the elements to pierce the shadow of this reality, perhaps to the true reality of the universe. Where better to go than into Glantri - The Kingdom of Magic - to learn more about magic? So he decided to head towards Lhamsa to perhaps serve the monks there. Enroute though, he met someone who, in an instant, challenged all his notions – Michel Druschel – a lycanthrope-tainted monk. Half of Prakash's nature, upbringing, and beliefs says he should slay him, the other half says he should serve this Monk, and Pop is fascinated and simultaneously utterly unnerved by this unexpected dichotomy. Now, nearly a year later, he still sometimes has to swallow the instinctual urge to attack Michel, but Pop grudgingly has to admit that he views the strange Michel as a friend, and even, with his odd monkish philosophy focusing on Chaos and the Fey, a mentor with a unique viewpoint. - What other of Prakash's background belief's are also biased and wrong? It's a reminder to him that in addition to striving to understand the wider world, he also needs to learn about himself and overcome his inner failures in order to seek routes to full and true enlightenment.
Prakash's Psicrystal
CN Diminutive Construct
Init: +2; Senses: Listen+4, Spot+4; Telepathically Sighted 40'
Aura: Chaotic (faint)
Languages: Fluent in Sindhi. Can understand, but not speak Thyatian (Glantrian dialect) at a casual level.
AC: 16 Touch:16 Flat-footed: 14
Hp: 2 (1d4+1 HD)
Fort: +1, Ref: +1, Will: +4
Speed: 30'*, climb 20'*; *=both are 0' if the self-propulsion ability is not active
Melee: -
Ranged: -
Base Atk: +0; Grapple: -17
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Attack Options: -
Abilities: Str 1*, Dex 15*, Con -, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 10; *=Strength and Dexterity are "-" if the self-propulsion ability is not active
SQ: Construct traits, hardness 8, psicrystal granted abilities (improved evasion, personality, self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic link)
Feats: Alertness
Skills: Balance+3, Climb+10*, Concentration+2, Heal+3, Knowledge (Arcana)+1, Knowledge (The Planes)+1, Knowledge (Psionics)+1, Knowledge (Religion)+1, Listen+4, Move Silently+6, Profession (Laborer)+1, Psicraft+0, Search+2, Spellcraft+0, Spot+4; *=a Psicrystal can always take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.-------------
Construct Traits (Ex): Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, diseas, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and moral effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It cannot heal damage but it can be repaired.
Improved Evasion (Ex): If the psicrystal is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Personality (Ex): Each psicrystal has a distinct personality. This psicrystal sees itself as the be-all, end-all master of all spiritual and philosophical topics.
Self-Propulsion (Su): As a standard action Prakash can will the psicrystal to form spider, ectoplasmic legs to move around on or climb with. The legs fade into nothingness after one day (or sooner, if Prakash desires)
Share Powers (Su): Prakash can have any Truth (but not any psi-like ability) he reveals on himslef also affect his psicrystal if it is within 5' at the time. If the Truth has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the psicrystal if it moves farther than 5' away and will not affect the psicrystal again, even if it returns to Prakash before the duration expires. Additionally, Prakash can reveal a truth with a target of "You" on his psicrystal instead of on himself. Prakash and the psicrystal cannot share truths if the truths normally do not affect constructs.
Sighted (Ex): Although it has no physical sensory organs, a psicrystal can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can't discern invisible or ethereal beings. A psicrystal's sighted range is 40'.
Telepathic Link (Su): Prakash has a telepathic link with his psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile. Prakash cannot see through the psicrystal's senses, but the two of them can communicate telepathically as if the psicrystal were the target of an Analalia truth revealed by Prakash. Because of this telepathic link Prakash has the same connection to an item or place that the psicrystal does.
Note: Other party members are (or are going to be):Michel Druschel, Shifter Fey-disciple
Peter Loofbourow, Draconic Human Guide
Prakash, aka "Pop", Lupin Mystic & ascetic (see above)
Wannlun, Gnome of mysterious background
Ionafán Zaborsky, Human student of necromancy
Like with the other characters in this series, I'm working on a possible ECL 20 advancemet. I actually had done one up to 16th level but have since started back over from scratch as I realised I should be focusing on increasing Intelligence more than Charisma at every fourth level - Charisma is not quite as important as I first thought for this build since he's never going to get the highest level's of spellcasting - and a spontaneous caster already has more spells per day than a prepared caster so the bonus is not as useful - meanwhile Intelligence does boost his psionic's and gives more skill points.
I'm aiming to alternate at each level between a divine class and a psionic class, though a a level dip (or maybe more) of Charlatan (Dragon Magazine #335) would get thrown in to help him disguise his powers as being arcane casting to blend in within glantri.
I've decided that Anarchic Initiate (Complete Psionic) & Metamind (Expanded Psionics Handbook) are the key psionic prestige class goals for him, Though for Anarchic Initiate I'm wondering if the 3rd level abilities are more of a detriment than a bonus, meanwhile I start to question the usefulness of a multi-classed Metamind since only every other level increases his revelation (manifester) level (which results in only every 4th level in this multiclass build).
I've identified Elemental Savant (Complete Arcane) as the key divine prestige class goal for him, though a late level dip into Entropomancer (Complete Divine) would be thematically appropriate and gives a neat ability (Shard of Entropy). However I calculate that Prakash wouldn't qualify until 14th & 18th level respectively for the two classes on the current build path, and Entropomancer would require Great Fortitude as one the limited feat choices - not sure it's worth it (though he is shaping up weak on both Fortitude and Reflexes despite being excellent on Will)
I've debated about Psion Uncarnate (Expanded Psionics Handbook) as another psionic prestige class, especially with the concerns about the 2 prestige classes I identified above - but to be useful he has to have an armor that would be better than the deflection bonus he would loose while incorporeal - but he has no armor proficiency at all! At the very least a level dip might be thematically appropriate for the incorporeal touch. Alternatively maybe I should dump Anarchic Initiate and make Psion Uncarnate the key (with or without Metamind), change Prakash to Lawful, and add Consecrated Harrier (see below) back in to the running.
The dessication attack of a 5th level Elemental Warrior (Planar Handbook) would be very appropriate, but he wouldn't even qualify for the 1st level until quite late due to his very low Base Attack Bonus (he's not a combat character - low BAB & low Strength), and every level of Elemental Warrior means not advancing either of his spellcasting nor psionics - though the higher HD could potentially help offset these really bad hit point rolls I seem to be making so far.
Void Disciple (Complete Divine) is thematically appropriate but requires 2 metamagic feats - metamagic feats not being that useful to spontaneous casters and he wouldn't be able to go for them till late in the pregression so would only get a level or two worth from this class. 2 feats just for Sense Void (physical senses) 1/day doesn't seem worth it.
I occasionally consider Ardent Dilletant (Planar Handbook) as another divine prestige class- thematically it could match with the Sundara aspects and would give a nice infusion of skill points, though that would either have to be very late in the progression or it would mean putting off Elemental Savant and/or Entropomancer even further since that first level doesn't improve the caster level.
Defiant (Planar Handbook) might be extremely thematically appropriate to the gnostics, but it seems likes the powers are more hindrances than benefits - and it supports neither his spellcasting nor his psionics. I think I read somewhere about converting Cleric levels into Defiant levels, if that can be done with Shugenja levels (he's going to have 6 of those) then maybe I'll reconsider.
Elemental Warrior (Planar Handbook) could be thematically appropriate, especially the 5th level dessication attack a water focused one gets, but qualifying with his bad BAB is hard - and levels of Elemental Warrior help neither his spellcasting nor his psionics - so I can't justify 5 late levels of this just for the dessication attack. Plus the other abilities just give me the mental image of a smelly wet dog.
Caostician (Planar Handbook) could be something that rubs off on Prakash from Michel's philosophy (I'm actually wondering in hindsight if it would of been a good choice for Michel), and could help with the really bad rolls I'm getting for hp's, but again, it helps with neither his spellcasting nor his psionics.
I had previously considered and rejected Consecrated Harrier (Complete Divine) & Geomancer (Complete Divine) as while they were both thematically appropriate (Consecrated Harrier for lycanthrope hunting and Geomancer for his elemental magic) they both had effectively impossible requirements for this build: Lawful alignment for Consecrated Harrier when I needed Chaotic for Anarchic Initiate, and arcane casting rquired for Geomancer. I had even considered Cipher Adept (Planar Handbook) & Sacred Fist (Complete Divine) as potentially being stuff he picked up from monks - one of the entry feats of Sacred Fist is even a bonus for Cipher Adepts, but even still it was too many feats for what were ultimately combat oriented prestige classes - with his low strength he's never going to be a combat focused build.
There really isn't a good prestige class for a multiclass divine caster - psionicist.
Coming back to this now, and looking again at Defiant, the drawbacks aren't as big as I had remembered but I can't convert Shugenja levels for that so nevermind. Since Prakash has had an XP penalty since 7th level, I figure he would fall a little bit behind the others so I only advanced him to ECL-18 (vs ECL 20 for the others), so...
Here is a possible ECL 18 progression for Pop.
I don't have much experience with high level 3e play so I hope I calculated everything correctly. Unlike previously, I decided to go ahead and figure out what his spells (and psionic "truths") might be - not sure If I'm going to do that for the other casters...
Note: This is without level appropriate equipment.
Prakash, aka "Pop" ECL-18
Male Lupin Shugenja-6/Revelator Avatar-2/Anarchic Initiate-2/Charlatan-1/Metamind-2/Elemental Savant-2/Psion Uncarnate-2/Entropomancer-1
CN Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic)
Init: +2; Senses: Listen+6, Spot+6; Low-Light Vision, Scent (150% range), +1 to detecting lycanthropes & shapeshifters
Aura: Chaotic (Moderate)
Languages: Fluent in Sindhi; Casual in Thyatian (Glantrian dialect)
AC: 12 Touch:12 Flat-footed: 10
Hp: 78 (1d8+9d6+8d4+24 HD)
Immunities: Sleep Effects
Resist: Cold 5
Vulnerabilities: Repelled by Wolfsbane, -4 to sonic or odor attack & applicable saving throws
Fort: +7, Ref: +4, Will: +24
Speed: 30'
Melee: +5 melee; Bite +5 melee (1d4-3)
Ranged: +10 ranged
Base Atk: +8; Grapple: +5
Attack Options: Free Revelation (3), Incorporeal Touch @ +10 (1d6) 3/day, Shard of Entropy (2/day), Spells (6/7/7/5/3), Tricks of the Trade (4), Truths
Spells Known: (Caster Level 8th, Ranged Touch Attack +10)
4th level: Cure Critical Wounds*, Restoration@; 3rd level: Cure Serious Wounds*, Dispel Magic@, Invisibility; 2nd level: Augury*, Color Spray, Locate Object@, Resist Energy@; 1st Level: Bless@, Cure Light Wounds*, Endure Elements@, Feather Fall, Remove Fear@, Sleep; Orisons:: Create Water@, Cure Minor Wounds*, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic@, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Purify Food and Drink@, Read Magic@
*= Order Spells; @=Element (Water) Spells
Truths known: 3rd level: Body Purification, Godspeed, Transcend Flesh; 2nd level: Catfall, Crystal Storm, Elemental Steward, Psionic Tongues, Sustenence; 1st Level: Bolt, Float, Sephiroth Ray, Skin of Angels, Slow Breathing, Revelation level: 10th
Clarity Points/day: 44
Abilities: Str 5, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 15
SQ: Anarchic Grace (1/day), Chaotic Surge, Divine Spellcasting, Elemental Speciality (Water), False Reputation, High Lupin Senses, Pariah Lupin Traits, Pretender, Sense Elements (3/day), Shed Body (1/day), Uncarnate Armor
Feats: Alertness, Energy Substitution (Cold), Great Fortitude, Magical Aptitude, Overchannel, Practiced Manifester, Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Body, Skill Focus (Bluff), Spell Focus (Water), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills: Autohypnosis+7, Balance+6, Bluff+13, Concentration+11, Craft: Alchemy+5, Diplomacy+5, Disguise+3 (+2 to act "in character", +1 to pass as an arcane spellcaster), Heal+7, Hide+5, Intimidate+5, Knowledge (Arcana)+16, Knowledge (The Planes)+13, Knowledge (Psionics)+14, Knowledge (Religion)+14, Listen+6, Move Silently+5, Perform (Acting)+6, Profession (Laborer)+1, Psicraft+16, Search+7, Sense Motive+1, Spellcraft+18, Spot+6, Survival+4 (+2 on the planes), Swim+3, Use Magic Device+5 (+2 dealing with scrolls)-------
Anarchic Grace (Su): As a free action once per day Prakash can give all his foes a 20% miss chance on all their attacks to hit him for 2 rounds. Even true seeing and similar effects can't offset this ability. Afterwards however Prakash is dazed for one round and looses 6 clarity points.
Chaotic Surge (Su): Using overchannel, Prakash can embrace the chaos that underlies reality itself and attempt to generate a wild surge when revealing a truth.
Discipline (Ex): Apotheistic Truths
Divine Spellcasting (Sp): Prakash has an elemental based spontaneous divine spellcasting
Elemental Focus (Ex): Water, opposed to Earth
Elemental Specialty (Ex): Any spell Prakash casts that deals energy damage, the energy type changes to cold and the spell becomes a [cold] spell as if Energy Substitution had been applied to it without increasing the casting time. This affect is in effect at all times thus whether Prakash wants it or not.
False Reputation (Ex): Anyone inquiring after a charlatan with a bardic knowledge, Gather Information, or Knowledge check turns up false tales, gossip, and specific "facts" which corraborate Prakash's claim to be an arcanist unless the check result exceeds the DC by 10 or more.
Free Revelation (Ps): Prakash can reveal 3 1st level truths per day without spending clarity points.
High Lupin Senses (Ex): +4 bonus to Listen, Search, Spot, & Survival; -4 to sonic & odor attacks and applicable saving throws; 150% of normal scent range
Immunity to Sleep (Ex): As an elemental savant continues to transcend his mortal form, he gains immunity to sleep effects.
Incorporeal Touch (Ex): A Psion Uncarnate can make up to 3 melee touch attacks per day that each deal 1d6 damage if they hit. The Character's Strength modifier is not applied to this attack, but it is effective against incorporeal creatures (and against corporeal creatures while the psion uncarnate is incorporeal). The character's hand and arm seem to become slightly translucent when he makes these attacks. A miss still counts as a daily use of the ability. While uncarnate, a psion uncarnate can make melee touch attacks at will that do not count against his daily uses of this ability.
Pariah Lupin Traits (Ex): Low-Light Vision, Natural attack: 1 Bite (1d4/x2), Scent, -2 Penalty to Sense Motive; +1 to detecting Lycanthropes and Shapeshifters; Repelled by Wolfsbane
Pretender (Ex): Prakash has focused his talents on impersonating arcane spellcasters. He gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks when attempting to pass as an arcanist. note that this stacks with the +2 synergy bonus from Bluff for acting "in character".
Revelator Bonus Feats: Psicrystal Affinity
Sense Elements (Sp): 3/day as a full-round action Peter can become aware of all sources of one chosen element (air, earth, fire, or water) within 10', learning it's size but not precise location nor actual nature. By concentrating longer on each subsequent round Peter can either extend his magical senses by 5' (out to a maximum of 40') or gather more information about one source via a Spellcraft check. On subsequent rounds he can retry his Spellcraft check on the same item, or shift his attention to a different item, or extend the range of his senses as above. This divination is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Shard of Entropy (Su): Twice per day, for 1 round, Prakash can create a miniature shard of entropy. The shard is a chunk of absolute blackness, 2 inches across, and can be moved up to 30 feet by Prakash as a standard action. Against objects, the shard deals 3d6 points of damage, bypassing the object's hardness. Against creatures, the entropomancer must make a ranged touch attack to hit, and if successful the shard deals 3d6 points of damage to the target (Fortitude half, DC 12). The shard appears in any square adjacent to Prakash when it is created, and it can be used to attack on the round it is formed. The shard of entropy lurches, jumps, and bounces around the square it's in. Any creature who passes through the shard's square takes damage as if the shard struck them (Fortitude half).
Shed Body (Su): A Psion Uncarnate can become incorporeal (or "uncarnate") once per day as a standard action. Prakash can remain uncarnate for up to 1 minute. During this time, Prakash's body fades into an immaterial form that retains his basic likeness. While uncarnate, Prakash gains the incorporeal subtype. He gains a fly speed equal to his land speed (perfect maneuverability). His material armor remains in place and continues to provide its armor bonus to AC (see Uncarnate Armor). His material weapons also remain corporeal. Losing his physical form allows Prakash to more easily access his mental abilities, and he gains a +1 bonus on all save DCs for truths he reveals while uncarnate. He can use equipment normally, deriving benefits from items that enhance his capabilities; however, all his equipment remains material even when Prakash is uncarnate though he may continue to utilize equipment normally.
Tricks of the Trade (Ex): As an alchemical effect, Prakash can duplicate the effects of burning hands or flare 4/day with an effective caster level of 1.
Uncarnate Armor (Su): A psion uncarnate wearing armor (or using inertial armor or a similar effect) gets his armor bonus to AC even when he becomes incorporeal. However, unlike other incorporeal creatures, a psion uncarnate does not gain a deflection bonus to Armor Class from his Charisma modifier. This ability works even if the armor being worn becomes incorporeal.-------------------
Prakash's Psicrystal
CN Diminutive Construct
Init: +2; Senses: Listen+4, Spot+4; Telepathically Sighted 40'
Aura: Chaotic (Faint)
AC: 19 Touch:16 Flat-footed: 17
Hp: 22.5 (2d6+6d4+14 HD)
Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +20
Speed: 30'*, climb 20'*; *=both are 0' if the self-propulsion ability is not active
Melee: -
Ranged: -
Base Atk: +0; Grapple: -17
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Attack Options: -
Abilities: Str 1*, Dex 15*, Con -, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 10; *=Strength and Dexterity are "-" if the self-propulsion ability is not active
SQ: Cognizance Psicrystal (5 Clarity Points), Construct traits, hardness 8, psicrystal granted abilities (Deliver Touch Truths, improved evasion, personality, self-propulsion, share powers, sighted, telepathic link, Telepathic Speech)
Feats: Alertness
Skills: Autohypnosis+7, Balance+3, Bluff+8, Climb+10*, Concentration+10, Craft (Alchemy)+1, Diplomacy+3, Disguise+1 (+2 to act "in character"), Heal+7, Intimidate+3, Knowledge (Arcana)+9, Knowledge (The Planes)+9, Knowledge (Psionics)+10, Knowledge (Religion)+10, Listen+4, Move Silently+6, Perform (Acting)+4, Profession (Laborer)+1, Psicraft+12, Search+3, Sense Motive+3, Spellcraft+11, Spot+4, Survival+0 (+2 on the planes), Use Magic Device+1 (+2 with Scrolls); *=a Psicrystal can always take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.-------------
Cognizance Psicrystal (Ex): Prakash's psicrystal can store up to 5 clarity points for Prakash to draw on as a source for truths simply by being in contact with the psicrystal. Unlike a psionic creature, the Psicrystal does not regain these points daily but are stored until spent. Prakash can spend some of his own daily clarity points to recharge it at anytime. When charged it gives off a faint glow.Construct Traits (Ex): Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and moral effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It cannot heal damage but it can be repaired.
Deliver Touch Truths (Su): If Prakash is in contact with his psicrystal when he reveals a touch truth, he can designate the crystal as the "toucher". If Prakash reveals another truth before the touch is delivered, the touch truth dissipates.
Improved Evasion (Ex): If the psicrystal is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
Personality (Ex): Each psicrystal has a distinct personality. This psicrystal sees itself as the be-all, end-all master of all spiritual and philosophical topics.
Self-Propulsion (Su): As a standard action Prakash can will the psicrystal to form spider, ectoplasmic legs to move around on or climb with. The legs fade into nothingness after one day (or sooner, if Prakash desires)
Share Powers (Su): Prakash can have any Truth (but not any psi-like ability) he reveals on himslef also affect his psicrystal if it is within 5' at the time. If the Truth has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the psicrystal if it moves farther than 5' away and will not affect the psicrystal again, even if it returns to Prakash before the duration expires. Additionally, Prakash can reveal a truth with a target of "You" on his psicrystal instead of on himself. Prakash and the psicrystal cannot share truths if the truths normally do not affect constructs.
Sighted (Ex): Although it has no physical sensory organs, a psicrystal can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can't discern invisible or ethereal beings. A psicrystal's sighted range is 40'.
Telepathic Link (Su): Prakash has a telepathic link with his psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile. Prakash cannot see through the psicrystal's senses, but the two of them can communicate telepathically as if the psicrystal were the target of a Analalia truth revealed by Prakash. Because of this telepathic link Prakash has the same connection to an item or place that the psicrystal does.
Telepathic Speech (Ex): The Psicrystal can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language and is within 30 feet of the psicrystal, while the psicrystal is also within 1 mile of the owner.