Peter Loofbourow
by Greg WeatherupA long while back I had set myself a challenge to randomly select some multiclass characters weighted towards those classes and races not normally used in Mystara, then see if I could mystaranize a rational character concept out of the resulting mash-up. I've now come back to finalizing some of them.
For this one I rolled a Draconic Human. I figured the obvious answer would be a member of the Glantrian progeny. Ironically though this is not a spell casting character. Since these started as ECL 2 characters, and the Draconic template gives a +1 LA I initially only gave this character a single class (Scout) and moved on. I kind of vaguely figured when it came up I would go with Ranger as a second class and evetually aim for the prestige class Highland Stalker and 1 or 2 other prestige classes based on which Ranger combat style I chose (I was looking at Cragtop Archer and/or Order of the Bow Initiate if Archery, or Tempest and/Or Dervish if Two-Weapon) or perhaps work on mystaranizing the Vassal of Bahamut prestige class. Now however, I've decided the eventual 2nd class will be a Survivalist Fighter (from Dragon magazine 310) with a goal of probably going for the prestige classes of Frontier Legend (from Northern Crown) and/or Highland Stalker (from Complete Adventurer) with perhaps a level (or maybe a few) of Ruathar (Races of the Wild) if the roleplaying oportunity comes up in game.
note: I haven't yet decided on Peter's Alignment.
Peter Loofbourow ECL 2
Male Draconic Human (Progeny) Scout-1
AL? Medium Humanoid (Dragonblood)
Init: +3; Senses: Listen +7, Spot +9, Darkvision 60', Low-light vision
Aura: Alignment (faint)
Languages: Fluent in Alphatian (Flaemish dialect) & Thyatian (Glantrian dialect); Rudimentary in Draconic & Elvish (Belcadiz dialect) Note: I now forget why I picked Belcadiz dialect and not Erewan, maybe I should change it...
AC: 18 Touch: 13 Flat-Footed 15
Hp: 9 (1d8+1 HD)
Resist: +4 racial bonus on saves against sleep & paralysis
Fort: +1, Ref: +5, Will: +3
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: Handaxe +3 melee (1d6+3); Claw +3 melee (1d3+3)
Ranged: Composite Mighty +3 Shortbow +3 melee (70', 1d6+3)
Base Atk: +0; Grp: +3
Atk Options:: 2 Claws; 1 Handaxe @ -1 & 1 Claw @ -5; Skirmish (+1d6)
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 16, con 13, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 11
SQ: Moonwarrior, Trapfinding
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Reflexes, Moonwarrior, Weapon Proficiency (Handaxe, Simple, Shortsword, Short Bow, Throwing Axe)
Skills:: Balance+2, Climb+6, Hide+2, Intimidate+2, Jump+2, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+5, Knowledge (Geography)+6, Knowledge (Nature)+6, Listen+7, Move Silently+6, Ride+6, Spellcraft+5, Spot+9, Tumble+5, Use Rope+7
Possessions: 509.1sp equivalent in coinage, Handaxe, Composite Mighty+3 Shortbow, 20 Arrows, Masterwork Chain Shirt, Backpack, Belt Pouch, Waterskin, Cold Weather outfit
Antalian Cob Horse, Normal. Gear/carrying: Bedroll, 20 days Rations, Soap, Tent, 2nd Waterskin, Bit and Bridge, 10 days feed, Riding Saddle, Saddlebags, Climbing Kit, 24hr Firewood, Flint & Steel, Hammer, 30 Pitons, 100' Silk Rope, Winter Blanket, extra Traveler's Outfit. Medium Load (35', -3 to Balance & Climb) when not being ridden, Heavy Load (35', -1 AC, -6 to Balance & Climb) when ridden.
Combat Reflexes (Ex): Peter can make up to 4 Attacks of Oportunity per round (only one per opportunity)
Moonwarrior (Ex): Peter gains +1 to attacks in low-light and +1 damage in moonlight
Skirmish (Ex): Peter's attacks on his turn deal an extra +1d6 damage if he moves at least 10' if against a seen living creature with a discernible anatomy as long as Peter is not wearing medium nor heavy armor and is not carrying a medium nor heavy load. Ranged attacks must be within 30' to benefit from this increased damage.
Trapfinding (Ex): A scout can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic trapsDiscription:: 17 year sold, 5'7", 165lbs. Peter is part of the Progeny (in D&D terms he has the Draconic template). He believes, correctly, that his features in the more rural areas where he lives would cause him to be reviled or at best feared, and so he does the best to hide his heritage and keeps a low profile when he must enter towns – wearing gloves to cover his clawed hands, and a deep hood to help hide his face. He doesn’t understand that his status as a member of the progeny would have him viewed with respect and even envy in certain circles in the Capital and other, civilized areas of Glantri. He prefers the wild mountains of Glantri. In truth he both hates what he is, and yet revels in connecting to his more primal side in the wilds. He earns some coin as a mountain guide and an old contact named Michel has asked to meet him in Glantri City – apparently he has a client for Peter who wants to be taken up to Lahamsa. He had met Michel a few years back and thought he had met a kindred spirit, but he doesn’t agree with Michel’s connections to the Fey – In Peter’s experience the Fey are best avoided – at best they are troublemaking tricksters, at worst they are evil beings who will kill without a second thought. Peter always feels he is being watched on the rare occasions where he has to go to the city so he is hoping he won't have to spend long waiting there for Michel and this client.
Note: Other party members are (or are going to be):
Michel Druschel, Shifter Fey-disciple
Peter Loofbourow, Draconic Human Guide (see above)
Prakash, aka "Pop", Lupin Mystic & ascetic
Wannlun, Gnome of mysterious background
Ionafán Zaborsky, Human student of necromancy
Here is a possible ECL 20 progression for Peter.
I ended up not doing any Ruathar levels. Interestingly, I actually found myself returning to taking levels in Scout late in this progression (3 of the last 5 levels were scout levels). I don't have much experience with high level 3e play so I hope I calculated everything correctly.
Note: This is without level appropriate equipment.
Peter Loofbourow ECL 20
Male Draconic Human (Progeny) Scout-6/Survivalist Fighter-2/Frontier Legend-5/Highland Stalker-6
AL? Medium Humanoid (Dragonblood)
Init: +4; Senses: Listen +23, Spot +26, Darkvision 60', Low-light vision
Aura: Alignment (Moderate)
Languages: Fluent in Alphatian (Flaemish dialect) & Thyatian (Glantrian dialect); Rudimentary in Draconic & Elvish (Belcadiz dialect)
AC: 14 Touch: 13 Flat-Footed 14; +1 in Mountains, Hills, or Forests; +2 when moves 10' or more in a turn OR +4 when moves 20' or more
Hp: 123 (7d10+12d8+41 HD)
Resist: +4 racial bonus on saves against sleep & paralysis; +8 to Con checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from thirst and starvation.
Fort: +17, Ref: +13*, Will: +8; *=+1 in Mountains, Hills, or Forest
Speed: 40 ft
Melee: +22 melee; Claw +22 melee (1d3+5)
Ranged: +20 ranged
Base Atk: +17; Grp: +22
Atk Options:: 2 Claws; 1 Weapon @ +16 & 1 Claw @ +12; Skirmish (+4d6, +2 AC if moves 10'; OR +6d6, +4 AC if moves 20'); Point Blank Shot (+1 to attack & to damage with ranged weapons within 30'), Defensive Fighting (+3 Dodge bonus to AC if Fighting Defensively or +6 using Total Defense)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 11
SQ: Animal Kinship (Mountain Lion), Animal Staredown, Battle Fortitude, Evasion, Flawless Stride, Gift of Tongues, Internal Map, Moonwarrior, Mountain Stride, Second Impression, Short Rations, Shrug off Damage, Surefooted, Swift Tracker, Trackless Step, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Unerring Direction Sense, Wildshield 3 (Mountains, Hills, Forests)
Feats: Acrobatic Skirmisher, Alertness, Armor Proficiency (Light), Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Far Shot, Gift of Tongues, Improved Skirmish, Moonwarrior, Point Blank Shot, Ranged Skirmisher, Self-Sufficient, Toughness, Track, Weapon Proficiency (Handaxe, Simple, Shortsword, Short Bow, Throwing Axe)
Skills:: Balance+5, Climb+17 (+2 if using a rope to climb), Diplomacy+2, Escape Artist+3 (+2 if trying to escape being tied up with rope binds), Heal+13, Hide+11, Intimidate+2, Jump+12, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+7, Knowledge (Geography)+7, Knowledge (Nature)+23, Listen+23, Move Silently+10, Ride+6, Search+20, Spellcraft+5, Spot+26, Survival+25 (+2 to avoid getting lost; +2 to follow tracks; +4 to recognize being lost), Tumble+18, Use Rope+8
Acrobatic Skirmisher (Ex): If Peter moves through an opponent's square and successfully uses Tumble to avoid an Attack of Opportuninty (DC 25) he recieves an additional +1d6 Skirmish damage against that opponent until the start of his next turn.
Animal Kinship - Mountain Lion (Su): Peter engenders a sense of kinship in mountain lions. They will not attack Peter or any of his allies within 30' unless the animal is subject to attack, grapple, or any other attempt to harm or restrain it by Peter or his allies. If Peter or his allies are attacked by enemies, all mountain lions within sight will attack Peter's enemies until the enemies are slain or Peter calls off their attack. Note: this is a small tweak from the rules as written, this 5th level Frontier Legend ability is supposed to be chosen amongst Black bear, Lynx, Panther, or Wolf. I could of gone for wolf easily enough but Michel already has that niche covered and given the conflicting usage of terminology surrounding "Panther", "Puma", "Cougar", etc., I figured it wouldn't be unreasonable to allow Mountain Lion as a choice - I don't view this option as any more powerful than the other choices and it nicely fits the flavor of Peter as a mountain frontier legend - and mountain lions are known to be found in the local - Glantrian - Mountains: see here & here
Animal Staredown (Su): A frontier Legend has a gaze attack that causes an animal to cower. Requires an attack action against a single animal within 30'. If the animal fails a DC 14 Will save it is frozen and can take no actions, it receives a penalty of -2 to AC and looses any Dex bonus. The effect lasts as long as the frontier legend continues to spend an attack action each round meeting the animal's gaze, plus 1d4 rounds after the gaze is broken or until the animal is subject to an attack, grapple, or any attempt to harm or restrain it -after which it cannot be effected again.
Battle Fortitude (Ex): A Scout has +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves and initiative checks when not wearing medium nor heavy armor and not carrying a medium nor heavy load. (already included above)
Combat Reflexes (Ex): Peter can make up to 4 Attacks of Oportunity per round (only one per opportunity)
Endurance (Ex): Gains +4 to: Swim checks to resist nonlethal damage, Con checks made to continue running, Con checks made to avoid nonleathal damage from a forced march, Con checks to hold his breath, Con checks to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst, Fort saves to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments, Fort saves made to resist suffocation damage, and may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. (only the thirst and starvation one is included above)
Evasion (Ex): A Scout can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If Peter makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save he instead takes no damage. This is only usable when Peter is wearing light or no armor and is not helpless.
Fast Movement (Ex): when not wearing medium nor heavy armor and not carrying a medium nor heavy load a scout gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to base land speed.
Flawless Stride (Ex): A Scout can move through any sort of terrain that slows movement at normal speed without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. It does not allow a scout to move more quickly through terrain that requires a Climb or Swim check to navigate, nor can a scout move more quickly through terrain or undergrowth that has been magically manipulated to impede motion. A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
Frontier Legend Bonus Feats (Ex): Alertness, Self-Sufficient, Toughness
Gift of Tongues (Ex): Peter can make himself understood at a basic level, even with speakers of an unfamiliar language. When interacting with someone whose language he doesn't understand he can still use Charisma based skills albeit at a -4 penalty. If their language is in the same language group or family as a language known by Peter he does so without penalty.
Internal Map (Ex): Frontier Legends are less likely to become lost- they are always considered to have a map when determining the DC of Survival checks to determine whether they have become lost and if they do become lost they recieve a +4 bonus to Survival checks to determine if they are lost and to set a new course.
Mountain Stride (Ex): A Highland stalker can move through scree and dense rubble or up steep slopes or stairs at normal speed.
Moonwarrior (Ex): Peter gains +1 to attacks in low-light and +1 damage in moonlight
Second Impression (Ex): A frontier Legend can reroll a failed Bluff or Diplomacy check once per encounter. May not be used for Bluff rolls to feint in combat.
Skirmish (Ex): Peter's attacks on his turn deal an extra +4d6 damage if he moves at least 10' if against a seen living creature with a discernible anatomy. Ranged attacks must be within 60' to benefit from this increased damage. When he moves 10' or more in a round he gains a +2 competence bonus to AC until the start of his next turn. If he instead moves 20' or more it becomes +6d6 damage and +4 AC. He looses this ability if wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load.
Short Rations (Ex): A Frontier Legend becomes inured to thirst and starvation. Peter needs only a half gallon of water and 1/2 pound of decent food per day in normal climates and he can go 38 hours with suffering from a lack of water, or 4 days without food. He also recieves a +4 bonus to Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from thirst and starvation.
Shrug off Damage (Ex): Once per day Peter can ignore up to 19 points of damage from a single attack as a limited form of damage reduction.
Surefooted (Ex): Peter is well acquainted with the dangers of mountainous terrain. He can ignore DC modifiers on Balance, Move Silently, and Tumble checks derived from scree, rubble, steep slopes, or stairs. He does not need to make a DC 10 Balance check when running or charging down a steep slope.
Survivalist Bonus Feats (Ex): Endurance, Track
Swift Tracker (Ex): Peter can move at his normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. He takes only a -10 penalty when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.
Trackless Step (Ex): A scout cannot be tracked in natural surroundings unless he choses to leave a trail.
Trapfinding (Ex): A scout can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Unless immobilized, a scout retains their dexterity bonus even when flat-footed.
Unerring Direction Sense (Ex): Frontier Legends can always determine where true north is using a standard action.
Wildshield 3 (Ex): In Mountains, Hills, or Forests Peter recieves a +1 AC bonus and a +1 Reflex save bonus.Combat Notes: keep moving around the battlefield.