I plan on separating out the rather long history of Kaelics later on and having a short summation of it relating directly to the Principality Klantyre and I did with the Flaem and Bergdhoven when this all gets sent to Pandius. As it is this is a rather long writeup
Klantrye, Principality of
by Michael BerryArea:
1,456 square milesPopulation:
AC 1000 - 28,060
AC 1014 - 26,854Towns: (population values are given for AC 1000 and AC 1014)
Glenmoorloch (4200/5100)
Tavish: (2300/2000) is an agricultural town on the southern border of Klantyre.Selected Villages: (population values are given for AC 1000 and AC 1014)
Jedburg: (318) is located in the highlands at the edge of the Colossus Mounts approximately 32 miles due east of Crownguard.
Braemar: (623) is located in the southeast corner of Klantyre.
Crownguard: (438) is a village founded by the McGregor clan when they settled in the Highlands.
Blair Atholl: (823) is located half way between Glenmoorloch and Tavish.
Arbroath: (727) is located just to the south of the entrance to the Scotch Breach.Ethnic groups:
Kaelic 55%, Flaem 35%, Lupin 4%, Ethengarian 3%, Boldavian 2%, Other 1%Languages:
Kaelic, Thyatin CommonRuler:
Prince Brannart McGregor: Viscount of Crownguard, Viceroy of Sablestone AC 1000-1005, Commander of Brannart’s Division AC 1000-1005, Commander 8th Army AC 1005-1009, Commander 2nd Army Corp and Commander of Glantrian 4th and 9th divisions AC 1010-1014.Born AC 927, M33, Death Master of 4th Circle, AL-Chaotic
Sir Duncan McGregor (son): born AC 964, F28 (AC 1000) F32 (AC1014), AL - Lawful
Lady Barbara McGregor (daughter): born AC 966, F4, AL - Lawful
Sir Quentin McGregor (son): born AC969, M9, Water Master of 2nd Circle, AL - Chaotic
Sir Angus McGregor (grandson): born AC 990, M12 (AC1000) M15 (AC1014), Death Master of 3rd Circle, AL - ChaoticHouse: Crownguard
AC 1000 - Voting Power: 16 at the Council, 33 at the Parliament
Allies: Lord Eachainn McDougall (M11), Marquis of Dunvegan; Lord Alasdair McAllister (M13), Count of Glenargyll; Lady Myra McDuff (HD14), Baroness of UigmuirAC 1014 - Voting Power: 15 at the Council, 38 at the Parliament
Allies: Lord Alasdair McAllister (M), Duke of Fenswick; Lord Eachainn McDougall (M), Marquis of Dunvegan; Lady Myra McDuff (HD14), Baroness of Uigmuir; Lord Julian Steurt (M), Baron of AdleturmMilitary:
Prince Brannart was the Viceroy of Sablestone until the enfeoffment of the region in AC 1005. Branart also commanded a division in the pre Great War Glantrian Army. Three of the banners were stationed at Fort Sablestone and remaining Banner, the 4th, was stationed in Glenmoorloch. The Banner patrolled the Principality, as well as patrolling areas outside Klantyre up to 48 miles away. During the Great War Prince Brannart commanded the 8th Army which saw intense action during Thar’s invasion of Glantri.After the Great War the Glantrian Military Reorganisation Act of AC 1010 was passed. The Glantrian Grand Army was now to consist of 16 Divisions. In times of peace the divisions are organized into 8 2-division sections, with the further tactical flexibility available in times of need to be organized into 4 4-division corps. Brannart was given command of the Glantrian 2nd Army Corp which includes of the two divisions of Prince Jaggar and both of Brannart’s divisions, his original division the 4th Infantry Division and 9th Infantry Division. The 4th Division and the 9th Division’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Banners are all stationed at Sablestone. The 4th Banner of the 9th Division is stationed at Glenmoorloch.
Brannarts's 4th and 9th Divisions
Division Commander - 4th and 9th Divisions: Prince Brannart McGregor (M33, 33HD Lich, Death Master 4th)
Brigadiers - 4th Div: Aiden McDonald (F18), 9th: Julian McPherson(M12)
Head Mage- 4th Division: Lord Alaisdair McAllister (M14) 9th Division: Lord Eachainn McDougall (M13, Dragon Master 3rd)
Knights- Sir Robert McGregor (F13, plate +3, two handed claymore+3, Ring of Spell Turning, war horse), Alec Macbeth (F19, Plate +4, two handed claymore +4, war horse)Fighting troops: 860
Total (including officers, aids and logistics banner): 950Headquarters: Fort Sablestone
Peacetime Deployment - Protecting the West End of Glantri from bandits, monsters out of the mountains, and watching the border with Sind.
War deployment: Defending the western border are the two divisions primary tasking.Brannart's army is only partially mounted. Only officers have magical items (about 1%). The troops are almost entirely Klantyrian. All officers are from Klantyre and Kaelic. This unit's strength lies in the battle enthusiasm (which sometimes verges on the berserk) of its Kaelic foot soldiers. Brannart does not trouble himself with the day to day affairs of his troops, delegating command to his Brigadiers and only taking active command in times of emergency or invasion. Aiden McDonald, the Brigadier of the 4th Division has all the power and support in the divisions. Aiden is a member of the Fellowship of the Claymore and it has infiltrated all ranks of these divisions.
The following applies to both the 4th and 9th Divisions.
1st Banner: 120 elite (M3) human cavalry armed with slings and staffs, riding warhorses; plus 4 sergeants (M5), 2 Lieutenants (M7) and a captain (M9)
Far from being the typical sissy mages, these wizards are as tough in fight with a staff as any veteran fighter with their sword, and have no reservation about closing in on a foe and bashing their heads in with staves. All have had advance training with their weapons as well as their spell-casting abilities, mages generally have above average strength, dexterity, and constitution.2nd Banner: 240 heavy Foot (F4) with two-hand claymores, daggers, and chain mail; 8 sergeants (F6); 2 Lieutenants (F7) 1 captain (F9)
3rd Banner: as 2nd Banner
4th Banner: as 2nd Banner but with Riding Horses
Prince Brannart employs no personal guards feeling no need to have personal protection. He does employ a force of 20 city guards in Glenmoorloch and 10 guards in Tavish. The people of Klantyre take great pride in their warrior tradition and militias are a part of the social culture of the Principality meeting every month and drilling and training. In event of emergency up to 20% of the Principality could be mobilized into local militias or into the Glantrian Grand Army as it was during Thar’s Invasion.
The Kaelics that make up the Principality of Klantyre are not of the world of Mystara but instead are from a world called Laterre which was the same world that the Averoignians came from. On their home world of Laterre, the McGregor family was just one branch of a larger clan in the Kaelic Highlands of Fensland. Clan McGregor was notoriously belligerent and warlike, and the family McGregor was renowned for harboring sorcerers, druids, and necromancer. Rumors of their allegiances with devils and fiends were offensive to their Fen neighbors, particularly those from the Church of Fensland.In truth, while there were members of the family that did engage in pagan rituals and magical practices, the majority were mere warriors and farmers who were just as horrified at their relatives' activities as everyone else. Fortunately, the McGregor's reputation as fierce warriors was sufficient to stave off the attacks of enemy clans and earn them allies among the other Kaelic clans.
As the Kaelic lands were increasingly being occupied by the hated Fens, the McGregor family found themselves ever more persecuted for their supposed heretical beliefs, and they began to be pushed out of their ancestral lands. One particularly fiendish McGregor sorcerer, the necromancer known as "Brannart the Red," proposed leaving Laterre through a magical Stonehenge, using a magical gate similar to one that the d'Ambreville family of Averoigne used years earlier. The McGregors and their allies, the McDougalls and the McAllisters, began preparations to move to the new world to escape the persecution and domination of the Fens. Their escape occurred just in time, for the Fen ruler, Queen Alice the Ruthless, had already sent her paladins from the Church of Fensland, lead by the legendary heroes, Sir James and Sir Jeremy Moorkroft.
The McGregors and their allies arrived in the highland valleys of Braejr in AC743 unfortunately for unknown reasons the gates were soon lost after the McGregors and Fens came through which forever earned the McGregors the enmity of the d’Ambervilles who were in the process of moving more of their people through their gate. The Kaelic quickly settled in the land that was sufficiently like their former home in Laterre in the western Highlands of the northern Colossus Mounts, while others, particularly the Fen refugees that straggled with them, moved to other lands to the south. They were surprised to find that unlike their world they left, the necromantic practices that were once shunned become powerful and truly feared. Magic was a dominant force in this new land. The land they settled was populated by the neighboring Flaem and Traladarans but the Kaelics obvious magical powers made them acceptable neighbors to both groups especially since the Kaelics seemed to what nothing more than to be left alone and settle down in this new world. They found the region very similar to the region they left behind on Laterre and they took up their traditional occupations as herders, farmers, loggers, woodworkers, brewers, and distillers.
One of the Kaelics most notorious gifts to the Highlands and later Glantri, was born in the years immediately after their arrival. Some of the Kaelics who arrived in the Highlands did retain their old pagan practices of the druids, while others were introduced to the beliefs of the Immortals and Saimpts of the people in the Highlands. In 747 AC, only four years after the Kaelics arrived in the Highlands, the Flaemish Council of Lords in Braejr outlawed all clerical teachings. Located in the highlands, most of the Kaelic were ignorant or uncaring of the new law, confident that distance would keep them safe. Several recalled the stories of the druidic persecutions by the Church of Fensland back on Laterre. In an attempt to fight back against this declaration, the Brothers of the Claymore were founded—a band of warriors and priests who committed acts of terrorism, on their own and in conjunction with other illegal clerical groups, against the mages of Braejr. Such activities only inflamed the Flaemish people of Braejr even more and led to clashes between the clerics and mages of the nation, and resulted in the Great Burnings of AC 750 and AC 754. The underground nature of the organization of the Brothers of the Claymore was the only thing that spared them from Flaemish retaliation during the rebellion of AC 754, when the Flaems wiped out most able-bodied men of Thyatian and Traladaran descent in their lands.
When war broke out once more between the Thyatian and Flaemish communities in 784 AC, the Brothers of the Claymore (now a much more organized faction) covertly participated in the anti-Flaemish aggression for the next four years, although the Kaelic leaders officially did not sanction such actions against the Flaems preferring the stay out of the war and just defend their own territories. When the Alphatian wizard Halzunthram defeated the Flaemish of Braejr in 788 AC and declared the nation a protectorate of the Empire of Alphatia, the Kaelic were determined not to be driven out of yet another land by oppressive conquerors, although by and large, their actions of the Kaelic leader Bruce McGregor were more defensive of their territories, rather than offensive against the Alphatian subjugators. Only the Brothers of the Claymore, led by Percival McDougall and Malcolm McAllister, joined the army of rebels lead by Alexander Glantri and took up arms against the Alphatians. But due to the secrecy of their group, the Brothers could not even be officially and publicly acknowledged by Lord Glantri for their efforts.
The rebels eventually defeated Halzunthram and drove out the Alphatians. However due to the lack of public support for the rebellion the Kaelics had their petitions to be granted Council seats rejected. Though Percival McDougall and Malcolm McAllister did join the rebel side later in the war they were not publically acknowledged for their efforts by the other Princes. Bruce McGregor kept his troops out of the fight. After the Council denied them the right to have a council member, it granted them dominion in their lands and the right to seat at the House of Lords, as they did the Fens who were also rejected for a Council position. Soon after they knew their dominion would be a Viscounty and the Fenswick one a Duchy they were enraged but managed to turn things to their own advantage. They knew the Council was eager to assign titles to everyone who actively helped during the war, even creating new dominions to cover the vast territory. So they elected McGregor as Viscount of Crownguard but then Percival McDougall and Malcolm McAllister both demanded the right to create their own fiefs. The two fiefs were chosen near Glantrian borders; and became important strategic positions. Percival led his people over Glantrian Mountains near the Duchy of Fenswick, to Glenargyll and established a County there, while Malcolm went north and established the Barony of Uigmuir.
David "the Maiden" McGregor who took over Crownguard when his father Bruce died, and he spent a great deal of time building peace, prosperity, and law and order in the region. He encouraged the enlargement of the nearby small village of Glenmoorloch and the establishment of a strong financial and banking establishment. The village grew by 200% in its first decades as the self-proclaimed financial center for the fast growing northeastern Glantri and became a vital, important town in the region. As might be expected the Tavish area proved to be a major problem for the leaders in the region. The new Marquisate of Tavish was an Ethengar Lord who persecuted and ruled his Kaelic subjects with a firm, iron hand. David resisted the call of many of his advisors to encourage rebellion against Bogdo Khan not understanding the internal politics of the Ethengar and not wanting to have conflict with Bogdo or the rest of the Ethengarians should his role be discovered. It turned out that David’s support or leadership was not needed. Local leaders began a guerilla war against Bogdo Khan using his own tactics against him and using the Flaem territories just to the west as a safe haven to rest and resupply. This war would continue for decades until the Light of Rad decision would radically change the dynamic in Tavish. The guerilla war in Tavish itself does not touch Crownguard or areas to the north of Tavish so David decides to stay out of it.
The year AC 858 heralded a shift of power among the Kaelics thanks to the Light or Rad, a deft political move by David McGregor and a changing of the guard at the house of McDougall. The Light of Rad decision completely altered the dynamic of the conflict in the Tavish region. Bogdo Khan, a warrior and not a mage, was stripped of his noble title due to the Light of Rad and rebelled against the Parliament and the Council. Forces from Braastar and Singhabad moved into Tavish to squash the rebellion. David saw this as the perfect opportunity to set himself up as a hero to the Kaelic people in the region and he brought an army from the north to attempt to trap Bogdo. Bogdo was too skilled a leader and tactician to be caught in such a trap and escaped to fight a guerilla war for another 10 years. The Kaelics of the region finally saw David as a leader of the Kaelics where it mattered most, on the battlefield and his respect and prestige increased exponentially among his people and those of the region. While this was happened, far from the great events happening in the heart of Glantri, the old respected warrior Percival McDougall stepped down and his son Hugh took over. Being removed by distance and a great mountain range from the capital and the great events of the day, David over the course of the following years was now seen as the spokesman and representative of the Kaelics of Glantri.
After Bogdo’s death in 868 the Tavish region is kept under the control of the Council of Princes and is not annexed by Krondahar. The years after Bogdo’s death the Kaelics under David make significant political inroads with the other powers at the Capital. Relations with Krondahar improve vastly with David and Toktai finding a strong common rapport. Relations with the Flaems which has always been cordial become quite warm. David passes away suddenly in AC 871 and is succeeded by his popular half-brother Robert. These new and improved relations pay vast dividends when the Council votes in AC 875 to enfoeff Klantyre as a Principality, annexing Tavish at the same time, with Robert McGregor as its Prince. Robert proved to be an incompetent leader and ended up spending much of his time at the capital however despite his lack of leadership the new Principality flourished. Many Kaelics came back to the highlands Klantyre to settle. The banking and financial institutions Robert McGregor had urged establishment of where now the preferred location of storing vast sums of treasure and profits which has now surpassed those of Glantri City and are only second to those of Darokin. The area experienced a housing boom as the woodworkers and loggers of the area struggled to keep up with demand for all the orders placed by those that had moved to the region from other parts of Glantri.
The last century has been a quiet one for Klantrye. Though the Princes of Klantyre have generally been cruel, suspicious, and selfish through the years, the land and its people have managed to survive and prosper due to the great abilities of local leaders and administrators. Leaders like the Grand Mayor of Glenmoorloch, Gerth MacEndal, who have filled the leadership void left by the Princes when they care nothing for the people and shield as best they can the people when the malevolence of their Princes are turned upon the people.
The Braastar - Rymskigrad Road runs right through the heart of Klantyre including Glenmoorloch and Tavish. It is rated a fair trail leaves Braastar in Krondahar. It continues through the heart of Klantyre and north through the Scotch Breach into Boldavia. Smaller fair trails connect smaller settlements to the larger ones and main highway. The Til River is completely navigable to river traffic up to Glenmoorloch.Economics:
Klantyre is best known for its vast herds of sheep that populate the steep hills of the Colossus foothills and thrive in the misty, dreary, cool climate. The sheep provide vast amounts of wool, lamb, and mutton. Klanytre is also best known for its breweries, distilleries, and its unique whiskey. Klantyre is also known for its lumbering and the banking and financial services Klantyre provides. Klantyre is also known for the skill of its woodcrafters, and carpenters. Local farmers grow grains and potatoes.Klantyrian Monthly Financial Ledger (figures from AC 1000)
Main resources: 1 animal (sheep), 1 vegetable (lumber etc.)
16 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 17920; tax 1792 dc
1 hex: clear, river; rural; pop. 1680; tax 168 dc
3 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
6 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 2520; tax 252 dc
Glenmoorloch: small town; pop. 3200; tax 960 dc
Tavish: small town; pop. 1900; tax 570 dcTotal Population: 5100 small town/suburban, 22960 village/rural
Tax Income: 3826 dc
Resource Income: 11478 dc
Standard Income: 24488 dc
Council Tax: 7958 dc
Net Cash: 7346 dc
Overhead (60%): 4408 dc
Available Cash: 2938 dcWith 183648 XP/year, in 10 years Brannart McGregor could have gained 1836480 XP, rising from M33 to M36.
Alternate: 45912/year, still rising from M33 to M36.Cultural Curiosities:
Good morning food lovers! The Piazza Food Network is pleased to congratulate Micky the Mage for winning the 1014 Good Towerkeeping Award for journalistic excellence for his reports on the varied ethnic cuisine of Glantri done exclusively for the PFN. Today in his latest installment we find him in Klantyre!Hidi Ho everyone! Now what is there to say about the cuisine of Klantyre. What hasn’t been said hahah? Those who have explored Klantyrian cuisine have been known to find themselves picking at their food asking ‘Explain again just what this is’. All stereotypes aside, the Klantyrian meal is not so different or exotic from what you might find elsewhere in Glantri. Mutton, lamb, and fish are the primary meats used in Klantyrian cooking along with vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, turnips, cabbages, and cauliflower. Food and drink have played a central role in Klantyre’s heritage. Klantyre is known for its Angus beef, porridge, stovies (a potato-rich stew), shortbreads, scones, and game dishes. Today I met Master Chef Ronald McDonald of Glenmoorloch’s famed restaurant Tigh na Coin Beagan located on 36 Kelvingrove St to get the lowdown on the most famous (or infamous) Klantyrian dish, Haggis.
Hi Mick! There are SO many different ways of making a haggis as far as the composition of the materials is concerned. Some people like minced tripe in it, some do not; some only like a very small portion of the lights (lungs). This recipe is a standard one; you may make adjustments as you wish.
Yeah. I’ll remember that.
Obtain the large stomach bag of a sheep, also one of the smaller bags called the King's hood, together with the 'pluck' which is the lights, the liver and the heart. The bags take a great deal of washing. They must be washed first in running cold water, then plunged into boiling water and after that, they must be scraped. Take great care of the bag which is to be filled for if it is damaged it is useless. When you are satisfied it is as clean as you can make it, let it soak in cold salted water overnight. The pluck must also be thoroughly washed; you cook it along with the little bag.
Boil the pluck and the little bag in a large pot with plenty of water, (leaving the windpipe hanging over the side of the pot as this allows impurities to pass out freely) for about an hour and a half before removing it from the pot and allowing it to cool. Reserve the cooking liquid for later use.
When cold, start preparing the filling by cutting away the windpipe and any gristle and skin. Use only a third of the liver and grate it, then mince the heart, the lights, and the little bag. It may be that you find that the heart and the king's hood are not boiled enough in the hour and a half, and if so, put them back in the pot and boil until tender.
Chop finely one-half pound of beef suet.Suet? Ummmm!
Toast three handfuls of oatmeal, and then mix all the ingredients - minced lights, grated liver, minced heart, minced king's hood, suet, oatmeal, salt and a good shaking of black pepper. Make this into a soft consistency with the water in which the pluck,etc. was boiled; then place into the stomach bag. Fill only a little over half full as the mixture swells. Sew up the bag with strong thread and the haggis is now ready for cooking.
Hah. My mouth is watering already.
Use a pot which will easily hold the haggis, and place a plate or trivet in the bottom of the pan. Place the haggis on the trivet, and add water to almost cover the haggis. Bring the water to a boil, and keep it boiling steadily for three hours, pricking occasionally to allow air to escape.
The haggis should be served on a platter without garnish or sauce but served with mashed turnip and mashed potatoes seasoned with salt and pepper and mashed with a little butter. Now that is the standard way of preparing Haggis, now let me show you my favorite which….Oh yummy… thank you Ronald… no... Thank you... I think that one recipe is enough.. we have run out of time and space…no.. I don’t think I need to try it… Thanks again.
Oh those lovely Klantryians. As if the food wasn’t interesting enough. We have the traditional clothing of Klantrye. The men of Klantyre are known throughout the known world.. and even beyond in some places by their distinctive clothing. The men wear berets and skirts.. err.. kilts of various colors and patterns called tartans are often associated with Clans or families. Women tend to wear shirts and shawls with their tartan patterns.ARTS AND LITERATURE
Klantyre is home to the The Warrior-Poets of Klantyre are a rare kind of bard originating from the highlands in the Principalities of Glantri. Many Warrior-Poets are allies of the Followers of the Claymore, a subversive rebel group of warriors and clerics who fight to overthrow the magocracy. All of these bards live for the old Kaelic traditions from an era long gone in the world of Laterre faraway, when brave warriors fought for noble causes, when men of faith crusaded on holy quests, when honor, goodness, and right reigned supreme—not the way Glantri is nowadays, ruled by petty, powerplaying, rumormongering wizards, with their politics, intrigues, and magic.
The Warrior-Poets play a crucial role in the fight against the wizards of Glantri. Not only can they inspire with their heroic tales of magic battles back in Laterre or in old days of Klantyre, but with their experience and bardic knowledge of Glantri, the Warrior-Poets have developed certain fantastic skills specifically to counter the magic of the Klantyrian wizards. Needless to say the Warrior Poets of Klantyre are not warmly received at the courts of Klantyrian nobles, especially at the court of the Prince of Klantyre.
Another distinctive feature of the Klantyrian Highlands is the bagpipes which are their traditional musical instrument on which Klantyrian play native music and folk songs.ARCHITECTURE
Being very much of a warrior culture on their home world of Laterre the architecture of Klantrye reflects basic defensive need. IN Klantyre you can find over 4000 examples of the particular architectural style of Klantrye, the Bastle House. The characteristics of the classic bastle house are extremely thick stone walls (1 meter or so), with the ground floor devoted to stable-space for the most valuable animals, and usually a stone vault between it and the first floor. The family's living quarters were on the floor above the ground, and were only reachable by a ladder which was pulled up from the inside at night. The only windows were narrow arrow slits. The roofs were usually made of stone slate to improve the bastle's fire-resistance.
One traditional local custom is the ceilidh (visit), a social occasion that includes music and storytelling. Another is Necromantia which is the national holiday in Klantyre which honors the heroes who died upon the field of honor. Honor is a important matter for the Klantyian and whether mage or warrior there is thought to be no greater honor to die on the field of battle. The Mages of Klantyre still are training to fight hand to hand as well as with spells and magic items are are HIGHLY sought by the divisions of the Grand Army. Fighters of Klantyre almost without fail use their cultural weapon, the Claymore.PASTIMES
Sports such as tossing the caber (a heavy pole) and the hammer throw are integral to the Highland games, a spectacle that originated in the 19th century; the games are accompanied by pipe bands and (usually solo) performances by Highland dancers. Klantyre shares the love for football that all Glantri has and the Principality religiously follows the matches of its beloved Highlanders of Glenmoorloch. Of course the greatest pastime in Klantyre is going to the local pub and enjoying a pint or a bottle of Klantyrian Whiskey with a friend or twenty.Notable sites:
Ruler: Grand Mayor Gerth MacEndal
Glenmoorloch is the capital of Klantyre and the leading financial center of Glantri. The population of Glenmoorloch has exploded in the four years since the Great War, as refugees from the south have settled permanently in the safer regions of the north. The town of Glenmoorloch is an interesting mixture of high finance and high culture and hard scrabble workers.Glenmoorloch is surrounded by imposing defensive works built to withstand a prolonged siege to stop invaders coming through the Scotch Breech. Underground stores contain substantial water and provisions to sustain 8,000 civilians and troops for 30 days. The town is rigidly managed by the Grand Mayor who leads a tough, no-nonsense city guard. Weapons are not allowed in the financial quarter and must be turned in at guard posts before entering. The Penalty for carrying anything larger than a daggar, range from a substantial fine to 30 days in the town jail. Fire magic is prohibited in any part of the city even in self-defense, even by nobles by order of the Prince of Klantyre. The town boasts lively pubs and inns, and a beautiful river bank stadium that hosts football matches during the season. The town is divided into four quarters, and the financial distinct in the town center.
The Financial district is home to all sorts of banks and moneylenders. All are considered to be reputable and operated in an efficient and sophisticated manner. The bankers and moneylenders are managed and regulated by ‘the Guild’ as it is known as in Glenmoorloch. They are held to rigid quality standards and those who try to skirt the high standards that have been set and maintained for 140 years will find themselves out of the Guild and out of Glemnoorloch for simple breaches of guild rules. No exceptions, no second chances. More serious cases will see ‘the Guild’ bring in others like the Unseen Hand to deal with offenders. Also in the financial district is the administrative building of the Principality where all personal records and taxation records are kept and managed. The 4th Banner of Brannart’s Division is stationed here in an imposing guardhouse and they are the only ones allowed in the quarter to go about armed. They regularly patrol the financial district, more for show than for need, to impress customers of the safety and professionalism of the banking services they receive in Glemoorloch.
Around the Financial Center of Glenmoorloch are the town’s four quarters. To the northwest along the Til River is the entertainment district where the Football stadium is found along with pubs, taverns, and theaters of all types. From very high class to those that you have to watch your back and belt pouch in. To the northeast is the residential district where most of the towns population lives. Refugees from the south have really crowded this section of town to the point where the Grand Mayor is considering proposing a suburban residential district outside the town walls. For now there is enough room for everyone but if the population continues to rise he will be forced to do something about it. To the southeast is the lumber district where woodworking shops, carpenter shops, and cabinet and furniture makers ply their trades. To the southwest is the market quarter where large open areas hold the towns markets for local farmers and caravans passing through the area. Large warehouses here also store items being held for transport to other locations within Glantri.
McGregor Mausoleum
Near the castle of the McGregors there is small, unimposing structure called McGregor Mausoleum, which is allegedly the last resting place of all the McGregors for the last 250 years. Mausoleum was originally built as a resting place for Brannart "the Red" McGregor and apparently has been enlarged quite many times later if the rumours are true that there are now over 120 McGregors buried there, which would make it the largest family burial place in the Known World. The fact that McGregors have always insisted that female members of the family that have married outside should be buried here gaves some credibility for the claim. If the rumours are true then the mausoleum is probably huge series of underground catacombs. But nobody knows for sure because the only ones allowed inside are the members of the family and they are not talking. The head of the family is the only one having keys to the Mausoleum. During the years there have been rumours that somebody had broken inside the Mausoleum but since the gruesome deaths of Fenswickian master thief Howardus Carteris and his lupin partner "Lord" Carnivorius in 921 none have made the claim publicly. Amongst the Fenswickians there is a saying "Hell freezes over before McGregors rest in peace".
Jedburg is a village located in the highlands at the edge of the Colossus Mounts approximately 32 miles due east of Crownguard. Jedburg is is a very pleasing village with pretty houses lining the main street and a fine selection of tearooms and restaurants. A festival, Redeswire Ride, takes place each Felmont in the village and culminates in the Border Games - now well over 100 years old. There is also a fine history of Jedburgh supplying Klantyre with some of her best football players.Braemar
Braemar is located in the southeast corner of Klantyre. Braemar is the located in the shadow of the towering Colossus Mounts and is the home of famous ski resort of Glenshee. Renowned for its breathtaking scenery and bracing air it is no surprise that this area of Klantyre is often recommended to nobility by those who need to get away and recharge their batteries.
Crownguard was founded by the McGregor clan when they settled in the Highlands. Most of the villagers are farmers and have little to do with the forbidding castle that lies several miles north of the village. The castle is rumored to be haunted and is the home of the reclusive and powerful Prince of Klantyre.
Blair Aholl
Blair Atholl is located on the Braastar-Glenmoorloch-Rymskigrad Freeway half way between Glenmoorloch and Tavish. The village is home to the Blair Athol Distillery which is one of more renowned distilleries in Klantyre. The village is also home to a thriving lumber industry.Abroath
Arbroath is located just to the south of the entrance to the Scotch Breach. Located strategically above the pass through the mountains, this village boasts substantial defensive works and is capable of supporting several divisions within its wall in time of invasion.Coat of Arms:
Useful links:
Glantrian Political History 828-884 - Harri Mäki and Giovanni Porpora
The Economy of Klantyre by Aleksei Andrievski
The McGregors by Harri Mäki
The Followers of the Claymore by Andrew Theisen
The Warrior-Poets of Klantyre by Rob Munch
McGregor Mausoleum by Harri Mäki
Barbara, Quentin, and Angus McGregor by Kit Navarro
History of the Kaelic and The Grand Army of Glantri AC 1000-1014 by Michael Berry