Ryuu Mahou
by AozImage from i.pinimg.com
An Pachydermion named Ryuu Mahou enrolled at the Glantri Great School of Magic (by Robin) around 901 AC and main interest was spells and exploration. That later, he published Erkundung der erstaunlichen Stadt Glantri (exploring the amazing city of glantri ) in 903 AC. Ryuu was an average student, expect for his passion for adventure, knowledge and spells. Mahou created his most popular spell, Pachydermion Rüssel Zauber (Pachydermion Proboscis Spell: 905 AC): it turns a human wizard's or Elven's nose into an Pachydermion's trunk (size varies with wizard for a limited time limit) and wrote another book called Weisheit aus der Wüste (wisdom from the desert) in 906 AC.
Ryuu Mahou began traveling around Glantri, around 907 AC, it was almost becoming a full-time job (great publicity for the school). In 908 AC, he creates the spell: Juwel der Heilung (gem of healing), it places a healing for a potion into a gemstone: for every hp of healing takes 100 dc of gemstone (to use the healing crush the gemstone). Settling in, he decides to sell a few his spells, he obtained government permits, and enjoyed meeting various people needing his spells Ryuu and gathering information; he hired a tutor from the school to help him continue with his studies. The wealth he obtained allowed Ryuu to devoted himself to the great cause which was nearest his heart: exploration, gathering "allies" and spell creation.
In 910 AC he left Glantri and began his travels for spell components, set out on his adventurous travels, going to Rockhome to Karameikos, sailing around Sea of Dread, visited the Northern Reaches, even travelled briefly visiting Hollow World, finally returning to Sind in 919 AC to visit "his home". then returning to Glantri.
Ryuu returned full of energy, and he decided to take some new classes at the school. He even gave some lectures on Hollow World (very popular) and to write multiple books on the multiple papers on the subject. He adventured on the weekend all around Glantri looking for new caves and dungeons to explore.
In 930 AC, Ryuu returned to Sind (actually the Feylands) until 938 AC then returned to Glantri School of Magic. Ryuu in 942 AC, he wrote Träume des Herzens (dreams of the heart). The story of a wizard that falls in love with a person from their dreams. Most thought of it more of a children's book and tell Ryuu to focus on his roots, the book does get the attention of the Circle of Dream Masters an invitation to Secret Arts of the Illusion. He focused almost the next twenty years on exploring Dreams.
Ryuu returned to adventuring again in 968AC to the Sea while exploring the dream realm. After returning, in 986 AC reads Mathematics of the Arcane by Victor Von Wulf and meets him the later that same year. He stayed a few years researching spells while funding a few archaeology digs. He seemed to be hunting for something and finds a major discovery in the Western Sind desert. He writes a book on Wüstenzauberei (desert wizardry) that many students enjoy.
Ryuu leaves for Feylands in 993 AC and returns 995 AC, almost 56 years passes in the Feylands making him appear much older. He wrote the book, Beleuchtung der Dunkelheit (lighting the darkness) in 1003 AC a diary of his journey.
He meets Quill Cadieux 1009 AC along with his travelling companion a female elf names Leah Sylhorn. The pair had just rescued some elven children from an orc. He bought lunch for the two and the children while listened to their stories. In the 2.13.1010 AC, Ryuu wrote an Elven Poem about the two saving the children and beating the orc shaman titled: Die Geschichte vom bösen Schamanen der zerbrochenen Länder (Tale of the evil shaman of the Broken Lands). He sent signed copies to Quill and Leah both were very honor (and a little embarrassed) by the poem.
He meets Sophia Paige Felmoor 1017 AC when visiting Fire Creek Valley to enjoy the Hot Springs and explore the Valley. He wrote a few papers on Träume von den blauen Flammen (dreams of the blue flames) while he was there. This is given to the Dream Masters the paper warns that uses Dream Master powers in Fire Creek can draw blue flame spirits (The secret Circle send a few members to investigate). Otherwise, he truly loved visiting the Hot Springs.
He encounters Aozy Markov in a part of the Feylands around 11.1017. Ryuu assists Aozy, in his pursuit and study of Time in Feylands until 11.1018 or about 28 years in Fey time. Ryuu and Aozy exchanged a few ideas to help each other in on their own paths. Ryuu Mahou returns looking younger then when he entered the Feyland.
Mahou heads to the Glantrian Alps in 1019 AC after a tip from Sophia Paige Felmoor. He finds a piece of a relic he has been searching for almost many, many years and he stumbles on an unconscious young female gold dragon freezing on the mountain. He saves her life. She tells him her name is Sarujie and tells him her parents were captured by a shadow entity.
Ryuu and Sarujie travels back to her parents' home many away. They discover a Lich named Zhongli Deng using a nightwing and an imprisoned archon in a foul experiment. Both of her parents have been harvested for their parts in this horrible experiment. Ryuu is barely able to defeat the nightwing. However, the Lich hurts Ryuu with a well-placed spell and almost ends his life (he only acting hurt). Sarujie was able to free the archon (named Kohav) and turns the table on the lich. Sarujie was able to say goodbye to the spirits of her parents with the help of the archon. Ryuu takes Sarujie with him after laying her parents to rest.
Ryuu Mahou, is actually a (huge) dragon as of 11.1018 AC, (he is almost 450* years old; do to time in the Feylands*) and has the energy of an adult dragon from a necromancer spell he learned from Aozy Markov. His Pachydermion form is one of many aliases along with playing the role of the (Copper) Dragon Sorcerer King named Cybrikain. (Aozy suggested the name) He is a dragon but hides what type he is, maybe a cross breed. He was born in Fall of 876 AC in a deep cavern somewhere near the Black Mountains of Glantri. He was born alone, explored a tunnel, and ended up in the Sind desert. He created the Pachydermion identity after observing a few in a small Sindi community for years. He was able to blend into the world then set out from Glantri.
In Glantri City in 1019, Vatermont 15, Ryuu buys the Princess of Cathos pearl necklace from Zacarius for 20K dc. He senses strange magic within the necklace. He visits with Aozy Markov and then gives the necklace to Sarujie after replacing one "special" pearl. Ryuu casts a sending spell to make contact with the Princess of Cathos and tells her that Aozy Markov would like to meet her.
He writes the Wälzer des träumenden Estragon-Zauberers (tome of the dreaming tarragon sorcerer) and translates into multiple languages then hires The Adventurers Guild (TAG) to delivery his book all across the world starting 9.19.1020 AC.
special note:
The Future Troll Queen
Even after flooding the future Troll Queen had to battle a Copper looking Dragon named Cybrikain (Maze in Dragon) that claimed the Palace just before her. Cybrikain even had appears to be an undead Zoa Kram serving next to him. (In truth, just a look alike undead and the Dragon is Kram [A.k.a. Markvo or Markov])This is all misdirection.
Yes, Zoa Kram is a decoy (with 10th level casting ability)
The "Copper" Dragon Sorcerer King named Cybrikain sometimes is Markov (uses shape change and takes on dragon form) and sometimes Ryuu Mahou taking on the dragon form (using illusions or simple disguise spells). It is a great misdirection.Also, may vary after or before depending on the actions of adventurers and alterations in the timeline.
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