Master of the Desert Nomads
by Travis Laney
d20(tm) System Conversion of:
Module X-4: "Master of the Desert Nomads"
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and is hosted at (insert name here) in compliance with Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ESD Conversion Agreement v1.0.
To use this document, you will need a copy of the original book (Module X-4: "The Master of the Desert Nomads," by David Cook, (c) 1983 by Random House Inc., ISBN 0-88038-016-0). If you do not own a hardcopy of this out-of-print book, an ESD of this document can be found at:
Read the original adventure module completely before playing. As you run the module for your gaming group, use all of the descriptions, text, stats, and rules in the original document except as noted below.
Abbreviations Used in this conversion:
PHB: Player's Handbook (Core Rulebook 1)
DMG: Dungeon Master's Guidebook (Core Rulebook 2)
MM: Monster Manual (Core Rulebook 3)
MM2: Monster Manual II
This is a total conversion document. Whenever possible, existing d20 monsters, traps, spells, and magic items were used to emulate those described in the module. On occasion, certain elements had to be created from scratch.
Part 2: Key to the Settled Areas
Settled Lands Encounter Table (pg. 3)
For the brigands, use the stats for human fighters, found on pg. 117 of the DMG.For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
For the gargoyles, use the stats on pg. 113 of the MM.
For the gnolls, use the stats on pg. 130 of the MM.
For the hellhounds, use the stats on pg. 151 of the MM.
For the lions, use the stats on pg. 274 of the MM.
For the NPCs, use the tables on pgs. 110-126 of the DMG.
For the ogres, use the stats on pg. 199 of the MM.
For the peasants, use the stats on pg. 108 of the DMG for 1st level human commoners.
The robber fly and tarantula are new monsters; refer to the Appendix for their descriptions.
For the veterans, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 2nd level human fighters.
For the zombies, use the stats on pg. 266 of the MM for Human Commoner Zombies.
Rumors (pg. 4)
The Gather Information DC to hear a rumour is 15.Area #1: Commander's House (pg. 4)
For Sarras, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 10th level human fighter. For his bodyguards, use the stats shown for 6th level human fighters.Area #2: House of the Mad Hermit (pg. 5)
For the mad hermit, use the stats on pg. 108 of the DMG for a 1st level human commoner. His insanity has stricken him with permanent confusion (as described on pg. 212 of the PHB.)Area #3: The Guide
For Pormas Theocrates, use the stats on pg. 108 of the DMG for a 1st level human commoner.Settled Lands Encounters
Area #1: The Mysterious Man (pg. 5)
The Soul Eater is a new monster; see the Appendix for its game stats.Since "quest" (geas) is a 6th level spell, Bishop Guilliame must be at least 11th level to cast it. Thus, to run this encounter use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for an 11th level cleric (domains are Good and Law). Consider all of his spells for the day to have already been cast except for speak with animal and geas.
Area #2: The Evil Patrol (pg. 6)
The Spot DC to see the flying creature is 12.For the magic-user, use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a human wizard.
For the wyvern, use the stats on pg. 259 of the MM.
For the trolls, use the stats on pg. 247 of the MM.
The amulet of finding allows the Master to see through the eyes of any creature wearing it, as per the clairvoyance spell. The amulet detects of moderate Divination magic.
Part 3: Key to the Asanda River
The Asanda River (pg. 8)
If a character drinks more than a few sips of unpurified water from the river, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or become nauseated for 24 hours, or until magically treated.The Salt Swamp (pg. 8)
The Salt Swamp is considered to be a "deep bog" for the purposes of travel and movement rates (see pg. 88 of the DMG for more information.)Characters who drink even the smallest amount of swamp water must make Fortitude saves (DC 15) or become nauseated for 48 hours or until magically treated.
River Trip Encounters (pg. 8)
You may use any of the hydras listed in the MM, pgs. 155-157.The giant leaches and swamp termites are new monsters, refer to the Appendix.
In place of "giant bats," use Dire Bats as described in the MM, pg. 62.
For the black dragon, use the stats for a "very young" black dragon as described on pgs. 70-71 of the MM.
Encounter Area 1: Monsters From Below (pg. 8)
The giant crabs are new monsters; their complete stats can be found in the Appendix.For the crocodile, use the stats on pg. 271 of the MM.
Encounter Area 2: The Watchers of the River (pg. 8)
For the mounted bowmen, use the stats on pg. 109-110 of the DMG for 1st level human warriors.For their leader, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 7th level human fighter. His "girdle of giant strength" is a belt of strength +4.
For the orcs, use the stats on pg. 203 of the MM.
For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
For the weretigers, use the stats on pg. 174 of the MM.
Encounter Area 3: The Malakaz (pg. 9)
If a detect magic spell is used, the area will detect strongly of Universal magic. If a detect evil spell is used, the area will detect overwhelmingly strong of evil.Characters may speak with the Malakaz by using any of the following divination spells: commune, commune with nature, contact outer plane, or detect thoughts.
During the night when the Malakaz attacks, characters who are awake must make Will saves (DC 20) or fall asleep. A character whose mind has been drained has a Wisdom score of zero, and falls into a state of permanent catatonia.
Part 4: Key to the Caravan Track
The Sind Desert (pg. 10)
Use the rules on pages 303 ("Heat Dangers") and 304 ("Starvation and Thirst") of the DMG, as well as the movement rates found on pg. 91 of the DMG, for all of the complications of travelling through the desert.The Caravan (pg. 10)
For the caravan master, use the stats on pg. 108 of the DMG for a 1st level human aristocrat.For the captain of the guard, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 6th level human fighter. Instead of the "extra damage" property, his sword is enchanted to deal a particular type of energy damage of your choice (flaming, frost, or shocking, for example.)
For the sergeants of the guard, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 3rd level human fighters.
For the guards, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters.
For the merchants, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for 1st level human experts.
For the camels, use the stats on pg. 270 of the MM.
Area #1: Bandits on the Way (pg. 10)
For the 100 desert bandits, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters.For the bandit leader, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for an 8th level human fighter.
For the horses, use the stats for "light warhorses" on pg. 273 of the MM.
Area #2: The Lost Oasis (pg. 11)
Characters who took part in the feast must make Fortitude saves (DC 12) or become sickened for 12 hours, and will be unable to sleep.The tabi is a new monster; see the Appendix for a complete description.
Buried Temple, Area B: The Outdoor Altar (pg. 11)
For the pit viper, use the stats on pg. 280 for a Medium Viper.The Search DC to find the pictures and writings is 12. The Decipher Script DC to interpret the writings is 15.
Buried Temple, Area C: Anteroom (pg. 13)
The Decipher Script DC to read the writings is 15. Characters who successfully read the writings at Area B (above) gain a +2 competence bonus to this check.The secret panel can be found with a successful Search check (DC 22).
Buried Temple, Area D: Hall of the Dead (pg. 13)
The amber golem is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for a complete description.The tabi is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for a complete description.
Buried Temple, Area E: Storeroom (pg. 13)
If any of the urns are opened, all characters in the room must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become sickened for 20 minutes.The Search DC to find the ancient scrolls is 15. The Decipher Script DC to read them is 20.
Buried Temple, Area F: Burial Chamber (pg. 13)
For the mummies, use the stats on pg. 190 of the MM.There are no "potions of longevity" in the 3.5 Edition game. In their place, you should randomly determine or select any two potions from the "Medium" list.
Buried Temple, Area G: Abatu's Chamber (pg. 13)
The nagpa is a new creature; refer to the Appendix for a complete description.The tabi is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for a complete description.
The mirror or seeing acts in the manner described in the entry, and does not need conversion.
The Decipher Script DC to decode the message is 18.
Buried Temple, Area H: The Gate (pg. 13)
No conversion necessary. The scorpion-man has an AC of 20, and behaves in the manner described.Area #3: Friend or Foe? (pg. 14)
For the advance scout and all of the dervishes, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters.For Talel el Hareidhin, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 10th level human cleric (domains are Good and Law). Use the spells listed, assuming that all others (such as domain spells, or bonus spells from a high ability score) have already been cast for the day. For his "ring of animal control," use the stats for a ring of animal friendship as described on pg. 230 of the DMG.
The Spellcraft DC to notice Talel casting detect evil during the course of his chant is 16.
Part 5: Key to the Sind Desert
The Plain of Fire and the Desert Hills (pg. 15)
Refer to the DMG, pgs. 91 and 303, for rules on overland travel rates, heat dangers, and other complications of travelling through this region. The Plain of Fire is considered to be a "very hot" region during the day.Random Encounters in the Sind Desert (pg. 15)
For the Blue Dragon, use the stats on pgs. 72-73 of the MM for a young adult blue dragon.For the Flame Salamanders, use the stats on pg. 219 of the MM for Flamebrother Salamanders.
The Cyclops is a new monster; refer to the Appendix for a description.
Use the stats on pg. 130 of the MM for the gnolls.
Use the stats on pg. 150 of the MM for the harpies.
Use the stats on pg. 133 of the MM for the goblins.
Use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM for the bugbears.
Use the stats on pg. 247 of the MM for the trolls.
Use the stats on pg. 121 of the MM for the fire giant.
Use the stats on pg. 34 of the MM for the chimera.
For the magic-user leader (Enemy Patrol 1), use the stats on pg. 126 of the DMG for a 6th level human wizard.
For the fighter leader (Enemy Patrol 2), use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 7th level human fighter.
For the fighter (Enemy Patrol 3), use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for a 4th level human fighter.
Area #1: The Hibernating Monster (pg. 16)
Use the stats on pg. 157 of the MM for the desert hydra (9-headed hydra).Electrum coins do not exist in the 3.5 Edition game. In place of the 1,000 ep, you should place an equivalent value (500 gp worth) of some other type of coin.
Area #2: The Enemy on the March (pg. 16)
For the goblins, use the stats on pg. 133 of the MM.For the dire wolves, use the stats on pg. 65 of the MM.
For the nomad soldiers, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters.
Use the standard rules in the PHB for hiding, moving silently, wearing a disguise, bluffing, and other skilled actions described in this encounter key. The Gather Information DC to learn rumours from the camp is 12.
For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
For the guards, use the stats on pg 117 of the DMG for 1st level human fighters.
For the hill giant, use the stats on pg. 123 of the MM.
For the gargoyles, use the stats on pg. 113 of the MM.
For the officers, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 4th level human fighters.
For the juggernaut camp, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for 2nd and 7th level human fighters. For the juggernaut itself, use the stats in the MM2, pg. 132.
Part 6: Key to the Gates of the Pass
Area #1: The Guardians of the Pass (pg. 18)
For the madman, use the stats on pg. 109 of the DMG for a human commoner.The Evil Abbey, Area B1: Entrance (pg. 20)
The Search DC to find the one-way trapdoor is 20.The Evil Abbey, Area B5: Meditation Chapel (pg. 21)
The Search DC to find the secret doors is 20.The bhut is a new monster; see the Appendix for a complete description.
The Evil Abbey, Area D: Granary (pg. 21)
For the giant rats, use the Dire Rat stats on pg. 64 of the MM.The Evil Abbey, Area F2: Sleeping Chambers (pg. 22)
The Survival DC to identify the red powder as dried blood is 12.The bhuts are new monsters; see the Appendix for a complete description.
The Evil Abbey, Area F4: Kitchen (pg. 22)
The Search DC to find the water-soaked ashes and clogged chimney is 12.The Evil Abbey, Area G: Blacksmith's Shed (pg. 23)
For the frost salamander, use the stats on pg. 107 of the MM2.The Evil Abbey, Area H1: Main Bath (pg. 23)
For the ochre jelly, use the stats on pg. 202 of the MM.The Evil Abbey, Area H2: Yellow Mold Peril (pg. 23)
Yellow mold is described in detail on pg. 76 of the DMG.The Evil Abbey, Area I1: Abbey Kitchen (pg. 23)
The Open Locks DC to the kitchen storeroom is 15.The Evil Abbey, Area I2: Kitchen Storeroom (pg. 23)
The Open Locks DC to the kitchen storeroom is 15.The Evil Abbey, Area J1: Entryway (pg. 23)
Swinging axe trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch trigger; manual reset; Atk +4 melee (1d12). Search DC 18, Disable Device DC 15, Market Price 2,000 gp.The Evil Abbey, Area J3: Classrooms (pg. 23)
The bhuts are new monsters; see the Appendix for a complete description.The Evil Abbey, Area J4: Meeting Hall (pg. 24)
The Search DC to find the secret drawer is 20.The Evil Abbey, Area J5: Storeroom (pg. 24)
The Survival DC to notice that the herbs are used for healing is 12. The Survival DC to notice that they have all been infected with a poisonous fungus, however, is 25.Poison Fungus: ingested; Fort DC 12; initial damage 1d4 Constitution, secondary damage 2d4 Constitution.
The Evil Abbey, Area K: The Temple Compound (pg. 24)
The Search DC to find the secret doors is 20.The Evil Abbey, Area K2: Temple Porch (pg. 24)
For the monkey, use the stats on pg. 276 of the MM.The bhuts are new monsters; see the Appendix for a complete description.
The Evil Abbey, Area K3: The Abandoned Shrine (pg. 24)
The Strength DC to open the stuck door is 15.The shrine will cast bless (caster level 20) upon characters who pay proper reverence, and bane (also at caster level 20) upon characters who defile it. Neither effect allows a save throw, although spell resistance applies.
The Evil Abbey, Area K4: Temple Foyer (pg. 25)
Bestow curse trap: CR4; magic device; proximity trigger (archway); automatic reset; spell effect (bestow curse, 5th-level cleric, DC 14 Will save negates); Search DC 28, Disable Device DC 28. Cost: 8,000 gp, 640 XP.The Evil Abbey, Area K5: The Main Temple (pg 25)
The bhuts are new monsters; see the Appendix for a complete description.For the ghouls, use the stats on pg. 118 of the MM.
Instead of a save vs. Spells, use the rules for the Bluff skill on pgs. 67-69 of the PHB for when the bhuts attempt to convince a character that they are friendly.
The Search DC for the secret compartment (in the dais) is 20.
The Evil Abbey, Area K6: Robing Chamber (pg. 25)
The Search DC to find the secret compartment in the bottom of the chest is 20.The illusion is a major image spell effect (heightened to 9th level and made permanent by the permanency spell, Will DC 23 to disbelieve.)
Spear of Panic:This powerful magic item appears to be a simple wooden dart about 6 inches in length, carved to resemble a spear. On command, it grows into a +1 longspear. All creatures struck by the spear must make a Will save (DC 14) or become panicked. Faint transmutation and necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Arms and Armor, cause fear; Price 4,800 gp; Weight: --.
The Evil Abbey, Area K7: Abbot's Antechamber (pg. 25)
For the giant rattlesnake, use the stats on pg. 280 of the MM for a Medium viper.The Evil Abbey, Area K8: Abbot's Shrine (pg. 26)
The Search DC to find the secret door is 20.The bhut is a new monster; see the Appendix for a complete description.
For the bear, use the stats on pg. 269 of the MM for a brown bear.
The Search DC to find the items in the room is 10.
The Evil Abbey, Area L3: Cubicles (pg. 26)
The bhut is a new monster; see the Appendix for a complete description.The Evil Abbey, Area L4: Main Library (pg. 26)
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "read languages" spell is comprehend languages. For its complete stats and description, see pg. 212 of the PHB.The magical scroll (die roll result of 100) functions exactly like a tome of understanding +1, as described on pg. 268 of the DMG, except it is cursed. Non-lawful characters who use it will instead lose one point of Wisdom.
The Evil Abbey, Area L5: The Secret Archives (pg. 27)
The commune effect has an effective caster level of 9, and functions as described on pg. 211 of the PHB. The Will save DC to resist the curse is 15; characters who fail this save throw are permanently confused as the spell.The Evil Abbey, Area N: The Abbot's House (pg. 27)
The door and windows to this area function as per the teleportation circle spell, described on pg. 293 of the PHB.The Evil Abbey, Area N1: Guard Chamber (pg. 27)
For the wights, use the stats on pg. 255 of the MM.The Evil Abbey, Area N4: Holding Cell (pg. 27)
For Dressla the Thief, use the stats on pg. 123 of the DMG for a 5th level human rogue.The Evil Abbey, Area N6: Storeroom (pg. 28)
For Mond, use the stats on pg. 117 of the DMG for an 11th level human fighterThe 3.5 Edition equivalent of a "ring of djinni summoning" is the ring of djinni calling, described on pgs. 230-231 of the DMG.
The Catacombs, Area 1: Crypts (pg. 28)
For the vampire, use the stats on pg. 250 of the MM for the sample vampire (5th level human fighter vampire.)For the rockfall, use the rules for cave-ins, as written on pg. 66 of the DMG.
The wand of fear has a caster level of 7 and 1-50 charges.
The Catacombs, Area 2: Secret Altar (pg. 28)
The 3.5 Edition equivalent of the "magic mouth" spell is programmed image. In this particular case, it is set to activate by proximity.For the snake, use the stats on pg. 280 of the MM for the Giant Constrictor Snake.
The Catacombs, Area 3: Cells (pg. 28)
For the abbot, use the stats on pg. 115 of the DMG for a 7th level human cleric.The Catacombs, Area 4: The Dolorous Way (pg. 28)
The Survival DC to recognize the bones as human is 12.The Catacombs, Area 5: The Water-Filled Chamber (pg. 28)
The giant leech is a new monster; see the Appendix for the creature's stats.The Catacombs, Area 6: The Dripping Passage (pg. 28)
The secret trapdoor may automatically be seen from this location; it is only disguised on the opposite side.The Catacombs, Area 8: The Secret Exit (pg. 28)
The bhut is a new monster; see the Appendix for a complete description.For the bugbears, use the stats on pg. 29 of the MM.
New MonstersBhut
Crab, Giant
Golem, Amber
Leech, Giant
Robber Fly
Soul Eater
Tarantella, Giant
Termite, Swamp
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
"Master of the Desert Nomads," (c) 1983 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20(tm) System Conversion "Master of the Desert Nomads," (c)2007 Travis Laney