Illustrated Timeline of "Arykkia," Sub-Continent of Davania
by Christian ConstantinAlright, so... this started as an innocent effort at organizing info found on the Vault concerning the people of Northeastern Davania as part of my project on colonies along the Green Coast. That innocence was soon lost to the sheer amount of knowledge concerning Davania across the ages and it became a much bigger side-project. I would like to share the fruits of these efforts (a) in order to identify omissions and errors, (b) to help others that may also be daunted by the amount of data/interesting ideas, (c) support new ideas about modern societies that may have risen out of the region's complex history. Hope you will enjoy.
A few words of caution:
1- The following timeline is simply a cut & paste job of different timelines I found on the Vault. These quotes were not edited and elements may be missing to fully understand the events. What I was looking for was clues about peoples and groups which have stayed in the area, I have left aside most of the domestic history of the cultures/empires mentioned here. I have referenced all the elements so that it is easy to find both their sources and the elements I didn't not include in the timeline.
2- I have limited the scope of this survey to events happening in what I have called the Arykkia (Arypt-Adakkia) subcontinent of Davania. Basically it is the Africa-shaped section of Davania. Events happening outside of this area are mentioned only if they have a direct bearing on the evolution of the subcontinent. Likewise, groups or peoples that migrated out of the area were usually ignored afterward.
3- The elements presented below were written by fans. Knowledge of the region's canon is assumed. A more complete timeline should also include canonical info.
4- I have decided to focus mostly on human societies, I have purposefully left out important demi-human migrations that crossed the region. These would need to be added.
5- I chose to illustrate the key eras with simple maps. These maps were first destined for personal use and are sketchy at best. Yet, they help figure out the evolution of local history and the location of the main groups of population. As a convention, centralized political units are depicted with borders while less organized groups appear as ovals.
6- Most communities represented on these maps were mentioned in the sources I used, but sometimes they are only mentioned briefly as marginal players of greater events. Often, their evolution after the events is left untold. I have tried to preserve some continuity unless there was some indication that these groups/people/cultures were decimated. Sometimes I have merged stray groups that were geographically or culturally close. A more detailed discussion will follow the timeline.
7- I have certainly missed important elements or misinterpreted some of the works I used, please point out omissions and mistake and I'll fit them in or correct them (already, I know I have forgotten to include a Katapec timeline I have read a little while ago).
8- I will present each historical era in separate posts on this thread with a link to the map and references (some edition work will be required, so the whole thing may not be available right away).
The Lhomarr Era; 9,00BC-6,000BC (Map)
9000 BC - 8000 BC: Rise of the Oltecindian civilisation of Orimul in Northern Davania (Forest of Ka). #1
BC 8400: Lhomarrian colonists had already sparsely settled the Cestian Peninsula by BC 8400, as well as the peninsula we know as the Vulture Peninsula, then a land of verdant forests and pastures. The Vulcanian Peninsula, although much closer geographically, had poorer soils, a more severe climate, and more hostile animals than the more distant Lhomarrian colonies. No large numbers of Lhomarrians settled Davania at this time. Only after the edict of Galhossian, Emperor of Lhomarr, was announced in the capital city of Regemnon in BC 8397 were large numbers of colonists sent to Xerothyni (the Lhomarrian name for the Cestian colony), and Prys (the old name for the Vulture Peninsula) on Davania. #2
BC 8249: Lhomarrian ship returned home by BC 8249, and the tale of the diplomatic mission was shared with Mordalios. Not a particularly brave man, he decided that Lhomarrian lives were too precious to waste in an obscure corner of the world, and so did nothing in terms of reprisals. He maintained close ties with the various nations on Davania, such as Nevumm and Orimul, in order to ensure that his colonies' western flanks would be well-protected from any menace originating there #2
BC 8000: As the years passed, contact with the nations to the west became sporadic, then ceased entirely as city after city fell to the hordes of Y'hog and its colonies. The last city of Nevumm was sacked and burned in BC 8006, and with its destruction the ruin of an entire nation. Orimul shared its fate not long afterwards, in BC 7962, though some of its Oltec inhabitants fled, escaping northeast across the Serpent Peninsula to the future lands of the Atruaghin Clans. By BC 7903, the kingdom of Ilarnn found itself under the Carnifex heel, and its people enslaved. With its conquest the way was clear to the rich lands of Xerothnyi, prize colony of Lhomarr. -> Over the next 400 years the battle lines moved east and west across the northern portion of the continent, with many large cities switching hands several times, decimating the numbers of those who survived the initial onslaught of the Carnifex #2
8000 BC - 7000 BC: Orimul lands are continuously attacked by other local nations (including the Carnifex of Y'hog). #1
BC 7465: great victory was scored in BC 7465, when Azhat-Ith, the largest Carnifex city on Davania, and a main transit point for their armies, was taken after a two-year siege -> It is upon this site that the Milenian city of Kastelios will be built far into the future, under which the catacombs of Azhat-Ith remain untouched #2 and #3
BC 7500: city-state of Pelenzor was founded circa BC 7500 by the scattered remnants of Orimul #4
BC 7024: Late in this year, the last port in Xerothnyi, Pirolos, falls to the Carnifex after bitter house-to-house fighting. Many thousands of Lhomarrians were not fortunate enough to escape during the evacuation. Those who are discovered are killed, though a couple thousand manage to flee into the forests, ready to conduct a guerrilla campaign #2
7000 BC - 6000 BC: Orimul civilisation almost collapses; some of the Orimul migrate back to Brun and are absorbed into the local Oltecindian cultures; the original Orimul culture becomes the basis of new Oltecindian civilisations -> A fourth group fled southeast, to lands still protected by Lhomarr. But the advancing Carnifex forced them to move repeatedly, and finally they discovered a chain of secluded islands in the slowly-drying Inner Sea, which they settled #1, #5
BC 6500: Some residents of Thallios (in the Lost Valley region), realising that Lhomarr is well and truly gone (many surviving colonists searched vainly for it over the centuries), decide to move north to better lands. The local climate has been getting cooler, and it is harder to survive #2
6000 BC the Inner Sea's decline had accelerated. The once-great sea had dwindled to a chain of brackish lakes surrounded by a thin fringe of forest and grasslands. The children of Orimul fled to the coast to begin anew, where they found several secluded settlements. By the time they encountered the Thonians, and later the Blackmoorians, they controlled the Davanian coast from the mainland opposite Cestia to the Vulture Peninsula #5
1- A Timeline of the Oltec Man by Átila Pires dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta
2- Lhomarr: The Land, Its People, and Their History by Geoff Gander
3- Of the Lore and Legends of Y'hog, City of the Unclean Ones, and of that Race by Geoff Gander
4- Forgotten Places of Davania: The Ruins of Pelenzor by Geoff Gander
5- The Tokham by Geoff Gander"New Beginnings: The GRoF, Neathar Settlements, Birth of Varellya; 4,00BC-2,000BC" (Map)
BC 3000: A small number of Oltec survivors migrate to the Arypt region, forming the Katapec civilisation, other continue their migration to Oceania #1
2,500BC: Taymoran humans establish bronze age kingdoms in modern southern Darokin, Five Shires, Undersea, eastern Ierendi, and perhaps Minrothad. Most of the eastern Maharian tribes are conquered and assimilated by the Taymorans. Exceptions: Makai (western Ierendi) and those who flee south (eventually to become Varellyans) #2
2400 BC: Kingdom of Mevu, pre GroF, was nowadays Garganin. In that area also the proto-varellyan came in 2400 BC -> BC 2,400: Varellyans were the result of the conquest, on the part of Maharian tribes fleeing the Taymorans , of a Maharian/Oltec civilisation of Davania that dated back to 4'000 BC. In this case too, the Maharian ethnicity prevailed in the formation of the racial features and culture #3, #4
BC 2,000: Dunharians fleeing the Skandaharians reach Davania. They become the Thratians #4
BC 2,000: Not able to reach their sources of metals anymore, the Neathar and Antalians are pushed out of the Ylari coastline. Some tribes, the future Traldar, are enslaved by the Nithian kings, other, the Dunael, flee east on the sea, while the Doulakki enter the forested lands that are now Thyatis. -> By this time, Neathar tribes more or less related to the these have settled north-eastern Davania as well, up to Varellya -> Bronze Age Neathar tribes reach Varellya #5,
1- A Timeline of the Oltec Man by Átila Pires dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta
2- Taymoran Timeline by Giulio N. Caroletti based on the work by Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin and Sharon Dornhoff
3- Post on the "Hulean Colonies in Davania" Thread by Sturm
4- Ethnographic History of Mystara - Neathar by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo Agosta
5- Timeline of the Taymoran Age, 2800-1700 BC by Giampaolo AgostaFirst Varellyan Empire; 1,850BC-940BC (Map)
BC 1750: An ambitious chieftain named Tabnit uses his superior tactical knowledge to dominate the two other largest clans. He proclaims himself ordained by the Immortals to lead all the people, crowns himself king, and names his kingdom Varellya (Land of Our Destiny) #1
BC 1500: first postcataclysmic settlers of Cestia were the Varellyans. The great Varellyan adventurer, Androk Thran, discovered the island circa BC 1500. #2
BC 1314: King Prial (Varellya), slightly mad and very eager to expand his holdings, orders the conquest of the interior and the establishment of a port on the other sea within 20 years. Several decades of vicious war erupt with the plains folk who live on the fringes of the kingdom, which ultimately result in thousands of people being enslaved, or expelled into the dry interior #1
BC 1200: decline of Varellya began around BC 1200, when Oltec inhabitants of the nearby island of Oceania, with whom the Varellyans traded, began to migrate to Androkia. They spread tales of fearsome "Night Dragons", which destroyed their cities and ravaged the countryside #2
BC 1065: The tribes of the interior mount a united attack against the Varellyans. Some frontier forts, and dozens of villages, are overwhelmed. The imperial court orders a counterattack, but word of the setback reaches Emperor Philosir, who has his generals executed and replaced by men he feels he can trust. The tide of battle shifts even more in favour of the tribes #1
BC 952: The port of Badghaan falls to the interior tribes #1
BC 940: After more than thirty years of war, Cestia is devastated, and local authority breaks down entirely. The emperor and his court, focused on the conflict closer to home, do nothing. A dark age ensues #1
1- Varellyan Timeline by Geoff Gander
2- Description of the Isle of Cestia by Geoff GanderMilenian Empire Era; 1,000BC-100BC (Map)
BC 1,000: After sustaining heavy losses, King Milen concludes that the Traldar are doomed and organises the entire city of Marilenev to flee for Davania #1
BC 990: The first conquests were of the surrounding hill tribes, Oltecs in the east and Neathar in the west. Captives progressively mixed with the Milenians resulting in their olive complexions and culturally distinguished them from their Traldar ancestry #1
BC 900: 2nd wave of Milenians conquests took place in the Meghala Kimata Plains (N of Polakatsikes) #1
BC 800: 3rd wave of Milenians conquest: Milenians push east through the Jungle Coast, conquering the Oltec City of Ixachitl and wiping out the Katapec Oltecs of northern Arypt #1
BC 650: Settlement of Kastelios is founded by Milenians not afraid of the sea #1
BC 600: 4th wave of Milenians conquest: Jungle Coast. Thratians, Thyatians, Kerendans, Hattians are driven toward the coast. Settlement of Ilioloosti founded #1
BC 512: Settlement of Mivosia founded #1
BC 400: Settlement of Hrissopoli founded #1
BC 200: Ixachitl flourished until roughly BC 200, when a rival faction within the city's leadership arose that questioned the wisdom of maintaining peace with the Milenian Empire -> war ended with a crushing defeat for Ixachitl #2
BC 120: The Bogdashkan Orcs move into the Jungle Coast, raiding Milenian settlements there #1
BC 100: Milenians founds Polakatsikes, then invades Varellya which is ruled by Queen Astarra -> BC 94 Milenians ceases the Varellyan invasion with nothing gained #1
1- Milenian History by Michael Diehm
2- Descriptions of the Settlements of the Adakkian Sound Region by Geoff GanderSecond Varellyan Empire; BC 127-AC 465 (Map) to the Colonial Era, AC 600-AC 1,000 (Map)
BC 127: King Eshumunazar of Arnuun has a series of dreams of Varellya in its glory, where he meets the legendary King Tabnit. Determined to revive the empire, he musters his armies #1
AC 31: Badghaan is destroyed by the Varellyans. Shuuriit and Yariin, the only remaining holdouts, band together, and with the aid of the plains tribes manage to defeat the Varellyans #1
AC 465: The war and subsequent devastation kills most of the population (Varellya). The survivors scatter to the winds – some settle in the city-states of the Meghala Kimata plain. Others reach their distant cousins in southwestern Davania #1
6th century AC = Thyatian found colonies in the Green Coast (route goes through the Ierendi Islands and down the Serpent Peninsula) #2
600 AC = Ierendi rebellion, traditional route becomes difficult; Thyatis begins to use another route through the Thanegioth Archipelago or the Davanian Shallows #2
AC 625: The Master’s Edict on the Ways of Bozdogan formalizes many of modern Hule’s laws and religious precepts. It also contains an appeal to the clergy to spread the Temple of Chaos abroad (actually a ploy to purge the clergy from its most restive elements, many mysteriously never make it to the ports). Over the next 100 years, missionaries of the Temple of Chaos become active in the Savage Coast, the Known World and even the Davanian Coast #3
AC 638: First meeting of the Caracasta by Hulean missionaries on the Davanian Coast. They readily adopt the Temple of Chaos and support Hulean missions in exchange for weapons and clerical protection #3
End of 7th century AC = Thyatian contacts with the Green Coast definitely severed by the Twaelar hostility #2
8th century AC = Hulean attempt at colonizing the Green Coast #2
AC 745-750: Following reports by missionaries of great riches and potential converts in Davania, the Master (Hule) allows the construction of a fleet and agrees to the colonization of the Davanian Coast #3
AC 750: Foundation of Garganin on the Davanian coast. The settlement of Garganin slowly grows from a ramshackle collection of docks into a bustling town, and then into a city. Before this transformation is complete, Hule lost interest in this colony, as the hoped-for mineral deposits and exotic animals were not present. [Taken from the Almanachs, could be modified to indicate a previous Thyatian presence).
Many Caracasta join the Huleans colonists, some embark on the returning ships on the promise of lands to settle within the Empire #3, #49th century AC = Hule loses control of the Green Coast; Minrothaddan merchants begin penetrating the western Sea of Dread and Gulf of Hule #2
AC 800-850: Treacherous waters, pirates and limited seagoing capabilities take their tolls on trade between Hule and Davania. The colonizing impulse evaporates as the rumors of riches abroad prove to be false #3
AC 850: Hulean ships stop sailing to Garganin. The locals soon forget about their homeland, and concentrate on surviving frequent humanoid raids, and building a livelihood for themselves #4
Around AC 925, certain Hattian worshippers of Vanya-promising fighters and clerics-received dream messages from their Immortal. She told them to secure their birthright, a land of their own where they could live as they chose. Before this could come to pass, they had to secure for Her a sanctified place, where Her earthly remains could be protected from infidels -> This place in question lay in Davania, on the coast of the Gulf of Mar. The boldest and most pious [...] They landed after weeks of sailing, and as one force, they stormed the shores, only to find a small settlement, populated by indigenous human tribesmen descended from the Milenians. These people were driven out, their village destroyed, and the entire region was searched until the remains of Vanya were found. The tribesmen, known as the Meghaddara, were forced to wander the Meghales Amosses Desert and the Aryptian Savannah in search of a new home-and have been the sworn enemies of the Heldannic Knights ever since #5
1- Varellyan Timeline by Geoff Gander
2- Post on the "Hulean Colonies in Davania" Thread by Zendrollion
3- Future additions to a revised Hulean Timeline, by the author.
4- GARGANIN (City-State of), Mystaran Almanacs, various ed.
5- VANYA'S REST (Outpost of), Mystaran Almanacs, various ed.Other References
- Lhomarr precataclysm by Geoff Gander
- Outer World Milenian Empire 600 BC, by Havard
- Forgotten Places of Davania: The Pillars of Yath-Khe by Geoff Gander
- Ancient Civilisations of Northern Davania - A Discovery in the Hinterlands by Geoff Gander
- Ethnographic History of Mystara by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo AgostaNotes, Issues, Further Work
-I have used the HW pre-cataclysm map, though I am aware of some of the issues it creates, but A) it was simpler, B) Geoff's map of Lhomarr is also based on the HW poster map.-I have assumed that the Inner/Plains Tribes that live near the coast of the Gulf of Mar were the descendants of the survivors of the kingdoms of Nevumm, Ilarnn and Suur (same with the denizens of the city of Shuuriit of the Vareyllian era) but there isn't much info on those kingdoms and of what was left of their population after the Carnifex wars (the reason why they don't appear on the 3,000BC map). I also thought (contra-fanon) that those were the precursors of the Meghadarans, more on this below.
-Survivors of one of these Lhomarrian-Era kingdoms could well be used to bring Bruce Heard's idea about Arypt into play: they found a way to escape the Carnifex by creating a "planar bubble".
-In my view, the Meshu settlement of Northeastern Davania is the source of two Neathar (Maharian) cultures on Davania: (a) Vareyllia, (b) Maharian tribes of the Meghala Kimata plains. The second group is one of the two types of Neathar tribes found in contemporary Northeastern Davania, the other being the Trathian (Neathar-Dunharian) tribes of the jungles.
-Oltec groups (or Oltecindians to take the Ethnographic Files nomenclature), with the exception of the Oceanians, are all descendants of the Orimul branch. Over time they split in five distinct groups (a) Khosam, (b) Manacupuru, (c) Katapec, (d) plain-dwellers (post-Olmur) and (e) merged with Maharians to form the proto-Vareyllian culture. With the destruction of Katapec, the plain-dwellers and post-Katapec might have formed a new goup (labeled Neo-Olmur on the 1000AC map). I would envision them as a M-Cahokia semi-nomadic traders culture. The plain-dwellers and Manacupuru (to a lesser extent) are probably the precursors Oltec/Oltecindian groups met by the Milenians and still present in contemporary Northeastern Davania.
-With the exception of the evolution of Oltec peoples, little is said in what I have read about the period going from the end of Lhomarr to the rise of Vareyllia. If the Vulcanian Elves or Blackmoorians/Thonians established settlements in "Arykkia" I haven't found any mentions of it. Though the wars against the Carnifex have thrown the region back to the stone age, that's about a 3000 years gap at a time when other cultures are the most advanced to be ever seen on Mystara.
-The locations for many cities are little more than educated guesswork (especially Lhomarrian and Vareyllian, less-so for Carnifex cities). Arnuun (Capital of the Second Vareyllian Empire?) was planted on the site of the nagpas' ceremony according to VotPA.
-I find the Milenian connection to the Meghadarans a bit far-fetched due to the distances involved and the presence of other groups in the region and along the way between old Milenia and the Gulf of Mar. Though, mingling between refugees from the Milenian Empire and local tribes is possible, I find that it would be simpler and more natural to connect Meghaddara to the "Inner Tribes" and Vareyllian City-States. It could also provide a stronger basis for a M-Moroccan culture in this area (as mentioned by Havard in another thread). The mention of Southern Meghaddaran Clans near the ruins of Yath-Khe also seems to point away from the Meghaddara-Milenian connection.
-Known Omissions:
- -With the exception of Garganin, other possible Thyatian and Hulean colonies (to be developed for Threshold No. 4) have not been included
- -Emerond is illustrated on maps but not labeled due to limited space
- -Aelios has been omitted for similar reasons
- -Elements of a Katapec timeline should be included
- -Yavdlom might not be shown on all relevant maps simply because I had forgotten about it
- -Humanoids include both goblinoids and lizard-kin
- -As mentioned, trans-continental demi-human migrations have been omitted