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Giampaolo Agosta

Saimpt Malinois from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 November 1998.

Saimpt Mâtin from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 November 1998.

Saimpt Clébard from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 December 1998.

Saimpt Loup from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1999.

Saimpt Ralon from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 April 1999.

Elemental Earth spells from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 September 1999.

Glantrian Personnel Division - Herr Franz Lowenroth's spells from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 December 1999.

The Future of Aengmor by , from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 January 2000. (article by Mike Harvey, additions by Giampaolo)

The Death of Lamberto Fulvina from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 February 2000 to 13 March 2000. (done with Giovanni Porpora)

An AD&D translation of the Forester class from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 April 2000.

Origin of the Rakasta from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 October 2000.

Evolution of the Rakasta from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 October 2000.

The Vampiric Bloodlines of Mystara with a bit of Thonian history from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 December 2000.

List of Artifacts from the Mystara Message Board posted 19 January 2001. (article by Michael Diehm, additions by Giampaolo)

Preacher of the Eternal Truth from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 March 2001.

Vizier kit from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 April 2001.

Dervish kit from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 April 2001.

Ylari Itinerant Priest kit from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 April 2001.

Way of the Warrior, Savage Coast fighter kits for Ylari warriors from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 April 2001.

Barber kit from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 April 2001.

Alphatian Pantheon from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 June 2001.

Five Shires kits from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 June 2001.

Nithian Pantheon from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 June 2001.

Military Orders of the Eternal Truth from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 July 2001.

Dark Mystara I: End of the Known World from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 July 2001.

Pachydermions from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 July 2001.

Damocles: History of the Grens & the Emerondians from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 July 2001.

Damocles Q&A from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 August 2001.

Hulean priestly kits - Holy Man from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 August 2001.

Alternate Hollow World Trade Languages from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 September 2001.

Hulean priestly kits - Diviner from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 September 2001.

Languages of Mystara 2.0 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 September 2001.

Alternate Hollow World Trade Languages from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 September 2001.

Scripts from the Mystara Mailing List posted 4 September 2001.

Hulean priestly kits - Hermit from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 September 2001.

Dark Mystara II: The Empires from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 September 2001.

Hulean priestly kits - Clergy from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 October 2001.

Hulean priestly kits - Prophet from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 October 2001.

Magicians Guilds from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 November 2001.

Bhut Immortals from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 January 2002.

Bhut of Sind version 2 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 26 January 2002.

Ixion, speciality priesthoods from the Mystara Mailing List posted 30 March 2002.

Kingdom of Eusdria: population and military from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 April 2002.

Timeline of the Taymoran Age, 2800-1700 BC from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 2002.

Franz Löwenroth from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.

Griseo Fulvina from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.

Taymoran Pantheon, 2800-1700 BC from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 September 2002.

Taymora, Land of the Dead from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 September 2002.

Land of the Fomorians from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 September 2002.

Ethnographic History of Mystara current as of 16 December 2002. (done with Geoff Gander and Giulio Caroletti)

Lukka, the beast-men from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 January 2004.

Ancient religions of Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 14 February 2004.

History of the Neathar pantheon from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 February 2004.

The Lawful Brotherhood: A Concise History current as of 27 August 2004.

Mystaran Races at 2000 BC from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 September 2004.

Diffusion and Development of Martial Arts in Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 September 2004.

History of the Lupins from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 September 2004.

Secret passes of the Ten Thousand Fists of the Khan from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2004.

Geopolitical map of Taymora based on map by James Mishler, current as of 26 September 2004.

Canon references to martial arts from the Mystara Message Board posted 18 December 2004.

Mini-Gazetteer: Baronía de Torreón by Giampaolo Agosta current as of 9 January 2005.

Ylari campaign from the Mystara Mailing List posted 14 May 2005.

The Da Vinci Code great plots and secrets in Mystara [ideas by Jesper Andersen, Giampaolo Agosta, Mark Howard and David Keyser]. Posted on the Mystara Message Board last updated 25 May 2005.

Cornaber's Heir current as of 2 June 2005.

The history of House Fulvina, current as of 2 June 2005.

Air Fleets of Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 November 2005.

Eruul Zaar King of Heldun, Duke of Helskir current as of 27 February 2006.

Gates/Portals/Wormholes of Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 March 2006. [original by Michael Diehm]

Lord Decimus Ordekis from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 February 2006.

Jarandros Monikar from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 March 2006.

Mystara Campaign Book: The Mystara Newbie Guide and A Mystara AD&D 2e Conversion current as of 5 March 2006. [includes work by The Mystara Newbie Guide Group]

A Timeline of the North from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 March 2006.

Dwarven clans and cultures from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 September 2006.

Sentient Races of Mystara [Aarakocra-Giant by Matthew Levy with comments by David Knott] [Giff - Zombie, Lightning and Savage Coast critters and addenda including extended Bugbear and Dwarf entries by Giampaolo Agosta]. Additional updates and comments by Giampaolo Agosta and Andrew Theisen. Posted on the Mystara Mailing List last updated 18 September 2006.

Espa names by from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 November 2006. (done with Átila Pires dos Santos)

A Timeline of the Oltec Man, current as of 14 November 2006. (done with Átila Pires dos Santos)

A Gazetteer of Ochalea current as of 25 December 2006. (PDF compiled by GMaia current as of 29 March 2007)

Biaoshi from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 February 2007.

Tentative ideas for PC races in Myoshima and Patera in general from the Mystara Message Board posted 3 May 2007.

Map of Myoshima from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 August 2007.

A Gazetteer of Myoshima from the Mystara Message Board posted 3 September 2007.

Karameikan Entropic Cults & the Eye of Traldar from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 October 2007.

Map of North-eastern Karameikos from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 October 2007.

Traladaran Timeline from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 January 2008.

Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 January 2008.

Guilds, Orders and Secret Societies in Karameikos from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 January 2008.

Map of Traladara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 January 2008.

Religions of Karameikos from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 February 2008.

A Karameikos Companion current as of 2 February 2008.

Belcadiz Theory from the Mystara Message Board posted 9 February 2008. (done with Átila Pires dos Santos)

Night Terrors current as of 9 May 2008.

Notes for an adaptation of Night Below to Mystara from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 May 2008.

Immortal God equivalency by region from The Piazza posted 9 July 2008.

Revised Thief Class OD&D from The Piazza posted 2 August 2008.

Temples of foreign religions found in Specularum from The Piazza posted 26 August 2008.

District heraldry and patrons from The Piazza posted 30 August 2008.

River of Blood current as of 1 September 2008.

Revision Of The General Skills System OD&D from The Piazza posted 8 September 2008.

District Militia and Night Watch from The Piazza posted 8 September 2008.

The Column of Flavian Osteropulos from The Piazza posted 8 September 2008.

Ylaruam Campaign ideas from other publications from The Piazza posted 23 October 2008.

Foreign Quarter from The Piazza posted 15 November 2008.

4E classes in OD&D: Warlock from The Piazza posted 16 November 2008.

International Organisations from The Piazza posted 5 December 2008.

The Ruined Church from The Piazza posted 1 January 2009.

Statue of Ban Bogdan Ivanovich from The Piazza posted 22 January 2009.

Cry Wolf! current as of 9 February 2009.

4e-inspired THAC0/AC system from The Piazza posted 23 August 2009.

PC Races for Mystara from a Newbie Point of View from The Piazza posted 29 August 2009.

Saving Throws variant from The Piazza posted 31 August 2009.

On the Fey of Frisland and the Eye of Huldra by Marco Dalmonte from The Piazza posted 9 September 2009. (translated by Giampaolo Agosta)

Alphatian Army from The Piazza posted 20 September 2009.

St. Kruskiev's Gold: a Specularum adventure for 4-6 characters of levels 2-4 current as of 3 October 2009. (NPC plots by John Calvin)

Map of Karameikos, 3.2 miles/hex from The Piazza posted 18 October 2009.

Ierendian Government and Aristocracy from The Piazza posted 18 October 2009.

Specularum NPCs from The Piazza posted 20 October 2009.

Map of the Tribes of Karameikos from The Piazza posted 23 October 2009.

Karameikan Nobles and their heirs from The Piazza posted 25 October 2009.

Plan of House of Samuil, level 1 from the Piazza posted 24 November 2009.

Combat Round from The Piazza posted 1 January 2010.

Immortal Equivalents of 4E deities, by nation from The Piazza posted 16 January 2010.

99 Bottles of Mystaran Beer on the Wall, Mystaran beverage and food items, from the Piazza posted 17 February 2010. (contributions also by JTR, Marco Fossati, Blacky the Blackball, Cab Davidson, Mike Phillips, Geoff Gander, John Walter Biles, Michael Berry, Ville Lähde, Jamie Baty, John Calvin, Ashtagon and Sean Meaney)

Adapting Al Qadim's Golden Voyages to Mystara from The Piazza posted 25 February 2010.

A campaign plot for south-western Karameikos from The Piazza posted 28 February 2010.

History of Specularum from The Piazza posted 12 April 2010.

Carrion Crawler, 4E from The Piazza posted 7 June 2011.

Shrew, Giant, 4E from The Piazza posted 7 June 2011.

Snow Ape, 4E from The Piazza posted 10 June 2011.

The Beast of Radlebb Woods current as of 23 August 2011.

Iconic Items of Lost Civilizations from The Piazza posted 31 August 2011. (contributions also by DJ Hartel, John Calvin, Geoff Gander and mister c)

Characters in a Pathfinder Landfall-Era Campaign from The Piazza posted 1 September 2011.

Thoughts on Class Bonuses in the Dominion System from The Piazza posted 30 September 2011. (with thoughts by Håvard)

Master list of Specularum NPCs from The Piazza posted 24 December 2011.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum Notable buildings by district from The Piazza posted 30 December 2011.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum Adventuring parties from The Piazza posted 3 January 2012. (contributions also by Francesco Defferrari and Simone Neri)

Structure of Loktal's megadungeon from The Piazza posted 25 January 2012.

Karameikos Order of Precedence from The Piazza posted 19 February 2012.

Gimp Cave Symbol from The Piazza posted 12 March 2012.

Gimp symbols for various types of resources (metal, wheat, cattle) and wolves/werewolves from The Piazza posted 13 March 2012.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum Cover - example 1, example 2 from The Piazza posted 17 March 2012.

The Dymrak Dread current as of 24 March 2012.

Karameikos Wandering Monster Tables from The Piazza posted 25 March 2012.

List of Rulers of Specularum from The Piazza posted 6 April 2012.

Cruth Lowlands map, and working GIMP map from The Piazza posted 6 April 2012.

Weapon Materials: Rankings from The Piazza posted 18 April 2012.

Information from The Black Vessel (with heavy spoilers) from The Piazza posted 2 June 2012.

Canon material on the Fall of Nithia from The Piazza posted 17 July 2012.

Thyatian Senate from The Piazza posted 26 July 2012. (done with Giulio Caroletti)

Senatorial Families from The Piazza posted 26 July 2012.

Lords of the Cruth Lowlands: flow chart from The Piazza posted 21 July 2012.

Lords of the Cruth Lowlands current as of 29 July 2012.

Lords of the Cruth Lowlands: Becoming a Lord from The Piazza posted 16 August 2012.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum - History chapter, with historical maps showing the growth of the city from The Piazza posted 4 December 2012.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum - Temples chapter from The Piazza posted 4 December 2012.

Fantasy Cities: Specularum - Chapter 4: Citizens of Specularum from The Piazza posted 4 December 2012.

Specularum - grid map with map key from The Piazza posted 14 December 2012.

Inns and Taverns of Specularum from The Piazza posted 14 December 2012.

Shrine of Asterius from The Piazza posted 24 March 2013.

Editorial: Welcome to Threshold: The Mystara Magazine from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.

Noble Houses of Karameikos: Strolojca and Draconius from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013. (done with Simone Neri)

Guild Wars from Threshold Magazine issue 1 dated 30 September 2013.

Books of the Known World from The Piazza posted 22 October 2013. (with additions by Jesper Andersen, Geoff Gander, John Calvin, AllanP and Peet)

Images of the Citizens of Specularum from The Piazza posted 14 December 2013.

Weapon Mastery by nation from The Piazza posted 6 January 2014. (additional work by Greg Weatherup, Matthew Fleet)

Weapon Masters of the Known World and Beyond from The Piazza posted 11 January 2014. (additional work by Andrew Theisen)

Pursuit in the Carrascal from Threshold Magazine issue 2 dated 13 January 2014.

The Debris: Upper Ruins of Kotesh (Koskatep Level 1) from Threshold Magazine issue 2 dated 13 January 2014. (done with Francesco Defferrari)

Patres et Conscripti: Characters and Factions of the Thyatian Senate from Threshold Magazine issue 2 dated 13 January 2014. (done with Giulio Caroletti)

Ierendian Government and Aristocracy from Threshold Magazine issue 3 dated 25 March 2014.

History and Origins of the Rakasta from Threshold Magazine issue 5 dated 1 October 2014.

Threshold Magazine Editorial from Threshold Magazine issue 6 dated 29 December 2014.

Adventuring in the Northlands from Threshold Magazine issue 6 dated 29 December 2014.

Alphatian Name Generator from The Piazza posted 6 February 2015.

A mid-Expert campaign in the Sea of Dread from The Piazza posted 7 February 2015.

Weird Mystaras from The Piazza posted 24 February 2015. (with additional Mystaras by Miladoon, LoZompatore, Charles Wenzler Jr and Dartamian)

The Skaufskogr and Beyond from Threshold Magazine issue 7 dated 1 April 2015.

Threshold Magazine Editorial from Threshold Magazine issue 8 dated 2 July 2015.

Undead of Elegy Island: Races from The Piazza posted 14 October 2015.

Undead of Elegy Island: Locations from The Piazza posted 16 October 2015.

Undead of Elegy Island: NPCs from The Piazza posted 16 October 2015.

Modules and adventures in Mystara from The Piazza posted 14 December 2015. [input also from Bouv, Michael Berry, David Keyser, JTrithen, Brian Caraway, Alex Benson, Blacky the Blackball, Maladax, Mike Harvey, Kilr Kowalski, Demos Sachlas, Robin and Dartamian]

Savage Seas: Pirates, Corsairs & Buccaneers of the Savage Coast from Threshold Magazine issue 10 dated 8 January 2016.

The Skars’ Legacy from Threshold Magazine issue 10 dated 8 January 2016.

Taymora Land of the Dead from Threshold Magazine issue 12 dated 14 July 2016.

Threshold Magazine Editorial from Threshold Magazine issue 13 dated 18 October 2016.

Sentient Races of Mystara by Giampaolo Agosta and others, from Threshold Magazine issue 13 dated 18 October 2016.

The Bhut of Sind from Threshold Magazine issue 13 dated 18 October 2016.

Undead of Elegy Island from Threshold Magazine issue 13 dated 18 October 2016. (done with John Calvin and Francesco Defferrari)

Known Remnants of Nithia by from The Piazza posted 21 December 2016. (compiled by Håvard with additions by Ripvanwormer, Robin, Robert J. Nuttman, Jr., David Keyser, Andrew Theisen and Jayce)

Deep Hollow, a creature crucible for the Shadowdeep from Threshold Magazine issue 14 dated 22 January 2017.

Damocles - Mystaraspace's Fourth Planet from Threshold Magazine issue 15 dated 14 April 2017.

Shikugawa A Tale of Myoshima from Threshold Magazine issue 15 dated 14 April 2017.

Map of the Skaufskogr region from The Piazza posted 11 June 2017.

Threshold Magazine Editorial from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.

The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.

Darmouk from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017. (done with John Calvin)

The Tomb of Thob Shanwood from Threshold Magazine issue 16 dated 28 July 2017.

Thoughts on Converting from 1E to BECMI or B/X from The Piazza posted 9 August 2017. (additional thoughts by Håvard)

Mystaran NPC Generator (BECMI) from The Piazza posted 19 August 2017.

To the Mistmyr Falls from Threshold Magazine issue 17 dated 27 October 2017. (done with Andrea Ciceri)

La Baronía de Torreón from Threshold Magazine issue 18 dated 31 January 2018.

Noble Titles in Mystara from The Piazza posted 13 February 2018.

Errata questions and proposed solutions about Merchant-Prince Spellcasting from The Piazza posted 11 March 2018. [thoughts to post by with Andrew Theisen with additional thoughts by Craig Antoun]

Errata questions and proposed solutions about Foresters from The Piazza posted 11 March 2018. [thoughts to post by with Andrew Theisen with additional thoughts by Craig Antoun]

History of the Neathar Pantheon from Threshold Magazine issue 19 dated 14 May 2018.

A mid-Expert campaign in the Sea of Dread from The Piazza posted 3 June 2018.

The Tigers of Kuraman from Threshold Magazine issue 20 dated 26 July 2018.

A History of Specularum from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018. (done with AllanP)

The Guilds of Specularum from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.

Specularum Population Numbers from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018. (done with AllanP)

Walking the Wards - the Neighbourhoods of Specularum from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018. (done with AllanP)

Citizens of Specularum from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018.

St Kruskiev's Gold from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018. (done with John Calvin)

Wanted: Adventurers from Threshold Magazine issue 21 dated 20 October 2018. (done with Simone Neri and Francesco Defferrari)

Fighter: High Level Options - Warlord from The Piazza posted 4 March 2019.

Icons for Mystara from Threshold Magazine issue 22 dated 6 March 2019.

Thoughts About the Karameikos Civil War from Threshold Magazine issue 22 dated 6 March 2019. (contributions to article by Hausman Santos)

Domain Economics - an expansion from The Piazza posted 12 March 2019.

BECMI-style dungeon mapmaking made (somewhat) easier from The Piazza posted 21 April 2019.

Karameikan Succession Law from The Piazza posted 21 April 2019.

WotES - Location of Barrik's Castle from The Piazza posted 23 April 2019.

Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 1 from Threshold Magazine issue 23 dated 1 August 2019. (article by Kyle Knight with contributions also by Chris Seabrook)

Pathfinder Adventure Paths in Mystara from The Piazza posted 18 August 2019.

Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 2 from Threshold Magazine issue 24 dated 22 November 2019. (article by Kyle Knight with contributions also by Chris Seabrook)

List of BECMI/RC Classes from The Piazza posted 6 February 2020.

Alchemical vs Magical Potions from The Piazza posted 17 March 2020.

The City-State of Saffir from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020.

A Travellers’ Guide to Specularum: Specularum’s Stronghold District part 1 from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020. (article by AllanP)

Warriors of the Eternal Sun part 3 from Threshold Magazine issue 25 dated 28 May 2020. (article by Kyle Knight with contributions also by Chris Seabrook)

Cramming Nerath/PoL into Mystara from The Piazza posted 7 July 2020.

Sindhi Mystics and Spheres from The Piazza posted 20 July 2020.

Balancing an Adventure - an Analysis of B11 from The Piazza posted 21 July 2020.

Framework for Mystics from The Piazza posted 23 July 2020.

Lineage of Mystaran Martial Arts from The Piazza posted 28 July 2020.

Aged Master Mystic Variant from The Piazza posted 28 July 2020.

Isle of Dawn: Nations/Ethnic Groups and Linguistic Considerations from The Piazza posted 24 August 2020.

History of the Isle of Dawn from The Piazza posted 25 August 2020.

Locales of the Isle of Dawn from The Piazza posted 28 August 2020.

Illusionism on Mystara from The Piazza posted 21 November 2020.

Specularum’s Stronghold District part 2 from Threshold Magazine issue 26 dated 23 December 2020. (done with AllanP)

Organizations and Societies of Karameikos from Threshold Magazine issue 26 dated 23 December 2020.

Tomb of Annihilation in Mystara from The Piazza posted 31 March 2021.

Cry Wolf!, a Karameikos adventure for 2-4 characters of levels 2-4 from Threshold Magazine issue 27 dated 12 July 2021.

The Isle of Dawn and the Isle of Night from Threshold Magazine issue 27 dated 12 July 2021.

[Dominions] Natural and Unnatural Disasters from The Piazza posted 28 July 2021.

Skill Levels for Foreign and Related Languages from The Piazza posted 5 January 2022.

Tomb of Annihilation in Mystara from Threshold Magazine issue 29 dated 1 July 2022.

Midgard scenarios in Mystara from The Piazza posted 21 December 2022.

Trinkets from The Piazza posted 15 March 2023 (with additional trinkets by Håvard, Robert J. Nuttman, Jr., Cab Davidson, Greenbrier, Robin, Francesco Defferrari, and Mysha)

[5E] Non-Wizard Arcaners in Glantri from The Piazza posted 25 May 2024.

Also see

Agathokles’ Sea of Dread Area by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 February 2025.

Agathokles’ Savage Baronies by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 February 2025.

Agathokles’ Taymora 2000 BC, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 February 2025.

Agathokles’ Myoshima, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 February 2025.