THAUMONT 1, AC 1015: A New Capital.
Location: Abbashan, Ylaruam. OW
Description: Sultan Hassam "The True" al-Kalim ordains that the city of Abbashan will from now on be the true capital of the Alasiyan desert.
He also makes a call out to all men of faith to join the army so that they may teach the world of infidels a lesson they will not soon forget. (See Th. 18, Fy. 22.)
What This Means: Abbashan has always been the main power-base for the Kin faction, and switching the sultan's court was only a logical choice to maintain a better control of what is going on.
Emir Sa'id Naji of Abbashan is relocated to Ylaruam to rule over the Emirate of Alasiya. He is thankful of the new post, as Ylaruam is the most prosperous city of the Emirate (although this is likely to change now that most trade has stopped).
As for the call to arms, the other nations start to keep a better eye on what is going on, but since all foreigners have been banned from Ylaruam, it won't be easy. Thyatis fears the worse, believing that the new Sultan is planning on trying to reclaim the city of Tel Ak-Abir.
THAUMONT 1, AC 1015: Chameleon Tribe Falls!
Location: Chameleon Tribe village, Atruaghin Territories. OW
Description: The city of the Chameleon Tribe falls today, to the army of the joint Atruaghin/goblinoid forces. Despite receiving reinforcements from the Monkey Tribe, further south, the opposing army was too great for them and they are nearly wiped out. The few survivors flee westwards and southwards, to other Tiger Clan cities.
The Great Migration ravages and loots the city. (See Va. 12, Va. 19; Th. 17, Th. 26.)
What This Means: The Tiger Clan are indeed in for a major battle, and it might be too late for them to prepare. Although the goblinoids of the Great Migration are working together with the Atruaghin, the two forces do not get along at all. Each have their own camp, and only the leaders talk to one another. The savage looting of the Chameleon Tribe by the goblinoids only serves to further the dislike of the humans.
THAUMONT 3, AC 1015: New Elven Clan Founded.
Location: Forest of the Curse, Wendar. OW
Description: After the recent events, some of the Alfheimers decide to accept the proposal made by the ambassador of Ironwood and relocate in Norwold. Small groups of Longrunners, Grunalfs and Mealidils join together led by Shelingar (the assistant of Mealidan, Clanmaster of Mealidil clan) and they ask the Council of Clans for permission to form a new clan and move to Norwold. The elders give their approval, and Mealidan himself performs the ritual that creates the new clan: the Lightseekers. (See Va. 24, Va. 27; Th. 9, Ya. 27.)
What This Means: The last events have convinced some of the younger elves that Wendar is not a good place to live at the moment. So they have discussed with the elders and decided to accept Blackblade's proposal and move to Norwold. The Lightseekers are elves who share a common fascination towards magic, nature and history: in one word, they are seekers of Wisdom and Knowledge. They think that Ironwood has the potential to help them (and the elven race) in their quest and are eager to begin this new life in Norwold. Shelingar will be the new Clan Holder, while Taragin Oakbranch, the former Guardian of Alfheim Town (an experienced elf from clan Grunalf), will act as new Clanmaster.
THAUMONT 3, AC 1015: The Flowers Are Dying.
Location: Northern Eusdria. SC
Description: King Sigismund III of Eusdria sighs in relief as reports claim that the amber lotuses are withering away in the northern part of his kingdom.
The King gathers his armies, preparing to march and reclaim his territory once a path has been cleared through the flowers. (See Th. 27.)
What This Means: It seems that last year's raids into the goblin territories was successful enough to eliminate the shamans who could control this deadly plant.
THAUMONT 3, AC 1015: Officials Dismissed.
Location: Nithia. HW
Description: Today marks the beginning of an official policy, ordered by Senkha herself. All across the regions of the Delta kingdom under the control of Senkha's forces, those public officials or local leaders who have publicly supported Ramose are dismissed from their positions, and sent to work in the mines. Ardent supporters of Senkha and her cause are appointed to replace them, and they are encouraged to root out "any and all traitors, wherever they may be found." (See Va. 20, Va. 27; Ya. 12, Ya. 28.)
What This Means: This is part of Senkha's plan to consolidate her power in the Delta kingdom, by removing those people she knows will oppose her.
Those she puts in their place will continue the task of uncovering other supporters of Ramose, and arresting them. What she does not realise is that this will serve only to increase the resentment of the people towards Senkha's unjust rule, and drive Ramose's supporters underground, where they will work to foment rebellion.
What The PCs Can Do: The PCs could save the lives of many important supporters of Ramose, such as prominent local clerics, or government officials. Regardless, those people they manage to protect will be in their debt, and would be likely to aid them some time in the future, should they need it. Through these acts, the PCs might even earn the thanks of Ramose himself.
THAUMONT 3, AC 1015: Orcs Raid Neathar Lands.
Location: Toralai Territory, Neathar Lands. HW
Description: A large number of Krugel Orcs ride into Toralai Lands and raid several villages. Along with their pilfered loot, the orcs also take several Neathar hostages. At hearing of this, King Dogrel surprisingly calls for heroes to act on his behalf. (See Th. 17, Th. 23.)
What This Means: The Krugel Orcs took advantage of the Toralai warriors being deployed closer to Neatharum. The orcs faced only slight opposition and ran amuck through Toralai lands before the Neathar could muster their forces. Back in Krugel lands, the orcs have issued demands of ransom for the hostages. Among the hostages is Zerrella, a daughter of the Toralai chief Zorok.
Hearing of this, Dogrel is at first delighted at the discomfort Zorok must be going through. Then he thinks of a plan that should aid him: if he can gain the release of Zorok's daughter, then he will have a viable bargaining chip with the Toralai. The act should also improve his image with his fellow Alphatians and hopefully help preserve his status as King of Neatharum. The ransom the orcs are demanding is not high, so the venture would not be economically stressing.
Dogrel calls for adventurers; with the number of Alphatian agents in the area, his call should be quickly answered. By using Alphatian agents, Dogrel is certain that the ransom will be delivered and that word of his intervention will spread to the Imperial Court.
What The PCs Can Do: The PCs can deliver the ransom. Ironically the most dangerous part will be crossing the Toralai lands. Dastardly PCs can try to intercept the ransom delivery and steal it. If the PCs are Neathar, then they may find themselves racing against the Alphatians to deliver the ransom.
THAUMONT 4, AC 1015: Pit Survey.
Location: Aegos, Alatian Islands. AS
Description: The Minrothad dwarves that came from Fortress Island last year to reopen the pit to the Hollow World send a report to Oran Meditor. In this report, they indicate that they used a caterpillar left by the Alphatians to investigate the pit and discovered that after a few miles the pit seems mostly undamaged. The tremors from Alphatia's sinking and subsequent earthquakes have collapsed about 75 kilometres (50 miles), which need be dug again. The cable and pulling system have been lost as well. (See Ya. 8, Fe. 23.)
What This Means: The dwarves have also discovered that gnomes participated in the digging of the pit, as attests the caterpillar that is definitely not of dwarvish contraption. However, the proud dwarves think they can do as well as mere gnomes. With their only caterpillar they can already begin work though.
THAUMONT 6, AC 1015: Trollheim Acts Reinstated.
Location: Norrvik, Vestland. OW
Description: Today King Harald Gudmundson officially announces the reinstatement of the Trollheim Homesteading Acts. Prospective rulers are encouraged to present themselves before the King and his advisers, and if deemed acceptable, will be given land grants and titles to lands in the eastern wilds of Vestland.
What This Means: This is a direct response to the goblinoid uprisings of last year. The trolls and goblins of the Trollheims have been dealt a serious blow, and King Gudmundson is eager to follow up on this. To this end, he has reinstated the Trollheim Acts, a move that is met with mixed reaction, due to their failure many years ago.
THAUMONT 8, AC 1015: Trial in Sumag.
Location: Sumag, Suma'a. SC
Description: The trial of the ogre found blaspheming outside a temple of Sumag is held today. It declares the ogre insane and that he should be taken to a facility in the mountains east of Sumag where clerics will help cure him of his affliction. (See Nu. 2.)
THAUMONT 8, AC 1015: Swamp Thing!
Location: Elstrich, Darokin. OW
Description: Today, river workers in the town of Elstrich are attacked by a massive river serpent. The creature disappears back down the river before the town guard can fully mobilise. It is suspected that this creature is the same one that terrorised the town for months back in AC 1000. Despite their best efforts at that time, they were unable to catch or kill the creature; one day its attacks just stopped. No one knows what it was to this day, but the town guard is mobilised, and the call is put out to adventurers willing to aid in capturing the beast. (See Fe. 1, Fe. 13.)
What This Means: This is indeed the same creature as 15 years ago. What is unknown to the people of Elstrich at this time is that it has been revived from dormancy by the effects of the transformation of Aengmor - the climatic changes resulting from magic used on the Canolbarth forest years ago have affected the amount of runoff to the swamp from the Weir (which was normally filled by the enormous rains in the magical forest). Over the past few years, the water level in the Malpheggi swamp has been lowering dramatically, and all sorts of creatures are going to be venturing forth, as their ecology changes.
What The PCs Can Do: This is an adventure opportunity for the PCs. They can attempt to track down and capture or kill the beast, for a large reward from the grateful town. The beast can be any sort, though it should be powerful and quite possibly intelligent (it has managed to elude capture thus far). Their investigations may also lead them to discover the ecological problems facing the Malpheggi Swamp.
THAUMONT 9, AC 1015: Lightseekers Leave for Ironwood.
Location: Forest of the Curse, Kingdom of Wendar. OW
Description: With the help of Elariathas Blackblade himself and some of his powerful human allies, all the Lightseekers are magically transported to Ironwood during the week, where they will begin to help him in his ambitious project. As a further act of friendship, Blackblade has donated some Scrolls of Communication to both Lightseekers and the Alfheimers in Wendar to help the two groups maintain contacts. (See Va. 27, Th. 3; Ya. 27, Fe. 18.)
What This Means: About 800 elves (200 from clan Long Runner, 200 Grunalfs, 100 Mealidils and 300 belonging to other minor clans of Alfheimers) have been transferred to Ironwood. They have now sworn fealty to Elarianthas Blackblade, Clanholder of Ironwood, and to his father, the actual Clanmaster, but they've been allowed to maintain contacts with their Alfheim brethren.
THAUMONT 11, AC 1015: Traldar Raid Southern Azca.
Location: Southern Azca. HW
Description: Traldar war parties conduct raids on southern Azca. Though they know the surrounding jungle much better, the Azcans are unable to completely deal with the nuisance. (See Va. 17; Am. 9, Am. 12.)
What This Means: Azcans do not understand why the southern Traldar attack them, and assume that the Schattenalfen have hired Traldar mercenaries to further harass them.
THAUMONT 12, AC 1015: Afflicted Are Blamed.
Location: The Savage Baronies. SC
Description: More and more, Afflicted of the Savage Baronies are blamed for events of bad luck, such as droughts, plagues, a family member falling sick, a house being robbed,... These feelings are particularly strong in places like Torreón and Narvaez. More enlightened states, such as Gargoña and Saragón still receive such social conflicts, but very rarely. (See Va. 7, Va. 10; Kl. 9, Kl. 12.)
What This Means: There is a growing split amongst the people of the Baronies, and it's forming into a Afflicted vs. Non- Afflicted line.
What The PCs Can Do: PCs can come to the rescue of Afflicted being mistreated by the "normal" folk. If Afflicted themselves, they will have to defend themselves from physical abuse without harming any of their attackers. If they do, they can expect a lynch mob to start chasing them around.
THAUMONT 13, AC 1015: What Happened to the Lothenar Elves?
Location: Great Forest of Geffron, Denagoth. NW
Description: The elven explorers on the plateau discover a bunch of frightened elves in a cave inside the forest. They escaped the Lothenar Forest more than a century ago, during the Shadow Years, and searched for refuge among their brethren, the Geffronells. They tell the Alfheimers that no elf has survived the Shadow Years in Lothenar, because the Dark Harbingers of Doom have wiped out every living member of their race. They managed to escaped the Shadowlord's army when it invaded Geffron too by hiding in this small cave, and many of them have starved because they were too frightened to go out and find some food. The Alfheimers take these survivors along with them. (See Va. 13; Fl. 19, Ya. 22.)
What This Means: Using the survivors' knowledge of the forest, the Alfheimers are now determined to reach Drax Tallen swiftly and try to obtain useful information about the humanoid forces. Hope is lost to meet again with the explorers sent to the Lothenar forest in AC 1014.
THAUMONT 14, AC 1015: Resupply in Aegopoli.
Location: Aegopoli, Aegos, Alatian Islands. AS
Description: Herr Wulf's party stops in Aegopoli for a couple of days to restock essential supplies, as well as to take a brief break from being out at sea. They will depart again the next morning. (See Va. 8, Va. 11; Fl. 4, Fl. 22.)
What This Means: Supplies were getting low, and since there will be no more stops until Vanya's Rest, it is essential that as many supplies as possible are obtained.
THAUMONT 15, AC 1015: Jarls Revolt.
Location: Ostland. OW
Description: In response to the exile of an Ostman jarl (NM 1) and continuing atrocities committed against Ostman clansmen, the Ostman jarls finally rebel against the reigning Cnute clan. They declare themselves independent, and prepare for the inevitable retaliation. (See Nu. 1; Fl. 7, Ya. 18.)
What This Means: This rebellion has been brewing for years, and was inevitable. Cnute clan jarls scoff at this act, thinking that they will easily crush them once more, and finally revel in the treasures of long buried kings on Kalslo island. Unbeknownst to them, however, the Ostman jarls have long been preparing for this day.
THAUMONT 15, AC 1015: First Karameikan Skyship Launched.
Location: Krakatos, Karameikos. KW
Description: The first Karameikan skyship, the Concordia, makes her maiden flight above the Karameikan School of Magecraft. She is a man-of-war of Alphatian design, but equipped with fewer weapons and more cargo and living space than their Alphatian counterparts, displaying both a Karameikan and an Alphatian flag high in the wind. Her crew is a mix of trained Alphatian sailors and novice Karameikan ones (they had a short training in Aeria). (See Ya. 15, Kl. 2.)
What This Means: Karameikos is becoming part of the few nations that can sail the skies, though it still needs Alphatian help to complete the magical process. Aerian wizards came to the Karameikan school to that end as part of the exchange program, and Terari used his knowledge (he already had enchanted skyships in his youth) and the vast resources of the school, including the creation of a contest to encourage his best students to help, to turn frame sections of a mundane ship crafted by the best Karameikan shipwright into a flying vessel.
The first skyship was deliberately not made into a warship to show the king's will of increasing cooperation and peace between peoples (and not further provoke Thyatis). King Stefan intends to use her for the next expedition to the Hollow World.
THAUMONT 16, AC 1015: Archaeological Dig.
Location: La Pampa Rica. SC
Description: Mazrooth, an Inheritor of Almarrón, needs to explore a Late Oltec ruins in la Pampa Rica. Along with his friend and apprentice Costa, they head off into Gosluk goblin territory.
What This Means: Mazrooth, introduced in the novel "The Black Vessel," is simply looking for more proof to separate the Late Oltec (actually Nithian, which he knows is somehow different from mainstream Oltec) and Classical Oltec cultures into two distinct groups. He believes that the division of the two is somehow linked to the Red Curse.
What The PCs Can Do: This is simply a mini-adventure for PCs to tag along with, perhaps themselves learning about the two "Oltec" cultures. Exactly what they find and how long it will take is up to the individual DM.
THAUMONT 17, AC 1015: Tiger Clan Loses Again!
Location: Monkey Tribe village, Atruaghin Territories. OW
Description: Despite heavy losses on both sides, the village of the Monkey Tribe is taken by the joint Atruaghin/goblinoid army. The army will rest and recover for a while. Meanwhile, the Tiger clan has mobilised most of its forces from other villages, and are preparing to march on its foes. (See Va. 19, Th. 1; Th. 26, Fl. 3.)
THAUMONT 17, AC 1015: Zorok Acts.
Location: Toralai Territory, Neathar Lands. HW
Description: Since the raid Chief Zorok has taken actions of his own, transferring warriors to the Neathar Lands bordering the Krugel Lands. With warriors in place, Zorok is confident that future orc raids will be met. He then organises a group of adventurers to deliver the ransom. (See Va. 19, Th. 3; Th. 23, Th. 27.)
What This Means: It has taken longer for Zorok to get his own adventurers and the ransom together. To lead the party he has chosen his eldest child, Zorena [HW Box]. It has taken several days for her to be recalled home.
THAUMONT 18, AC 1015: The Tale-Teller.
Location: Ylaruam City, Ylaruam. OW
Description: A nomad from the desert arrives into the city of Ylaruam and begins preaching about the glorious ways of the warrior. By the end of the day, Khalid "Tale-Teller" has roused many a band of young warriors into dreams of glory and battle. Soon, they too begin spreading the tale of how the Ylari will conquer all Infidels. (Th. 1; Fy. 22, Fy. 28.)
What This Means: Khalid "Tale-Teller" is inspiring the adventurous warriors of his people to strike out at infidels and their enemies. Such tales will have the effect of dramatically increasing the number of men who volunteer into the Kin's army. This could bode ill for neighbouring nations, especially Thyatis.
THAUMONT 20, AC 1015: Hin Are Concerned.
Location: Shireton, Five Shires. OW
Description: Concerns are voiced that the Clanmeet Hall will not be large enough to hold all the participants and spectators. (See Nu. 10; Fl. 3, Ya. 12.)
THAUMONT 20, AC 1015: The Counter-Strike.
Location: Hockstein, Heldannic Territories. OW
Description: With the early arrival of warm weather this year, the Heldannic Knights march out of their strongholds and head for Hockstein. (See Th. 25, Fl. 3.)
What This Means: The Heldannic Knights plan on entering the city and slaughtering everyone within. This is to be their lesson to any others who would dare plot a revolt against the knights.
Sir Geoffrey, the leader of the rebellion in Hockstein, has been training the peasants all winter and is waiting for the knights' arrival. He has as many people as possible gathering food from around the countryside before the knights arrive.
What The PCs Can Do: PCs can get involved in this civil war on either side. They might try to overthrow the Heldannic Knights, or they might try to restore order and place the knights back in charge. It will probably all depend on their previous relationships with the Heldannic Knights.
THAUMONT 22, AC 1015: Nothing Found.
Location: Odom, Suma'a. SC
Description: With no news from the field, the interest in Odom has begun to dwindle again. People have been leaving the area. (See Va. 2; Fl. 9.)
THAUMONT 23, AC 1015: Treacherous Orcs.
Location: Krugel Horde Lands. HW
Description: The party of Neathar, sent by Zorok to deliver the ransom, are themselves attacked by the orcs. The survivors are then taken hostage by the orcs. The orcs inform the Neathar that the ransom has doubled.
Later in the day, the Alphatian party arrives and enters the camp. They present the orcs with the ransom and demand the hostages, but are answered that the ransom has doubled due to the addition of the new hostages. The Alphatians boldly respond the requested amount is there: the ransom brought by the Neathar, added to the ransom they bring, meets the increased ransom.
The orcs do not take the matter lightly and attack the Alphatians. The Alphatians respond with steel and spells, decimating the attacking orcs. The Alphatians suddenly halt the attack and offer the orcs the opportunity to accept the ransoms and avoid any added bloodshed. The orc leader agrees and turns the hostages over, along with assurances of safe passage out of Krugel Lands.
The freed Neathar are gracious to the Alphatians and offer few intentional problems to the Alphatians. In fact, two of the female Neathar act very affectionate towards two of the male Alphatians. The two Neathar women introduce themselves as Zerrella and Zorena. (See Th. 3, Th. 17; Th. 27, Ya. 17.)
What This Means: The Alphatians had witnessed the treachery against the Neathar and had prepared themselves for a similar attack. This preparedness served them well as it enabled them to cut down the initial assault of orcs. The Alphatians halted the attack though as they knew that they would be hard-pressed to meet the orcish forces of the entire village. Then there would be the expected pursuers; with a number of hostages in tow, such a chase would definitely favour the orcs.
By instead offering the orcs the ransom, the hostages and egress are secured. Yet the Alphatians have also made a strong demonstration of what the Alphatians can do, forcing the orcs to recognise the power of the Alphatians. The orcs will have to think about these Alphatians and devise means to fight them and their magic.
Any harsh feelings that the hostage Neathar had towards Alphatians are greatly diminished. Two of the male Alphatians even find themselves the objects of affections from Zorena and Zerrella.
What The PCs Can Do: Alphatian PCs will be attacked. How they meet the attack and the extent they carry it are up to them. Note to DMs: With the hostages free, the Alphatians have to transverse Neathar Lands to get back to Haldemar. The Neathar borders should be heavily patrolled by Neathar to prevent more orc raids, so that it is doubtful the party will be able to get past the patrols. An explanation of the ransom delivery should secure their passage through. The presence of Zorok's daughters should really aid them. Of course the patrols will "suggest" that the hostages be released. The advantage is that the former hostages will take those altered feelings toward Alphatians back to their villages.
THAUMONT 25, AC 1015: First Trip Through the Septahenge.
Location: Guardian Mesa, unknown location on Mystara (in other words, up to the individual DM - canon material suggests the Broken Lands).
Description: After some months of research and studies, the Shadowlord finally discovers the secret of the Septahenge. He understands that to open the Gate to the Pits of Banishment where the Carnifex and the Black Staff lie, he must collect seven keys guarded by seven different beings in the Outer Planes. Followed by his retainers, he enters one of the Seven Realms to obtain the first key. (See Fl. 4, Fl. 19.)
What This Means: The Shadowlord wants the Black Staff because he thinks it will help him achieve full lichdom and get rid of Idris' yoke. He's keeping his plans and his mission secret even to the High Priest of Idris and nothing will stop him (he discovered the location of the Guardian Mesa in Kaldmont AC 1014).
This storyline is based on the adventure module "M3 - Twilight Calling." The Seven Realms (and the Pits of Banishment) are actually Demiplanes floating within the Ethereal, each with their own laws of physics, and not Outer Planes as the Shadowlord believes. Still, this won't really change anything he has to do. [If playing a D&D campaign, then the Seven Realms are indeed Outer Planes.]
THAUMONT 25, AC 1015: Hockstein Under Siege.
Location: Hockstein, Heldannic Territories. OW
Description: An army of Heldannic Knights besieges the city of Hockstein. This time, the knights intend to wait until the defenders run out of food. Since spring has just arrived, it is unlikely that the defenders have managed to resupply themselves since the beginning of winter. (See Th. 20; Fl. 3, Fl. 20.)
What This Means: The Heldannic Knights are right; the people of Hockstein only have enough food for a couple more weeks. Sir Geoffrey prepares for the worst.
THAUMONT 26, AC 1015: Pirates Defeated.
Location: Berat Island, Gulf of Hule. SC
Description: Zuberi, his lieutenant Arkadi Stepanenko (a Knight of Halav) and his ensign Iago, track a pirate ship up to the pirates' den in a hidden bay of Berat Island. During the night they attack by surprise, defeat the pirates and manage to recover part of the cinnabryl that was stolen last year. (See Va. 13; Kl. 20)
What This Means: This is the second time this year that Zuberi defeats the pirates. His name is growing increasingly popular in the area and among pirates.
These pirates (a mix of Huleans, Texeirans and people from the City-States) are just a small part of the large group that ambushed Slagovich freighters late last year. They still have some of the cinnabryl, because they planned to sell it in small quantities profiting by the shortage of supplies.
Unfortunately no pirate is captured alive (Iago having killed the last one even as he dropped his weapon), so nobody knows who organised the theft.
What PCs Can Do: PCs may both take part to this fight or track down another group of pirates hiding in the area (Isle of Kepir, Isle of Vlör, Cape Kuceva and Colinas Grutescas are all good areas to shelter a pirate fleet).
THAUMONT 26, AC 1015: Wanderers Revised.
Location: City of the Stars, Shadow Elves Territories. OW
Description: In a solemn speech from the Refuge of Stone the Radiant Shaman Porphyriel reveals to the Shadow Elves that Rafiel instructed the Shamans to change the outdated Wanderers custom. Shadow Elves will still have to leave their homes when they're 800 years old, but now they aren't prevented from retracing their steps or meeting any other Shadow Elf anymore. (See Nu. 20, Va. 21; Fe. 18, Fy. 3.)
What This Means: This is the outcome of the forum on a possible new interpretation of the Verse of the Wanderer. Obviously Porphyriel made this change look as the will of Rafiel to strengthen once more the faith of the Shadow Elves in their patron.
This new interpretation fits perfectly into the wording of the verse inscribed in the Refuge of Stone and opens a lot of bright perspectives for those lucky Shadow Elves that got past their 800th birthday.
Wanderers could now play a very important role in the Shadow Elf's society, becoming itinerant teachers, diplomats in foreign countries (something the Shadow Elves badly need now that they must live on the surface among other races), hermits and other similar roles that don't require a long and continuous stay in Shadow Elf cities among younger elves.
THAUMONT 26, AC 1015: Parrot Tribe Attacked!
Location: Parrot Tribe village, Atruaghin Territories. OW
Description: Atruaghin forces coming from the northern side of the plateau (via tunnels through the interior), arrive and begin besieging the village of the Parrot Tribe. Most of the Parrot Tribe army is with a massive Tiger Clan force marching on the village of the Monkey Tribe. (See Th. 1, Th. 17; Fl. 3, Fl. 12.)
What This Means: It looks like The Tiger clan will soon find itself fighting a two front war.
THAUMONT 27, AC 1015: Eusdria Reclaimed.
Location: Northern Eusdria. SC
Description: With the amber lotuses out of the way, the Knights of Eusdria (along with the now famous Company of the Bear) manage to reclaim all lost territory from the goblinoids.
The goblinoids do not put up much resistance when they notice that their amber lotuses have died; most simply flee back into the Yazak Steppes at the first sight of the human forces. (See Th. 3.)
What This Means: Everything that was conquered or destroyed by the goblinoids last year, including Ersel and Lorsa, are once more part of the Kingdom of Eusdria. Still, it will probably be some time before these communities can fully recuperate from the damages done to them.
THAUMONT 27, AC 1015: Hostages Returned... Sort of.
Location: Haldemar, Alphatian Neatharum. HW
Description: A party of riders enters Haldemar. The party members are of Alphatian heritage, except for two female Neathar. They report to King Dogrel that the ransom was delivered and the hostages freed in Neathar lands. Dogrel is livid that they did not bring the hostages here to Haldemar. The party members relate to him the details of the delivery, reporting that the trek back and forth across Toralai lands was contested and they had to release the hostages to them to guarantee safe passage.
Dogrel inquires as to the two Neathar females. The Alphatians tell him that they acted as guides during the venture and have become trusted members of the party. Dogrel makes no further comment on them, but his eyes denote a sense of disbelief, and he dismisses the party. (See Th. 17, Th. 23; Fl. 8, Ya. 4.)
What This Means: The party has returned from delivering the ransom to the Krugel Orcs. The release of the hostages to their tribes for safe passage is truthful. However, the two Neathar women are not simple guides, they are two of Zorok's daughters, Zorena and Zorella, who now have their hearts set on their two Alphatian heroes.