Fan Productions Overview
by Håvard from Threshold Magazine issue 27This overview of the major Mystara fan creations compiled by Havard comes from this thread on The Piazza https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=513 and is basically a list of links to relevant resources in the Vaults of Pandius. On the occasion of this issue of Threshold magazine celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Mystara official webpage, Thorfinn had the idea to publish in the magazine this fantastic list highlighting the huge work done on Mystara by the fan community through all these years. And me, the editor of the current issue, also added below some comments to better illustrate to readers the treasure trove of Mystara material which can be found in the Vaults!
Sturm aka Francesco
Editor in chief of Threshold magazine issue #27When I started to compile this list, it was important to me that it was not to be seen as a suggestion that some fan contributions were better than others. All fan contributions have value and I think this attitude in the community is something that encourages everyone to post their ideas. The reason I wanted to make this list was to highlight work that had been turned into a PDF or constituted more than a single article about a certain topic.
Mystara Fanzines
This category obviously includes Threshold magazine and its ancestors, done when the availability of images and publishing software was obviously much smaller than today, but the passion and interest of fans was the same.
Threshold (all issues, full list below)
The Tome of Mystara (all issues)
Encounter Magazine (Classic D&D Rules Fanzine)
OD&Dities (List below. Only the free issues listed.)
The Mystara NetMags (#1-8). These were compiled by Brant Guillory from material created at the old TSR-on-AOL website in the mid to late 1990s1.
Threshold Magazine issues with publication dates
Threshold #1 Karameikos (1 October 2013)
Threshold #2 Vaults of Pandius (13 January 2014)
Threshold #3 The Sea of Dread (26 March 2014)
Threshold #4 Return to Dread (30 June 2014)
Threshold #5 Exploring Davania (1 October 2014)
Threshold #6 The Northlands (29 December 2014)
Threshold #7 Exploring Norwold (1 April 2015)
Threshold #8 Warlords of Norwold (2 July 2015)
Threshold #9 Hollow World (21 September 2015)
Threshold #10 Elven Realms (8 January 2016)
Threshold #11 Thyatis and Alphatia (11 April 2016)
Threshold #12 Ages Past (14 July 2016)
Threshold #13 A Crucible of Creatures (19 October 2016)
Threshold #14 The Shadowdeep (22 January 2017)
Threshold #15 Mystaraspace (15 April 2017)
Threshold #16 Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin (28 July 2017)
Threshold #17 Western Brun (27 October 2017)
Threshold #18 Savage Coast (13 January 2018)
Threshold #19 Planes and Immortals (15 May 2018)
Threshold #20 Skothar (26 July 2018)
Threshold #21 Specularum (21 October 2018)
Threshold #22 Adventures & Campaigns (7 March 2019)
Threshold #23 Adventures & Campaigns 2 (1 August 2019)
Threshold #24 Adventures & Campaigns 3 (22 November 2019)
Threshold #25 Strongholds (24 May 2020)
Threshold #26 Heroes, Villains and Organizations (23 December 2020)
OD&Dities started out as a free fanzine created by Richard Tongue to promote the Classic D&D Rules. The first 12 issues are still available for free.
Oddities Volume 1 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 2 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 3 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 4 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 5 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 6 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 7 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 8 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 9 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 10 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 11 by Richard Tongue
Oddities Volume 12 by Richard Tongue
Mystara Cartography
Mapping has been a great interest from the Mystara community since the start, as the series of articles about Mystara mappers by Thorf, starting with this issue, clearly shows. Thorf’s Atlas is obviously a primary resource, but Mystara has many other mappers, some of them with a huge ongoing collection, as Robin’s. Thorf’s Atlas doesn’t host anymore ‘just’ the Mystara updated and replica maps by Thorfinn, but also eventually intends to list all the work done over the years by fans, as you can see in the link below (and the first Mappers of Mystara article in this issue dedicated to Geoff Gander).
Maps at the Vaults of Pandius
Atlas at the Vaults of Pandius
Atlas of Mystara -Thorf's Cartography Collection
Atlas of Mystara - Index of Fan-made maps (WiP)
Geographical Mapping Subforum at The Piazza
Maps at the Blackmoor Archives
DaveL's Maps on Flickr
Robin's Maps at Deviantart
Thibault’s Mapping Site hosted at the Vaults of Pandius
Mystara Net Almanacs
The Fan Almanacs continued the stories which began with the official 1010 AC Poor Wizard’s Almanac and ended with the 1013 AC Joshuan’s Almanac. Even if there has been a long hiatus, the story of the Fan Almanacs has not ended, as Hausman and many others are working on the 1020 AC Almanac at The Piazza:
The Mystara Almanacs were originally published between 1997 and 2006 (see Thorf’s research on the actual dates in the post linked in note 1 above) and Morfie later made updated pdf versions between 2016 and 2019, originally published in this thread on The Piazza (https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15072#p170082) and later in the Vaults here http://pandius.com/alm.html.
Mystaran Almanac AC 1014 (1997)
Mystaran Almanac AC 1015 (1998-1999)
Mystaran Almanac AC 1016 (2000)
Mystaran Almanac AC 1017 (2001)
Mystaran Almanac AC 1018 (2002, 2004)
Mystaran Almanac AC 1019 (2003, 2006)
Mystara Rulebooks
The Piazza also has rules conversions subforums2 and obviously the Vaults of Pandius have a whole section dedicated to Rules: http://pandius.com/rules.html
Mystara D&D 5th Edition Player's Handbook by TheGlen
Mystara Newbie Guide and AD&D 2nd Ed.Conversion by Agathokles
Mystara 3E Campaign Setting Preview by Roger Girtman, et al.
AGE Guide to Mystara, Mystara with the Dragon Age RPG, by Siroh
Fantasy AGE Bestiary, by Siroh
Codex Immortalis by Marco Dalmonte
Mystara Monstrous Compendium, by Robin
Immortals of Mystara, by Robin
Monster Manual add-on: the Smurfs, by Robin
What can be Bought + Supply/demand Table, by Robin
The GAZ F series - Fan Gazetteers
OldDawg/JTR made the first fantastic Fan Gazetteers which are listed here. Some other fans did the same in other regions of Mystara, see the other categories below.
GAZ F8 The Streets of Landfall --Map of Landfall and Kamminer Bay --Town of Landfall map
Gaz F9 The Free City of Oceansend -- Map of the Kingdom of Oceansend
Gaz F10 Kaarjala -- map of Kaarjala, and the map of the coastal Itamaa region.
Alphatian Mini-Gazetteers
Quite some time ago some fans made this great expansion of Alphatia pre-WotI. Obviously years later former Mystara designer Bruce Heard did the same too on his blog https://bruce-heard.blogspot.com/, posts also listed here: http://pandius.com/bheard.html
The Alphatian Kingdom of Arogansa by Jeff Daly
The Alphatian Kingdom of Bettelyn by Jeff Daly
The Alphatian Kingdom of Blackheart by Andrew Theisen
The Alphatian Kingdom of Dawnrim by Captain Ebenezum
The Alphatian Kingdom of Floating Ar by Geoff Gander
The Alphatian Kingdom of Frisland by Geoff Gander
The Alphatian Kingdom of Foresthome by Jamunga Khan
The Alphatian Kingdom of Greenspur by Jeff Daly
The Alphatian Kingdom of Haven by Jeff Daly and Geoff Gander
The Alphatian Kingdom of Randel by Alex Benson
The Alphatian Kingdom of Theranderol by Jeff Daly
Other Gazetteers
A lot of other Gazetteers were produced by fans over the years. Omnibus/Roberto Roma also compiled pdf Gazetteers in Italian using the materials present in the Atlas section http://pandius.com/atlas.html of the Vaults and adding some of his own. Some of his Gazetteers, which cover the whole Brun and some other regions, were also translated in English and are listed below, while the complete list in Italian is at the bottom of the article.
Each one listed below would deserve a specific mention and also check past issues of Threshold magazine http://pandius.com/thrs_mag.html, as several ones, being dedicated to specific regions or continents, are de-facto a sort of Gazetteers of the theme region.
Adri Varma Plateau Gazetteer thread and pdf, by Omnibus, David Knott, Jim Sahlas, Giulio Caroletti, James Mishler, Patrick Sullivan, Andrew Theisen, Thibault Sarlat, Christopher Cherrington, Gilles Leblanc, Steven B. Wilson, Håvard, Lo Zompatore, Francesco Defferrari, Christian Constantin & Thorfinn Tait, plus others. Presented in English by Gary Davies.
Great Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer thread and pdf, by Omnibus and Christian Constantin. Translated to English by Mortis.
City of Specularum Mini Gazetteer thread, later to be published in Threshold issue #21
City of Alpha mini-Gaz (with maps) thread by LoZompatore also in the Vaults
GazBC 1 The Shimmering Lands (DM's Guide) thread for the Mystara BC23000 by Chimpman and pdf
GazBC 1 The Shimmering Lands (Player's Guide) pdf for the Mystara BC23000 by Chimpman
Mystara 2300 BC Campaign Setting thread by Chimpman in the dedicated Piazza subforum and pdf
Gaz 13 The Shadowelves by Carl Sagen and Gary Thomas. Adapted by Thorfinn Tait.
Central Altan Tepes Mini Gazetteer (MGaz1) by Simone Neri
Belcadiz Gazetteer by Jennifer Favia Guerra
Gazetteer of Blackmoor v.2.3 (411 kB zip file, expands to 2.4 MB) by David Ross
Cynidicea Gazetteer by various.
Caerdania Gazetteer by Simone Neri
The Great Crater Gazetteer by Andrew Theisen -- Map
Myoshima Gazetteer by Giampaolo Agosta
Ochalea Gazetteer by Giampaolo Agosta
Traladara Gazetteer by Jennifer Favia Guerra
Alternate Ierendi Gazetteer by John Biles
Alternate Five Shires Gazetteer by John Biles
Yezchamenid Empire by Adrian Mattias -- Map
Empire of Zuyevo by Adrian Mattias -- Map
Hulean Empire by Christian Constantin Map
The Dark Shire by Geoff Gander --map
Kingdom of Højgylden by Isabelle Sarikhan
Midlands Gazetteer Part 1 and Part 2 by James Mishler
Nueva Espanola by James Mishler
Lost Land of Haven by James Mishler
Westerlands of Darokin by James Mishler -- Map
Matera, The Hollow Moon by Sharon Dornhoff, John Calvin and Geoff Gander
Torreon Mini-Gazetteer By Giampaolo Agosta
The Darine by Jennifer Favia Guerra
The Chronicles of Nentsun, by Giulio Caroletti (a Gazetteer of the Nentsun region, drawing inspiration from Hokuto no Ken):
The DM's Guide to Davania, by Geoff Gander, Shawn Stanley, Ethan Deneault, Marco Dalmonte, Jeff Daly, and Alex Benson
GAZ LJ1 - The Sea of Dread Gazetteer thread and pdf. Compiled by LordJuss
Blight Swamp Compilation: The Swamp Folks by Irving Galvez
Fan Adventures
Some of the best Mystaran adventures created by fans are listed here but obviously check the Adventure section at the Vaults of Pandius, which has many more: http://pandius.com/adv_camp.html and the adventures published so far in Threshold magazine: https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17521&p=222019#p222024
Revenge of the Little Ones, By Robin
The Wanderer's Grave, by Geoff Gander
The Bane of Eoric (levels 1-3) by Geoff Gander, 'Erroneous Grog' (Greg MacKenzie) and Classic D&D (Jessie) - Generic BECMI module. Can be adapted to Norwold.
TC1, The Baron's Favor, the first in the "Thorn's Chronicle" Adventure Path series, by RobJN
Prisoners!!! by Giulio Frandi
The Firelord Saga by Ville Lähde
The Division of Five by Ville Lähde
The Painted Bay by Ville Lähde
Omens and Portents by Ville Lähde
Stuffed Heads and Lethal Weddings by Ville Lähde
The Lament of the Wavering Bard by Ville Lähde
The War Conceived by Ville Lähde
The Monolith Adventure by Ville Lähde
The Daemon with the Saddened Countenance by Ville Lähde
Night Terrors by agathokles
BA1 - The Tomb of Thob Shanwood by agathokles
River of Blood by agathokles
St. Kruskiev's Gold by agathokles, updated in Threshold issue #21
Cry Wolf! by agathokles, republished and updated in this issue.
The Hollow World Fan Material
Also relevant for the Hollow World is issue #9 of Threshold magazine: http://pandius.com/thrs_mag.html#9 and the Warriors of Eternal Sun conversion later published from issue #23 to #25.
HWR4: The Kogolor Dwarf-Lands by Mischa E Gelman (with Thorfinn Tait)
HWR5: The Malpheggi Lizard Men by Mischa E Gelman (with John Howell, Diego and Garafaele Galeifel)
HWR6: The Krugel Horde by Mischa E Gelman
HWR7: The Jennite Horsemen by Mischa E Gelman and Cecil Cosman (with James Mishler and Paul Dooley)
HWR8: The Tanagoro Plainsmen by Mischa E Gelman and Harri Mäki
HWR9: The Hutaakan Valley by Mischa E Gelman Andrew Theisen, Matthew Wang and Havard
The Selhomarr Gazetteer -- Map of Selhomarr by Geoff Gander
Warriors of the Eternal Sun thread
Dragonsfoot Productions
DF22 Shadow over Pendleton Module, by Geoff Gander
DF17 Endless Tunnels of Enlandin Module, by S. Ballard Poag
DF23 The Haunted Keep Module, by Stuart Marshall,Mike Harvey,Sean Stone, Gavin Pinchback, Chuck Griffith, Edgewaters @ DF, Ray “maddog” Allen, G.A. "QuantumEFX" McDougall, J.L. Peppers.
GL0 The Haunted Tower Module, by Chris Gonnerman and DF posters.
GL1The Nameless Dungeon Module, by Chris Gonnerman
To Light the Shadows Module, by Chris M. Robert
AJ2 Vandars Lost Home Module, by Alex Johnson
AJ1 Fugitive Module, by Alex Johnson
OD&D Character Sheet by Zack Henderson
OD&D Character Sheet by Phil Morris
OD&D Character Sheet by Jesse Walker
OD&D Character Sheet by Erik Johansson
LL Monster Cards Set 4 Jonathan Chappell
LL Monster Cards Set 3 Jonathan Chappell
LL Monster Cards Set 2 Jonathan Chappell
LL Monster Cards Set 1 Jonathan Chappell
Other works
The articles listed below are indeed important resources on Mystara but many more can obviously be found at the Vaults in the Resources section http://pandius.com/resource.html, including monsters, history and much more!
History of Dragonkind thread and pdf by Zendrolion
Rise of the Immortals by Estlor
Complete Guide to the Cosmos by Giulio Caroletti
Multiverse Creation Epic by James Mishler
Nightmare Dimension by James Mishler
Age of Blackmoor by James Mishler
Works in Italian
One of many ways that the Mystara fan community stands out is that it has always had a large and vocal international component. Likely this is due to the fact that back in the 1980s, BECMI was translated into more than 50 languages. An illustration of this international environment is the large amount of material available in Italian. The Gazetteers by Omnibius http://pandius.com/omnibius.html are beautiful pdf compilations of existing and new material, covering the whole of Brun and other regions.
Norwold fan gazetteer (Italian version) thread and pdf - Compiled by Omnibius
Idrisian Sphere fan gazetteer (Italian version) thread and pdf - Compiled by Omnibius
The Borean Great Steppes fan gazetteer (Italian version) thread and pdf - Compiled by Ominbius
Borean Valley (Valle Boreana) gazetter (Italian version) - Compiled by Omnibius
Lower Hyborea (Bassa Hyborea) (Italian version) - Compiled by Ominbius
Gazetteer of the Midlands (Le Terre di Mezzo) (Italian version) - Compiled by Omnibius
Gazetteer of the End World Spine (La Cordigliera della Fine del Mondo) (Italian version) - Compiled by Omnibius
The Yazak Steppes by Omnibius
Demografia Mystarana by Zendrolion (Italian version)
Codex Immortalis by Marco Dalmonte (Italian version)
Great Hule and Kavkaz Gazetteer, by Omnibius and Christian Constantin.(Italian version).
Adri Varma Plateau Gazetteeer (Italian version). Compiled by Omnibius
Popoli di Hyborea- Peoples of Hyborea by Omnibius
Terre dell'Eterno Inverno ---Lands of the Eternal Winter by Omnibius
Oceania - terra dei Draghi--Oceania - Land of the Dragons by Omnibius
Penisola del Serpente-----Serpent Peninsula by Omnibius
Evergrun by Omnibius
Il Braccio degli immortali----The Arm of the Immortals by Omnibius
Penisola Testa d'Orco---- Orc's Head Peninsula by Omnibius
La Costa Selvaggia ----The Savage Coast by Omnibius
La Grande Desolazione--The Great Waste by Omnibius
Regni e Nobiltà------Kingdoms and Nobility by Omnibius
I Rakasta-----The Rakasta by Omnibius
1Published between 1995 and 1997, see Thorf’s research on the original publication dates in this post on The Piazza: https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?p=281443#p281443
2Mystara 3E Conversion Project https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewforum.php?f=41 and Mystara 4E Conversion Project https://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewforum.php?f=51