Goblinoid Tribes of Karameikos
by Giampaolo AgostaThis article describes the major goblinoid tribes of Karameikos. In addition to these goblinoids, north-western Karameikos houses also a number of small Hill Giant clans (5 to 10 giants each), for a total of circa 125 giants.
The tribes have been collected from the canon sources and the Vaults of Pandius articles listed in the Reference section. Two tribes, the Jagged Rocks and Killer Sands, have been designed by Alarico Ariani of the Italian Mystara Message Board. A few tribes were added to cover areas of Karameikos that are not well described elsewhere (Cruth Lowlands and Eastern Dymrak, mostly).
In almost all cases, I've extended the original descriptions, so if you don't like them, it's most likely my fault.Dymrak Tribes
The Dymrak Woods west of the Thyatian border are infested with many large Goblin tribes.
Argos the Worrier, a green dragon, rules the forest and has brought several of these tribes under his control.Jaggadash
A tribe of Goblins, the Jaggadash ("Vipers'') are led by Dashka (Goblin 7).
Known for their cowardice, Jaggadash goblins are nevertheless fearsome for their trademark ability, snake training.
These goblins tame highly poisonous vipers and use them in combat, by throwing the snakes at their enemies.
They also tattoo viper designs all over their bodies, which adds to their already bad looks.The tribe is broken into six hordes, averaging 100 goblins each.
The Jaggadash live in the northern fringes of the Dymrak forest, and worship the draconic Immortal Pearl, represented as a gigantic snake-like creature.Jaggadash warriors prefer thrown weapons, especially hammers and dagger.
Holding the western reaches of the Dymrak forest from human encroachment, the Red Blade ("Gnhasska'') goblins have recently lost their chief, Gnhass, as well as many tribesmen to the Faz-Plack goblins and their Iron Ring allies.
The new chief, Gnhassarek (Goblin 8), has negotiated for the protection offered by the Witches of Dymrak, in exchange for the tribe's switching from the worship of Wogar to that of Orcus.
With many shamans dead, the change is happening quickly, but many lesser chiefs are still clinging to the old traditions.With seven hundred-strong hordes, the Gnhasska are still a large tribe, and they bolster their hunting skills and lair defences with trained giant ferrets.
Red Blade goblins wear clothing and use weapons died in their tribal colours.
The warriors of this tribe are generally armed with short swords and slings.Kloss-Lunk
The Kloss-Lunk ("Wolf Skull'') are a comparatively smaller tribe, formed of five hordes for a total of 400 goblins.
Yet, their large wolf cavalry gives them a major strategic advantage, which has allowed the tribe to weather the recent defeat at Sukyskin and maintain control of their territory, the Petrified Woods.King Kloss (Goblin 9) still leads the tribe, with the help of his lieutenant Klossarek (Goblin 5) and the support of the shamans of Wogar, including Ratgrobb (Goblin 4/Shaman 4).
Wogar's is the only religion allowed in this tribe.
Kloss-Lunk warriors wear close fitting iron caps and wolfskin capes, as well as shield emblazoned with a wolf's head symbol.
They wield spears and hand axes in combat.Dread Horde
The strongest tribe of Dymrak, and one of the strongest in all of Karameikos, the Dread Horde includes both Goblin werewolves and Hobgoblin heavy infantry.The horde's leader, Kosivikh (Goblin 10/Werewolf 9) is a powerful Goblin warrior, easily the equal of an Hobgoblin in strength and only slightly lesser in size.
His fame is such that he is also known as "Zhul Dymrak'', the Dymrak Dread.
Kosivikh personal horde, the Dread Brotherhood, is composed of 50 werewolf goblins (at different stages of infection).
He controls also 10 lesser hordes, each composed of about 15 Goblin wolfriders, 60 Goblin archers and 20 Hobgoblin heavy infantrymen.Vylgrykk (Goblin 7/Wicca 7) is the chief wokan of the Dread Horde.
Many Shamans of Orcus have been trained by the Witches of Dymrak, and Orcus has been the patron of this tribe for generations.Dread Horde Goblins favour the short bow and short sword, while Hobgoblins prefer heavier melee weapons such as the mace and the battle axe.
Green Raiders
The Chosen One (Goblin 6/Shaman 6 of Orcus), an old but surprisingly well preserved Goblin shaman, leads this colourful tribe.
Four lesser hordes have joined under his command, for a total of almost 400 goblins.
One quarter of the warriors are wolfriders, armed with short javelins and large knives.
The rest are skirmishers, with similar weapons, though some also use short bows.
Shamans of Orcus hold absolute power in this tribe, and they bow to Argos, the green dragon ruler of the Dymrak Forest.The Green Raiders use patched green clothes to camouflage in the depth of the forest.
They control the western banks of the Rugalov river from their lair -- the ruins of an underground citadel, possibly a Taymoran construction.River Wolves
Holding the eastern banks of the Rugalov, the River Wolves are Goblins that supplement traditional wolfriding techniques with a small flotilla of war canoes, rafts and one riverboat.
Of the 350 River Wolves, circa one in five is a wolfrider, armed with light lance and a mace or club, while the others fight with short bows and small tridents or short spears.The River Wolves' banners show a crudely drawn seal-like animal with a wolf's head.
Their riverboat counts as a mediocre war machine armed with a single light ram.
The River Wolf chief, Derk Flathead (Goblin 8) commands the riverboat in battle.Like the Green Raiders, the River Wolves serve the dragon king Argos.
However, they have few shamans of Orcus, and mostly worship Wogar.North-Eastern Tribes
The north-eastern quarter of Karameikos, between the Windrush and Volaga rivers, is a contested land, with Humans, Goblinoids Dwarves and Gnomes all living in the area.Faz-Plak
The Yellow Fang ("Faz-Plak'') goblins live in the ruins of the ancient Hutaakan city of Xitaqa along the banks of the Volaga river.
Led by King Plak (Goblin 11), the five hordes of this tribe (totalling 600 Goblins) have applied their skill of animal training to the rock baboons that inhabit the ruins.
Plak has also struck an advantageous deal with the Iron Ring, and maintains a profitable slave trade.Faz-Plak Goblins worship Yagrai and Leptar.
Their warriors wear heavy iron bracers and collars, similar to the Iron Ring manacles, and carry short swords and short bows.Nightstalkers
Led by the visionary shaman Dhrom Dhum (Goblin 7/Shaman 6), the Nightstalkers are a typical Goblin tribe, worshippers of Wogar, but also of Hel - the chief himself is a shaman of this northern Immortal.Dhrom Dhum controls five hordes of Goblin wolfriders in the area between Highforge and Penhaligon, north of the Faz-Plak territory.
The shaman has a powerful vision of a united Goblinoid nation, and is trying to bring the northern tribes and those of the Dymrak to his side, but he is opposed by the Witches of Dymrak and, indirectly, by the green dragon Argos.
The Nightstalkers favour the use of hand axes, maces and short bows.
They use grey-green cloaks and their shamans carry war drums in battle.Galt-Kalat
Holding the valley of the Foamfire river north of Threshold and Verge, the Galt-Kalat are one of the few surviving Gnoll tribes in Karameikos.
They are led by chief Gragszt (Gnoll 8), and include seven hordes, with giant boar riders as well as a small number of Ogre allies.
Their necromantic shamans worship the Entropic powers Ranivorus and Yagrai.
The Galt-Kalat are fiercely territorial, but rarely venture beyond their valleys.The warriors of this tribe favour the use of large shields showing the tribal symbol, as well as javelins and swords.
An independent, semi-nomadic Gnoll horde, the Faceslashers are mercenaries.
Hassistrek (Gnoll 4) is the horde chief, and currently serves the mad "Queen'', Ilyana Penhaligon.Most Faceslasher warriors favour large weapons, and especially polearms.
The Faceslasher tribe is quite small, compared with other goblinoid tribes, and only survives by allying with greater powers - usually evil human organisations such as the Iron Ring or the cults of Orcus.Brokenshields
There are few Kobold tribes in Karameikos - pressure from neighbouring human and goblinoid population has pushed most of them into Darokin.
However, the ruins of Castle Mistamere house the Brokenshield tribe, a single horde of Kobolds that have struck a bargain with a flock of Harpies for mutual protection.
The combination of Kobold archers and Harpy airborne attacks has kept the dangerous Gnolls of the Firefoam valley and the humans of Threshold and Verge from taking the castle.Tervek Stormswift (Kobold 8/ Wicca 3), chief of the Brokenshields, is a magic user of modest power, and the tribe can also rely on a pair of shamans of Kurtulmak.
The Brokenshield Kobolds use the short bow as their primary weapon, drawing their daggers only to finish wounded enemies.
Leptar's Fist
A powerful, if smaller, tribe based in an abandoned monastery on the foothills of the Altan Tepee, Leptar's Fist is closely allied with the clergy of its namesake Immortal.The tribe is composed of two hordes of Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears, though a few Ogres are also present.
Horrack Elfslayer (Hobgoblin 8), a veteran of many battles against the Vyalia, leads the tribe, though the influence of the unnamed human priest of Leptar that hides in the monastery is getting stronger as he grows older.
The tribe's symbol is an apish arm, the hand clenched in a fist.
Members of this tribe wear ape or baboon skins as cloaks or vests.
They use large maces and warhammers.Leghorn Orcs
The Leghorns are an emerging Orcish tribes in north-eastern Karameikos.
Settled in the area between the fief of Penhaligon, the Castellan river, and the Duke's Road, they clash frequently with the troops of the "Goblin-Crushers" battalion and the Penhaligon militia.
While they are excellent hunters (able to follow tracks by scent alone), they often raid caravans or villages from their base in Leghorn Nest, a village north-east of Penhaligon.The Leghorns have a pasty white complexion that sets them apart from other Orcs. They play up on this by using white garments, accented by bright red decorations, such as the red plummeted cuir-boulli helmets.
In battle, the Leghorn warriors are typical skirmishers, fighting with axes, but often starting combat with a volley of spears.The tribes' chieftain is traditionally known as "The Rooster". The current Rooster is Gakragh (Orc 7), a relatively young chief.
Yurlivsky Crowers
These Orcs have settled in a former Traladaran outpost, from which they get their name. The Crowers have been enemies of the Traladarans for centuries, but managed to survive by combining ferocity in combat with cunning and trickery.Gatgrum Greasetongue (Orc 6/Wicca 4), the current leader, is a prime example of this. While a reasonably skilled warrior, he is much more fearsome for his ability to manipulate other humanoids, as well as for his strategic cunning. His skill in ambushing enemies when they are at their weakest has allowed the Crowers to defend their territory between the Castellan and the Volaga rivers from humans and goblinoids alike, even though they are not a numerous tribe.
The Yurlivsky Crowers were traditionally worshippers of Karaash, but since the times of the Vampire Wars they have aligned with Orcus and Leptar.
In combat, the Crower warriors wield spiked maces or short spears, and often add spikes to their armours or helmets to intimidate and hurt their opponents.
Altan-Tepee Tribes
Goblinoid tribes control most of the Karameikan Altan Tepee, and are barely held at bay by the troops at Castellan Keep.Nyy-akk
An unconventional Orcish tribe living in cave complexes under the Zagrash mountains, north-west of the Lake of Lost Dreams, the Black Web Orcs are easily recognised for their characteristic black clothing and heavy gold earrings.
Contrary to most Orcs, the Nyy-akk favour stealth over brawn, and use throwing axes and short swords in combat, as well as lighter armour.Led by the great hunter Dyarr-Dakk (Orc 7), the Black Web's three hordes keep aside from the squabbles of the other goblinoid tribes, and are not aligned with one of the major players of the region.
An additional reason that keeps the Black Web apart from the goblinoid society is their peculiar religion - Nyy-akk shamans worship Nyyk, the Spirit of Darkness (Nyx) and Dakk, the Spider spirit (Korotiku).Pftark
The second major tribe of eastern Orcs, the Pftark ("Hairless dog''), lives in underground caves in the northern Zagrash mountains.These Orcs mark their membership within the tribe by shaving their hair, and wield javelins both in war and hunt.
In battle, they also carry short swords for hand-to-hand combat.
Pftark's four hordes are led by warlord Tarkkag (Orc 9), and include a small clan of Cimarron Hairless Lupins, who have brought the worship of Atzanteotl to the otherwise Karaash-following orcs.Some odd genetic trait makes it so that the Pftark Orcs are all left-handed.
A powerful Hobgoblin tribe from the Altan Tepee mountains, the Vlackkag (Bloody Head) is composed of 5 hordes including Hobgoblin winter wolf riders, Hobgoblin crossbowmen, Goblin wolfriders, Thoul guards and trained vampire bats.
Swords and crossbows make up the largest part of the Vlackkag weaponry.These goblinoids are followers of Wogar and Karaash, and have powerful, ambitious leaders, including the tribe chief, King Vlack (Hobgoblin 10), and the horde chief Skrakkbak (Hobgoblin 6).
They have been forging alliance with the major powers of Western Karameikos, including the Iron Ring, Ilyana Penhaligon and the Witches of Dymrak, but never fully commit to their allies' causes.Vlackkag Hobgoblins wear gaudy clothes in contrasting colours, and are generally paler than other Karameikan Hobgoblins.
King Vlack wields a powerful blade of Ylari steel, the Sword of Gygar, which was enchanted by the ancient wizard-lord of Mistamere and lost in the Vampire Wars in 720 AC.
In the hilt of the sword is set one of the Ionian Gems, which adds to the power of the sword.
The Sword of Gygar is unique in its scimitar-like design, adapted to two-handed use.Steelwarriors
The Steelwarriors are the traditional threat of the Altan Tepee - these fierce Hobgoblins have been a nuisance to the neighbouring human nations for centuries.
At some point in their legendary past, the Steelwarriors have obtained superior knowledge of weapon crafting - a knowledge that is kept secret by the master craftsmen and by the tribal shamans of Yagrai and Bartziluth.
Legends of the Steelwarriors point to Modrigswerg, Fire Giants, Fiends, renegade Ylari and even more outlandish sources for the origin of their secret techniques.Armed with good swords and axes, and supported by an elite force of Thouls and Bugbears, the Steelwarriors' five hordes vie for dominance of the Altan Tepee against the Vlackkag and the humans of Karameikos, Ylaruam, and Thyatis.
Khorgul (Hobgoblin 12) is the Steelwarrior chief.
Unique among the hobgoblin rulers in the area, the Steelwarrior chief bears the title of Kan - possibly derived from the Makistani or Hobgobland title Khan.
The leaders of the lesser hordes, Vinek (Hobgoblin 7), Toktar (Bugbear 8), Umor (Hobgoblin 6) and Skevar (Hobgoblin 8), take the title of Kavkan.Grey Rats
The least powerful of three tribes dwelling in the Caves of Chaos near the Castellan's Keep, these Kobolds' only skill is their ability to train giant rats.Khizzk (Kobold 6) leads the single Grey Rat horde.
He barely manages to keep the tribe alive, locked as he is between powerful orcish tribes and the human army.The Grey Rats worship Kurtulmak, and wear grey ratskin shoulder guards.
They wield javelins and daggers in combat.Horned Heads
Forrn Grimclaw (Orc 5) leads this mixed tribe of Orcs and Gnolls from his hideout in the Caves of Chaos.
The tribe is composed of an Orcish horde and a Gnollish one - Grantz Iceringer (Gnoll 3) leads the Gnolls.The tribe members wear horned helmets with broad nosepieces
These Orcs are skilled at preparing traps, which makes their lair especially dangerous.
They generally fight with broad sword and round shields.Like the Chaos Horde, they are followers of the evil high priest of Orcus who resides in the Caves of Chaos.
The Chaos Horde
The last and largest of the goblinoid tribes dwelling in the Caves of Chaos, this tribe marks its territory with skulls and is known for its extensive use of crossbows.It is composed of two hordes, one of Goblins and one of Hobgoblins, but it can count on an Ogre ally.
Rhuun (Hobgoblin 6), the tribal chief, leads the Hobgoblin horde.The Chaos Horde was the first tribe to be contacted by the priests of Leptar and Orcus, and its members are fanatic followers of that Entropic cult.
Jagged Rocks
Horrack Rockgrinder (Orc 7), a massive Orcus Porcus warrior, leads this large horde of Orcs, Goblins and Hobgoblins.
However, the powerful shaman Dguul (Orc 6/Shaman 6) is the true power behind the throne.The Jagged Rock tribe is composed by four hordes: Mountain Raiders (500 Orcs), Hungry Wolves (300 Goblins), Bloody Noses (250 Goblins) and Deathslide (100 Hobgoblins).
Chiefs Zoarh Bootlicker (Goblin 3), Arghal Rednose (Goblin 5) and Eaark Twofaces (Hobgoblin 4/Wicca 3) lead the Goblin and Hobgoblin hordes.Zoarh has been imposed by the Mountain Raiders as the Hungry Wolves chief, and is not really able to handle his horde.
Arghal Rednose knows it, and is manoeuvring to set himself as the chief of a new horde, if Horrack and Dguul get themselves killed in one of the battles against the Ylari or Karameikan troops.
This crafty goblin will therefore tarry long enough to see whether the tribe is winning or not before committing his own goblins to any battle.These goblinoids use a variety of weapons, from axes and slings (the Goblins) to spears (the Mountain Raiders), swords and javelins (the Deathslide).
The two Goblin hordes have a number of wolfriders, nearly a hundred in the Hungry Wolves, half that number in the Bloody Noses.Killer Sands
A large Hobgoblin tribe (with about 300 goblinoids), originally from the Dythesthenian badlands, the Killer Sands have been pushed back to the eastern flanks of the Altan Tepee by the armies of the Emirates of Ylaruam.
The tribe has been recently cowed into the service of the Magian Fire Worshippers, who killed most of the tribal leaders.
Aptul the Survivor (Hobgoblin 5), the only horde chief to survive the onslaught, now leads the entire tribe.Killer Sand warriors wield scimitars and short bows in battle.
Southern Radlebb Tribes
Several Bugbear tribes control much of the woodland between the Westron road and the coastal fiefs of Vandevicsny, Moubotka, and Sulescu.Bloodbears
Prowling in the woods west of Krakatos, the Bloodbears are hunters and highwaymen.
A powerful Bugbear horde supported by two mixed Bugbear and Hobgoblin hordes, the Bloodbears are famed for their berserker rages in battle.Led by warrior-chief Gorgar Bearheart (Bugbear 7), these followers of the Immortal Bartziluth wade into battle wearing rough bearskin caps and cloaks, and use freshly cut bear heads as their battle standards.
The Bloodbears favour the morningstar and longbow, respectively for battle and hunt.
Bargle's Bughears
This unusual Bugbear tribe has been long fascinated with the power of magic.
It was originally composed of Bugbears, expert in forest lore and ambush tactics.
While employed by the Black Eagle Baron, the tribal leaders met the powerful magic user, Bargle, and were awed by his magical prowess.
However, rather than cow in fear, they asked Bargle to take them as apprentices.
The evil magician has since kept the Bughears as a personal experiment, training Bugbear wiccas while solidifying their loyalty to him alone - he plans to use them against Ludwig, if the Baron goes out of hand.Since falling in with Bargle, this three hordes strong tribe has taken the name of Bargle's Bughears.
The tribal chief is only known as The Ear of Bargle (Bugbear 6/ Wicca 5), and is one of the most powerful goblinoid wicca in Karameikos.The Bughears have few shamans, as faith in Bartziluth was never especially strong, and has been almost completely replaced by a cult of Bargle himself, ministered by Bugbear Wicca.
From the woods east of the Black Eagle Barony, the Vileraider Bugbears manage a successful slaver ring in a joint venture with the Iron Ring.
Mostly, they kidnap people from Luln or ambush caravans on the Westron road.Urrgh Blacktooth (Bugbear 8) leads the three Vileraider hordes, under the banner of the snake head.
These Bugbears originally followed Bartziluth, but entropic cults such as those of Orcus or the Iron Ring's Sindhi-originated religion are gaining more and more power in this tribe.
These Hobgoblins decorate their weaponry, usually large, curved blades, with crude carvings depicting dragons and other fierce monsters.
A large band of mercenary goblins currently in the service of the Black Eagle, the Nightseeker are led by Nyark the Sly (Goblin 12/ Shaman 3), a powerful warrior and a follower of the Immortal Nyx (known to these goblinoids as the Night Mother).
While the cult of Nyx is dominant, goblin wardog handlers worship Wogar, the traditional goblin Immortal.Training and handling of dogs, both for war and hunt, is the clan specialty, and the Nightseekers are employed to track and capture escaped slaves by the Black Eagle Baron.
Contrary to popular belief, these goblins do not ride their war dogs, which are strong, but not nearly as large as the dire wolves raised by the Kloss-Lunk and other wolfriding tribes.The Nightseeker are unique among goblinoid bands in that they use no symbol or battle standard - possibly because these would be useless during the night, which these goblinoid favour.
White Death
Faces painted in ghostly white, the White Death Orcs and Goblin are a group of fanatic followers of Yagrai that use their considerable mystic powers to terrorise their victims.A single horde led by the shaman only known as The Ghost (Orc 12/Shaman 7), they serve Bargle and Ludwig von Hendricks as assassins.
The White Deaths are particularly feared among the other goblinoids, who consider them kin of the undead.
White Deaths always carry at least three daggers hidden under their clothes, but wield a variety of other weapons in mass combat.CruthMountains Tribes
The Cruth mountains seem to continuously spawn the Orcs and Ogres that plague the Cruth Lowlands, making the area dangerous for human settlers.
The Roaring Fiends
An horde of mercenaries with an overinflated ego, the Roaring Fiends style themselves after their Immortal patron, Alphaks.Under the guidance of their shamans, whose leader, Urgal Redhand (Hobgoblin 10/ Shaman 4), is also the current chieftain, they have taken up the use of sword and whip in combat, as well as the habit of dyeing their faces with red paint to resemble the typical image of a Roaring Fiend.
The Hobgoblin tribe is currently employed by Ludwig von Hendricks as part of his standing army.
The Greyslayer Orcs are a medium-sized goblinoid tribe hailing from the Cruth Lowlands. Due to the relative lack of resources of the area, they often range into the eastern reaches of the Five Shire.
The Greyslayers are also sometimes employed by the Black Eagle Baron, though they do not work well with other goblinoids, due to the many feuds they have - being followers of Jammudaru, these Orcs tend to be very thorough in their quests for revenge.The main assets of this three hordes-strong tribe is the large number of Cruth Ogres they are able to recruit, and a certain ability with poisons - which probably inspired their symbol, a dagger dripping with poison.
Daggers are also used by most Greyslayers as backup weapons, while wicked, dented large blades and massive mauls are favoured as primary weapons.Kardat Souleater (Orc 13/ Wicca 2) is the leader of this tribe.
Rashak's Reavers
Gnolls are the most hated goblinoids in Traladara, since they remind of the Beastmen invasion.
So, Gnollish tribes either dwell in remote areas, or are small and nomadic.
That Rashak (Gnoll 10) was able to gather such a powerful tribe under his red skull banner in the well populated area of Halag and keep it together for years is a testimony to the Gnoll chieftain's craftiness.The Rashak's Reavers are a single horde, composed of Orcs and Gnolls with a few Ogres.
It serves the Black Eagle Baron as a heavy infantry unit.
These Orcs and Gnolls are noted for their military organisation. They use a variety of heavy infantry weapons, but favour halberds and swords.Karaash worshippers are prevalent in this tribe, as Rashak does not tolerate worship of Entropic Immortals - maybe fearing the treacherous character of their followers.
The largest Orcish tribe of the Cruth Mountains, the Blackstone is a survivor of the orcish invasions of the Five Shires.
From that time, they keep the tradition of smoking pipeweed, though their weed is darker and much rougher in taste than the Hin product.The Blackstone Orcs are also adept miners, a skill developed fighting the dwarves in ancient times and honed to great extent in time.
Sorhguul the Slasher (Orc 11), a vicious and experienced warrior, leads the six hordes of this tribe.
Like other Cruth tribes, the Blackstone often recruit Ogres and even Hill Giants as front-line fighters or living artillery pieces.
This tribe divides its worship between the traditional Orcish patron, Karaash, and Leptar, who promises revenge on the Hin.
Its symbol is a black rock, crudely drawn on blood red banners.The Blackstone Orcs wield warhammers and battleaxes in combat.
Rotting Snakes
The Rotting Snake is a typical Orcish tribe.
It controls a large hilly territory on the eastern bank of the Gustos river.
These Orcs are skirmishers, adapted to fighting in the hills where cavalry is mostly ineffective, and the woods and rocks offer good protection against long-range missile weapons.
They use short javelins for ambushes and first strikes, following up with a savage charge and pounding the opponents down with large maces and mauls.Chief Luzlug (Orc 9), the tribal chief, is the paragon Orcish warrior, and a devout follower of Karaash, like most of his tribesmen.
The Rotting Snakes are bitter rivals of the Blackstones, but are numerically much weaker.
They do hire some Ogres to even the scores, but not as many as the Blackstones.
Mostly, they rely on savagery, skill, and tactical planning of ambushes by Luzlug and his shamans.Jagged Claw
The noblest of the Orcish tribes of the Cruth Lowlands, the Jagged Claw are the last direct descendants of the kings of Othrong.
In spite of its infamous ancestry, this is only a medium-sized tribe.
The Jagged Claw live in the western Cruth Lowlands, north of the Greyslayer territory.They are led by Prince Bakghat (Orc 6), a young and comparatively inexperienced, if courageous, commander.
Bakghat's father, the previous Prince, died in a raid against Wereskalot three years ago, and Bakghat has just emerged as the new tribal chief after duelling three of his half-brothers.These Orcs have preserved the traditional worship of Yamag (Terra), though their primary patron is Karaash.
Shamans of both Immortals are present in the tribe - female shamans generally worship Yamag, while male shamans worship Karaash.Cruth Ogres
There are at least four hundred Ogres in the Cruth region - a powerful force, were they united.
Luckily for Karameikos, the Ogres are quite stupid, and most of them do not have the vision or wisdom to see the strength of unity.
Most Ogres do not like to be bossed around by others, and stay in small family groups of six Ogres or less.
They are, however, sometimes lured by smarter humanoids (generally Orcs) into working as mercenaries, though no wise Orcish tribe would keep more than a dozen Ogre mercenaries.
Not only these mercenaries would quarrel with each other, but, if not deterred by a 10 to 1 ratio in favour of their employers, they would be impossible to control.Cruth Ogres have few leaders, and even fewer spellcasters, the most notable being a solitary shaman, Magdub (Ogre 4/Shaman 4 of Terra), rumoured to commune with the spirits of the Cruth Mountains.
An old, wise but irritable Ogre, Magdub is shunned by the other Ogres, who fear him and his scolding words - the old shaman acts as a father to the less intelligent Ogres.
However, when an Ogre finally understands he has done a big mistake, he will run to Magdub.
Luckily, the shaman is fairly peaceful, as far as goblinoids go, and understands that the Ogres must coexist with both humans and Orcs.References
A. Allston, GAZ1 The Grand Duchy of Karameikos
G. Gygax, B2 Keep on the Borderlands
D. Niles, B5 Horror on the Hills
J. Bambra, G. Morris and P. Gallagher, B10 Night's Dark Terror
C. Sargent, B12 The Queen's Harvest
J. Nephew, DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
D. J. Heinrich, The Tainted Sword
F. Defferrari, Dhrom Dhum Speaks
F. Defferrari, History of Traladara
Håvard, The Witches of Dymrak
Håvard, Mighty Argos