The Barrel
by Robin from Threshold Magazine issue 23An inn in Southeastern Karameikos
Art by Warriorneedsfood (to see his awesome Mystara comic; http://thekeepontheborderlands.thecomicseries.com/ and his other art; https://www.deviantart.com/warriorneedsfood)
Image - Map of Southern Dymrak Forest and Rugalov
http://pandius.com/Dymrak_Forest.pngThis article (and the following article in Threshold #24) is based in this greatly updated 1-mile hex map of the Dymrak Forest as per variant canon maps and sources and fanon additions by Robin.
B1-9; “In search of Adventure”, B10: “Night’s Dark Terror”, DDA4: “The Dymrak Dread”, X1: “Isle of Dread”, TM1: “The Western Countries Trailmap”, TM2: “The Eastern Countries Trailmap”, GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos”, GAZ6: “The Dwarves of Rockhome”, GAZ7: “The Northern Reaches”, GAZ9: “The Minrothad Guilds”, “Dawn of the Emperors”, “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure”, PC1: “Tall Tales of the Weefolk”, PC2: “Top Ballista”, PC3: “The Sea People”, PC4: “Night Howlers!”, The Penhaligon Trilogy novels (“The Tainted Sword”, “The Dragon’s Tomb”, “The Fall of Magic”) by D.J.Heinrich.
http://pandius.com/32karamp.html and http://pandius.com/nekaram.html by Agathokles (Giampaolo Acosta),
http://pandius.com/kara1020.html by Sturm (Francesco Deferari),
https://mystara.thorfmaps.com/b10-eastern-karameikos-3/ by Thorf (Thorfinn Tait)
ayxona.jpg by Robin
B10 maps by Alan Jones http://www.users.waitrose.com/~alanderekjones/karameikos-b10.html these can be used if you do not own B10.
Character Skills; http://pandius.com/skills_compilation.pdf (Profession skills have Primary and Secondary skills within itself, Check here to know which and how).
Character traits used in the character descriptions are drawn from Gaz7 Northern Reaches with some personal additions.1
The inn is originally planned to be used on the Rugalov River in Karameikos, hence the regional map and current backgrounds.
If a DM decides to place the inn elsewhere he/she can use the map and the associated descriptions (with some background adaptations by the DM). It is best to place the inn near a coast (lake or sea), river and a vast forest (with goblins, fairies and dragons), along a major trade route between nations.
On the Karameikos regional map, “The Barrel” is located along the Eastron Road, to the west just inside the Rugalov baronial borders.
Image - Map of The Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel_overview_by_6inchnails_dd7k5c5.pngWith regard to chronological placement; the accompanying map and PC data set it between the year 1000 AC and just before 1011 AC. Although the material is actually a few years after B10 and the Penhaligon Trilogy, where most of the camps and settlements were damaged in those adventures, they have now been rebuild, and repopulated. The goblins of B10 have also regrouped and repopulated (due their rapid propagation), under the rule of the children of the former rulers.
A DM can, however, place this location earlier or later in the timeline (this needs some character background readjustments though). This enables DMs to use all canon adventures set in this region, and to allow the Penhaligon Trilogy to have its effects (estimated 1004-1008 AC..aka during “Wrath of the Immortals”). The only thing the DM then has to take care off is that all the ruins from B10 on this map are in fact the original camps/settlements, and the nearby new ones do not yet exist.
And a last and final note; This material is written for the DM; Please regulate what your players are allowed to read. If you are a player and your DM desires to use this material, please read only those sections your DM allows you to, or it might spoil your game fun. Any boxed information beginning with ‘Secret;” is solely for the DM and he/she reveals this only during the adventure if needed.
The Barrel
Image - Isometric picture of The Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel__ne_isometric_by_6inchnails_dd7k3xe.jpgThe Barrel was constructed in 993 AC on the ruins of a smaller wooden inn with the same name (and same huge barrel found within) that had stood there from existing since 764 AC. The original Inn was burned by goblins multiple times and finally abandoned in 955 AC. Peter Andrejev had done some adventuring in the area and found the burned and haunted ruin in 992 AC, and discovered the secret basement by accident. Seeing many opportunities (such as being as a place where he could live out his later years), he and his adventuring friends (Sascha Mischnikov, Tom Townes and Ingrid Otkelsdottir) combined all their money to buy the site location from the descendants of the former owners. The current owners who had inherited the site had not been interested in it and had almost forgotten about it and were pleased to dispose of it by accepting Peter’s offer of purchase. The price was steep, due to the large attached tract of land and licenses2 to the road; Peter had to ask for help from his wealthy mother, who had become rich as a bard (Thyatian style opera songstress). Having already retired from her career, she agreed. The former adventurers hired some old friends; a dwarven mason and architect, and two elven carpenters. All legal matters taken care of,off the site was partially cleaned (to keep the discovered secret basement hidden from the local officials) and within a year the structure was finished. Two new goblin attacks forced the new owners to take defensive measures to protect the structure3, and on in 15 Yarthmont 993 AC it was completed, and the pine top was placed on the king of the roof4. The next month the tavern was stocked and furnished, while Martha (Peter’s Mother) took residence in the side building. Under the blessed consecration by the Church of Traladara and arcane rituals by Finnig (a local Traladaran witch) the tavern was opened for the public under the light of the full moon. The cooperation between witches and the Church of Traladara is common because witches are said using powers of Nature and the Immortals, which druids and clerics don’t use, and fortune telling, tea-reading and similar ritualistic happenings are commonly accepted by the Church of Traladara. The Thyatians and Church of Thyatis do not understand, nor accept witchcraft and such rituals and try to defame the Church of Traladara in this. Though legally accepted, the Thyatians barely tolerate the known witches.
The Barrel is of Thyatian style architecture greatly influenced by Traladaran design. As such you will see white external walls (made of normal Thyatian style stone, one foot thick, enclosed Traladaran style in sturdy wooden beams, fully plastered with straw, dung to make it into a single surface, and coated with a thick flat layer of lead-containing plaster and white waterproof paint. As there is lead in the walls, the interior of the roof and the floor paint, no magic will penetrate the building. This makes Scrying, Teleportation and Transportation, Divination, and Summoning/Conjuring impossible. Spells cast inside or outside without crossing this thin barrier of lead can be cast as normal. Teleporting from one room to the other, inside scrying of another room, or summoning a item/creature which exists within the tavern is thus possible, while summoning an Elemental from another realm, teleporting/transporting/dimension door, planar travel, and scrying out of or in to the structure is impossible. The summoning of bats and wolves by vampires/nosferati/lycanthropes is a non-magical ability based on ultrasound or mental powers which are not blocked (or only partially diminished in volume); at worst, the amount of called creatures will be halved if they exist within range, and appear within the normal time (4d6 minutes). On the other hand these calls will be audible to dogs, horses, hsiaou, and such, which often become panicked or tensed.
The roofs of the buildings are all 2 to 3 feet thick thatched reed (on the lead-white painted boards), which has turned partially green, brown and mossy. It is still waterproof, although approaching the time to be re-thatched. (Normally renewed every 5 to 10 years). The reed hangs 3 inches over the edge and has a pewter raingutter underneath collecting the water in barrels and preventing water logging of the walls. The barrels are located: left of stable double doors, left of private home, from the flat roof to the ramp, and left of main building entry next to the corner of the Main Building and the wall to the Horse Stables is the largest of these barrels (these last two are large enough to hold an adult male)). The water is consumable, yet contains some debris; due to this the collected rain water is used mostly for animals or for cleaning purposes.
All windows have steel frames (functioning as bars inset with 4” x 5” panes of glass), only the upper 1’ high window section can be tilted 45° inward for fresh air (this leaves an opening of 5 to 8 inches at best). There are also green painted oak shutter-boards on the outside (the private sections have red shutters instead). Customers are advised to close these at night, or in the case of goblin attacks. To do this they have to swivel the lower handles underneath and above each window forward and then outward, then place these in the rings available, which effectively locks the window yet enables ventilation if the window is tilted open. If there is a burglary in a room when these shutters have not been closed (and the Nightwatch checks this regularly) then any attempts at legal restitution automatically fail.
The chimneys are made of bricks cut from hard basalt, masoned together and cemented on the outside with a dark brown/grey mortar covering giving the appearance of a single stone construction. The chimneys rise several feet above the thatched roof, while the area 10’ around the chimneys is always covered with a plate of lead to prevent sparks igniting the roof.
Lodging at the inn comprises a sleeping hall with space for 24 beds, 11 guest rooms able to sleep another 42 guests , and three private rooms, only for important (i.e. well known and respected Baron, Duke, Clergy), trusted or favoured guests, Each private room has 2 single beds and one double bed; these private rooms are charged 50% higher than the normal rate. It is possible to add 10 mattresses and personal bedrolls in the living room, and 5 more on the sleeping hall floor; It is also possible for 5 more people to be housed in the inn stables (no mattress, no fire, no warmth, bedroll available). The inn thus caters for a total of 70 guests standard maximum, but can be extended to 90 if under duress.
There is a simple map detailing The Barrel as seen by the players when they enter the Barrel through the double doors underneath the entry arch, together with the Price list as given below.
Image - Customer’s map of The Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel_customer_information_by_6inchnails_dd7k48e.jpgThe Isometric and other maps of the barrel are in 5’ squares.
Basic Lodging (Open sleeping hall) 20 sp/per person
Day Lodging; (11 lockable rooms) 50 sp/per person
Week Lodging (same 11 lockable rooms) 300 sp (50% in advance) per person
Basic Meal; Standard Merchant meal 10 sp
Day Stabling (10 horses +3 to 4 mules/ponies) 20 sp/per animal
Week Stabling (as day stabling) 125 sp (50% in advance) per animal
Month Lodging and/or Stabling payment per week, or all in advance
Room for rent (Restricted Availability) 1000 sp per month or part thereof in advance
Merchant Parking: (38 average wagons) 1sp per wheel & 20 sp per animal
Rules: All lodging at proprietors’ discretion - we do not tolerate violence, wanton destruction, open profanity, threats, harassment, hate, discrimination, or loose animals within the building.
Any infestations left by a guest will result in a fine.
DM Lodging/Stabling information
As to ranking, The Barrel is a Gold Inn/Tavern. Copper Inn/Taverns given in the settlements described in Threshold #24; The Dymrak Region, have prices about 75% as of The Barrel, Silver Inn/Taverns have prices of about 90% as of The Barrel. Availability of product is similar limited. Copper Taverns have 50% chance of vermin (fleas/lice/bed bugs), Silver Taverns 25%. Gold Taverns only 10% chance (roll each week anew as cleaning/magic can be applied to remove vermin.
Lodging; Space for 8 bunk beds (3 high) = 24 beds. Each bunk bed has a 4’ wide, 2’ deep and 15” high flat chest (cannot be locked) underneath, one simple small table for 4 persons, and a clothing hook on each room corner. Customers must agree between themselves who takes which bunk. The Nightwatch or Day crew settle any disputes.
Lockable rooms with individual keys. 10 rooms have 2 bunk beds (2 high) =4 beds in a single room and one room has 1 bunk bed (2 high) = 2 beds. Rooms 1 and 7 are favoured in winter due to the warmth of the chimney, although they have no windows.
Payment has to be done daily in advance, and extending the lodging can be done up to 3 days at once.
Basic Meal; Standard Merchant meal = 1 bowl of watery soup (mostly vegetables, chicken or fish), 1 slice of bread, 1 dish of beans with grated meat and vegetables (sort of chili or stew). Other meals are available as per season and locally produced or bought locally (except, roc, sweets, candied fruit/herbs, lemon sweets, orange jam, zzonga fruits, most of which are not available in Karameikos normally), see; http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf Page 18-19. Any cheese will be always be drawn from a single wheel.
Stabling Limited space within stables for 10 horses and 3-4 Mules/Ponies. Checked multiple times daily. The Barrel has listed fodder from “What can be Bought” for anything smaller than warhorse, store for 110% normal price.
Month Lodging and/or Stabling as this is not something common, it has to be done with payment per week, or all in advance for a limited period of up to 3 months.
Room for rent; These three rooms and communal living room are for trusted customers only (i.e. known friends, known and respected merchants, important officials, etc.). It gives privacy, in the residential home. It is clean upon entry, no insects/pests due spell. It has shared latrine/bath only with owners of the Inn or the guests from other guest rooms. Room A and C have 2 bunk beds of 2 for 4 places. Room B has a double bed for couples, 1 bunk bed for 2, and a crib and child bed. Each bunk bed has a 4’ wide, 2’ deep and 15” high flat chest (can be locked) underneath, one simple small table for 4 persons, and a clothing hook on each room corner. Customers must agree between themselves who takes which bunk (any disputes going out of hand blocks use of this room until trust and mutual respect is regained).. Beds have geese down mattresses(made locally), owlbear down blanket & pillow. Bed Linen is exchanged linen every 3rd day. The rooms have standing closets. A preset Chime of Time (magical item see Rules Cyclopedia page 239) can be requested but set to ring at a single time by shifting a ring around the stick with scale up or down) for timed awakening. These 3 rooms cost each 1000 sp per month in advance or part thereof. Friends residing here pay either 500sp/month in service, barter, trade, or money.
Merchant Parking: 1sp per wheel & 20 sp per animal total all the wheels and animals to a sum for that merchant to pay. There is place for; 25 average wagons in front east of the tavern (hard ground) and 13 average wagons east behind the tavern (moist ground, no heavy loads). Although the Nightwatch also patrols here, merchants are advised to also use their own guards due the nearby Dymrak goblins or passerby’s. A member of the Daywatch regulates placements of wagons.
Rules The tavern follows the law of Karameikos on most points, additionally it does not accept violence, wanton destruction, open profanity, threats, harassment, hate, discrimination, or loose animals within the structure. Only the small familiars and pets (dog, bird, cat, frog, etc) are allowed if properly kept under control (leash/cage/magic). Larger animals and non-pets are banned. Depending on the severity of the broken rule, a ban from the terrain, handing over to the local constabulary, a quest spell, a curse, or a Teleport to a 25’ rocky island along the Isle of Dread5.
If vermin (flees, ticks, bedbugs) are encountered in closed rooms after leaving, the client will be recorded and ordered to pay 50gp the next visit, or will be barred from visiting the Barrel. Vermin will be eradicated using magic/poison and cleaning.
Room Descriptions
Image - DM’s map of The Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel_dm_map_by_6inchnails_dd7k3q1.jpgImage - Player’s map of The Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel_pc_map_by_6inchnails_dd7k3uh.jpgThe Main Building
Ground Floor
The rooms on the ground floor of the main building all have white plastered Thyatian style brick walls, thick red ceramic tiles and red boat lacquered doors, door and window frames.
A 15’ by 10’ and 13’ high room with white a sign in Thyatian hanging next to the hall that reads; “No entry in wet clothing or dirty boots. Please exchange!!“.
There are several passages leading from here: to the courtyard by a 5’ wide and 9’ high reinforced oak door which can be locked and bolted, opening outward; to Common Room Prime by a short corridor 5’ wide 13’ high; to the kitchen by a 4’ wide 9’ high half door (4.5’ high top half mostly open) opening inward. There are two steel framed standard windows: one viewing the Arch, the other the road.
All the walls have hooks in two rows for coats, and wooden 10’ long 1’ wide, 2 ’high board seats underneath the windows to exchange and store dirty boots/shoes/clogs. Inside the seats, 120 clean simple wooden/leather sandals (adjustable somewhat by size) are stored. Next to the door is a soft and hard brush for removing dirt (dry and wet). This is cleaned/exchanged daily or when clearly spoiled. The floor in front of the door has a hard brush tapestry mat to clean feet. A long hooked stick can be used to hang/remove coats above the 6’ height placed hooks. A single 1’ rectangular lantern (oil-based) hangs from the ceiling. Due to the proximity to the kitchen the room is warm, cosy and richly scented. The external door is decorated on the inside with Garlic and Wolfsbane.
A 20’ by 15’ and 13’ high L-shaped room where the cook works on several wooden tables which are white Crème-Marfil marble topped. The walls and ceiling are bustling with all kitchen utensils, herbs, meat, and similar. In summer, many flies will be here unless a friendly customer/local druid has cast a spell to ward off insects. The chimney/oven is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base. It has a steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and grips with wooden handles (to grasp pans, and such from the fire/oven) and above it a 15” wide oak shelf to store a variety of tools, mugs, pans, dishes etc. Within the oven there is the normal 3’ high, 5’ wide and 5’ deep fire opening, with 3 sets of steel saw-like hooks and steel sticks hung into these to hang pans (with other hooks, on variant heights above the fire. Above this opening is a steel door, with a similar sized stone plate oven behind it with half way a steel grid, used as a second layer.
There are several passages here: to the Entry by a 4’ wide 9’ high red boat lacquered half door (4.5’ high top half mostly open) opening inward; another 5’ wide 8’ high red boat lacquered normal door goes direct to the Prime Common Room; and a small 3’ wide 7’ high door goes underneath the stairs down to the basement (here is a lantern with a bright yellow Continual Light spell on a stone within, on the wall of this 5’ wide stairs - renewed after each Day of Dread).
The cook works from 07:00 to 10:00 and from 15:00 to 21:00. Beyond those times only warmed up pre-prepared food (often remnants of the earlier meals) or cold food is available, if at all by any other personnel. The preparation time of food can be estimated by the price. Each 10 sp is 1 Turn more than the basic preparation of 1 Turn (10 minutes). So a 30 sp Meal would last 4 Turns to make. Warming up (mostly au-bain-marie or reheated in pan) is only 1 Turn.
The room is lit by two small yet bright wall-lanterns next to the basement door and the dutch door.
10 ’x 10’ room 10’ high, with recently added white marble tiles on the floor. With a single 4’ wide 7’ tall red-boat lacquered oak door (which cannot be locked), opening outward to the Common Room Prime. Buckets, and barrels, and similar items are stored above this room, accessible by a normal portable ladder (found next to the large barrel). There is a single 2’ high oak red boat-lacquered bench with three holes of 1’ diameter 2’ apart. Opening the bench lid reveals three large buckets (2’ wide and deep) underneath. In the opposite corner is a large barrel on a 3’ high table with fresh water within and a tap at the lower end. Underneath is a sink (which is connected by lead pipes in hollowed out bricks leading to the rainwater duct by the road. Solid matter in the buckets is collected daily to twice daily (depending on the number of customers) in a large heap on the north side of the second Merchant field, the liquid matter is poured out in the sink, mixed with the water until it no longer stinks. The barrel is refilled by rain water when almost empty. The water is also used to clean the several Thyatian sponge sticks hanging on the side walls to clean one’s bottom. (There is no toilet paper, and the latrine is communal non-gendered). Hands are normally not washed, but some clerics and Thyatians do so. This bucket system is a typical Traladaran latrine with some Thyatian influences (real world Russian/European before the toilets were invented)6.
The Common Room
The Common Room is the main area for customers to eat, crink, socialise and watch performers on the ground floor of the main building; it is divided into 3 sections: Prime, Low and High.
Common Room (Prime)
This 30’ by 40’ and 13’ high room is dominated by a gargantuan oak barrel (15’ tall and 12.5’ diameter) set on its side. It contains elven 3 stars red wine7.
Secret; Unknown to any but the head crew there is a 5’ deep section in the bottom (at the back wall) in which two people may hide. This secret place is treated by a central Silence 15’ spell made permanent (replenished every Day of Dread), so no noise can be made within (there is a 1’ distance against the external wall of the innl itself which is also affected, yet this is rarely noted, and lied upon with some ruse when detected). Also due to this continuous magic any imbiber of the elven red wine in this barrel will be affected somewhat based on the amount consumed:
0-1 glass = no effect,
2 glasses = decreased casting time of +1 initiative per spell level,
3 glasses = person cannot shout or scream for 1 hour, keeping normal volume instead,
4 glasses = person can only whisper for 2 hours,
5+ glasses = person cannot speak anymore and even his movement seems to be reduced in sound.
This lasts for 4 hours, and all effects are cumulative in effect and duration, but also to any alcoholic intoxication effects (see https://breathofmystara.blogspot.com/2013/04/how-does-alcohol-affect-body-remember.html).
Most observers will see this as an effect of the alcohol. A Detect Magic will reveal the wine to have a weak magical aura, yet this is often the case with elven wine. An Analyze will reveal the drink has weak temporary alteration magic). The giant barrel itself is the oldest item and was already part of the first inn on this location hundreds of years ago. When the barrel is 90% empty it is refilled with new elven red wine at the cost of 20,000gp, which will have an equal effect within 3+1d4 days (depending on the ambient magic of the wine itself).There are two 7’ diameter round oak tables in the western part of the room near the main chimney where a cosy warm fire is lit on colder days. There are 14 pine chairs available around these tables and in front of the chimney. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, with a steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it a 1’ wide oak shelf with about 50 pewter beer cups. These are washed daily. A customer grabs one and requests it to be filled t with with a variety if beer or ale as per http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf page 28-29. The bar is on the eastern wall, with 7 barstools and a 3’ high low double swing door as a barrier to the oak bar. The room is lit by three chandeliers with multiple non-dripping wax candles (exchanged when needed); the chandeliers hang between the tables, in front of the barrel, and in front of the bar. There is a wooden railing with a 4 step stair down north to the lower section of the common room. The western wall has two steel framed standard windows. The windows look out on the courtyard, the top is mostly open during visitation hours to allow ventilation and prevent candle smoke, oil lamp smoke, cooking scents, sweaty and alcohol-stinking and dirty customers, but especially pipe smoke (hin tobacco) and incense used by customers that accumulating and causing discomfort. There is also in this wall a 5’ wide and 9’ high reinforced oak dutch door, which can be locked and bolted, opening outward; it is only opened in the summer on warm days.
A 5’ wide 8’ high normal door opening outward goes directly to the kitchen. It is used to serve food to the guests. There is also a small 10’ cubical box with a single 4’ wide 7’ tall red-boat lacquered oak door (which cannot be locked) opening inward labelled; “Latrine”. On top of this box room several buckets, brooms, swipe sticks and wooden crates with candles are stored in the 3’ gap to the main room’s higher ceiling. The small hallway leads to the entry hall and around the large barrel to the stairs up to the guestrooms. There is a wall lantern giving sufficient light in front of the stairs next to the barrel. This section of the common room is not used for eating, only to drink, relax and socialise. The external door is decorated on the inside with garlic and wolfsbane.
Common Room (Low)
This 30’ by 30’ and 18’ high room has a wooden railing with a 4 step stairs up on the southern and western section to the higher sections of the common room. There are three 7’ diameter round oak tables in this area, and a chimney on the northern wall where a cosy warm fire is lit on colder days. There are 33 pine chairs available around these tables and in front of the chimney. The bar is on the eastern wall, with no barstools. There is no serving in this area, yet orders can be made. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it a 1’ wide oak shelf with about 50 pewter beer cups. These are washed daily. A customer grabs one and requests it to be to filled with a variety of beer or ale as per http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf Page 28-29.
The room is lit by five chandeliers with multiple non-dripping wax candles (exchanged when needed): in the middle of the room, above the eastern tables, in front of the chimney and close to the bar. Two steel framed standard windows view the courtyard and another two the northern merchant field. The top is mostly open during visitation hours to allow ventilation and prevent candle smoke, oil lamp smoke, cooking scents, sweaty and alcohol-stinking and dirty customers, but especially pipe smoke (hin tobacco) and incense used by customers accumulating and causing discomfort. This area is where bards, songstresses, dancers, and other entertainers perform. They are rarely groups of performers with more than three people present (including dancing bears and such), and they request an average payment of 5sp to 1 gp per person. The exceptions are on holidays when famous performers arrive; the payment requested is then 10sp to 5 gp a person. The bar wenches mostly collect and the staff doubles the fee. This section of the common room is not used for eating, only to drink, relax, enjoy the entertainers and socialise.
Common Room (High)
This is a 40’ by 30’ and 13’ high room and has a wooden railing with a 4 step stair down on the southern section to the lower sections of the common room. Above this a large wooden beam holds a dark blue velvet curtain which is closed during performances below. The thick wooden beam and the velvet curtain together reflect most sound from the lower common room back into it. This reduces the volume to an audible level where speaking is still possible in this upper section. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it is a 1’ wide oak shelf with about 20 pewter beer cups. These are washed daily. A customer grabs one and requests it to be filled with a variety of beer or ale as per http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf page 28-29. There are three large rectangular oak tables with simple pine chairs (about half without a back) for communal use. Against the eastern wall is a small table which can be rented for 1sp/person per turn to communicate in a more private manner, than on the communal tables. Jars of mustard, salt, sugar, and flasks of clean water, yogurt, and caskets for cutlery are in the middle of each table.
The room is lit by six chandeliers with multiple non-dripping wax candles (exchanged when needed): in the middle of the room, above the eastern tables, in front of the chimney and close to the bar. Two steel framed standard windows overlook the courtyard and another two provide a view of the northern merchant field. The top of a window is mostly open during visitation hours to allow ventilation and prevent candle smoke, oil lamp smoke, cooking scents, sweaty and alcohol-stinking and dirty customers8, but especially pipe smoke (hin tobacco) and incense used by customers accumulating and causing discomfort. This section of the common room is primarily used to eat, although also used to socialise, communicate, and even trade. One orders food at the bar here, pays and then waits 10 to 40 minutes depending on the order, and collects the food from the bar when ready, or for a bar-wench will deliver it to your current seating location here for a personal fee - agreed upon in advance with the bar-wench.
This section of the common room is off-limits to customers; it has red floor tiles and Thyatian style brick walls.
Of the drinks available, all ales, beers, and cider, (from keg’s) are served at normal prices (=100%).
Also available are: coffee, milk, vinegar, water, dried foreign thee, local herbal thee, fresh fruit juice of local fruits (50%), glass bottles of Ostlander Aquavit (150%), Thyatian Imperial Brandy (100%), Minrothadian Brandy (100%), Ierendi Ouzo (110%), Light & Dark Rum (100%), Glantrian Uisce (125%), Karameikan Vodka (100%), Glantrian Vodka (130%), Karameikan Whisky (100%), and of course variant Thyatian, Elven, and Karameikan red wines of 1 to 4 stars (on holidays even limited 5 stars) quality.
Of the magical beverages only Elven Mitaq, Trees Blood/Darokinian Brandy, Elven White Wine and Evermead are available at prices 150% of normal. What is not given here is not available, yet can be ordered and delivered in 1d20 x5 days at prices 100+5d20% (see http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf page 28-29).There are about 300 glasses (in 3 sizes) and 200 pewter beer cups for the various drinks. 20 old wooden cups of double capacity hang above the bar and are rarely used. A single orc skull drinking mug (souvenir of old adventure by Peter and friends) is placed on the strongbox/cashier. This skull is enchanted secretly by Finnig the local witch to create an illusion of the last 8 hours of anything seen by the skull. This can be stored for up to 5 days or revealed in real time within 5 days, if commanded to do so by uttering the command word. This is used to identify thieves, and is known to the senior staff, and the local constabulary of Rugalov Keep (when identifying/arresting/penalizing thieves).
The bar is open to the Common Room Prime where several barstools are placed against the bar, in the corner at the Common Room Low where orders are taken by the wenches and delivered to the customer’s table, and at the Common Room High where food is delivered to be taken by the attending customer or bar wenches.
Stair Hall
This oak stair is 5’ wide and 9” high and deep steps leads to the upper floor (+15’). The floor there itself is of 2’ thick oak beams covered with oak planks, with caked straw behind ceiling boards and the planks. Of coarse mice do live here, and some insects, yet no rats. The steps have some minor wear, and are covered by a Ylari stair-rug. There is a 2” diameter copper railing on either side, and the rug is held to the stair by copper staffs in rings in the corners. Falling on this stair will cause 1d6 falling damage and 1d2-1 broken bone at worst, with a failed Constitution Check at +6 to die in the fall (see jumpfall.html under falling).
Upper Floor
Each of the 11 guest rooms on the upper floor has standard descriptions; a slanted ceiling covered with lead-based white paint, bare oak plank floor and Thyatian-style brick walls. Each room has a green painted 6’ high and 4’ wide lockable pine door with the room name engraved on a copper label on the outside. Each room is supplied with paper on a roll, and a chamber pot (cleaned daily), a decanter containing 2 litres of clean water (40cn), a small stone stove (magical item detailed below), and a 4’ wide, 2’ deep and 15” high flat chest (lockable) underneath each bunk bed. Differences to this standard are given below.
Similarly the other rooms on this floor also have the same style ceilings, floors and walls.
1 The Warm Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), with a standard lockable door on the west side. This room has no window and does not benefit from daylight. It is always warm due the external chimney on the eastern wall.
2 Merchant field Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the south), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the south giving a view of the merchant field, and a standard lockable door on the west side.
3 The Light Room
This is a 10’ by 15’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), and three 5’ by 5’ standard windows to the north overlooking the secondary merchant field and the forest beyond. The room has a standard lockable door on the south side.
4 Road view Room
This is a 10’ by 15’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the south), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the south overlooking the merchant field. The room has a lockable door on the north side.
5 Forest view Room
This is a 10’ by 14’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the north overlooking the second merchant field and the forest beyond. The room has a standard lockable door on the south side.
6 Along the Wall view Room
This 10’ by 15’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the south), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the south giving a view of the merchant field. The room has a standard lockable door on the north side.
7 Second Warm Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), with a standard lockable door on the east side. This room has no window and does not benefit from daylight. This room is always warm due the external chimney on the northern wall.
8 Forest Path view Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the north overlooking the second merchant field and the forest beyond. The room has a standard lockable door east.
9 Stable view Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the north), with two 5’ by 5’ standard windows to the north giving a view of the second merchant field and the forest beyond, and another to the west overlooking the courtyard. The room has a standard lockable door on the east side.
10 The Dark Room
This is a 10’ by 15’ and 13’ high room with slanted ceiling (high end to the east), with standard lockable door on the north side. This room has no window and does not benefit from daylight.
11 The Small Room
This is a 10’ by 10’ and 10-11’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the west), with a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the west overlooking the courtyard. The room has a standard lockable door north.
Common Sleeping Hall
This is a 25’ by 30’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the west, high end 10’ to the east before the door). There are three 5’ by 5’ standard windows to the west overlooking the courtyard. The room has a green painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine door on the east side (usually wide open except at night) which cannot be locked with the room name written on a copper label on it. The hearth of the chimney is also open to the living room and is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, and steel tools.The amount of wood kept here for the fire to keep the room warm is dependant on the season. There are 4 buckets of water to extinguish any fire here. Each bunk bed has a 4’ wide, 2’ deep and 15” high flat chest (cannot be locked) underneath, and a clothing hook on the corners; customers must agree between themselves who takes what. The Nightwatch or day crew settle any disputes. There is one simple 6 seat table here. It is possible to add 5 mattresses and bedrolls on the floor of the Sleeping Hall. The stone stoves in the other rooms are Sindi Fire Stones. They are placed near a fire for 4 hours (or in the sun for 8 hours) and each stone will release the captured heat with a 50% lowered temperature for 8 hours when removed from its heat source. A Stone placed in the fire would still cause blisters, yet could not set something afire.
Living Room
This is a 35’ by 20-25’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted (low end to the west, high end 10’ to the east before the door). There are three 5’ by 5’ standard windows to the west overlooking the courtyard. There is an open arched 6’ high 4’ wide doorway on the east side with the room name written on a copper label to the left of it. A red painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine door (usually locked, and barred at night) on the west side has “Private” written on a copper label on it. The hearth of the chimney is also open to the Common Sleep room and is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, and steel tools. The amount of wood kept here for the fire to keep the room warm is dependant on the season. There are 4 buckets of water to extinguish any fire here. The living room has three 3-tiered lockable closets (in total 9 cubicles of 5’ x 5’ x 3’ for rent at 1 sp/day), a simple 10 seat table, a chimney with cooking water/broth opportunity (large kettle or teapot). It is possible to add 10 mattresses and bedrolls on the Living Room on floor. This room is mostly scented by the baking aromas from the lower kitchen ventilating through the communal chimney.
Upper Hall
This is a 5’ to 10-13’ high “T-shaped” hall with slanted no windows. Twelve green and one red painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine line this hall with the room name written on copper labels on each (see map). At the east end is the stairway down, which is here 5’ wide and makes the hall 10’ wide at this point. There are four closed oil lanterns in this hall at 10’ height, lit 24 hours a day (10% chance empty needing a refill, which will be done within 8 hours maximum).
Private Room - Cook
This is a 10’ by 10’ and 10-11’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end to the east), with a cave bear fur ‘tapestry’ covering the floor and the walls are painted with wild barbaric scenes and rituals (almost childish). There is a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the south overlooking the merchant field and the slope to the basement Unlike all other windows, this one can be opened sideways so one can enter/leave through it. The room has a red painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine door (usually closed except when the cook is inside) to the west side with the room name written on a copper label on it. There is a single bed covered with a variety of furs used as blankets, mattress or pillow. The mattress itself is made of a straw. There is a 4’ wide, 3’ deep and 21” high flat locked chest in the corner next to the bed, yet it is mostly covered in a stack of dirty and clean clothing. There is also a simple metal stove to keep this room warm or boil some water/tea. There are several weapons hung on hooks from the ceiling (hand axe, battle axe, two-handed axe, dagger, sling, light crossbow, normal sword, mace). In a large bowl next to the bed are some cloven (ox/pork) bones, some with meat on them. The window is decorated with a private collection of hundreds of different feathers of variant species (including small roc and harpy) - even orcs need a hobby. Typically, the room looks a mess, yet vermin do not come here, probably due the faint scent the half-orc permeates. Orcs, unlike other humanoids, are not subject to insect vermin, however unclean they might be.
Image - Kwaam Snout. caption “Kwaam Snout, (not Kwaan) the half-orc cook proud and headstrong as ever.”
Cook; Kwaam Snout (Orcish for Human Nose)
Adopted by Peter and Sascha (the inn’s proprietors) when they found the baby orc in bag hung on the entry door. A small crudely written letter gave his name, and suggested the mother was human and father orc. Kwaam looks like a somewhat larger than normal human in height and width, with a weird faded orange colouring and a strong pronounced lower jaw. Unlike most half-orcs his overall appearance (other than his size and jaw and faint orcish scent) is human-like. He has no fangs, pointed ears, or other features of orcs. The baby was seen by most as a child of a mage, and abandoned due its colour, and the letter requested that the baby be protected and respected by the human locals. The child grew rapidly and in 1006 AC towered a foot above his human peers.
At the age of 13 he stopped growing and was legalized as citizen. A year later Kwaam (who followed the doctrine of the Church of Traladara) required his Shearing time. He spent two and half years adventuring (mostly as a merchant guard and cook) and returned home in 1009 AC. He was amazed by the recently built Fain Flinn Bridge, which he considered an architectural wonder when he saw it for the first time. He reunited with his foster parents and told them of his adventures in Thyatis, Soderfjord and Ylaruam. Dressed like a typical merchant guard he looked almost like a normal human. His foster were parents full of pride and joy, and made him the Inn’s cook, which he had always desired. .
Currently he is in the prime of his life, having returned from his shearing period, he adventures regularly in the neighbourhood, and desires a mate. Unknown to himself and most others (except his foster and real parents) he is a half-orc. He feels attracted to the maid Arya, and is unaware (due his color) if she fancies him. Like all orcs he cannot lie9, the concept of lying cannot be understood, so he is often very direct and misunderstood.
Hidden History; early 990 AC, Karthog a neutral aligned yet proud wicca warrior of the Nyy-akk (Black Web) orcs strayed too far from his hunting group, and became lost. Wandering through the area of Haven he was attacked by locals and, as on his own, was forced to flee further south. Following the shadows of the disintegrated mountain range he entered the Witchlands. Here he fell prey to the Charm spell of an evil witch. Thus enchanted, he becomes her bodyguard, and partner. The witch, on her path to become a black hag (for more information on evil witches becoming Hags see; http://pandius.com/Great_School_of_Magic_in_detail.pdf pages 368 and 457) had used Karthog’s knowledge to copy several of his spider-based spells (see examples here: http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15023&start=125), but already had become pregnant by the orc. Fearing utter failure she did not postpone her research, and up to the day of birth she was embedded in the magical auras of all her creations and dweomers. She forgot, however, to renew the Charm spell on Karthog, and slowly he became more free-willed. When the birth began a month early he was called to help, as there was no other. Something was greatly amiss, severe pain caused the witch to stumble and fall, while bleeding severely. Totally unaware what to do Karthog laid his trusted axe beside him and pulled the wriggly child from its weakening mother. His natural inclination to protect the newborn took over, and free from the charm he totally forgot to help the witch. It was several hours later that he returned with the hungry screaming child to find that the witch had perished from blood loss. He knew he had no other options, and went south through the woods to find a place where his son could survive. The goblins would probably eat the child as they have no loyalty or wits. The elves could not be trusted and would probably kill the child. He had travelled 5 days and nights, feeding the child with his flask of goat-milk, although he noticed it became weaker by the hour. Then late in the evening he saw lights, it was not elves, for he had bypassed them, and goblins would only go thus far south for raids, also preferring the dusk or dawn to do so. No, this light was stable; it was the house of humans. Humans were known to Karthog only as buyers of dwarven goods, hunters or young adventurers, neither too threatening. Could it be? He saw a sturdy walled structure of white stone with a reed roof and several merchant wagons in the field to the road. The guard dogs began barking, yet were easily silenced with a Spider-Slumber spell (spider version of Sleep). As the numbing tendrils of web appeared the dogs fell into a deep slumber before the guards reacted to the barking. Silently passing between the wagons Karthog came to the road. Two large doors were still wide open, yet nobody was in sight. Karthog looked through the doors and heard the noise and joy of the people inside. He saw a woman speaking with a man in armor. He used all his wits to understand the barely know language; and heard the woman sobbing. From what the man said he could understand; “…know ya lost the child, and miss your daughter…years ago now, so accept you’re alive…honey” while guiding her inside the noisy door to the right. “This woman so lost her child”, Karthog pondered, “need a mother”. He grabbed his prey basket and huddled the child within. Karthog tore a piece of paper from a board next to the noisy door. He had to be fast, or else he would be noticed, and probably killed. With charcoal he crudely wrote; “Dis be Kwaam Snout, son Karthog and dead witch. He be like human. Love baby Kwaam pwease?” With a kiss he hung the child on the left door where the woman had appeared first. That must be her lair. As silent and fast he went out, and hid around the corner near a low wall. “He?…what this might be?” A male voice spoke somewhat later. “oh….fraggels!… a child!…a baby!…Peter!...Sascha! Come, come!…look! In the consternation following Karthog could not understand most of what was spoken except the woman suddenly starting to pray to a goddess, Petra, for granting her this child. She promised in that prayer to protect and love it as if her own. Satisfied Karthog disappeared into the woods. It was time to find my way home he thought. Karthog eventually returned to his tribe, and as Wicca settled in a cave nearby. In 1010 AC Karthog still lives, a formidable feat in such a competitive and harsh environment. He is well in his venerable years and a neutral elder (45 years and older) orc wicca (Orc14, WI12), surviving by aiding the tribe with its magic. He would fully accept his son (and possible friends) if recognized as such. Kwaam has suffered a small curved wound on his ankle during the difficult birth due to the claw like nails of Karthog; this mark was coloured blue due to the ambient magic and will always be recognized by Karthog. Keep in mind that orcs are chaotic, yet cannot lie, are loyal to their own and keep their word, and will never kill children (as there is no honour in this).
(♂ half-orc). Birth estimated? Kaldmont 993 AC, left for adoption at The Barrel on 5 Nuwmont 994 AC, officially adopted at the age of 7 (aka a youngster) after legal procedures and investigation 15-5-1000 AC (current age young adult 17). Height 6’6”, weight 301 lbs, Dressed like a typical merchant guard. He wears sandals instead of boots (as his feet are too large for the normal boot sizes and he has a dislike of boots).
Fighter 6th level, AC6 (incl. DX + magic), chain mail(AV4) +1(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 6, Hp42(HD)+6(CO)=48. Mv 120’40’, AT hand axe (cleaver) +1 (WM Skilled), Normal sword (WM Skilled), THAC0 12 (adjusted by ST and adjust by magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), AT as per weapon +2(ST) +Weapon Mastery + magic. Sv F6, ML10, ALN, ST 17, IN10, WI 11, DX8, CN14, CH 6 (12 to Orcs).
Languages; 4= Traladaran, Thyatian, Local Orcish, Dwarven. Skills; 5=Profession; Cook, Law & Justice, Hunting, Foraging, Intimidation. WM SK Sword, WM SK handaxe. Although officially Traladaran Faith (prefers Zirchev). Direct, Energetic, Loyal, Proud, Honourable, Honest, Religious, not very clean. Tracking by scent 10%, Detect unusual construction 30%, Detect sloping passage 20% (5% less than normal), Infravision 30’(half normal).
Due to the magic poisoning while being born, some of that magic permanently affected Kwaam Snout; He is totally immune to any Charm or Control magic, yet is vulnerable to necromantic magic (Saves -4, damage +2/dice). This is totally unknown to anyone, including Kwaam himself. The witch Finnig suspects he might be affected by magical poisoning due the weird discolouration of the claw wound on its ankle, yet does not know how.
Image - Second Isometric view of the Barrel
http://pandius.com/the_barrel_nw_isometric_map_by_6inchnails_dd7k43y.jpgSide building
The rooms of the side building are all of similar style with white plastered Thyatian style brick walls, thick red ceramic tiles and red boat lacquered doors, door and window frames. The upper rooms have bare oak plank floors.
Private Living Room
Opposite the entry to the main building, this is the private area of the Innkeeper. A 15’ by 25’ and 13’ high room with walls covered with various Ylari decorative scene tapestries. There is a 5’ wide and 9’ high reinforced oak door on the east side under the arch which can be locked and bolted; it opens outward, to the arched section of the Courtyard. Another 4’ wide 9’ high door on the west side leads to the minor hall and stairs. Three steel framed standard windows; one facing the arch, the southern one facing the road and the northern one looks at the courtyard. The windows are covered at night with curtains and shutters. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it a 1’ wide oak shelf with a various decorative objects on it (several radiate magic) all acquired during years of adventuring. There is a cosy bench, a table and two chairs; along the southern wall is a lidded secretary with a comfortable leather work chair. Next to the secretary is a wooden chest containing 100 gold pieces (cursed to make the person carrying at least two of them to have dexterity, charisma, and saves lowered by 6, and thief abilities reduced to 50% of their normal values) Hidden underneath the chest, under a loose plank is a 3’ cube strongbox always locked with all the money earned during the last week within10. This room is used daily by Granny. By itself this is not a problem, however as she uses a wheelchair, some might ponder how she reaches her bedroom above. She is normally lifted, and she can still walk somewhat but not for long, Peter explains. The external door is decorated on the outside with garlic and wolfsbane.
Guest Main Room
This is a 15’ by 25’ and 13’ high room with walls covered with different Ylari decorative scene tapestries. There is a 5’ wide and 9’ high reinforced oak door on the north side which can be locked and bolted, opening outward, to the arched section of the Courtyard. Another 4’ wide 9’ high door on the east side leads to the minor hall and stairs. Two steel framed standard windows; the northern one facing the Courtyard, the southern one facing the main road. These are covered at night with curtains and shutters. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it a 1’ wide oak shelf where guest place items they prefer to have in sight. In the southwest corner is a 9’ long, 4’ wide and deep ceramic bathtub (72 litre capacity excluding user). Two 20 litre kettles can be hung on hooks in the chimney to provide warm water as desired (on average this takes 2 Turns). Cold water is drawn from the well or rain barrels by buckets. Excess and used water flows by a pipe underground to the drainage side of the main road. Around this bath is a dark silk curtain with a horrendous pattern of conflicting colors and theme (hence it is hung here; it is in fact a Thyatian copy of an Ochalean religious design silk curtain/robes, yet completely done wrong, and no sane mind would wear this out of risk of offending someone). As a bath curtain it is even barely acceptable. There is a bench and low table to drink, socialize, study maps, eat and smoke. The room is for communal use by all guests of the private rooms. The bench is sometimes used as sleeping place if there is an argument between a couple renting one of the rooms, resulting in one partner leaving the double room. There is a stack of towels to dry later, and a scented (flower or honey) piece of soap can be purchased for only 1gp. The external door is decorated on the outside with garlic and wolfsbane.
C Lower Guest Room
This a 15’ by 10’ and 13’ high room with walls covered with different Ylari decorative scene tapestries. There is a 4’ wide and 8’ high oak door on the south side which can be locked, opening outward to the minor hall and stairs. A steel framed standard window in the north overlooks the courtyard. This is covered at night with curtains and shutters. Although this room has no chimney, it is warm and cosy due to the chimneys in the rooms beside it.
The room has an elven oak carved bed with straw mattress and thick wool covering. It has a down pillow, and decorated woollen blankets (up to 3 if cold). The floor has a tapestry of old Karameikan design (a DM could infuse a similar map into this as suggested in B10, yet even then it needs a special golden needle and thread). It is non-magical and non-informative by itself. A Truesight or Analyze spell however, might inform a PC that this object holds more than meets the eye (no more information can be gained without the needle and thread).
Minor Hall and Stairs
This is a 10 by 5’ and 13’ high hall with walls painted in a faded yellow taint with a horizontal band of decorative (ancient hutaakan) 4” by 5” white ceramic tiles with different red painted decorative scenes of common professions (a find of Peter’s friends in an old devastated Hutaakan village). This oak stair is 5’ wide and has 9” high and wide steps and leads to the higher floor (+15’). The floor there itself is 2’ thick oak beams covered with oak planks, with caked straw behind ceiling boards and the planks. Of course mice do live in here, and some insects, yet no rats. The steps have some minor wear, and are covered by a Ylari stair-rug. There is a 2” diameter copper railing to both sides and the rug is held to the stair by copper staffs in rings in the corners. Falling off this stair will cause 1d6 falling damage and 1d2-1 broken bone at worst, with a failed Constitution check at +6 to die in the fall (see jumpfall.html under falling). Underneath the stair is a small closet where brooms (1 flying and sweeping), buckets, and similar items are stored. There are three 4’ wide and 8’ high oak doors: on the west side (opening outward), east, and north sides (opening inward); the eastern and northern doors can be locked. All these doors lead to adjoining rooms. A steel framed standard window decorated with white frilly curtains is on the stairs facing the main road. This is covered at night with the shutters (there is however a 1’ peep hole in the right shutter where a knag had been.
Private Master Bedroom (Peter and Sascha)
This 20’ by 20’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end north and south, high end in the middle). There is a single 5’ by 5’ standard window to the north overlooking the courtyard’; the window has no functional shutters (they are there, but are rusted in an open position) and the window can be opened completely (the ground is 18’ below). This is closed and covered at night with ceiling-to-floor velvet curtains. A red painted 6’ high and 4’ wide pine door (usually locked, and barred at night on this side) leads east to the Common living room and another door with a normal lock goes west to the Minor Hall and Stairs. The room is built on strong 2’ thick oak beams above the entry arch. On the south wall several bolts hold the bottom section of another huge barrel that hangs on the outer side of the wall, above the double doors of the mainentry. The tavern’s name is painted on the external part of the barrel in bright white and gold fancy letters.
There are several planks on the beams supporting the roof, making a sort of open attic. Here the owners store the adventuring equipment that they have accumulated (see their NPC descriptions) in racks, boxes and chests. A simple ladder (underneath the bed) allows easy access here.
Secret: Within the south wall is a secret door leading inside this barrel section to hide various items. The secret door can only be discovered with a Truesight spell and a Knock spell or the correct musical phrase - being the first 10 musical (non-vocal) sentences of the Song of Halav. There is also enough space to hide one individual. One of the most peculiar items stored here is a 6” inch diameter crystal ball usable by any class which shows the current location in a 10 yard to 250 yard radius, but between 1 and 24 hours in the future, but the vision is silent. It is further equal to a normal crystal ball functioning 3 times for a maximum of 3 Turns a day. Sascha or Granny mostly view this item each morning and night as they know lip-reading.
Image - Peter Andrejev. caption “Peter Andrejev, chamful and heroic as always”
Innkeeper: Peter Andrejev
Peter was born on 14 Vatermont 951AC about noon in Rugalov. His parents Martha Pershikin, and father Pjotr Andrejev were happy. After his shearing years Peter became a successful young adventurer with his new friends Rowan Selasar, and the elves Idralyll and Angolnith. They earned high respect of the locals due to battling primarily against undead, humanoids, Thyatian assassins and the slavers (before they became the Iron Ring). Peter became one of the famous knights of the Traladaran Order of the Golden Sword, and has remained loyal to the Traladaran people, faith and the Order to the present day. He was renowned for saving Lady Olivia Promethian a few weeks before her marriage to Duke Stefan in 979 AC, and battling many humanoids and undead in the lands around Penhaligon. In the autumn of 980 AC the young Zirchev cleric Tom Townes was added to the group.
In the early fall of 989 AC while travelling north of Penhaligon near the Darokin Pass, Peter and his companions heard the sounds of battle. It was a large traders caravan assaulted by a very large group of vile orcs. The first rays of sunlight already fell over the mountains, they grabbed this bonus and entered the fray. While slaying several orcs the adventurers were held back by a wave of orc arrows, allowing the enemy to retreat into the wilderlands. The traders now required help, healing and care, so the group did not follow the orcs. Amongst the trader party was a young foreign woman named Ingrid, a dwarf named Esculem, and a fallen friend or maybe even partner to the woman. He could not be saved; the arrow had entered his eye and exited the back of the skull, an instant kill, where not even the magic of Zirchev could help. Together they buried the dead and helped the group reach Penhaligon. Touched by the flair, strength but also the grief of the woman, Tom suggested the dwarf and Ingrid join their group. Carefully and thankfully they accepted. Both Esculem and Ingrid proved to be great assets to the group, and many humanoid tribes were decimated, and even a vampire mage lord was slain.
One day in Eirmont 989 AC Ingrid noticed the brayng of a mule, out of the thick fog on Kelvin Moor in the morning. Following the sound they discovered within the demolished ruins of a Zirchev shrine the creature with a woman on its back, clearly tied to the saddle. The mule, saddle and the woman’s lower parts were covered in several layers of blood. A miscarriage was leasing to imminent death. The group decided to do what was needed, and save her. The dead child was buried just outside of the shrine under the blessings of cleric Tom’s prayers. Slowly healing Sascha, as the woman was identified as, stayed with the group and became an interesting member. And as Tom loved Ingrid, so did Peter soon love her.
The Church of Karameikos did not accept the group of indigenous and foreign heroes, and the influence they had on the Duke, and other political relationships. They sought, found and succeeded in defaming them one by one in several ways:; this knighthood of so-called Traladaran Heroes had to be stopped and renounced. In Peter’s case it was his relationship with Sascha, another Traladaran hero (already officially labelled as being a lying harlot, a known and judged thief and a heretic by the Church of Karameikos), which was used to bring him down. This caused some friction both politically and within the group at first, especially when an unidentified knight of Thyatian origin demanded Sascha her hand in marriage. Peter and his adventuring friends decided to officially “retire” from their campaigns, when age caught up with them. They realised that their last chance to birth children was waning away; their hair greyed and faces aged. Not old enough to sit and watch the world pass by they found the old ruined inn - actually they fell into the hidden basement in the middle of the night. They found this opportunity to be a chance granted by Halav, Zirchev and Petra, and accepted by rebuilding the ruins into The Barrel. There were attacks by the goblins, by wild uncontrolled antisocial adventurers or merchants, and even the Karameikan tax and other officials. Yet it was too late, the place had been set, the local Traladarans embraced the old heroes in their midst. The spirit of The Barrel was born.
Peter and Sascha did their best to withstand the paralegal onslaught and anonymous suitors and both decided to get married in the Church of Traladara on 20 Flaurmont 993 AC. After this, Peter’s “indecent’ mother was brought into the game in another attempt to bring them down. Maybe it was the stress or age, yet it was in this tumultuous period Pjotr, Peter’s father died. He was interred in the graveyard of Kondrien.
All the knights and landed lords of Thyatian descent were starting to defame all Traladaran knights. The pressure was too much for Duke Stefan to resist; it was almost as if a civil war could ignite at any moment, and at the same time his wife Lady Olivia (born Promethian) was pregnant with their first child (The Church of Karameikos desired that Olivia produce a male heir, and there was some serious religious debate and prayers on the issue). From that day (15 Kaldmont 995 AC) Stefan renounced most Traldar Knights of their titles and all corresponding duties and rights, except when they changed their faith and entered the Order of the Griffon. Many of them refused, and became wandering knights in the Traldar order of the Golden Sword (see sidebar). Others refused the faith change, but willingly accepted their knighthood being taken away, these were exonerated, kept their lands, titles, and ruling rights that had belonged to them (in order to prevent a local uproar). It was the non-landed knights who took the brunt, as they would lose everything. Amongst these was Peter; his refusal to become a landed knight in 996 AC, caused his knightly title, official regalia, and rights being taken away. Now he is just a Traladaran citizen of dubious background. Having decided in 995 AC to lay low and set up “The Barrel” tavern, the life of the group greatly changed. Peter is the official adoptive father of Kwaam Snout since 1000 AC.
(♂Traladaran Human) Height 5’9”, 205lbs, muscular build, dark brown hair and cut beard with grey streaks, piercing blue eyes, Always dressed in Traladaran traditional clothing with underneath his chain mail.
16th level fighter (former Knight),
AC5 (incl. DEX + magic), Chain Mail (AV4) +3 (if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 9+, 16 + Hp 59 (HD) +14(Lvl)=73 (was 82). Mv 120’40’,
AT Sword +2 (WM Mastery), Club (WM Skilled), THAC0 9 (adjust by ST + magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), DM as per weapon +2 (ST) +Weapon Mastery + magic.
Sv F16, ML11, AL; LN, ST 17, IN12, WI 14, DX9 (was 10), CO12 (was14), CH 10 (was 12). Scroll of Communication; Rowan has the other end.
Languages; 5: Traladaran, Thyatian, Callarii Elvish, Local Orcish, Dwarven.
Skills: 10: Profession: Labourer woodcraft, Profession: Tavern Keeper, Knowledge of Knightly Codes, Law & Justice, Riding, Know Terrain (Central & Northeast Karameikos), Hunting, Know Market Value, Local History, Military Tactics, WM MS Sword, WM SK Club,Although his titles have been officially taken away, most Traladarans still grant him rights equal to his former knightly status, and accept his word as just and right for Traladara and its Immortals. Traladaran Faith (prefers Halav). Loyal, Proud, Honourable, Honest, Reverent, Suspicious.
Image - Sascha Mischnikov. caption: “Sascha being angry upon discovery the evil knight is still active”
Innkeeper’s Wife: Sascha Mischnikov
Born on the morning of 22 Sviftmont 955AC in Kelvin. Sascha began her Shearing Years at the age of 14 by roaming the pubs, inns, taverns, bars and other locales for money. First restricted in her actions when caught by the Thieves Guild(s), then on 22 Kaldmont 972 AC she was apprehended in Kelvin and brought to Marilenev (as the Traladarans stubbornly still call the by Thyatian conquerors renamed capital of Specularum). Here she was incarcerated for 3 years under a Crime 3 punishment as the result of proven theft and was released on 22 Kaldmont 974 AC at the start of one of the harshest of winters.
With no money, no tools or equipment, and not even decent or undamaged clothing (she still had the same apparel which she was wearing when captured) she became a beggar at the age of 20. She was raped for the first time of her life by an unknown squire of some knight of the Order of the Griffon. Noone believed her charge against the squire and she was officially labelled as a heretic, trying to defame a Knight in the Order, Karameikos official Heroes. The following months were hard and she had to live in an old tomb, hidden in the sewers of the city, where on 12 Ambyrmont 975 AC she single-handedly bore the only child she ever had in her life. The young girl was named Alya. Together they grew up and lived by begging, some minor thieving or as fortune tellers, keeping as low a profile as possible. Alya’s Shearing began at the young age of 13 when she was given an opportunity by a merchant she had come to know. Sascha reluctantly, yet happily accepted the position of her daughter. Alya became as skilled and careful as her mother, looked and acted very similarly. In 989 AC Sascha accidentally stumbled upon the knight who raped her long ago when he was only a squire. He forced himself on her again and demanded his self-proclaimed right of ownership/use of her. She managed to flee at the first opportunity, and left the city of Marilenev/Specularum on her mule. Directly after the vile deed Sascha had taken her mule and fled, hiding in the ruins and settlements along the Eastron Road. Sascha soon discovered the knight was still searching for her, and diverted her flight towards the north, through the Dymrak Forest with the intention of reaching Darokin, where she should be safe. The forest and its inhabitants, however, greatly delayed her.
In the meantime in Specularum, Ayla received information from thief contacts in Kelvin, Threshold, Rugalov, and Luln. Noticeable among the various rumours was one of a knight and his associates searching for a particular female. These intrigued Ayla as the female’s description appeared to be of a dark-haired older version of herself. At first Ayla deemed this a coincidence, but gradually became more interested.
On 13 Eirmont 989 AC Sascha was crossing the Kelvin Moors, when suddenly her pregnancy went awfully wrong, the baby was stillborn and she almost died from severe blood loss, hidden in a ruined roadside shrine of Zirchev near Penhaligon (destroyed by Thyatians). Peter’s friends discovered her after hearing the braying of the mule carrying her. The cleric Tom Townes succeeded in saving her, but she lost the ability to become pregnant again. She slowly healed and was fully accepted into the group from that time.
Sascha never learned that her daughter had returned more experienced in Specularum in the spring of 992 AC and set up the Kingdom of Thieves, the most lawful Thieves Guild in Karameikos. Alya, aka Flameflicker, continued to search for her mother, but no one was able to provide information. Uncertain if she was dead or attacked or worse, enslaved by the Iron Ring, Ayla never stopped looking. Unknown to Alya, Sascha also searched for her (unknowingly keeping the rumours alive); every six months she travelled through the major cities (except Specularum where her attacker had a well-known base) to seek her daughter. All she knew was that Alya completed her Shearing in these settlements at various moments in her life, but a few years ago she seemed to disappear from the known adventurers list. To Alya the rumours of a knight looking for someone with her mother’s description persisted and she decided to follow these up (using her agents).
On 20 Flaurmont 993 AC Peter married Sascha by Traladaran Church rituals. Alya was too late to attend the marriage itself, but heard about it from her thieves guild branch in Rugalov. She travelled there the following day and mother and daughter were happily reunited. Sascha cannot tell Alya what had happened out of misguided shame and guilt so Alya remains unaware of what happened, even though she probably has the best means to track down and punish the knight who wronged her mother.
Sascha became the adoptive mother of the abandoned child Kwaam Snout by 5 Nuwmont 994 AC.
On 15th Kaldmont 1009 AC Alya learned through adding the various rumours together, what had happened to her mother, Sascha. She became enraged and desired revenge. Her mother is unaware of her discovery. Alya has started seeking out the foul knight, desiring his head and fame be taken away. (See the adventure suggestion “Revenge” in the article “The Dymark Region” in the next issue of Threshold Magazine #24 )
(♀Traladaran Human) 4’8” tall, 110lbs, Slight and slender build, graceful and deft, Traladaran woman, straight black hair with intermingling of some grey hairs, and brown eyes. Dressed in Gypsy-like garment of the Traladaran palm readers with her decorated copper polished leather armor over the basic clothing and underneath the open day-mantle.
23rd level Thief (no guild, but friendly accepted by the Kingdom of Thieves since a month after their marriage, which puzzles her);
AC5 (incl. DX + magic)+ Leather Armor(AV2) +1 of Reflection (gift by Tom and Ingrid as it did not fit Ingrid and Sascha needed it) (if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC),
HD9+, Hp18 + 9(CO) + 28(Lvl = 55, Mv 120’/40’, AT sword+2, Dagger of returning+1,
THAC0 8 (Incl. ST) adjust by magic and WM in melee as per RC pages 75-80), DM as per weapon +1(ST), Save T23, ML7, AL;NG, ST13, IN 17, WI10, DX 18, CO13, CH14.
Chime of time (can be set at time in periods of up to 40 Turns, or up to 48 hours or or up to 7 days away, recharges by immersing 4 hours in clean water (used to keep track of times needed to awake) rings audible to 120’ away in the open (-10’/corner or 1”wall passed).
Languages 6: Traladaran, Thyatian, Callarii Elvish, Vyallia Elvish, Thieves Cant, local Goblinoid. Skills; 12: Profession; Fortune-Teller (soothsaying + Fortune Telling), Profession as Tavern Keeper, Knowledge of Robbery Techniques, Knowledge of Specularum Society (IN-1 due lack of updating), Knowledge of Specularum Sewers & catacombs (IN-3 due lack of updating), Riding, Storytelling, Lip-Reading, Local Rumour & Gossip, Ceremony Traldar Faith, Alertness, Swimming, WM SK Sword. Loyal, Cautious, Reverent, Fearful, Rash, Sometimes stricken by sadness. Traladaran Faith (prefers Petra).(possible Appendix)
Traladaran Faith
(Adjusted/merged/added from http://pandius.com/tralchur.html by Jeremy Morris and http://pandius.com/trlchrch.html by Jennifer Guerra)
The Church of Traladara managed to survive through a number of crises, including the Vampire Wars and the Marilenev Rebellion, The rebellion brought about the death of many church officials who had sided with the Marilenev against young Duke Stefan, leaving the church with few experienced leaders. Only now is the church recovering, under the leadership of Patriarch Aleksyev Nikelnevich. The recent Great War ( known only to greater beings as the Wrath of the Immortals) had little effect on the faith and its followers, but the Penhaligon Trilogy had great significance in the return of the faith. And while the Church of Karameikos suffers from several internal struggles (due to the disagreements of the Immortals Vanya, Valerias, and Ixion during WotI) and loses coherence (as the Chardastes followers broke off and aligned with the Church of Traladara instead), the Church of Traladara resurfaced as the strongest faith.
Any Karameikan settlement with a population of over 100 has, by state law, a shrine or temple of the Church of Karameikos within its confines, while Traladaran temples and shrines will be available in most cities, towns, villages and also outside the settlements. There are no cloisters11 of the Church of Karameikos except a single one in Specularum/Mirros. There are no Karameikan temples or shrines outside of settlements (“Why bother faith and material to build temples or shrines in the outside for those not desiring to live as a Thyatian,… when in a town all is available”). The Traladaran church has several cloisters temples outside the settlements, mostly designated to one of the main Immortals of that faith, yet mutual cloisters do exist, of which the one near Threshold is the best known. There are Traladaran shrines in almost all villages, but many of these are damaged, or desecrated by Thyatian brutes, in a feeble attempt to force them to the Church of Karameikos.
The Order of the (Golden) Sword, for example, was a militant Knightly order dedicated to the protection of the Church above all else. The patron of the Order is Halav, and they are sometimes known as Halavites (Paladins) or Swords (Knights). Swords dedicated most of their time to perfecting the art of war and defence, and excelled in the use of swords and edged weaponry. In exchange for this military training, Halavites have less training in the use of spells of faith, causing them to rely on their weapons even more. The Order of the Sword was based out of the Temple of Halav in Specularum. The Order of the Sword was disbanded by Duke Stefan of Karameikos on 15 Kaldmont 995 AC. Nationwide, Traladaran Knighthood was recalled. Many readjusted and entered the Order of the Griffon, and lost the respect of their original faith. Many others accepted the loss of titles and rights, but also lost a lot of respect from the Traladaran populace. Some resisted the change, many of whom were arrested, sentenced and either banished or imprisoned. Those that were not caught went underground and either disappeared (hidden or assuming secret identities) or acted openly (ie. lied) as if they accepted the change, while actually still acting as a knight if need be (like Peter). This last group is fully respected by the Traladaran populace and sees them as if they still have all their rights and duties, even if they no longer openly wear the knightly sigils and regalia.
Only the priests remained (those who did not die in the Thyatian invasion and subsequent uprisings) as they could say they were just priests of the Church itself. These priests trained in the art of military tactics, kingship, and war. In times long past, the Order of Halav defended Traladara from invasion and ruled many settlements. Until recently, the Order supported toppling the government of King Stefan from within, and worked to secretly place its associates as trusted members of the King’s Guard. Most of these, however, have become member of the Cult of Halav instead. The Order itself (located in a cloister near Threshold) now propagates Protection, but is supervised by the Karameikan Order of the Three Suns in Penhaligon (which is not opposed to the Church of Traladara like the Order of the Griffon is). Since the Great War and the abelaat attack (See Penhaligon Trilogy) this control has fallen apart and been neglected. New knights have secretly been recruited and trained. These knights refer to themselves as the Hidden Glow (referring to the Golden Sword’s glow slowly crawling out of the shadow).
The Order of the Shield is an order dedicated to the protection of the believers. The Order has Petra as its patron, and they are known variously as Shields or Defenders of the Faith. The (mostly female) defenders vow to never again allow a foreign army to set foot on Traladaran soil, since the failed Marilenev Rebellion. Defenders are renown for both their healing abilities (and this is one important reason they are not banned like the Order of the Golden Sword) and their fighting prowess, although they are restricted to certain weapons by their patron. In addition, a Defender only has access to their superior fighting ability when actually defending someone. If the Defender is the aggressor in a conflict, Petra takes her favour away and the Defender must rely on their own (usually ample) abilities. This enhanced fighting ability is an Immortal magical effect granting extra Weapon Mastery options per Wisdom positive adjustment points together with a Contingency spell, suppressing instantly the magical extra Weapon Mastery when being the aggressor. The Defenders call the Shrine of the Shield in Vorloi their home, and they have a cloister for youngsters to train near Sibeon on the Eastron Road. Although the Defenders of the Shield are not a real knightly order (and this is the other reason they were not disbanded by the Duke), the local populace embraces them similarly to knights.
Recently healers of Chardastes (a friendly aligned local Immortal found regularly in Petra’s temples/shrines) concentrate on ministering to the needy who cannot afford the costly ministrations of the Thyatian healer-priests of the Church of Karameikos. Several shrines dot the landscape close to settlements, of which most have Petra and Chardastes clerics and healers close by, even if they are ptedominantly used by other Traladaran dlerics (Halav & Zirchev).
The Order of the Wolf is an order dedicated to the celebration of life. Zirchev is the patron of this order, and his followers are known as Huntsmen or Wolves. Huntsmen are best known for their wilderness skills and their amazing tracking abilities, but are hindered (and feel discontent) when forced to stay within a city. The Huntsmen have no temple (and so to the Church of Karameikos they do not exist as being a faith or order), but say that the Dymrak Forest is sacred and spend much of their time driving evil from the woodlands. They do have a cloister near Rugalov at the edge of the Dymrak Forest to raise youngsters in the path of Zirchev. At the age of 14 they are taken into the woods to enter their Shearing Years in the name of Zirchev and have to survive on their own for 18 months (not relying on settlements!!). The Cloister is a locale known for its massive collection of seeds, pollen, dung, fertilizer and other stuff, shared with the locals in the forest mainly, yet also sold to local farmers in need. These priests and other members train in cooperation with the Vyallia elves of the Western Dymrak, and defend the woodlands of the country against defilement or incursion. A smaller segment of the Order train intensively at magic, hoping to aid in the restoration of an independent Traladaran state. These mages have recently been banned, at King Stefan’s command, from studying, entering or working at the School of Magecraft at Krakatos; most now train surreptitiously, with sympathetic masters in the woods, Vyallia settlements or the cloister.
The Order of the Golden Scalpel is a recently established (1007 AC) order to celebrate and teach the healing doctrines of Chardastes to clerics willing to become healers12. This new order has a cloister on the road near Kelvin which they call home. Due to the war with the abelaats a secondary cloister/hospital has been set up near the Castle of the Three Suns in Penhaligon (does not apply when this has not happened in your campaign).
Chardastes is canonically added to the Church of Karameikos. This was indeed the case in 1000 AC when the religion resurfaced, after the discovery of a holy bell13. However, a few years later the Chardastes followers abandoned the Church of Karameikos and aligned with the Church of Traladara (especially Petra). The Thyatian banning of non-evil individuals from treatment, care and healing was the main cause (mainly the Knights of the Order of the Golden Sword or Defenders of the Faith, who lost their right to healing by Karameikan clerics, yet still fought bravely in the Penhaligon Trilogy, and the Great War clashes). Secondly the treatment by Thyatians of the locals as if they were a lower caste, was enough for Chardastes to order its clerics to relocate to the new aligned church. Not only did they feel their faith was better supported, they gained more support from the Traladaran and Traladaran/Thyatian locals for treating them at extremely low costs (yet still allowing financial support by loyal supporters). It is unknown how the Church of Karameikos will react in the near future; there is absolute dissentiment, yet as these followers only heal wounds and disease or try to prevent suchlike, there is also no feeling of a threat. Unbeknown to the Church of Karameikos and its Immortals, this will lure more former Traladaran and Thyatian/Traladaran people back into the fold that they slipped out of due to the aggressive takeover at the time of the Marilenev rebellion, and as a result increase the overall respect and following of the Church of Traladara.
Read http://pandius.com/kararelg.html by Giampaolo Agosta for more on the Church of Karameikos and the Church of Traladara; Giampaolo provides great insight into the backgrounds of these faiths. The Dark Triad detailed there is the main opponent of all faiths in Karameikos, and has its sticky fingers all over the Dymrak region. Keep in mind that the witches Giampaolo mentions are actually evil crones of chaos (a hag variant) or witches on the brink of becoming evil hags, lured by the demonic voices and temptations. The many other witches existing in Karameikos are variously aligned as the average (N)PC, and are mostly neutral in behavior, instead of evil, like hags.
The Karameikan Order of the Griffon is aligned to the Church of Karameikos and was created at the same time as the Church was, in 970 AC. However, the Order had its roots established much earlier by members of the Thyatian noble House of Gryphon in Foreston, Thyatis. This family had its name and fame associated with the group, but suffered unexpected severe financial problems. This was the reason for its members to join Stefan Karameikos in 970 AC and create the new Order under the doctrine of the Church of Karameikos. Currently only a few of the original Gryphon family are still alive and members of the order. Most of them perished in or close to Penhaligon during the war with the abelaats (Penhaligon Trilogy) o elsewhere during the Great War (1004-1010AC), attempting to do honourable tasks. There are recent rumours of entropic influences on several members of the order (as suggested in the novel “Dark Knight of Karameikos”. by Timothy Brown). The evil Knight I created, is such an example, and he is found in the second part of this article in Threshold #24 Dymrak Forest Region; Thrakius Furrion Gryphon.
Private Bedroom (Granny)
This is a 15’ by 15’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end north, high end just inside above door). On the floor is a thick eighty year old Traldar carpet (with the story of Halav embroidered on it). There are three 5’ by 5’ standard windows to the west giving a view of the courtyard. The room has a red painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine door (normally locked, and barred at night on the inside). The 4’ wide and high chimney next to the door is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, and steel tools. Depending on the season, there is enough wood for the hearth to keep the room warm . There is a bucket of water to extinguish any fire here. The windows and internal door are decorated on the inside with garlic and wolfsbane.
Innkeeper’s Mother: “Granny” Martha Andrejev (born Pershikin)
Despite her age and apparent disability, she is still a vocally perfect songstress14. If the DM uses her as Bard class she only remembers 1st level spells (due to her age), and these are used in her music (song or instrument) if required. She will be found sat in a wheelchair, but this is not due a physical inability to walk, but to a curse which cannot be removed for unknown reasons. This curse causes her to move as if affected by a Haste spell AND a potion of speed (to quadruple normal speed = 480’/160’, exhaustion after 6+1d6 Turns - recover 153 in 2 hrs), but only affects her walking movement and not her other actions. She ‘inherited’ this curse by accidentally activating an old Traladaran magic item on one of her burglaries in Thyatis (1001AC). Faking a severe injury, she withdrew from the public music scene, only performing in The Barrel. Since then she is only seen in a wheelchair, seemingly aged rapidly in the last 9 years, but this is a ruse. She still performs music in the tavern, only on a smaller scale, and she also burgles Thyatian residences any time she has the chance, using her curse and both rings to the best.
Martha is a devout Traladaran in faith and has such a high piety rating (67!!); she has been granted a special ability of casting a 1st level clerical spell once a week (see https://breathofmystara.blogspot.com/2013/03/piety-character-piety-is-measured-by.html). She is also a proud Traladaran who does not hide her dislike of Thyatian oppressors (she recognises and accepts good Thyatians though). If she continues this way she will be able to reach Ascended status of Piety before dying of old age… if being careful.
In 948 AC She, Finnig the witch and Pjotr Andrejev battled a black hag, Tahytis, which was the last mutual adventure they did. Pjotr and Martha married 4 months later under the Traladaran faith and Finnig’s blessing.
Martha is the mother of Peter and has been widowed since the Marilenev Rebellion in 970 AC when her husband, Pjotr Andrejev, perished. She greatly dislikes arrogant Thyatians (who assume they are better than Traladarans), just dislikes neutral Thyatians and mixed Traladaran/Thyatians, and tolerates positive Thyatians. Why then did she perform mostly in Thyatis?...to rob, plunder, and retrieve anything stolen from the Traladarans in the bygone decades, to return such items to the original family tombs and/or temples and earn some legal money at the same time. She stole only original Traladaran coins and items taken by Thyatians, everything else she left untouched. The Thyatians know her/him (?) as the “Traladaran retributor”. Although sometimes close to being trapped, she was never caught or identified. Since 1008 AC she has significant contacts with Patriarch Nikelnevich of the Church of Traladara, and due to this Martha can be a great secret link/adviser to adventurers undertaking espionage work on the Thyatian Isle of Zakinthos (see Threshold Magazine #24; The Dymrak Region; Zackinthos).
(♀Traladaran Human), weight 123lbs, 4’10” tall, born 21 Vatermont 927 AC in Marilenev, apparent age 100+, actual age 83. Has a Ring of Invisibility, and a Ring of Alter Appearances (illusion making her face and overall body seem different).
22nd level Thief (no guild) actually bard if DM uses this class,
AC3 (incl. DX + magic), uses no armor, HD 9+, 20Hp +26(Lvl) = 46. MV wheelchair 45’/15’ natural 120’/40’, curse 480’/160’, AT Dagger (sleep poison), Dart (shot by violin+2, double range, sleep poison), Club (All WM Skilled), THAC0 7 (inc. ST-1) adjust by magic and WM in melee as per RC pages 75-80), AT as per weapon -1(ST) +Weapon Mastery + magic + Sleep poison. Sv T22, ML11, AL; CG,
ST 7 (was 9), IN12 (was 13), WI 14 (was 11), DX 9 (was 10), CO10 (was14), CH 12 (was 16).Languages:; 8: Traladaran, Thyatian, Ierendi, Minrothaddian, Alphatian, Vyallia Elvish, Local Goblinoid, Dwarven.
Skills: 10: Music (+2), Singing(+2), Musical Instrument; Violin(+1), Disguise, Lip-Reading, extra languages (4). Loyal, Proud, very Reverent, Vengeful, Energetic, cunning, Deceitful, Traladaran Faith (prefers Petra).
Martha spent her Shearing Years adventuring with Finnig the witch, and both are still good friends. Martha is afraid of being attacked by lycanthropes or vampires and takes defensive and offensive measures with Holy Water, Holy Symbols, Mirrors, Wolfsbane, silver weapons and Garlic.Minor Latrine (Owners & 2 guestrooms)
This 5’ by 10’ and 10’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end south), has Thyatian style ivory tiles on the floor. There is a red painted 6’ high 3’ wide pine door (can be locked from the inside by a latch only). This is a typical Thyatian style latrine, where buckets of water are used to flush out any debris to the main road irrigation system. This roam has 20 sachets of pot-pourri hanging on the walls made from local flowers (refreshed quarterly)
Minor Upper Hall
A 5’ wide and 15’ high “T”-shaped hall with a Traladaran carpet on the floor. There is a 4’ wide and 8’ high oak lockable door to the north leading to the Minor Guest Room; a 4’ wide and 8’ high oak locked door also on the north leads to Granny’s Private Room; one 4’ wide and 8’ high locked oak door on the east leads to the to Private Room of Peter and Sascha; a 4’ wide and 8’ high lockable oak door on the west leads to the Major Guest room, and in the “T”-shape a 4’ wide and 8’ high oak door (locked only when occupied) on the north leads to the door to the east and to the latrine. An open arch to the stairs down is also in this “T”-shape hall, which has a 5’ by 5’ standard window with shutters to the south giving a view to the main road. This is covered at night with curtains and shutters. Although this room has no chimney, it is warm and cosy due to the chimneys in the rooms beside it. The hall is lit at night by an oil lantern in the centre.
A Minor Guest Room
This is a 15’ by 10’ and 10-13’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end west, high end 10’ east before door). There is a 5’ by 5’ standard window to the north overlooking the courtyard. To the south is a red painted 6’ high 4’ wide (lockable) pine door. The room has an oak elven wood carved bed with straw mattress and thick wool covering. It has a down pillow, and up to 3 (if cold) decorated woollen blankets. The floor has a tapestry of old Karameikan design.
B Major Guest Room
This is a 20’ by 20’ and 10’ high room with slanted ceiling (low end west, high end 10’ east before door). There are two 5’ by 5’ standard windows, one to the north overlooking the courtyard and one south giving a view of the Main road. There is a red painted 6’ high 4’ wide pine door (usually locked, and barred at night on the inside). The room has an attic above it where the lost and found objects are stored. This includes items of guests who disappeared. Each Day of Dread these items are removed and either sold, or destroyed in a bonfire.
On the outside of the north wall of the bar near the merchant field is an opening that leads to a 5’ wide and 35’ long ramp that goes 15’ down into the ground. In the middle are easy steps like a stair. At its lowest end the ramp curves and ends at a reinforced locked oak door (5’ wide 8’ high 8” thick). There is a small pit (5’ square, 3’ deep) at the bottom of the ramp (just before it bends round), covered by a grid where excess rain water collects. This water is at ground water level and rarely goes much higher. Drunk guests sometimes sleep here, as it is dry and seemingly safe. The Nightguard usually guide them to their room or send them away (to their wagon or off on the road) if they have no room and are unwilling or unable to rent one.
This room is 55’ long and between 15’ and 20’ wide room and is 15’ below ground level. It’ has a somewhat uneven ceiling of 2’ thick oak beams, and floor planks, stuffed in between with straw, and boarded closed with a thick layer of gypsum plaster. The walls are granite lead-based volcanic stone mixed with the local rock, which are chalked up with a thick coating and decorated with a single large painting of a scene of the Dymrak Forest (all creatures living within the woods are depicted, and some locations are recognizable; though it cannot be used as a map, it can be used as an incentive to look for a target location). This area is the only thing remaining of the original inn named The Barrel, and the whole area was actually created within the granite rock using tools, Rock to Mud and Disintegrate spells. And although the new “The Barrel” tavern has been built above it and some minor restoration has taken place, most of this level is as it was built in the summer of 746 AC.
There are two known entries to this room. The main entry is the reinforced oak door that leads to the ramp up and outside to the merchant field. The other is the stairway up to the kitchen. The basement has only one lantern (with a bright gemstone within, enchanted with a Continual Light spell; refreshed after each Day of Dread). The room is surprisingly dry, which is probably caused by the low groundwater, and plaster/straw ceiling. The room is also never above 2 degrees Celsius in temperature due to its depth and the low ground water level. There is also an ambient ancient natural magic which could be responsible for these effects, as no other effect has ever been noticed or analyzed.
The room is filled with crates, tuns and barrels of great variety, and on the kitchen stair banisters are hooks with various animals and meat. In the southwest corner are 14 barrels of beer: stout, white, normal. Near the stairs are 12 barrels of ale: strong and weak. Against the west wall are 6 barrels of rum (2 sorts), 24 barrels of common wine (3 sorts), and 10 barrels of expensive wine (3 sorts). In the northwest corner is a stack of crates and small kegs holding a variety of foodstuffs. Along the eastern wall are 6 shelves, all stocked with a variety of small crates, bottles, flasks, weck-bottles15 and -pots with a variety of drinks and foodstuffs, herbs and spices. In the north-eastern corner near the stairs is a large stack of coal bricks for the stove and chimney of the kitchen. In the middle of the room are meat hooks where pheasants, swine, deer, and other game are stored (whole or only sections). The ceiling is high enough to allow most game to be hung whole. The larger ones are hung close to the walls. The external door is decorated on the inside with garlic and wolfsbane, and bears a prominent silver holy symbol of the Church of Traladara.
Secret; Unknown to all but the discoverers of the ruined inn (Peter, Sascha, Tom Townes, Ingrid Otkelsdottir, Rowan Selasar, the elves Idralyll and Angolnith and Gubran Esculem the dwarf), there is a secret door hidden behind the barrels of rum. This is a magical door and unseen when not activated. Due to the ambient magic in the area it cannot be detected by Truesight, elven detect secret doors ability, and magical Detect (secret) doors. The door is hidden in a section of the painted scene of the Dymark depicting an elven village. If the magical sigils (for each elven race) drawn on the trees are touched in the right order of ascendancy to the Callarii elves, then the door will lower itself down, becoming a 5’ ramp down for a total of 2 Turns (20 minutes). It will remain open for 2 rounds (unless closed manually by touching the Callarii tribe sigil on the other side) and cannot be opened for another 24 hours. The secret door leads to a secret wet and rocky basement 5’ lower than this area. Any Callarii elf has a successful intelligence check at -2 to notice there are elven tribes/nations mentioned belonging to their heritage. Any other elf has a chance at -5 for this, as they do not feel such racial pride. The Callarii are the end symbol in the row of symbols to be activated, suggesting it was created by them long ago.
Stairway to Kitchen
The 5’ wide granite stair emerges on the ground floor beneath the oak stair that goes from the bar to the second floor. The stair from the basement arrives at a small 3’ wide 7’ high door to the kitchen. At both ends of the stairway is a lantern with a yellow bright Continual Light spell on a stone within (On top of the stairs on the wall, and below on a hook). These spells are renewed after each Day of Dread.
Secret Basement
Secret: This ancient rock cave lies -20’ below ground and is almost rectangular measuring 35’to 15’ and with a ceiling of 7’to 9’ from the floor. The floor is an almost level fine sand bed (grey with some minute pink corns from eroded crystals) and is always covered by at least a foot of water (depending on the season; Summer 13”, Spring/Autumn 13+1d20”, Winter 10+3d4”). There are several exits from this room: to the north, south and west through a natural underground rupture created by the massive earthquakes of 1750 BC. The narrow tunnels are irregular (between 3’ and 7’ wide and between 5’ and 7’ high). The water is mostly groundwater, yet there is a weak current north and east to the south. The water is clear and cold with a weak mineral taste
There is a small cave-in created when the well was dug in the old days. The well structure in the Courtyard of the inn connects to the water source in this cave, and the excavation of the well may have led to the cave being used as a hidden extra basement.The entry to this small cave is partially closed by crystals which are growing at a rate that will make the passage to the cave impassable by 1019 AC and totally closed by 1028 AC. At present a human-sized individual could crawl carefully (as the crystals are sharp) through the narrow connecting tunnel in 10 rounds, requiring a Dexterity check each round to avoid harm.
Within this room a weak pinkish light emanates from various crystals growing in/on the rock at water level. These crystals are a clear manifestation of natural magic, and grow and erode normally within a decade. Similar to plants, they slowly expand their presence in the whole area and in time will close the rupture off (preventing passage) somewhere close to 1750 AC). and fully enclose it (even from water ingress) in 3000 AC or later. These crystals are as hard as the surrounding granite, and can only be damaged with special tools. They are invulnerable to any magic or anti-magic, although the last will suppress the magical effects (and thus growth) as long as present. These crystals have the following seven effects:
1 = Shedding a weak pink light 5’ radius,
2 = Limiting the temperature to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius to a range of 30’,
3 = Shedding a component to the air of comfort to a range of 100’ 10’ high away from any crystal, (Cause Fear, Panic and Berserk will not function within this range, and the effect is similar to a Calm Spell). Due to the closed secret door this effect will not reach The Barrel. The affected area will be seen by a Detect Magic spell or similar, and be revealed as an ambient magical ‘heavier than air’ control effect.
4 = Absorbing sounds created within 10’. .
5 = Absorbing living energy; 1 hp is drained from the current amount of hp of any carbon-based lifeform (silicon-based lifeforms like rockmen, geonids, ghaleb-duhr, stone giants, mudmen and sandmen are immune) every full 6 rounds who are within 10’ of any crystal. The remnants of any perished life form will be fully absorbed (except the bones and inorganic items worn) by the crystal within 3 months (and any Raise Dead after a few weeks is useless as there is no complete body to raise).
6 = The crystals have sharp edges; when bumping or brushing carelessly against one it will cause 1 hp cutting damage. This is easily avoided if known.
7 = The slow killing effect of the crystals makes the water free of any organisms and diseases making it pure and always safe to drink (even next to a several weeks old slowly disappearing corpse). The water tastes cold, refreshing somewhat metallic and sandy, and has no other effects than relinquishing thirst. It is perfect to make holy water from in shrines or temples, as it is clean (and does not need a Purify Food/Water spell).
Broken off sections of crystal lose all their effects in 1d10-1 Turns, and fully disintegrate into a pinkish sandy dust in 24 hours. This fine crystalline sand has no magical properties or use, other than in a sand timer. It cannot be enchanted, like the crystals. Sunlight dispels all effects of these crystals, limiting their consequences to the underground.
On the eastern wall is an old Callarii sigil which will be seen by elven, Detect Invisible, Second Sight or Detect Magic spells. If touched correctly (elves automatically know how, humans and others need to make an Open Lock Roll) then the door will lower itself down becoming a 5’ ramp up for a total of 2 Turns (20 minutes) after which it will close in 2 rounds (unless closed manually by touching the Callarii tribe sigils on the other side) and cannot be opened for 24 hours. The secret door leads to the dry normal storage basement of the Tavern 5’ higher than this area.
Escape Tunnel
Secret: One of the effects of the massive earthquakes of 1750 BC was the creation of several underground tunnel raptures in the Dymark area. Two of those tunnels meet below the site of The Barrel where they merge and continue as one south to the coast. Both of these ruptures begins about 1.5 miles away from The Barrel in the small hills there. One runs from the north-west, and the other almost due north, just east of the Salania Road and Haven Trail.
The northern entrances to both tunnels were excavated by the earlier owners of the original tavern on the site and remain carefully hidden (and overgrown by nature). The western tunnel entrance is concealed under three fallen oaks (which perished due the high amount of water)., while the eastern one is in a badger lair (see http://pandius.com/Monster_Manual_2.pdf.pages 464-465)
The tunnels have uneven walls (between 3’ and 7’ wide) and ceilings (between 5’and 7’high). They carry water from the hills to meet beneath the Barrel and then flow on south to the coast. The only purpose the northern tunnels serve is as a drastic means of escape requiring much crawling over uneven surface and through the accumulated water.
Where the tunnels meet in the hidden area just below the basement of The Barrel, the floor is almost level with a fine sand bed (grey with some minute pink corns from eroded crystals) covered by at least a foot of water (depending on the season: summer 13”, spring/autumn 13+1d20”, winter 10+3d4”). The water is mostly groundwater, yet there is a weak current that flows to the south.
The incoming stream from the west(as seen on the DM map of The Barrel) originates from the northern source, the incoming stream from the south begins in the northwest, and are marked on the 1 mile hex map as a thin dark blue line.
The southern one however is used to smuggle sometimes to and from the sea, and can be traversed mostly by walking. If using to smuggle a person in or out they are always blindfolded (by cleric Light/Darkness spell targetting on the person or by a burlap sack over the head) to prevent discovery.
The southern tunnel is wider (between 6’ and 8’) than the other two and flows underneath the vineyards south of The Barrel down to the rear of a small cave hidden beneath the coastal rocks. At low tide only 45% ( 3’) of the opening is above the water level, and this reduces to 90% (1’) at high tide. A small boat that rides only 1’ above the water (able to carry 3 people and their luggage) is hidden within the cave and is able to pass through the opening even at high tide. It is carefully tied down protected by several floats from impact damage caused by the incoming waves.. The wooden boat has a collapsible mast and sail, which can be used in the open water (AC 8, 15 hull points, 5 sail points). On the Smuggle Coast area map (see 1 mile hex map) this location is marked as “The Barrel Rupture” and leads to a minor route along Skull Island to the open sea. Only the adventuring group (Peter, Sascha, Tom Townes, Ingrid Otkelsdottir, Rowan Selasaar, the elves Idralyll and Angolnith and Gubran Esculem the dwarf), Simon Derswin (a smuggler of goods to The Barrel), and Woodrock the Brownie are aware of this tunnel. Goblinoids sometimes discover the tunnel entrances in the hills to the north but rarely survive the dangerous crystal effects, and even if they survived, they would find the boat and the passage to the sea totally uninteresting.
If a PC ventures through the tunnels, there is a 1 on 6 chance each mile you will find remains of a creature (01-35 badger, 36-56 goblin, 57-95 mole, rat, mice, or other small burrowing creature, 96-00 human(mostly old skeleton). All valuables will be stripped by previous tunnellers, and if not should be limited to 1d100 random coins, belt- or shoe-buckles, cheap jewellery (1d10gp), and maybe a piece of armor and simple weapon; mostly dagger or short sword). Of course a DM can place his own skeleton here, yet the DM must also decide who and why this person was here, for when discovered, this might have consequences of secret aspects of The Barrel.
The courtyard is between the main building, the side building and the stables/smithy. It is walled on the other sides by 10’ high walls topped with a cement layer embedded with thousands of thin but very sharp shards of metal. Climbing over it will cause 1d3 wounds which will not heal easily by themselves (a constitution check at -8 has to be made for each point to heal to be successful), and a chance of infection (see http://pandius.com/diseases_and_healing.pdf page 18). Of course magic will heal this damage without leaving a mark, but the infection will need further treatment.
The area is rock, covered by a foot or so of packed earth, gravel straw and animal manure. All in all it is a sturdy stable area, which during rain showers may be somewhat slippery (Dexterity check per 100’ running; if fail fall and suffer 1-AV (so if any armor is worn damage will be 0) damage, become dirty and wet by the muck).
The courtyard is entered through the great double doors to the main road on the south side. These 6’ thick oak reinforced doors held off many goblinoid and Thyatian attacks with only slight markings to speak off. Today these doors are set wide open at sunrise and closed, locked and barred, at dusk. There is a bell on the outside used to attract attention at other times. Within the eastern door of the two is a smaller locked and barred door, which has a 4” by 4” steel braced barred opening (with inside shutter). The smaller door is only used outside the hours that the main doors are open.
The first section of the courtyard between the Side Building and Main building is arched and covered by a connecting structure. It is 13’ high so some wagons can go underneath. This is permitted for private or important customers and these are parked in the Wagon Storage area. Mostly these are small to average chariots for transporting 1 to 6 (demi-)humans (see; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariot_(carriage)). There is a flagstone path between the Entry to the Main Building and the entry to the Side Building underneath the arched entrance. Underneath the arch hang several drying herbs including wolfsbane (even dried it is useful), and several healing herbs (depending on seasonal availability) for sale (normal price).
The courtyard itself has an open access to the Wagon Storage, the Main Stable, the Horse Stable, and the Smithy. There is a Dutch door to the main building which is only open on warm days. There is a door to the Side building (which is almost always locked) leading to the Guest Main Room.
There is a rail against the eastern building where horses can be temporarily tethered, and another one on the right of the Main Stable doors for those on which the Smith will be working. His magical anvil is also here (see description for Tom Townes).
Against the wall between the Wagon Storage and the Side Building is a large stack of wood for the fires. This is replenished monthly if needed from the nearby woods.
Dogs are only allowed in the courtyard and on the Merchant Fields if leashed properly, this due several aggressive dog incidents.
In the middle of the Courtyard is a granite masoned stone well which has been cut into the rock by using tools and Disintegrate, Rock to Mud magic. The water from the well is always clean and fresh. When looking down the well, the water is roughly at 18’ to 19’ deep and there is a faint pinkish radiance emanating from crystals growing in the rock. If climbing/falling down a PC could find a partially blocked side tunnel. Over time crystals have largely closed this opening (and will make it impassable in 1019 AC, and totally closed-in 1028 AC), yet a human-sized individual could crawl through carefully in 10 rounds (as the crystals are sharp) requiring a Dexterity check to crawl through without harm each round.
Secret information; the owners of original Inn in 746 AC during the building process used a rhabdomancer to discern there was accessible water flowing underground. During the digging they opened the rock wall to the underground stream and discovered the underground tunnels with the crystals. The partially closed side tunnel leads to the Secret Basement. The secret door was made about 200 years earlier by the Vyallia Elves, and the room was then used as storage of semi-religious items. These items were removed and relocated in 705 AC due elven seer advice, yet many were stolen in the process. Some of these items, which proved to be stolen by Thyatians, were retrieved and happily returned by Martha (Peter’s mother) in the last decades.
Horse Stable
This is a 15’ by 30’ and 15-20’ high room with slanted bare oak plank ceiling (low end south, high end north), with a foot or so of packed earth, gravel straw and animal manure on the rock base and Thyatian style brick walls to all but the southern side. The southern side is open to the ceiling with a 5’ wide section of Thyatian style brick on either side. Within are three strong 15’ tall oak pillars of 10”diameter supporting the ceiling. The roof is covered with 2 to 3 feet thick thatched reed (on the lead-white painted boards), which have turned a bit green, brown and mossy. It is still waterproof, but the roof is reaching the limit of its durability. (Normally renewed every 5 to 10 years). The reed hangs 3 inches over the edge and there is a pewter raingutter underneath collecting the water in barrels and preventing water-logging of the walls. The water is consumable, but will hold some debris; due to this it is used only for animals (mostly), the smithy or for cleaning purposes. Within this area are five wooden barriers, each 9’ long and 5’ tall, separating each horse area. The horses placed here face to the wall for short periods (half a day at best). The up to six animals are normally placed on the Private grazing area outside the Tavern, separated from the owner’s animals by a removable wooden fence. There are always 1d6 horses present here at day owned by short-time guests (eating only) and 1d4+2 at night. There are also 1d6 horses at day in the side field.
This is a 15’ by 15’ and 10-15’ high room with slanted bare oak plank ceiling (low end north and west, built on a foot or so of packed earth, gravel straw and animal manure on the rock below and has Thyatian style brick walls to all but the south-eastern corner. The smithy is set between the Main Stable and Horse Stable. The chimney is made of granite bricks mortared together with a granite base, steel fire frame, grated spark protector, steel tools, and above it a 1’ wide oak shelf with a variety of blacksmith tools. The ceiling is decorated (sort of) with a hundred pre-made horseshoes in various shapes and sizes. As a result of this, the re-shoeing of a horse is completed in a single hour. The fire burns 24 hours a day, only reduced to low fire at night. The blacksmith works here from 8am to 6pm each day except during religious services and special days, or when his clerical abilities are needed. He no longer feels that he needs to adventure, yet has premonitions of once again taking part in quests. See more; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blacksmith
Main Stable
This is a 40’ by 30’ and 15’ high room with bare oak plank ceiling, with a foot or so of packed earth, gravel straw and animal manure on the rock base and Thyatian style brick walls to all but the southern side. The external door is decorated on the inside and outside with garlic and wolfsbane, and is barred on the inside at night; the doors open inward and outward, so cannot be blocked otherwise. It is common knowledge that open flames are not allowed in this area, due to fire hazard with the straw. A large copper bell placed on the outside door-frame is rung in case of fire.
In the middle of the stable are two oak pillars supporting the upper floor
The area has a large woodstack on the east wall in the dry so that it can be used in winter. There is enough wood to last through an eight month winter. Next to this stack are four low stables used for mules and ponies. In the somewhat larger corner stable there is an old brown and grey mule, on a weekly-replenished stack of straw and a gutterbin filled with fresh grass, hay, grains, vegetables and such.
On the southern wall are three larger horse stables used by the horses of the staff. These include the two war horses owned by Peter Andrejev and Tom Townes (Mariksa a 16 year old Kerendan Riding horse and Korn an 18 year old Rahedan Heavy war Horse (using; http://pandius.com/horses.html and http://pandius.com/Monster_Manual_2.pdf pages 61-67 for their statistics). These animals all graze during the day on the plot of grass north of the inn, around the pond, or west along the wall and Scalania Trail.
In the corner is a somewhat worn out pine staircase going up to the Stable Storage and Private Room of Tom and his partner.
In the opposite corner on the north side is a 10’ by 15’ sheep-pen. These five sheep bring fresh milk, and wool from which to make sweaters. The current sheep all have names; Igwe, Dayla, Siske, Wiska, Brabas and are about 3 years of age. When old they will be replaced and eaten. There is no ram, but in spring a ram from one of the neighbouring farms will visit and enable the sheep to produce 1 to 3 lams each year. These are mostly sold, sometimes given away to the needy, or planned to replace old and dead sheep.
The old brown and grey mule is Kimmi, a 29 year old standard mule (8hp). He is at the end of his days, no longer working and was the animal that lovingly and instinctively carried Sascha on her back to the adventuring group of Peter Andrejev. If it was not for the instinct of this animal, Sascha would have perished in the wilderness south of Penhaligon’s Castle of the Three Suns, while trying to flee the obsessive knight desiring to own her. Due to this, the animal has been treated very well in this stable since it became almost fully blind by age. Its devotion and love for Sascha still exist, and if able would die to defend her. It recognizes the scent of the dark knight and his horse and will react accordingly with a loud noise, trying to escape and reach Sascha. If such an event does not happen the animal will die in 1012 AC due to old age, yet not before trying to reach Sascha. Any chevall (or druid) in the neighbourhood will support this animal’s loyal attempt to do so and translate its last words before leaving.
Sascha visits daily and takes care of the animal, filled with love, yet not fully aware of the creature’s intent or feelings.
If it dies the animal will be buried like a human next to the entry gate with a stone to mark its heroic deeds. It might be a trigger to the finale of the story with the dark knight16.
Stable Storage Room
This is a 25’ by 30’ room which has a small hallway to the south, with stairs down, and a door to Tom and Ingrid’s private room. The floor is made of oak planks a foot wide, but with a half inch wide slit between the planks. This allows warmth created by the animals to rise up to the benefit of those living above.
The roof is slanted on all sides and is open from within to the reed coverage, and is 10’ high on the lowest ends and 25’ in the apex, which is 10’ long. Above 10’ there are planks on the oak beams to store even more straw, hay and goods, but care is taken to allow air to flow to prevent haybrew17 and fire. The roof is covered with 2 to 3 feet of thick thatched reed. As on the roofs of the other buildings, over time the thatch has turned green, brown and mossy. Although near the end of its durable life normally re-thatched every 5-10 years), the thatch is still waterproof above the boars that have been painted with white lead-based paint. The reed hangs 3 inches over the edge and there is a pewter raingutter underneath collecting the water in barrels and preventing water-logging of the walls.
There is a standard window with shutters (mostly closed) to the west, which is used only in case of a humanoid attack as extra position to defend from.
The room has a large double-door in the wall opening outward, and normally only open during the day when in use or on warm days. These doors enable easier access to the area from wagons below when bundled straw and hay is brought in, and stacked in the room. Due to potential fire hazard, no naked flame is allowed here, and in. case of emergency a large barrel and pewter tub of water (also used by Tom and Ingrid to wash) is placed in the room. A large copper bell placed next to the stairs is rung in case of fire.
Depending on the season the area is 15 to 30% packed with straw, 10 to 25% packed with hay, and up to 15% other goods (like sacks of nuts, fruits, roots, cabbages, etc), leaving the rest open space. In Autumn the storage area is mostly filled, and in spring mostly empty. A church owl has taken roost up in the beams at the apex and a small opening in the roof has been created to allow this blessed creature to come and go as it pleases. Owls are seen as a blessing when taking residence in a building, mostly due to their hunting for various rodents which spread vermin and disease (It is a common tradition in European farms that one does not chase away the owl).
Private Room Blacksmith and Family
This is a 20’ by 15’ room is split into an upper and lower half, of which the upper half is 8’ higher. The floors are the normal slitted oak planks covered with a layer of closed oak planks perpendicular to the lower one. The roof is similar to those of the other buildings with the thatch needing some attention, and with a gutter that drains into rain water barrels. The upper section of the room is 2’ high to 15’ high due to the slanted roof.
This room has a standard window to the west with shutters (mostly open during the day). A 3’ wide 7’ high door to the east gives access to the Stable Storage and the stairs down and out. Another 3’ wide and 6’ high door to the north gives easy access to the Stable Storage’s widow in case of emergency when fully stocked. In the southeast corner is a ladder bolted to the wall to give access to the higher level where the beds are placed.
The room is surprisingly cosy, has a magical form of heating (by a piece of metal enchanted with a continuous Heat Metal spell, as long it is sprayed daily with 2 ounces of any oil; if not it stops giving warmth until fed again. This item is not in use on Days of Dread, and thus not dispelled, if ever dispelled it can be restored by Rowan Selasaar for 1000gp). The tapestries on the floor and walls, the decorative displayed silk and wool curtains together with the polished oak and velvet furniture give the room a homely feel. Ingrid has the reins pulled tight here and everything is clean, and there is always a can of tea or soup on the warming plate. The Minrothad china and cutlery mixed with Vestland style furniture and decorations seem a bit strange, but still work together. There is a single table with four velvet covered chairs, a large closet and a bench. There is no kitchen, as food is cooked in the Inn’s kitchen and brought here. A crystal chandelier with small continual light stones provides light to the whole area and has small covers to shade it if not in use.
The upper floors holds a large double bed of Thyatian style mahogany, with blankets, owlbear18 down mattress and pillows and cotton and silk fabrics in rich colors. The bedhead is placed at the lowest end of the slanted ceiling. The similar style closet stands at the high end and holds clean clothes and bedlinen. A similar but smaller chandelier as below hags in the middle of the room. The walls are covered in Ylari tapestries, further enhancing the warm feeling. An interesting aspect is a small crib, and a stack of children’s clothing and some toys. There is however no child present, yet.
Master Blacksmith; Tom TownesTom was born on 11 Eirmont 964 AC in Mercutor, a small Minrothad fishermen village on North Island near Whooster’s Tower, and grew up steadily. His parents Tim Townes and Isis were fisherfolk, who mostly caught herring in the waters to the northeast of their Island, close to the Karameikan/Thyatian/Minrothad border. As they both needed to work for their meagre income, they were forced to take their two children with them on board (the girl Esta was their youngest child born in 966 AC), a common tradition amongst the fishermen. The following is an official Traladaran recording of the events on 15 Vatermont 968 AC:
“The day began with normal clouded weather, no changes seemed to be on hand. The fishermen of the villages went south to do their work. The market at Overton was busy, and apart from some skirmishes with minor damage between Traldar and Thyatian hotshots no healing was required. About an hour past noon, something changed. Large clouds accumulated on the southern horizon towards Minrothad, accompanied by a low continuous rumble. Within twenty minutes these clouds grew larger with more and more lightning appearing above Fire Island. The mountain Redtop exploded and a massive thunderstorm was born. All the fishermen on the sea sped home attempting to outrun the danger, but woe to the Minrothad fishers further out at sea. They were forced away from their islands by the waves and the winds. Several vessels managed to beach in the many small Traldar harbours and safely reach land. Yet if was not as safe as we had expected. Many vessels crashed on the rocks in places like Pyrehouse Rock, and sank rapidly. The tidal wave also sped to the shore sweeping the swimming survivors onto the rocky coast. I tried to save a woman who held a small child, but the storm conditions were too great to save her. I carried the 4 year old child to the Traladaran cloister of Zirchev near the Overton refugee camp”.
The tidal wave also destroyed the mouth of the Haven River (later Rugalov) and the village of Erroton, which was abandoned thereafter in the muddy morass of destruction left by the storm’s effects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcanic_lightning. Survivors grouped together where Rugalov now exists. Unknown to others Tom’s father and sister sank with their boat close to Pyrehouse Rock.
On 11 Flaurmont 980 AC, at the age of 16, the boy named Tom Townes began his Shearing Years. Raised in the Traldar tradition, he fully embraced the way of Zirchev, and as such his Shearing would prove if he could become a member of the Order of the Wolf. On the first night of his Shearing, he wandered alone through the witchlands and discovered the solitary menhir of Albai Lake. He had heard about it from the druid Gendarim who had visited the cloister of Zirchev, and found no trace of a lake, only a sea of grass. Tom could not yet comprehend what had happened here. He knew the menhir had great magical powers so he did not want to drain these from the area and so took up residence among the Firemane Centaurs. As part of their own rituals he had to spend the night underneath the Ritual Tree of the Firemane Centaurs, before being admitted as a druid amongst them. With honour he accepted this apparent challenge. The night was cold, yet dry. He was prepared for the weather, and hunger, and thirst, but not for what did happen that night; A few hours after nightfall Tom saw weird lights dancing on the fields. Curious, his intent was to investigate; he almost rose from his position underneath the tree, when he remembered its purpose. It had to be some kind of a test. The lights seemed to dance and came closer. Like ghosts they descended upon Tom who had closed his eyes and went into meditation. It was this meditation which caused him to see dreams of pain and horror, that he could later barely describe:waves of hundreds of demonic creatures wandering over the land, committing great horrors and atrocious deeds, ghosts and other undead terrorizing the living, humans draining blood and life from others, a rain of metal arrows slaying many, and monstrous humanoids he had never seen before engrossed in violence and defiling the world. And yet, there was also warmth in these awful dreams, handshaking, people embraced, happy people enjoying the touch of his glowing hands, the soft dreamy glare in the eyes of a female warrior with braided blonde hair, spirits and other vile monstrosities being slain in Zirchev’s name, the sun splitting into three suns, and many people healed by his skills. Even the scent of metal and food and the noise of joy and fun. And above all the confusing images of a dead child in blood and another laughing aloud. Totally confused Tom tried to leave the next day, but was fully embraced by the centaurs; he had passed the test, and was now a welcome member of the tribe. Tom later learned that these visions were parts of all his deeds to come In the autumn he met Peter Andrejev under the castle of the Three Suns (an image created by the sun shining between the two towers of Penhaligon Castle, giving it this name) and found they had a mutual interest in the great imbalance of humanoids versus human/demihuman population, and decided to cooperate to reinstate the balance of nature. Other members of Peter’s group accepted Tom as an important ally due to his clerical abilities… they no longer had to fully rely on weak poultices, potions and herbs to heal… the Hand of Zirchev would now also provide healing. Tom now knew his dreams were visions, but would never know when which one would happen. First when the moment displayed by the visions would pass he would recognize them as what had been foreseen.
The group that Tom had joined became a well-known and respected adventuring party primarily battling against undead, humanoids, Thyatian assassins and the slavers (before they became the Iron Ring). Around the autumn of 981 AC, Tom declined to join the Order of the Wolf as he felt he had more freedom in his actions with Peter’s group than the Order would permit. The clergy accepted his decision as they recognised the value of the deeds performed by the group under the mantle of the Traladaran Faith. The Order retained a warm welcome for Tom in any future encounters.
In the early fall of 989 AC while travelling north of Penhaligon near the Darokin Pass, Peter’s party heard the sounds of battle. It was a large trade caravan assaulted by a very large group of vile orcs. The first rays of sunlight already fell over the mountains; they grabbed this chance and entered the fray. While slaying several orcs they were held back by a wave of arrows, allowing their enemy to retreat into the woodlands. The traders now needed assistance, healing and care, so the adventurers stayed with them rather than following the orcs. Amongst caravan was a young foreign woman named Ingrid, a dwarf named Esculem, and a fallen companion of Ingrid. He could not be saved; the arrow had entered his eye and exited through the back of the skull, an instant kill, and not even the magic of Zirchev could help. Together they buried the dead and helped the caravan reach Penhaligon. Touched by the flair, and strength but also by the grief of the woman, Tom suggested the dwarf and Ingrid join their group and the invitation was accepted. Both Esculem and Ingrid soon proved to be great assets to the group, and many humanoids tribes were decimated, and even a vampire mage lord slain subsequently. A few weeks later, in an old tomb on Tomb Hill, Tom and Ingrid fell in love, while fighting back to back, attacking several skeletons with sword and spell l.
One morning in Eirmont 989 AC Ingrid became aware of the weak braying of a mule, out of the fog of Kelvin Moor.. Following the sound they found the creature with a woman on its back, tied to the saddle. The mule, saddle and the woman’s lower body covered in several layers of blood; she was dying. The group decided to do what was needed to save her. The woman’s still-born child was buried just outside of the ruined zirchev shrine south of Penhaligon where all this did happen, with the blessings of Tom’s prayers. Slowly healing she stayed with the group and became an interesting member. And as Tom loved Ingrid, so did Peter soon fall in love with her.
Discovering the ruins of the Old Barrel in the winter of 995 AC, Tom played a major role t in laying ghosts to rest and defeating other Undead. Now age 46, Tom declared that he and his friends were getting old. If they wanted the chance to lead a family life they should stop here. It was as if Zirchev, Petra or Halav had brought them to the site,,,a place were they could settle. While still undertaking the adventure-related tasks that had to be done, Tom advocated making “family” the group’s primary concern. The group agreed and started to clear the site, hide the secret basement and build a new tavern.
Slowly settling on a non-adventurous lifestyle Tom Townes still longs for some action now and then. Last year he embarked on the Kylo’s Run19 and came in second. His cup is placed proudly on a shelf behind the bar, with the parchment certificate of achievement behind it.
(♂ Minrothad Human) 21st level Cleric Church of Traladara, Weight 297lbs, 6’2” tall,
AC8, Leather Apron (AV3 not protecting back/sides) (if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC),
HD 9+, Hp45+9(CO)+12(Lvl)=66. Mv 120’40’, AT Mace +2, Club, THAC0 6 (incl. ST) add+Magic), AT as per weapon +3(ST)+magic. Sv F16, ML11, ALLN,
ST 18 (was 16; increased due training/blacksmithing), IN9, WI 17, DX 9 (was 10), CO 13, CH 9. Dwarven Anvil of Smithing (will hold a heated item worked upon at the same temperature for 6 Turns) 15.000cn weight, Languages: 4 (Traladaran, Minrothaddian, Callarii Elvish, Dwarven).
Skills: 10 (Profession: Blacksmith, Swimming, Horse Training, Healing, Animal Healing, Extra Language, Riding, Hunting, Tracking, Fishing.
Traladaran Faith (prefers Zirchev). Reverent, Loyal, Rash, Generous, Charming, Responsible, Honest, Very Reverent, Very Traditional (Traladaran)Blacksmith’s Wife (Cook’s help): Ingrid Otkelsdottir
Born on the Day of Dread in 962 AC Ingrid’s mother was the Vala Otkel Sofreigdottir of Valgard in Vestland. Her father was Reignir Bjornjägernson, a famed bear hunter. Ingrid grew up with the belief of the Vala Otkel that she would become a Vala too. When Ingrid reached puberty, however, she grew more and more interested in the ways of her father. Sometime in the spring of 984 AC (at the age of 14) she, unknown to her parents, boarded the Heldjälerna20 and even saved the captain, Knut Dagrason, on one of his raids. So, proud of her deeds, she returned home three weeks later, only to be discredited by her mother. Otkel tried to force her daughter to lay down the sword and learn the wisdom of the Immortals. Ingrid’s father was sullen yet happy that she had returned home, and was proud of her deeds, yet he accepted her mother’s plea. As a result Ingrid began to study. In the first months she ran away often, but was found by the tracking skills of her father or the seer powers of her mother. Forced in a secluded forest to be subjected to the powers of the Immortals (or at least that was the intent of her mother, the Vala) Ingrid appeared to be studying, yet actually she trained with a few young local boys, using any item as if it was a shield or weapon, or developing what she saw as useful skills (Tracking, Healing, Herbalogy). This rebellious behaviour and her blossoming femininity were noticed by these young men of her village, and she did not send them away. Every nook and cranny of that forest was visited at least once by Ingrid and her suitors. She also continued to study, but only what she desired, to achieve her true goal: becoming a hero.
On the full moon of Yarthmont 987 AC Ingrid’s mother had a vision where Ingrid was standing on a giant balance scale above a group of trolls on one side and herself stepping off the scale on the other. Shocked after receiving this Oktel went into the woods only to catch her daughter in the unexpected act of love. Furiously and ashamed Oktel used her magic to force the two suitors apart, and then to send Ingrid to home. There her father, pressed by the mother, tried to appear angry, and threatened his daughter with severe punishment. Ingrid just grabbed her sword, bound it on her hip, and picked up a large sack, while her parents ranted and issued treats. She then said to her father: ”Daddy, I know you are not angry…nor scared. I also know you both love me, and mean the best…but it is MY life!!” In the sudden silence she caressed her father’s beard and gave him a kiss. To her mother just a smile was given while saying: “Be proud of me!” and then Ingrid left the house. Her screaming and ranting mother began to follow until the father stopped his wife: “It is her life now, Let Odin’s wisdom and Thor’s strength accompany her, and Frigga give her the love she desires.” With a smile Ingrid walked on, turned once and waved a goodbye from the hill to her parents below, and went west to the High Mountains. She was soon accompanied by one of her suitors: Enkel Robson, and together they went to Rhoona. There they went into the land of the dwarves with a new friend, Gubran Esculem of the Syrklist Clan, who was trading in Rhoona. Together they travelled (with some minor adventuring along the way) to Greenston in Rockhome, where Gubran delivered 500 gold pieces he had earnt to his family, and promised to continue to send more money by CLOC21 to them while on his adventures with his new friends. Thereafter the party joined a group of dwarves intending to raid Alfheim. When they had passed through the Dwarven Tunnel, Ingrid and her two friends decided not to continue with this wild and brash group, and instead went south to reach the Gnomes of Karameikos and partake of some goblin bashing there.
On 20 Fyrmont 989 AC the three companions crossed the Cruth Mountain pass into Karameikos as trader guards, only to be attacked two days later by a large tribe of orcs who they had to fight for their life. After a whole night battling, the sun rose, and a new group of elven and human adventurers joined the battle giving Ingrid and party the upper hand. With many of the traders and other guards killed or seriously wounded, the joint group prepared to retaliate. Then a rain of black orc arrows showered down, allowing the orcs to retreat. A large arrow hit Enkel Robson in the eye killing him where he stoodt. The newly met adventurers (Peter Andrejev, Tom Townes Rowan Selasar, Idralyll and Angolnith) tried their best to save Enkel, but even the healing powers of this cleric, Tom, were not enough. The grief of losing her love overcame Ingrid , and she ran away to the hills north of Penhaligon. Tom followed her and succeeded in calming her enough to return to the group a day later. The dead having already been buried, Tom blessed the graves and helped with a ritual of departure to please Ingrid. Together the larger group travelled to Penhaligon. Eventually Ingrid overcame her troubled thoughts and found love with Tom Townes the 16 years older cleric.
One morning in 989 AC Ingrid noticed the weak braying of a mule, out of the heavy southern fog (of the Kelvin Moor). Following the sound the adventurers located a bleeding woman, in the ruined shrine south of Penhaligon, on the brink of death due to a miscarriage. The group succeeded in saving her. The still-born child was buried just outside of the shrine of Zirchev south of Penhaligon where all this happened, with the blessings of Tom’s prayers.
Discovering the ruins of the Old Barrel in the winter of 995 AC, Peter’s group defeated the local undead and decided to take over the ruins. Ingrid longed for a child and family…with Tom. In Sviftmont 1009 AC she realised she was pregnant, meaning she was likely to give birth sometime in the summer of 1010 AC22. If the child is a girl, it will be named Otkil, after the mother Ingrid still loves and if it is a boy Tim after Tom’s father.
(♀Vestland Human) 11th level fighter, 209lbs, 5’4” tall,
AC6 (incl. magic), Chain Mail (AV4) +3(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 9+, 63+18(CON) +4(Lvl) =85. Mv 120’40’, AT Sword +2 (WM Master), knows Axe, Mace, Bow, Crossbow, Spear, Dagger, Short sword, Bastard sword 1H, Bastard sword 2H
THAC0 11 (Incl ST) adjust by magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), AT as per weapon +2 (ST) + Weapon Mastery + magic. Sv F16, ML11, ALL N,
ST 16, IN13, WI 8, DX11, CO15, CH 17.
Languages: 3 (Thyatian, Vestlandish, Dengar/Dwarven)
Skills 8 (Profession: Freighter, Tracking+2, Healing, Herbalogy, Foraging, Chariot Driving, Riding. WM SK Sword, WM SK Club, WM SK Dagger, WM SK Throwing object.
Northern Faith (prefers Thor and Frigga, desires to be like Sif). Modest, Courageous, Loyal, Honest, Suspicious, Stubborn, Persistent. If pregnant beyond the 5th month Ingrid does not wear any armor.Wagon Storage
This area is along the wall next to the main stable. It is open on the southern and eastern sides beneath its roof, Inside there are three strong 10’ oak pillars of 10” diameter supporting the ceiling. The middle of the roof is 15’ tall, and its open southern side is boarded with white painted planks. The roof is of 2 to 3 feet thick thatched reed (on the lead-white painted boards), which have turned a bit green, brown and mossy. The thatch is still waterproof, although it is reaching the limit of its durability. (Normally renewed every 5 to 10 years). The reed hangs 3 inches over the edge and there is a pewter raingutter underneath collecting rainwater in barrels and preventing water-logging of the walls. The water is consumable, but will hold some debris; due to this it is mostly used for animals, the smithy or for cleaning purposes. On the outside the gutter between the Wagon Storage and the Main Stable leads into an old low pewter bathing tub, providing extra water supply for the horses or to clean the wagons. Several tools are stored on the rafters of the roof for a variety of purposes. Wagons stalled here can be no wider than 10’ and no higher than 10’ and, with yoke + shaft, no longer than 25’. Standard wagons are similar to this; http://www.rijtuigen.net/koets/tekeningen/ko11.gif and are always stalled with their shafts facing the courtyard.
At the road junction near The Barrel is a sign with three white wooden plates. They point eastwards and westwards along the main Eastron Road and to the north along the Scalania Road . As can be seen some of the destinations on the signs are struck through as these locations are now in ruins (the result of actions by Thyatian soldiers, rambunctious Thyatian youth or racist travellers). Sometimes here are even Thyatian to Traladaran insults written on these road signs, but they are removed as soon as possible. The ruined locations still exists and are often still used, unknown to the vandals.
East is Labelled;
Verrau trail 6 mls.( to Verrau +4 mls.)
Halav Shrine 10 mls.
Kondrien Trail 14 mls. (to Kondrien +0.7 mls),
Cloister of Zirchev Trail 21 mls. (to Cloister +2 mls.)
Rugalov 24 mls.
Coltian 31 mls.
Rugalov Keep 31 mls.
Border with Thyatis 31.5 mls.
Veralium 34 mlsWest is labelled;
Trail to Petra Shrine 6.5 mls. (To shrine +3 mls.)
Andis 14 mls.Zirchev Shrine 17.5 mls.
trail to Shrine of Healing 27 mls. (to Shrine +2.3 mls.)
Soprotiv 30 mls.
trail toShrine of Halav 43 mls. (to shrine +1 mls.)
Sibeon 46 mls.North is labelled;
Scalania 7 mls.
Calyanya 14.5 mls.
Hsiaou Dolmen 17 mls.
Coltian 28 mls.
River Henge 29 mls.
Rugalov River Elven Bridge 31.5 mls.
Ryania 40 mls.
Region of Haven ??Nearby Farms
These farms sell all their produce to the Barrel and to the nearby Rugalov Village. As there are several farms in the area, only the closest and most important to the Barrel are mentioned here.
1 To the east is farmer Osvald Ostrivi with cows, corn, grain and beets. He has a wife, 3 young children and 1 Shearing youngster harvesting the crops.
2 To the southeast is farmer Patya Gybolovi with cows, goats, 3 ostriches (very rare and almost unheard of in Karameikos, producing 1d4+1 large eggs weekly). He has a wife, 2 elders (one of each side of the family), 7 children (ages 0 to 6) and 2 Shearing youngsters harvesting the crops and doing chores, and provides lodging for one of the wenches who work at The Barrel.
3 To the south is farmer Hedeon Grisha with sheep, goats and a good vineyard. He has 2 wives 3 children (ages 5 to 9) and is main lodging for the wenches of the Barrel. His ram(s) are used to impregnate the 5 sheep that graze at the Inn.
4 To the west is Karoll Dungorovi with various fruits, and a brewery. He has 2 brothers and 1 adopted child; they also host the other wenches of the Barrel.
All these people are neutral Traladarans of Low or Normal Commoner level (1 to 3 at best (see; http://pandius.com/commoner.html), making their living from their produce. They have - like most farmers here - regular issues with thieving, Thyatian vandalism and sometimes plundering and damaging goblins. Some of the farmers set traps (bear trap, poisoned fruits/meat laid open, sling traps) or have a hired guard. Due to this the average value of local produce is 110% of the normal prices (upon which buying and selling can be calculated as suggested in; http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf).
The Wenches of the Barrel
The female staff are on duty (normally) each day from 11am to 11pm, but are allowed to earn extra money from the customers by entertaining them to midnight, or overnight (if mutually agreed upon by customer, wench and Nightwatch or Peter). The wenches normal duties are to serve drinks and/or food to the customers; prepare the guest rooms, help in cleaning; most inquiries are directed to Peter, Sascha, or “Granny”. The wenches are all young women in their Shearing Period trying to earn themselves a chance in life. They all live in nearby farms, where they share their income with the family there, and sometimes (not often) have to do extra or other work which may keep them from earning money in the Barrel.
Arya Watirlova (♀Traladaran Human)
Age 18, 143lbs, 5’1” tall,
ST9, IN8, Wi8, DX16, CO16, CH17,
Normal Commoner 2HD 2, Hp 8+4 (CO),
THAC0/SV as C2. AL N
Traladaran Faith; preferring Petra. Greedy, Energetic, Honest, Cautious
Arya originates from Sibeon, is very healthy and attractive. She is now 8 months into her Shearing Period and. On rare occasions she earns some extra money as “temporary companion” when the person is attractive. There are some men (like Perturo Monetera, Sergeant Dawnbrow and Gustaf Kardowin) who desire Anya as a trophy, but do not wish to marry her or pay her to be a mistress. She feels that Kwaam Snout treats her the best, even protecting her, yet his weird skin color is a turnoff. If that relation would have a chance, it will be proven in time.Kemira Annejka (♀Traladaran Human)
Age 17), 165lbs, 5’2” tall,
ST13, IN10, WI8, DX 9, CO18, CH8,
Strong Commoner 2, HD 2, Hp 12+6(CO),
THAC0/SV as F2, Swimming skill. AL CG
Kemira is a farm girl, and although almost two years into her Shearing period, she did not travel far, as her parental home is in Kondrien. Her parents trade regularly with The Barrel, and they have joyful and loving reunions. Kemira is the strongest of the wenches and not afraid of anything. (Not even magical Fear or Charm affects her; this is possibly a side-effect of magic applied to her mother during pregnancy).
Traldar Faith; Petra preferring.
Around her neck Kemira wears a chain of 2 vampire teeth. (She punched them out of the mouth of the vampire who thought he had charmed her and intended to feed on her. Totally aghast the vampire flew away.) Several customers have also received punches, this girl cannot be treated wrongly. Kemira loves to chop logs, making many customers watch in wonder and amazement. Rash, Reverent, Energetic, Open minded Kemira was 13th in last year’s run of Kylo’s Peak.Silia Gorbatev (♀Traladaran Human) Age 18)156 Lbs, 4’11” tall,
ST7, IN16, WI13, DX11, CO9, CH14,
Low Commoner 3, HD 3, Hp 7,
Traldar Faith; Halav preferring. Daughter of the scribe of Rugalov, she has never worked, nor desired to do so. All she has done previously is reading, writing, and mathematics. Forced last year by her parents to begin her Shearing Period, she tried to reach Mirros/Specularum, but a notice in The Barrel advertising for staff resulted in her landing up here. Cautious, Dogmatic, Fearful, TrustingMaarya Bengodiv (♀Traladaran Human)
Age 16) 123lbs, 4’8” tall,
ST11, IN11, WI13, DX6, CO14, CH13,
Normal Commoner 1, HD 5, Hp 5+1(CO),
Maarya is the latest addition to the crew. She entered her Shearing period just 2 months ago, and embarked as a hired hand on a caravan from Kelvin to Specularum/Mirros. A week later Gustaf Kardowin noticed her and he ‘bought’ her from the first merchant. As a hired hand nothing inappropriate happened at first, yet as soon as the caravan moved east away from Specularum/Mirros and crossed the bridge at Krakatos, Gustaf began making awkward suggestions in public. Maarya ignored them with a smile, which Gustaf took as a sign to continue his advances. As they stalled the wagons on the Merchant Field at The Barrel, she ran into the courtyard, and clasped the pregnant Ingrid. Gustaf was enraged, and demanded his serf to obey his commands. Stomping his foot on the ground to put some strength to his words some horse manure splashed up spoiling his white pants and leather boots permanently. Gustaf’s cursing like a wild hog, threatening both girls and insulting them drew Tom into the fray. Daunted by the muscular man with a large blacksmith’s hammer in his hands, Gustaf calmed down, and suggested Maarya could leave the caravan if he was repaid for his loss. Both Tom and Ingrid threw some gold pieces on the dirty ground. While Fustaf grasped for them, they smiled, and toppled him over. “Ok, that’s done. Leave her alone now”, said Tom. Gustaf was furious but needed to use this tavern regularly so restrained his anger, and walked away. Since then Maarya has worked at the inn, mostly washing and cleaning. She has been given a small room at the nearest neighbouring farm where she helps - plucking the strawberries, berries, and apples when they are in season, or caring for the young sheep..
Godless, Dogmatic, Modest, Peaceful. Maarya is a Traladaran taught in the Traladaran Church, yet who is not religious in any way, the Immortals are just legends to her, and the cleric’s powers are like those of the magic-user.Nightguard
The Nightguard crew is active between 10pm and 7am. They guard the area, and settle guests’ disputes. They all have a magical whistle, which when blown can be heard by the others, and magically directs the others to them wherever they are. Most of the crewe have been adventuring friends of Peter and live in Rugalov or other nearby locations. Most of the following NPC’s will be available, sometimes with 1d4 extra hired hands (depending on threat or number of guests) who are trusted fighters or thieves. On quieter days one of the standard crew might be off duty, doing what they desire
Rowan Selasar
Born in Selenica, Darokin in 950 AC, Rowan was a member of Peter’s adventuring group for a while, and they are still friends. In 976 AC Rowan decided to learn magic from more natural sources, desiring to know where it actually originated from. The known magical and magical crystal locations in Karameikos became his primary interest. In his research he required the help of a strong associate, and befriended Peter Andrejev. Many magical locations were known to exist in the hills north and east of Penhaligon. Along with many humanoids. Rowan and Peter were joined by two elves who they had met independently in Kelvin’s market. Rowan’s magic together with the skills and experience of the elves and Peter enabled the party to defeat the humanoids they encountered. Their exploits against undead and humanoids increased their reputation as adventurers, and Rowan’s knowledge of the region and magic.
Rowan Selasar began building his tower on 22 Klarmont 993 AC, legally permitted by Duke Stefan Karameikos’ court. This permission severely annoyed some people who were puzzled as to how this foreigner had the right to do so. (In fact, Tom had received this authority as a reward for his part in saving Lady Olivia in 979 AC, but he had not exercised this right until no). On 5 Sviftmont 995 AC Rowan completed his tower and Magic Shop. He has lived there from this date, creating simple magical items, and analyzing unknown ones for a fee. Rowan began taking part in the Nightwatch at The Barrel. Working there on those days when he was not doing magical research or creations and investigating the magical locations of the Dymrak Forest (he knows all of them, except location C on the map).
Rowan is a great source for magical inquiries, analyzing objects for adventurers (destroying the item if cursed) or locals requiring hedge wizard items (see; http://pandius.com/Great_School_of_Magic_in_detail.pdf Page 433-434), making and selling low level magical items (weapons to +2 enchantment, various potions and scrolls (not healing), and wands). He also buys magical items of any enchantment, yet does not always risk using an Analyze spell as it temporarily drains the constitution of the caster during the process and subjects them to curses and other effects placed on the object. He cannot use his Slate of Identification on anything larger than a foot. Analyze costs: (1000 gp/item x1.5 per power, +5000 gp if deemed dangerous.); Create Items costs: 2000 gp/spell level, or 1500 gp/charge above the normal material costs. .
(♂ Darokin Human) 163lbs, 5’2” tall
16th level Mage 6th level Merchant (See Gaz11 Republic of Darokin Player book23),
,AC9 (incl DX+magic), HD 9+, Hp27(HD)+7(Lvl)=34. Mv 120’/40’, AT dagger or spells, THAC0 13, AT as per weapon (Dagger/Staff) or spell, Mage Spells; 5-5-5-4-4-3-2-2, Merchant Spells; 4-2-1). Sv MU16, ML8, ALN,
ST 9, IN16, WI 9, DX8, CO11, CH 9.
Slate of Identification, Scroll of Communication (Peter has the other connected scroll), Spellbook with 300 spell levels written down (50 left open). Languages; 5: (Traladaran, Thyatian (Darokin Dialect), Elvish (Alfheim Dialect), Ylari, Local Goblinoid).
Skills; 10: Profession: Freighter, Alchemy, Alternate Magics, Trade, Haggle, Bribe, Riding, Chariot Driving, Naturalist, Spell Storage).
Loyal, Proud, Honest, Rash, Godless, Clumsy, Studious. Rowan acknowledges the Immortals, yet sees them as extreme empowered mortals, humanly strong and weak in all aspects, and hence not worthy to build a faith upon.Gertrude Ingwarsdottir
Born 15 Sviftmont 974 AC at Whiteheart in the Ozurfold Soderfjord Jarldom. At the age of 26 Gertrude could no longer accept the blame and verbal abuse from her father, and in the dark of the night she left home and hitched a 3 year period as a Thyatian merchant guard. She travelled and gained experience in Ylaruam, and eventually reached Selenica, which became her base of operations from this point. It was during her time in Ylarum that she plundered an old Nithian tomb, where she acquired her sword and armor. Between 1005 and 1007 AC Gertrude was again on duty as hired merchant guard, travelled through the north of Karameikos where she was forced to battle large numbers of abelaats. After three days of fighting, she found she was the sole survivor. Her sword trembled with the power it had used, and its ancient forbidden powers might have been her only solace in battling several hundred abelaats almost single-handedly. Her psyche, however, was severely hurt and large numbers of enemies would make her aggressive and ignore friends (not attacking non-enemies, but not helping them either) while furiously, almost berserk, attacking the foes.
Gertrude appears as a female Northlander (Viking) with long blonde hair in braids and wearing Nithian (Egyptian) attire. She often hides her attire by dressing in cloaks and mantles. She currently lives in the village of Verrau, where she has a cosy romantic cottage.
(♀ Soderfjord Human) 170lbs, 5’4” tall,14th level fighter,
AC-1 (incl DEX, +1 Shield, +3 magic Shield, +5 Magic armor), Nithian Buckler shield +1+3), Nithian Brass Armor +5 (AV4) (if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 14, Hp45+9(CO)+10(Lvl)=64. Mv 120’/40’, AT Nithian Khopesh sword+5.
THAC0 10 (Incl) adjust by magic in melee as normal), AT as per weapon +1(ST)+magic. Sv F9, ML10, AL CG, ST 15, IN7, WI1, DX17, CO13, CH 11.
Languages: 4 (Traladaran (recently learned), Thyatian, Soderfjord, Ylari)
Skills: 8 (Profession: Fortune-Teller(soothsaying + Fortune Telling(-3 due lack interest), Military Tactics, Hunting, Extra Language, Hear Noise, Survival Woodlands, Survival Desert, Tracking)
Northern faith (prefers Thor). Rash, Violent, Dogmatic, Reverent, Energetic, Courageous.Nithian Brass/Meteoric Steel Armor of Toth+5: this Unique Armor +5 AV4 (possible Artifact?) has the property of draining all sustained damage (energy) on it and transferring it to the related Sword. As this armor cannot be removed unless by a Wish spell, it also does not influence sleep24, unless after a battle(see below). https://i.pinimg.com/originals/93/c6/12/93c6120b4c7154602e43c09a39d975a0.jpg
Nithian Brass/Meteoric Steel Shield of Toth+3: this Unique Buckler Shield AC+1, Magic +3 (possible Artifact?) has the property of draining all sustained damage (energy) on it and transferring it to the related Sword. http://spiralforums.biz/uploads/monthly_04_2012/post-19351-0-29886600-1335621887.jpg
Nithian Meteoric Steel Khopesh Sword of Toth+5: The sword is in effect a Normal Sword, for weapon Mastery Rules. https://www.scaleatherarmor.com/images/product/medium/AH-4317.jpg This Unique Sword +5 (possible Artifact?) receives all stored damage sustained on the related armor or shield as well as the energy of any missed attackby the wielder themself which can be used as:
1 instantaneous healing of all damage the next round (by placing the flat of the sword at any wound for 1 initiative), including the healing of all wounds, even the ones being sustained further in this round, to the maximum of all stored points or the wounds are healed (whichever comes first); or
2 as doubling the rolled damage, not counting strength-, weapon mastery-, or magic adjustments (by cutting or sticking into a body). As it does so, it becomes stronger in the hands of a weapon master, when the weapon mastery increases the dice used. Any damage or healing will lower the amount of stored points.
Any hit bypassing the shield or armor is still a normal hit giving damage to the wearer, but any miss (except 1 which is a total miss) will be rolled as if giving damage which will then be added to the stored points in the sword.
The sword is at -5 to hit and damage, and cannot give critical damage (18, 19, 20 as per Armor Value rules, see “Dawn of the Emperors”) if handled without wearing the armor.
The whole set of Nithian weapons and armor together has a singular sentience, and starts glowing faintly purple if it has stored points, and this glow becomes somewhat brighter with each stored damage. At 100hp stored it will act as a purplish Continual Light, and a Bless spell starting to hum an ancient Nithian battle tune25; at 200hp stored it will softly tremble and act as a continuous Turn Undead effect of a Cleric of 5th level, (increasing by 1 level every extra stored 40 hp). The armor also prevents exhaustion and fatigue caused by battle26, but after a battle, if a chance of sleep is possible it will increase the regular sleeping time of the wearer by three times or more. Any points stored and not used within an hour will dissipate at the rate of 1 per round.
This unique item is one of the forbidden weapons of the Nithians not removed by the Immortals for unknown reasons. Who the Immortal Toth was is unknown to most, but it was assumed by sages that he possibly a lawful Immortal of knowledge, healing and war. When Gertrude dies, her body will be teleported with the armor to the temple where she obtained the items. It will remain there waiting for the next Herald to use it wisely. The armor and sword cannot be undone except by use of a wish, and is NOT nullified on Days of Dread (suggesting again that the item is an Artifact). The sword and shield can be placed 1’ away while eating or sleeping, but cannot be taken further, not even by someone else, (which sometimes results in funny and hilarious situations if thieves attempt to steal the items in taverns).
Mitchell ‘Scararm’ Uverson
Born 5 Eirmont 971AC in Nula Elegy Island Ierendi. At the age of 29 he travelled to Karameikos, fell in love with the women there and stayed. Still unmarried; presumed to have over 30 offspring; caught red-handed once by a brutish well-experienced head guard of Baron Ludwig von Hendricks in the Black Eagle Barony - in bed with the guard’s wife, succeeded in defeating the armed guard, with no weapon in hand, fled severely wounded. Got his wounds treated in the Cloister of Petra near Sibeon, but the damage was so severe and had been left for too long, that he now has an arm full of scars. He repaid his healing by doing guard duty in the Barrel (where he lend the money) and in the cloister (where his friendly and passionate side is often revealed to the sisters there). Now debt free he is still working with pleasure, bearing his nickname and the scar with pride. He now has a small cottage in Andis.
(♂ Ierendi Human) 6th level fighter,
188lLbs, 5’0” tall,
AC6 (incl DX), Chain Mail (AV4) (if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 6, 39Hp. Mv 120’/40’, AT Sword +1,
THAC0 16(Incl.ST), AT as 1d8 +1(ST) +1 magic. Sv F6, ML9, ALN,
ST 14, IN6, WI 8, DX7, CO11, CH 17.
Languages: 4(Traladaran, Thyatian, Ierendi (Makai), Harpy).
Skills: 5 (Profession: Fisherman, Law & Justice, Jumping, Swimming, Drinking).
Karameikan Faith (prefers Valerias patroness of Love). Loyal, Honest, not very Reverent, Lazy (distracted easily), Pretty and knowing it, Very Flirtatious, afraid of undead, and thunderstorms.Roman Lucia
Born 2 Nuwmont 941 AC in Thyatis City. Due to massive debts as an inexperienced youth he was indentured and sold to the arena and trained there as a Secutor (Sword and Shield). He experienced allowed him to buy his freedom in 1003 AC, just before the Great War, when tensions grew between the various people and Arena fights became less popular. Although Roman is is now in his maturity, he is still a formidable fighter. Some flawed spells used in the arena, caused him to become allergic to magic. When magic area effects are present where he is, he gets a soft itching sensation all over his body after 10+1d20 rounds. Magical items worn or used (not merely touched) or magic cast upon him do the same with an increased effect after 5 +1d6 rounds. Ingested magic causes severe regurgitation 1d4 rounds thereafter (not dispelling the effect though), and an overall weakness for 1d3 hours (ST/CO-2). He does not disapprove of magic, he just doesn’t like it…at all. Unknown to him or anyone else he does not suffer these symptoms with Druidic magic, or nature magic27. Roman is a citizen of Rugalov.
(♀ Thyatian Human) 7th level fighter,
194lbs, 5’5’ tall, AC9 (excluding normal shield = -2, large shield= -3, or tower shield= -4), Chain Mail(AV4)(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 7, 37+7(CO)=44. Mv 120’/40’, AT Sword,
THAC0 13 (incl. ST). Sv F7, ML8 ALCN,
ST 16, IN 10, WI 8, DX 10, CO 15, CH 6.
Languages: 2 (Traladaran, Thyatian).
Skills: 5 (Profession: Arena Fighter (includes; Shield Fighting, Basic Healing, Theatrics), Haggling, Grovelling, Law & Justice, WM SK Sword.
Karameikan Faith (prefers Ixion the sun-god). Loyal, Proud, Honourable, Honest, Reverent, Trusting.Angolnith
Born Autumn 742 AC in Verge, Karameikos
Current aged 268, Angolnith had a blessed life in Verge growing up as an herbalist, living of whatever the land produced and earning some profit from the markets in Verge, Threshold and Kelvin. During the harsh winter in 945 AC, when there was an insurgence of humanoid attacks in the region, Angolnith grouped together with some other elves in an attempt to lower the threat. In 968 AC, after several decades, Angolnith was alone, his elven adventuring friends either dead or gone away, and he almost retired to the village of Threshold. In the late spring of 970 AC he was ready to return home when the Traladarans rebelled against the new ruler, Stefan Karameikos. Angolnith quickly joined the Traladaran side and took part in many small fights against Thyatians near Kelvin. In the summer of 970 AC, deeply entrenched in the Marilenev Rebellion and the overall chaos in Karameikos with the takeover by Stefan Karameikos, Angolnith joined Peter, Idralyll and the three other heroes (who later perished individually). Idralyll and Angolnith seemed very interested in each other from the beginning, but their various Callarii, and Vyallia Clan customs of inter-clan friendships or relations kept them apart. When Peter was knighted in the Order of the Golden Sword on 18 Vatermont 975 AC, behind the decorative long curtains of Castle Penhaligon, Angolnith and Idralyll finally consumed their “illegal”28 cross-clan love and became a couple. The pair were not welcomed by their own and especially the other’s clan. Both now live in Calyanya.(♂ Calarii Elf); meaning; Magic Stench of Deep Lore29. 10th Rank D, level Elf, 113lbs, 4’9” tall,
AC6 (incl DX+magic), Elven Chain Mail(AV4) +1(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 8+, Hp39+8(CO)=47. Mv 120’/40’, AT Spells (Sword +2 (WM Skilled), Longbow (WM Skilled),
THAC0 12 (adjust by magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), AT as per weapon+Weapon Mastery+magic. Sv E10, ML10, ALLN,
ST 11, IN12, WI 8, DX17, CO13, CH 16.
Languages: 5 (Traladaran, Thyatian, Callarii Elvish, Local Orcish, Dwarven).
Skills:; 8 (Profession; Horsebreeding/training+1, Riding, Calligraphy, Cooking, Herbalism, Observation, Elven Tribal Healing).
Elven Faith (Maeliden). Modest, Honest, Loyal, Honourable, Dogmatic, Reverent.Dayguard
The Dayguard crew is active between 7:30am and 7pm. They guard the area and settle any disputes between guests. They all have a magical whistle which, when blown, can be heard by the others, and gives magical direction to wherever the summoner is. Most of them have been adventuring friends of Peter and live in Rugalov or other nearby locations. One of the following NPC’s is always present during the crew’s shift time.
Gubran Esculem
Born 12 Eirmont 965 AC in Greenston, Rockhome. Son of Gillum of the Syrklist (“and well met”, as goes his usual introduction even in the presence of enemies). The family standing is Struggling. Gubran received some money from his family in the hope that he would return from adventuring and prove worthy of the family name, becoming wealthy and influential so that the family might gain in status. He fared well in Rhoona, Vestland where he also befriended Ingrid Otkelsdottir and her suitor. Together they delivered money home to Greenstone, after which they temporarily aligned with some dwarves intending to carry out a loot and run attack on the elves of Alfheim. While passing through the secret Dwarven Pass, they survived an attack by a small number of Chokers30. This changed their demure and plans. They left the group, passed through Selenica and obtained jobs as guards on a caravan to Traladara. There they were attacked by a mass of orcs who killed their comrade and caravan members. Here they met Peter and friends whom they joined, reluctantly. After a few weeks they eventually became good friends. Esculem currently lives in Rugalov, and earns money from his work, some mining in the Thunder Mountains and some adventurin. He regularly sends a portion of his income each month to his family in Greenston (by CLOC - see footnote 19).. He does not desire to leave because in Rugalov lives Daisha, a very interesting Dwarven Lady and Gemcutter.
(♂ Rockhome Dwarf), 8th level dwarf, 243lbs, 4’0” tall,
AC6 (incl. magic), Dwarven Plate Mail +3(AV6)(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 8+, Hp59+8(Col)=67. Mv 120’/40’, AT Sword +2 (WM Master), Club (WM Skilled), THAC0 9 (adjust by ST+magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), AT as per weapon +2(ST)+Weapon Mastery+magic. Sv F16, ML11, ALNG,
ST 16, IN 9 WI 8, DX 9, CO 13, CH 6.
Languages: 6(Dengar (Dwarvish), Vestland, Thyatian, Gnomish, Basic Goblinoid, Koboldish).
Skills: 7(Labor/Profession: Lumberjack (incl. Woodcutting/Lumbering, Woodlore), Engineering, Mining, Singing, Skinning, Trapping, Storytelling).
Dwarven Faith (Kagyar). Responsible, Energetic, Honest, Trusting, Generous, Cautious. Axe, Dagger, CrossbowIdralyll
Born 15 Thaumont 922 AC in Mirtari Vyallia. On14 Vatermont 965 AC Idralyll and Peter met at the Grand Tavern next to the market in Kelvin. Peter had just begun his Shearing and was always interested in the elves. Together with Alduil (Alfheim Archer), Torgrimm Hammerson (Thyatian Dwarf) and Layla Pershkov (Cleric), they grouped together to earn riches, slay evil and explore the world. In the summer of 970 AC and deeply entrenched in the Marilenev Rebellion and the overall chaos in Karameikos with the takeover by Stefan Karameikos, Angolnith joined Peter, Idralyll and the three other heroes (who later perished individually). Idralyll and Angolnith seemed very interested in each other from the beginning, yet their various Callarii, and Vyallia Clan customs of inter-clan friendships or relations kept them apart. When Peter was knighted in the Order of the Golden Sword on 18 Vatermont 975 AC, behind the decorative long curtains of Castle Penhaligon, Angolnith and Idralyll finally consumed their “illegalsee footnote 27” cross-clan love and became a couple. Both were unwelcome by their own and especially the other’s clan, and live in peace in Calyanya using their adventurous earnings and horse breeding/training.
(♀ Vyallia Elf); meaning; Twigs Sticking around31, 98lbs, 4’8” tall,Born 15 Thaumont 922AC (current age 88), 10th level Elf Rank C,
AC7 (incl magic), Elven Chain Mail(AV4) +2 of Reflection(if Armor Value is not used, subtract AV from AC to get correct AC), HD 9+, Hp44+9(CO)+1(Lvl)=47. Mv 120’40’, AT (2/r) Sword +1, Elven Short Bow (WM Skilled),
THAC0 13 (adjust by DX with missile)+magic and WM in melee as per Rules Cyclopedia pages 75-80), AT as per weapon +Weapon Mastery+magic. Spells; 3-3-3-3-2 Sv Elf 10F, ML;10, AL;LN,
ST 11, IN15, WI 12, DX10, CO13, CH 16.
Languages: 6 (Traladaran, Thyatian, Vyallia Elvish, Local Orcish, Local Goblinoid, Local Gnoll). Skills: 9 (Profession: Hunter (incl. Woodlore, Butcher, Local Fauna, Tracking), Trapping, Orientation, Riding, Griffon Riding, Fire Building, Cooking. Move Silent; Woodlands, Quick draw. WM SK Short Bow). Vyallia Clan and Immortal Ilsundal. Loyal, Modest, Courageous, Godless, Cautious/Careful, Peaceful.Master Gerwood
Master Gerwood, actually named Gerwood Septentrionianus, was born on the morning 15 Flaurmont 957 AC in nearby Machetos (Thyatis). As the first sunbeams of that day invoked their warmth and light on the mother it was ordained that it was Ixion himself who delivered the baby from the mother’s womb. Due to this, Gerwood was brought to the Porcinius cloister of the Church of Thyatis, just 8 miles north of Glevum. At the time he was 17, there was a great fire (which was actually caused by Gerwood in a feeble attempt to control fire) which totally ruined the cloister causing the survivors to find their own way. Gerwood was banished for his deed, and went west to Karameikos. Gerwood is afraid of fire, and dislikes the sun as it hurts the burn scars on his face and right half of his body that he sustained. In his opinion he was punished by Ixion for failing to control fire, and banished. Feeling ashamed of all the scars and burns he caused, he switched faith and found his place in the recently spawned Cult of Chardastes, in Penhaligon, where he was allowed to treat the wounded. Soon the Cult was absorbed into the Church of Karameikos, but a few years later, out of dissentiment and opposing religious opinions, the cult broke away and aligned with the Church of Traladara (especially Petra). The followers of Chardastes were allowed to embrace their own Immortal under the Church of Traladara. The Church thus gained extra healing capabilities to help their own followers. After the Great War and the massed attacks of the abelaats, Gerwood was relocated from Castle Penhaligon with the adventurers who had saved him to gain more experience. Gerwood earned the title of Master in the winter of 1007 AC for his discovery of a Remove Scar spell32. In 1008 AC, seeking some extra income and acknowledgement of his deeds and skills, Master Gerwood introduced himself to Peter. At first Peter was somewhat reluctant, yet allowed Greenwood to work in the Dayguard, where his skills as healing wounded customers (mostly as a result of accidents while travelling or during loading/unloading) were soon welcomed.
(♂ Traladaran Human, 201lbs, 5’7” tall, Cleric/Healer of Chardastes (recently placed in Traladaran Church), Local Healer and Surgeon) 8th level Healer cleric33, AC5 (incl DX+magic), AV0 (does never wear armor), HD 5 hp29(HD/Lvl). Mv 120’/40’, AT Mace +1,
THAC0 19 (incl -2ST)adjust by magic. Sv C8, ML11, ALLN,
ST 5, IN15, WI 18, DX11, CO8, CH 4.
Languages: 4 (Traladaran, Thyatian, Callarii Elvish, Dwarven).
Skills: 5 (Science: Anatomy. Healing, Veterinary Healing, Natural Healing, Elven Tribal Healing). Cautious, Modest, Peaceful, Reverent, Dogmatic, Fearful. Respect Traladaran Immortals, Honours and prays to Chardastes only.Timeline
This chronology integrates events from the canonical timeline presented in GAZ1: “The Grand Duchy of Karameikos” and on “Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure” with the histories of The Barrel and the various NPCs related to that location and the surrounding area of the Dymark Forest region
1715 BC Tahytis the Nosferati witch-child born in the ruins of the Taymoran mountain settlement of Pahros Alf-Tethitis.
500 BC Tahytis and Pharos Alf-Tethitis become trapped on their small segment of land (Ogos island) after it is separated from the mainland by earthquakes. Both, being unable to cross flowing water, have become prisoners.
Autumn 742 AC Angolnith born in Callanya.
Summer 746 AC The original road inn named “The Barrel” constructed in the Dymrak Forest region
15 Thaumont 922 AC Idralyll born in Mirtari
Spring 926 AC An unknown sailor lands on Ogos island; meets Tahytis, falls in love and is sent away after the deed.
28 Kaldmont 926 AC/1 Nuwmont 927 AC Finnig the witch34 born from unknown sailor and Tahytis on the Isle of Ogos.
941AC Martha Pershikin and Finnig meet and adventure together during their Shearing Years.
Spring 942 AC After attaining Landed Knight rank in the Order of the Golden Sword, Lord Rugalov created the Keep and Tower to prevent invasions into Traladara and regulate trade to and from nearby Overton. There is a ferry to ease the crossing of the Haven River, but some desire a bridge. There is some dispute between Lord Rugalov and Lord Burnovich over the region.
15 Fyrmont 945 AC The original road inn named “The Barrel” is abandoned after repeated goblin attacks, obscure fires, and mishaps (caused by Redstone the Redcap).
Winter 945 AC Angolnith unites with some other elves in an attempt to lower the increasing humanoid threat.
945 AC Tahytis succumbs to the promising taunts of the demonic voices.
948 AC Stefan Karameikos born. The original Barrel inn s cleaned and reopened under new management, and almost from day one has to suffer attacks from goblins (who think the building hides some wealth of magic).
early Summer 948 AC Tahytis succeeds in becoming a Black Hag after sacrificing almost a hundred sailors in a terrible storm.
Summer 948 AC Finnig, Martha and Pjotr (the father of Peter) defeat the Black Hag, Tahytis leaving the rest of Ogos island untouched.
2 Flaurmont 950 AC Rowan Selesar born
14 Vatermont 951 AC Peter Andrejev born
12 Amyrmont 955 AC Jaggadash goblins burn the Barrel Inn down to the ground for the last time. Several guests are slain, and none of the staff survives. The location is abandoned and the remnants fall apart in the following decades; the site becomes a haven for the ghosts and wraiths of those who perished there. The last owner’s relatives (who live in Rugalov) inherit the ruined structure and its land.
22 Sviftmont 955 AC Sascha Mischnikov born
15 Flaurmont 957AC Gerwood Septentrionianus, born in the morning in Machetos (Thyatis)
959 AC Lady Olivia Promethian born
Summer 959 AC Rowan officially enters the DDC as a minor merchant. He began buying fruits, converting them with skill to juices and selling in bulk to shops. His youthful skill of trading was noticed and as a result he was invited to become a full merchant and trained by Welkin Otterson (Merchant 3).
11 Eirmont 964 AC Tom Townes born
14 Vatermont 965 AC Peter began his Shearing on his birthday. That same day he met and befriended Idralyll. Together with Alduil (Alfheim Archer), Torgrimm Hammerson (Thyatian Dwarf) and Layla Pershkov (Cleric) they banded together to earn riches, slay evil and explore the world.
15 Eirmont 967 AC Rowan Selasar surpassed the skills of his trainer, and obtained his own small caravan (2 wagons) to trade in Traladara. There he discovered the Magicians Guild Hall in Specularum. What he saw there seemed so simple to him, so he sold his wagons and enrolled himself into the Magicians Guild as an apprentice..
Winter 967AC Angolnith joined 5 other Callarii elves in an attempt to lower the ever increasing humanoid threat.
15 Vatermont 968 AC Redtop Volcano on Fire Island erupted explosively and a huge charged storm rose, followed by a tidal wave. Tom Townes’ parents and sister were drowned in the wave that hit the coast. The 4 year old Tom was saved by a Zirchev Cleric. The tidal wave also destroyed the mouth of the Haven (later Rugalov) River and the village of Erroton, which was abandoned after the tidal wave left a muddy morass of destruction. Survivors settled in Coltian, Veralium,and Kondrien, or set up new farms nearby. The disaster also destroyed the region of the Drema Peninsula, making it into a separate Island. The Burnovich never left this island, and thus lost their claim to the region.
10 to 22 Ambyrmont 968 AC The ferry across the Haven river was inactive for about 6 months, while attempts were made to find those lost in the disaster. Those located were buried in the graveyard near where some survivors had set up a group of farms (and which would later become Rugalov35). The Haven River was renamed the Rugalov River to honor the work of Lord Rugalov in saving as many people as possible. Similarly the Keep is named Rugalov Keep.
28 Flaurmont 969 AC Sascha Mischnikov’s grandmother died due to disease. Feeling abandoned, Sascha began her Shearing a week after at the age of 14.
Eirmont 968 AC The harsh and difficult world led Sascha to become a Thief, and 8 months into her Shearing period she succeeded in leaving the city of Marilenev for the first time. The occupying Thyatians were still relaxed and the Traldar Lords still had their lands and power.
Nuwmont 970 AC Stefan Karameikos sells his ancestral duchy and acquires the Traladaran lands becoming Duke of Karameikos, bringing in military, and enforcing new laws.
Spring 970 AC Lady Olivia Promethian affianced with Stefan
970 AC Marilenev Rebellion defeated by Stefan Karameikos’ army. Great resentment arises, yet soon cools down to a more political, mischievous animosity. Mischnikov’s parents perish during the revolt against new Duke Stefan. Last sighting of the Burnovich family and staff. Many suggest they perished in the rebellion, yet rumours and gossip persist of their brutality are soon proven to be true, as the caves below the castle and island reveal the evidence of countless torture and other horrors.
Summer 970 AC With the Marileinev Rebellion and the overall chaos in Karameikos resulting from the takeover by Stefan Karameikos, Rowan and Angolnith joined Peter and Idralyll (and the three other heroes who later perished individually). Idralyll and Angolnith became friendly towards each other.
Kaldmont 970 AC Rugalov Village is created by order of Duke Stefan Karameikos (and new houses are built, out of the Duke’s own treasury) to placate the negative feelings of the native Traladarans. This allowed the former residents of Overton to reunite, mixing Thyatian and Traladaran families to create a stable balance. Merchants from the two nations meet in the newly built market and trade. The Thyatian influence on the commercial scene initiates a call for a bridge to be built across the river.
28 Kaldmont 970 AC Ingrid Otkelsdottir born
22 Kaldmont 972 AC At the age of 17 Sascha is caught in Kelvin by Thyatian occupiers, and imprisoned for 2 years for theft.
15 Sviftmont 974 AC Gertrude Ingwarsdottir born in Whiteheart of the Ozurfold Soderfjord Jarldom. Her mother died at her birth. Gertrude’s father is blamed her for the death.
Fyrmont 974 AC The Cloister Porcinius is reduced to ruins by the failed attempt to control fire by Gerwood Septentrionianus
22 Kaldmont 974 AC Sascha released from prison during the harsh winter, with few possessions to her name, she is raped by a Squire of a Knight of the Griffon, Unable to get anyone to believe her story she becomes an outcast.
12 Ambyrmont 975 AC Sascha gives birth to Alya in a hidden tomb in the sewers, which she used as “home”.
18 Vatermont 975 AC Peter Andrejev knighted in the Order of the Golden Sword. Angolnith and Idralyll finally consumed their “illegal” cross-clan love and became a couple, although dismissed by their clans
11 Thaumont 976 AC Rowan teamed with Peter Andrejev and others and the group began building a reputation as skilled adventurers.
979 AC Lady Olivia Promethian is saved by Peter and his friends, Rowan Selasar, the elves Idralyll and Angolnith as “unknown” heroes
11 Flaurmont 980 AC Tom Townes released from cloistral bond and entered the world as a cleric of the Church of Traladara
980 AC Adriana Karameikos, the first child of Stefan and Olivia is born).
Autumn 981 AC Tom Townes declines to join the Order of the Wolf..
982 AC Justin Karameikos, the second child of Stefan and Olivia is born.
Spring 984 AC At the age of 14, Ingrid saved Captain Knut Dagrason of the Heldjälerna during a raid, and found her life;s goal, but is forced by her mother to become a Vala.
984 AC The unidentified squire who raped Sascha becomes a Knight in the Order of the Griffon alongside others.
986 AC Valen Karameikos, third child of Stefan and Olivia is born.
15 Yarthmont 987 AC Ingrid Otkelsdottir rebelled and left her family home.
Kaldmont 988 AC Sascha’s daughter, Alya, began her Shearing Years
20 Fyrmont 989 AC Ingrid, Esculem and Enkel Robson crossed the Cruth Mountain pass into Karameikos.
22 Fyrmont 989 AC In Karameikos, Ingrid, Esculem and Enkel Robson encountered a large tribe of orcs, and had to fight for their lives. In the ensuing battle, Enkel was killed,. Ingrid and Esculem were saved by the arrival of Peter Andrejev and his companions and the rising sun. Ingrid and Esculem subsequently joined Peter’s group.
Flaurmont 989 AC In Specularum Sascha encounters the Squire (now a Knight) who raped her 15 years earlier. The Knight raped her a second time. Pregnant once again, Sascha fled the city.
Yartmont 989 AC Sascha’s flight took her along the Eastron Road and then north through the Dymatk. Her progress was delayed by the forest and its inhabitants.
13 Eirmont 989 AC Sascha, still on the run from the knight, passed the Kelvin Moors, when suddenly her pregnancy went awfully wrong. Hiding in a ruined road shrine of Zirchev near Penhaligon she almost died due the miscarriage. Peter’s friends heard the braying of her mule and saved her. She slowly healed and was accepted into the adventuring group.
Summer 990 AC Ayla had become aware of persistent rumours circulating about a knight searching for a woman whose description matched that of her mother. Ayla decided to use her agents to follow up on these reports.
Spring 992 AC Alya returned to Specularum and secretly set up the new thieves’ guild “Kingdom of Thieves” using the male alias of “Flameflicker”. She had not yet located her mother.
Winter 992 AC The ruins of the original The Barrel inn were discovered by Peter and friends during their adventures. Several wandering ghosts and wraiths were slain or set to peace, making the area welcoming again. Peter requested financial aid from family and friends to acquire the site of the Barrel and to rebuild it.
20 Flaurmont 993 AC Peter married Sascha in a ceremony with Traladaran rituals. Alya travelled there the following day and mother and daughter were happily reunited.
15 Yarthmont 993 AC The new inn “The Barrel” is being built on the ruins of the earlier smaller wooden inn of the same name and the recovered giant barrel from the earlier site is also reused.
22 Fyrmont 993AC Pjotr Andrejev, Peter’s father died due to age and stress at the age of 89 on his farm in Kondrien. He was interred in the graveyard in Kondrien. The farm was sold a few weeks later to farmer Hedeon Grisha. Peter’s mother, Martha. continued adventuring in Thyatis, but officially relocated to The Barrel.
15-Klarmont 993 AC With fitting out completed, and supplies stocked the New Tavern/Inn officially named and consecrated “The Barrel” by Traladaran Church and arcane rituals by Finnig the Witch.
22 Klarmont 993 AC Rowan Selasar began building his tower 5 miles east of The Barrel..
5 Sviftmont 995 AC Rowan completed his tower and opened Magic shop. He also began taking occasional part in the Nightwatch at The Barrel out of friendship to Peter.
early winter 993 AC Kwaam Snout was born of a Witch and Karthog, a proud wicca warrior of the Nyy-akk (Black Web). The Witch mother died in the process.
5 Nuwmont 994 AC Kwaam Snout was given to Sascha in secret by Karthog.
15 Kaldmont 995 AC Nationwide Traladaran Knighthood is rescinded. Many readjusted and entered the Order of the Griffon and lost the respect of their original faith. Many others accepted the loss of titles and rights, but also lost respect from the Traladaran populace. Some resisted, several of whom were arrested, sentenced and either banished or imprisoned. Those who resisted but were not caught went underground and either disappeared (hidden or taking a secret identity) or appeared as if they had accepted the judgement, while still acting as a knight if needed (like Peter). These clandestine knights were fully respected by the Traladaran populace, who saw them as if they still have all their rights and duties, even if they no longer openly wore the knightly sigils and regalia.
22 Fyrmont 996 AC Peter refused to become a Knight or even a Landed Knight under Duke Stefan, and was officially dispossessed of his title by the Duke.
1000 AC A Holy bell of Chardastes was discovered (see the adventure “Elwyn’s Sanctuary” in module B9: “Castle Caldwell and Beyond”), the suppressed faith of Chardastes resurfaced under the embrace of the Church of Karameikos.
1 Flaurmont 1000 AC to 26 Fyrmont 1003 AC Gertrude Ingwarsdottir, having left home, hitched a 3 year period as a Thyatian merchant guard.
15 Yarthmont 1000 AC Kwaam Snout officially legalized and adopted by Peter and Sascha after years of investigation and procedures.
Between 1000-1005 AC Events of module B10: “Night’s Dark Terror” assumed to have happened at this time.
Autumn 1001 AC Martha Andrejev suffered a Traladaran curse during one of her burglaries in Thyatis. Most of her adventuring and performing stopped; however, she has continued retrieving important Traladaran items from greedy Thyatian hands. Thus the legend of the” Traladaran retributor” has continued.
Between 1005-1007 AC Penhaligon Trilogy assumed to have happened with major battles in northern Karameikos. Gertude Ingwarsdottir was a great contributor in defeating the abelaats in the north of Karameikos.
Summer 1006 AC Followers of Chardastes left the Church of Karameikos due to several disputes and clashes, and merged with the Church of Traladara.
Spring 1007 AC Kwaam Snout began his Shearing ritual
Winter 1007 AC Gerwood Septentrionianus earned the title Master from the Order of the Golden Scalpel of Chardastes for his discovery of the Remove Scar spell.
Between 1005-1009 AC The Great War with The Master (“Wrath of the Immortals”) and canon conflicts in Karameikos.
Between 1007-1009 AC Alfheim refugees settled in the Dymrak Forest under Duke Stefan’s decree. The Fain Flinn Bridge is built by Thyatian dwarven architects and opened for use on 15 Vatermont 1009AC.
Summer 1008 AC Master Gerwood is added to the Dayguard at The Barrel, which welcomed his healing skills.
15 Kaldmont 1009 AC Alya learnt from adding rumours together, what had happened to her mother, Sascha. Unbeknown to her mother,. Alya began searching for the rogue knight to exact revenge, even though he was her father.
21 Kaldmont 1009 AC Kwaam Snout returned from his shearing period and, after reuniting with is parents, took up the position of cook at The Barrel.
1009 AC Mages belonging to the so-called Order of the Wolf are suspected of lycanthropy (true in several cases), heresy and disrupting the Church of Karameikos (also true in some rare individual cases). They are banned from access to the School of Magecraft in Krakatos, by King Stefan’s command (guided by the clerics of the Church of Karameikos). This is another splinter in the bond between Traladarans and Thyatians, and may lead to political and social unrest or worse.
1010 AC Current date
1018 AC The storyline of the Dark Knight novel takes place (see “Thrakius Furion Gryphon” in the article “The Dymark Forest Region” in Threshold Magazine #24).
Note to the seeming late pregnancy of Sascha at the age of 38+; Mystara has a somewhat shorter annual cycle, and has only 336 days as compared to real world Earth with 365.25. This means that every Mystaran year is 29.25 days (somewhat more than a Mystara month) shorter that an Earth year. As a result a person of 50 Mystara years of age is equivalent to 45.9 Earth years. Due to this and other circumstances the lifespan of humans in years is significantly higher than on real world Earth. And fertility of human females on Mystara also ends later than on Real Life Earth ending far within the mature years.
Age Baby Youngster Teenager Young Adult Adult Mature Elder Death
Human 0-5 6-10 11-13 14-20 21-39 40-59 60+ 95+2d12
Afterword from the author;
This article has been split in two, and the second part will be placed in the upcoming Threshold Magazine #24. So keep your eyes open, and await the next magazine for the article; The Dymrak Forest region. Great detail will be brought to the map already used here. Have fun thus far and enjoy.
1PC’s and NPC’s alike are restricted in the amount of magic they can carry on themselves (this includes spells). This limit is equal to their current HD (not level) in Protective, Offensive and Other magic. When this limit is exceeded the magic produces ill effects similar to a minor Curse (as the spell) equal to the overdose. This is a simplified explanation, the detailed version is found here; http://pandius.com/nstysmgc.html. And yes it is thus possible to affect someone charged to the limit by these effects by casting a simple spell on him/her, which is the reason most stay somewhat beyond this level.
2In Karameikos, Thyatis, Glantri, Darokin, and many other nations, similar to real world medieval ages, you needed to acquire licenses to build any structure of stone or any two storey or higher structure of wood. It was a sort of extra income to the state and amounted to between 5% and 10% of the cost of the building.
3These defensive measures are the sturdy walls, coated with lead paint to prevent magic doing harm. And other means like fireproofing the straw roof, the small steel grated windows (functioning like bars)
4When a building has reached the highest location, a tradition still found all over modern Europe (and hence befitting Karameikos), where the king of the roof (top where the roof sides meet, the apex) is temporarily decorated with a pine treetop to bless the building and bring luck.
5This has been an anchoring place and used as a base for several months by the old adventurers decades ago, hence it is known in detail.
6Outhouses were also used; in farms, mansions, barracks and the settlement buildings with at least some ground/garden attached (simple deep pit 20 or more feet from the house, board with hole above the pit, and a narrow structure around it so you would stay dry and out of the wind. These pits were cleaned by specialists, dried and sold the manure as dung for the land. Castles and keeps did it regularly over the wall or through openings in the walls, explaining the strong scented brown sides of said castles. Straw was used to wipe, and buckets of rain water to flush if needed. The dung collectors often removed what could be found - ie. dung is sold for 15gp per acre. It was a dirty but well respected profession of modest earnings). The smell of these rooms are very strong to just noticeable direct after cleaning.
7Bruce Heard created a basic grade system for wines on the Savage Coast in his article Voyage of Princess Arc Dragon 179 page 99 with leaves. A similar(easier) system exists in the Known World; stars only clarify differences in quality, price, Alcohol Points and bottle size. In Karameikos all wines below 4 stars are free of use, if one can pay for it (5 star wines are reserved for royalty only. It is best seen in the wine table in http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf page 29
8Do not forget our Real Life standards of hygiene were unheard of by the commoners in the past (Romans, and in Mystara Thyatians, being the exception) and people washed only when spoiled with dirt or once a month to once a year (mostly on Holidays or services). Adventurers especially stank, being spoiled with dirt, grime, mud , blood and who knows what more.You could assume that on Mystara they were a bit more hygienic, similar to the RL Wild West era, where they washed every day before important moments (being sex, religious services, crownings, entitlings, marriage and such), and as such bathing was a bit more common and available. A warm bath in the Barrel is done in a pewter tub in your room or in the stables and costs 5sp excluding soap (5gp).
9Orcs do never lie, they may be chaotic, violent, brute and even evil, but they are incapable of lying, or even understanding the principle. If they do not want another to know something they simply do not tell. This is a handicap to them against humans, dwarves, halflings, goblins, kobolds, and many other species which often lie, they simply do not understand this behaviour, and when caught being lied at, will be angry (reaction -2) pure out of frustration. Orc blood/brain components are thus used in spells, potions and items of truth Speaking. It is not uncommon for an orc to bash in a head which has just lied; “Ish or not Ish, You said Ish, so can’t be not Ish. BASH!”
10The strongbox contains (5d4x10 pp, 1d10x100 gp, 1d12x2d20x100 sp, 3d30x100 cp, and 1d6 random gems and 1d3 non magical rings or other jewellery. The DM can use the jewellery type table of the Rules Cyclopedia page 227.; Roll 1d20 see first column (11 to 15 = Ring, 16-17 = armband, 18-19 = earring, 20 = amulet) only valued at 10d4x100gp each
11Monastery was used for men only, convent for women only and cloister was more generic. The titles frairy and monkery were also used. There were also double monasteries https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_monastery that catered for both male and female monks/nuns.
12Healers are a specialty cleric class found explained here http://pandius.com/pages_of_virtue.pdf.
13See; B9 TSR9143 Castle Caldwell and Beyond; The Sanctuary of Elwyn the Ardent and B1-9 TSR9190 In Search of Adventure; The Elwyn’s Sanctuary
14Martha is equal in voice and song style to the real world Maggie Reilly in Mike Oldfield’s France, and to violin music like Máiréad Nesbitt (both can be found easily on Youtube). Martha still does regular musical performances at The Barrel.
15Weck Bottles and Weck Jars are used in medieval Mystara. In the Real World invented in 1749 https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wecken (sorry this link is only in Dutch, the English version is detailing something close but different, so use Translate). In Mystara in use since 895 AC due more worldy travel, material sharing and above all more magic than our real world. This food storage is called Wecken; A sort of thick glass jar, with rubber and glass lid where careful boiled warm food is stored vacuum, due to the rubber, lowering temperature and the metal clamps.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weck_jar, becoming stored for long times without decay. Precise Heat Metal/object magic helped greatly in this invention, and combined with other sterilization magic made weck jars (and bottles for fruit juices) a standard, found in Iron Rations (ie canned food or weck bottles) all over the Known World, making these less vitamin deficient.
16The more I write on this event, the more I feel I should make a true story about it. It awakes strong emotional feelings to me as if I was there and heard/saw everything). There is so much more to this background I have not yet totally discovered/realized, and have the awkward feeling it should be told.
17Haybrew is when fermentation processes in hay create warmth so high it starts to smolder and eventually self-combusts. It is very dangerous, hence the reason hay is regularly upturned https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooibroei (sorry only in Dutch, use Translate). Farmers use 6’ long iron hayrods stuck into the hay revealing any warmth inside a stack after an hour.
18Owlbear and snow owlbear down are the softest down existing, and have a peculiar habit, holding insects at bay. It is however, as being sold in blankets, very expensive and rare to find (See http://pandius.com/What_can_be_Bought.pdf page 15).
19The Kylo’s Run is a yearly recurring (15th Fyrmont) very hard swimming contest in the region. It is further detailed in Threshold Magazine #24;The Dymrak Forest region; Kylo’s Peak..
20The Heldjälerna is a typical Drakar Longship owned by Knut Dagrason, a renowned merchant, sailor, and typical viking/pirate/explorer on other occasions. They do their raids all over the Isle of Dawn, Soderfjord, Ostland, Vestland, Heldann and have received fame by battling the weird vessels of Quedhar in 1002AC.
21CLOC=Certified Letter of Credit. A ‘safe’ Darokin way of transferring money, can be changed into coins of local currency in DDC offices in large cities of the Known World and all settlements of Darokin. A 5% charge of the CLOC’s value is used on the amount while exchanging it to coins. Large amounts take 1d8+4 days to exchange into gold or if requested in gems or, and longer in smaller settlements (the advice there is to go to a city..
22Due the shorter Mystara year, the normal 9 month Real World pregnancy of humans becomes 10 Mystara months (in effect still the same in weeks or days).
23Thyatian and Karameikan Merchants follow the Darokin merchant system, with one major difference; they do not acquire spell/abilities like the Darokin merchants, but instead gain one extra (non action, mostly intelligence, wisdom or charisma based) skill slot at 1d8+10 skill value (or as corresponding ability if this is lower) for every merchant level.
24Any armor worn during sleep normally has a detrimental impact on sleep. One needs as many extra hours of sleep to the base 8 hours to have a full recovering period of rest as the armor has AV points (or improves AC if AV is not used). A full recovery period is needed for natural healing 1+Constitution bonus daily, or to be able to memorize or pray for spells.
25This might be imagined by a pounding yet melodic music similar to that of Tiesto; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZVpWKmZcBk or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EaE0_gQLw0
26Normally you become fatigued after battling for your current constitution in rounds, and seriously fatigued if failing a constitution check each round thereafter, and exhausted after another failed constitution check; http://pandius.com/corp_ch.html
27Nature magic is the original magic which existed prior to the explosion of the FSS Beagle and the Great Rain of Fire’s Radiance pollution on magic. See http://pandius.com/magcevol.html. Since 1000AC, some spells have been gradually (re-)discovered which do function during the Day(s) of Dread. Often these are very hard to learn, and have a higher casting level with no further changes than similar Radiance affected spells currently used worldwide.
28An ‘illegal’ Callarii-Vyallia Elven couple= This is based on the difference between these elves as per canon, and further detailed in the comic of Warriorneedsfood http://thekeepontheborderlands.thecomicseries.com/
29Both the Callarii and the Vyallia Elven Clans do not use family names. They only have their personal names, sometimes a nickname (which they rarely use themselves), and in introductions they also list their profession, place of birth or residence and Clan. As a result of this tradition, no name will be equal to an existing name. Thus Angolnith would be known to most as Angolnith, Horse expert of Calyanya Vyallia, or as Angolnith to friend as he has not gained a nickname.
30Incestuous and magical genetically altered cannibalistic goblin race; see DMR2 TSR9438 D&D Mystara Creature Catalogue page 21-22 or DMR TSR2501 AD&D2 Mystara Monstrous Compendium page 19
31Both the Callarii and the Vyallia Elven Clans do not use family names. Idralyll thus would be known to most as Idralyll, Hunter-Scout of Mirtari Vyallia, or as Idralyll, nickname; Twigstick used by (human) friends(see further footnote 26).
32Remove Scar is a new 4th level spell functioning exactly as Cure Light Wounds except it does not heal, but restores non magical scar tissue to normal tissue which had no more than 7 points of damage. As the spell heals 1d6+1, several treatments are often needed to heal scars up to 7 hp damage.. The casting time is 3 hours of ritualistic praying. Any scar of 8 or more hp cannot be cured, so Master Gerwood could not cure himself either.
33Healers are a specialty Cleric Class explained here http://pandius.com/pages_of_virtue.pdf; use a common cleric with healing skills and personality/spell choice if this is not used by DM.
34Finnig the witch will be detailed in Threshold Magazine #24; The Dymrak Region.
35Rugalov is similar but not equal to the “Typical Karameikan Town” described in 1013 AC “Joshuan's Almanac” (page 120); what is depicted there is a village, and not a town, so Rugalov is much larger, but has a similar buildup.