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Pelatan region
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Campaigning in the Pelatan region
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Pelatan Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius from The Piazza posted 17 January 2024.
Locations from the Bay of Pelatan Region map, expanded information by Geoff Gander, from the Atlas of Mystara Facebook group posted 24 February 2021.
Thoughts on Pelatan by Francesco Defferrari from the Mystara Message Boards posted 16 March 2011.
Thoughts on Izonda Region by Francesco Defferrari from the Mystara Message Boards posted 16 March 2011.
Thoughts on Northwestern Davania by Francesco Defferrari from the Mystara Message Boards posted 15 March 2011.
Locations from the Bay of Pelatan Region map by Geoff Gander, from the Mystara Message Board posted 28 December 2006.
Pelatan Society by Francesco Defferrari from the Mystara Message Boards posted 27 May 2000.
The Golden Matriarchy of Pelatan by Francesco Defferrari from the Mystara Message Boards posted 29 April 2000.
Davania Ideas: Izonda/Pelatan and Arypt by Bruce Heard, from the AOL Savage Coast/Red Steel Message Board posted 20 July 1995.
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Sturm’s Izonda & Pelatan, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 December 2024. NEW
Sturm’s Southern Pelatan, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 December 2024. NEW
Sturm’s Izonda, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 1 December 2024. NEW
Sturm’s Pelatan, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 30 November 2024. NEW
Map of Samarak, 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, from Deviant Art posted 7 December 2021.
Thibault’s Pelatan East, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 November 2021.
Thibault’s Pelatan West, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 2 November 2021.
Geoff’s Pelatan, 72 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 February 2021.
Map of Pelatan, 24 miles per hex by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 6 April 2011.
Map of the Bay of Pelatan by Geoff Gander, current as of 25 January 1998.