The Great Timeline of Western Brun
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 17
A history of Brun beyond the Known World
[Image: Native village]
Caption: Village in the prairies of Brun
This article uses all existing canon and fan created information to develop a timeline of Brun, the continent of the Known World, focusing on its western regions which are not traditionally part of the canon Known World. I have added a small amount of my own creation to the available information. In canon sources, Western Brun is a mysterious land, of which only the southern part, The Savage Coast and the Arm of the Immortals, have been developed in the “Voyage of the Princess Ark” series by Bruce Heard, originally published in Dragon Magazine and later compiled in the boxed sets “Champions of Mystara”, “Red Steel” and “Savage Baronies”. The rest of the land received only brief mentions in canon sources, such as the Master set map and some adventures. The vibrant Mystara fan community, however, has added a lot to the development of Western Brun, adding much material to the scarce canon information about the continent.
To list all these sources in this article would require a huge amount of notes; I will instead list at the end of this article all the fan sources I have used, asking for forgiveness in advance if I have forgotten or omitted someone.
The first canon source to depict the whole world of Mystara, (which at that time had not been named as such), was the map in the D&D Master Rules set by Frank Mentzer. On the map Brun was largely occupied by the “Empire of Dorfin IV”. Later canon, in particular the first installment of the “Voyage of the Princess Ark” by Bruce Heard, assumed this map could have been a compilation of unreliable sources, but it gave me an idea. As the name Dorfin appears later in relation to gnomes (for example in AC11: “The Book of Wondrous Inventions”, compiled by Bruce Heard), the guideline of my personal history of Western Brun is that gnomes are the secret movers and shakers of the continent, and they really had a great empire spanning it, an empire they are ready to re-form. This idea was also partially inspired by the vapourware product “Hackwurld of Mystaros”1 by James Mishler, where he planned to place the Hackmaster’s gnome titans in Western Brun.
To facilitate understanding of the different sources used in my timeline, I have put a [C] at the end of the event when it is mentioned in canon, a [F with number] when is mentioned in some fan material listed at the end of the article and a [M] when it is wholly my own creation. Note that I have also expanded on some canon and fan events with my own ideas.
The history of the nations of the Known World (the ones which had a canon Gazetteer produced) is in the background of this timeline, and therefore only the most important events are mentioned. The history of Alphatia and the Isle of Dawn are also only briefly mentioned unless it directly affects Central and Western Brun.
Besides gnomes, I also see Central and Western Brun as inhabited by many other races, from the most ancient, such as dragons, giants, rockmen and geonids, chameleon men, lizardkin, neanderthals, sasquatches, centaurs and fairy folks, lupins, rakastas, tortles, neshezu, phanatons, gyerians, to the human races who came before the time of Blackmoor, such as Oltecs, Azcans and the ancestors of the people of Robrenn and Ethengar, to the humanoids and the elves who came after the Great Rain of Fire.
The variety of people, cultures and themes creates a diverse and interesting setting, with plenty of adventures waiting for bold explorers!Races of Brun
Before the arrival of humans:
The most ancient sentient land inhabitants of Brun were probably ancient elemental creatures such as geonids, rockmen, sand folks, desert ghosts, medusa, nixies, djnnis and efreets. Later came plant creatures such as fungoids, stolari, gakarak and ents, oozes and worms such as scamille, decapus and wurmlings, then insectlike creatures such as aranea, manscorpions, formians, hivebroods and crabmen, then reptilian creatures such as tortles, frogfolk, chameleon men, carnifex, sis’thik, newts, lizardmen, gatormen, caymen, troglodytes, drakes and dragons.The seas had their own inhabitants, the most ancient being probably kopru, kna, devilfish, shark-kins and sea dragons, then crabmen, sea hermits, snappers and tortles, dragon turtles, narwhals, dendan whales and noble dolphins, omm-wa, sea giants, sea elves, mermaids and tritons.
Then came intelligent birds like faenare, harpies and gyerians and mammals, such as sphinxes, hutaakans, lupins, rakasta, goatmen, phanaton, neshezu, ratlings, enduks, cryions, jorri, mythu'nn folk, mugumba mud-dwellers, packydermions, tabi. Later came humanoid races such as garls, neanderthals and giants. Actaeons, brownies, centaurs, faeries, fauns, gremlins, imps, leprechauns, pookas, pixies, sidhe, sprites and any other fairy folks are also very ancient and may have preceded mammal inhabitants.
All these creatures have not completely disappeared from Brun; at the very least, they survive in isolated pockets of land, but in many cases they have their own nations and organisations or are relatively common and widespread in some regions.
Immortals: Using mostly Marco Dalmonte’s Codex Immortalis as a source, I have also mentioned the action of the Immortals who were natives of Brun, as I believe the path to immortality of a powerful being is bound to have great repercussions on large regions of the world.
Humans, demihumans and humanoids: Humans, gnomes, dwarves, elves, humanoids and hin are just the newcomers to the continent, as they arrived after the Great Rain of Fire or just some centuries before it. It is worth to detail the individual history of each major race to better understand what their numbers and cultures could be in modern Brun. Even if canon Mystara sources say most of these races are a relatively recent creation of the Immortals, a DM who wishes to have all the D&D worlds in an unique material plane should really dismiss these origin stories as myths, as already suggested in my article “Guide to Mystaraspace” in Threshold issue #15, and consider them more ancient races.
Humanoids: As Blackmoor promoted several crusades to exterminate beastmen (the ancestors of humanoids) before the Great Rain of Fire GRoF, it could be assumed beastmen began to again spread across northern Brun only from 2400 BC and reach southwestern Brun only after 1700 BC and the Savage Coast after 1300 BC, as detailed in the Hollow World boxed set migration map.
Elves: The great migration of Ilsundal (and probably others) reached Brun from Davania only around 2300 BC, but it can be easily deduced from canon that other groups of elves lived in the continent before that date, for example the ancestors of the Shadowelves, Shattenalfen, Belcadiz and the elves of Wendar. For more about this topic see my article “The Elven Clans and Their Migrations” in Threshold issue #10. Given this history, groups and nations of elves could now be present anywhere in Brun.
Dwarves: Supposedly natives of Brun, dwarves could probably be present anywhere in the continent even if canon sources do not detail other groups beyond the Known World and the Savage Coast. Dwarves of other regions of Brun could either be descendants of the pre-GRoF Kogolor dwarves, or colonists from Rockhome and the Savage Coast in more recent centuries.
Gnomes: The canon sources saying that gnomes were created by Garal after the GRoF conflict with their presence in Davania, Blackmoor and in other D&D settings, so it could be assumed they are an ancient race like dwarves. In this article I will indeed assume the Yalu river valley could be their original birthplace, but the true origin of the gnomes could be in any Mystara continent or elsewhere in the multiverse.
Halflings: They came from Davania after 1500 BC, but they were present in Blackmoor, so some could have come to Brun even before the Great Rain of Fire. Also a minority group could have gone to other regions of Brun after that date.
Humans: Oltecs and Azcan were the main human cultures of southern Brun before the Great Rain of Fire, but Neathar and Antalians were certainly also present in the north. As we will see in the timeline below, fan sources have greatly expanded the migrations of human cultures in the early history of Brun.
Timeline of Brun
Ancient times
75,000 BC:
Rakasta come to Brun, maybe from Skothar or Davania. At this time the continent is inhabited mostly by fairy folks, neanderthals (brutemen), giants and lupins in the centre and the north, with several populations of crabmen, tortles, chameleon men, lizardmen, troglodytes, aranea and others in the southern lands. These different races are often in conflict. Occasionally one or more of these races did create a vast kingdom that lasted centuries or even millennia, but eventually fell. (F2, M)
40,000 BC:
By this time the first humans, ancient Neathars, have settled the Alphatian sea and some areas of northeastern Brun. Dwarves and gnomes could already exist at this time as recognisable races, possibly descendants of brutemen. (F2, F3)
[Image: Human fighting a Giant]
Caption: Human fighting a giant
35,000 BC:
First oltec migrations reach southern Brun from the Alphatian sea. Rakasta spread to many regions of Brun, eventually settling in much of the continent. (C, F2)
12,000 BC:
Lhomarrian culture spreads in eastern Davania and the southern Alphatian sea. Oltec culture also develops and spreads in southern Brun and Davania. The two human cultures usually cooperate against other races, particularly aranea, carnifex and other reptilian races. (F3, M)
10,000 BC:
Tribes of Valoin (ancestors of Littonia and Karjaala) and Skandharians (ancestors of Antalians) from Skothar colonise parts of North western Brun (F2). Last remnants of the brutemen and giant civilizations still dominates part of Brun (C, F1)
9,000 BC:
The carnifex of Y’hog begin their conquests from north western Davania. In the following two millennia they spread through northern Davania and southern Brun, inciting and helping local reptilian and amphibian people against brutemen, giants, humans and humanoids. (F3)
7,000 BC:
The destruction of Lhomarr and Y’hog creates a diaspora of Lhomarrian people, who create several different nations in northeastern Davania and southern Brun. (F3, M)
6,000 BC:
The number of brutemen has declined in all of Brun. Karimari already live in the Serpent Peninsula, and dwarves in eastern Brun (C) they all may be descendants of the brutemen, as well as the gnomes of Central Brun (M)
Rise of civilizations
5,000 BC:
The rise of the Oltec empire in the area of the modern Black mountains pushes former Lhomarrian cultures to the west (ancestors of the Yezchamenid and Huleans) or the east (ancestors of Nithians and Ylari). The giants of Gandhar dominate much of the modern Isle of Dawn and Alphatia. The Draconic Empire rules northeastern Brun, including dwarven territories. Mid and western Brun is inhabited by lupins, rakasta, gnomes and Neathar humans (ancestors of Robrenn and Eusdria) with some Oltec tribes. Another Neathar group, the Maharians (southern Neathar) colonize parts of the modern Known World. (F2, M)
4,000 BC:
A new human migration comes from Skothar (ancestors of Ethengarians) (F2, M)
Oltecs reach the Savage Coast contacting tortles and manscorpions (C) The Jakar and other rakasta are integrated into Oltec society (F2). Ninsun is a great mage and Oltec empress, expanding the power of her people in Brun and the south to Davania (F4). The Pitchan nation unifies the Oltec people of the Arm of the Immortals and eventually becomes an empire (F6). Beastman of northern Brun enslave some Neathar clans, creating a breed of hybrids which will become the Dena (F6).
Blackmoor era and the first kingdom of Dorfin
3,500 BC:
Blackmoorian humans from Skothar begin their travels and colonisation, reaching southern Brun, where they will eventually found the colony of New Blackmoor in the present day Known World. (F3, M) The Azcans secede from the Oltec empire (C) Sandfolks are brought to New Blackmoor from Skothar (F6).
3,400 BC:
Blackmoor becomes ever more powerful while the Dragon Empire of Brun loses ground. Gnomes and dwarves, very interested in Blackmoor technomagic, cooperate with the humans. Blackmoor promotes crusades against beastmen and lupins, Rakasta and other humanoid races are often persecuted too. (C, F2,3, M)
Utnapishtim leads an Oltec colonisation to south western Brun (F4). Imlec2 in Borea is founded by the gnome Dorfin to trade with Blackmoorians (M).
3,300 BC:
Oltec nomads settle the Yazak steppes, also inhabited by beastmen. Yazak becomes an open trading city (F6).
3,200 BC:
Garal Glitterlode leads the gnomes to create an independent nation in the cold region of the Yalu sea and builds the first Earthshaker. (F4, M) The mortal Cymorrak3 becomes the immortal Asterius after having greatly expanded Blackmoor trade in Brun (F4) The wizards of Blackmoor win against the dragons and gives them the Dragonlord armour to ensure peace (C).
3,200 - 3,000 BC:
The growing Blackmoorian power in southeastern Brun pushes many Neathar and Oltec people north and west. The powerful cleric Djaea protects the Neathar of central Brun from Blackmoor colonisation. Cretia is the leader of the Etesh people at this time, protecting them from Blackmoor’s attacks and eventually helping them after the Great Rain of Fire, thus attaining immortality. (F3, F4, M) Rathanos saves the Oltec empire from Azcan conquest (M) Yazak is overrun by beastmen pushed west by the Blackmoorian crusades (F6). Many beastmen settle in Hyborea while the beastmen/Neathar hybrids, the Dena, seek refuge in the Icereach range (F6).
The Dark Age and Dorfin II
3,000 BC:
The Great Rain of Fire destroys Blackmoor on Skothar and shifts the position of the continents, making western Brun much warmer. (C) The cataclysm also leads to the spreading of the Wasting, a disease due to technomagic poisoning, which causes the death of many original survivors during the next centuries. (F5) Gnomes are one of the few races immune to the Wasting, and they rise to power quickly in central Brun. Understanding the peril of technomagic items for other races, gnomes soon begin a campaign of destruction of such creations. The gnomish city of Imlec in Borea, however, is heavily damaged by the cataclysm (F5, M). Jakar migrates to the Arm of the Immortals. Other rakasta spread in the Yazak steppes and Norwold (F2). Dwarves of northern Brun are forced to begin a long migration south due to the changing climatic conditions (F5). Sandfolk settle the Adri Varma plateau but have lost much of their former material culture (F6).
2,990 BC:
Wallara and Aranea become dominant in Western Brun following the Great Rain of Fire (C).
2,950 BC:
The gyerian Cochere leads many of her people from Skothar to Brun and gains immortality. Faenare and gyerians spread in Brun. Djaea saves many Neathar human from extinction after the Great Rain of Fire, founding the druidic orders (C, F4). The fey of Genalleth (modern Wendar) help the local elves survive the Great Rain of Fire (F6).
2,900-2,500 BC:
Rathanos helps several cultures of Oltecs and Azcan descendants in Sind, Atruaghin lands and the Savage Coast survive the difficult times after the Great Rain of Fire, and becomes an Immortal (C, F4, M). Blackmoorian colonists, dwarves, gnomes and Neathar of northern Hyborea survive by creating the Qauriks4 domed cities and turning to the worship of Zugzul (C, F4).
[Image: Bison hunt]
Caption: Oltec descended natives hunting bisons2,800 BC:
Yazak manage to thrive with Blackmoorian technomagic, controlling the steppes to Dravya and Billeot, and the rakasta of Plaktur (F6). Oltecs of the east disappear, destroyed by the consequence of the cataclysm (C, M). Imlec is now rebuilt and the gnomes create the second kingdom of Dorfin, which aids the cause of the Law against the dominant chaos of the time after the cataclysm (M).
2,749 BC:
Dwarves of northern Brun have reached the region of Norwold by now (F5).
2,700 BC:
Pushed out of Norwold by rakasta, the Dena settle in Denagoth (F6).
2,600 BC:
Fiend-worshipping city of Dravya becomes a power in the Yazak, dominating Oltec and Neathar nomads, lupins and rakasta up to Billeot and Plaktur (F6). Northern Brunian dwarves and gnomes reach the region of the modern Northern Reaches and Rockhome, where some other dwarves have survived. More dwarves arrive from Skothar in the following decades (C, F5, M). Carnuilh, fair-skinned Neolithic humans settle on the Adri Varma Plateau. The humans keep to the northern parts while the Sandfolk dominate the south (F6).
Rise from the ashes and arrival of the Elves
2,500 BC:
Dwarven and gnomish kingdom of the Shimmering Lands founded in eastern Brun, over the areaof modern day Rockhome and the Northern Reaches. Former Thonian colonists of Central Brun reach the shores of the Sea of Dread and create Taymora with local populations (F5). The Ee’ar elves leave Ilsundal’s migration and settle in the Arm of the Immortals. The bulk of the elven migration goes on eastward (C). Antalian expansion pushes the Valoin people to the north of Norwold (F9).
2,400 BC:
Lower Urzud5 on the Borean river is resettled by beastmen (F6). The Antalian spread in Norwold and north eastern Brun (C). The Temple of Chaos is formed in the Great Valley (modern Hule) by Hel, Korotiku and Valerias. Followers of the Law escape in the Kavkaz region north of the Valley (F6, 7). Carnhuil tribes are pushed west by the Antalians (F9). The gnomes of Dorfin establish relations with the Followers of Law and aid them (M).
2,350 BC:
Two different migrations of elves arrive in Brun, one led by Enoreth in the Serpent Peninsula and the other by Ilsundal in the Arm of the Immortals. (C, F, M). Some elves settle the Ozungan forest in Central Brun (F7).
2,335 BC:
Iraklit empire in Kavkaz adopts the Way of the Law, but an attempt to invade the Great valley is unsuccessful (F6,7).
2,300 BC:
The Temple of Chaos promotes the creation of The Nine Kingdoms of Boludir, Karsun, Huyule, Yozgulak, Birgidir, Karsile, Eivanjan, Jandir and Kuliye, which compete for control of the region. The valley is mostly inhabited by humans of Oltec and Neathar descent, aranea, fairy folks and some elves who settle in the great forests. (F6) Dravish civilization, an alliance of Neathar, Oltec and Tortles, conquers the Yazak and expand in the steppes with powerful magic. They meet the aranea of Herath who decide to develop shapechanging magic to hide from the humans (F6, F10, M).
2,250 BC:
Urduk from the Midlands settle in the Great Waste (C).
2,200 BC:
The two elven migrations of Ilsundal and Enoreth meet in the area of modern Glantri. Some clans stay, while others go to the Sylvan Realm (C, F). Oleyan leads the Verdier south of Taymora (F4). Tanagoro colonists reach the Serpent Peninsula (C). Enoreth elves settle in Genalleth among the elves that were in the land since before the Great Rain of Fire. Other elves settle the Highlands. Both groups establish relations with the Geffronell of Denagoth (F6, F9). The gnomes of Dorfin establish cordial relations with the elves, who however do not embrace the Way of the Law (M).
2,100 BC:
Ilsundal creates the Sylvan Realm in north western Brun. Meditor and Verdier elves settle in the Dymrak forest and in the region south of it (C). Contact with the Enduks and the city of Dravya bring development to the Pitchan city states in the Arm of the Immortals (F6). Creation of the Lawful Brotherhood and the Citadel of Law among the human tribes of the Midlands and refugees from the Great Valley (F6). Jotakk of the Den unites the brute tribes and proclaimed herself the ruler of Deng (F9).
2,098 BC:
Antalians reach Hyborea and settle there, later mixing with local Oltec and Valoin humans and forming the Iulutiun people. They meet the Arctic dwarves that have lived in the region for centuries (F6,7, M).
2,035 BC:
Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea create the realm of Sidsteland on the eastern coast (F6,7).
2,011 BC:
Civil war and division of the Iraklit empire in the nations of Dvinzina, following the Way of the Law, and Grouzhina, following the ancient Hulean faith preceding the Temple of Chaos (F6, 7).
2,000 BC:
The weakening of Grondheim and the Shimmering Lands leads to an Antalian golden age in north eastern Brun, with legendary heroes and future immortals Thor, Loki, Wayland, Frey and Freya defeating giants, dwarves and dragons. (C, F4, F5) The glacial dam at Klintest breaks, unleashing a great flood across Mogreth, and nearly wiping that civilization from the land (F5). Nimmur and Herath founded in Western Brun. Nithian agricultural settlements flourish in modern Ylaruam (C). Apex of the Dravish civilization in the Yazak steppes. The Portals to Everyland are developed (F6, F10). Some Neathar tribes settle peacefully in the Genalleth valley (F6).
1,950 BC:
Elves return to the surface in modern Glantri.
1,918 BC:
Foundation of Sardjikjan Kingdom, following the Way of the Law (F6,7).
1,909 BC:
Civil war destroys Bylot/Bileot (F6, 7). Kingdom of Antasyn founded in the western Great Valley (F6,7).
1,900 BC:
All the Ee’aar now have wings and found the Kingdom of Aeryl (C). The Citadel of Law converts many human tribes of the north to the Way of the Law. They will eventually become the Five Tribes of Law of the Midlands: Uimach, Ausdran, Roanna, Andar and Shonak (F6).
1,850 BC:
The Churan Empire is founded in the Arm of the Immortals (F6).
1,812 BC:
Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea form the Jaakuori tribe (F6,7).
1,800 BC:
Ilsundal creates the first Tree of Life in the Sylvan Realm and achieves immortality. Kagyar creates the new dwarves and the old ones become the Modrigswerg. Steel wars begin in Urzud. (C) Orcus is a feared warleader in the service of Thanatos at the dusk of the Taymoran civilization (F4). Citadel of the Law and Midlands threatened by humanoid attacks (F6).
1763 BC:
Frost giants, led by Ulf One-Eye conquer the lands of the Litoniesu and Lietuvans, the Valoin of northern Norwold, creating the realm of Nordenheim (F9).
[Image: Hyborean warriors]
Caption: Hyborean warriors
Second Cataclysm and first humanoid invasion
1,750 BC:
Volcanic eruptions in south eastern Brun destroy what remains of Taymora and Inti lands and affect Sindh and the Serpent Peninsula. (C) Dravish cities are ruined as well in the Yazak steppes and the civilization begin to decline (F6).
1,725 BC:
King Loark’s great horde sweeps over eastern Brun. In the remote north, Ilmarinen saves his people from the humanoids and will eventually attain Immortality. The humanoids destroy the Antalian golden age in eastern Brun. (C, F4). Beastmen tribes expand in northern and Central Brun (C, F6). Akkila Khan’s forces sweep through the eastern parts of the Adri Varma Plateau on their way to Glantri. Humanoids mix blood with the Carnuilh forming the Oghriz (F6). Enoreth unites the Genalleth, Geffronell and the recently settled Lothenar forest to resist the humanoid invasion (F9). Saamari and Vaarana flee eastwards from the horde (F9). The gnomes of Dorfin are attacked too, Imlec is partially sacked and the nation is in chaos for decades (M).
1,722 BC:
Akkila Khan’s hobgoblins are repelled from Genalleth by the Korrigan and attack Ethengar and the elves of the Highlands, united by Atziann in the Kingdom of Aengmor (C, F4, M).
1,720 BC:
Verdier elves join the Meditor in Alfeisle (C).
1,717 BC:
More humanoids from Urzud invade the Midlands, Black Mountains and the Great Valley, then to the Yazak steppes (F6, 7).
1,707 BC:
The rakasta city of Plaktur is sacked and occupied by humanoids, then most of the Dravish and Yazak cities are sacked as well (F6, 7). This and the following earthquake scatters many rakasta in the southern Savage Coast and to Sind (F2). The Kzinti rakasta nation is formed from refugees of Plaktur (F7, 10).
1,700 BC:
Glantrian catastrophe and King Loark’s death, possibly caused by the elf king Atziann in Aengmor (C, M) or by Idris betraying the Korrigans (F4). Frey and Freya manage to save Antalian people from the humanoid invasion (F4). Akkila khan continues to fight against the Ethengarians (C). Tanagoro colonists arrive in the Arm of the Immortals (C, F6). Yazak cities destroyed by earthquakes and humanoid invasions (F6). Kargan, Grand Master of the Lawful Brotherhood crowned as the First King of the Kingdom of Law in the Midlands (F6). Valley of the Skeletal Kings created by the Black Jarls Antalians in Hyborea. Riesengard Ogres, enslaved by the Black Jarls, turn to the worship of Wotan to fight them once freed (F6). Some Highlands elves escape to Genalleth (F6) Trolls degenerate and Grondheim falls (F3,7).
1,698 BC:
Bulzan founded in the western Great Valley by survivors of the Yazak cities (F6, 7).
1696 BC:
The Saamari and Vaarana established the realm of Isanmaa in the north (F9).
1,695 BC:
Atziann’s clan founds the underground city of Aengmor (C).
1,689 BC:
Azardjian founded by Great Valley emigrants between Dvinzina and Grouzhina (F6,7).
1,688 BC:
Akkila Khan becomes the immortal Yagrai. Baka is the first Khan of the Ethengar (C). Enoreth’s death dissolves the unity of the northern elves (F9).
1,675 BC:
Tahkati Storm-tamer domesticates the horse and unifies the Atruaghin tribes. Refugees from his conquest escape west and call themselves the Sindhi (C). Humanoids are integrated as military force in the Great Valley society (F6, 7).
1,662 BC:
Kiteng is freed from humanoid rule with the help of nomad Kazmen (F6,7).
1,650 BC:
The lupin leader, Loup the Black, heads a migration of lupins from Glantri to the Yazak steppes and the Savage Coast, defeating many humanoids and creating the first community which will evolve into Renardy (C, F4).
1,636 BC:
Some Iulutiuns of Hyborea leave Sidsteland and become the nomads of Maamme in the west (F7).
1,593 BC:
Bozdogan replaces Hel as the dominant Immortal of the Temple of Chaos (F6,7).
1,550 BC:
Maat, Pflarr and Chardastes unify the Kingdom of Nithia defeating Apophis (F4).
1,545 BC:
Bozdgogan’s crusade against the other faiths of the Great Valley (F6,7).
1,542 BC:
Synn dominates and terrifies Central Brun until defeated by other dragons and becomes a Night Dragon (F7).
1,521 BC:
Dvinzina and Grouzhina try to destroy Azardjian but fail (F6,7).
Halflings and Wogar’s horde, Empire of Dorfin III
1,500 BC:
The halflings of Davania, led by Brindorhin, escape from the aggressive human empire of Varellya and arrive in the Serpent Peninsula, but are soon menaced by other humans, and leave the region for the modern Five Shires. (C, F4) Malafor creates the bond between merrows and dolphins in the Sunlit sea and performs other epic deeds in the southern ocean (F4).
1,478 BC:
After a civil war, the Mebirush Empire, created by descendants of Tanagoro and Oltecs, replace the Churan in the northern Arm of the Immortals (F6). Some Tanagoro people settle south, founding new city states (F11).
1,420 BC:
Elves conquer Mictlan (modern Aengmor) (C).
1,413 BC:
War between the humans of Sidsteland and Maamme in Hyborea (F7).
1,400 BC:
Idris creates the nation of Denagoth with the goal of destroying Wendar and gains immortality (F4). Hutaakans come to dominate the Traldar lands. Atruaghin unites the clans. (C) Vaprak/Jammudaru destroys the Kingdom of Law in the Midlands (F6). Dravish civilization by now has become corrupted and oppress the tortles (F10).
1,395 BC:
Bulzan expand its power in the eastern Great Valley (F6, 7).
1,363 BC:
First koatulit festival established in Hyborea to promote peace between the Iulutiuns of Sidsteland and Maamme (F7).
1,362 BC:
Namejs’ rebellion defeats the frost giants of the north and creates the Valoin realm of Littonia in northern Norwold (F9).
1,310 BC:
Wogar’s horde leaves Urzud to the Cradle in south western Yalu sea. (C) The invasion reaches the Great Valley.
1,305 BC:
Wogar’s horde follow the Yalu river southward, in the track of the great herd6. (C).
1,300 BC:
Eyrindul is active in central Brun, creating the Daendur clan of elves near Lake Tros in Darkwood. He also contacts the elven communities in the Savage Coast and the West. Goblins sack the Dravish city of Bylot (C, F4). Humanoids conquer the kingdoms of the Great Valley (F6). Hin arrive in Faerdinel (modern Five Shires) from Davania (C). Realm of Forenath, inhabited by humans and elves, created in northern wildlands (F9).
1,299 BC:
Centaurs (Kantari, Saanal), rakasta (Nirmals), lupins (Jordaves) humanoids (Dortegul, Drakalmar, Garraktal, Gronmak, Guslash, Lazatman, Mashmillog, Nyatkai, Noiciem, Sandsurfers gnolls, Zoitagal) and humans (Chanturs, Dormiak, Drakalmar, Evenkir, Guymirs, Jochor, Kourountis, Mointyrs, Mortis, Nuvaits, Oughais, Sainin, Sanis, Sondyghars, Tchallins, Zenets) compete for dominance in the steppes of Borea after the end of the dragon dominions. Dragons create Drakenhome and settle it with the Drokhoor kobolds. Mlazned cryons spread in Hyborea (F7).
1,297 BC:
Bulzan’s capital sacked by Wogar’s horde (F6,7).
1,296 BC:
Ogres betray king Wogar at the battle of Khuzud in the mid Yalu river, kill his shaman and go eastward through the Yazak steppes to the Black Mountains and Sind. Other groups go to the Endworld line, while Wogar’s main force invades the Savage Coast (C). Wogar moves to the Great Valley and occupies it (F6,7).
1,290 BC:
Oltecs, elves, lupins and rakasta of the Savage Coast are displaced and endangered by the humanoid invasion. Volcanic eruptions in Aengmor displace the elves and their lupin allies. (C).
1,280 BC:
Ogres reach Sind under Vaprak/Jammudaru (C, F4). The Mebirush empire of the northern Arm of the Immortals is attacked by humanoids (F6).
1,270 BC:
Some ogres leaves Sind and reach Ogremoor (C).
1,263-1,257 BC:
Wogar dies in the Great Valley and becomes an Immortal; his shaman is tricked by Hosadus to go east, and the horde invades Sindhi and Urduk lands (C, F6).
1,252 BC:
Karimari from Yavdlom helps the Urduk against the humanoids (C).
1,250 BC:
Hosadus declares the Kingdom of Great Hule (F6) Red Orcs pushed out of Sindh into Atruaghin lands and Cruth mountains (C).
1,245 BC:
Bulzan freed from humanoid rule (F6,7).
1,241 BC:
Lawful Brotherhood armies invade the Great Valley from the north but are repelled (F6,7) The gnomes of Borea have now built several Earthshakers. They are able to conquer vast territories and the Empire of Dorfin III is formed north of the Yalu sea (M).
1,235 BC:
Sacred men kill Hosadus and bureaucracy take power in Hule (F6,7).
1,210 BC:
Year of the Great Deluge in Hyborea due to exceptional heat (F6,7).
1,205 BC:
Huyule founds Korgut (modern Kladanovic) to trade with the Urduk of the plain and the Serpent Peninsula (F7).
1,200 BC:
The wizard Iliric of Bylot creates the tower of Rockwater west of Lake Tros and later becomes an Immortal. Bagni Gullymaw the devourer and his trolls terrorize eastern Brun then settle in Trollhattan (C, F4). Humanoids leave the ruins of the Mebirush empire in the northern Arm of the Immortals and continue southward (F6). A tortle revolt destroys the renmants of the Dravish civilization (F10) .
1,192 BC:
Antasyn asks for Hule’s help against Bulzan and is saved, but the sacred men slowly take control of the nation (F6,7).
1,190 BC:
Wogar’s horde discovers Aengmor/Oenkmar now risen to the surface (C). Galan Dragonheart of the New Duchy of Law conquers Lower Urzud where he establishes his capital and the new Citadel of Law, first nucleus of the Galannor kingdom (F6). The gnomes of Dorfin III promote the rise of Galannor (M).
1,153 BC:
Nithian traders reach Korgut (F7).
1,150 BC:
Pegataurs settle in the southern Immortals Shield escaping humanoid invasions and found Pazarkan (F6).
1,141 BC:
Hule conquers Bulzan’s capital (F6,7).
[Image: Dorfin’s warriors]
Caption: Dorfin’s warriors charging
1,138 BC:
The Empire of Dorfin unifies the tribes of Borea and Hyborea and expands towards the Midlands and the Great Valley (F6,7). The gnomes of Dorfin III are secretly the masters of the human warleader who has adopted the name Dorfin, and supply him with Earthshakers, allowing the conquest of an immense territory (M).
1,107 BC:
The Yalu Empire of Dorfin expands with Tashgoun as its capital and adopts the Way of the Law (F6,7).
1,104 BC:
Rafiel becomes the patron of the Shadowelves who begin building the City of the Stars (C).
1,100 BC:
Bartziluth the bugbear leads humanoid hordes in conquest as the main general of Oenkmar (C, F4, M). Minroth finds Harbourtown. Nithian exploration and colonization of Southern Brun (C).
1,088 BC:
The great Yalu Empire of Emperor Dorfin conquers Dravya, pushing south the Hattis (Oltec people) and the Dars (Neathar-Oltec) (F6,7).
1,076 BC:
Beginning of a decades long war between the Yalu Empire and Hule (F6,7). Hule promotes humanoid attacks and rebellions in Borea against the Empire.
1,050 BC:
Ranivorus promotes a great gnoll invasion from the Known World to Hule (F4). Talmav nomads escape the Yalu Empire and go to the west (F6,7).
1,048 BC:
War in Hyborea between arctic dwarves and frost giants when an ancient Blackmoor device is discovered (F6).
1,047 BC:
Karsanite kingdom founded on the Western Gulf of Hule (F6).
1,034 BC:
Following the disappearance of Emperor Dorfin, the Yalu River Empire ceases its crusade against Hule and lose some territories (F6). The gnomes of Dorfin III still maintain control of large territories of Brun for centuries to come, and manipulate local kingdoms and tribes to support the Way of the Law (M).
1,031 BC7:
Nithian explorers reach the area of modern northern Zuyevo, then inhabited by Valoin people and called Azidhaka and create a new nation called Neskayt east of the Talmav lands. The Talmav are defeated and become vassals (F6,7).
1,029 BC:
Humanoids attack Isanmaa, but are defeated by king Vainamoinen. The Shonaks reach the northern shores of Norwold (F9).
[Image: Vainamoinen]
Caption: Vainamoinen fighting humanoids
Nithian power and colonization
1,000 BC:
Alphatian Landfall and first contacts with Nithia. Gnolls invade Traladara and are repelled by heroes Halav, Petra and Zirchev, who later will become immortals. Hutaakans hide in the Lost Valley or disperse toward the west. Orcs enslave the Hin. (C). Darsagades founded by settling Dars nomads (F6,7). Antalians settle in the Genalleth valley (F6). Warming climate bring many lynxman and snow pardasta rakasta tribes to Hyborea. Other rakasta mix with the humans of Sind (F2).
990 BC:
Nimbeth founded by the elves in the Northern Wildlands. Lothenar and Geffron elves move in southern Den. Modern Wendar divided in Eastern Kevareth, Central Genalleth and Western Greatwood (F6).
978 BC:
Dvinzina conquers Azardjian and Grouzhina, recreating the former Iraklit kingdom (F6,7).
970 BC:
Some elves of the Northern Wildlands found the city of Thalion (F6).
964 BC:
Successfull Hin rising destroyes the power of the orcs in Hindon, but the Hin are soon invaded by dwarves and Traldar mercenaries (C).
950 BC:
Geffronell kingdom founded by the elves in the southern Denagothian plateau (F6).
940 BC:
The Nimbeth elves defeat the Mengul humans and rise to dominate them and the elven and human clans of Genalleth (F6).
930 BC:
Loktal Ironshield found the Glittering Lands in the modern Shires (C).
921 BC:
Hule colonizes the coast of the Gulf to the west (F6,7).
912 BC:
The Hin defeat Loktal’s forces and found Shaerdon (C). The Yalu Empire loses territories and the Kingdom of Sardjikjan is founded (F6,7).
890 BC:
Genalleth elves from Wendar fleeing internal conflict with the humans of those lands settle in the woodlands of the Adri Varma Plateau (F6). Forenath falls after a plague that pits elves against humans (F9) Some elves and humans colonize Parthenal, northwest of Norwold, mixing with local Antalians (F9).
873 BC:
First clashes between Hule and the Karsanite kingdom, which will lead to several wars and the Karsanites asking for Nithian help (F6,7).
850 BC:
The future Immortal Maleen/Malinois guides the lupins resistance against Nithian colonization of western Brun (F4, M).
811 BC:
Thalion and Nimbeth defeat a Greatwood invasion (F6).
806 BC:
Nithian colony of Senta-ni-Tep founded on the southern coast of the Great Waste (F7).
801 BC:
Orcs conquer the Hin lands again (C).
800 BC:
As the Sylvan Realm is besieged by humans and humanoids and overcrowded, Mealiden Starwatcher leads many elves to the Known World and finds Alfheim (C). Darokin town founded (C) Atruaghin, Hattani and Danel lead the revolt against red orcs in the Atruaghin lands, but eventually Danel, manipulated by Atzanteotl, kills Hattani (C, F4). The Kingdom of Isanmaa is at its peak, and humanoid tribes pay tribute to the Saamari kings (F9). The Moorkroft horde which threaten the Sylvan Realm also attacks the gnomes of Dorfin III and turns several human and humanoid tribes against them (M).
795 BC:
Atruaghin raises the plateau and becomes an Immortal (C).
779 BC:
Death of the last heir of the southern Dorfin dynasty creates a long power struggle in Sardjikjian (F6,7).
750 BC:
The Dars of the northern Arm of the Immortals create an unified kingdom (F6).
Kepher/Noumena is one of the last Nithian pharaohs not corrupted by Entropy (F4).
746 BC:
Manipulated by Hule, Urduk tribes attack Nithian colonies on the coast of the Great Waste, start of the Nithian-Hulean war (F7).
745 BC:
Hin begin a rebellion against the orcs occupying their lands (C). The Kingdom of Galannor and the Seven Duchies of the Midlands form the Council of Order with five human tribes of the Midlands, while others remain neutral and others join the horde of the humanoid chief Vaprak (F7). This event will lead to the creation of the Neutral Alliance by human and rakasta tribes who do not want to be involved in the struggle between Law and Chaos (M).
736 BC:
The New Citadel of Law built in Galannor (F7).[Image: Galannor knights and the Iraklit emperor]
Caption: Galannor knights and Urduk nomads meet the Iraklit emperor
728 BC:
Nithians destroy the Hulean colony of Korgut, end of the Nithian-Hulean war (F7).
725 BC:
Answering the Karsanites Kingdom’s demands for help in their conflict with Hule, Nithia invades the Hulean territories of the western Gulf coast (F6).
724 BC:
The hordes of Vaprak take the Citadel of Law in the Midlands but the hordes soon dissolve and are abandoned by their human allies, allowing Galannor to rebuild (F7).
710 BC:
Bargda created, supposedly from minotaurs that betrayed the enduks in Nimmur8 (F4). Ten Years War in Wendar resulting in growing power of Nimbeth and a defeat for Genalleth and Greatwood (F6).
702 BC:
Bulzan and Antasyn declare independence and the first Hulean Empire fragments. Temple of Chaos divided by religious conflicts (F6,7).
700 BC:
Hin Keeper Coberham Shadowglint discovers the secret of the Blackflame in the Five Shires and later becomes an Immortal (C, F4). Nithia’s mainland corrupted by Entropy, and sees the beginning of a civil war. Nithians in the Savage Coast mix with the local Oltec populations (C) The orc leader Karaash/Ilneval travels and conquers lands from Hule to Robrenn, the Dravi cities and Western Brun, killing Minoides and eventually attaining immortality (F4).
Lornasen, opponent of Eyrindul, leads some Shiye elves to Norwold (F4).
690 BC:
Sokhtar manscorpions escape the Konumtali. Savannah pushed by Nithian attacks, flee underground and are welcomed by the Enduks in Nimmur (C). Herathian wizards wipe out the Wallara memories to protect their secret, wiping out the Wallara civilization (C).
686 BC: The Iraklit Empire again fragments in Azardjian, Grouzhina and Dvinzina (F6,7).
662 BC:
The Jaakuori tribe of Hyborea awakens a great monster called Ufloq which slays many before returning to its hideout in the ice (F6,7).
655 BC:
Urduk nomads settle Grouzhina founding Kyurdukstan, as the prairie of the Waste becomes a desert (F7).
653 BC:
Nithia now has full control of the Savage Coast and the Karsanite kingdom (F6,7). Zaranaster introduces the new religion of Mizara-Idam among the Dars (F6,7).
650 BC:
Desertification of the Sind desert worsens (C).
640 BC:
Duncan the clanless creates the Heartlands human realm in central Wendar (F6).
611 BC:
Alliance between the Dars and the Pegataurs of Pazarkan (F6,7).
610 BC:
Hin complete the liberation of their land and found Shireton (C).
600 BC:
Thyatians, Kerendans and Hattians leave Davania and arrive in south eastern Brun.
590 BC:
The Kanastenid Empire of the Dars (Neathar-Oltec) unifies the northern Arm of the Immortals (F6).
585 BC:
Kyurdustan is independent from Grouzhina (F6).
572 BC:
Isanmaa’s armies defeated by humanoids in the Borean Valley (F7,9).
564 BC:
A rebellion is quenched in Senta-ni-Tep, the rebels escape to the north eventually arriving in Azardjian and embracing the Way of the Law (F7).
550 BC:
Masauwu, formerly a Minrothaddan, is now in Hel’s service bringing entropy to power in Nithia (F4). The Yevo nomads travel south and settle the northern Yalu valley (F6).
529 BC:
Civil war in Thanegia as the elves rise against the half elven seers. Yav investigates the matter as a mortal prophet (C).
528 BC:
Sheyallia elves escaping the Serpent Peninsula discover Graak and fight the local gnolls (C).
Fall of Nithia and new humanoid invasions
500 BC:
Nithia is destroyed by a council of Immortals and its memory erased from the minds of mortals. Their former Alaysian slaves conquer the land. Lizard men, infected by a Nithian disease in the Makai islands, kill all the Nithians. Alphatia conquers Thothia. (C) Yav returns to Thanegia as the Herald Mulogo and leads a great migration to the Arm of the Immortals (C). Gnomes found the city of Torkyn Falls in the Wendarian range (C). Oenkmar sinks back into the earth (C). The Wallara unleash the Red Curse against Herath in revenge for the destruction of their civilization in 690 BC. Herathians manage to contain the Red Curse in the eastern Savage Coast (C). Sokhtar manscorpions aided by Herath betray the Enduks and conquer Nimmur, forcing the Enduks to escape to the Arm of the Immortals, where the Ee’aer give them the Eshunite plateau in exchange for help in clearing it of monsters. Ixion curses the manscorpions (C). Nithian descendants in Azardjian are now the Chengoush and no longer remember their origin (F7). The Karsanite and Nithians of the Savage Coast partially forget their culture and hide in caves (F6,7). Kingdom of Galannor established in the Midlands (F6). Vaarana leave the Isanmaa under humanoid attacks and migrate east (F7,9). Ocelasta rakasta rebel against Atzanteotl and begin their wandering in southeastern Brun and Davania (F2).
496 BC:
Visi (nomads), Traldar refugees from the Savage Coast, reach Neskayt and form the new Kingdom of Visneskaya, but the Visi are treated as second class citizens (F6,7).
494 BC:
Orcs attempt to invade Eshu but are repelled (C).
493-492 BC:
Queen Ubdala raises a new great horde but is defeated by the dwarves in the battle of Sardal Pass (C).
491 BC:
Remnants of the great horde besiege Selenica but are defeated (C).
490 BC:
Kobolds attack the gnomish settlements in the Northern Reaches. Leptar’s invasion terrorizes southern Darokin and Eastern Traladara (C, F4).
475 BC:
Dengar dwarves begin exploration of other lands (C).
460 BC:
Kurtulmak’s kobolds destroy the gnomish Kingdom of Falun (C, F4).
452 BC:
Mahmatti of the clan of the Elk tries to fight Atzanteotl’s influence among the Tiger clan but fails. However, he becomes an Immortal after defeating Atzanteotl’s plans (C, F4).
450 BC:
Dengar dwarves arrive in the eastern Savage Coast and live peacefully with local descendants of Oltecs and Nithians and with lupins, rakasta and tortles, helping them against humanoids (C).
444 BC:
Peace of the Five People between the Kavkaz nations (F6).
430 BC:
Graakhalia created by coexistence of elves and gnolls in the caves (C).
425 BC:
The cities of Yavdlom and Quagmire in the Serpent Peninsula sink and are overrun by lizard men (C).
400 BC:
The Chambara, shapeshifters of Sindh, take control of the region (C). Yav leads the Tanagoro back to the Serpent Peninsula, escaping humanoid attacks in the Arm of the Immortals (C). Some Tanagoro disperse in the Peninsula and the bay, settling elsewhere or mixing with the others who came with the migration of 1,700 BC (F11). Jakar is created by the rakasta in the south of the Arm of the Immortals(F2,7).
391 BC:
Lovaara the sorceress rises to power in the north and takes Isanmaa. Many Saamari migrate to northern Norwold (F9,7).
377 BC:
Nimbeth9 sacked by human barbarians, humanoids of the steppes and frogfolk of the moors (F6, M)
371 BC:
Çem Ipekçi, ruler of Azurun begins a violent unification of Hule, burning down the Temple of Chaos and killing the Holy men (F6).
360 BC:
Thalion avoids destruction when the last queen marries the king of Greatwood and merges the two realms, which are able to repel humans and humanoids (F6).
350 BC:
King Mealiden abdicates to pursue his path to Immortality (C). The gnomish dominion of Dorfin III has now lost much power in Central Brun, due to a combination of attacks from the Moorkroft’s horde and Lovaara the sorceress in the north and migrations of human and humanoid tribes and for centuries is reduced to the area of Imlec (M).
[Image: Fallen Earthshaker]
Caption: Lovaara destroying an Earthshaker
314 BC:
Hivebroods arrive in the Arm of the Immortals and attack the Kanastenid Empire (F6,7).
302 BC:
Overking Çem disappears in Hule and the Hagiarchy returns to power (F6).
300 BC:
Following a time of chaos, Enoreth II of Geffronell unifies Genalleth and Geffronell, starting a period of peace and prosperity (F6). First tanagogre, descendants of ogres and Tanagoro humans from Skothar, arrive in the Arm of the Immortals (C, F6,11). Woraf Empire created by the Tanagoro humans of the south western Arm of the Immortals (F11). Troglodytes create the Realm of Stygia in the Endworld line (F6,7).
292 BC:
Armies of Thalion and Nimbeth wage several reprisals against humans in the Northern Wildlands (F9).
277 BC:
Lemminkainen breaches Lovaara’s citadel, the Vaarana reclaim their ancient Borean lands but have to constantly fight humanoids, while the Saamari migrate east to Northern Norwold (F9).
272 BC:
The Kanastenid Empire collapses under hivebrood attacks (F6).
260 BC:
After less than a century of existence, the Alphatian Kingdom of Alinor in Norwold is destroyed by Wyrmsteeth dragons (C, F9).
251 BC:
The gnome Glimreen Gemeye finds a Blackmoor Artifact and begins to build an aerial city (C).
250 BC:
Thyatian pirates plague southeastern Brun. Mealiden becomes an Immortal and creates the Egg of the Phoenix (C).
239 BC:
Tanagogre from Skothar founds Gombar and Suma’a in the Arm of the Immortals (C, F6).
200 BC:
Orcs dominate most of the Streel Plains, Ethengar, the Southern Highlands and the Broken Lands. The elves of Alfheim help the humans of the Eastwind clan in the southern Streel Plain to resist orc power. The tritons arrive in the Sunlit Sea (C).
186 BC:
Hule allies with the humanoids of the Yazak steppes and conquer Bulzan. Antasyn submits a few years later (F6).
190 BC:
Alphatia occupies Thyatis (C).
160 BC:
Hule tries to control the Savage Coast but meets Lawful Brotherhood’s fierce resistance (F6).
151 BC:
Nagpas and tabis help the gnomes who are building the flying city (C).
150 BC:
Tortles of the Savage Coast build the settlement of Zul and begin trading with other races (C). The Woraf Empire of the southern Arm of the Immortals fragments into 13 different kingdoms. Zaranasterism spreads from the Kanastenid Empire (F11).
138-7 BC:
First and second Kavkazian wars, Hule conquers Dvinzina and territories in the north (F6).
128 BC:
After centuries of divisions, Karlis recreates the Kingdom of Littonia (F9).
111 BC:
The troglodytes of Stygia attack the hresha-rhak of the archipelago of Kerminhae and conquer their mainland territories in the Endworld line (F6,7).
105 BC:
Kaarjala, the nation of the Saamari people, is created in the north after a conflict and a treaty with Littonia (F9).
100 BC:
The Church of Idris gathers followers in Northern Denagoth, preaching against the elves of Genalleth and Geffronell (F6).
99 BC:
Hulean forces try to colonise the Bylot hills but meet strong opposition (F6,7).
91 BC:
Some sphinxes discover the gnomish project of the flying city and decide to help (C).
53 BC:
Sendaryan tribes destroy Hulean colonies in the Bylot hills (F6,7).
44 BC:
The Hattasin empire defeats the hivebrood threat in the northern Arm of the Immortals and unifies the region (F6).
2 BC:
The red dragon, Kardyer, becomes a renegade and occupies the ancient city of Darmouk in eastern Rockhome (C).
New Empires and Nations, and Dorfin IV
0 AC:
Empire of Thyatis founded after successful rebellion against Alphatian rule (C). Gnomes arrive in Traladara (C). Denagothians raid against Lothenar and Geffronell (F9).
10 AC:
Lupin tribes unite in the central Savage Coast to resist Yazak humanoids (C). Thyatian explorers spread a pestilence in the nation of Sidsteland, Hyborea, which is eventually contained (F6,7).
12 AC:
Thyatians establish Cape Alpha (C).
15 AC:
Alphatian raid destroys Cape Alpha (C).
21 AC:
Kingdom of Darokin founded (C).
25-38 AC:
Rebellions in Bulzan and Antasyn are violently crushed by Hule (F6).
39 AC:
Flying city of Serraine launches (C). The dominion of Dorfin IV is rebuilt in Borea and many tribes and territories of central Brun slowly fall under its direct or indirect control (M).
42 AC:
Orc leader Telkan founds a new kingdom enslaving the Visi. The Neskayans are unable to take back their former territory (F6, M).
62 AC:
Hule’s colonisation attempt in the Savage Coast fails due to the fierce resistance of the Lawful Brotherhood (F6,7).
83 AC:
Hule conquers the Slago dwarves’ fortress and attacks the Lawful Brotherhood’s colonies in the Gulf, conquering some territories (F7).
88 AC:
Orcs, defeated by Corwyn Attleson in Darokin, invade Nagpuri (C).
100 AC:
Humanoids invade the Savage Coast, destroying the tortle city of Zul and pushing lupins and rakasta toward Herath, who sends the gurrash gatormen against them. The gurrash then escape from Herathian control (C). Humanoids attack the Konumtali savannah but are driven away by the unified human tribes (C, F7).
110 AC:
Denagothians and orcs sack Nimbeth (F9).
120-158 AC:
Hulean expansion beyond the Black Mountain is eventually repelled by the Urduk tribes (F7).[Image: Urduk village]
Caption: Urduk village
150 AC:
Thyatis invades the southern Alaysian lands (C). Djikarti gnomes create the nation of Szekesh in the Endworld line (F6,7).
157 AC:
A great Hattasin armada is destroyed by the alliance of Gombar, Suma’a and the gyerians of Adilli (F6).
179 AC:
Putnabad now controls all the Asanda river in Sind and a part of the Salt Swamp (C).
175 AC:
Forced south by cold weather, the Yevo nomads found the dominion of Vyatka on the lower Yavu river (F6). Saamari and Kaalhii Valoin people instead go east in Borea and found Kainuu (F9).
184-207 AC:
Third Kavkazian War, Hule occupies part of Sarjikjian and Grouzhina (F6).
193 AC:
The troglodytes of Stygia begin attacking the gnomes of Szekesh in the Endworld line (F6,7).
199 AC:
The Chambahara Grand Mogul is overthrown in Sind and shapeshifters hunted (C).
Lupins and rakasta are persecuted as well and many abandon the nation or hide (F2, M).200 AC:
Barimoor moves into the Alaysian basin (C). The Denagothian Maggorath creates a barbaric kingdom of humans, brutes, goblins and frogfolk in the swamps and moors west of Norwold (F9). Koralgesh becomes an important port on the Western coast of Brun north of the Hattasin Empire (C, F6).
216 AC:
Hule’s siege of Tashgoun is broken by the Ozungan elves, led by Cymorrak10 and Hule is forced to retreat (F6). The gnomes of Dorfin IV secretly promote the creation of the Crystal Alliance against Hule (M).
217 AC:
Humanoids backed by Hule conquer Dravya from the Hattasin Empire. The Chaotic Sisterhood is established in the city (F6, M).
230 AC:
The gnomes of Szekesh have limited contact with the hydrax of the closed society in the Endworld line (F6,7).
233 AC:
The Hattasin empire is threatened by Yevo nomads to the north and humanoids with Hulean allies to the east (F6).
235 AC:
The orcs of Telkan attack Neskaya but are defeated. The Visi revolt and Visneskaya is reunited, but the Visi remain second class subjects (F6).
250 AC:
Alphatians colonise northern Alaysia and the Isle of Dread. War between the two empires in the Isle of Dawn. Ylari refugees arrive in Darokin and Sind (C).
284 AC:
Minrothians and Alphatian clash on the Isle of Dread (C).
291 AC:
The Temple of Chaos is burned by the Crystal Alliance of the nations following the Way of the Law and the Second Hulean Empire crumbles. Bulzan and Antasyn are independent again (F6).
299 AC:
Following the implosion of the Hulean empire, the Hattasin Empire conquers Dravya and part of the Yazak steppes. The Chaotic Sisterhood remain in hiding in Dravya (F6,7, M).
300 AC:
After the last orcs are repelled from the Kingdom of Darokin, Corun’s Glen is founded (C). Sol-Klor is founded by the Oghriz of the Adri Varma Plateau (F6,7). Denolas of Geffronell appoints the half-elf Wendar as governor of Genalleth (F6). Kingdom of Noxor unifies five kingdoms in the southern Arm of the Immortals and embraces Zaranasterism (F11).
308 AC:
The elves of Amoleth take back their long-lost city of Nimbeth in the north (F6).
308-327 AC:
Fourth Kavkazian War. Dvinzina and Grouzhina are at war over the Azardjian territory, resulting in Azardjian independence (F6).
313 AC:
Hattian rebellion defeated in Thyatis (C).
322-336 AC:
Witch Queen rules in Norwold11.
323 AC:
Ellareth of Nimbeth declares himself king entering into conflict with Genalleth and Geffronell (F6).
333 AC:
Nimbeth falls to humanoids and its refugees go to Thalion (F6).
340 AC:
Alphatian Kingdoms of the West founded in the Yalu valley; in truth these are only pocket principalities of exiled Alphatian wizards (F6).
343 AC:
Thalion is destroyed by barbarians of the north and the moors (F6).
350 AC:
Crakkak Sharptooth leads the shark-kin to dominate several region of the southern seas (C, F4, M). Demogorgon’s plan to dominate the Known World is thwarted when a group of good priests imprison her in her temple of evil in the south of the modern Orclands (F4).
365 AC:
Mountain gnomes found Portuei in the Endworld line (F6,7).
395 AC:
The Flaeams arrive in the Highlands and slowly dominate the human inhabitants of the Wendarian range (C, F6).
398 AC:
After the death of Wendar, the League of Genalleth is renamed in his name (F6).
400 AC:
Yav returns and leads the Tanagoro back to Thanegia to save them from attacking humanoids, creating a new government of seers (C). Denagoth unified by the Church of Idris. Geffronell promotes the birth of Essuria to create a buffer territory (F6) Roagher tribes of Borea differentiate in Lower and Upper Roag (F7,9).
Migrations and lycanthropy
401 AC:
Lycanthropy epidemic starts in Alphatian lands and spreads (C).
403 AC:
Varellyan refugees from Davania arrive in the southermost tip of the Arm of the Immortals and settle among the local lizardmen (F6,7).
410 AC:
Minroth traders spread Lycanthropy and Vampirism (C).
415 AC:
Zuygano is founded by the Yevo (F6).
425 AC:
Shapeshifter and Lycanthropes regain power in Sind (C).
429 AC:
Thyatian navigator and explorer, Niccolò Verazzano, makes the First Voyage to the Serpent Peninsula and the Gulf of Hule (F6).
430-437 AC:
The troglodytes of Stygia finally conquer the gnomes of Szekesh, but the varkha lizardmen arrive from the east and defeat the troglodytes, eventually founding the nation of Gournzee in the Endworld line (F6).
433 AC:
Persecution of lycanthropy in the Kavkaz nations forces many to escape to Borea (F7).
The anatids create the Golden City in the Endworld line (F6,7).
440 AC:
Carnuilh people settle the Central Savage Coast in the area of modern Bellayne, Eusdria and Robrenn (C, F2).
443 AC:
Silver purge against lycanthropes in the Isle of Dread (C).
445 AC:
Traladaran refugees from religious wars found Kladanovic, but most continue to the Gulf of Hule (F6).
450 AC:
Braejr is built in the Highlands (C). Traldars found Slagovich, Zvornik, Hojah, Zagora, Boyarski, Gonica and Nova Svoga in the Gulf of Hule and also spread towards the Savage Coast. They meet the goatlings in the Gulf region and establish some trade with them. (C) King Louis I is chosen as the first King of Renardy (F2). A new religion, the Asman faith from the name of its prophet, spreads in the southern Arm of the Immortals embraced by two nations, Dutse and Zulbe (F11).
451 AC:
Mrikitat finds the great city of wererats under Thyatis (C, F4) The wizards of Sind defeat the shapeshifters (C).
[Image: Fighting shapeshifters]
Caption: Sindian depiction of a battle with shapeshifters
454 AC:
Traldar migrants create the nation of Olgar southwest of Hule (F6).
474 AC:
Three centuries of elven and human campaigns in northern Wendar end with humanoids, giants and other enemies repelled to the north, but the northern wildlands are lost and borders drawn that remain to the present day (F9).
475 AC:
Following a civil war, the Yezchamenid Empire of the Dars is born, replacing the Hattasin (F6).
478 AC:
Kingdom of Ostland founded (C).
488 AC:
Minrothad city founded (C).
492 AC:
Dragon attacks in the Eastern Highlands led to the gnomish abandonment of Torkyn Falls: Flaemish settlements are also attacked (C). Thelvyn “Fox-Eyes” journeys to Dragonwatch Keep in Western Brun and becomes the 2nd Dragonlord. Alphatia starts colonization of Norworld (C).
496 AC:
In Visneskaya the Visi rebel with the help of Zuyevo. During the civil war a group of Visneskayan led by Lord Brasv goes west and founds the Kingdom of Brasov on the western coast of Brun, obtaining lands from local centaurs, fairy folks and elves, with whom the humans establish peaceful relations (F6,7).
497 AC:
Dragons destroy the Alphatian colony in Norwold. The Dragonlord kills the red dragon Kardyer in Darmouk. Dragons attack the Highlands (C).
498 AC:
Armies of the Overlord attack Alphatia, Dengar, Ethengar and the Highlands after appearing in the Adri Varma region and Wendarian range. The Dragonking promotes an alliance of Known World nations against the Overlord and finally defeats him during a battle in the Northern Wildlands north of Wendar. The Dragonking becomes the Immortal dragon Diamond (C).
500 AC:
Thyatis and Alphatia fight in Alaysian lands (C). The creature Harrow is active in the Hulean region and later attains immortality helping Hosadus and Loki unifying Hule (F4).
The lupin Matin saves Renardy from a goblin invasion and attains Immortaliy (F4).
Hulean armies push human tribes toward the Savage Coast where they found Robrenn and Eusdria, mixing with the local population. Bellayne becomes a rakasta nation after a plague hits the human population. Many humanoids are pushed to the west in the Dark Jungle (C).
501-4 AC:
Elfwar between Darokin and Alfheim (C).
502 AC:
Darius Glantri marries Solveig White Gold. Former companions of the Dragonking, they continue to be famous adventurers in the Highlands, Darokin, Traladara and Glantri for many years (C). Zuyevo intervenes in the Visneskaya Kingdom torn by civil war and conquers it with the help of the Talmavs, becoming the new power of the region (F6).
512 AC:
Kingdom of Olgar split from Bulzan (F6).
517 AC:
Zuyevo finally unifies all the Yevo, Vis, Neskaya and Talmav people. Some refuse the authority of the new empire and join the refugees of the Endworld line, eventually founding the Klagorst confederation near Brasov. The new colonists have some conflicts with local centaurs and fairy folks (F6,7).
523 AC:
Big Chief Sitting Drool’s forces break into Corunglain and ransack the city (C).
529 AC:
Barazul the Allking founds the Kingdom of Nastoreth including Varellyan humans and lizardmen in the southern Arm of the Immortals (F6,7).
543 AC:
Kelsonath Primerider, chief of the Guymir tribe unites the Borean and Hyborean tribes in a plan to invade the rich lands of the south (F6,7).
546 AC:
Human insurrection in the Hearlands of Wendar, later pacified with a strengthening of the Wendarian League (F6). Cloud giants create the city of Cirrinembis in the Endworld line (F6,7).
550 AC:
The Lawful Brotherhood influences Bellayne and the rakasta nation abandons the Neutral Alliance (F2).
560 AC:
Alfheim defeats a Shadowelf invasion (C).
571 AC:
Thyatians and hin settle Ierendi islands (C). Jochor tribe settles on the Yalu region in southern Borea (F7).
571-5 AC:
Invasion of the Midlands by the Northern Barbarians. The tribes plunder the Douzbak and Sardjik cities. The Blue Temple of Kiteng is mysteriously spared. The Sendaryan tribes unite with the Northern Barbarians to invade Hule (F6-7). The gnomes of Dorfin IV drive the barbarians towards Hule (M).
580 AC:
The Kalgonchinian centaurs are cast off the Council of the Seven Tribes in the Endworld line due to their close relations with Brasovian humans (F6,7).
586 AC:
Thyatis conquers the Ierendi islands (C).
600 AC:
Mad Creeg’s rebellion leads to Ierendi independence. Ralon introduces grapes to Renardy to fight the effect of the Amber lotus flowers (C, F4). The Empire of Moorkroft conquers the last pocket of resistance in the Sylvan Realm and the Feadil escape to Alfheim (C, F4). The Kingdom of Galannor and the barbarians of the Midlands raid Hule, Hosadus unites the nation, drives them out and becomes the Master. Monzag is founded (C, F6). Hosadus understands the role of the gnomes in the events of Brun and begins to plot how to destroy the dominion of Dorfin IV (M).
[Image: The Master]
Caption: The Master receiving petitioners609 AC:
Jaibul is founded by wizards as an independent nation (C).
610 AC:
Some elves from Sylvan Realm arrive in Graakhalia (C).
614 AC:
Vestland defeats Ostland and becomes a kingdom (C).
622 AC:
At the Battle of the Bayou the Yezchamenid Empire defeats colonists from Renardy and Bellayne (F6). Some elves from Sylvan Realm settle Borea and create the Gardener clans (F6,7)
630 AC:
Chaotic Sisterhood grows in Hule as an alliance of female clerics of Loki who resent the prominence given to men in the empire. In the Yazak steppes the Sisterhood is slowly infiltrated by other faiths (Hel, Valerias) and by aranea agents (F10, M12)
640 AC:
A coalition of Littonians, Kaarjalans, Vaarana, and Sarkan Goblins turn back humanoid hordes and Cruji (human and humanoid former followers of Pojaara) from the west (F9).
650 AC:
The Alphatian general Bemarris wins several battles against dragons in Norwold, gaining more space for Alphatian colonisation (C, F4, M). Nob Nar becomes a great hero in the Five Shires (C, F4). Saamari of the steppes from Kainuu rebuild the Kingdom of Isanmaa in Borea and its capital Kuusamo (F9). Wars between Brasov, Klagorst, Stygia and Chevalle in the Endworld line end without territory changes (F6,7).
651 AC:
Hosadus creates the Janizary lands in Hule for humanoids (F6).
665 AC:
Treaty of commercial alliance between Gombar, Suma’a and the Yezchamenid Empire (F6,7).
670 AC:
Kingdom of Essuria rises to power with the aid of Geffronell (F6).
687 AC:
Ierendian ships begin regular trade with Sind (C).
691 AC:
Honor Island mages enter into secret agreements with the Supreme Symposium of Gnomish Syndicates to develop the Ierendian navy (C). A contingent of evil wizards from Alphatia build a castle of ice in Hyborea, but they are killed by an earthquake a few years later (F6).
695 AC:
Ierendi invades Tyjaret and plunders Kladanovic (F6).
696 AC:
Avien of Essuria defeats his brother Gereth of Denagoth (F6).
700 AC:
The Erewan clan joins the Belcadiz in the southern Highlands. Rajah Yuvraj Narenda ul Nervi of Sindrastan encourages trade with Slagovich (C). Flaems now dominate all the human lords of the Wendarian range. Some, refusing submission, go to Wendar (F6). Sidhe lords create a realm in Borea defeating the Cruji of Pojaara, who escape into the Borean valley (F7,9). The Lawful Brotherhood conquers the ruins of Yazak with lupin assistance. The Neutral Alliance of rakasta and humans react by taking control of Bylot and the surrounding hills (F10). The seven tanagoro Sawabar colonies of the southern Arm of the Immortals free themselves from Gombarian domination and embrace the Asman faith (F11).
701 AC:
The Confederacy of Robrenn is founded (C).
706 AC:
The Yezchamenid empire is defeated by the Zuyevan in the north (F6).
707 AC:
Heldann “the Brave” creates the Heldann Freeholds and defeats trolls, but is murdered a few years later and the jarls fail to unify (C).
714 AC:
Kingdom of Sind is now unified under the ul Nervi dynasty (C).
722 AC:
Some elves rebel in Graakhalia with the purpose of subduing the gnolls, but are defeated (C).
728 AC:
The D’Ambrevilles arrive in the Highlands and found Nouvelle Averoigne. Many lupins flee the region as lycanthropy spreads and reaches Renardy in the Savage Coast. Thyatian refugees from Alphatian conquest in Alaysia reach the region as well (C).
730 AC:
Morphail Gorevitch Woszlany leads traladarans to the Highlands. Ethengarian wizards settle the land as well. Conflicts with the Flaems (C).
732 AC:
Bulzan and Olgar are conquered by the Hulean armies (F6).
735 AC:
Essuria establishes colonies in several areas northwest of Norwold, founding Ghyr (F9).
747 AC:
The Braejr Council of Lords outlaws clerical teaching and magic (C).
750 AC:
Yav returns and helps create the Most Serene Divinarchy of Yavdlom (C). The Lawful Brotherhood rebuilds Kladanovic (F6).
753 AC:
Zuyevo manages to subdue the divided tribes of the Tunguska forest (F6,7).
760 AC:
Threatened by gator man raids, the lizard men tribes of Western Brun unite behind a single war leader, the Shazak (C).
765 AC:
The Haldis clan unifies the Haldisvall region in Heldannic lands (F9).
786 AC:
Thyatian hero Giovanni Porphirio, later emperor, unveils a plot of the Church of Idris in Denagoth. Essuria and the Wyrmsteeth dragons destroy the Onyx Ring headquarters in Denagoth. Bensarian is chief historian of Geffronell (F6).
788 AC:
The Alphatian Halzunthram declares the Highlands a protectorate of Alphatia after intervening in the civil war between Flaems and new settlers, starting the 40 years war (C).
791 AC:
Tanakumba founded in Yadlom (C).
795 AC:
Reign of the Blood Brethren begins in the Broken Lands (C). Halvan is King of Essuria. A friend of Bensarian of Wendar and the Thyatian Emperor Giovanni I, Halvan’s reign is the Golden Age of Essuria (F6).
800 AC:
Humanoid attacks all around the Broken Lands, Blood Brethen imprisoned. Yavdlom expands its trade and secures its borders. Devilfish appear in the Sunlit Sea (C). Gnomes reach Ghyr (F9). Other gnomes found the Kingdom of Skritci in east Borea north of Ghyr (F7). Hulean colonies in Davania are abandoned and Caracasta rakasta are brought to Hule, where they join the army (F2,6).
802 AC:
Plague in the Highlands and persecution of dwarves and gnomes (C). Dwarves, halflings and humans from the Known World mass migrate to Glantri in search of gold. Some of these adventurers move as far as the Adri Varma Plateau, constructing mines in the Moorfowl Mountains. Dead Mule, Thorhold, Gulluvia, Mere and Velders are founded in this period. Oghriz and Sandfolk natives are pushed into the wilderness (F6).
805 AC:
Dwarves fleeing Glantri settle the Khurish Massif in Sind (C).
810 AC:
The sage Bensarian gifts the Elvenstar to Gylharen, the town leader of Wendar, to protect the lands against raids from Denagoth. Wendar becomes an unified nation (C).
818 AC:
Denagoth attacks Essuria and King Halvan is killed. The Denagothians, however, are repelled and the King of Denagoth kills his mother, the High Priest of Idris, and himself, throwing the northern nation into chaos (F6). Yezchamenid Shah killed by Renardois pirates, decades of instability follow (F6,7).
[Image: Darsagades Palace]
Caption: The Royal Palace of the Yezchamenid Empire in Darsagades
820 AC:
Niflheim temple founded in the Endworld line by Brasovian followers of Hel (F6,7).
825-6 AC:
Suleiman Al-Kalim becomes a Sheik and unifies the Ylari (C).
828 AC:
Alexander Glantri captures Halzunthram and defeats the Alphatians. Braejr is renamed Glantri. Last dwarves expelled from the land, some settle Fortress island in Minrothad and Darokinian cities (C). Barony of Gulluvia founded in the Adri Varma Plateau, the Baron protects dwarven and halfling settlers from Glantri (F6,7).
830 AC:
Al Kalim drives the Thyatians out of Alaysia (C).
840 AC:
Realm of Wendar officially founded (C).
849 AC:
Ledeia, prophet of Vanya, is killed in Hattia, but her faith spreads (C).
850 AC:
Etienne d’Amberville becomes the Immortal Rad (C). Master’s Fist is built guarding the Great Pass between the Black Mountains and Hule (F7).
852 AC:
Minrothaddan explorers reach Tanakumba in Yavdlom (C).
858 AC:
Principalities of Glantri are born and nobility reserved for wizards (C). Some Glantrian exiles escape to the Adri Varma. Princess Aurielle claims Gulluvia in the Adri Varma Plateau and builds the Golden Palace, aiming to be recognised as one of the Glantrian Principalities (F6,7).
860 AC:
Al Kalim retires from public office and goes on his quest for Immortality (C). Duchy of Noapte founded in the Borean Valley by Boldavian refugees from Glantri (F7).
865 AC:
Golden Palace of Gulluvia destroyed by a green dragon, decline of the barony (F6,7).
867 AC:
Ierendian monarchs’ annual selection begins (C).
868 AC:
Azlum Swith, one of Mystara's greatest explorers, begins his twenty-year trek through the Hyborean Reaches (F6,7).
870 AC:
Frost giants attempt a full scale invasion of Hyborea but are eventually repelled by humans, dwarves, humanoids and cryons (F6,7,M).
873 AC:
After more than a century of war, Monzag falls to Hulean conquest. Antasyn, allied with Hule, is incorporated into the empire (F6).
889-915 AC:
Hule attacks the north but is defeated by Dvinzina and Sardjikjian (F6).
896 AC:
Chateau d’Ambreville disappears (C).
890 AC:
Landryn Teriak betrays Geffronell and becomes king of Essuria and Denagoth in the name of Idris (F7-9,M).
898 AC:
Henadin, leader of the northern tribes, and Geffronell destroy Essuria13, but Landryn is reborn as the Shadowlord (F6).
Modern Times
900 AC:
Clebard leads a migration of lupins from Averoigne to Renardy, helping the nation of lupins against a goblinoid invasion (C, F4). Thyatian immigration to Norwold and the Isle of Dawn, founding of Oceansend. Traladara is conquered by the Thyatian empire. The mad wizard Gargantua of Norwold creates the first gargantuan creature from a carrion crawler.The Ispans arrive in the Savage Coast. More humanoids of the Savage Coast are pushed into the Dark Jungle (C). The nation of Bedon begins its conquest in the southern Arm of the Immortals (F11). The Chaotic Sisterhood found the Crna League of free Traldars and goatmen to preserve independence from the city states of the Gulf (F6,7).
[Image: Espans]
Caption: Espans meeting Oltec natives902 AC:
Ispans found the Barony of Narvaez, starting a century long creation and disappearance of new baronies (C).
903 AC:
Thyatis sends military aid and colonists to the remote Essurian colony of Ghyr (F9) First official contact between Bellayne and Myoshima (F2).
905 AC:
Landfall founded by Northmen, later falls under Thyatian control (F9).
913 AC:
Zuyevo defeats the Yezchamenid empire and almost reaches the Yalu river estuary (F6). Order of Vanya founded in Hattia (C).
919 AC:
New Alphatian colonisation efforts in Norwold (C).
920-937 AC:
Agents of the Master of Hule take control of most of the Urduk and humanoid tribes of the Great Waste (F7).
927 AC:
The Great Merger forms the Republic of Darokin (C).
930 AC:
The Shadowlord leads Denagoth to destroy the elves of Lothenar and attacks Geffronell, but is repelled by Gylharen and Bensarian in Wendar (F6,9). Some Lothenar elves escape to Ghyr. Dead cities reported in the Borean valley, first descriptions of the Kingdom of the Dead (F9). Hulean plots and humanoid attacks have greatly weakened the dominion of Dorfin IV in Brun. Intertribal warfare rises in Borea (M).
931 AC:
Cinnabryl re-discovered in the Savage Coast (C).
934 AC:
Baron Rotrich of Gulluvia tries to rebuild the region in the Adri Varma Plateau (F6,7).
935 AC:
The Church of Idris is outlawed in Wendar. The Shadowlord besieges the elves of Geffron in Denagoth (F6).
937 AC:
Koralgesh, capital of Gesh, on the Western coast of Brun north of the Yezchamenid Empire, is destroyed by a volcanic eruption before falling to entropic pirates (C, F6).
940 AC:
Prism wars in Ghyr. Denagothian invaders repelled (F9).
942 AC:
Red steel weapons made in Torreon (C).
948 AC:
Smokepowder is discovered in the Savage Coast (C).
949 AC:
A Hulean expeditionary corps is defeated in Chengouch (F6).
950 AC:
League of Soderfjord created. Knights of Vanya invade the Heldann Freeholds (C). Hule conquers the city states of Gonica and Ostrozac in the Gulf. Boyarski falls under Verdan control and is renamed Babosas (F6). Free republic of Kalan founded by former slaves in the southern coast of the Great Waste (F6,7).
952 AC:
Heldannic order founded after conquest is completed (C).
955 AC:
A Neh-Thalggu vessel crashes in the Borean Valley and is found by the Othwa goblins (F6-7).
957 AC:
A floating island of Alphatians devoted to Palartarkan arrives in the Yezchamenid empire (F6).
960 AC:
Alphatian conquest of Thyatis repelled by Thincol, who becomes the new emperor. Oceansend is independent (C), Landfall under Alphatian control (F9).
961 AC:
Heldannic order warbirds begin exploration of the world (C, F9).
963 AC:
Yazi gnolls attack the Baronies of Montejo and Aranjuez in the Savage Coast (C).
964 AC:
Ganto becomes King of Ghyr (F9).
967 AC:
Zuyevan forces are defeated by the humanoids in the Yazak steppes (F6,7).
968 AC:
First failed invasion of the Savage Baronies by Hule (F6).
970 AC:
Stephan Karameikos III establishes the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, obtaining the land of Traladara from Emperor Thincol (C). Wendar repels an invasion from Denagoth (C).
971 AC:
Hule conquers the Traldar/Verdan Barony of Babosa/Boyarsky in the Gulf (F6).
974 AC:
Minrothaddan and Thyatian merchants reach Littonia (F9).
975 AC:
King Thar unifies the Broken Lands. The wheel lock pistol developed in Cimarron, Savage Coast (C). Second failed invasion of the Savage Baronies by Hule, Hulean fleet destroyed by the Baronies and the City States (F6). Humanoids enter the forest of Geffron endangering the survival of the elves (F9).
976 AC:
The second Zuyevan campaign in the Yazak steppes is defeated by humanoids (F7).
979 AC:
The d’Ambrevilles return to Glantri and restore Nouvelle Averoigne. Wulf von Klagendorf becomes High Priest of the Heldannic Order (C).
980 AC:
Baroness D’hmis is ruler of Gulluvia after the convenient death of her husband (F6,7).
981 AC:
Third failed Zuyevan campaign in the Yazak steppes provokes internal rebellions in the Empire (F7).
982 AC:
Vilaverdan navy defeats the Yezchamenid empire at the Battle of the Horn (F6).
984 AC:
Othwa goblins of Borea are attacked by Gronmak ogres but manage to subdue them and create a vast dominion (F6,7).
985 AC:
Alpha is built by Alphatia in Norwold (C).
986-990 AC:
Civil war in Zuyevo promoted by a Yezchamenid plot (F6,7).
990 AC:
Cimarron is the last Savage Barony to ratify the Treaty of Tampaicos (C). The Western Alliance establishes a vigilance against the Kingdom of the Dead to the west (F7, 9).
992 AC:
Third attempt by Hule to invade the Savage Baronies fails (F6).
993 AC:
Heldanners’ revolt against the Heldannic Order, with Alphatian assistance, fails (C).
995 AC:
Goblins invaders repelled from Ghyr (F9).
996 AC:
Moglai is Khan of the Khans in Ethengar (C).
997 AC:
The death of the Shah Mayzar brings 4 years old Shah Zhoher to the Yezchamenid throne under tutelage of his uncle Quymer, who alienates many satrapies (F6,7).
998 AC:
The Zuyevan empire conquers the estuary of the Yalu river, separating the Yezchamenid empire from Dradze, which becomes de facto independent. The Chaotic Sisterhood’s power grows in Dravya (F6, F10, M).[Image: Zuyevan Emperor]
Caption: Portrait of the Zuyevan Emperor
999 AC:
First Inheritors in the Savage Coast (C). Nastoreth in the Arm of the Immortals welcomes foreigners to visit the realm (F6,7).
1000 AC:
Duke of Noapte and Western Alliance ally to contrast the Kingdom of the Dead in the Borean Valley (F7).
1003 AC:
Zuyevan Talmav starts to colonize the Bylot hills, having finally defeated the local humanoid tribes (F8).
1004-1009 AC:
Events of the “Wrath of the Immortals” boxed set, Hule attempts an invasion of the Known World and occupies Sind. War among the Savage Baronies in 1005. Hule attacks the Savage Baronies in 1006 but is repelled in 1007 AC. Don Esteban ousted in Almarron and Yazak goblinoids attack the coast in 1007 and 1008. Chandra ul Nervi reinstated in 1009 AC as puppet of Hule. Yazak goblinoids sack the capital of Herath during the Week without Magic (C). Zuyevo builds fortresses in the northern Yazak to connect the empire to the Bylot hills (F8).
1009 AC:
Othwa goblins come to dominate all the humanoid tribes of Upper Urzud (F6).
1010 AC:
Elves from Alfheim free the Sylvan Realm from the forces of Moorkroft IV with the help of local fairy folk14. (C) The gnomes of Imlec have now secretly built several Earthshakers and are ready to march to the conquest of Borea and recreate the dominion of Dorfin V (M).
1010-1013 AC:
Events of the “Poor Wizard’s Almanacs I, II and III” and “Joshuan’s Almanac”. Heldannic knights attack Norwold and conquer Landfall. Humanoids attack in the Savage Coast. Hule conquers Nova Svoga. (C) Nouvelle Renardy founded by exiled Renardian followers of Pflarr near the reptile kingdoms. Zuyevo promotes a rebellion in Olgar and Sardjikjian attacks against Hule (F8).
1014 AC:
Events of the Fan Almanacs. Tension in Wendar between humans and Alfheim immigrants. Hulean humanoids attack Graakhalia. Eusdria menaced by Huptai hobgoblins and goblins. Hostilities between Eusdria and Renardy, Vilaverde and Bellayne and among the city states of the Gulf of Hule. Olgar rebellion quenched by Hule (F8).
1015 AC:
Elven army from Wendar invades Denagoth and conquers Drax Tallen. Persecution of the Afflicted in the Savage Baronies. Gold rush in Gombar and Suma’a. Yavdlom defeats Hulean pirates. New barony of Entroza founded north of Saragon and new gnollish Barony of the Grande Carrascal. The wizard Bensarian is kidnapped in Wendar and replaced with an impersonator by the Church of Idris (F8).
1016 AC:
Zuyevo conquers Richland. Rumor of the death of the Master brings provincial rebellions and an invasion from the north to Hule, but the Master re-appears and defeats the invaders, also beginning colonisation of the Bylot hills, where gold is found. Sind and Nova Svoga freed from Hulean control. Humanoids of the Great Migration from the Broken Lands reach Graakhalia. Afflicted granted lands in the northern part of Torreon. Narvaez invades Gargoña. Slagovich battles Hoja. Ratlings settle in Dunwick. Cimarron and Carrascal repel a goblin invasion. Lupin followers of Pflarr settle in Carrascal among gnolls and hutaakans. Civil war in Bellayne. Robrenn repels orc attacks. King Gylharen killed in Wendar: Alfheim refugees are blamed and imprisoned by regent Bensarian, secretly an impersonator sent by the Church of Idris (F8).
1017 AC:
Hule retreats from Sind but Gunjab, Kadesh, and Peshmir declare their independence. Hule promotes humanoid and demonic attacks against Zuyevo. Provincial rebellions in Hule are defeated. Zuyevan invasion of Douzbakjian repelled with the death of the tzar’s son Dmitri. Denagoth defeats the elven invaders and secretly influences Wendar government by controlling Bensarian, but some elves try to strike back at Idris and eventually free Bensarian by the end of the year. Civil war in Bellayne continues. Narvaez continues its attack on Saragon but is eventually repelled and a truce is established. A Thyatian expedition to the west establish an outpost in Tyjaret and Kladanovic, northern Serpent Peninsula, then travels to Yavdlom, Slagovich and Hule. Clashes between Gournzee and Klagorst (F8).
1018 AC:
Heldannic civil war. Hule maneuvers Texeiran and Vilaverdan to attack Zuyevan and Renardois ships in the Yalu bay. Douzbakjian King killed by the White Orcs. The 24 year old Shah-an-Shah Zhoher of the Yezchamenid Empire assassinated. Zuyevan Tzar unmasks an Hulean conspiracy. Extremely cold winter in Central and Northern Brun. Gurrash raids on Nouvelle Renardie. Bensarian is again in control in Wendar and trying to repair the damages done by the Church of Idris, which promotes attacks by monsters and giants. (F8).
1019 AC:
Earth elementals attack Gunjab and Nagpuri in Sind. Hule secretly uses Texeiran pirates to loot Kladanovic but stipulates a commercial alliance with the Thyatian expedition to the west. The expedition then travels to the Savage Baronies, Robrenn, Eusdria and Dunswick. Don Marco (formerly Esteban of Almarron) becomes ruler of Gargona. King of Bellayne escapes assassination attempt (F8).
1020 AC:
Moorkroft V in the Endworld line tries to reorganise his forces and contact the clerics of Hel of Niflheim (F7, M).The future:
All the above canon and fan sources can be used to create a very interesting future for the continent of Brun. The Law, Neutrality and Chaos theme can be used with many possibilities and implications as the gnomes of Dorfin, the Othwa goblins and empires such as Yezchamenid, Zuyevo and Hule compete to acquire new territories and influence in the vast expanse of the continent.Main canon sources:
- The Master set map by Frank Mentzer
- The Hollow World boxed set by Aaron Aalston
- Voyages of the Princess Ark series in Dragon Magazine by Bruce Heard
- Champions of Mystara by Ann Dupuis
- The Gazetteers, by various authors
- D&D Modules X4, X5, X6 and X9
- The Keep at Koralgesh in Dungeon Magazine #2
Main fan sources used:
- Comprehensive “History of Mystara” by Michael Diehm http://pandius.com/history_of_mystara.doc to which I did not give a fan production code because it is a list of canon events.
F1 - “99,9999985% Mystara history” by Francesco Defferrari http://pandius.com/mysthist.html
F2 - “A Timeline of the Oltec Man” by Átila Pires dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta http://pandius.com/oltcmant.html, “Ethnographic History of Mystara” http://pandius.com/ethno.html and “Ethnographic History of Mystara, Neathar”, by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo Agosta http://pandius.com/neathare.html, “History And Evolution Of Rakastas” by Simone Neri http://pandius.com/rakhevol.html and “History of the Lupins” by Atila Pires dos Santos http://pandius.com/histlupn.html and Giampaolo Agosta http://pandius.com/lupnhist.html
F3 - “Lhomarr” http://pandius.com/lhomarr.html and “Y’hog” http://pandius.com/yhog.html by Geoff Gander and “The Age of Blackmoor” by James Mishler http://pandius.com/ageblack.html
F4 - “The Codex Immortalis” by Marco Dalmonte http://pandius.com/codeximm.html
F5 - “The 2300 BC setting” by John Calvin, stored partially here: http://pandius.com/atlas.html under “Historical Areas of the Outer World”, on its own forum on the Piazza http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewforum.php?f=63 and mentioned already in several articles in past issues of Threshold Magazine, see also “Engdyr’s Game Adventure Path” in issues #16 and #17.
F6 - A lot of resources in the section Brun in The Vault of Pandius http://pandius.com/atlas.html, especially LoZompatore http://pandius.com/drvshciv.html, http://pandius.com/centbrun.html and Giulio Caroletti http://pandius.com/klag.html, James Mishler http://pandius.com/hulehist.html and http://pandius.com/midland.html Christian Constantin http://pandius.com/htime.html, Adrian Mattias http://pandius.com/yezcham.html, Håvard http://pandius.com/avarmatm.html and http://pandius.com/rsngardo.html, Átila Pires dos Santos http://pandius.com/sctraltm.html, Steven Wilson http://pandius.com/hybtime.html, Geoff Gander http://pandius.com/nastscrt.html, Sirlioin and Joseph Setorius http://pandius.com/sirloin.html. Bruce Heard http://pandius.com/urzud.html
F7 - The Italian fan Gazetteer by Omnibius which can be seen here http://www.roberto.roma.it/FORUM/pop_printer_friendly.asp?TOPIC_ID=547 and downloaded here http://www.roberto.roma.it/forum/filelibrary.asp, which cover all Brun by using material from the Vaults and updating it.
F8 - The Mystaran Fan Almanacs http://pandius.com/alm.html
F9 - The Gazetteers F1-10 by Old Dawg/JTR and others: http://pandius.com/olddawg.html
F10 - “The Great Northways Lands” article by Carillion in this issue of Threshold Magazine.
F11 - “The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals” article by Atila Pires dos Santos in this same issue.
[Image: Native village]
View of Chimney Rock, Ohalilah Sioux Village in the foreground by Albert Bierstadt via Wikimedia Commons.
[Image: Human fighting a Giant]
"Thor's Battle with the Frost Giants". Source Foster, Mary H. 1901. Asgard Stories: Tales from Norse Mythology. Silver, Burdett and Company. Page 53. via Wikimedia Commons.
[Image: Bison hunt]
The Buffalo Hunt [No 26] by Charles Marion Russell via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Hyborean warriors]
Koryak people in armor by "Vladimir Jochelson via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Dorfin’s warriors]
Arrival of the Hungarians by Árpád Feszty via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Vainamoinen]
The defence of the Sampo, painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Galannor knights and the Iraklit emperor]
Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Restoring Religion in Armenia in 1347 by Henri Delaborde via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Fallen Earthshaker]
From Stories of gods and heroes (1920) by Thomas Bulfinch with illustrations drawn in color by Sybil Tawse via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Urduk village]
Village Scene In The Punjab by Gulam Ali Khan via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Fighting shapeshifters]
Battle at Lanka, Ramayana, by Sahib Din, 1649-1653, British Library, via Wikimedia commons
[Image: The Master]
Illustrations of Ottoman soldiers from the Süleymanname via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Darsagades Palace]
A panoramic view of the gardens and outside of the Palace of Darius I of Persia in Persepolis, recreation by Charles Chipiez, via Wikimedia commons
[Image: Espans]
Cortes appoints la Malinche as his interpreter from Romance of History, Mexico, 1909 book via Wikimedia Commons
[Image: Zuyevan Emperor]
Portrait of the Tzar Michail Romanov via Wikimedia commons
1See also “Compiled Q&A on the HackWurld of Mystaros” in the Vault of Pandius http://pandius.com/hwrld_qa.html
2This gnomish city was created by me and a brief description is already stored in the Vaults of Pandius: http://pandius.com/imlec.html
3See also note 6 below about Cymorrak’s possible identity.
4See also the entry about them in the “Creatures of Western Brun” article by Robin in this issue of Threshold Magazine..
5See a discussion here on The Piazza forum http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=11954&p=141020&hilit=two+urzud#p141020 about the possibility of having two locations named Urzud in Central Brun.
6See also Robin’s article, “Creatures of Western Brun” in this issue of Threshold Magazine for information about the great herds of Brun.
7This date could be later, in 900 BC, according to Giulio Caroletti’s “History of the Visneskayan people” http://pandius.com/h_visnes.html
8The Codex Immortalis by Marco Dalmonte set this date as Minoides’ betrayal of Gildesh and the creation of common modern minotaurs, but other fan sources, including my History of Davania in Threshold issue #5, prefer to set the date of this event before 2000 BC.
9Here the “Wendar-Denagoth Timeline” by ”Marco Dalmonte and Shawn Stanley (http://pandius.com/wenden.html) differs from the Gaz F series by Old Dawg/JTR, so I tried to unify the two different sources.
10A crystal dagger of Cymorrak appears in the module X10: “Red Arrow, Black Shield”, as the only way to destroy the artifact which gives invulnerability to the Master of Hule. The identity of Cymorrak is pure fan speculation. Marco Dalmonte imagined a mortal identity of Asterius, while Christian Constantin an alias of Emperor Dorfin of the Yalu Empire.
11See “A Traveller’s Guide to Norwold” by Simone Neri in Threshold issue #7
12In “The Great Northway Lands” article in this issue of Threshold Magazine, Matthew Fleet (Carillion) sees this date as the birth of the organization, while I prefer to have it as more ancient.
13The exact date of the Fall of Essuria and the rise of the Shadowlord is not given in canon and debated in fan sources. Different dates can be found in the Vaults (http://pandius.com/wendar.html, http://pandius.com/denagoth.html, http://pandius.com/nor_wild.html including the GazF series by JTR, and in Threshold magazine issue #7
14Events of module CM7: “The Tree of Life”, which can be set in any year from 910 AC (as proposed by Roberto Roma in his Gazetteer) to 1019 AC as the DM prefers.