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Northern Brun

Player Characters in Northern Brun
Almanac Entries
Campaigning in Northern Brun
Personalities of Northern Brun
Groups and Societies
Immortals and Churches
Races of Northern Brun
Adventures and Campaigns

Almanac Entries

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Geographic entry for the The White Orcs of the North, from the AC 1019 Almanac.

Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Frosthaven, from the AC 1019 Almanac.

Geographic entry for the The White Orcs of the North, from the AC 1018 Almanac.

Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Frosthaven, from the AC 1018 Almanac.

Geographic entry for the The White Orcs of the North, from the AC 1017 Almanac.

Geographic entry for the Kingdom of Frosthaven, from the AC 1017 Almanac.

Geographic entry for Frosthaven from the AC 1016 Almanac.

Campaigning in Northern Brun

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Gaz F5 The Western Alliance Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh, from Deviant Art last updated 25 March 2023.

Gaz F3 The Northern Wildlands Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh, from Deviant Art last updated 22 March 2023.

The Giant Crystals of North Brun and North Skothar by Robin, from The Piazza posted 1 October 2022.

The Firelords and the Hidden Valley of the Qauriks by Håvard from The Piazza posted 30 October 2021.

Popoli di Hyborea Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius current as of 20 January 2011; English translation by Colin D. Wilson, from The Piazza posted 22 March 2021.

Thoughts on the Northern Wildlands by Geoff Gander, from the Atlas of Mystara Facebook group posted 14 March 2021.

Gaz F5 The Western Alliance Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh, from Deviant Art last updated 15 September 2020.

Gaz F3 The Northern Wildlands Fan Gazetteer Alternate cover art by Jeffrey Kosh, from Deviant Art last updated 14 September 2020.

Lower Borean Valley: Notes and Maps by Matthew Fleet, from The Piazza posted 12 February 2018.

Sfera di Idris Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius from The Piazza posted 17 October 2017.

Valle Boreana Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius current as of 28 January 2017.

Bassa Hyborea Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius current as of 6 January 2017.

The Riesengard Ogres by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 26 February 2016.

Valley of the Skeletal Kings by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 28 January 2016.

Terre dell'Eterno Inverno Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius current as of 16 March 2011.

The Western Alliance, gazetteer edited by JTR, from the Mystara Message Board posted 5 December 2006.

Northern Wildlands, gazetteer edited by JTR, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 July 2006.


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JTR’s Idrisian Sphere, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 November 2024. NEW

JTR’s Northern Brun, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 November 2023.

JTR’s Western Alliance, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 4 November 2023.

JTR’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 31 October 2023.

Anondson’s Known World North, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 October 2023.

Thibault’s Hyborea, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 October 2021.

Thibault’s Borea, 24 miles per hex, V1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 July 2021.

Geoff’s Northern Wildlands, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 March 2021.

Map of the Swamp of the Beast and Surrounding Kingdoms by Matthew Fleet, from The Piazza posted 27 November 2019.

Ramelin Mystara: Map of Frosthaven and Northern Norwold, 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, from Deviant Art posted 6 March 2018.

Lower Borean Valley: Notes and Maps by Matthew Fleet, from The Piazza posted 12 February 2018.

Ramelin Mystara: Map of Norwold, 8 miles per hex by Ignacio Ramos, from Deviant Art posted 3 March 2017.

Detailed Map of Northeast Brun compiled and created by Robin, from Deviant Art posted 1 January 2015.

Map of the Idrisian Sphere by JTR, from the Mystara Message Board posted ~ 2007.

Map of the The Western Alliance by JTR, from the Mystara Message Board posted 5 December 2006.

Map of the Northern Wildlands by JTR, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 July 2006.

Northern Wildlands map by LoZompatore, from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 March 2006.

Map of Central Borea 24 miles per hex by Thibault Sarlat, from Tome of Mystara issue 2 dated 14 January 2000.

Map of Eastern Borea 24 miles per hex by Thibault Sarlat, from Tome of Mystara issue 2 dated 14 January 2000.


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Timeline for Wendar-Denagoth-Ghyr-Northern Wildlands by Marco Dalmonte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 March 2006.

A Timeline of the North by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 8 March 2006.

Hyborean timeline by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 May 1997.

Adventures and Campaigns

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Adventures in the Frozen North by Matthew Fleet, from Threshold Magazine issue 2 dated 13 January 2014.