A recent history of Davania
by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 5A recent history of Davania
Recent being in the author’s perspective the last 20,000 years
Foreword by Sul-hthim, scholar of the Megascops Pelatan Hsiaos
Dear reader, the history of Davania is fragmented at best. Here I have gathered only bits and pieces I could find about the major movement of people, the kingdoms fallen and born. I’m quite certain I’m missing entire regions and times, so consider this only a small glimpse in the great history of my continent. Also beware that some of these entries could be wrong, as I had access to only partial information on several regions of Davania.
The time before men
Being the time of the last Greater Carnifex Empire, centered in Adakkia and fought bravely by rakasta, fairy races and centaurs.
20000 BC: The first Humans living in Davania are Oltec sailors, the Oteino, who come from the east and settle on the north eastern coasts. They usually get along well with natives, consisting mostly of reptilian and fairy races. Mythical date, according to rakastan source, of the reign of Queen Bastet in Arypt.
15000 BC: Mythical victories of the simbasta leader Ninfangle against reptilian powers, probably serpentines and carnifex, in eastern Davania.
14000 BC: Greater carnifex exterminate the Ur-carnifex and the pteryx in Adakkia and Brasol.
12500 BC: Rebellious Shovelface troglodytes almost exterminated by Greater Carnifex in Brasol.
10700 BC Lhomarrian humans begin to settle eastern Davania.
10100 BC: Supposed end of the last war between Greater carnifex and Immortals. Carnifex of Y'hog arise in the swampy region at the source of the Adakkian Sound.
10050 BC: King Chiron’s Centaur kingdom dominates the Meghala Kimata plains.
10000 BC: Elves and Fairies rise to power in the south, expanding beyond Evergrun. Enduks, pegataurs, sphinxes and other fairies found the Realm of Pelatan and expand in Izonda. The Second Serpentine Empire expand in Arypt (the empire and its capital have indeed given the region its lasting name). Elves establish good relations with the halfling in Brasol and often aid them against serpentine raids.
9500 BC Rakasta fight the serpentines and humans encroaching in Central Davania.
Lhomarr and Y’hog
Being a time in which Humans arrived in great numbers in eastern Davania but reptilian races were still dominant in almost all the continent.
9000 BC: After some conflicts with reptilian races and rakasta the Oltecs of Orimul and Nevumm establish powerful kingdoms in north eastern Davania. The carnifex of Y’hog build the city of Y'hegg-T'uhath on a island in northwestern Davania.
8900 BC: First king of Lhomarr is crowned.
8750 BC: The Lhomarr Empire is founded and begins its expansion to the eastern coast.
8600 BC: Lhomarr occupies the peninsula of Cestia and shortly afterwards the Vulture peninsula, defeating local rakasta nations and Birdmen populations.
8500 BC: Lhomarrian and Oltec people found the kingdoms of Ilarnn and Suur.
8389 BC: Civil war in Lhomarrian empire.
8350 BC: Lhomarrians reach Vulcania, the Oltecs of the Lost Valley and the human kingdom of Ilarnn in Arypt, with whom they establish peaceful relations.
8250 BC: The carnifex establish colonies on the western coasts of the Arm of the Immortals and Davania, as well as underwater. Emissaries from Lhomarr arrive in Y’hog and are sacrificed.
8150 BC: Y’hog expansion continues in northern Davania and southern Brun, but is contained in the west by the enduks and in the east by Nevumm.
8100 BC: The Y’hog colonies In Adakkia begin building great subterranean cities.
Davania about 8010 BC1
8006 BC: Nevumm, an Oltec nation in Adakkia, falls to carnifex and troglodytes. The Halfling of Brasol are hard pressed but resist with elven and fairy aid.
7962 BC: Orimul, an Oltec nation in the Jungle coast, falls to carnifex. The Serpentine Empire is forced to ally with the carnifex. Rakasta conduct an all out guerrilla war behind carnifex lines.
7903 BC: Ilarnn, a Oltec/Neathar nation in Arypt, is occupied by carnifex. First war begins between them and Lhomarr.
7540 BC: The Lhomarr coalition, including humans, rakasta, halfling, elves, fairies and enduks, is at last beating back carnifex and their allies after centuries of war. The turning point is when the Serpentine Empire and many lizardmen also turn against the carnifex
7460 BC: Eldamir (present day Kastelios), is founded on the site of the carnifex city of Azhat-Ith by the Lhomarrians.
7380 BC: The carnifex have been pushed out of Davania. The fortress-city of Valannir is built on the northwestern coast of Davania by the Lhomarrians. An Oltec colony is founded in northwestern Davania
7200 BC: Second Carnifex war, Valannir and Eldamir are destroyed by the carnifex, but eventually they are stopped and begin to slowly lose ground.
7140 BC: Carnifex are pushed out of Davania again, the City of Pelenzor is built in Izonda by lhomarrians, Oltecs and enduks to watch over them
7037 BC: Third Carnifex war, the lhomarrian coalition invade Y'hegg-T'uhath, and Y’hog is looted and burned six years later. Longlegs troglodytes almost exterminated by lhomarrian coalition troops in northwestern Davania.
7029 BC: Fourth Carnifex war, an horde of carnifex and troglodytes from below Y’hog overrun Valannir, Pelenzor, Suur, Arypt, lizardmen, rakasta, Ilarnn and then Lhomarr proper, destroyed and sunk by the Outer Beings in 7.022 BC..
7020 BC: In retaliation for the destruction of Lhomarr, the Immortals wipe out the carnifex in Davania and imprison the others on Y'hegg-T'uhath. Over the next 100 years, the island slowly sinks into the sea, while those living on its surface are unable to leave it.
Time of the Three Empires
Being a time in which the three great empires of Serpentines, Enduks and Elves dominated Davania.
7010 BC: The sudden disappearance of Lhomarr and Y’hog create a power vacuum that is quickly exploited by the Serpentine Empire, whose army soon conquer all eastern Davania. Humans and rakasta have to submit or resort to internal guerrilla warfare. The Halfling of Brasol resist with elven aid, but the serpentines expand toward Adakkia and Izonda, where however the equally expanding Enduk empire stops them.
6700 BC: The Serpentine expansion is cut short when internal rebellions of lizardmen, sis'thik, humans, rakasta and other subjects reduce the strength and the size of the Empire.
6415 BC: The former Lhomarrian city of Thallios in the Lost Valley region is destroyed by volcanism, survivors slowly go to the Adakkian sound.
6000 BC: Erkalion and other Lhomarrian colonies in Vulcania have been abandoned due to cooling climate. Descendants of Lhomarrians survive in the Lost Valley region. The Enduk empire is at its peak and includes Pelatan, Izonda and Adakkia, with enduks, dragons pegataurs, sphinxes, fairies, Oltec humans, rakasta, gyerians and other creatures as citizens. Halfling and elves expand too, while in the east the Aryptian sea is drying and the increasing aridity contribute to the endless wars between serpentines, lizardmen, sis'thik, humans and rakasta.
5500 BC: The birth of the aggressive Dragon Empire in Brun prompt the creation of the Golden Realm of Pelatan, that is indeed just a stronger involvement of gold and other dragons in the rulership of the already existing empire. The Realm begin to aid dwarves and Oltecs of Brun against the northern dragons.
5100 BC: A new great expansion of the Serpentine Empire in eastern Davania is stopped in the north east by combined Golden Realm, lizardmen and halfling forces.
5000 BC: Starting of elven and halfling migrations in the world. Oltecs refugees from Brun arrive in the Golden Realm and Hin lands.
Image: Davania around 5000 BC2:
4600 BC: Elves and Halfling found a common trading city in Platea, on the Kenaton river.
4560 BC: Civil war in the Serpentine empire and new decadence.
4500 BC: Mevu3, a Maharian Neathar/Oltec civilization, begins in north eastern Davania. Other asyidhian4 people (a culture originally from Bellisaria) spread in the eastern coast and to the vulture peninsula.
3700 BC: Other Maharian people from Brun, the Eokai, reach northern Davania
3600 BC: The Mawa (an Oltec people) slowly migrates from Skothar towards southern Brun and north eastern Davania, founding the Sea Kingdoms.
The years of Blackmoor
Being the time in which Blackmoorian humans influenced the continent and brought the poisoned gift of their cursed magic.
3500 BC: First Blackmoor contacts and colonies in Davania, trade and conflicts with native people. The elven technomagic city of Thimhallan is founded. Ancestors of the ice gnomes, probably kogolor dwarves, appear or arrive in the south. Enduk settle a colony on western Brun.
3440 BC: The powerful Oltec wizardess Ninsun found the Kingdom of Katapec in Arypt. Blackmoorians conquer some lands on Davania, but mostly are repelled by the Golden Realm, the Elven Empire and The Serpentine.
3350 BC: Serpentine Empire attack against Hin lands, repelled with the aid of the Golden Realm and the Elven Empire.
3330 - 3300 BC: All out war between The Serpentine Empire and all the other davanian powers. Blackmoor intervenes and destroys the serpentine capital of Arypt, ending the war and gaining huge territories in eastern Davania. Blackmoorians create the Divergan race in Davania to fight the serpentines.
3230 BC: Blackmoorian adventurer Asterius foils a serpentine’s plot in Davania and found a colony in the area of modern Hinterland.
3200 BC: Hin civil war ends with the fragmentation of Kenaton. For different reasons the Golden Empire fragments too in allied nations, but remains at peace.
3150 BC: The kogolor dwarf Garal, master of a vulcanian colony, discovers the ancient secrets of the Mek5 and, combining that with blackmoor technology, begins to build the first Earthshaker. Shortly after he will become an immortal
3200 - 3005 BC: Oltecs and Azcan refugees from the wars in Brun settle in northern Davania.
Davania just before the Great Rain of Fire6:
The Great Death
Being the time in which Davania was ravaged by the consequence of the Great Rain of Fire and only Death and Despair ruled over all.
3000 - 2800 BC: The Great Rain of Fire has devastating effects on Davania, with earthquakes and volcanism ravaging the continent for the following two centuries and more. Many populations are displaced and some, like the Elves, leave. Many carnifex citadels under the Adakkian Mountains are destroyed by the earthquakes. Hsiao population dwindles so much that they risk total extinction. The Golden Realm and the Serpentine Empire, despite their magical powers, are almost destroyed. Divergans survive and carve their dominion in southern Arypt.
2950 BC: Druids sent by the Neathar Empress Djaea of Brun, who reached Immortal status just before the Great Rain of Fire, save many population in north eastern Davania. Her cult (druidism) spread in the area.
2920 BC: A starving tribe of goblins from Brun crash in northwestern Davania with a stolen blackmoorian flyship and found the clans of Kresh.
2900 BC: The Immortal Garal creates modern gnomes from davanian kogolor dwarves.
2860 BC: Escaping Brun through earth portals, some dwarves arrive in Brasol.
2800 BC: Ilsundal elves leave Grunland and begin their migration north, finding refuge in Hin lands. Utnapishtim create the Temple of the Ark in Arypt.
2750 BC: Rise of the Kopru dominated kingdom of Adhuza in Thanegioth.
2700 BC: After a civil war the dwarves of Brasol split, some go to the northwest where they ally with local Oltec humans and Fairies against Kresh goblins.
2600 BC: As the Halfling have scarce resources to share, Ilsundal’s elves move north to the Adakkian coast, but are harassed by local Lizardmen and Humans. .
2500 BC: A second group of elves leaves Grunland and joins Ilsundal’s group in Adakkia, but the rising Lizardmen kingdom of Adakkia displace them, most escape toward Izonda, others move east toward the Jungle Coast. Rise of Taymora and Adhuza brings Maharian and Oltec refugees to north eastern Davania
2400 BC: Grunland elven civilization is destroyed by volcanism, some elves become the Hatwa, other lives as nomadic savages in the south, embracing Hel and other entropic immortals, Blacklore elves are transplanted to the Hollow World. Others find shelter in hin lands.
Davania in 2300 BC]7:
2300 BC: In Izonda Ilsundal’s elves are forced to flee again to the Arm of the Immortal and leave Davania when a splinter group led by Kwythellar decides to found an Empire enslaving local Humans. Some elves settle in Pelatan. The other elven migration sails from the northern coast of Davania to the Serpent Peninsula. Western Dunharian migration from Brun reach Mevu, the kingdom falls and the survivors become the Mazigh8 people in the Meghala Kimata plains.
2200 BC: Tanagoro colonists arrive in the Serpent Peninsula.
2053 BC: The elf lich Ektarmorag and his undead armies conquer vast lands in Vulcania, endangering the gnome civilization.
2050 BC: Fall of the Enduks, Minoides kills Gildesh, his followers lose the wings and become the minotaurs, creating a kingdom that conquers Izonda. Enduks escape to Brun.
2000 BC: The Eastern Dunharian from the Isle of Dawn arrive in the Hinterland where they’ll become the Thratians mixing with Western Dunharian. Second Katapec Empire in Arypt, founded by Oltecs and Neathars. The fall of the fourth Tangor Empire brings Tanagoro colonist to Izonda and they help Fairies, centaurs and Oltec in fighting Kwithellar and minotaurs, then they found the nations of Arica in the north west.
1850 BC. Queen Diulanna creates the Four Kingdoms defeating local reptilian tribes and becomes an Immortal (Codex Immortalis).
Davania around 1810 BC9:
1800 BC: Begins of decline of the kopru empire of Adhuza in Thanegioth. Using Oltec, Tanagoro and Goblin slaves the Kwythellar elves create the Markresh, but their creation rebels and begin to fight them.
1790 BC: Vulcanians gnomes build the Earthshakers to destroy Ektarmorag and his undead empire. Shortly afterwards Gnome clans begin infighting and many refugees flee north, like the Snartan and the Pedhardt, that settle north of the Ice Peaks.
The first Varellyan empire
Being the time in which Varellya and other powerful kingdoms rose and fell.
1750 BC: King Tabnit creates the nation of Varellya in the Vulture peninsula. The Tanagoro of Arica and the people of Pelatan defeat the Minotaur Empire. Minotaurs must flee in the izondian desert where they become slaves of the Lizardmen empire of Shir.
1750 - 1680 BC: Volcanic eruption in the Sea of Dread affects north eastern Davania too.
1500 BC: Tanagoro colonists arrive in Oceania and form a new civilization with the Oltecs there. Halfling colonists reach the Serpent Peninsula.
1490 BC: The Empire of Varellya colonize Cestia, calling it Androkia, displacing local lizardmen and rakasta.
Davania around 1450 BC10:
1400 BC: Varellya begins its expansion in the Aryptian savannah.
1350 BC: Nithian king Apophis escapes in northern Davania and found his kingdom of Humans, medusas and reptilians.
1314 BC: Varellya invades Shaerdon and the hin are hard pressed to resist.
1300 BC: Brindorhin guides the Hin to leave Davania for Brun. Some stranded hin found the city of Shaedrin in the Adakkian sound. Varellya conquers the area and found the port city of Priallus. Minotaurs of Izonda defeat the Lizardmen and rule over the area, clashing with the Kwythellar Empire and other nations.
1250 BC: Tanagogre followers of Sumag arrive in Davania from the Arm of the Immortals, settling in Arica and Pelatan .
1200 BC: Oceania is destroyed by Night Dragons, refugees flee to Cestia. Tanagoro colonists arrive in Vulcania. Apophis/Bachraeus weakens the Katapec kingdom in a struggle with Atzanteotl to control it. Snartan gnomes reach north eastern Davania.
1100 BC: Migrations of Paesh11 people from Skothar reach Ochalea and Vulcania.
Davania in 1100 BC12:
1050 BC: The reborn reptilian kingdom of Adakkia attacks Priallus and western Varellya, the port is abandoned in the following years.
1020 BC: The offensive of reptilian and rakasta populations in western Varellya is more and more successful, the “barbarians” gain land every year. Many Varellyan refugees find shelter in Brasol and establish good relations with hin and other people.
Nithia, Milenia, the Humanoid invasion and New Varellya
Being the time in which nithians came, Milenia rose to power and the continent was swept by the great humanoid invasion, and many things changed forever.
1000 BC: Nithia intervenes in Davania against the Apophian kingdom, establish a colony and develop an alliance with Fast runners rakasta. They deport Kerendans, Thyatians and Hattians in Davania. Traldars of King Milen arrive in Davania, some colonize the islands of Vacros and Cathos. Tanagoro reach the Pearl Islands. Raith reaches immortality in central Davania bringing justice and revenge.
980 BC: The general Androsar and the seer Tiresias lead the milenians to the Hills of Desolation to escape the Behemoth.
970 BC: Unrest in Cestia between oceanians and varellyans make the colony virtually independent, while the rest of the empire is losing ground in the mainland.
952 BC: The city of Badghaan, a major varellyan colony in Lower Arypt, falls. Now Varellya is reduced to the Vulture peninsula.
950 BC: Rebellions of the Hattians, Kerendas and Thyatians have already reduced the size of the nithian colony in the Hinterlands, where the former slaves have carved their nations.
900 BC: Great Humanoid invasion from the Arm of the Immortal spread all over Davania in just a century. Fall of the second minotaur empire in Izonda. After them the more peaceful lupins reach north eastern Davania too. Milenia expand around the Hills of Desolation and to the meghala kimata plains, successfully resisting humanoid invaders. Caracasta ally with the Milenians, earning the hate of the simbasta.
873 BC: Varellya fragments in several petty kingdoms under humanoid attacks.
870 BC: Tanagogres and ogres are chased away from Arica, Dictatorship of Izonda founded. Pure ogres chased away from Izonda too, begin a long migration to the Green bay and becomes the Nunjar ogres.
860 BC: More humanoid attacks force the unification of the different people of Pelatan.
850 BC: Humanoids invading Brasol push local dwarves and Halfling to the southern mountains, where they found a lasting kingdom with leprechauns, giants and other Fairies.
807 BC: Some Varellyan refugees lead by Iemara arrive in Pelatan, helping to defeat izondian aggression. Other Varellyan refugees travel to southern Pelatan and found the kingdom of Nivall.
Davania in 800 BC13:
800 BC: The Milenian empire grows in power and conquer local tribes. Bogdashan orcs arrive in north eastern davania and fall under the sway of Atzanteotl.
790 BC: Snartan gnomes come in contact with mileanian culture.
765 BC: Alphatians discover Thimhallan.
700 BC: Izondan raids on surrounding lands are repelled.
650 BC: Izonda conquests threaten all the surrounding nations, gains territories in Arica. Milenia expansion continues and Kastelios is founded.
640 BC: Splendor of Milenia under Emperor Taroyas (reincarnation of Androsar).
600 BC: The expansion of Milenia push Hattians, Kerendas and Thyatians to escape toward Brun. The general Vanya is captured, but later she escapes and fights the milenians again in Arypt, founding a New Varellya. Milenia conquers the remnants of the Katapec kingdom in Arypt. In the west the empire reaches Ilioloosti. Snartan gnomes leave Milenia. Traditional date of the creation of the Golden Matriarchy of Pelatan.
550 BC: Hatwa elves and Nunjar ogres merge into the N’djatwa nation of the Green bay, inspired by Idris and Hel. Nithians leaving their corrupt empire found the kingdom of Odak in Arypt.
542 BC: The Snartans settle near the eastern Brasol range, founding the Hoplite republic. They discover their cousins, Clan Pedhardt, and swiftly assimilate them into the Hoplite republic
520 BC: After a war with Jakar rakasta, Ocelotl rakasta settle in Izonda from the Arm of the Immortals.
500 BC: Nithia falls and the Milenian Empire conquer what’s left of the former Nithian colony in the Hinterland. In the Lost Valley Lhomarrian descendants have formed a stable kingdom, Kone. Great and failed izondian attack against Kwythellar.
Davania in 500 BC14:
450 BC: Milenian expansion push humanoid clans to the Adakkian mountains, creating conflict there with reptilians and rakasta. The Odak human kingdom in Arypt allies with K’tar yuan-ti.
430 BC: Finidel creates his kingdom of Brasol, west of Halfling territories. Snartan gnomes continue their long march toward Vulcania, often defeating the people they encounter.
400 BC: Vanya brings New Varellya to power in southern Mystara and contains the milenians. In the north east Milenia however continues to expand and the city of Hrissopoli is born. Third Minotaur Kingdom rises to power in northwestern Davania, competing with Izonda. Izonda attacks Pelatan but is repelled, yet gains territories in the desert.
300 BC: Ochaleans fleeing the alphatian occupation found Yasuko. New war between Pelatan and Izonda, ends with little border changes.
250 BC: Izonda’s new assault against Arica, new territories gained. The Odak humans in Arypt merge magically with Yuan-ti to resist milenian aggression, giving birth to a new race and kingdom, Odak’Tar.
200 BC: Kingdom of Emerond founded in north eastern Davania by refugees led by King Buglore. King Dorfin I the Great (that will later become the immortal Brandan) begins the snartan conquest of Vulcania. Oltec city state of Ixachitl destroyed by milenians, survivors will become the Manacapuru. Izonda attacks Nivall and conquer some territories.
164 BC: The Snartan empire subjugates the Pedhardt gnomes, eventually the latter rebel and escape to the Ice Peaks.
150 BC: Nagpas, gnomes, tabis and Sphinxes begin the construction of the flying city of Serraine. All out war between Pelatan, Izonda and Arican nations that will last 50 years.
Davania in 150 BC15:
100 BC: A failed attempt by Milenia to conquer New Varellya heralds the final years of the Empire. Minaeans (eastern milenians) leave for Skothar. In the west Izonda rises to great power again and destroys the Minotaur Kingdom. End of the war with Pelatan and Arica, Izonda has the greatest territorial gains.
50 BC: Fall of the Milenian Empire to barbarians, New Varellya also falls shortly afterwards. Some milenians and varellyans people become the Meghaddara nomads in Arypt.
The Third Varellyan Empire
Being a time of new kingdoms, and the last varellyan empire
14 AC: King Hasdrubal reunites Varellya, beginning an era of stability and relative peace. Shortly afterwards Androkia (Cestia) is brought into the Empire again.
39 AC: Serraine rises to the skyes, now inhabited also by faenare and Pegataurs.
50 AC: An Alphatian wizard creates the Kubitts. They rebel and slay him.
70 AC: The Varellyan general Paarkum defeats a slaver sorcerer ready to become an Immortal in southern Davania.
100 AC: The jade dragon that will become Opal has her kingdom in a Davanian forest.
126 AC: Androkia declares unilateral independence and civil war ensues.
159 AC: Androkia (Cestia) is independent from Varellya, but the Oceanians rebel and another civil war begins internally.
200 AC: The orc wizard Durblaga (Shaper) creates a kingdom of peaceful and civilized orcs in Vulcania. It will develop into the regional power of Varadghir.
219 AC: Androkians are finally defeated by rebellious Oceanians.
250 AC: Priest-kings of the Skotharian minotaur Immortal Kiranjo take power in Vacros, the island becomes an haven of piracy. Vacros is also instrumental in bringing minotaurs back in power in northwestern Davania for some time. Androkians refugees establish the city of Thalla in the Adakkian Sound.
300 AC: The confederate kingdom of Niscosenia is founded in the Lost Valley by Milenian refugees and Lhomarrian descendants. The Adakkian Carnifex found Abb-H'zoth over the ruins of Priallus.
Davania in 300 AC16:
307 AC: Aelios founded in the Adakkian sound by refugees from Cyclonia.
360 AC: King Brandan/Dorfin creates the gnomish empire of Snarta in Vulcania.
400 AC: The cults of Koryis and Shaper, introduced from Yasuko, turn the Bogdashan orcs in a peaceful nation that abandons Atzanteotl17. Lizardmen in the Adakkian sound defeat the carnifex and found Klath-T'zarth.
410 AC: Minroth traders spread the new magical strains of vampirism and lycanthropy in the Sea of Dread and beyond.
435-441 AC: A great humanoid invasion from Brasol sweep over Izonda and Pelatan, eventually repelled with some efforts by the two empires.
450 AC: The four modern kingdoms of Cestia are born.
465 AC: The civil war between princes Abatu and Lothir destroys Varellya.
The modern times
Being a time of new people coming and new stories in the great continent of Davania
500 AC: Cult of Madarua among the amazons of Meghala (CI). Littonian explorers from northern Brun establish the colony of Jelgavpils in the Adakkian sound. Izonda destroys the Minotaur Kingdom in the north west.
550 AC: The kingdom of jade dragon Opal is destroyed by Humans. The Vulture Peninsula is now inhabited by Nagpas.
576 AC: Short living thyatian colonies on the Green Coast, west of Kastelios,
600 AC: Surrounding people defeat Vacros, Cathos rises as the new sea power in the area.
624 AC Thyatian colonies on the Green Coast are abandoned and absorbed by local Maharian and Dunharian tribes.
650 AC: Other varellyan refugees reach Nivall.
665 AC: Pedhardt gnomes of the Ice Peaks create a new colony in southern Arypt.
676 AC: Thyatian explorers discover Cestia.
690 AC: The Snartan empire, now with the moving city of Snartapolis and mass soldiers cloning, begins a new campaign of conquest in Vulcania, gaining territories.
700 AC: Human attacks almost destroy Varadghir.
750 AC: Foundation of hulean colonies (among which there's Garganin, near a former thyatian colony) on the Davanian coasts. Many caracasta clans in this area ally with the Huleans, trying to win new lands against simbasta and pardasta tribes. Izonda attacks Pelatan and Nivall but suffers a crushing defeat.
800 AC: Hulean colonies on Davania are mostly destroyed or abandoned because of wars against simbasta and nearby human city-states. Survivors going back to Hule bring with them most Davanian caracasta which had allied with them.
816 AC: Snartan are stopped in Vulcania by combined resistance of Humans and gnomes.
850 AC: Garganin is abandoned by Hule but prosper on its own.
879 AC: Renardy creates the colony of Cap Saint-Renard in the Adakkian sound.
900 AC: Izonda attacks Kwythellar elves but its army is destroyed.
Davania in 900 AC18:
902 AC: Traladaran refugees create Bronev near the Amalur lowlands.
917 AC: With great efforts the Izondians stop the Kwythellars and regain territories.
925 AC: An Hattian knight discovers Vanya’s rest.
927 AC: Bellayne creates the colony of Port Elsterbury in the Adakkian sound.
950 AC: First Vilaverdan colony in the Adakkian sound.
952 AC: Vanya’s Rest is founded in Davania by Heldanns. Local Meghaddara humans are defeated and repelled and begin a guerrilla war against the knights.
965 AC: The Princess Ark visits eastern Davania. First thyatian colonies in the Hinterlands.
968 AC: First Texeiran colony in the Adakkian sound.
977 AC: Heldannic knights create the outpost of Schweidnitz in northwestern Davania, the faith of Vanya reaches Izonda.
979 AC: Minrothad begins its trade with Kastelios and Telos Taksidhi.
980 AC: Izonda conquers Ediza from the Kwythellar empire.
986 AC: All out rebellion of the Thratians against Thyatians in the Hinterlands.
990 AC: Thyatian expansion in the Hinterland at present borders. Schweidnitz abandoned.
1000 AC: Expansion of the Confederate Kingdom of Niscosenia in the Lost Valley.
1007 AC: The Church of Valerias takes power in Izonda, beginning a period of peace with surrounding nations.
1008 AC: Selhomarr adventurers from the Hollow World reach the Outer World in southern Davania, and they will eventually begin a long voyage toward the north.
1010 AC: The carnifex of the Adakkian Mountains begin rebuilding their civilisation in earnest, after their priests receive messages from a disguised Atzanteotl in their sleep.
1014 AC: The Heldannic Order wars with the simbasta, who capture the Star of Vanya. The Heldannic warbird fleet is destroyed by the simbasta Great Shaman. The Heldannic Order in Davania becomes a vassal of the simbasta Chief Ikwanza.
1015 AC: Tales are told in several northern Davanian ports of brave, swarthy, strangely-dressed adventurers defeating great monsters, but speaking a language no one understands. Those that have met them learn that they speak an archaic dialect of Milenian, as well, and have learned from them that they come from a land called "Lhomarr", which no one has heard of before. They are believed to be insane by most people.
1019 AC: Schweidnitz resettled by heldannic knights.
1020 AC: Adakkian Carnifex inspired by Atzanteotl begin their conquest of surface lands, founding the Realm of Zothak in the mountains
1025 AC: Word spreads in the ports of Davania of groups of "lizard men" roaming the Adakkian Mountains, and strange buildings of black stone being built up on the peaks.
Main Sources:
Y’hog: http://pandius.com/lore.html by Geoff Gander
Lhomarr: http://pandius.com/lho_hist.html by Geoff Gander
Varellya http://pandius.com/varellyt.html by Geoff Gander and Bruce Heard
Heldannic knights timeline: http://www.pandius.com/hk2000.html by Bruce Heard
About the Nagpas: http://bruce-heard.blogspot.it/2012/03/d-game-ideas-nagpas.html by Bruce Heard
Snartapolis: http://www.pandius.com/snart.html by Bruce Heard
Niscosenia: http://www.pandius.com/niscosen.html by Geoff Gander and Bruce Heard
Nations of Cestia: http://pandius.com/cestia.html by Geoff Gander
Varadghir: http://pandius.com/vardghir.html by Geoff Gander
Age of Blackmoor: http://pandius.com/ageblack.html by James Mishler
Ethnographic History of the Oltec Man: http://pandius.com/oltcmant.html by Átila Pires dos Santos and Giampaolo Agosta
Ethnographic History of the Neathar: http://pandius.com/neathare.html by Giulio Caroletti, Geoff Gander and Giampaolo Agosta
Milenian history: http://pandius.com/mil_hist.html by Michael Diehm
Codex Immortalis: http://pandius.com/codeximm.html by Marco Dalmonte
Hollow Moon: http://pandius.com/hllwmoon.html by Sharon Dornhoff and John Calvin’s articles in previous issues of Threshold magazine
Extente and expansion phases of the Milenian Empire: http://pandius.com/milenext.html by LoZompatore
The Region of Vulcania: http://pandius.com/vulcsetl.html by LoZompatore
Thoughts about Platea: http://pandius.com/platsum2.html by LoZompatore
Central Davania Humanoids: http://pandius.com/cntrdavh.html by Alex Benson
Southern Vulcania timeline: http://pandius.com/souvulc.html by Ethan Deneault
Timeline of Arikkia: http://pandius.com/arykkia.html by Christian Constantin.
My own work on Izonda, Pelatan and Mis: http://pandius.com/izonda.html, http://pandius.com/pelatan.html, http://pandius.com/mishav.html
Kwythellar elves: http://pandius.com/kwythel.html by Jeff Daly
And many other fans of Mystara I could have forgotten but that you can find here: http://pandius.com/atlas.html under the headline Davania
1 The areas claimed by the human powers of Nevumm, Orimul, Ilarnn and Suur, as well as the Lhomarr Empire and the Carnifex Tyranny, are still inhabited by many other people, mainly reptilian races, wallaras, tortles, crabmen, rakasta, gyerians, fairies and other people, some allied and some hostile to the regional power.
2 In these times, rakasta and several other races, including reptilians, conduct a permanent guerrilla war agains the Serpentine Empire. The Golden Realm and the Elven Empire are more alliances than real nations, and many other races live within their borders in effective independence.
3 That kingdom is my creation, inspired by real world sumerians and akkadians.
4 Asyidhi would be the ancestors of Nithians and Thothians: http://pandius.com/rwdawnis.html an Oltec/Neathar culture inspired by real world middle east populations.
6 Several blackmoorian colonies have been founded in Davania. The Elven Empire, now much more organized and unified, is the major power of the continent, yet many other races live within its borders.
7 Several nations are quite powerful in this age, mainly the Enduk Empire and the reborn Serpentine Empire. The Halfling of Shaerdon, the Lizardmen of Shir and Adakkia and the Oltecs of Katapec and Manacapuru are also quite important nations.
8 These people were devised by Christian Constantin, inspired by real world berbers.
9 The Enduk empire has fallen, the Minotaur Empire has risen, as well as the Four Kingdoms of Diulanna, and the Kwythellar empire is expanding. But the greatest power of Davania in this age is the Empire founded by the Elf Lich Ektarmorag in the frozen south.
10 Varellya is expanding, while the Serpentine Empire is going through a new decadence. The Lizardmen Shirian empire has become the main power in the west.
11 These people would be related to the ancient Peshwa of Skothar and the Ethengarians of Brun
12 This is the time of maximum splendor of the First Varellyan Empire: Shaerdon has been conquered and most of the Halfling have sailed to Brun.
13 The Great Humanoid invasion swept the continent, empires and kingdoms fall but other rise in power, like the Addakian Empire of the Lizardmen and the first seeds of Milenia and Izonda.
14 The Milenian Empire has risen to great power, controlling an immense territory that is however partially composed of subject populations and client states, particularly in the east, where the grip of the empire is unstable and New Varellya, where Queen Vanya reigns, defy its power. In the west the Matriarchy of Pelatan is born.
15 The Milenian Empire is now on the verge of collapsing and has already lost some fringe territories.
16 Milenia has now fallen, but the third and last Varellyan Empire is prospering in the east, while Cestia is ravaged by civil war between androkians and oceanians.
17 According to other sources (Codex Immortalis http://pandius.com/codeximm.html by Marco Dalmonte) the Bogdashan orcs are still followers of Karaash.
18 One hundred years before present times the situation wasn’t much different: the land of Varellya is now cursed, soon the Izondan and the Snartan empires will grow even more, and new colonies from Brun will be created in the Adakkian Sound and the north eastern coast, among them the Thyatian conquest of the Hinterlands.