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Fan Production on Glantri

by Francesco Defferrari from Threshold Magazine issue 35

A summary by Sturm of material produced by fans, including Robin, Aoz, Micky and others

Glantri is probably, after Karameikos, the nation of the Known World for which there is the most abundance of fan materials. Even if multiple people over the years contributed to expand the information on the Principalities, it is sufficient to take a look at the dedicated page in the Vaults of Pandius to realize that some contributors stand out for the abundance of material.

We already mentioned Robin and her work about the Great School of Magic in a dedicated article elsewhere in this issue, but there are 36 other entries by her in the Glantri page of the Vaults. Check them to find out about the Glantrian Bureaucratic Agency, spells, locations, maps of the Great Crater and Trintan, and much more. Check especially her map of Glantri City 30 feet per hex, which details the city, expanding it much beyond the GAZ3 description. Robin also made several 1 mile per hex maps of Glantrian dominions, as she did for Karameikos and the Broken Lands.

Glantri City 30 feet per hex by Robin, full-scale map in the Vaults

Another very important contributor to fan production in Glantri is certainly Michael Berry, a.k.a. Micky, who has 49 entries in the Vaults’ Glantri page. His contributions include spells, histories, almanac entries, detailed description of Glantri City quarters, and his extensive description of Glantrian Dominions which also includes several 1 mile per hex maps.

Map of New Averoigne, 1 mile per hex by Micky

Aoz is another important Glantrian contributor with 63 entries in the page and an impressive range of subjects that really brings the nation of wizards to life: spells, stories, locations, magical creations, items, societies, adventure seeds, and much more. There is really a wide wealth of information and imagination on Glantri in Aoz’s articles, and as we cannot list them all here, I’ll just mention some stand-out contributions to give readers an idea of his wonderful inventions: ”New Kolland and Trapmaking”, ”Glantrian Giant Crawling Hand Mounts”, ”Canal Pirates of Glantri”, ”Shops in Glantri”, ”Etienne”s Disappearance and the Temples of Rad”, ”Radiance Becoming Sentient”, ”Glantrian Scholastic Insomniacs”, to name just a few! Aoz also has the additional hobby of searching for stock images on the web that can be adapted to Glantri, including maps as the one below.

Dark Druid’s Cave from Glantrian Crown Properties by Aoz, made with Paths Peculiar, World building for fantasy roleplaying games,

Among other contributors who have greatly enriched the Glantrian page in the Vaults I think I should also mention some of them:
Harri Mäki (20 entries), especially his Timeline of Glantrian History and the histories of the major Noble House of Glantri.
Andrew Theisen (16 entries), with a lot of useful entries; check for example, “The Changing Face of Glantrian Politics” or Members of the 7 Crafts
Greenbrier (15 entries), see for example, “Barhopping in Glantri City” or ”Fast food...Glantrian style” or “El Arbol, an alternative Belcadiz Tree of Life”
Emanuele Betti (11 entries), whose crown achievement is, I’d say, the Poster Maps of Southern and Northern Glantri in 1 mile per hex.
John Calvin a.k.a. Chimpman (10 entries), who made Crests for the Noble Houses, Views of the Tower of Sighs and much more, such as “The Radiance Revisited”
Sean Meaney (10 entries), with many adventure ideas and “The Great Crater AC 1016” published in THRESHOLD Magazine issue #16.
Nathan Elling (8 entries), who drew up the “Glantrian Noble” class, spells, and a new conception of the seven secret crafts.
Caius of Glantri (8 entries) with a D&D 5th edition Glantrian campaign set in “Mystara (5e Glantri Campaign): Duels”
David Knott (7 entries); see for example, “Changes to Glantrian Titles since 1000 AC” and “More on Glantrian Succession”
Kit Navarro (6 entries) with “The Cults and the Immortals of Glantri” and “Glantrian Foreign Service” and was also the fan behind the Glantrian Personnel Division and Paparazzi Glantri websites described below and an important contributor of the later fan-produced Mystara Almanacs.

There are also many other people with at least 5 entries, but we cannot list them all as the page has about 450 entries in total, and as we have seen in the examples above, some of them contain many other subpages with lots of content. An impressive work by the fan community and more than enough for hundreds of adventures and campaigns in Glantri!

Glantrian Personnel Division and Paparazzi Glantri

Beside the Fan Production described above, I think it’s essential to add two sites listed in the links section of the Vaults of Pandius, which are absolutely necessary resources to play in Glantri.

The Glantrian Personnel Division was a Geocities webpage which has now been saved and linked to on the Vaults at this address: and it’s really something that everyone who wishes to play in Glantri should read.
It contains, in fact expanded descriptions and histories of almost all the nobles and characters presented in GAZ3: “The Principalities of Glantri” and several more, such as the Masters at the Great School of Magic, Nobles from the Minor Houses, and Members of the Seven Crafts, adding a wide gallery of characters for playing in Glantri.

Paparazzi Glantri is another fundamental Glantrian site also saved from the old Geocities and present at this link It is a fantastic gossip site on Glantri, perfectly suited for a country of wizards and intrigues. Its sections speak for themselves, so go check The Latest Trends, The Glitterati, Gossip & Rumors, Anecdotes & Stories, Glantrian Etiquette, Who are the Paparazzi?, and Les Liaisons Dangereuses. The site is also ‘present’ in the later Mystaran Almanacs as an existing ‘in-world’ Gazetteer gossiping on Glantrian nobility. Reading it, you will certainly discover many secrets about Glantrian society, and most of them could even be true!