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Adri Varma Plateau

Player Characters of the Plateau
Almanac Entries
Campaigning on the Plateau
Personalities of the Plateau
Groups and Societies
Immortals and Churches
Races of the Plateau
Adventures and Campaigns

Player Characters of the Plateau

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Colour of Magic - Adri Varma spells by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 November 2001.

New PC Race - Ungolwaith, D&D statistics by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 April 1997.

New PC Race - Ungolwaith by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 April 1997.

Campaigning on the Plateau

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Gulluvia - Misty Swamp musings by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 17 December 2023.

B3 - Gulluvia - Canals by Marc Saindon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 December 2023.

The Adri Varma Plateau: Cover art by Jeffrey Kosh, from Deviant Art last updated 6 April 2023.

Adri Varma Gazetteer (Italian) version 1 by Omnibius current as of 22 January 2016; English translation, version 1.2 by Gary Davies, from The Piazza posted 20 July 2016.

The relationship between Glantri and the Northern Plateau by LoZompatore, from The Piazza posted 26 March 2015.

Ice Elves of Adri Varma by Mike Harvey, from The Piazza posted 6 December 2014.

Monstrous Atlas: Adri Varma Plateau by Sheldon Morris, from the Mystara Message Board posted 29 July 2005.

Sol-Klor by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2001.

The Death Worm by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2001.

The Stolari by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2001.

Adri Varma Plateau, The Great Northern Wildlands by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2001.

The land of the Sand Folk by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 April 1997.


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Sturm’s Adri Varma Plateau, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 November 2024. NEW

Updated chronological map of Gulluvia, 6 miles per hex (1987) by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 3 March 2022.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v2 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 November 2021.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 November 2021.

Thibault’s Adri Varma, 8 miles per hex v1 by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 6 October 2021.

Hulean map of the Adri Varma plateau by Wuddy, from The Piazza posted 9 September 2020.

Map of the Barony of Gulluvia 8 miles per hex by Gary Davies current as of 24 March 2019.

Map of the Adri Varma Plateau 8 miles per hex by Gary Davies current as of 24 March 2019.

Adri Varma Plateau, 8 miles/hex by Francesco Defferrari from the Ducato di Halag current 14 January 2014.

Mapping the Plateau with and without the original B3 module by LoZompatore, from the Mystara Message Board posted 16 February 2006.

Early draft map of the Adri Varma region, 24 miles per hex by Christian Constantin, current as of 1999.


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Adri Varma Plateau timeline by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 30 December 2008.

Personalities of the Plateau

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Adri Varma NPCs

Races of the Plateau

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Sand Folk picture by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 May 2008.

Oghriz Statistics by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 June 2002.

The Oghriz by Christopher Cherrington, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 September 2001.

New PC Race - Ungolwaith by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 April 1997.

New PC Race - Ungolwaith, D&D statistics by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 April 1997.

The land of the Sand Folk by Steven B. Wilson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 April 1997.

Adventures and Campaigns

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The Adri Varma Plateau Adventures Ideas by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 June 2002.


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Oghriz weapons by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 October 2001.

Adri Varma magical items by Gilles Leblanc, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 18 September 2001.