NPCs and Important Personalities
Single file NPCs are followed by a group of statistics giving you a brief guide of the NPC, these are Race, Class, Level and Gender. NPCs are arranged alphabetically by last name (or whole name if there is no last name) according to their current location. Files with multiple NPCs are listed first. Known Personalities are those NPCs who occur in published sources and tend to be important figures, these are listed separately.More NPCs can be found in many of the new gazetteers that have been created. Current information on Known Personalities and other new NPCs can also be found in the Almanacs. Immortals are dealt with in their own section.
Unplaced and Mystaran NPCs
Unplaced and Mystaran Known PersonalitiesAdri Varma NPCs
Alfheimer and Aengmorian NPCs
Alphatian NPCs
Bellaynish NPCs
Black Mountains NPCs
Broken Lands Known Personalities
Caerdwiccan NPCs
Darokin NPCs
Darokin Known Personalities
Ethengari NPCs
Five Shires Known Personalities
Five Shires NPCs
Glantrian Known Personalities
Glantrian NPCs UPDATED
Heldannic NPCs
Helskiran Known Personalities
Hollow World Known Personalities
Hulean Known Personalities
Hulean NPCs
Ierendian Known Personalities
Ierendian NPCs
Izmer Known Personalities
Jennite NPCs
Karameikan Known Personalities
Karameikan NPCs
Kogolor NPCs
Known World NPCs
Lighthouse NPCs
Milenian NPCs
Neathar NPCs
Nithian NPCs
Ochalean NPCs
Oenkmarian NPCs
Oltec NPCs
Ostlander Known Personalities
Ostlander NPCs
Othrong; Known Personalities of the Realm of
Qeodharian NPCs
Rockhomer NPCs
Savage Coast NPCs
Personalities of the Sea of Dread and the Thanegioth Archipelago
Serrainer Known Personalities
Serrainer NPCs UPDATED
Sind Desert NPCs
Soderfjord NPCs
Thyatian Known Personalities
Thyatian NPCs
Trikelian NPCs
Yavi NPCs
Ylari NPCsOther Known Personalities as D&D characters
Unplaced and Mystaran NPCs
back to topNew Mystara NPCs from D&D Worlds and Realms Book by Håvard from The Piazza posted 17 November 2024.
Helreginn - Hel's consort by Håvard from The Piazza posted 1 December 2023.
Móðguðr - The Furious Battler by Håvard from The Piazza posted 22 November 2023.
Garmr - Lord of Hounds by Håvard from The Piazza posted 21 November 2023.
Helheim-boy by Håvard from The Piazza posted 21 November 2023.
D&D Wandcraft: The Wand Stalker by Bruce Heard, from About Bruce Heard and New Stories dated 23 July 2022.
Some BECMI pre-generated characters by Paulo Frota, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 11 July 2022.
Father Cornelius ( Human / Cleric / 7 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from Reddit posted 3 March 2022.
Conan the Barbarian ( Human / Thief / 5 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from Reddit posted 29 March 2021.
Nykulmyr the Story-teller ( Dwarf / Fighter / 3 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from Reddit posted 20 September 2020.
Character sheet for The Fighter a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 20 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Thief a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Magic User a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Halfling a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Elf a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Dwarf a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Character sheet for The Cleric a sample character in the Red Box by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 19 May 2020.
Ayven Bravenwood (Human / Fighter 1 / male) by David Russell, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 17 May 2020.
Iason of Kerendas by Håvard from The Piazza posted 18 November 2019.
Tortle NPCs from Mystara and Non-Mystara sources by Håvard from The Piazza posted 8 August 2019.
Zetacaalpa, Seer of Ages by John Calvin, from Threshold Magazine issue 9 dated 21 September 2015.
Icarus Vallas, image by Daniel Reid, from the BECMI Facebook group posted 15 February 2014.
Reidh Jan (Halfling / Halfling 1 / male) by Sean Meaney, from The Piazza posted 20 October 2012.
Mindark The Evil by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 19 October 2011.
Morgan Ironwolf ( Human / Fighter 1 / female ) by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 4 October 2009.
Mystara's Iconic Party by Roger LV Girtman II, from The Piazza posted 29 August 2009.
Mystaran Villain Challenge by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 1 February 2009.
Corrine and Juri; Corrine ( Human / Ranger 9 / Artificer 6 / female ) and Arcavius Julia (Juri) ( Human / Swashbuckler 5 / Duellist 10 / female ) by John Walter Biles from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 September 2007.
Mystara Iconic Characters by Roger LV Girtman II, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2007.
Strange PCs by Giovanni Paniccia, from the Mystara Message Board posted 11 June 2006.
The "Tragedy" of Lord Vindex ( Death Knight 10 Paladin / 20 Blackguard / 14 Cleric of Entropy / 11 Sorceror / 13 Rogue / 5 Lord of the Dead / 5 Evolved Undead ) by Jamie Baty from the Mystara Message Board last updated 11 May 2006.
Mystaran NPC Catalogue by Jesper Andersen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 February 2006.
Masters and Commanders of the Known World by Jesper Andersen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 October 2005.
Religious-Scholar NPCs from Around the World by Giulio Caroletti, from Tome of Mystara issue 6 dated 11 June 2001.
Novices and Neophytes by James Mishler, from Tome of Mystara issue 3 dated 31 March 2000.
Zilaria ( Sphinx / Sphinx / 2 HD / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Alvundal ( Aquatic Elf / Aquatic Elf / 4 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Krassakk ( Shark-kin / Shark-kin / 5 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Branwys Skyratchett II ( Skygnome / Skygnome shaman/wicca / 18 / male ) by Thorfinn Tait, from Thorf's Dungeons and Dragons Homepage current as of 10 February 1999.
Anya Faraday ( Human / Normal Human / 0 / female ) by Jenni A. M. Merrifield, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 May 1998.
Pelltar and Galvan ( Human / Mage / ? / male and Human / Mage / ? male ) by Lars Herrmann, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 May 1998.
"Sir" Thimmel, "The Prince of Thieves" ( Human / Normal Human? Thief? / ? / male ) by Ethan Deneault, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 May 1998.
More Historical Dead NPC's by The Stalker, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 February 2000.
Other Historical Dead NPC's by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 February 2000.
Historical Dead NPC's by The Stalker, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 January 2000.
Famous Folk by Jennifer Guerra, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 January 1999.
A list of the Mages of Mystara, AC 1000 by Marco Dalmonte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 November 1997.Unplaced and Mystaran Known Personalities
back to topFacts and theories about Gargantua by LoZompatore, from The Piazza posted 8 December 2024.
Mystara Characters in Non-Mystara Books by Håvard from The Piazza posted 1 May 2022.
Xerdon Naduk-Sim by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 September 2014.
Talasar Ecbashur by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 September 2014.
Nyanga Bane of Jaibul by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 September 2014.
Myojo Katamura by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 September 2014.
Lady Abovombe by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 16 September 2014.
Prince Haldemar of Haaken by Giuliano Michelon, from the Mystara Facebook group posted 8 September 2014.
Ogdoban Treel by David Paige, from the Mystara Message Board posted 25 September 2005.NPCs from Mystara 2300 BC
back to topCrew of the Red Tide by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 5 April 2011.
Band of the Lantern by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 5 August 2010.Adri Varma NPCs
back to topAtzri-Voca ( Lich / Fighter-Cleric / 6-30 / male ) by Christopher Cherrington, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 July 2001.Alfheimer and Aengmorian NPCs
back to topShurengyla, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
King Doriath, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
Coolhands, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
Beasthunter, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
Tanadaleyo, Radiant Princess of Shadow Elves by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 5 September 2008.
Shurengyla by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 5 September 2008.
Gilfronden Erendyl, Generale dell’Esercito di Alfheim by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 5 September 2008.
Durifern Widefarer by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 5 September 2008.Alphatian NPCs
back to topLady Amendhella ( Human / Magic User / 15 / female ) by Cab Davidson, from The Piazza posted 20 April 2022.
Lady Carlotina ( Human / Magic User / 22 / female ) by Cab Davidson, from The Piazza posted 13 April 2022.
Queldommage ( Human / Magic User / 36 / male ) by Cab Davidson, from The Piazza posted 12 April 2022.
Empress Tylari III by Rodger Burns, from the Mystara Message Board posted 9 January 2007.Bellaynish NPCs
back to topEdmund Greystone IX ( Rakasta / Rakasta / 1 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 December 2000.Black Mountains NPCs
back to topSkriaka ( Harpy / Harpy Wicca / 8 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 July 2000.
Tr'gat ( Goatman / Goatman / 2 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 July 2000.Broken Lands Known Personalities
back to topThar, 4E by Christopher Richard Davies from The Piazza posted 21 January 2009.
Alebane, 3E stats by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 May 2004.
Alebane, 3E stats by Dylan Gault, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 September 2000.Caerdwiccan NPCs
back to topQuinto Mucio Rex ( Human / Fighter / 13 / male ) by Giulio N Caroletti and Chris Furneaux, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 2001.Darokinian Known Personalities
back to topKelter Zerben, 3E c. 1009 AC by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 October 2000.
Kelter Zerben, 3E c. 1005 AC by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 October 2000.Darokinian NPCs
back to topGlorin Ironhand ( Dwarf / Cleric / 14 / male ) by Jesper Andersen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 9 December 2005.
Raymond Weston ( Human / Fighter/Merchant-Werefox / 9/4-4 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 2001.
Philip Ramsey ( Human / Fighter-Wereboar / 13-3 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 2001.
Hyatt McIntyre ( Human / Fighter-Werewolf / 12-7 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 2001.
Brad Kull ( Human / Magic User-Werewolf / 10-4 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 30 January 2001.
Darokin NPCs by Jennifer Guerra, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 January 1999.
Kaflanarel ( Shadow Elf / Shadow Elf Mage / 10 / male ) by Fabrizio Paoli, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 May 1998.
The Ghostbusters by Fabrizio Paoli, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 May 1998.
Tryllithyl ( Shadow Elf / Shadow Elf Warrior / 7 / male ) by Geoff Gander, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 May 1998.Ethengari NPCs
back to topHargul ( Hobgoblin / Hobgoblin Shaman / 4 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 August 2000.
Fila Magebasher ( Dwarf / Dwarf / 4 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 2000.
Erikai ( Human / Bratak / 4 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Five Shires Known Personalities
back to topLoberlin Mulgor, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 21 January 2009.
Jaervosz Dustyboots, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 21 January 2009.
Gunzuth - Hin Death Knight by John Calvin, from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 October 2007.
Jaervosz Dustyboots, 3E stats by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 June 2004.Five Shires NPCs
back to topKip Littleshade the krondar of Stillpool ( Halfling / Fighter / 7 / male ) by Beau Yarbrough, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 November 2000.Glantrian Known Personalities
back to topHeije Schnitger, Personal Mage of the Vlaardoen Family, Head Mage of the 3rd Division AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 7 December 2023.
Rhunn Gnoirid, Tribune of 9th Cohort (Bugbear) Kol’s Legion and prospective Great School of Magic Student AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 2 December 2023.
Colonel General Hans Grüber, Vice Commander of 1st Glantrian Army Division AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 2 December 2023.
Fernando de Casanegra, Duke of Hightower AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 21 August 2021.
Michel Leconte, Viscount of Amboise AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 1 August 2021.
Ansel Widefarer, Viscount of Redstone AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 1 August 2021.
Adik de Chevas, Baron of Sherlin AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 1 August 2021.
Sita Peshwir, Viscountess of d’Ylourgne AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 25 July 2021.
Jella-Lan Di Lorenzo, Baroness of Goriidel AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 25 July 2021.
Niccolo Galateo, Viscount of Fausseflammes AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 25 July 2021.
Josef Stransky, Baron of Brulefer AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 25 July 2021.
Angus McGregor, Member of the Brotherhood of the Radiance AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 11 July 2021.
Barbara McAllister, Wife of Son of Duke Alasdair McAllister of Fenswick, Daughter of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 4 July 2021.
Bruce McGregor, Nephew of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre, Former Castellan of Crownguard AC 1016 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 4 July 2021.
Mary McGregor, Daughter-in-law of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 4 July 2021.
Quentin McGregor, Son of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 4 July 2021.
Sean McAllister, Son and heir of Duke Alasdair McAllister of Fenswick, Grandson of Prince Brannart McGregor of Klantyre AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 4 July 2021.
Katya Verlien-Zirchevski, Student at The Great School of Magic AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 26 June 2021.
Borodin, Baron of Nandin AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 26 June 2021.
Mikail Zirchevski, Baron of Lipetsk AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 26 June 2021.
Angus McClintock McDuff, Baron of Uigmuir, Master at the Great School of Magic AC 1015 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 26 June 2021.
Gerrid Rientha, Baron of Egorn AC 1014 originally written by Markus Olavi Montola updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 26 June 2021.
Edward Newbute, Baron of Oxhill AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 13 June 2021.
Tenebras Favosi, Baron of Fallsburg AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 23 May 2021.
Ekaterina Andreyevna Zhigulenko, Supreme Shepherd of Rad AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 16 May 2021.
Marianita Lucia de Leon y Valdez, Master Diplomat of the Foreign Chancellery AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 9 May 2021.
Judith Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Archduchess of Westheath AC 1014 originally written by Kit Navarro updated by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 1 May 2021.
Circè DeVille, Baroness of Leadyl AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 11 October 2020.
Genevieve de Sephora, Countess of Touraine AC 1014 by Michael Berry, from Dropbox posted 11 October 2020.
Sergei Wutyla by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 29 December 2016.
Kristina Wilhamine by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Quanil Urbaal by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Julian Steurt by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Narda Shelyn by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Myra McDuff by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Roeland Koorteweg by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Rolf von Graustein by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Vincienzo di Randazzi by Andrew Theisen, modified by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 28 November 2016.
Colourised image of Kol by Ricardo Matheus, from The Piazza posted 1 March 2012.
Mirn Krollnar by Michael Berry, from The Piazza posted 25 September 2009.
Don Diego de Belcadiz, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 18 January 2009.
Duncan McGregor, 3E by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 20 December 2008.
Angus McGregor, 3E by Giuliano Michelon, current as of 20 December 2008.
Konrad von Drachenfels by Harri Mäki current as of 2 June 2005.
Vincienzo di Randazzi by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 January 2005.
Ezechiel Naramis by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 January 2005.
Kol, 3E stats by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 May 2004.
Tasirol Lightfellow by Ohad Shaham from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 September 2002.
John Beaumarys-Moorkroft by Kit Navarro from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Griseo Fulvina by Giampaolo Agosta from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Boris Gorevitch-Woszlany by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Mikhail Gorevitch-Woszlany by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Tatyana Gorevitch-Woszlany by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Tereis Haaskinz by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Margaret Hillsbury by Markus Olavi Montola from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Franz Löwenroth by Giampaolo Agosta from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Noussoir du Marais by Kit Navarro from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Suzanne du Marais by Kit Navarro from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Szasza Markovitch by Markus Olavi Montola from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Alasdair McAllister by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Eachainn McDougall by Markus Olavi Montola from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Diane de Moriamis by Kit Navarro from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Sinaria Verlien by Ohad Shaham from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Aleah Virayana by Jennifer Guerra from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Lady Lan-Syn Virayana by Jennifer Guerra from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Ralindi Virayana by Jennifer Guerra from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Rejladan Virayana by Jennifer Guerra from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Lady Waira Virayana by Jennifer Guerra from the Glantrian Personnel Division current as of 28 August 2002.
Jaggar von Drachenfels, 3E by Aleksei Andrievski, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 October 2000.
Morphail Gorevitch-Woszlany, 3E by Aleksei Andrievski, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 12 October 2000.
Kol XIV, 3E by Aleksei Andrievski, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 October 2000.
Brannart McGregor, 3E by Aleksei Andrievski, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 October 2000.
Étienne d'Ambreville, 3E by Aleksei Andrievski, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 October 2000.
Prince Jherek Virayana IV by Jennifer Guerra, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 15 January 1999.Glantrian NPCs
back to topJasper Bauer by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 22 February 2025. NEW
Gwydion Navarre Wynmyar by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 27 January 2023.
Ryuu Mahou by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 2 November 2022.
Aozy Markov Necromancer of the Dark Feylands by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 31 October 2022.
Aozy Markov by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 4 December 2021.
Vaarn Tisserand by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 9 October 2021.
Quill Cadieux and Barony of Os by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 30 May 2021.
Zacarius: Wizard of Cathos, Seashell Ambassador by Aoz, from The Piazza posted 9 May 2021.
Ionafán Zaborsky by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 29 March 2020.
Wannlun by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 13 July 2019.
Prakash by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 23 June 2019.
Peter Loofbourow by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 9 March 2019.
Michel Druschel by Greg Weatherup, from The Piazza posted 18 February 2019.
Less Known NPCs from G:KoM by Robin, from The Piazza posted 15 July 2017.
Less Known NPCs from G:KoM by Håvard from The Piazza posted 6 March 2017.
NPCs in Castle Amber by Brian Caraway, from The Piazza posted 28 September 2014.
Richard du Lanza ( Human / Magic User / 13 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 January 2002.
Raymond Weston ( Human / Fighter/Merchant-Werefox / 9/4-4 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 2001.
Christian Buzby ( Human / Ranger-Werewolf / 10-8 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 January 2001.
Galishan ( Gold Dragon / male ) by Duncan TKD, from netMAG 2.Heldannic NPCs
back to topPersonalities of the Order by AC 1013 by Bruce Heard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 21 August 1998.
Siegfried Meinhard and Karl von Schnorkelmeister by Bruce Heard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 June 1998.
Herr Wilhiem by John Hare, from the Mystara Message Board posted 26 June 1998 and amended 30 June 1998.
Geoffrey Grunturm and Hermann Adalard by Bruce Heard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 29 June 1998.
The Renegades by Bruce Heard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 26 June 1998.
Captain Thorn member of the Hammer by John Hare, from the Mystara Message Board posted 26 June 1998.Helskiran Known Personalities
back to topEruul Zaar King of Heldun, Duke of Helskir by Giampaolo Agosta, current as of 27 February 2006.Hollow World Known Personalities
back to topThe Sylvan Highlands: Ralithos Melandil by WingofCoot, from The Piazza posted 23 January 2025.
The Sylvan Highlands: Gnarlbough Chillshade by WingofCoot, from The Piazza posted 15 January 2025.
The Sylvan Highlands: Major NPCs of the Sylvan Highlands by WingofCoot, from The Piazza posted 8 January 2025.
Personalities of Fiddlers Green by Cab Davidson, from The Piazza posted 2 September 2021.Hulean Known Personalities
back to topReferences to Hule, The Master or Hosadus by Ricardo Matheus, from The Piazza posted 19 November 2015.
Origin and History of the Master of Hule by Cab Davidson, from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 December 2005.
Alrethus by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 6 October 2005.
Hosadus by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 6 October 2005.
The Master of Hule by James Mishler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 May 1999.
Hosadus by James Mishler, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 May 1998.Hulean NPCs
back to topLord Kaylor, the Master's Executor ( Human / Fighter-Cleric / 10-5 / male ) by Håvard from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 April 2004.Ierendian Known Personalities
back to topJaime Honey-Creeper Ahua by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 25 June 2016.Ierendian NPCs
back to topZraaz ( Tabi / Tabi / Normal Monster / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 May 2000.Izmer Known Personalities
back to topRidley Freeborn, Knight of Izmer by Robert Blezard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 February 2007.
Marina of Pretensa, Royal Wizard of Sumdall, Head Mistress of the Magic School of Izmer by Robert Blezard, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 February 2007.Jennite NPCs
back to topVisalios ( Human / Rake / 1 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 August 2000.Karameikan Known Personalities
back to topLady Arteris Penhaligon by Brian Caraway, current as of 10 February 2020.
Bargle the Infamous, 2E by Leo Windcatcher, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 13 November 2018.
Magda Marilenev by Sean Meaney, current as of 5 November 2017.
Yuri Molotov - Death Knight by John Calvin, from Threshold issue 1 and The Piazza posted 5 October 2015.
Magda Lutescu by Sal Ortega from The Piazza posted 30 November 2012.
Ivan Lutescu by Sal Ortega from The Piazza posted 30 November 2012.
Lord Vlad Lutescu by Sal Ortega from The Piazza posted 30 November 2012.
The Radu Clan by Andrew Theisen, from The Piazza posted 9 March 2011.
Ludwig von Hendricks, 4E by David Fryer from The Piazza posted 3 September 2010.
Argos the Worrier, 4E by David Fryer from The Piazza posted 3 September 2010.
Argos the Worrier, Pathfinder by David Fryer from The Piazza posted 22 July 2010.
Baron Ludwig von Hendriks, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 24 January 2009.
Duke Stefan Karameikos, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 24 January 2009.
Bargle the Infamous, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 24 January 2009.
Alfric Oderbry, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 24 January 2009.
Bargle by Vatras from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 January 2009.
Villains of Mystara issue #1: Bargle the Infamous by Sean Meaney from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 January 2009.
A younger and older version of Bargle, 4E by Christopher Richard Davies from The Piazza posted 26 September 2008.
Bargle as a bandit wizard by Cravensson from The Piazza posted 16 September 2008.
Bargle as a bandit by Cravensson from The Piazza posted 16 September 2008.
Aleena, 4E by John Walter Biles from The Piazza posted 14 July 2008.
Yuri Molotov by John Calvin, from the Mystara Message Board posted 21 October 2007.
Aleena Halaran by Ripvanwormer, from the Mystara Message Board posted 30 April 2006.
Lord Alexius Korrigan, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
Terari - Minister of Magic, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
Lord Zogrev Yarol, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
General Zandra Sulanov, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
Lord Bartran Cordelius, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
Lord Valdo Tisza, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 4 April 2006.
Prince Valen Karameikos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 3 April 2006.
Ludwig von Hendriks, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Lord Alexius Korrigan, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Olliver Jowett, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Prince Justin Karameikos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Lord Devon Hyraksos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Adriana Hyraksos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Queen Olivia Karameikos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Alfric Oderbry, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Baron Desmond Kelvin, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 April 2006.
Aleksander Torenescu, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 March 2006.
Boris Torenescu, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 March 2006.
Anton Radu, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 22 March 2006.
Emilio the Great, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 March 2006.
Luthier Sforza, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 March 2006.
Yolanda of Luln, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 15 March 2006.
"Lord" Dmitrios, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 March 2006.
Baron Philip Vorloi, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 March 2006.
Lady Magda Marilenev, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 March 2006.
Baron Sherlane Halaran, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 14 March 2006.
Lord Lev Dromilov, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Sascia of Luln, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Aleena Halaran, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Dorfus Hilltopper, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Arteris Penhaligon, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Prestelle, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 13 March 2006.
Lord Zemiros Sulescu, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 March 2006.
Lord Vlad Lutescu, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 9 March 2006.
Lady Halia Antonic, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 March 2006.
Sir Retameron Antonic, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 March 2006.
Milo Korrigan, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 March 2006.
Bargle the Infamous, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 7 March 2006.
Lord Gustav Vandevic, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 3 March 2006.
Lord Cornel Osteric, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 2 March 2006.
Dona Marianita Lucia de Leon y Valdez, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 28 February 2006.
Sheik Abdallah ibn Hamid, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 28 February 2006.
Jenkin Flintfoot, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 27 February 2006.
Bolton Nordenshield, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 27 February 2006.
Shalander, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 25 February 2006.
Gunter Schonberg, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 24 February 2006.
Aladan Voll, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 February 2006.
Estella Whitehall, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 23 February 2006.
Ludwig von Hendriks, 3E conversion by Gary Davies, from the Mystara Message Board posted 9 February 2006.
Stefan Karameikos, 3E conversion by Ray Allen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 February 2006.
3E details for Flameflicker the Thief-King by Mike Novy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 August 2001.
3E details for Terari by Mike Novy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 August 2001.
3E details for King Stefan Karameikos by Stephen Kenson, current as of 22 August 2000.Karameikan NPCs
back to topNon Player Character: Gareth ( Human / Fighter / 6 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from Reddit posted 10 January 2022.
Starting Character: Etha of Threshold ( Human / Fighter / 1 / female ) by Sean Meaney, from Reddit posted 13 May 2021.
Urga of the Cruth Mountains ( Dwarf / Dwarf / 1 / male ) by Sean Meaney, current as of 11 April 2017.
The Friends of Black Leaf by Donald Eric Kesler, current as of 10 February 2015.
Stephan Hyraksos ( Human / Cleric / 1 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 August 2012.
Sinestros ( Elf / Elf / 1 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 August 2012.
Ruggin ( Dwarf / Dwarf / 1 / male ) by Sean Meaney, from the Mystara Message Board posted 1 August 2012.
Decius Arrenius Adjutor ( Human / Paladin / 6 / male ) by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 April 2005.
The Rusalka (Roxana Nastase) ( Human / Fighter / 3/ Commoner/1 / female ) by Andrew Theisen, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 April 2005.
Theosius ( Human / Expert / 7 / male ) by Joaquin Menchaca, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 December 2002.
Laren Nightmaster ( Human / Fighter/Wizard / 4/17 / male ) by Daniel Mayer, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 4 February 2002.
Cain ( Human / Mage / 1 / male ) by Chris Furneaux, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 30 July 2001.
Harold Boar ( Human / Fighter / 20 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 January 2001.
Ringo Trundlestump ( Halfling / Rogue-Fighter / 1-1 / male ) by Beau Yarbrough, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 30 October 2000.
Wivrin Orefinder ( Gnome / Gnome / Normal Monster / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Rania ( Human / Human / 0 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Baron Yuschiev ( Human / Fighter / 9 / male ) by Stuart Kerrigan, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 May 1999.
Arminath Wynter ( Shadow Elf / Shadow Elf / 16 / male ) by Jim Bobb, current as of 5 March 1999.
Beltharin ( Elf / Swashbuckler Rogue / 1 / male ) by Rick LaRue, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1999.
Sir Alexius Dannelaran ( Human / Fighter / 32 / male ) by Glen Sprigg, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 July 1998.
Alexei Feodorev the Mystic "Locust" ( Human / Mystic / 4 / male ) by Pierre Savoie, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 May 1998.
Elrol Kavaros ( Human / Mage / 7 / male ) by Tim Haney, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 March 1998.
Valamaeraen the Bronze ( Dragon / male ) by Tim Haney, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 February 1998.
Anastasia "Sunday" Brandywine ( Human / Thief / 2 / female ) by Matthew Levy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 May 1996.
Lord Alavraen the Grey, Baronet Faymir ( Elf / Mage / 1 / male ) by Matthew Levy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 May 1996.
NPCs from the village of Goldleaf by Rick LaRue, from netMAG 5.
Gharalain ( Elf / Elf / 1 / female ) by Brant Guillory, from netMAG 1.Kogolor NPCs
back to topNorla ( Dwarf / Dwarf Druid / 9 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 2000.Known World NPCs
back to topDeadly Deceivers by Michael Sutherland from Threshold Magazine issue 26 dated 23 December 2020.
Colourised characters from the Red Box by Roger LV Girtman II, from The Piazza posted 14 April 2011.
Farrow by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 9 December 2008.
Death Knights of Mystara posted on the Mystara Message Board last updated 23 October 2007.
Non-Standard Magic Users by Rodger Burns, from the Mystara Message Board posted 20 October 2007.
Known World Book of Badies posted on the Mystara Message Board last updated 19 January 2006.
Kthurbash, the Dragon-Demon by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 23 January 2002.
Lobelia aka Lobelia Halavov aka the Crusader ( Human / Fighter-Cleric / 9-9 / female ) by Jonathan Nolan, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 May 2001.
Maktar ( Dwarf / Dwarf-Cleric / 12 Attack Rank D / male ) by Jacob Skytte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 January 2001.
Anneke Flieger ( Hobgoblin / Hobgoblin-Wokani / 14-14 / female ) by Jacob Skytte, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 January 2001.
Knight-Brother Aurelius ( Human / Paladin / 24 / male ) by Daniel Mayer, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 December 2000.
Erik Screaming Hawk ( Human / Thief / 8 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 May 2000.
Geoff's NPC's by Geoff Gander, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 February 2000.
Gerhard von Grauenberg ( Human / Cleric of Vanya / 4 / male ) by Geoff Gander, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 May 1998.
Martrice Markhone ( Human / Fighter / 4 / male ) by Alex Benson, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 May 1998.Lighthouse NPCs
back to topTridbogg the Chanter ( Beastman / Beastman / 7 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Algonem ( Elf / Diviner / 12 / male ) by Michael Monagle, from netMAG 2.Milenian NPCs
back to topPiridan ( Human / Fighter / 2 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 June 2000.
Androus ( Human / Thief / 4 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Neathar NPCs
back to topKnown Toralai NPCs by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 23 January 2022.
Ja ( Human / Paladin / 12 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Nithian NPCs
back to topAnika ( Human / Fighter / 4 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 3 December 2000.
Atesaran ( Human / Heavyman / 9 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Ochalean NPCs
back to topZhan Ila ( Human / Mage / 10 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 July 2000.Oenkmarian NPCs
back to topAtacal ( Orc / Orc Shaman / 6 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 January 2001.
Coali ( Ogre / Ogre / 5 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 January 2001.
Tolicil ( Goblin / Goblin / 2 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 January 2001.Oltec NPCs
back to topCuzla ( Human / Fighter / 5 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Ostlander Known Personalities
back to topAla the Sea Witch by Donald Eric Kesler, current as of 28 April 2015.Ostlander NPCs
back to topCharacters and NPCs from the "Heroes of Mystara" campaign by Jesper Andersen, from the Mystara Message Board posted 10 December 2004.
Flosi Hammerhand, Cleric of Thor ( Human / Cleric / 22 / male ) by Daniel Mayer, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 January 2001.Othrong; Known Personalities of the Realm of
back to topDararu by John Calvin, from The Piazza posted 18 January 2022.
Kirrtek by Geoff Gander, from The Piazza posted 18 January 2022.
Grodakh by Håvard, from The Piazza posted 18 January 2022.Qeodharian NPCs
back to topJialonna ( Human / Thief / 1 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Rockhomer NPCs
back to topNolar, son of Faric ( Dwarf / Dwarf-Cleric / 4 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 17 April 2001.
Sayyed al-Aziz ( Human / Fighter / 5 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 2000.Savage Coast NPCs
back to topTonja ( Human / Wizard / 7 / female ) by Lance Hawvermale, from The Piazza posted 15 February 2013.
Karl Gauss ( Human / Fighter / 13 / male ) by Rob, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 May 1998.
Personalities of the Savage Coast by Tristan Dunigan, from netMAG 2.Serrainer Known Personalities
back to topBaraith, 5E conversion by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 18 January 2025.
Tarras Firehand, 5E conversion by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 17 July 2024.
Heydrech, Nagpa, 5E conversion by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 12 July 2024.Serrainer NPCs
back to topSchamman, nagpa clockmaker by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 21 February 2025. NEW
Squirt, pilot by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 12 May 2024.
Banhammer Thumbhook, a Top Ballista squadron officer by Karl David Brown from The Piazza posted 19 April 2024.Sind Desert NPCs
back to topJaelynix the Blue Scourge ( Blue Dragon / female ) by Tim Haney, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 June 1998.Soderfjord NPCs
back to topOtar of Soderfjord by Sean Meaney, current as of 31 August 2018.Thyatian Known Personalities
back to topJarandros Monikar by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 2 March 2006.
Lord Decimus Ordekis by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 28 February 2006.
Thincol I Torion, 3E by Byron Molix, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 11 October 2000.Thyatian NPCs
back to topAlexandria Ross, the Bonnie Baroness of Blackpoint by Glen Welch, from the Mystara Reborn Facebook group posted 30 September 2017.
Hytiliaph by John Calvin.
Ettore Ottaviano ( Human / Cleric / 17 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 16 January 2001.
Quintus Metellus ( Human / Fighter / 9 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 9 January 2001.
Valerius Metellus ( Human / Ranger / 23 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 5 January 2001.
Trydion Datrios ( Human / Cleric of Halav / 7 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 June 2000.
Clovius ( Human / Human / 0 / male ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.
Iulius Sergius Scaevola ( Human / Fighter / 24 / male ) by Giulio Caroletti, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 January 2000.
Valamaeraen the Bronze ( Dragon / male ) by Tim Haney, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 22 February 1998.
Lord Felonius Akrum, Baron Farstead ( Human / Fighter / 4 / male ) by Matthew Levy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 May 1996.
Alexandrius Terterion ( Kobold / Pit Fighter-Witch Doctor / 12 / male ) by Thomas Forsyth, from netMAG 4.
Jiskoth o'Shell ( Halfling / Halfling / 1 / male ) by Brant Guillory, from netMAG 1.Trikelian NPCs
back to topLord Calentor Alducam, Baron Redburgh ( Elf / Thief-Alchemist / 9-8 / male ) by Matthew Levy, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 6 June 1996.Yavi NPCs
back to topM'doli Nuwamanya ( Human / Magic User / ? / male ) by Patrick Sullivan, from the Mystara Message Board posted 8 October 1999.Ylari NPCs
back to topWaleed bin Jamal al Jaboori (Human / Wizard/ 1 / male ) by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 14 May 2005.
Hakim ibn Yezid al-Nisr (Human / Sha'ir / 1 / male ) by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 April 2005.
Haroun ibn Anwar min Taham (Human / Cleric / 1 / male) by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 27 April 2005.
Diyab ben Aziz al-Fanaqi ( Lupin / Thief / 1 / male) by Giampaolo Agosta, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 24 April 2005.
Radija ibn-Zia ( Human / Cleric / 21 / female ) by Mischa E Gelman, from the Mystara Mailing List posted 7 March 2000.Other Known Personalities as D&D characters
back to topDrizzt Do'Urden by Timothy Klanderud current as of 16 April 2015.