Christian Constantin
Map of the Great Hule and the Midlands AC 1000 current as of 10 May 1999.
Map of the Second Hulean Empire 150 AC current as of 10 May 1999.
Map of the The Nine Kingdoms of the Great Valley 1950 BC current as of 10 May 1999.
Map of the First Hulean Empire 700 BC current as of 10 May 1999.
Hulean Timeline from the Mystara Mailing List posted 20 May 1999.
Hulean Correspondence from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 May 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 4: the Ksars People from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 1999.
Quotes from Hulean administration from the Mystara Mailing List posted 29 May 1999.
The Olgarian Levtja from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 June 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 5: the Olgarian Levtja from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 June 1999.
Bulzanian Sects from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 10 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 6 and the Ubour from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 7 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 8 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 9 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Janizary Lands from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
The Bulzan Voivodina from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
Woodland Folks and Spirits from the Mystara Mailing List posted 19 July 1999.
The Sandjak of Antasyn from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
Bleak League from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 11 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 12 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 13 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
The Monzagian Banat from the Mystara Mailing List posted 25 August 1999.
Hulean Gaz Chapter 1: Geography from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 October 1999.
Hulean Correspondence 14 from the Mystara Mailing List posted 10 October 1999.
Early draft map of the Adri Varma region, 24 miles per hex current as of 1999.
Map of Western Brun, AC 1000 24 mph, current as of 1999.
Map of Borea, current as of 1999.
Early draft map of Skothar, AC 1000, current as of 1999.
Hulean Calendar from The Piazza posted 1 February 2014.
Hulean Correspondence 3: Western Trade from the Mystara Mailing List posted 21 May 1999, trade table update 8 February 2014.
Known World Beverages from The Piazza posted 17 February 2014. (with additions by Håvard, David Keyser and JTrithen)
Northeast Davania Map, 24 mph from The Piazza posted 21 February 2014.
Illustrated Timeline of "Arykkia," Sub-Continent of Davania from The Piazza posted 8 March 2014.
Map of Central Brun, 1000 AC from The Piazza posted 29 October 2014.Also see
Christian’s Brun, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 29 June 2021.
Christian’s Central Brun, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 28 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 1000 AC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 27 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 127 BC-465 AC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 26 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 1000-100 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 25 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 1850-940 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 24 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 3000 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 23 June 2021.
Christian’s Davania, 7000 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 22 June 2021.
Christian’s Northeastern Davania, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 21 June 2021.
Christian’s Borea, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 20 June 2021.
Christian’s Western Brun, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 19 June 2021.
Christian’s Hule, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 18 June 2021.
Christian’s Skothar, 72 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 17 June 2021.
Christian’s South Central Brun, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 16 June 2021.
Christian’s Monzag, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 15 June 2021.
Christian’s Antasyn, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 14 June 2021.
Christian’s Bulzan, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 13 June 2021.
Christian’s Olgar, 8 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 12 June 2021.
Christian’s Hule, 150 AC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 11 June 2021.
Christian’s Hule, 700 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 10 June 2021.
Christian’s Nine Kingdoms, 1950 BC by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 9 June 2021.
Christian’s Hule, 24 miles per hex by Thorfinn Tait, from the Atlas of Mystara current as of 8 June 2021.