Converting Rules Cyclopedia Monsters to 5E
by Sheldon MorrisAlright. This is the beginning of a trip through the RC in an effort to convert any monsters to 5E that do not appear in the Monster Manual. I debated with myself about placing this in the Mystara forum since it concerns Mystara-specific content, but in the end I believe this is more about the 5th Edition system than a setting.
What I intend to do is probably post a creature's stat block, followed by notes and comments on how and why I ended up with what I did. From there, I hope to have some discussion on other options and considerations that could improve the creature, be it from a balance or play standpoint.
So, I hope that this sparks some interesting conversations about how to handle Basic D&D monsters in the 5E paradigm. I believe that exploring the behavior and nature of some of these monsters, and how that translates into game mechanics (both in Basic and 5E), is quite interesting.
And, at least this thread may provide people with additional creatures for their 5E games!
The first creature up is in fact the first creature listed in the RC's Monsters section - the Actaeon! I'll start him up in my next post.
[Edited to add my checklist.] This lists the Creature name, what its CR is in basic D&D's Rules Cyclopedia (RC) (according to my formulas), the D&D 5E CR that it has been converted to, and if the conversion has been "done" or I have yet "to do". To shorten the length of the post, the table has three columns across. I hope this is alright to do.
I have now added links where any creature is listed as "done" to bring you directly to the post. Thanks to enderxenocide0 and Tim Baker for the suggestion and how-to![Edited for update.] As you can see, the table tags are no longer functioning on the forum (although I have been told people are looking into it, which I am very thankful for). I have removed the table tags so that the links are working again,
even though it's still a mess. Remember that there were 3 columns, so there are still 3 creatures listed on most of the lines. And YES, I will (have) return(ed) to this project!
Added - I've tidied this all up so that it's all one column now.. one LONG column though. But at least it's far more usable now.
Creature CR (RC) CR (5E) Checklist Actaeon (Elk Centaur) 6 6 done Adaptor 4 4 done Aerial Servant (Haoou) 8 8 done Ant, Giant 2 1 done Ape, Snow 1 1 done Ape, White 1 1 done Archon 17 - to do? Athach 6 10 done Baboon, Rock 1/2 1/2 done Rock Baboon, Alpha Rock - 1 done Bear, Cave 3 3 done Beetle, Giant Oil 1/2 1/4 done Beetle, Giant Tiger 1 1/2 done Blackball (Deadly Sphere) 12 - to do? Caecilia 3 3 done Cat, Mountain Lion 1 1/4 done Crocodile, Large 2 2 done Devilfish - - to do Djinni (Greater; Pasha) 9 - to do? Dolphin 1 1 done Dragon Ruler, Pearl 23 - to do? Dragon Ruler, Opal 27 - to do? Dragon Ruler, Diamond 30 - to do? Dragon Ruler, The Great One 45 - to do? Drake, Mandrake 1 1 done Drake, Wooddrake 2 2 done Drake, Colddrake 3 3 done Drake, Elemental 4 4 done Drolem 15 15 done Efreeti (Greater; Amir) 12 - to do? Elephant, Prehistoric 4 4 done Faerie (+ Leader & Elder) 1/2 1/2 done Ferret, Giant 1/4 1/8 done Fish, Giant Bass 1/2 1/4 done Fish, Giant Rockfish 2 2 done Fish, Giant Sturgeon 5 5 done Gargantua, Carrion Crawler 11 11 done Gargantua, Gargoyle 14 - to do Gargantua, Troll 25 - to do Giant, Mountain - 11 done Giant, Sea - 10 done Golem, Wood 1 1 done Golem, Bone 3 3 done Golem, Obsidian 3 3 done Golem, Mud 4 4 done Golem, Amber 5 5 done Golem, Bronze 10 10 done Grab Grass 1/4 - trap? Green Slime 1/2 - trap? Gremlin 1/2 1/2 done Haunt, Poltergeist 9 2 in MM Helion 4 4 done Horde 1-9 2,4,7 done Hsiao (Guardian Owl) 2-10 2,4,9 done Hydrax 3-7 5 done Kryst 4 4 done Lava Ooze 3 3 done Leech, Giant 2 2 done Lizard, Giant Gecko 1 1/2 done Lizard, Giant Draco 2 1 done Lizard, Giant Horned Chameleon 2 2 done Lizard, Giant Tuatara 2 2 done Locust, Giant 1/2 1/8 done Lycanthrope, Werebat 1 2 done Lycanthrope, Werefox 1 2 done Lycanthrope, Wereshark 2 3 done Lycanthrope, Wereseal 2 4 done Lycanthrope, Devil Swine 4 6 done Malfera 6 6 done Manscorpion (Warrior & Cleric) 5,11 5,11 done Manta Ray 2 1 done Manta Ray, Giant 5 5 done Mek 6-8 8 done Metamorph 2 - to do Mujina 4 4 done Neanderthal (Caveman) 1/2 1/4 done Nekrozon 4 4 done Nightshade, Nightcrawler 20-24 22 done Nightshade, Nightwalker 16-21 19 done Nightshade, Nightwing 12-16 15 done Nixie 1/4 1/4 done Nuckalavee 8 7 done Phantom, Apparition 7 7 done Phantom, Shade 8 8 done Phantom, Vision 8 8 done Phoenix, Lesser 9 8 done Phoenix, Greater 13 13 done Plasm, Lesser 3 3 done Plasm, Greater 5 6 done Pterosaur, Small (Pterodactyl) 1/4 0 done Pterosaur, Large (Pterosaur) 4 1 done Revener 5 5 done Rhagodessa 2 2 done Robber Fly 1/2 1/4 done Roc, Small 2 2 done Roc, Large 4 5 done Salamander, Flame 4 4 done Salamander, Frost 5 5 done Shadow 1 1 done Shark, Bull 1/2 1/2 done Shark, Mako 1 1 done Shark, Great White 3 3 done Shrew, Giant 1/4 1/4 done Slug, Giant 5-10 5,9 done Snake, Spitting Cobra 1/4 1/8 use Poisonous Snake in 5E MM Snake, Giant Racer 1/2 1/4 use Constrictor Snake in 5E MM Snake, Pit Viper 1/2 1/8 or 2 use Poisonous Snake or Swarm of Poisonous Snakes in 5E MM Snake, Sea Snake 1 1/4 use Giant Poisonous Snake in 5E MM Snake, Giant Rattler 2 1/4 use Giant Poisonous Snake in 5E MM Snake, Rock Python 2 2 use Giant Constrictor Snake in 5E MM Spectral Hound 3 3 done Spider, Giant Crab 1/2 1/4 use Giant Wolf Spider in 5E MM Spider, Giant Black Widow 1 1 use Giant Spider in 5E MM Spider, Giant Tarantella 2 2 done Spirit, Druj 10 - to do Spirit, Odic 11 - to do Spirit, Revenant 12 - to do Sporacle 4 - to do Statue, Living Crystal 1 - to do Statue, Living Iron 2 - to do Statue, Living Rock 2 - to do Termite, Swamp 1/4 - to do Termite, Fresh Water 1/2 - to do Termite, Salt Water 1 - to do Thoul 1 - to do Toad, Giant 1/2 - to do Toad, Rock/Cave 1 - to do Undine 6 - to do Whale, Great 16 - to do Whale, Narwhal 4 - to do Yellow Mold 1/2 - to do