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Karl David Brown

Demigods, 5E children of immortals from The Piazza posted 16 April 2019.

Giant Pelican, mounts of the N’djatwa 5E from The Piazza posted 3 October 2021.

Gnome Submarine from The Piazza posted 15 January 2023.

Top Ballista: Tabi Hunt 5E solo by from The Piazza posted 4 February 2023.

Top Ballista: Scream of Terror 5E solo from The Piazza posted 9 June 2023.

Top Ballista: Crash Landing 5E solo from The Piazza posted 25 June 2023.

Roleplaying Serrainers from The Piazza posted 28 June 2023.

Gnomish Submarine from Threshold Magazine issue 31 dated 1 July 2023.

Top Ballista, 5E Player's Guide from The Piazza posted 18 November 2023.

Banhammer Thumbhook, a Top Ballista squadron officer from The Piazza posted 19 April 2024.

Squirt, pilot from The Piazza posted 12 May 2024.

Golem, Amber, 5E conversion from The Piazza posted 23 June 2024.

Top Ballista: Heart of Darkness 5E solo from The Piazza posted 25 June 2024.